{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1044\f0\fs20 this is made audiobook in  mp3 of,\par
Flying Saucer Pilgrimage, \par
Fall, 1965.\par
    Bryant Reeve; Helen Reeve;\par
found on\par
scanning, text mistakes may be here.\par
random numbers read are probably page numbers.\par
Henry was talking. \ldblquote Here\rquote s a man who claims he \par
saw a \lquote flying saucer\rquote  and talked to the pilot. He \par
says the pilot was from Venusl\rdblquote  \par
Henry is a fabulous person. He had, as usual, without \par
the slightest warning burst into our home in Detroit, Michigan. Anything new, exciting, beautiful, imaginative \emdash  \par
physical or metaphysical \emdash  in this world or out of it would \par
excite Henry to a fever pitch. \par
It was November, 1953 and we were entertaining guests. \par
Although the hour was late, it did not deter dear Henry. \par
\ldblquote How insane can these fellows get?\rdblquote  said I, not a little \par
annoyed. \par
\ldblquote How gullible do they think we are?\rdblquote  exclaimed one \par
of our guests. \par
\ldblquote No! Honestly!\rdblquote  cried Henry. "This is serious! This \par
man has written a book on it. I sat up all night reading \par
an advance copy. It is called Flying Saucers Have Landed \par
and was written by Desmond Leslie and George Adamski. \par
Here it is!\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote Let\rquote s see it,\rdblquote  came an excited chorus. Everybody tried \par
to grab it at once. \par
Being an engineer, a college graduate, and employed \par
by a staid and respectable manufacturing firm, I really \par
felt it was up to someone to exhibit shall we say a little \par
dignity and common sense. Besides I had never heard of \par
flying saucers, except through a few obscure references in \par
newspapers which always ridiculed them, as of course any \par
sane editor would \emdash  and should! \par
So I sat back utterly disgusted while the guests and, may \par
I add, my wife Helen pawed at the book like threeyear \par
olds going after candy. \par
\ldblquote Look, it has photographs \emdash  real photographs of flying \par
saucers!\rdblquote  shouted a guest. \par
\lquote photographs my eye,\rdblquote  I yelled over the hubbub. \ldblquote The \par
man\rquote s a fake. How does he think he can get away with \par
this! He ought to be \rdblquote . \par
\ldblquote No, I feel the fellow is really sincere,\rdblquote  put in Henry. \par
\ldblquote And besides an Irishman in the first part of the book says \par
there are lots of historical records about these things.\rdblquote  \par
That respectful reference to the Irish slipped by unchal\par
lenged as the controversy in our home became hotter and \par
hotter. The evening grew later and later. \par
\ldblquote If there is even a slight chance of this thing being true, \par
it is the biggest thing in the world,\rdblquote  exclaimed my wife. \par
\ldblquote There\rquote s only one thing to do,\rdblquote  said Henry dramatically: \par
\ldblquote Call the man up and get him to Detroit. Where\rquote s the \par
phone?\rdblquote  \par
That was Henry for you. Direct action always at any \par
cost! It was our telephone, but we were all used to Henry. \par
Before I could open my mouth he had placed a long \par
distance telephone call to one Mr. George Adamski in Val\par
ley Center, California, a man we never knew existed until \par
a few hours previously. \par
A tense silence settled over the room as we all waited for \par
the operator to call us back \emdash  a hush of excited expectancy. \par
My wife Helen was on an extension telephone with pencil \par
poised to take notes. What a contrast to the previous bed\par
lam. \par
The bell rang. Henry made a beeline for the phone and \par
got there first. The rest all crowded around. \par
Henry said, \ldblquote Hello, operator, hello! Is this Mr. George \par
Adamski? No? Operator! You say he has no phone. No \par
phone!\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote Well,\rdblquote  thought I secretly, \ldblquote that ought to end this crazy \par
business. Good riddance.\rdblquote  \par
But this turned out to be wishful thinking. I had mo\par
mentarily forgotten Henry who was still burning with that \par
unquenchable fire for things unusual and mysterious. \par
\ldblquote Look,\rdblquote  he suddenly burst out, \ldblquote Is it worth ten dollars \par
apiece to you to get George Adamski to Detroit to find out \par
the truth about this thing?\rdblquote  \par
The way he said it made you feel like a groveling piker \par
\emdash  a downright worm \emdash  if you did not immediately jump \par
to your feet with check book in hand to support so glorious \par
and worthy a project. \par
Grudgingly I said, \ldblquote Sure, but, \rdblquote\par
Henry interrupted, \ldblquote Oh, I know what you\rquote re thinking \par
\emdash  ten dollars isn\rquote t enough \rdblquote  \par
Confidentially at that time my thoughts were along a \par
rather opposite line, but before I could say a word Henry \par
settled the matter by exclaiming inspirationally, \ldblquote Then \par
I\rquote ll write Adamski tomorrow and invite him to Detroit to \par
talk to us, and we will all work to get forty people to put \par
up a like amount to cover expenses.\rdblquote  \par
Well folks, that\rquote s the story 1 That is the breathless way \par
we got started on a \ldblquote flying saucer pilgrimage\rdblquote . Funny \par
thing is, we didn\rquote t realize until later the amazing path we \par
had embarked upon. \par
But it has been pretty breathless all the way. Little did \par
we realize the interesting "saucer\rdblquote  people we were to meet, \par
the places we were to go, the fascinating experiences that lay \par
ahead of us and above all the earthshaking revisions in \par
our basic life concepts that would occur in our quest for \par
\emdash  what? \par
What was this pilgrimage all about? What were we aft\par
er? What was driving us? What was the goal? \par
Maybe we should blame Henry! Maybe some of his burn\par
ing whitehot enthusiasm for the unknown, the mysterious, \par
the fantastic, the mystical, the impossible, rubbed off on us. \par
But the goal really became just one thing \emdash  to know the \par
truth about flying saucers! The plain unvarnished truth \par
\emdash  shorn of all propaganda, all pros and cons, all \ldblquote hooey\rdblquote . \par
We did not want opinions. We wanted facts. Facts that \par
we could \ldblquote put our teeth into\rdblquote  and hang onto and know \par
that we had something solid! We wanted to convince our\par
selves, one way or the other! \par
Now if some of you readers feel this same way, we invite \par
you to relive with us our \ldblquote flying saucer pilgrimage\rdblquote  \emdash  our \par
search for the truth. We are not interested in convincing \par
anyone else of anything. Far from it. That is not our pur\par
pose. But so many sincere people have asked us to tell \par
them what we found out about flying saucers, that we de\par
cided we would try not only to tell about our experiences, \par
but try to give our readers the \ldblquote feel\rdblquote  of them so that all \par
may judge for themselves. \par
We will try to be good and forthright reporters at all \par
times \emdash  telling you factually, to the best of our ability, of \par
our experiences. Above all we will try to label our im\par
pressions as such, our conclusions as such, and any philoso\par
phizing we do as such \emdash  as our own, which you may accept \par
or repudiate at will. \par
This will leave you free to make up your own minds. If \par
you come to different conclusions than we did \emdash  fine! No \par
harm done at all. Each to his own. We are all individuals, \par
with different viewpoints \emdash  all in different states of evolve\par
ment. Surely we are mature enough to respect each other\rquote s \par
views without quarrelling or giving way to undue emotional\par
ism. It would be a dull world if we all thought alike \emdash  \par
wouldn\rquote t it? \par
So here we go! Take it easy because we are about to take \par
you on a journey of flying saucer research which covers \par
over two years of time and more than 23,000 miles of travel. \par
And let\rquote s argue all we wish \emdash  but let\rquote s enjoy the ride \emdash  the \par
meetings \emdash  the sights \emdash  the experiences \emdash  our \ldblquote flying saucer \par
pilgrimage\rdblquote ! \par
what is the right name for a person who contacts \par
a flying saucer or a spaceman, or has some outstanding saucer experience?\rdblquote  Helen asked this \par
question one bright March morning in Detroit in 1954. \par
'Well I know some names the public calls them \emdash  like\par
wise the newspapers!\rdblquote  I replied. \par
\ldblquote No, that\rquote s not funny,\rdblquote  she persisted. \ldblquote After all people \par
are contacting these things \emdash  having saucer experiences, and \par
we need a name for them! Let\rquote s see \emdash  oh, I\rquote ve got it \emdash  \par
\lquote saucerer\rquote ! How\rquote s that, \lquote saucerer\rquote ?\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote Wonderful,\rdblquote  I replied. But the word \lquote saucerer\rquote  is not \par
new you know \emdash  we have, I believe our British friends to \par
thank for it. Of course the skeptics will just love it! They \par
will think you are saying \lquote sorcerer\rquote  and be deelighted. \par
\lquote Saucerer\rquote  or \lquote sorcerer\rquote  \emdash  one and the same thing to them!\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote And such levity I suppose suggests just why saucers levitate,\rdblquote  snapped Helen. \ldblquote Let\rquote s cut this out and agree on the \par
term \lquote saucerer\rquote .\rdblquote  \par
And so \ldblquote we\rdblquote  decided to use the word \ldblquote saucerer\rdblquote . Incidentally who ever got the idea that women needed the vote? \par
About half of the time I try to use the chosen word, it still \par
comes out \ldblquote sorcerer\rdblquote  \emdash  but maybe down the dusty roads of \par
eternity the two words may merge a bit \emdash  who knows? \par
Our friend Henry was as good as his word. He wrote to \par
Mr. Adamski and received a really sincere and beautiful \par
reply. Mr. Adamski stated that he would gladly come to \par
Detroit to tell of his \ldblquote contact\rdblquote , but that since he was not \par
a man of great means he would need his expenses paid. \par
That was a great day for the Detroit group. It buzzed \par
around and soon had forty \ldblquote sponsors\rdblquote  to help finance Mr. \par
Adamski\rquote s trip and two small lectures. The small auditor\par
ium of the Detroit Institute of Arts was engaged for this \par
purpose. Our friends Henry and Laura and a young enthusiast named Ronny, and my wife formed the group who \par
worked like beavers on the project. \par
What\rquote s more enthusiastic and joyful than a group infest\par
ed with the saucer virus? Who in blazes wants to stay on \par
just one planet anyway! Ah, that spirit of adventure! The \par
mystery of the unknown! Here was something new, exciting and unprecedented in Detroit, the city of automobiles. \par
After all, what is an automobile in comparison to a flying \par
saucer? \par
Our home came to resemble New York\rquote s Grand Central \par
Station. The phone rang incessantly. Committee meetings \par
lasted until late at night. \par
Helen became so inspired she vowed that if the saucers \par
turned out to be \ldblquote real\rdblquote , she would be a regular "Joan of \par
Arc\rdblquote  for the \ldblquote cause\rdblquote . After that assertion, everytime she ran \par
into a group of hardboiled skeptics, I would start wonder\par
ing just who was going to burn who \ldblquote at the stake\rdblquote ! \par
Train time soon was approaching. We were about to \par
meet a man who had met a man from outerspace! Kind of \par
a cosmic cousin once removed from outerspace! \par
Henry waxed poetic as he proclaimed he alone should \par
have the signal honor of meeting this exceptional man at \par
the railroad station. Was it not he, Henry, who first read \par
the book and told us all about it? Nevertheless the committee \par
soundly voted him down and went in a body to meet Mr. \par
George Adamski. \par
There he was at the railroad station: tall, distinguished \par
looking, greyhaired, wearing a beret that rivalled Field \par
Marshal Montgomery\rquote s. He was about 63 years of age. \par
His parents had brought him from Poland when he was \par
very young. He had to go to work at an early age and \par
was forced to leave school. However his selfeducation \par
proved to be astonishing. He was an amateur astronomer, \par
philosopher and metaphysician. He was certainly an in\par
teresting individual. He spoke with a slight accent, but \par
he had a grand smile and we immediately experienced a \par
feeling of friendship and liking for him. \par
We hustled him to his hotel; he was our first "live\rdblquote  \par
saucerer in Detroit! \par
One of the first events scheduled was a press confer\par
ence. Representatives and photographers of the Detroit \par
metropolitan newspapers showed up along with those of \par
a Windsor (Canada) newspaper. \par
Some of these newshounds \emdash  but not all \emdash  were pretty \par
hardboiled skeptics. We had cocktails and luncheon, \par
but the inquisition started almost at once. Frankly I ex\par
perienced forebodings. \par
The scene was unforgettable. George Adamski sat at \par
the head of the table. Back of him were "blownup\rdblquote  pic\par
tures of his telescope and his saucers. The newshounds \par
deserted their chairs, crowded around him, and literally \par
rained questions on their unpretentious victim. Ques\par
tions were fired so fast that they overlapped each other. \par
From our viewpoint every approach, every ruse was being \par
used to trip him up. \par
We sat back in wonderment. With every passing mo\par
ment our respect and admiration mounted for this sincere \par
and unruffled man. The questioning and photographing \par
lasted several hours. Mr. Adamski was standing up under \par
the barrage. He was doing more than that; he was grad\par
ually creating a miracle, a lessening of skepticism and an \par
increase of respect! \par
If anyone was "hot and bothered\rdblquote , it was some of the \par
newshounds. They were trying to move a rock, but the \par
rock would not move. \par
Smiling, courteous, friendly and unruffled despite some \par
near insults, we felt that George Adamski did himself \par
proud that day in Detroit. \par
Next morning we all rushed for the news stands. To our \par
great relief our guest had landed on some of the front pages \par
in all his glory, and courteously though somewhat skeptically on others. \par
I hope some of the newshounds read this book because \par
we thought they did a marvelous job. Maybe they did not \par
realize it, but at that time we did not know George Adamski \par
any better than they did although we were in the role of \par
\ldblquote sponsors\rdblquote . Just remember that flying saucers were even \par
more incredible and fantastic then than now. Some of us \par
even mentally put ourselves in the reporters\rquote  \ldblquote boots\rdblquote  and \par
wondered what we would write for the papers if we had \par
such a fantastic subject for our assignment. They handled \par
it beautifully. They gave full vent to his story but took \par
no responsibility for it, and they ended up with a polite, \par
artistic and friendly question mark. After all, what else \par
could they do? \par
However, the press publicity did not impress the radio \par
stations. Laura approached them and was met with cold \par
refusal. \ldblquote Too incredible, apt to make us a laughing stock, \par
can\rquote t risk it,\rdblquote  were die general reactions. \par
Finally as a special personal favor to Laura, one of the \par
Large radio stations, WWJ, reluctantly consented to a \par
five minute radio interview at one P.M. on a certain after\par
noon. Ross Mulholland was the redoubtable gentleman \par
who dared take on this interview. \par
Mr. Adamski went on the air with all the excitement \par
behind the scenes of a premier performance. The in\par
terview started with magnificent questions by Mr. Mul\par
holland. Was it to go over, or was it to be a flop? We held \par
our breath. \par
The replies of Mr. Adamski were calm, convincing, and \par
sensible. An unusual feeling of sincerity was sensed. A \par
thrill stole over the broadcast room. Technicians and help\par
ers paused in their work to listen \emdash  almost in awe \emdash  to \par
this simple man who told of his contact on the California \par
desert with a man from another world. \par
Mr. Mulholland encouraged those present in the audience \par
and the radio technicians on duty at the station to ask \par
questions. The five minute dead line came, went and died \par
\emdash  almost unnoticed. The interest mounted to a thrilled \par
tension. Other scheduled programs were cancelled. Only \par
station announcements and short commercials cut into \par
the interview. \par
That five minute flying saucer radio interview in De\par
troit finally ended in a burst of applause one hour and \par
twentyfive minutes after it started. Saucer history was in \par
the making that day in Detroit. \par
The Adamski small lectures were held in an auditorium \par
in the Detroit Institute of Arts with a seating capacity of \par
about 400 persons. They were limited to \ldblquote sponsors\rdblquote  and \par
their friends who wished to purchase tickets. The seats \par
were \ldblquote sold out\rdblquote  in no time, and the lectures were packed. \par
The first lecture was entitled \ldblquote What Is The World Head\par
ed For?\rdblquote  There was no lack of interest or curiosity. Few \par
lecturers faced a more openminded audience. Yet after \par
the first lecture we sensed a slight feeling of disappoint\par
ment. There were not enough \ldblquote experiences\rdblquote  in it and \par
too much philosophy and preaching \emdash  so said some of \par
our friends. \par
The second lecture was entitled \ldblquote My Experiences\rdblquote . It \par
was much better than the first, and the audience as a whole \par
was fascinated by Mr. Adamski\rquote s stirring account of his \par
contact on the California desert with a man from outer\par
space. He told how with a background of amateur astron\par
omy he first became interested in sky phenomena, and of \par
the many days and nights he spent out in the open with a \par
telescope and camera. After many many attempts he fin\par
ally obtained a few good photographs of large cigarshiped \par
spaceships with their small saucers or scoutships. Finally \par
a series of events led to his contact with a spaceman in a \par
desolate region near Desert Center, California, on Novem\par
ber 20, 1952. There were six other persons present at this \par
meeting. He also told of unusual footprints left by the \par
man from outerspace and of how he gave to the space\par
man a photographic plateholder from his camera. This \par
article was returned to Mr. Adamski twentythree days \par
later when the spacemen returned and flew over Palomar \par
Gardens, the place where Mr. Adamski was residing at \par
that time. \par
Most of the audience was delighted at this forthright \par
account of his experiences. A few skeptics and scientists, \par
however, voiced their disapproval, but their protests were \par
drowned out in the general enthusiasm. \par
After each lecture there was a question and answer peri\par
od. In a lull in one of these periods a deep booming voice \par
from the last row inquired, "Mr. Adamski, what about sex \par
on Venus?\rdblquote  \par
It was none other than "Singapore Joe\rdblquote  Fischer, the \par
world traveller and lecturer and intrepid Britisher who \par
knows more about South Africa and the Orient than our \par
own State Department! \par
A tense hush fell on the audience. One could have heard \par
a pin drop. I did not know whether to head for the door \par
or wait to see what would happen. \par
Mr. Adamski considered a moment, and then with un\par
disturbed equanimity replied, \ldblquote Well, sir, if you went to \par
Venus, I do not believe you would have to learn any new \par
tricks!\rdblquote  \par
I caught a swift glimpse of a few very dignified ladies \par
desperately trying to keep a straight face \emdash  but failing. The \par
rest of the audience broke into such an unrestrained spasm \par
of merriment that soon everybody joined in. This lec\par
ture we felt was really a worth while affair. \par
After it was over, Mr. Adamski was given no rest but was \par
hustled to a reception arranged by his Detroit \ldblquote Sponsors\rdblquote  \par
in a nearby hotel. They all wanted a chance to meet this \par
pioneer saucerer personally. He was finally prevailed upon \par
to speak, but he spoke not of saucers but of \emdash  will you please \par
guess what? The answer is religion! \par
14 \par
We mention this because in this book we are trying to \par
give you a true picture of the personalities of these inter\par
esting people \emdash  these pioneer saucerers who have labored \par
to bring the truth about flying saucers to the public at \par
large. We will do our best to take you along with us on \par
our saucer pilgrimage and give you a first hand report of \par
what the saucerers are like and give you a chance to judge \par
for yourselves. \par
Calm did not settle on our home after these small lec\par
tures. Far from it. Our telephone and the sponsors\rquote  tele\par
phones rang day and night with demands to see and hear \par
Mr. Adamski. The callers implied that we were attempting \par
to keep Mr. Adamski from the general public. The public\par
ity had alerted hundreds of saucer fans now clamoring for \par
Mr. Adamski. What to do was a question. We were not \par
professional promoters but simple students and truth seek\par
ers. We had little knowledge as to how to go about con\par
ducting large public lectures. However, I must have un\par
derestimated our little groupl \par
I came home tired from work one evening and was greet\par
ed brightly by my wife Helen with the remark, \ldblquote Congratulations! You\rquote ve just rented the Masonic Temple!\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote I\rquote ve just rented what?\rdblquote  I yelled. \par
\ldblquote The Detroit Masonic Temple \emdash  for the public to hear \par
Mr. Adamski \emdash  only $1,200.00 \emdash  I signed you up!\rdblquote  \par
To say that I was ready to \ldblquote give the saucers back to the \par
Venusians\rdblquote  was putting it mildly! By the time the atmos\par
phere had cleared a bit, I tried to realize through a sort \par
of bluehaze just what had happened. \ldblquote I\rdblquote  had practically \par
purchased an interest in flying saucers and had become sole \par
entrepreneur in a sort of cosmic philanthropic enterprise \par
using the biggest auditorium in the state of Michigan to \par
educate the dear public on spaceships! \emdash  Wow! \par
\ldblquote Say\rdblquote , I yelled, \ldblquote just don\rquote t rent Carnegie Hall in New \par
York City until I catch my breath \emdash I\rdblquote . \par
\ldblquote Now don\rquote t worry\rdblquote  was my wife\rquote s reply. \ldblquote It\rquote s going to \par
be all right \emdash  you just relax and wait and see. \rdblquote  \par
And, confound it, she was right. These women \emdash  and \par
their vote! \par
The marquee of the 5,000 seat Detroit Masonic Temple \par
was blazing with Mr. Adamski\rquote s name and the subject of \par
his lecture, "Flying Saucers\rdblquote . I had not yet become accus\par
tomed to the difference in feeling of having a mere casual \par
interest in saucers as compared to that of having a financial \par
interest in same. The presale of tickets had not been too \par
encouraging, and as we entered the stage door it started to \par
rain. That does it, I thought, but wait \emdash  . \par
Things were happening out in front. The ticket office \par
was not yet open, but a large crowd had begun to line up \par
to purchase tickets. Soon the immense auditorium began \par
to fill with people. \par
I was busy setting up a slide projector to use to throw \par
original Adamski saucer photographs on a screen. Inci\par
dentally this proved to be a flop because the light was too \par
weak. Please remember we were rank amateurs at this \par
business. The screen on the stage needed adjusting, and \par
while engaged in this adjustment I saw someone tampering \par
with the projector which I had so carefully adjusted. I \par
rushed back and told the intruder off in no uncertain terms. \par
While this was going on, Henry came up and introduced us, \par
and the young man turned out to be John Otto, lecturer \par
and researcher on Flying Saucers. What an embarrassing \par
way to become acquainted with someone I had looked \par
forward to meeting for a long time! \par
Shortly thereafter my wife joined me and told me it \par
would soon be necessary to open up the balcony for practic\par
ally all of the 3,000 seats on the lower floor were already \par
filled. I could hardly believe she was serious. It seemed \par
amazing that there were so many people interested in saucers in the city of Detroit who would brave the rain on a \par
Sunday night to hear about them. It just couldn\rquote t be. As I \par
would not take Helen\rquote s estimate seriously, she suggested \par
that I take a trip to the lobby and see for myself. I did so, \par
and to my amazement the lobby was overflowing with \par
people. Going outside, I saw a queue of people on the \par
sidewalk to the end of the block \emdash  and the weather was \par
still wet and nasty. I saw all this but still could hardly be\par
lieve it. \par
The balcony was opened, and 4700 people attended that \par
Saucer Lecture, the biggest of its kind to date. \par
Unfortunately, as we viewed it, the lecture did not go \par
off too well. As stated, the projector proved inadequate \par
because the people in the balcony could not see the Adam\par
ski photographs of saucers. In addition, Mr. Adamski \par
seemed under great nervous tension. He had to leave De\par
troit for New York that night, and no doubt he was con\par
cerned about making his train connection. The interest\par
ing details of his saucer contact so well presented at the \par
second lecture were not forthcoming. Mr. Adamski men\par
tioned to the audience that a woman in England had writ\par
ten him her interpretation of the markings on the foot\par
prints left by the Venusian in the sand on the desert, and \par
he added that he felt the interpretation was about ninety \par
percent correct. The audience clamored for the letter of \par
interpretation to be read, and precious lecture time was \par
spent in the reading of this lengthy letter which we feel \par
few people understood. \par
The lecture ended with a question and answer period \par
which ran into difficulties because of the size of the audience. \par
The ending came within minutes of train time, so we \par
had to make a mad rush for the railway station. We said \par
goodbye to Mr. Adamski with regret. Since then we have \par
been with him on a good many occasions \emdash  even in old \par
Mexico. He is truly an extraordinary individual \emdash  a man \par
of many contrasts, many moods, many ideas, and many ex\par
periences \emdash  different, so different! \par
after this first saucer \ldblquote invasion\rdblquote  in Detroit via the \par
Adamski lectures, we had a period of relative quiet \par
to discuss and ponder these initial footsteps in our \par
pilgrimage to discover the meaning of flying saucers. \par
We say "relative quiet\rdblquote  because saucer arguments went \par
on at a lively rate in the basement recreation room of our \par
Detroit home about every night. Willynilly our home be\par
came a sort of Mecca for those interested in saucers. People \par
would call us and tell us of their own sightings or ask to \par
come over and discuss the subject. We had made tape re\par
cordings of the Adamski lectures, and many who had been \par
unable to attend these lectures expressed a desire to hear \par
the tape recordings. Saucer clubs and groups were spring\par
ing up almost spontaneously. \par
In passing, may we briefly state that in the year 1952 \par
or thereabouts there were some exceptional sightings of \par
saucers in the Detroit area. Some of these were well at\par
tested by witnesses. We became well acquainted with \par
some of these sightings, but it is not our purpose in this \par
book to catalog sightings. This has already been done far \par
better by others than we could do it. \par
What we are trying to relate is that saucer activity seemed \par
to have an unseen \ldblquote ground swell\rdblquote  of its own and was ex\par
panding and not contracting, and we found ourselves right \par
in the midst of this activity. \par
A natural phase of this interest was an effort by our \par
group and others to discover and read all possible written \par
material on the subject. Saucer books were in great de\par
mand, and there were more of them than we suspected at \par
first. Some authors were cataloging and discussing recent \par
sightings of spaceships and other sky phenomena with \par
great earnestness and seriousness. Others were delving into \par
past records and coming up with citations amazingly similar to the current phenomena. Still others with more of \par
a religious or metaphysical background were scanning such \par
writings as the Christian Bible, Oahspe, and works on the \par
prehistoric civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria for evidence of spaceships in antiquity. All these researchers \par
seemed to be finding references to spaceships. Was it possible that these were not new phenomena? To our utter \par
amazement a startling mass of references from ancient records and writings seemed to point this way. Some saucer \par
fans started compiling saucer scrapbooks from newspapers \par
and periodical clippings. The size and extent of some of \par
these were well worth noting. \par
As for ourselves we decided to \ldblquote go slow and hear every\par
body\rquote s side\rdblquote  before we could permit ourselves to form any \par
conclusions. We read everything we could lay our hands \par
on in the way of both current and ancient material relating \par
to the subject. We also studied all possible correlative ma\par
terial on such subjects as levitation, teleportation and simi\par
lar phenomena in an effort to throw some light on how \par
spaceships could operate without fuel. We also wanted \par
to meet and talk personally with the other witnesses to Mr. \par
Adamski\rquote s contact. Before our pilgrimage was concluded \par
we were fortunate enough to contact four out of six of \par
these witnesses. But above all we wanted to meet as many \par
other people as possible who were having definite saucer \par
experiences. We wanted as broad a view of this amazing \par
subject as we could obtain. By this time we both felt that \par
we must learn the truth because if the earth was really \par
being contacted by extraterrestrial beings in large num\par
bers at this time, it was the most significant development in \par
the world today. \par
We soon realized that the type of people who were evi\par
dencing interest in saucers included some rather distinctive \par
categories. There were those who had a serious astronomical \par
interest, those who had a definite technical or engineering \par
interest, and those who had a decided philosophical or me\par
taphysical interest. Then there were the science fiction \par
enthusiasts. These latter were of little interest to us ex\par
cept for one amazing point, namely that \ldblquote reality\rdblquote  itself seem\par
ed to be only a few steps behind their advanced imaginative \par
efforts. That fact has never ceased to be a cause of won\par
derment to us. Last but not least there were the inevitable \par
curiosity seekers and a sort of fringe of fanatics. These \par
latter certainly furnished a sort of \ldblquote comic relief\rdblquote  for the \par
more serious research which we and others were trying to \par
do. Some of these enthusiasts even routed us out of bed in \par
the middle of the night to tell us excitedly that if we would \par
look out of the window in a certain direction we would \par
certainly see a spaceship, or even a flock of them! Maybe \par
our eyesight was a bit weak, but we were never able to \par
discern spaceships in the night sky, and we found this \par
type of assistance a bit annoying. \par
More and more the need of caution and care was im\par
pressed upon us if we were ever to prove to our own satis\par
faction the truth or falsity and also the nature of these \par
sky visitors. We realized that many of the experiences be\par
ing reported by saucerers were without witnesses. In these \par
cases we hoped to meet the individuals personally so that \par
we could at least judge for ourselves, if not for others. We \par
also decided to use the method of coordinating the experi\par
ences and observations of various saucerers to see if we \par
could detect or piece together a reasonable \ldblquote pattern\rdblquote  of \par
information or knowledge. \par
A new book: Aboard A Flying Saucer by Truman Bethu\par
rum was released, and arrangements were made to have Mr. \par
Bethurum come to Detroit. We had read his book and \par
were looking forward eagerly to meeting the author and \par
hearing his lecture. We enjoyed his talk immensely, but as \par
always we were more interested in the man behind the \par
book, the man behind the lecture, the personality having \par
the experience. In this respect we were quite fortunate \par
because during their stay in Detroit Mr. & Mrs. Bethurum \par
came to our home to visit us. We became so enthralled in \par
his experiences that we talked until the wee small hours \par
of the morning. \par
Mr. Bethurum is a large, tall, and husky outofdoors \par
type of man. His schooling has been limited to grammar \par
school and a few years in high school, but he nevertheless \par
speaks with an excellent choice of words. In his work he \par
is an expert maintenance mechanic familiar with dredges \par
and road building equipment and is highly respected by \par
his fellow workers. We liked his simple, sincere and forth\par
right nature. \par
We tried to put ourselves in his place as he related in pri\par
vate the highlights of his amazing encounters with space\par
people and answered our questions in the relaxed and un\par
restrained atmosphere of our home. We found that it \par
means much to get away from the tense, formal and some\par
times hostile atmosphere of a public lecture where saucer\par
ers have to be on guard or on the defensive every moment. \par
We feel that our best understanding of the entire subject \par
has come about from these \ldblquote relaxed\rdblquote  meetings with saucer\par
ers whom we were fortunate enough to meet. We cannot, \par
of course, directly verify Mr. Bethurum\rquote s experiences be\par
cause we were not present. All we can do is to convey to \par
you our own impressions of the man and his experiences \par
as we discussed them with him in our home. \par
For those who are not familiar with his experiences may \par
we briefly recount that on a July night in 1952 he first \par
contacted a large round flat flying saucer in a desolate area \par
near Glendale Nevada, U. S. A. The crew led him to the \par
\ldblquote captain\rdblquote  who turned out to be feminine instead of mascu\par
line. Footnote. He had the experience of actually boarding the \par
spaceship and conversing with the captain in English. \par
He later learned that she could speak and write several of \par
our earth languages. Between July and November of 1952 \par
Mr. Bethurum made eleven contacts and boarded the same \par
\bullet This spacebeing gave her name as "Aura Rhanes\rdblquote . The authors \par
have felt that this might well be a symbolic name conveying the \par
cosmic concept that \ldblquote the aura reigns". Deep students of cosmic \par
truth recognize that control of the aura is one of the cosmic steps in \par
man\rquote s regaining his lost control of himself and of matter. \par
21 \par
craft on as many occasions. However he was not given a \par
ride on the saucer. He went aboard it on the ground. Many \par
details are set forth in his written account, and to us these \par
details are worthy of intense study by any sincere researcher. \par
Taken alone these details might appear to be too fantas\par
tic to merit serious attention, but in terms of the coordi\par
nating work of our research they are, in our opinion, of \par
outstanding value as a contribution to our human knowl\par
edge of this vast subject. The details are not out of line \par
with the larger picture of spacecraft, spacepeople and \par
spacephenomena which gradually unfolded to our as\par
tonished eyes as our saucer pilgrimage proceeded. \par
We were favorably and very deeply impressed with Mr. \par
Bethurum\rquote s unimaginative sincerity. It is no secret and \par
certainly no unfavorable reflection on him that he felt he \par
needed help in writing his book. The ghost writer \ldblquote played \par
up the cosmic romance angle of his experience and used \par
words and phrases of a nature which he himself might \par
never have employed. \par
Knowing the man as we do, may we state that even after \par
the greater perspective of our pilgrimage we still regard \par
his experiences as some of the greatest contributions in \par
the entire saucer saga. In our humble opinion, he had not \par
only one of the greatest personal saucer experiences, but \par
he had one of the hardest \ldblquote rows to hoe\rdblquote  \emdash  because not a \par
single friend had the courage to be a witness to the contacts. \par
Moreover, his naturalness and simple honesty resulted in an \par
account of his experiences uncontaminated by speculative \par
science or philosophical propaganda. It was, in short, a \par
priceless factual account. We often wonder whether if some \par
of us ordinary mortals had those experiences we could have \par
told about them as factually and sincerely as he did. We \par
have learned that spacevisitors are quite \ldblquote choosey\rdblquote  as re\par
gards the characteristics of those who are physically con\par
tacted, and in our thinking Truman Bethurum had certain \par
qualities which made him acceptable for these contacts. \par
Moreover, without any preknowledge on his part of the \par
peculiar mastery which spacebeings are able to exercise \par
over energy or matter, he told us the incident covering the \par
instantanteous disappearance of his flashlight and the ex\par
perience of his seeing his spacefriends leave a restaurant \par
while a companion whom he had posted outside did not \par
see them come out. Serious students of this subject will \par
understand the deeper inplications of these two incidents. \par
However, Mr. Bethurum said he did not know how these \par
things happened, they just happened. \par
Regarding the inability of our astronomers to locate \par
a planet called \ldblquote Clarion\rdblquote  behind the moon from which the \par
saucer came, we discussed this point with Mr. Bethurum in \par
detail. From our discussion and questioning we gathered \par
that the spaceship captain did not intend to convey the \par
idea that the saucer came from a planet in our own solar \par
system behind the moon, but that it came from a planet \par
in another more distant solar system, and the phrase \ldblquote be\par
hind the moon\rdblquote  was a general designation used for dis\par
tant outerspace. \par
We have kept in contact with this pioneer saucerer by cor\par
respondence and know of his subsequent efforts to again \par
contact this spaceship. We know that a spaceship has \par
since flown over him twice but has not landed.* In these, \par
his latest efforts, we sincerely wish him well. \par
"More recently the authors have received word from Truman Bethu\par
rum stating that he is in Prescott, Arizona, that his contact with \par
extraterrestrial beings is continuing, and that under their guidance \par
he is endeavoring to establish a New Age "Sanctuary of Thought", a \par
group dedicated to world peace. \par
In June of 1954 our saucer horizon was happily enlarged \par
by our becoming acquianted with Dr. George Hunt \par
Williamson. He was being sponsored in a Detroit lec\par
ture by a close friend of ours. We looked forward to know\par
ing him because of his radio contact with spacebeings and \par
because he was one of the eyewitnesses to the Adamski \par
contact. In addition, he made the plaster casts of the foot\par
prints of the spacevisitor on that memorable occasion. \par
We were very desirious of getting acquainted with those \par
saucerers who were having actual saucer experiences and \par
contacts of one form or another. We wanted to get the \par
stories \ldblquote behind\rdblquote  the books they had written \emdash  to get the \par
real \ldblquote feel\rdblquote  of their experiences so we could judge for our\par
selves. Also we hoped to get additional information which \par
possibly was considered too advanced to be published at \par
the time the books were written. May we state that we \par
found \ldblquote more than meets the eye\rdblquote  in most cases. Remember \par
we are dealing with a subject which is literally \ldblquote out of \par
this world\rdblquote  or at least \ldblquote out in front\rdblquote  of practically all \par
branches of human knowledge. There are no convenient \par
precedents to go by, and no help in forthcoming from ac\par
cepted authorities. Anyone who really wants to learn about \par
our skyvisitors will find he has embarked upon a lonely \par
and uncharted path. Possibly this is part of the fascination \par
of such a research \emdash  it is real pioneer work every step of \par
the way. \par
Before meeting this saucerer personally we found out a \par
few interesting facts about his background. He was born \par
in 1926, which made him less than thirty years of age. His \par
home is in Prescott, Arizona. He is married and has a small \par
son. Despite his youth he is a Doctor of Anthropology \par
and had distinguished himself sufficiently in this field to \par
be listed in Who\rquote s Who in America and other similar publications. He studied at Cornell University, the University \par
of Denver, and the University of Arizona. During World \par
War II he served in the Technical Training Headquarters \par
of the U. S. Army Air Corps. His father is the probation \par
officer for Yavapai County, Arizona. \par
His greatest work in anthropology has been in his inti\par
mate studies of American Indians. An interesting sidelight \par
on his energetic and forthright nature was his insistence \par
on practically living with the Indian tribes which he was \par
studying. He not only arranged to have himself adopted \par
as the son of an Indian chief, but he studied and prac\par
ticed some of the tribe\rquote s ceremonial Indian dances so suc\par
cessfully that he actually won several coveted prizes in in\par
tertribal competitions with his Indian brothers! All of \par
this may seem a long way from flying saucers, but as a \par
matter of fact it was his study of Indian legends which ac\par
tually led to his interest in, and remarkable experiences \par
with, spaceships and spacevisitors. \par
All this we had learned from friends before the lecture. \par
Also we read his first book The Saucers Speak, which was \par
coauthored by his friend Alfred C. Bailey. But nothing we \par
had learned had prepared us for the three pronged sur\par
prise we experienced when we finally met him. The first \par
surprise was his exuberant youthfulness. No wonder his \par
intimates call him \ldblquote Ric\rdblquote  instead of \ldblquote Dr. George William\par
son\rdblquote . Our second discovery was the extent of his own saucer \par
experiences entirely independent of the Adamski affair. \par
Finally, there was the depth and brilliance of his under\par
standing of the cosmic implications of the saucer pheno\par
mena. Here was a saucerer to whom the physical manifesta\par
tions of saucers were not nearly as important as the great \par
vista of cosmic life and progress which lay beyond them. \par
His lecture amazed us in its scope and breath of view. \par
He told how his own study of American Indian legends and \par
his wife\rquote s study of Mexican Indian legends brought out \par
the fact that primitive tribes almost everywhere had essen\par
tially parallel legendary accounts of their people seeing ro\par
tating wheels or whirling wheels in the heavens, sometimes surrounded by a cloud or by fire. These would descend to the earth, and out would step a fairhaired young \par
man or \ldblquote God\rdblquote  from the skies. He found that almost all \par
primitive people throughout the world seemed to have sim\par
ilar legends. \par
Later Dr. Williamson picked up and read a copy of Ma\par
jor Donald Keyhoe\rquote s first saucer book The Flying Saucers \par
Are Real. There immediately flashed through his mind \par
the extraordinary similarity between these modern sky phe\par
nomena and those of the Indian legends. His interest in \par
the modern occurrences finally became so great that he \par
and a group of friends discussed possible ways and means of \par
trying to contact the skyvisitors. They reasoned that if \par
these beings had the intelligence and the technique for \par
spaceflight, they certainly must have the technique for \par
electronic and radio communications and the ability to \par
monitor our radios and learn our languages. \par
With characteristic directness he and his wife and a group \par
of friends lost no time in trying to contact these beings by \par
any and every means at hand. They started out with sim\par
ple experiments in various types of automatic writing, \par
branched into coded radio telegraphy, tried out radio, and \par
eventually some of the group reached direct telepathic \par
communication. Between August 2 and November 1, a \par
three month period in 1952 when spaceships seemed to \par
be especially prevalent over the North American conti\par
nent \emdash  they achieved a truly remarkable series of contacts, \par
mostly by radio telegraphy using the International Morse \par
Code and 350 to 450 kilocycles. During this period they \par
were able to contact spacebeings of a high order from many \par
regions in space, to ask them innumerable direct questions, \par
and to receive many informative answers. \par
A few of the highlights of these high level contacts may \par
be of interest to our readers. The code from outer space \par
came through in a very strong and powerful manner, and \par
the transmission was so fast that at times it was quite difficult to record all of it. On the other hand the spelling of \par
the English words was often a bit crude and on the pho\par
netic side as if the visitors were not too well versed in our \par
language. The spacebeings referred to their spaceships \par
as \ldblquote bells\rdblquote  \emdash  crystal \ldblquote bells\rdblquote . They stated that the space\par
ships burned no fuel but glided on magnetic lines of force \par
and operated in a resonating electromagnetic field like \par
a planetary body. The spacebeings discussed the atomic \par
bomb, the critical condition of our earth and its inhabi\par
tants, and their effort to help us into a new age which had \par
commenced for our planet. This point interested us espe\par
cially, because gradually in our pilgrimage we were destined \par
to learn that similar statements regarding our earth enter\par
ing a very critical period were to be a part of practically \par
every contact between earthmen and spacebeings. \par
One member of the group asked the visitors why they \par
did not contact wellknown scientists instead of amateurs \par
like themselves. The reply was that they had done so, but \par
that many in high positions would not listen. They also \par
implied that they had contacted various earth governments, \par
including the Russians. Mrs. Williamson was particularly \par
interested in certain medical and curative practices, and \par
a question of the following import was asked, \ldblquote You have \par
such tremendous developments in spaceships, etc. \emdash  have \par
you likewise advanced in medical science?\rdblquote  \par
The answer came back as an abrupt \ldblquote No!\rdblquote  Dr. William\par
son told us that they were so amazed at this reply that \par
he vigorously protested that such an answer did not seem \par
reasonable. How could it be that they had the technique \par
of spaceships but had not advanced in medical science? \par
The reply in substance was: \ldblquote Simple. No disease \emdash  no \par
medical science!\rdblquote  \par
On one occasion a friend saw what appeared to be a \par
spaceship over the antenna of their radio shack. On an\par
other occasion a beam of white light was thrown from \par
the sky down into the radio shack and the adjacent house \par
while radio contact was in progress. Over this beam the \par
spacevisitors apparently were able to discern everything \par
that was going on among the group both mentally and \par
physically. They even took part in diagnosing the illness \par
of an elderly man in the house. This incident lead to a \par
message which Dr. Williamson regards as one of the most \par
significant among all the messages they have received. It \par
was as follows: \par
\ldblquote Never fear the aged. They can help again when they \par
are brought to life.\rdblquote  \par
Dr. Williamson has his own interpretation of this mes\par
sage, but he wisely insists that all individuals must make \par
their own interpretations. He has also become concerned \par
that we prepare ourselves for the fact that \ldblquote man\rdblquote  in outer\par
space does not necessarily always manifest in precisely the \par
same human configuration as we do. Dr. Williamson also \par
gave us this gem: \par
\ldblquote From our research, I have learned that man is not man \par
because he has two legs, two arms, and two eyes placed in \par
a certain position in his head, or because he is supposed to \par
have come up from the anthropoid ape. Man is man be\par
cause he is a spiritual being. He exists throughout the \par
universe, and as a race, man is an inhabitant of space and \par
takes on certain physical manifestations or vehicles on \par
certain planets to learn certain lessons and have certain \par
pleasurepain experiences. We can liken our earth very \par
simply to a school. The spacepeople tell us we are not \par
going to get off this planet until we \lquote make the grade\rquote  and \par
learn the lessons which this earth has to teach us.\rdblquote  \par
This small saucer group tried to arrange a saucer land\par
ing and a physical meeting with their spacefriends, which \par
almost succeeded. They were frustrated, however, by a \par
series of adverse events. Later, four of the group were \par
members of the Adamski expedition when physical con\par
tact was made with a spacebeing near Desert Center, Cali\par
fornia. In fact, Dr. Williamson made the plaster casts of \par
the footprints of the man from outerspace, as already stat\par
ed. We talked to him at great length regarding this event. \par
28 \par
and he endorses the factual account given in the Leslie\par
Adamski writings. \par
We were very much impressed with his lecture. It seem\par
ed to us to present an outstanding balance between his \par
own personal experiences, his unselfish and honest recog\par
nition of the value of the experiences of others, and his \par
remarkable grasp of the nature of the spacepeople and \par
their necessary but beneficient purpose in our skies at this \par
time. Here was a little group of private researchers who \par
were extraordinarily successful in achieving O. S. C. (outer\par
space communication) and who were learning something \par
of the incredible powers, both physical and mental, of the \par
beings in outerspace. \par
Dr. Williamson has visited at our home, and we have \par
been with him on numerous occasions. Months later, in \par
May of 1955, after our return from Mexico, we drove to \par
his home in Prescott, Arizona, to visit him. There we met \par
his charming wife and young son. In his home town we \par
found \ldblquote Ric\rdblquote  to be a true westerner \emdash  cowboy boots, plaid \par
shirt \emdash  really the outdoor type. We found him putting the \par
finishing touches on a new book entitled Other Tongues \par
\emdash  Other Flesh. His group has abandoned radio telegraphy \par
and radio as a means of contacting the spacevisitors in \par
favor of infrared and ultraviolet light beams. He and \par
various associates are now diligently developing these pre\par
ferred methods, and they have already experienced some \par
unpublished successes. The Williamsons certainly repre\par
sent \ldblquote New Age\rdblquote  young people, and we wish them well in \par
their latest efforts at contacting advanced beings in other \par
dimensions of life. \par
In October of 1954 the Detroit saucer enthusiasts had \par
the opportunity of meeting Desmond Leslie, coauthor \par
of Flying Saucers Have Landed. He had crossed the ocean \par
from the British Isles a few months previously to do saucer \par
research in the U. S. A. and, believe it or not \emdash  to meet his \par
coauthor George Adamski, for the first time! \par
It is amazing how these two individuals, living so far \par
apart in miles and so fundamentally different in personal\par
ity, education and background ever got together without \par
personally meeting, and nevertheless collaborated on their \par
book. We at least feel it speaks pretty well for those unseen \par
forces of nature that somehow bring such things about. \par
Mr. Leslie has brought forth a noteworthy historical re\par
search on spaceships in antiquity. He delved clear back to \par
Sanskrit records some 5,000 years old. As he told us in \par
Detroit: \ldblquote The farther back I went, the better became the \par
record of spaceships!\rquote\rquote  Many of the early reports came \par
from astronomers. \par
We feel it is he, probably more than anyone else, who \par
has aroused the present day world to the startling fact that \par
spaceships in the atmosphere of earth are really not new \par
phenomena. His historical research and Adamski\rquote s modern \par
contact with a spaceman were separate things that need\par
ed each other \emdash  and somehow they just naturally came \par
together in their book. As a result, the book soon became \par
one of the most widely read saucer books in the world. \par
Mr. Leslie is a fine, tall, cultured young Irishman, who \par
is a second cousin to Winston Churchill, was a Spitfire \par
pilot in World War II, and lives part of the time in an \par
old Irish castle. He lends an air of respectability to the \par
saucer fraternity which is certainly an asset to so new a \par
branch of human knowledge. He told us that he was the \par
author of several novels, and that his publisher had suggested he write a fiction story on flying saucers. He then \par
started upon his historical research and soon informed his \par
publisher that what he had found was not \ldblquote fiction\rdblquote . We \par
discovered he has a grand sense of humor and enjoys both \par
give and take. His lectures sparkle with pungent wit and \par
humor. \par
Our group was exceedingly interested in learning that \par
some members of the British nobility were intensely in\par
terested in saucers and were well versed in the subject. \par
He also spoke of Lord Dowding, British Air Chief Mar\par
shall during the Battle of Britain, and his interest in saucers. Parenthetically, for those not familiar with some of \par
the public statements regarding saucers made by Lord \par
Dowding we give the following quotation: \par
"I am convinced that these objects do exist and that they \par
are not manufactured by any nation on earth. I can there\par
fore see no alternative but to accept the theory that they \par
come from some extraterrestrial source.\rdblquote  \par
Desmond Leslie gave a remarkable radio interview in \par
Detroit. After the success of the Adamski radio interview, \par
saucerers were now more welcome on radio broadcasts, and \par
we made an effort to tape record these events. One of our \par
favorite tape recordings is still that of Mr. Leslie\rquote s inter\par
view, for it was filled with lively, informative and humorous \par
interchanges between him and Russ Mulholland, who \par
again officiated. \par
Later Mr. Leslie lectured in the large auditorium of the \par
Detroit Institute of Arts. A capacity audience of over 1200 \par
attended, and between two and three hundred disappointed \par
people had to be turned away because of lack of room. \par
This will give some idea of the interest that exists in flying \par
saucers in Detroit. \par
Mr. Leslie drew a hearty laugh when he told of his en\par
counters with astronomers. It seems that this saucer busi\par
ness was not exactly in accord with certain British traditions \par
particularly in the field of astronomy. This fact brought \par
Mr. Leslie into public and rather amusing controversy with \par
no less an authority on astronomy than The Right Honor\par
able British \ldblquote Astronomer Royal\rdblquote  himself. As we understand \par
it, the Astronomer Royal allowed that it was politic to \par
\ldblquote bury the flying saucers\rdblquote  once and for all, and thus get rid \par
of such nonsense forever. Mr. Leslie allowed that he had a \par
better idea \emdash  namely, to bury the Astronomer Royall \par
While the sparks were flying from this contact between the \par
old and the new in Merry Old England, the British Air Min\par
istry dubbed Mr. Leslie the "Saucerer Royall\rdblquote  The term \par
\ldblquote saucerer\rdblquote  so amused and intrigued us that we purloined \par
it for our pilgrimage. We hope our British cousins will not \par
mind. \par
A high point of audience interest came when this visitor \par
to our shores touched upon the strange doings that went \par
on at Muroc Air Base, California, in the summer of 1954. \par
It seems that very suddenly soldiers outside the base, even \par
those returning from leave, were directed away and told \par
to \ldblquote get lost\rdblquote , while those inside the base were kept inside. \par
There was plenty of \ldblquote high brass\rdblquote  activity at the time and \par
persistent rumors that a remote controlled saucer had land\par
ed voluntarily and was in Hanger No. 27. Many saucer fans \par
were already familiar more or less with these rumors. \par
Nevertheless, it was fascinating saucer \ldblquote smoke\rdblquote  to many, \par
and who knows but that sometime the government \ldblquote of the \par
people, for the people, and by the people\rdblquote  may haul out top \par
secret file No. H. 27 and condescend to tell the \ldblquote governed\rdblquote  \par
a little more about the \ldblquote fire\rdblquote  that caused the "smoke\rdblquote  \emdash  \par
a little peek into what \ldblquote gives\rdblquote  in the secret closets of our \par
modern bureaucracy. Or was this all just some of our own \par
efforts to reproduce a saucer? Who knows? \par
Another high spot in the lecture was Mr. Leslie\rquote s reference to the presence of flying saucers in the blasts of atomic \par
bombs, as could be seen in certain photographs taken of the \par
explosions. It is presumed that these were remote controll\par
ed saucers. \par
During the question and answer period one talkative lady \par
took up so much time that Mr. Leslie courteously but firmly suggested that she confine herself to questions rather \par
than try to make another saucer lecture! This drew such \par
an amen sigh of approval from the audience that maybe we \par
need more British lecturers over here! \par
Then a brash young man wanted to know what Sir Win\par
ston Churchill thought about saucers. It took a bit of gen\par
teel maneuvering to get around that one, but you can al\par
ways count on the Irish! \par
A year later we saw the Saucerer Royal again when he \par
had returned to the U. S. A. a second time and was lectur\par
ing in Columbus, Ohio, on October 26, 1955. In this case \par
interest in his lecture was heightened by the fact that a \par
publicized blast from our Air Force a few days previously \par
had positively denied the existence of flying saucers, and \par
called attention to its own development of saucerlike jet \par
aircraft. \par
This gave Mr. Leslie something of an uphill effort, but \par
he handled it beautifully and directed much of his lecture \par
to basic sightings. He brought out some excellent new sight\par
ings in England and one \ldblquote contact\rdblquote  near London. In this \par
instance it seems that a flying saucer knocked an English \par
gardner off his bicycle. We do not wish to be facetious, \par
but with the Air Force\rquote s denial of flying saucers we began \par
to wonder if this is not the very type of \ldblquote contact\rdblquote  that our \par
military \ldblquote brass\rdblquote  badly needs \emdash  to be hit on the head with \par
a flying saucer! Or would they still deny the saucers? \par
He also brought out the point that if he had talked \par
about television one hundred years ago he probably would \par
have been put in a strait jacket; two hundred years ago \par
he would have been burned at the stake for witchcraft! \par
We enjoyed the Saucerer Royal very much and feel \par
that he is among those chosen to bring the New Age mes\par
sage to doubting humanity. Cheerio! May our paths cross \par
again! \par
I n August of 1954 Bryant retired from active \ldblquote working\rdblquote  \par
\emdash  at least that was supposed to be the idea. Actually both \par
of us have found more to do in \ldblquote retirement\rdblquote  than ever be\par
fore. We sold our Detroit home and bought a new car. \par
We were fed up with snow and ice so we headed south for \par
the lands of sunshine with Old Mexico as our eventual \par
objective. We were in no hurry. We were relaxing, having \par
fun. We had no particular program in mind other than \par
going places and seeing things. If saucers came our way \par
\emdash  fine! If not, fine again! \par
We did, however, carry quite a saucer arsenal. But, it \par
was not deliberately or aggressively premeditated! We had \par
not even thought of the possibility of using our saucer ma\par
terial in a foreign country. The material had simply be\par
come important to us, and we wanted to study and reeval\par
uate it ourselves. We had quite a time trying to decide what \par
to take along and what to leave behind \emdash  in other words \par
what was \ldblquote essential\rdblquote . We finally had to \ldblquote enniemeeny\par
mineymo\rdblquote  some of the decisions or \ldblquote flip coins\rdblquote  to yes or \par
no some material. If hunting and fishing had been our \par
passion we suppose the car would have been loaded with \par
guns, rods and reels. As a matter of fact it was weighed down \par
to the "waterline\rdblquote  with saucer books, taperecordings of \par
saucerlectures, a tape recorder, photographic equipment \par
and the like. We thus set sail in high spirits for parts un\par
known. \par
We steered for the little town of Princeton, Illinois, \par
which was Bryant\rquote s old home town. He was born there. We \par
said hello to a few friends, deposited some excess baggage \par
at the \ldblquote Old Homestead\rdblquote  and then set sail for Dallas, Texas, \par
where we had some \ldblquote kinfolk\rdblquote . \par
\ldblquote Listen,\rdblquote  said Helen as we sped along the open road. \par
\ldblquote I\rquote ve been doing some thinking about this saucer business \par
on our trip. We will probably meet a number of people \par
and we may start discussing saucers. We need a system!\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote A system,\rdblquote  I replied, \ldblquote what kind of a system?\rdblquote  \par
She answered, \ldblquote Just a good system to feel out people to \par
see if they are interested in the subject before we attempt \par
to talk about it. You know, if you open up with the wrong \par
people they just think you\rquote re insane, balmy, pixilated and \par
candidates for the little men in the white coats!\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote You mean you would like a secret saucerpassword or a \par
secret handgrip? How about wearing saucer buttons?\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote Don\rquote t be ridiculous. We might use this system. Say \par
we are talking to people whom we have just met and at an \par
appropriate lull in the conversation, I say or you say \lquote What \par
do you think about these reports we hear on flying saucers?\rquote  \par
Then we sit back and watch for the reaction.\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote Fine idea,\rdblquote  I agreed. Let\rquote s give it a try. Might be in\par
teresting but for heaven\rquote s sake let\rquote s not get involved with \par
saucers \emdash  we are on vacation!\rdblquote  \par
We did not have long to wait to give this system a tryout. \par
We were dining at the Dallas Athletic Club with our kinfolk. \par
Conversation was local, terribly local, and it gradually \par
petered out. There came a \ldblquote lull\rdblquote  just made to order. \par
Helen jumped in pronto with both feet. \par
\ldblquote What do you think about these reports we hear on \par
flying saucers,\rdblquote  she asked perfectly innocently, perfectly \par
casually. \par
Then came the deluge. \ldblquote Of all the fools! What do \par
they take us for. Trying to make money out of that, etc. \par
etc!\rdblquote  \par
It worked! It worked then, and it worked later. It was \par
a priceless system. We adopted it as standard practice. We \par
hope they had it in Columbus\rquote  time. It could save an awful \par
lot of wear and tear on the nervous system of progressive \par
minded people. It worked both ways. In this case it \par
brought out a negative interest, but it proved just as good \par
in bringing out a positive interest. \par
We remember one occasion later in a beautiful Mexican \par
restaurant with a gorgeous patio. We worked the system in \par
poor Spanish. Like magic in a few moments we were sur\par
rounded with travellers and natives and waiters all enthu\par
siastically telling us of their own saucer experiences and \par
all eager to learn more. \par
But to return to the Dallas Athletic Club. After the de\par
luge, we shut up like clams. The party ended, and our \par
kinfolk moved toward the elevators. There they ran into \par
a group of trusted friends. \par
After the usual greetings and introductions, one of our \par
party remarked, \ldblquote We have been discussing the ridiculous \par
subject of flying saucers! Isn\rquote t it just \emdash  \par
\ldblquote How exciting.\rdblquote  replied one of the trusted friends. \ldblquote Wish \par
we could have sat in on the conversation. We saw one our\par
selves only a few weeks ago!\rdblquote  \par
The expression on certain faces was worth remembering. \par
And that is the way we found it everywhere on our trip \emdash  \par
people who knew, and people who did not know \emdash  the one \par
group gradually educating the other group to new hap\par
penings in our skies \emdash  and gradually, very gradually, to \par
the discernment of the great cosmic implications. \par
Late in October of 1954 we found ourselves crossing \par
the Border at Laredo, Texas, into old Mexico and speeding \par
along the road of adventure toward Mexico City some 770 \par
miles ahead of us. We had a six months\rquote  Tourist Permit \par
and a big round sticker on our windshield to prove it. \par
Mexican Route No. 85! The Laredo road! Most "grin\par
go tourists\rdblquote  call it that. Incidentally, the word "gringo\rdblquote  is \par
really \ldblquote something\rdblquote , if you understand it. Originally it was \par
a word of disrespect meaning "unwanted foreigner\rdblquote  \emdash  some\par
thing like our expression \ldblquote Damned Yankee\rdblquote  in our South\par
land. We often applied it humorously to ourselves and \par
found that this tickled our Mexican friends no end. They \par
are just about the most courteous and polite people on \par
earth and would never think of using such an offensive \par
word themselves. But whenever we referred to ourselves as \par
\ldblquote gringos\rdblquote , they usually joined heartily in the laughter that \par
followed. It often \ldblquote broke the ice\rdblquote  of the impeccable for\par
mality with which they often first meet visitors. But, where \par
were we? The Laredo Road! \par
We did not dash madly down that road seeing only the \par
pavement, the curve signs, and the speedometer \emdash  as most \par
North Americans do. Far from it. We just loafed along, and \par
we found the scenery beautiful, magnificent in fact. In\par
cidentally when you cross the border never refer to your\par
self as an \ldblquote American\rdblquote . You are a \ldblquote North American\rdblquote  \emdash  \par
because the people south of the border also belong to the \par
three Americas! Bryant had lived many places in Europe \par
and had travelled extensively, but he maintains that this \par
drive was one of the most beautiful mountain drives he \par
has even seen. No tourist guidebook or travelog has ever \par
done it justice. The sunshine, the profusion of color, the \par
white clouds in the blue sky and best of all the green moun\par
tains nearby backed up by endless towering peaks in the \par
distance were something to see and remember. We were \par
not even thinking of \ldblquote saucers\rdblquote . We had left them far be\par
hind back in the States. We were on a long vacation from \par
everything, including saucers. We were conscious only of \par
the grand sunshine, the beauty of our surroundings and the \par
fun of exploring a new country. As we drove through the \par
little town of Valles, little did we realize \emdash  well, later we \par
will tell you about that experience. \par
After four days of loafing and endless colored picture \par
shooting, the \ldblquote Green Indians\rdblquote  suddenly appeared ahead \par
of us. These are the imposing bronze statues, one on either \par
side of Highway No. 85, that silently tell the visitor that \par
he has finally arived at Mexico, D. F. We were just as sur\par
prised as many visitors, to learn that the name \ldblquote Mexico\rdblquote  is \par
applied to the capital city which is located in the Distrito \par
Federal as well as to the country itself. One can thus go to \par
Mexico when already in Mexico! \par
Disregarding all the warnings previously given us about \par
the dire necessity of turning the wheel over to experienced \par
Mexican drivers at the gates, we plunged forward into \par
Mexican traffic \emdash  like the proverbial fools who go where \par
angels don\rquote t. If we were to tell you about Mexican traffic, \par
you wouldn\rquote t believe it anyway \emdash  so why try? There is \par
only one way to find out about the \ldblquote Glorietas\rdblquote  and the \par
\ldblquote Topes\rdblquote  and how traffic moves in Mexico, D. F., and that \par
is to experience it yourself. How the Mexicans expect \par
any \ldblquote gringo\rdblquote  to find his way about with half the streets \par
named "Transito\rdblquote  is beyond us.* But we finally made it \par
and soon found a nice apartment on a street named for \par
the famous British Scientist \ldblquote Isaac Newton\rdblquote  \emdash  only they \par
pronounced it \ldblquote Eesak\rdblquote . There we were all set for a wonder\par
ful rest and vacation in fabulous Mexico Cityl Relaxation! \par
Wonderful word, grand idea \emdash  Relaxation! \par
\bullet\ldblquote Transito\rdblquote  or direction of traffic signs are often more prominent than \par
street names. \par
few weeks of loafing and bliss followed. But not for \par
long, for Helen came upon a Mexican newspaper,\par
that printed an article on \emdash  well you have probably \par
guessed it \emdash  on "Platillos Voladores\rdblquote  \emdash  the Spanish equiva\par
lent of flying saucers. Yes, alas the Mexicans also have a \par
name for itl \par
"Those blessed flyingthings down here,\rdblquote  I shouted. \par
\ldblquote What do they do \emdash  follow us around? Why don\rquote t they \par
leave us alonel We\rquote re on a vacation, aren\rquote t we?\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote Looks mighty interesting,\rdblquote  remarked Helen, "mighty \par
interesting. The article has some illustrations of saucers. \par
Wish I could read Spanish better. Wonder who wrote it \emdash  \par
ah, here it is \emdash  Senor Gebe \emdash  a Senor Gebe wrote itl\rdblquote  \par
About that time our door bell rang, and Helen rushed to \par
the balcony to see who it might be. It was "Joey\rdblquote , a fine \par
young Mexican lad, one of our fast growing circle of price\par
less friends in this amazing city. He spoke both Spanish and \par
English and was thus a great help to us. Helen threw the \par
frontdoor keys down to Joey from the balcony \emdash  a sort \par
of interesting SpanishAmerican custom that saves a four \par
story elevator trip. \par
\ldblquote Joey,\rdblquote  said Helen as he came in, \ldblquote did you ever hear of \par
\lquote flying saucers\rquote ?\rdblquote  Joey looked blank. "Platillos Voladores,\rdblquote  \par
persisted Helen in her best Spanish, which incidentally al\par
ways threw our most dignified Mexican friends into hys\par
terics. Joey still looked blank. \par
Helen then waved the newspaper at him and asked him \par
to translate the article by Senor Gebe on \ldblquote Platillos Vola\par
dores\rdblquote . Joey politely did the translating, but to him it \par
obviously was nothing but inconsequential sciencefiction. \par
Why any North American bothered about such stuff was \par
evidently beyond him. \par
Then it happened \emdash  one of those innocent little things \par
\emdash  based on sudden impulse. Before I could stop her, Helen \par
was at our telephone trying in a horrible mixture of Span\par
ish and English to contact an unknown Mexican by the \par
name of \ldblquote Senor Gebe\rdblquote . \par
Totally unaware of what portentous things lay ahead, \par
I was idly listening in, rather amused and enjoying the lan\par
guage difficulties. The voice on the other end of the line \par
never heard of Mr. Gebe! \par
'Well, who wrote the article in your paper? Somebody \par
must have written it \emdash  it is signed by Senor Gebe!\rdblquote  Helen \par
was getting a little out of patience. \par
The voice on the other end suddenly became alive and \par
remembered the article. It was the editor himself who \par
wrote it! But his name was not \ldblquote Gebe\rdblquote . Those were just \par
his initials: \ldblquote G.B.\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote Then may I speak to Senor G.B.?\rdblquote  persisted Helen. \par
My friends, that did it. That innocent appearing little \par
telephone call. We did not know it then, but it was destin\par
ed to change the whole course of human events for us. \par
Gone was our vacation. Gone were our loafing and our \par
resting. It started a chainreaction of fantastic events that \par
were about to catch us up in a giddy whirl of Mexican \par
Flying Saucer activities that would make our Detroit experi\par
ences look like slow motion. \par
It seemed only minutes to us before Senor Gebe himself \par
was at our apartment discussing \ldblquote Platillos Voladores\rdblquote  in \par
an excited mixture of two languages. I often wondered how \par
he got there so fast without teleportation! He was deadly \par
serious about the saucer subject, which really did amaze \par
our friend Joey. Senor Gebe is a grand soul, and we even\par
tually became closely associated with him in many a flying \par
saucer adventure in Mexico. We also enjoyed knowing his \par
wonderful family. \par
Helen presented him with enough saucer material to \par
keep his newspaper busy for weeks to come, and when he \par
discovered that we had tape recordings of saucer lectures \par
by Adamski, Williamson and others, he insisted that there \par
were hundreds of people in Mexico who would want to \par
hear them. His predictions turned out to be an under\par
statement, as rapidly unfolding events were soon to indi\par
cate. \par
Senor Gebe\rquote s weekly articles on saucers created consider\par
able interest in Mexico City, and other newspapers began \par
writing on the subject. Before we left the country, six \par
months later, practically all the metropolitan dailies were \par
carrying saucer articles, and since our departure a letter \par
from our little friend Joey tells us that a new popular song \par
a Mombo \emdash  is all the rage there entitled The Martians \par
Are Coming. When we first arrived in the capital we \par
could not find a single saucer book in Spanish, and the \par
LeslieAdamski book in English was difficult to obtain. \par
Gradually, however, this situation changed. A Spanish \par
edition of this book was brought out during our stay, and \par
many books on saucers in English began to appear in the \par
book stores. \par
The strange unwritten censorship or apathy that we felt \par
in the States was not nearly as much in evidence South of \par
the Border. In fact in South America, during November \par
of 1954 the Brazilian Air Force held a veritable saucer \par
convention with discussions, photographs and reports well \par
publicized. But let us tell you what happened in our apart\par
ment in Mexico, D. F. It gradually became an unofficial \par
headquarters for saucer interest in the capital. We first \par
played tapes of saucer lectures and then were requested to \par
give lectures ourselves. These lectures were given in English \par
but were always interpreted for the benefit of those in the \par
audience who understood only Spanish. Our library of sauc\par
er books were avidly sought after by many people who were \par
actually hungry to learn more about this great subject, and \par
we had a waiting list of those desiring books. Our acquain\par
tance grew by leaps and bounds. We could hardly keep up \par
with the social engagements and commitments that de\par
veloped from this interest in spacecraft and spacebeings. \par
Talk about \ldblquote Cafe Society\rquote\rquote  in the Mexican capital, it was \par
not onetwothree compared to the new and exciting \ldblquote Fly\par
ing Saucer Social Season\rdblquote  that was gaining momentum all \par
the time. It was nothing for us to have a saucer meeting \par
with twenty or thirty guests in our apartment during the \par
day, and then be invited to a charming Mexican residence \par
for an evening of discussion on the same subject. Many \par
people were sincerely interested in these objects visiting \par
our skies. \par
May we say that the people we thus met were wonderful. \par
There was a large Mexican contingent which included such \par
people as doctors, lawyers, newspapermen, engineers, sci. \par
entists, artists, authors and military men \emdash  yes, even a General. \par
We feel we must also mention our good friend Colonel \ldblquote B\rdblquote  \par
of the Mexican Air Force who was the Mexican \par
authority on flying saucer phenomena. Keen, witty, agree\par
able, ever alert for new information, he was a most wel\par
come visitor. We were able to trade saucer information with \par
him on numerous occasions for we were still in direct cor\par
respondence with many leading saucerers. When Colonel \par
B could not come himself, he often sent a representative. \par
Please note that these officers were not sneering at flying \par
saucers nor were they muzzled. Far from it. They were \par
fully cognizant of the existence of spaceships and were \par
leaving no stone unturned to learn all they could about \par
them. Many fine, highlyeducated and distinguished people \par
came to our saucer meetings or invited us to contribute to \par
their own meetings. Then there was a sizeable English \par
speaking contingent also and a group of North American \par
students mostly from Mexico City College where many \par
classes are held in English. Mexico is sort of a crossroads \par
leading to both North and South America. It was thus a \par
fascinating and cosmopolitan activity \emdash  this saucer business \par
South of the Border. \par
Please do not think for one moment that the contribu\par
tions were all from our side. Far from it. We met an amazing number \par
of conservative and established people who had \par
experienced remarkable saucer sightings. Men, women and \par
young people started coming to us from all walks of life \par
to tell us of their sightings. In fact one young Mexican \par
arrived on a bicycle at six o\rquote clock one morning at our apart\par
ment to tell us about his particular sighting. Please note \par
that these saucerers could only be found when some sympa\par
thetic group of individuals got together and began to give \par
a little publicity to the saucers on something besides a scorn\par
ful basis. We soon learned from actual experience that such \par
groups became veritable magnets and began to attract the \par
\ldblquote Saucerers\rdblquote  that the world as a whole knows nothing about. \par
We coined a name for these unknown people with saucer \par
experiences. We call them the \ldblquote unknown saucerers\rdblquote . We \par
found them everywhere we went. Natural shyness, modesty \par
or fear of ridicule or worse, often hold them back from tell\par
ing their stories. But once they know that someone \ldblquote be\par
lieves\rdblquote  in saucers and can be trusted, they will tell freely \par
of their experiences. We believe this is a point well worth \par
noting by sincere students of this subject. If we ourselves \par
were able to find these unknown saucerers wherever we \par
went, what about the number there must be all around \par
the world! It seems to us a shame that the world does \par
not have a great unprejudiced international clearinghouse \par
for this type of information which could act as a magnet \par
for international information on sightings and contacts. \par
We must emphasize again and again the necessity for a \par
sympathetic approach if any real good is to result. Possibly \par
such a bureau could be established within the framework of \par
the United Nations. \par
As previously stated, it is not our purpose to catalog saucer \par
sightings in this book, especially those which have not been \par
carefully verified. However, there is one sighting we learn\par
ed about in Mexico which took place while we were there, \par
and for a good reason we would like to mention it. It was \par
reported as occurring near the town of Chilpancingo about \par
180 miles south of Mexico City on the road to Acapulco. \par
The report stated that a group of primitive Mexican In\par
dians, living some kilometers from town, had seen a space\par
ship land and had watched several persons get out of it and \par
gather up samples of vegetation and soil. Incidentally such \par
gathering of vegetation and soil by spacemen is nothing \par
new in the accounts of sightings both ancient and modern, \par
as many students of this subject will realize. We wanted to \par
investigate this particular report very much and so did some \par
of our Mexican friends, but with the pressure of other ac\par
tivities we never got around to it. What we want to es\par
pecially mention is that the Indians called the saucer a \par
\ldblquote Flying Tortilla\rdblquote l Anyone who understands the Mexican \par
\ldblquote Tortilla\rdblquote , which is like a flat cornmeal pancake often pat\par
ted flat with the hands and the part it plays as the \ldblquote staff \par
of life\rdblquote  to the humble people of that great land, will ap\par
preciate the name \ldblquote Flying Tortilla\rdblquote . Of all the \ldblquote grass root\rdblquote  \par
names to apply to a spacecraft we think it takes the prize. \par
We never have liked the name \ldblquote flying saucer\rdblquote  anyway. \par
Maybe we should seriously consider the term \ldblquote Flying Tor\par
tilla\rdblquote ! \par
Possibly we have given the false impression that all of \par
Mexico was interested in saucers. This was not the case, for \par
we did run into our share of skeptics. We lived through \par
some tough sessions as well as some friendly ones. We par\par
ticularly recall one occasion when a group of astronomy stu\par
dents invaded our apartment accompanied by their teacher.\par
 They came primed for battle and evidently hoped they \par
had enough booklearning so that they would be able to \par
discount the whole phenomena. They brought their text\par
books along to \ldblquote prove\rdblquote  such things simply could not be. \par
Fortunately, we had one staunch ally present, our inter\par
preter. As the discussion got underway, it began to gather \par
momentum. If we had understood more Spanish we could \par
have done battle more effectively. As it was, about the only \par
Spanish words we could catch were \ldblquote absurd! impossible! \par
absurd! impossible!\rdblquote  \emdash  repeated so often they became mo\par
notonous. If you want to have fun sometime, just try \par
arguing about flying saucers in a foreign country through \par
an interpreter! But these people were sincere, and after \par
all the saucer phenomena constitute a terrific upset to or\par
thodox knowledge. \par
We also ran into our share of downright fanatics about \par
the same as we had back home. After one particularly try\par
ing session with an outstanding example, I sank back ex\par
hausted into an easy chair and asked Helen why it was \par
that we always seemed to meet more than our share of \par
\ldblquote screwballs\rdblquote . \par
There s an unseen law, she replied without hesitating \par
which states that Like attracts like*, and you know the \par
saying \emdash  \lquote It takes one to know one\rquote !\rdblquote  As time goes on I \par
may inadvertently lead with my chin\rdblquote  on other issues, but \par
never again on that one! Experience is a great teacher. \par
On December 16, 1954, we were reading the newspapers \par
of Mexico, D. F. They contained dispatches of a White \par
House Press Conference held the day before in which \par
a reporter asked President Eisenhower a direct question \par
regarding flying saucers. The reply was along the follow\par
ing lines: \par
With regard to these recent reports (of saucers) nothing \par
had come to him at all either verbally or in written form. \par
When he went back far enough the last time he had \par
heard this talk \emdash  a man whom he trusted from the Air \par
Force said, \ldblquote It was completely inaccurate to believe that \par
they came from any outside place or planet\rdblquote . \par
The dispatches also mentioned that Secretary of Defense \par
Wilson referred to them as being too \ldblquote dreamy\rdblquote  to discuss. \par
May we state that we doubt if any other U. S. citizens have \par
any greater respect and admiration for these two public \par
officials than we do. In fact we regard our President as the \par
greatest man who has occupied that office since Washington \par
or Lincoln. We are grateful for his great services to the \par
U. S. A. and to the world, and we hope we realize at least \par
a little of the sacrifices, the responsibilities and problems \par
of his office. So we trust that nothing we have done, or \par
are about to say, will be considered in anyway as a criti\par
cism of so great a soul. \par
But we do claim the privilege as free citizens of a free \par
country to state our loathing for our defense department\rquote s \par
\ldblquote policy\rdblquote  on the flying saucer phenomena. We think it is \par
wrong. We think it is hurting the U. S. A., that it is an \par
unworthy policy, and that it is hurting us in the eyes of \par
the whole world. Also we have always felt that a matter of \par
such cosmic import should never be relegated to our de\par
fense department alone. These dispatches confirmed our \par
feeling along this line, so as free citizens of a free country \par
we marched as a twocitizen protestcommittee to the Mex\par
ican Telegraph office and spent fiftytwo pesos and fifty\par
five centavos on the following telegram to President Eisen\par
hower: \par
December 16, 1954.\par
REPORT. \par
(Signed) Bryant & Helen Reeve \par
U. S. Citizens.\par
Needless to say we did not receive a reply \emdash  no, not even \par
from the White House janitorl \par
his leads us to a discussion of national governments \par
and their attitudes toward the flying saucer phenomena. Of all the questions asked us, one of the \par
most common has been, \ldblquote Why don\rquote t the great national \par
governments of the world openly acknowledge flying sauc\par
ers and tell the people what they know about them?\rdblquote  Cer\par
tainly this is a reasonable, natural and legitimate question, \par
and it deserves a great measure of intelligent consideration. \par
May we say at the start that some governments and some \par
nations are far more open in regard to flying saucers than \par
others. Canada, England, and some countries \ldblquote south of \par
the border\rdblquote  are among those more openly interested in the \par
subject. As stated before, the Brazilian Air Force held a \par
convention on flying saucers in 1954. Outside of the dicta\par
torships, the greatest official secrecy seems to us to exist in \par
the United States of America, which oddly enough is sup\par
posed to be the most democratic nation on earth. \par
What is back of official secrecy in national governments? \par
We diligently made a \ldblquote collection of reasons\rdblquote  during our \par
pilgrimage gathered from many sources, including talks \par
with saucerers, professional men, educators, military men, \par
government officials, diplomats and just ordinary people. \par
Incidentally, whenever we found a well informed individual \par
or group, all of them without exception were convinced \par
that the governments know far more than they are giving \par
out \emdash  far more, in fact, than most individuals know about \par
the subject. This seemed possible to us because a govern \par
ment ordinarily has more sources of information than an) \par
individual. Part of our \ldblquote collection of reasons\rdblquote  is as follows: \par
48 \par
1. They \emdash  the governments \emdash  are afraid. \par
2. Flying saucers and their implications are a threat to \par
the unrestrained \ldblquote sovereignty\rdblquote  of any government on earth. \par
3. The saucers represent a superpower in our skies, a \par
ceiling on earthman\rquote s \ldblquote freewill\rdblquote , and his sadistic and \par
destructive tendencies. Other worlds and other beings of \par
vastly greater intelligence are now watching our every \par
move. What government dares to tell this to its people? \par
4. If a government, by suppressing the truth, can make its \par
\ldblquote enemies\rdblquote  think that saucers are their own secret missiles, \par
it might be able to gain a point of military advantage. \par
5. If a government by suppressing the truth can gain time \par
to duplicate flying saucers before its enemies can, it could \par
rule the world. It might even be able to carry war into our \par
solar system and conquer and enslave some of the inhabi\par
tants of outerspace. \par
6. The governments are afraid to tell the people because \par
the people \ldblquote the masses\rdblquote  are uneducated and ignorant and \par
would probably panic. They recall the near panic in the \par
U. S. A. which occurred when actor Orson Welles put on \par
his famous radio broadcast of a fictitious invasion from \par
Mars on the night of October 30, 1938. \par
7. The observed behavior of saucers (and spacebeings) \par
indicates that they represent more than a physical or hu\par
man phenomenon \emdash  they have a physical aspect and a supra\par
physical aspect. To admit this \ldblquote officially\rdblquote  is \ldblquote simply im\par
possible\rdblquote  at this time. \par
8. The people have to be conditioned for the truth about \par
saucers because the truth is so transcendental. Therefore \par
let the \ldblquote little people\rdblquote  \emdash  the saucerers, the moving picture \par
producers, the spacefiction writers, and space comicartists, \par
do the educating and the conditioning. When the time is \par
ripe, then and then only release \ldblquote official\rdblquote  information. \par
9. The governments have a shrewd policy: make the \par
saucers as controversial as possible. Encourage, then deny. \par
49 \par
Blow hot, blow cold, but keep blowing. Stir up argument \par
and controversy \emdash  the more the better. It is the best way \par
of educating the people before official announcements can \par
be made. \par
10. The governments do not know enough about saucers \par
yet to make any kind of an official announcement. They \par
are puzzled and doubtful. Therefore they should keep in\par
vestigating secretly until enough certainty is developed \par
upon which official announcements can be made. \par
11. It would be bad economic policy to let the people \par
know about flying saucers because the spacebeings have \par
solved their economic problems but our world is controlled \par
by \ldblquote moneyed interests\rdblquote  which wish to hang on to the status \par
quo here on earth because it is \ldblquote profitable\rdblquote . \par
12. \ldblquote Security Reasons\rdblquote  \emdash  mysterious, unsubstantiated, un\par
explained, but presumably enough said. \par
13. The governments are secretly hoping that the annoy\par
ing flying saucers will go away and leave them to their own \par
devices. \par
Many people seem to be looking for just one big simple \par
reason to explain all the secrecy. Which of the reasons \par
given is correct, they ask. We doubt if any one reason ex\par
plains the entire situation. Different nations have different \par
reasons which, to those in authority, naturally seem good \par
and sufficient. We believe that all the reasons given contain \par
at least part of the truth, some of course more than others. \par
Some obviously apply to dictatorships and some to democ\par
racies. We have given you a basketful of reasons. Dip in, \par
and help yourself! \par
You may ask: \ldblquote How do I know that these reasons are \par
\lquote official\rquote ? \par
There we have it \emdash  that insistence which many people \par
demand for \ldblquote authority\rdblquote  outside of themselves. Their own \par
mind, their own ability to think, to reason, to investigate, to \par
know, is never enough! They always depend on others to \par
tell them. Nothing can ever be true unless some outside au\par
thority \emdash  some government, some university, some profes\par
sor, some church, some minister or priest says: \ldblquote That is it!\rdblquote  \par
All the while they do not see that we are dealing with a \par
subject so new, so outinfront, that even \ldblquote eminent author\par
ities\rdblquote  cannot give us the answers we would like. We our\par
selves discovered some time back that if you want the truth \par
about flying saucers, you have to get busy and find it out \par
for yourself! \par
One of our acquaintances stated that he was a U. S. citi\par
zen by birth and questioned why the U. S. did not take the \par
world lead in this saucer phenomenon. He did not like the \par
policy of secrecy and wondered why anything had to be \par
hidden. \par
We were amazed that we had actually run into one U. S. \par
citizen with the fortitude to say he did not like the present \par
U. S. policy of secrecy on flying saucers, and suggested that \par
perhaps we should compile a list of reasons as to why the \par
secret policy should be abandoned. A sort of \ldblquote Saucer Bill\par
ofRights\rdblquote  for the American citizen should be developed! \par
The following nine reasons were thus developed with \par
his help as to why the U. S. A. at least should change its \par
policy of saucer secrecy: \par
1. The U. S. Government has as yet never even made an \par
adequate public acknowledgment that the flying saucer \par
phenomenon even exists. The entire matter has been left \par
to defense officials whose hostility, evasive tactics and public \par
doubletalk have branded them as the wrong people to \par
handle so cosmic and transcendental a phenomenon. \par
2. The whole approach of the U. S. Government to this \par
phenomenon is inadequate, and its failure to recognize the \par
interest of the American people in it and their constitu\par
tional right to know about it through adequate government \par
action is to be deplored. \par
3. The little that has been done, instead of being shared \par
with the American people as is their constitutional right, \par
has been on a secretive basis \emdash  another indication of a \par
frightening modern tendency toward growing \ldblquote secrecy\rdblquote  in \par
our American Government. \par
4. Secrecy in government is abhorrent in our democracy, \par
a violation of the very principles upon which it was founded. \par
Secrecy is creeping into our institutions through defense \par
measures to a point where \ldblquote classified and topsecret\rdblquote  infor\par
mation is now considered as \ldblquote normal\rdblquote . The insidious effect \par
of this growing secrecy upon our democracy goes on almost \par
unchallenged. \par
5. It is high time that our government officials, includ\par
ing our military leaders and atom bomb scientists, be re\par
minded that they are still \ldblquote servants\rdblquote  of the people. \par
6. The saucer situation is a reminder to us of this grow\par
ing tendency on the part of public officials, once they are \par
elected by the people, to immediately \ldblquote look down\rdblquote  upon \par
the electorate as ignorant masses who cannot stand the \par
truth about anything. They then set themselves up as self\par
constituted judges of what the people should or should not \par
be told. \par
7. The saucer situation is another indication that every \par
year a greater wedge is being driven by these mistaken gov\par
ernmental policies of secrecy between the American people \par
on the onehand and government officials and scientists \par
on the other hand. We are rapidly getting into a frightfully \par
dangerous situation where our population falls into two \par
classes: a small group of knowitalls who govern and de\par
cide everything, and a large \ldblquote mass\rdblquote  of people who are kept \par
in ignorance or semiignorance of what goes on behind \par
the scenes. This is not democracy, and it is not in keeping \par
with the principles on which this nation was founded. \par
8. The very \ldblquote psychology\rdblquote  of saucer secrecy is wrong. If \par
there is anything that separates a people from a government, \par
it is \ldblquote official secrets\rdblquote . It means the people are no longer a \par
real part of the government. \par
9. It has been said that U. S. defense officials are afraid \par
the American people will panic if the truth about saucers \par
is released. They remember the Orson Welles affair. What \par
a slur this is on the integrity, stamina and courage of a \par
mighty people. What a false psychology! It is this very \par
policy of secrecy which in itself breeds fear, foreboding and \par
distrust of government in the hearts of the people. \par
We also sat down and endeavored to outline a more con\par
structive governmental program as follows: \par
1. Let the U. S. A. acknowledge the saucer phenomena to \par
the American people and to the world. That alone would \par
be a tremendous forward step and a welcome clearing of \par
the atmosphere. \par
2. Completely reverse the stupid policy of hushhush, \par
doubletalk and hot and cold. Get rid of the insidious se\par
crecy and evasion. Give up the idea that public officials \par
are Godappointed judges of what the people should or \par
should not know. Get back to a true psychology \emdash  that of \par
mutual confidence and trust between the government and \par
the people. Get back to fundamentals \emdash  a government of \par
the people, by the people and for the people. Get back to \par
the idea that government officials are servants of the people \par
\emdash  all the way through, even the gentlemen in the defense \par
department and the scientists. \par
3. Take the handling of the U. S. Government saucer \par
program and its infinite cosmic implications out of the \par
hands of the military. They have shown themselves incap\par
able of anything but cheap and ridiculous \ldblquote evasive ac\par
tion\rdblquote . It does not belong in their basket. It is far too big \par
for them. Let them retain whatever participation they \par
need for \ldblquote defense\rdblquote , but get the whole program out of the \par
limitations of the defense department. \par
4. In the name of democracy, establish a new U. S. Gov\par
ernment commission adequately constituted to represent \par
and report to the American People on this terrific phenomenon. \par
Make this commission adequate to take the \par
world leadership in this field. Make the personnel of this \par
commission representative of all groups of people and sym\par
pathetic to the phenomenon. Then and then alone will \par
we begin to get results. \par
5. Here are some of the things a new and adequate U. S. \par
Flying Saucer Commission could do: \par
a. Obtain all the files of the \ldblquote secret\rdblquote  investigations and \par
data that have thus far been hidden from the public. \par
In an orderly and nonfrightening manner, make a \par
sensible release of this information to the public. \par
Out with it, and never fear the consequences. The \par
American people will welcome it. \par
b. For the first time in history tell the public the truth \par
about flying saucers \emdash  including the truth about any \par
that crashed to earth, about Hanger 27, Muroc Air \par
Base, and many other things. Report the truth to \par
the people. \par
c. Publicly encourage people everywhere to report all \par
possible saucer information to this new commission \par
as a public clearinghouse for accurate saucer infor\par
mation. From our own experience we know that \par
world wide information would flow to it like a mag\par
net. Report findings to the people. \par
d. Take the restrictions off private and commercial \par
pilots and Air Force personnel, and bring forth their \par
saucersightings and experiences to the public. \par
e. Encourage universities and astronomical laboratories \par
to develop new equipment to help unravel the mys\par
teries of outerspace. Stop the secrecy in these insti\par
tutions. Also give their saucer photographs and data \par
to the American people. \par
f. Encourage all possible channels of communication \par
and contact with spacepeople, not neglecting tele\par
pathy, E. S. P. (Extrasensory Perception) and other \par
methods. Get the radio \ldblquote Hams\rdblquote  going fullblast \emdash  \par
and see what they turn up. Get back to audience \par
participation \emdash  i.e. public participation in this great \par
adventure. Report to the people. \par
g. Give official encouragement to saucer clubs, saucer \par
lectures, and other saucer activities. \par
h. Speed up our efforts to get to the moon first. Give \par
heed to some of the telepathic and E.S.P. messages \par
for needed knowledge on all the factors involved. \par
The conquest of outerspace is very important for \par
our future, and the nation that is progressive enough \par
to prove out new sources of cosmic information is \par
the nation that will get there first! \par
Would it not be an historic travesty if someday history had \par
to record the incredible fact that \ldblquote America \emdash  the land of \par
the free and the home of the brave\rdblquote  \emdash  had muffed this great \par
cosmic opportunity to lead the world into the knowledge of, \par
and participation in, a community of planets and a magnif\par
icent interplanetary civilization! Wake up American Citi\par
zens. Wake up! \par
Salvador Villanueva Medina. \par
I t was 7 p.m. on January 7, 1955. We were gathered to\par
gether in the Old Colonia San Pedro section of Mexico \par
City at Calle Cinco No. 10. \ldblquote We\rdblquote  included an audience \par
of over two hundred Mexicans and friends \emdash  gathered in \par
expectation of hearing a lecture on flying saucers. The \par
lecturer, my husband Bryant, was sitting on the platform \par
with a blackboard behind him which he had requested. \par
Senor \ldblquote Gebe\rdblquote , the newspaper editor had sponsored the \par
meeting, and there were a number of distinguished guests \par
present. It was a gala occasion \emdash  the first effort in Mexico \par
City toward the formation of a Flying Saucer Organization. \par
Senor \ldblquote Gebe\rdblquote  started the meeting by introducing a series \par
of guests who told of interesting saucer sightings in and \par
around Mexico City. He then introduced Bryant, who \par
got his lecture off to a good start by stating phrases in Eng\par
lish, which would then instantly be translated into Span\par
ish by an excellent interpreter. Then would follow an\par
other phrase of English and another lightninglike transla\par
tion. It was going nicely, and the audience was listening in \par
rapt attention. \par
After certain presentations Bryant came to a pause, and \par
with everyone thus alerted, he asked the audience rather \par
dramatically, \ldblquote Has anyone present ever seen a spaceman? \par
Please raise your hands!\rdblquote  \par
Now I knew that Bryant intended this merely as a sort of \par
rhetorical question and that he expected to go on and say \par
something like: \ldblquote Well, just look at your neighbor \emdash  we are \par
all spacepeople, we live on a spaceship ourselves called the \par
earth.\rdblquote  Then he would develop the theme that the earth \par
itself is a type of spaceship. \par
56 \par
One of the Mexican newspapers reported the incident \par
the next day, stating that, \ldblquote Shocked silence absolute si\par
lence \emdash  followed this part of the lecture.\rdblquote  \par
It surely did, and Bryant seemed to be enjoying the ef\par
fect. The pause was quite long. He was just about to con\par
tinue when, believe it or not, a man way in the backrow \par
near the door got to his feet and raised his hand! \par
Bryant was petrified, frozen. His face registered a mixture \par
of shocked surprise, incredulity, whattodo, and the idea \par
that anything could happen in Mexico! \par
The audience saw the raised hand and the meeting im\par
mediately broke into a veritable bedlam. \par
Bryant looked at Senor \ldblquote Gebe\rdblquote  who shook his head in \par
bewilderment. They conferred and decided it was danger\par
ous to let the man speak \emdash  as his claim of seeing a space\par
man might be just a hoax. It was quite a difficult situation. \par
By that time, however, members of the audience were \par
standing on chairs, shouting demands that the man be \par
heard. The man was pushed forward to the platform, and \par
Senor \ldblquote Gebe\rdblquote  gave him a seat and motioned to Bryant to \par
continue the lecture. Bryant tried, but it was impossible \par
for the clamor for the other man to speak was irresistible. \par
Finally Senor Gebe\rdblquote  did the only thing possible under the \par
circumstances to quiet the audience. He permitted this \par
earthman who had stated he had seen a spaceman to speak \par
to the audience. \par
That, my friends, was our unconventional and exciting \par
introduction to a remarkable Mexican who was later to be \par
known to many as the \ldblquote Mexican Adamski\rdblquote . He was a \par
chauffeur named Salvador Villanueva Medina, and he \par
told an amazing story of sitting up most of one night with \par
two men from outerspace in a broken down automobile \par
some three hundred miles north of Mexico City on the \par
Laredo Road in August of 1953. We could see that his ac\par
count made a deep impression on the audience. It was all \par
in Spanish, and our interpreter was so interested himself \par
that he did not give much of it to us in English. Finally \par
the man finished and was roundly applauded. \par
Bryant closed the lecture \emdash  the high point, however, being \par
the account given by the Mexican chauffeur. \par
Salvador Villanueva Medina\rquote s experience caused quite \par
a sensation among those interested in saucers. Many Mex\par
icans had been complaining that the space brothers seemed \par
to be landing everywhere but in Mexico. Here was much \par
more than a saucer sighting. Here was an actual \ldblquote contact\rdblquote  \par
with spacepeople right in Mexico. It is one thing to discuss \par
\ldblquote contacts\rdblquote  in far off countries, but it is another to find \par
that people in your own community are having such ex\par
periences right \ldblquote at home\rdblquote . Here was Mexico\rquote s opportunity \par
for its own \ldblquote Adamski\rdblquote . But, of course, the experience had \par
to be investigated and checked. There were as always plen\par
ty of skeptics. Many people were asking a very pertinent \par
question, \ldblquote Why did the chauffeur keep this terrific experi\par
ence to himself for almost seventeen months? Why had he \par
not told about it before?\rdblquote  \par
His reply to this was that he had told certain people about \par
it right after it occurred and had been completely rebuffed. \par
He told his wife, and they agreed that for the sake of his \par
job it was necessary to keep it quiet. \par
The story intrigued us so much that we had many ses\par
sions with Senor \ldblquote Gebe\rdblquote  and the chauffeur at which we dis\par
cussed his experience thoroughly. A written transcript of \par
his story was made in great detail. We became well acquaint\par
ed with him and at his request called him \ldblquote Salvador\rdblquote . We \par
trust he will not mind if we call him by that name in this \par
account of our experiences together. We longed to know \par
the truth ourselves and all the minute incidents connected \par
with this contact, and so did Senor \ldblquote Gebe\rdblquote . We all realized \par
there were no witnesses, but we had slowly learned that \par
only a few people contacted in recent times in all the world \par
had any witnesses. Any researcher has to recognize this \par
situation. Please remember we have been private saucer \par
investigators \emdash  nothing more. There has never been any\par
thing \ldblquote official\rdblquote  whatsoever in our investigations. Our \par
policy in such matters has been to \ldblquote live with\rdblquote  the people \par
having the saucer experiences so that we could get the \par
\ldblquote feel\rdblquote  of them ourselves and make up our own minds. Con\par
vincing others has never been our goal. We wanted to con\par
vince ourselves one way or another. We were just as de\par
sirous of disproving this contact as we were of proving it. \par
We discussed with Senor \ldblquote Gebe\rdblquote  the possibility of his get\par
ting the chauffeur off from work for three or four days and \par
our driving to the town of Valles, near which the encounter \par
took place, in order to make a careful investigation. He \par
thought this was a good idea and it was eventually arranged. \par
Meanwhile we did everything possible to find out what we \par
could about Salvador and his background and to get the \par
account of his contact written down. \par
Salvador himself is a fairly young Mexican of humble \par
status. He is short, stocky and has dark black hair. He has \par
not been blessed with much schooling or education. He is \par
married and has a fine family of seven children, whom he \par
supports by his work as a chauffeur and taxidriver. Per\par
sonally, we found him very likeable and discovered that \par
he had a good sense of humor. His face shows character and \par
one can fairly feel his honesty and sincerity. His humility \par
made an impression upon us no boastfulness or bombast \par
at all, but rather a \ldblquote why was I worthy of it\rdblquote  attitude. One \par
outstanding characteristic is his excellent \ldblquote photographic\rdblquote  \par
memory, together with really exceptional powers of ob\par
servation, down to minute details. He is a very religious \par
and pious soul and does not drink any intoxicants. We \par
became friends. \par
His remarkable experience in condensed form is hereby \par
presented just as we obtained it from him but translated \par
rather freely into English. \par
59 \par
On the 20th of August, 1953 about 9 p.m. I was covering \par
my taxi route (in Mexico City) in which work I have been \par
engaged since 1931. I picked up as passengers two Texans \par
a man and his wife. He was approximately fifty years old, \par
had grayish hair, was slender and tall. She was a little \par
shorter than he and seemed about forty years of age. I \par
picked them up in the Zocalo to take them to the Oxford \par
Hotel. During the ride he asked me to recommend a chauf\par
feur to drive their automobile to Laredo, which was then \par
in a repair shop undergoing a checkup following an ac\par
cident. \par
As I was interested in such work, I returned to see them \par
the following day at 10 a.m. We picked up their automobile \par
which was a 1952 Buick. The rest of the day I drove them \par
to various places. They paid me and then hired me to \par
drive them to Laredo starting at 9 a.m. the following day. \par
The next day after they had done some shopping we \par
started for Laredo driving at a speed of sixty to seventy miles \par
per hour. Beyond Valles the gear box (differential) devel\par
oped trouble, and we had to stop on the side of the road. \par
It was late afternoon. The North Americans decided to go \par
back to town and get a mechanic. They hailed a passing car \par
and told me to wait and watch their car. \par
I decided to raise the car with a jack as I wanted to see \par
if I could fix it before my clients returned. It was begin\par
ning to get dark. Only two or three cars passed. I was very \par
solitary. \par
All of a sudden I heard someone coming near me. I could \par
hear footsteps. I looked out from underneath the car \par
and I saw two legs in front of me. The legs were covered \par
with trousers of a material like corduroy. I felt fear and \par
got out from under the car. \par
A man with a very white face was before me. He was \par
dressed in a one piece garment of a corduroy like material \par
which covered even his feet. It was tight at the ankles, cuffs \par
and neck, but was loose elsewhere giving the appearance \par
of being elastic. Around his waist he wore a thick belt \par
about three inches wide of a bluish color. The strange \par
thing about the belt was that it had holes in it, and the holes \par
would light up little by little as if they had electric lights \par
inside. Under his arm was a helmet, like those used by \par
football players, but from the ear pieces ran fine wires. He \par
had fine features and a penetrating look. No beard. His \par
hair was fine, wavy, grey and reached his shoulders. He \par
seemed about four feet tall and to weigh about 110 pounds. \par
I was afraid and was trembling inside. He asked me twice \par
in correct Spanish what was wrong with my car. I could \par
not answer because I was frightened and was watching him \par
closely. \par
\ldblquote Can\rquote t you talk?\rdblquote  the stranger then asked. \par
\ldblquote Yes,\rdblquote  I finally responded, and the only thing I could \par
think to say was, \ldblquote Are you an aviator?\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote Yes,\rdblquote  he replied. \ldblquote My machine which you people call \par
an airplane is there \emdash  and he pointed in the direction of \par
a little mound in front of us. \par
\ldblquote You are not from Mexico?\rdblquote  I then asked. \par
No, he said, I come from a place at much space.\rdblquote  (lit\par
eral translation). \par
The word \ldblquote space\rdblquote  caught my attention, but it never oc\par
curred to me then to think of other planets but only of \par
other countries. \par
I invited him to get into the car as it was almost dark, but \par
his belt began to send out luminous flashes and I noticed a \par
buzzing sound coming from it. He put on his helmet, rais\par
ed his arm in a parting gesture, and walked away toward \par
the hill leaving me alone. At about 200 meters I could \par
stdl see his belt lights twinkling like fireflies. I stood next \par
to the car watching until he was out of sight. \par
I removed the jack from underneath the car. Two motor\par
cycle officers came by and made me move the car off the \par
road. Then I got inside the car and tried to sleep. Occa\par
sional cars would come by and wake me up. Later I was \par
aroused by some strong knocks on the car window. I saw \par
two people standing near the car and thought they were \par
the owners of the automobile. My surprise was great when \par
I saw it was my aviator friend, but this time he was ac\par
companied by another taller person but with the same kind \par
of uniform. \par
Without thinking I asked them to come into the car, \par
which they did. The small one sat next to me, then the \par
taller one. I turned my back toward the door so as to \par
observe them every time a car passed by. Then it occurred \par
to me to turn on the dome light. I did so and could see \par
the interest with which the taller of them was observing me. \par
His skin was also very white. \par
A nervous trembling started to invade me. \ldblquote Are you Eu\par
ropeans?\rdblquote  I finally dared ask. \par
The smaller one answered that they came from another \par
place far more distant. \par
\ldblquote Our place,\rdblquote  he said, \ldblquote is much more inhabited than this. \par
There you do not find much room between people and people.\rdblquote  \par
Then he began to talk quite freely, but the taller one \par
limited himself to nodding his head in acknowledgment. \par
The smaller one told that in his place the towns covered \par
everything. There were no uninhabited areas, and the \par
streets were continuous. The people did not walk on the \par
streets because they were metallic and from them their ve\par
hicles took their power. There was a great quantity of \par
vehicles of great diversity, but they never used any kind \par
of fuel. Streets never crossed at the same level. Some had \par
sidewalks made of endless bands (belts) running in oppo\par
site directions. \par
I asked about vegetables, fruits and cereals such as we \par
eat. He answered that all the houses had little patios in \par
the center where there was a garden and a well. They pro\par
duced all the food they needed \emdash  everything and much \par
more than we on earth eat was produced in these interior \par
patios. He added that they did not have big trees. They did \par
not have tall buildings. In a street block they had contin\par
uous buildings. \par
62 \par
I asked if they had any oceans or seas. He said \ldblquote Yes\rdblquote  and \par
that everything was inhabited. I asked him if they had \par
no fuels, how was power generated. He told me that ener\par
gy was generated in productive centers which took advantage \par
of inexhaustible solar rays. \par
The conversation went on for hours. Sometimes I felt \par
they were joking. Being a man without much schooling I \par
had never heard of anything like this before. I tried to \par
figure out what country they were from. Finally with hesi\par
tation, I asked where their country was because everything \par
seemed so fantastic. They both laughed, but not at all in \par
an offensive manner. Then the smaller one said, \ldblquote We are \par
talking about another \lquote world\rquote  as you call this one on which \par
you live.\rdblquote  \par
In spite of his harmonious voice I was again getting un\par
easy, but I finally asked them how they travelled from \par
their world. The short one answered that soon I would \par
have the opportunity to see the ship in which they travelled. \par
After telling me this, they both observed me intently. The \par
short man patted my right leg and said, \ldblquote Does this sur\par
prise you? Well, it will surprise you far more to know that \par
in this world you live on there are men like us amongst \par
you who live, dress and eat like you do. And it is they \par
who report to us all the data about your wars, your progress, \par
your ways of living and your government.\rdblquote  \par
I could not believe what they were saying and said in \par
a mocking way, Well, what form of life and government \par
have you?\rdblquote  \par
He replied, \ldblquote The stage that you are passing through now, \par
we lived thousands of years ago. Our world also suffered \par
many wars and destructive retrogressions as well as progres\par
sions. Finally an agreement was reached between the dif\par
ferent governments so that what you call nations and \par
countries disappeared and we all became sons of the \par
same world. A council of wise men was formed, and they \par
are the ones who now govern. Those who have exceptional \par
minds or are outstanding in any realm of knowledge belong to this group. \par
\ldblquote The headquarters of this government is in a central \par
place. In each group or nucleus there is a representative \par
of this council who is in charge of receiving and studying \par
the suggestions of the inhabitants and of transmitting agree\par
ments. All of these men are very capable and wise. Among \par
the lower classes there is no extreme poverty as each in\par
habitant willingly works where he is sent or placed and has \par
enough to live well. No one takes or has with them, their \par
children. From the time they are small they go to a certain \par
zone where they are duly attended to. There they live and \par
grow up and are educated according to their physical and \par
mental qualities. Later they live in the nucleus to which \par
they are assigned.\rdblquote  \par
As dawn appeared the visitors got out of the car. A buzz\par
ing noise came either from their helmets or their belts. I \par
summoned courage to ask them where the noise came from \par
and both of them indicated their belts. The small man \par
told me that the belts could also be used \ldblquote to check an ene\par
my\rdblquote . They started off the road to the right (east) across the \par
fields, and I followed them. The ground was covered by \par
trees and brush. Finally we came to the ship which was \par
roughly 10 meters in diameter and possibly half as high. \par
At a signal a section of the ship opened and I could see \par
certain things in the interior. My visitors invited me inside. \par
At this I became utterly panic stricken and turned and \par
ran back to the highway and the car. A few minutes later, \par
standing beside the car and gazing in the direction of the \par
ship, I saw it rise slowly above the tree tops. It was oscil\par
lating and was luminous with bluish rays around it. Then \par
it took off and quickly disappeared in the direction of the \par
rising sun. \par
Toward noon the North Americans returned along with \par
a mechanic who diagnosed the car trouble as damage due \par
to lack of lubricant in the gear box. My clients were in\par
clined to blame me for this, and we all agreed that it would \par
be best if I returned to Mexico. \par
64 \par
A truck came by heading for Mexico City, and I arranged \par
with the driver for a ride. Brimming over with my recent \par
experience, I started to tell it to the truck driver. The latter \par
quickly silenced me by suggesting that I had been smoking \par
Marijuana! After this rebuff I began to realize for the \par
first time something of the difficulty and the danger of \par
telling of my experience. On arriving home, however, I did \par
relate it to my wife and my two elder sons. \par
Salvador s verbal account of his experience was carefully \par
recorded in great detail so that we could make full use of it \par
in our investigation which was to follow. \par
remark the book on this case from the author himself, have I in pdf format. \par
for to understand our Valles trip it is essential briefly \par
to introduce a Mexico City friend of ours whom we \par
shall call \ldblquote Billgey\rdblquote . He is a fabulous character, a \par
North American who came to Mexico six or seven years \par
ago on a vacation and just never went back to the States. He \par
fell in love with Mexico \emdash  and nobody could be with him \par
for any length of time without doing the same thing. He \par
became a professor of English in one of the schools, but is \par
so versatile he could \ldblquote profess\rdblquote  most anything on short no\par
tice. Billgey has something that most people in the States \par
have lost \emdash  enthusiasm, endless enthusiasml For what? For \par
\ldblquote life\rdblquote  and all the interesting things it holds. For example: \par
people, kids, painting, teaching, poetry, pottery, ants, cats, \par
and flying saucers. This last enthusiasm is of rather recent \par
origin and you can probably blame us for it. Anyway we \par
could not see a Mexican exploration trip on Saucers with\par
out our good friend \ldblquote Billgey\rdblquote , and he was delighted at the \par
prospect. \par
Everything was set for 5 a.m. January 12, 1955. It was a \par
damp and dark morning as we quietly rolled our car out \par
onto the street so as not to disturb our apartment neighbors. \par
Shortly afterward Senor Gebe arrived with his son, who \par
was an expert photographer, loaded down with shovels, \par
camping equipment, and photographic apparatus. Soon \par
the Mexican chauffeur, Salvador Villanueva Medina ap\par
peared. He was of course the kingpin in this adventure. \par
But where was Billgey? We waited and waited and wonder\par
ed whether to drive to his house and get him, or whether \par
we would thus miss him on the way. Finally out of the \par
darkness came Billgey with his Vandyke beard framed by \par
an amazing new ten decimeter white sombrerol He mur\par
mured something about cats causing the delay. Bryant \par
started the motor and we were on our way to Valles about \par
300 miles distant to investigate Salvador\rquote s saucer contact. \par
On the way there was time for a little leisurely conversa\par
tion, and Helen began to chide Billgey about his cats. She \par
finally wormed out of him that recently he had borrowed a \par
very expensive male Persian cat from a certain Senora as a \par
companion for his female cat. That morning, as he was \par
hurrying to get ready to meet us, he found the prize cat was \par
missing so poor Billgey was torn between finding the \par
expensive cat and getting started. In desperation he went \par
around the dark neighborhood calling, \ldblquote Kitty, Kitty". No \par
luck. Perhaps the cat only understood Spanish. He return\par
ed home, and there he discovered the blank thing asleep on \par
his roof! Senor Gebe did some translating into Spanish, \par
and everybody enjoyed the humor of the situation. \par
Billgey, inquired Helen, \ldblquote Do you mean to insinuate \par
you are going in for feline procreation at this time of life? \par
If you succeed, what in the world are you going to do with \par
the baby kittens?" \par
\ldblquote I\rquote ll cross m y kittens when I come to them!" snorted \par
Billgey. \par
That reply was not translated into Spanish. Who could \par
do it? \par
Salvador was feeling more at home with us all the while, \par
and this is just what we wanted to happen. In many saucer \par
experiences the kind of proof we all would like is difficult \par
to find, so that the credibility of the saucerer is of para\par
mount importance. As we neared the town of Valles, Sal\par
vador became very alert and watched the east side of the \par
road continually. We told him we would stop the car any \par
time he wished, for afterall the \ldblquote trail\rdblquote  was seventeen \par
months old. We came to Valles, an attractive Mexican town \par
of about 14,000 population, and drove on through the town \par
continuing northward at a very slow speed. Salvador\rquote s \par
tension increased as we passed Kilometer Post 483, then \par
Post 484. Suddenly he shouted and jumped from the car,\par
He was very excited and cried. \par
This is it. This is the place!" \par
He rushed around looking for a little hill or mound and \par
found it, climbed upon it and pointing his finger he exclaimed, \ldblquote Over there, over there is where the saucer took \par
off. I saw it from here." \par
We did everything we could to try to discourage Salvador \par
from being so positive about this being the place. We per\par
suaded him to get back into the car and we drove north\par
ward many miles farther suggesting he continue to watch \par
the road. He kept saying, \ldblquote No, no.\rdblquote  We returned to the \par
original spot and got out of the car and made a preliminary \par
survey of the region. We had with us the transcripts of \par
his previously written description of the entire locale in \par
detail, and these checked well with all the details in front \par
of us. For instance, the written account told exactly the \par
nature of the soil under the car and that the location was \par
near a small stone quarry, etc. We carefully checked point \par
after point and found them to agree. As it was beginning \par
to get dark, we decided to return to Valles for the night. \par
The next day and night we spent at the saucer site. We \par
parked our car exactly where Salvador said the broken down \par
Buick was parked seventeen months previously. We discuss\par
ed again the conversations he had had with the spacemen \par
and walked over the ground time after time to where the \par
saucer had landed, which was about one and onehalf kilo\par
meters off the highway. We took samples of the soil and \par
vegetation. Billgey mapped the entire area. We then asked \par
Salvador not how big the saucer was for we had his written \par
statement that it was about 10 meters in diameter, but how \par
big it looked to him when he saw it rise and fly away when \par
he was standing by the Buick. Billgey had Salvador ex\par
tend his arms and spread his fingers to show the exact ap\par
parent size as well as the direction of the saucer and then \par
took a compass reading of this direction. He then con\par
structed a paper model of the saucer representing the ap\par
parent size as viewed from the road and by a series of tri\par
angulations came out at practically the same spot that Sal\par
vador had previously designated as being the landing spot \par
of the saucer. \par
One additional bit of information about this contact \par
developed during our repeated reenactments of the de\par
tails. As we were walking from the parked car across the \par
fields toward the spot where the saucer landed, Salvador \par
was reminded of a detail he had omitted in the written tran\par
script. It was this: \par
Back in August of 1953, the fields were muddy off the \par
highway in the direction where the saucer landed. As \par
Salvador followed the spacemen back to the ship, he was \par
having difficulty wading through the mud. He noted that \par
the spacemen, however, seemed to be walking "above the \par
mud . There was no mud on them when they arrived at \par
the saucer, but his own shoes were covered with mud. \par
As night fell we chose a secluded spot several kilometers \par
off the highway not too far from the spot where the saucer \par
landed and pitched our camp. Everyone was dogtired \par
and hungry. We cooked our meal and warmed some coffee \par
with the help of a camp fire and an alcohol stove. We de\par
cided to take turns sleeping on the ground and in the car, \par
with two of us always on sentry duty. We had chosen this \par
spot mostly for its apparent seclusion. \par
We had often wondered, while speeding along Mexican \par
lghways, what it was like off the road, back in the Mexi\par
can hills which seemed so desolate and deserted when view\par
ed from the highway. A great surprise was in store for us. \par
Was our camp hidden and isolated? Heavens nol It turn\par
ed out to be more like Grand Central Station every hour \par
First came a farmer who chatted with us, drank some of our \par
coffee, and kindly loaned us two of his dogs "for protection.\par
 Next Came a native with a can of fresh water. \par
While we were conversing with him, our newly acquired \par
canine protectors proceeded to drink our water. Later on \par
came men on horseback, then hunters on foot carrying \par
lights and guns, followed by some gentry mounted on bur.\par
 Shortly after midnight some others came and presented us with gourds which we cooked in our camp fire. \par
We had not planned on any of this, but it seems it was \par
partynight at Camp Saucer in the desolate country off the \par
Laredo Road. Many visitors came to pay their respects, \par
and we suppose to satisfy their curiosity. We did not tell \par
them our mission and they did not ask. Everyone was hap\par
py but exhausted from lack of sleep. \par
About 2 a.m. it had become cold, cloudy and dark as \par
pitch, and things had quieted down somewhat. Bryant \par
and I were on watch, poking up the fire in an attempt to \par
keep warm. Suddenly over the tops of the trees to the \par
north appeared a moving white light in the sky. Bryant \par
watched it intently and then ran and climbed a rickety \par
wooden fence to the rear of us to get a better view. \par
"Get the binoculars quickl\rdblquote  he called excitedly. \par
I too had seen the light and knew what he must be \par
thinking. My heart pounded as I ran to the car and tripped \par
over the others who were trying to sleep. \par
\ldblquote What\rquote s up?\rdblquote  they demanded. \par
"Saucers!\rdblquote  I yelled. \par
Like a flash they were up running wildly for the fence. \par
By the time I returned with the binoculars, they were all \par
perched on top of the fence like crows. So I made like a \par
crow also. The fence was a tall rickety affair tied together \par
with what appeared to be plant fibres. It was swaying \par
back and forth in the cold night breeze, and we were all \par
hanging on for dear life. We seemed to think that being \par
a few feet off the ground would give us a much better view \par
of the heavens. The moving light was still there, and as we \par
strained our eyes it was soon joined by another moving light! \par
"Look at that,\rdblquote  came shouts in both English and Spanish. \par
Excitement was at fever pitch. Bryant grabbed the glass\par
es from me. There was a pause as Bryant focused them on \par
the flying lights. I thought the fence would crash any \par
minute. The suspense was unbearable. \par
Then Bryant began to laugh. \par
70 \par
Fireflies, said he in utter disgust. \ldblquote Fireflies, nothing \par
but \emdash  fireflies!\rdblquote  \par
Thus ended our trip to Valles in the quest of Saucer \par
Science. We might mention the jigger bites, but on second \par
thought the least said about them the better. \par
Salvador was terribly disappointed that the fireflies did \par
not turn out to be his spacefriends returning again. We \par
intended taking him directly to his home upon our arrival \par
in Mexico City, but he insisted on going to church before \par
going home to his family. So as we reached the outskirts of \par
Mexico City we let him off at the Shrine of Guadalupe. \par
The soil and vegetation samples from the saucer site \par
were tested by a Geiger counter but showed no evidence of \par
radiation. This probably meant little after seventeen \par
months, and we were told later that a different type of ra\par
diation test is needed such as has been developd in England. \par
While the type of proof usually demanded by the public \par
was lacking, we felt very good about the trip. After our \par
experience with Salvador we at least in our own minds were \par
convinced that the Mexican chauffeur had told the truth. \par
We have been asked outright if we feel he could have \par
dreamed the whole thing. Our answer is a definite \ldblquote no,\rdblquote  for \par
many reasons which would take too long to discuss. We had \par
set out to convince ourselves \emdash  one way or another \emdash  and \par
this we had succeeded in doing. Once again may we em\par
phasize the point that we have found no easy highroad to \par
saucer knowledge. It is an individual effort all the way. \par
The story with many photographs blossomed out in Se\par
nor Gebe\rquote s newspaper. \par
This story also has a sequel to it which came about when \par
George Adamski came to Mexico. The sequel convinced \par
us even more, and we shall refer to it later. \par
we were having fun in this fabulous land of Mexico. \par
We liked Mexico and the Mexican people and the \par
many friends we had made. We landed on Mexican television, we landed in the movies, we appeared in the \par
newspapers. We were elected charter members of a newly \par
formed Mexican Society of Interplanetary Investigation \par
and were members of a newly formed English Speaking \par
Saucer Club. Despite all this, we took trips and explored \par
the beautiful country at every opportunity. \par
\ldblquote How do you do it?\rdblquote  asked our friends. \par
"Do what?\rdblquote  we inquired. \par
\ldblquote Get around and know everybody and do everything in \par
a foreign country!\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote You, our friends, do it all for us,\rdblquote  we answered. That \par
was true, provided we included the help we received from \par
all the people we met who were interested in saucers. \par
As to our Mexican movie career it might be called lurid \par
and brief. It had nothing to do with our saucer interest; \par
we appeared with others as \ldblquote typical gringo tourists\rdblquote  in a \par
play entitled \ldblquote Ensayo de un Crimen\rdblquote  (Rehearsal for A \par
Crime!) directed by the distinguished Spanish movie di\par
rector, Luis Bunuel. Before leaving Mexico we had a \par
chance to see a preview, and what took us three days of \par
hard work and twentynine repeats in the studio took about \par
120 seconds on the screen. \par
Our appearance at times in the newspapers was the di\par
rect result of our saucer activities. This also applied to \par
television. We were invited to appear on a television pro\par
gram called \ldblquote Mesa de Celebridades\rdblquote  (The Table of the \par
Celebrities) which originated from the beautiful roofgar\par
den restaurant atop the Continental Hotel in downtown \par
Mexico City. It was something like the programs in the \par
States in which club guests are informally interviewed \par
and televised right at their tables. The handling of this \par
\ldblquote question and answer\rquote\rquote  program in both English and Span\par
ish using an interpreter was beautifully arranged. I was \par
asked some technical questions on saucers and Helen was \par
given more general questions. \par
The moderator asked Helen, \ldblquote You who know George \par
Adamski personally as you do, and Dr. Williamson, one of \par
the witnesses present at the contact with the Venusian \par
don t you feel that the possibility exists that they might have \par
in all good faith set down as factual experience what \par
might well have been a mirage or hallucination?\rdblquote  \par
Helen replied very seriously, \ldblquote Let us assume that it was \par
an hallucination. If so, six people other than Mr. Adamski \par
had the same hallucination. The hallucination made very \par
deep impressions of his footprints on the sand. And the \par
hallucination borrowed a photographic plate from Mr. \par
Adamski which the hallucination later returned. I would \par
say that it must have been a very intelligent hallucination!\rdblquote  \par
This reply caused considerable amusement and favorable \par
comment not only from those in the studio but from outside \par
listeners to the program. \par
Amidst all these busy activities, we received a letter from \par
George Adamski saying that he would come to Mexico for \par
a vacation and rest on March 21, 1955. By that time his \par
and Leslie\rquote s book Flying Saucers Have Landed had been \par
published in Spanish, and he also wished to confer with \par
his publisher. \par
Both a Mexican and an English speaking contingent of \par
admirers drove to the airport to meet him. A little cere\par
mony of greeting had been planned, but as luck would \par
have it, his plane came in onehalf hour early due to a \par
tail wind and we found him wandering around the enor\par
mous airterminal like a lost ghost. From then on there \par
occurred a series of bizarre events that proved the old adage \par
of travelers \ldblquote anything can happen in Mexico\rdblquote . Some \par
of these happenings so nearly resembled a fantastic light \par
opera plot that even while they were occurring they seemed \par
to us more like fiction than reality. As we all seemed to be \par
playing parts in this amazing drama, we had to pinch our\par
selves at times to make sure we were really awake. Well, let \par
us at least give you a few glimpses. \par
First of all, let us say that there was mighty little vaca\par
tion and practically no rest ahead for Mr. Adamski. The \par
demands on his time by both individuals and groups in\par
terested in the saucers were overwhelming. Private invi\par
tations poured in, and the English Speaking Group planned \par
a nice series of events for him with no other motive in mind \par
but to give those interested in saucers a chance to meet him \par
and to hear of his experiences. They just naturally thought \par
in terms of procedures considered normal in the States. \par
They enthusiastically planned a pressconference. \par
As our apartment was not too far from downtown Mexi\par
co, we offered it to the committee for the occasion of the \par
press conference. It turned out to be quite an affair in \par
more ways than one. The hour arrived and the place was \par
literally jammed with committee members, press represen\par
tatives, photographers and some distinguished visitors. \par
There was an air of excitement and anticipation. In came \par
Mr. Adamski. Photobulbs popped and friendly introduc\par
tions followed. There was no lack of voluntary interpre\par
ters as questions rained down on this saucerer from the \par
States. Most of them were the normal questions we were \par
quite familiar with. A few of the questioners seemed rather \par
skeptical. It was a memorable picture \emdash  Mr. Adamski, a \par
kindly and friendly man, a long way from home \emdash  sitting in \par
our apartment in Mexico in the midst of the Scribes . \par
We almost added \ldblquote Pharisees\rdblquote  because we found out \par
later that there were present some who, without any just \par
reason whatsoever, would later try to injure this man who \par
had come to them with nothing but friendship in his heart. \par
The next few days we watched the papers, and to the great \par
surprise of the group the publicity, with a few bright ex\par
ceptions, ranged from none at all to thinly veiled insinualions. The group was quite puzzled, but finally learned \par
that a press conference is the wrong way to introduce any\par
one on an educational basis, as they had intended to do. \par
South of the Border it seems that a press conference is a di\par
rect invitation to paid publicity, and without paid public\par
ity one is apt to achieve \emdash  shall we say \ldblquote unpaid public\par
ity . This was Act 1, Scene 1, of the amazing drama we \par
were all to play a part in very soon. \par
Act 1, Scene 2, soon followed. One day we were in our \par
apartment and went onto our balcony to enjoy the gor\par
geous sunshine \emdash  one of Mexico\rquote s greatest assets. The \par
Sleeping Lady and her boy friend \ldblquote Popo\rdblquote  (snow capped \par
volcanoes) were clearly visible in the distance an inspir\par
ing sight. \par
Our doorbell rang. We opened the door and there stood \par
a group of Mexican gentlemen of exceptionally distin\par
guished and dignified mien. A veritable aura of formal \par
dignity and correct politeness swept into the room as they \par
entered. It was indescribable. A group of V. I. P.\rquote s if \par
ever there was such. \par
Fortunately one of them spoke English. They were dele\par
gates from a group of distinguished Mexican doctors and \par
physicians. Their mission? To prevail upon our good au\par
spices to try to prevail upon Mr. Adamski to speak before \par
their group. \par
We immediately telephoned Mr. Adamski at his hotel, \par
and he agreed to speak. A time and place was arranged. \par
They were overwhelmed with his generosity and gracious\par
ness and with our assistance. The eminent gentlemen bow\par
ed themselves out of our apartment. The atmosphere of \par
the room almost seemed to go flat as they took their aura \par
of eminence with them. They moved toward the elevator. \par
Helen rushed out to help them and to push the elevator \par
button. The cage soon arrived, and the door opened. Then \par
it happened! \par
75 \par
One of the dignified Senors bowed to the others and \par
said, \ldblquote Pase usted, pase usted!\rdblquote  that is \ldblquote you pass first, or \par
you first, or after you!\rdblquote  \par
By the time I had reached the scene \emdash  from the less po\par
lite but more pragmatic North American viewpoint \emdash  it \par
had become a riot. By then it seemed that all of the V.I.P.\rquote s \par
had reached the eleventh inning of \ldblquote Pase usted\rdblquote . What \par
they did not know, bless them all, was that they were about \par
to lose the series because some players on another floor were \par
wildly ringing for the elevator. Helen, almost in hysterics \par
from ill suppressed North American laughter at this un\par
accustomed little drama, was doing her best to shoo them \par
into the elevator. Finally like a miracle the dam broke, and \par
they all moved forward practically in a body \emdash  a photo\par
finish if we ever saw one. The winner? \emdash  well, let us say \par
with utmost respect \emdash  good old Mexican dignity and po\par
liteness. We could stand a little more of it in the U.S.A! \par
The day of the \ldblquote conferencia\rdblquote  between Mr. Adamski \par
and the eminent doctors arrived. We picked Mr. Adamski \par
up in our car in front of his quaint little Mexican hotel and \par
started for the residence where the affair was to be held. \par
We had a terrible time finding the place and became quite \par
concerned about being late, as we understood this to be a \par
\ldblquote North American\rdblquote  appointment. In case our readers are \par
a bit puzzled, we learned that there are two kinds of ap\par
pointments across the border, the North American and \par
the Mexican varieties. The former means you keep the \par
appointment on time. The latter means you do as you \par
please and no apologies are required if you show up a \par
couple of hours late, or not at all. It\rquote s the mores! \par
Finally we found the address and caught a glimpse of a \par
very dignified and distinguished figure in a frockcoat wait\par
ing for us out in front on the sidewalk. We were late. \par
Trying to think quickly of a few appropriate Spanish \par
words of apology, I jumped out of the car ahead of the \par
others and rushed over to this grand Mexican personage. I \par
was just about to open my mouth and apologize for our \par
lateness when \emdash  what do you think happened? Yes! It \par
could only have happened in dear old Mexico. The dear \par
fellow put his arms around me, and in a voice expressing \par
deep emotion said in Spanish, \ldblquote Senor Adamski! My son! \par
This is your home!\rdblquote  \par
Oh, no, this just couldn\rquote t happen! But in the confusion \par
I was quite sure it was my back and nobody else\rquote s that \par
was being affectionately patted! I felt lower than a Mexi\par
can peso. I was stunned \emdash  embarrassed no end \emdash  my mind \par
was not working. I did not know what to do. Then as if \par
in a distance I heard a voice \emdash  it must have been mine \emdash  \par
because no other voice could sound quite as embarrassed or \par
speak quite such poor Spanish. It said, \ldblquote No, no Senor Doc\par
tor, Me no Adamski! Me no Adamski!\rdblquote  \par
Just then the real Adamski came in sight with Helen in \par
hot pursuit. I heard my voice continue, \ldblquote Este es Senor \par
Adamski!\rdblquote  \par
The Mexicans are great people. Without losing rhythm \par
and with the dignity of a monarch, the good doctor turn\par
ed graciously around, calmly transferred the embrace to \par
the right recipient and 1 again heard the words, "Senor \par
Adamski. My Son. This is your home!\rdblquote  \par
It sounded more fervent than the first time. After all \par
practice makes perfect! What a people! \par
Inside the house was a beautiful \ldblquote patio\rdblquote  and a small \par
chapel. In the latter were gathered a group of twenty or \par
thirty members of the medical profession. A gracious hos\par
tess presided over the proceedings, and George Adamski \par
was asked to speak. We had all learned by this time that \par
such occasions are very informal in Mexico as to \ldblquote audience \par
participation\rdblquote . A speaker can be, and usually is, inter\par
rupted by questions and even orations from the audience. \par
It is much different than in the States. \par
This meeting was no exception. Mr. Adamski recount\par
ed some of his experiences in English. No one was desig\par
nated as interpreter as many of those present could under\par
stand and speak both Spanish and English. Thus every\par
one acted as interpreter, and English and Spanish soon be\par
came so intermingled that we got all mixed up and were \par
not quite sure what was going on. In fact we were not \par
quite sure whether Senor Adamski was telling them or they \par
were telling him! Helen looked a bit worried and whisper\par
ed to me, \ldblquote Are they for him, or agin him? I can\rquote t make \par
out.\rdblquote  \par
I whispered that wonderful Mexican phrase which set\par
tles so many things that cannot otherwise be settled, \ldblquote Quien \par
sabe!\rdblquote  \par
Then one doctor arose and left us in no doubt, even \par
though his expressions were ninety percent in Spanish. \par
He evidentally was terribly annoyed with both Mr. Adam\par
ski\rquote s experiences and his conclusions. He wound up with \par
the forceful statement in plain English, \ldblquote And so, sir, you \par
have not convinced me at all.\rdblquote  \par
All eyes turned toward Mr. Adamski seated behind a little \par
table. He arose unperturbed and calmly replied, \ldblquote My \par
friend, I am not here to convince you or anyone. Even \par
Christ with His message did not convince everyone. I \par
merely came at your request to tell you of my experiences!\rdblquote  \par
Touche! \emdash  for Senor Adamski! \par
After the meeting adjourned, we went upstairs where \par
delicious refreshments were served by our gracious hostess. \par
Over their coffee cups they all discussed Mr. Adamski\rquote s experiences at great length, and we all enjoyed the occasion \par
very much. \par
Act II of our bizarre drama occurred at Insurgentes \par
Theatre, which had been rented by the English speaking \par
group for a public lecture by Mr. Adamski. We called for \par
him in our car to drive by the theatre in the daytime, and \par
sure enough over the marquee in large letters appeared \par
the sign: \ldblquote Conferencia Los Platillos Voladores Por George \par
Adamski\rdblquote . The entire front wall of this imposing build\par
ing is composed of an incredible mural made of tiny squares \par
of colored mosiac tiles and was designed by Diego Rivera, \par
the noted Mexican artist. Mr. Adamski admired it very \par
much. Later, despite the setback of the press conference \par
by which the lecture received practically no newspaper \par
publicity, the group went courageously ahead, distributed \par
placards and personally notified all their friends who were \par
interested. he charge to help defray expenses was the sum \par
of five pesos (40 cents U.S.). Even without proper adver\par
tising a goodly number of people swarmed into the theatre. \par
Billgey made the introduction, and Mr. Adamski proceeded to wear out two interpreters telling about saucers. \par
When the lecture was only partially finished, a television \par
program tried desperately to televise part of the perform\par
ance, but the committee decided it would cause too much \par
confusion and would be unfair to the theatre audience. \par
After the lecture in the lobby we saw Senor and Seiiora \par
Diego Rivera, and Mr. Adamski seemed very pleased to \par
meet the great artist responsible for the beautiful mosaic \par
mural on the front of the theatre. \par
All the time behind the scenes the villain stalked unseen \par
and unknown. He made note of the fact that right in this \par
lecture Mr. Adamski had committed a fearful crimel The \par
committee would never have guessed what it was, no not in \par
a million years. Maybe the reader can guess. \par
Act III. Then came the grand reception at the American \par
Club, arranged by the English Speaking Committee \emdash  all \par
in the interest of saucers. Lights, photographers, caviar, \par
cocktails, reception lines, introductions, music! Distin\par
guished men in fine attire and beautiful ladies in colorful \par
dress. A sprinkling of diplomats and military personnel. \par
And waiters really doing their stuff. A real Mexican affair \par
\emdash  well, it is something to be invited to one! We were hav\par
ing a huge time circling around and listening in on various \par
groups. Mr. Adamski had a hard time getting any refresh\par
ments with all the questions being asked of him. Then suddenly behind the scenes \emdash  skulduggery! We received an \par
S. O. S. call from a member of the committee. A young \par
man had found his way into the reception without invita\par
tion and was trying by means of a phony legal document \par
to extort a few pesos. The committee\rquote s legal advisor, a \par
magistrate, fortunately was present and sent him on his \par
way in a hurry. The party went on undisturbed. We doubt \par
if any of the distinguished guests ever knew what was going \par
on behind the scenes. Presently another character appeared. \par
He wanted to know how much Mr. Adamski would \ldblquote charge\rdblquote  \par
for a lecture. He seemed surprised to learn that Mr. Adam\par
ski was only lecturing at the insistence of friends \emdash  and \par
without charge. The Insurgentes Theatre charge was for \par
expenses which had exceeded ticket sales. We knew by \par
now that villainy was afoot! But the party went merrily \par
on, and only the committee knew of these goings on \emdash  and \par
only the villain knew the secret crime committed at the lecture. But we were soon to know. \par
A subpoenaserver next appeared with a legal summons \par
for Mr. Adamski! He had \emdash  believe it or not \emdash  committed \par
the crime of lecturing to a pesopaying audience at the \par
Insurgentes Theatre without a permit. The committee had \par
obtained ticket permits, theatre permits, and heaven knows \par
how many other permits, but neglected to obtain a personal \par
lecture permit for the speaker. Mr. Adamski naturally \par
knew nothing of all this \emdash  all he knew was that a group \par
of friends had asked him to lecture. But that made no \par
difference to the villain in the plot. \par
Act IV. The next few days were hectic. We were all \par
flying around making sure that Mr. Adamski did not \par
land in jail. A second summons awaited him at his hotel \par
that night, and he was to appear for questioning the next \par
morning. At the hearing his papers were taken away de\par
spite the committee\rquote s protest. We still did not know who \par
was back of it all. The only thing to do now was to get \par
the American Embassy to help, which we promptly did. \par
International Complications! Never a dull moment in \par
Mexico! But we all felt sorry for Mr. Adamski. The ad\par
verse publicity resulted in the cancellation of some televi\par
sion programs and even an important lecture he was to give \par
before \ldblquote La Asociacion Nacional de Tecnicos Mexicanos\rdblquote  \par
(The National Association of Mexican Technical Men). \par
Act V. We did not know it at the time, but our drama \par
was headed for a whirlwind finish. We drove home from \par
the hearing, dropped Mr. Adamski at his hotel and en\par
tered our apartment tired and disgusted. As we entered \par
the telephone was ringing and Helen answered. I heard \par
her saying, \ldblquote Senor, I\rquote ve been in court all day. I\rquote m in no \par
mood for conversation \emdash  I don\rquote t care to talk about saucers \par
to anyone! If it were not for saucers, I would not have \par
had such a hectic day!\rdblquote  Bang went the receiver. \par
\ldblquote Who was that?\rdblquote  I inquired. \par
\lquote Oh just someone, I didn\rquote t get his name. He wanted \par
to talk about Adamski and I am just too tired to talk,\rdblquote  \par
came the reply. \par
Shortly thereafter there was a knock at the door. We \par
opened it, and there stood a very distinguished gentleman, \par
the man who had telephoned Helen shortly before. We \par
can only call him by his right name: \ldblquote Senor Hero,\rdblquote  be\par
cause that is exactly what he turned out to be. Every \par
drama needs a hero as well as a villain, and we now had \par
both. So here standing at our door just in the nick of \par
time was a real Mr. Hero. He asked all about Mr. Adam\par
ski, the summons, and the hearing. He took notes and \par
said not to worry and left us. Surprised, but impressed, \par
we started to retire as it was quite late. Yet some hours \par
after Mr. Hero left, our telephone rang again. Strangely \par
enough it was Mr. Hero again. Stranger still, he said \par
calmly that the Adamski matter would be adjusted to\par
morrow and asked us to get in touch with Mr. Adamski \par
immediately and invited all of us to come to his residence \par
for a midnight snack so he could personally meet Mr. \par
Adamski and tell him the good news. \par
Helen excitedly telephoned Mr. Adamski. Yes, he would \par
be ready in a few minutes. Just then our doorbell rang \par
again. Surely strange doings were afoot in Old Mexico \par
that night. Down on the street with their automobile, \par
were some fine loyal saucer friends. Would they take us \par
to Mr. Adamski? They certainly would. We joined them, \par
picked up Mr. Adamski at his hotel and started for Mr. \par
Hero\rquote s residence \emdash  miles away in Coyoacan. \par
Just as we swung onto Insurgentes Boulevard, as fate \par
would have it, two Mexican motorcycle policemen drove \par
into sight. Helen and I thought sure we were about to be \par
arrested for speeding! But our good friend, who was driv\par
ing the car, leaned out of the window and spoke the magic \par
name of Mr. Hero in Spanish. Instantly the policemen \par
swung into action and offered to "clear the way\rdblquote  for us. \par
A few hours ago it looked like jail for Mr. Adamski \emdash  and \par
now \emdash  a motorcycle escort to Mr. Hero! We knew a little \par
bit about what Mexicans could do at the wheel of a modern \par
automobile, but we were now to learn what they could \par
really do with a couple of good motorcycles. \par
The engines began to roar. The police sirens were \par
brought into action \emdash  screaming like lost souls. Down \par
Insurgentes Boulevard we dashed and the car speedometer \par
climbed 708090 and lurched toward 100 miles per hour! \par
A few late pedestrians and cars were scurrying out of the \par
way like scared jackrabbits. We went around glorietas on \par
two wheels. We were bouncing around inside the car like \par
corks and hung onto each other for dear life. Finally the \par
ride ended in front of Mr. Hero\rquote s beautiful mansion and \par
we staggered out. Our driver and our wonderful friends \par
in the car looked pretty limp. \par
"How was the ride?\rdblquote  I managed to ask Helen. \par
"Well,\rdblquote  said she, \ldblquote in the States the only excuse for a ride \par
like that would be a rush call from the stork!\rdblquote  \par
82 \par
\ldblquote What about you?\rdblquote  she inquired. \par
\ldblquote I felt I was on the verge of giving birth to something \par
myself.\rdblquote  I replied. \par
\ldblquote Mr Adamski, what about you?\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote I knew the spacebrothers were with us!\rdblquote  he answered. \par
All I could think of was the corny reply, \ldblquote Well, if they \par
were, they were going some!\rdblquote  Everybody laughed and this \par
helped break the tension of our thrilling and fantastic \par
midnight ride. \par
Needless to say we spent a most interesting time with \par
Mr. Hero and his charming wife. The next day the \ldblquote crime\rdblquote  \par
was forgiven, and just to set the record straight: Mr. Adam\par
ski was never in jail, never fined, never deported, and never \par
experienced anything but the utmost courteous and kindly \par
treatment from Mexican officials. The whole thing was \par
not his fault anyway. He was only trying to accomodate his \par
saucer friends in Mexico. The villains turned out to be \par
disgruntled reporters, some of whom we understood at\par
tended the ill fated press conference. Eventually some \par
efforts at apology were forthcoming. Best of all, Mr. Hero \par
arranged for Mr. Adamski to speak after all to a meeting \par
of La Asociacion Nacional de T^cnicos Mexicanos\rdblquote  which \par
was held in his own residence. We still have our dignified \par
printed invitation to this affair. So ended this fantastic \par
saucer drama in Old Mexico. Muchas gracias Senor Hero! \par
Muchas gracias to all the actors in the drama! In retrospect \par
we would not have missed any of it for anything! \par
Before George Adamski left Mexico, an interesting meet\par
ing was arranged between him and Salvador Villanueva \par
Medina, the Mexican chauffeur. Many of Salvador\rquote s ad\par
mirers by this time were calling him the \ldblquote Mexican Adam\par
ski . So an historic meeting was arranged between the \ldblquote two\rdblquote  \par
Adamskis at Senor Gebe\rquote s residence. This is the sequel \par
which we promised you in Chapter 10. Only six of us \par
were present including a gentleman who acted as interpreter. \par
Before the meeting it was agreed that Mr. George Adamski \par
would be given free rein to question Salvador and to make \par
up his own mind as to the validity of Salvador\rquote s experience. \par
We sat back in amazement as the questioning proceeded. \par
Some of the questions asked by Mr. Adamski were key \par
technical questions regarding saucers which we could not \par
have answered correctly ourselves. What did Salvador see \par
when he looked through the door into the ship? What did \par
he notice when the ship tookoff? Exactly what reason did \par
the spaceman give for being there? These and many other \par
pointed questions were asked. If the questions astounded \par
us, so did the answers. Salvador passed his examination at \par
the hands of a man, who having seen a saucer himself, \par
knew how to ask about certain things which no mere \par
imaginary contact could give the answers to. All present \par
were satisfied with the results. We left the meeting feel\par
ing grateful that events had worked in such a way that we \par
could be present. \par
Our time in Mexico was drawing to a close. As we looked \par
back on our exciting adventures in this fabulous country, \par
it was hard to realize that our six months allotment of \par
time was about up. There was never a dull moment. It \par
was not only the swift saucer merrygoround that intrigued \par
us \emdash  far from it. There was the country itself, the people, \par
the sunshine and the endless number of interesting places \par
to visit. Whenever the saucer whirl became too thick, we \par
would jump in our car and take short trips and at times long \par
trips to some other city or point of interest. There were the \par
Pyramids, Xochimilco, Cuernavaca, Taxco and Acapulco. \par
There was always that combination of the relics of old \par
civilizations interspersed with the new. What a land of \par
contrasts, of lights and shadows, of music, color and beau\par
ty! Last, but not least, there were the wonderful people we \par
had met from all walks of life. We are grateful to them \par
all for their help and the contributions they made to the \par
pleasure and enjoyment of our stay. It was with regret \par
that we packed our car and headed up the Pan American \par
Highway toward Durango, Chihuahua and El Paso. Adios \par
Amigos Mexicanos. Los vere en un disco volador! \par
on April 10, 1955, we crossed the border from Mexico \par
at El Paso, Texas, and were back in the U. S. A. \par
 with only a few days to spare over the termination \par
of our Mexican Tourist permit. \par
We decided to drive northwest to spend a few days with \par
Dr. George Williamson at Prescott, Arizona, and after that \par
try to see George Van Tassel at Giant Rock. In Prescott \par
we found the Williamson family at home, including Mrs. \par
Williamson and their little boy. Dr. Williamson was work\par
ing on several interesting new books relating to saucers and \par
other new age subjects. He was also very enthusiastic re\par
garding the efforts of his group, the Telonic Research Cen\par
ter, to effect outer space communication (O.S.C.) through \par
the medium of light waves. Another thing which impressed \par
us was the profound study he was making of the location of \par
geographical fault lines of the earth in relation to the lo\par
cation of both atombomb explosions and of earthquakes. \par
We hope that he will make public some of this interesting \par
data in due course of time. \par
We crossed into California at the town of Blythe and \par
recalled that this was not too far from the site of the Adamski saucer contact in 1952. Dr. Williamson, who was one of \par
the witnesses, had told us how to get there, and as it was \par
not too much of a detour from our planned route to Giant \par
Rock we decided to go in that direction. We drove first to \par
the little village of Desert Center and then branched off \par
onto the Parker Highway referred to in Flying Saucers Have \par
Landed. We went northeast the prescribed 10.2 miles, and \par
parking our car we walked off the highway to the memor\par
able site of the saucer landing. The region was primitive \par
and deserted, and we experienced a sort of eerie thrill as we \par
thought of what had occurred here. Maybe we were hoping \par
that history would repeat itself \emdash  and a Venusian with \par
long hair would greet us on the saucer spot. Unfortunately, \par
\ldblquote history\rdblquote  saw fit to ignore us at least at that time. \par
After thus paying our respects to this place of saucer \par
fame, we decided to circle around the large mountainous \par
National Park region known as the Joshua Tree National \par
Monument. It was certainly a rugged and desolate area \par
and both of us kept a sharp lookout for flying saucers. Aft\par
er all one never knows when a sighting may take place. \par
Helen remarked, \ldblquote What a place for a saucer to land.\rdblquote  \par
I agreed that if we were spacepeople and wanted to \par
land, this region was made to order; no military planes, \par
plenty of room, plenty of privacy, and two enthusiastic \par
But we were doomed to disappointment this time. The \par
road finally became less desolate, and we found ourselves \par
in the little bustling town of TwentyNine Palms. A land\par
boom was on, and on the outskirts of town "five acre tracts" \par
of what was once government land were being sold to mod\par
ern desert pioneers. An interesting phenomenon this: ma\par
ny people buying up five acre tracts of desert waste 150 \par
miles east of Los Angeles and meeting the requirement \par
of building a little house on it, no bigger than an outhouse. \par
There was hardly a tree on the lots \emdash  only desert under\par
brush and a few Joshua trees. We heard that the owners \par
only show up a few times a yearl Strange we thought as \par
well as interesting. \par
We drove past miles of these five acre desert tracts and \par
came to the little town of Joshua Tree, just north of the \par
\ldblquote Monument\rdblquote  area and approximately 125 miles east of Los \par
Angeles. We spent the night in a small motel, parking the \par
car in the motel lot. The next morning \emdash  it was April 22, \par
1955, \emdash  we were walking toward our car when I happened \par
to glance northward toward a series of mountains in the \par
distance. I stopped suddenly and grasped Helen by the \par
arm and said, \ldblquote Do you see what I see?\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote Yes, yes,\rdblquote  she exclaimed excitedly. \ldblquote It is a mothership, \par
a cigarshaped mothershipl\rdblquote .\par
87 \par
It seemed to' be over and somewhat beyond a mountain \par
which was some miles away. It was silvery white and was \par
moving toward the right of the mountain top. \par
By this time Helen had a pair of small binoculars out of \par
her handbag and was so elated she had difficulty focusing \par
them. We passed the glasses back and forth to get a closer \par
look at the ship. By that time the ship seemed to be getting \par
beyond and somewhat below the mountains. \par
I called to Helen to get in the car quickly, and we started \par
down sandy desert roads heading toward the mountain. We \par
hoped to get behind it so we could keep the ship in sight. \par
As we started out we could still see the ship from the car, \par
but soon lost sight of it. It took quite a while to get to a \par
point where we could see the other side of the mountain, \par
and by then there was no spaceship in sight. \par
Later I tried to estimate the length of the ship by com\par
paring it with the mountain. It seemed to us enormous. It \par
covered about onethird of the mountain top and was be\par
yond it. My best guess is that it must have been well over \par
a mile in length. As \ldblquote sightings\rdblquote  go, we realize this one is \par
a rather insignificant one considering the thousands which \par
have been reported all over the world in recent years. But, \par
if one has never seen a spacecraft and a "first time\rdblquote  comes \par
along, it is never insignificant to the novice. To us it was \par
a nevertobeforgotten thrill. After all we had waited what \par
seemed like a long time to see one. \par
That same day when we were with George Van Tassel at \par
Giant Rock, we asked him if he had seen such a ship in the \par
vicinity. He replied that a number of visitors at the Rock \par
had reported seeing it. He himself had not seen it physic\par
ally, but he was perfectly aware of the fact that a large ship \par
of this nature hovered over the area. Later we actually \par
met some people who had similar sightings in this region, \par
and trading notes on the appearance and size of the ship \par
decided it was possible we may all have seen the same ship \par
but on different dates. Still later when we were in San \par
Diego we thought we would try an interesting experiment \par
\emdash  namely, we would go to Mark Probert and inquire of \par
his Inner Circle contact regarding the presence of a space\par
ship in the vicinity of the Joshua Tree National Monument. \par
No hint was given of our sighting. To our amazement this \par
group stated that a large spaceship was indeed stationed \par
in this neighborhood but usually kept out of sight about \par
seventy miles above the earth\rquote s surface. Helen immediately \par
inquired why it was stationed there. This led to a delay \par
and an Inner Circle conference. Then the reply came: \par
\ldblquote They were not permitted to give the reason at this time.\rdblquote  \par
We give this information because some of our readers may \par
be interested to know that whenever we could, we utilized \par
this type of comparison and coordination of information \emdash  \par
whether it originated from human sources, or from extra\par
terrestrial or ESP sources. We were much gratified at times \par
by the \ldblquote verifications\rdblquote  of this nature which resulted. (See \par
Chapters 17 & 18). \par
Incidentally this matter of seeing saucers and spacephe\par
nomena is quite a subject in itself. We know there are many \par
sincere saucer fans throughout the world who just long to \par
see a saucer but never seem to have much luck. We have \par
the greatest sympathy toward these people. We ourselves \par
have had many disappointments along this line. We have \par
sat up all night on lonely mountain tops in the cold with\par
out seeing any saucers. Then we have met those who seem \par
to have more than their share of sightings without making \par
any apparent effort. \par
We have discussed this matter with many of the Saucerers. \par
While most of them feel that there is no surefire way of \par
guaranteeing a \ldblquote sighting\rdblquote  some of them have expressed the \par
view that one s mental attitude can be quite an important \par
factor. A friendly feeling toward the spacebeings and a \par
sincere desire to see a saucer is recommended by some. Over\par
coming impatience and developing a quiet or positive con\par
fidence that one will see a saucer has also been suggested. \par
Focusing the desire thought on spaceships occasionally, \par
not too often, and then going confidently about one\rquote s business has also been recommended. Contacts and landings \par
are of course much rarer than sightings of spacecraft in \par
the air, and are certainly more difficult to achieve. Mean\par
while there is plenty we can learn by reading about space\par
ships and conditioning our minds for the fact \emdash  which all \par
of us must face sooner or later \emdash  that they are more than \par
purely physical manifestations. There is a physical side \par
to them of course, but that is not all of the story. \par
While in Mexico we had read George Van Tassel\rquote s \par
book I Rode A Flying Saucer, and we had also heard \par
about the great flying saucer conventions which he \par
held annually at Giant Rock, California. However, we \par
thought of him mostly as the man who in 1952 had relayed \par
an important message he had received from outerspace to \par
our pentagon in Washington and had received a return re\par
ceipt dated July 22, 1952. The message dealt with certain \par
dangers which the earth faces in our usage of atomic energy. \par
A few days later Washington, D. C. was \ldblquote buzzed\rdblquote  by space\par
ships. We often wondered what kind of a man it would be \par
who had such direct contact with spacebeings that he could \par
know about such things in advance of their occurence. Now \par
a great wish of ours was about to be fulfilled. We were \par
about to meet George Van Tassel himself! \par
Excitement and curiosity mingled as our car rolled along \par
the lonely sandy road and came in sight of a mountain \par
bristling with huge boulders. From the foot of it there \par
extended a large flat land area hemmed in by rugged moun\par
tains in the distance all around us. \par
\ldblquote That must be the airport,\rdblquote  Helen exclaimed, looking \par
toward the natural flat valley floor. \par
\ldblquote And, that must be Giant Rock,\rdblquote  I replied, as an enormous \par
boulder, the biggest we had ever seen came into view with \par
a colorful flag and a windsleeve fluttering from its sum\par
mit. Later we learned it was composed of solid granit all \par
in one piece, that it was sixty feet high and weighed an \par
estimated one hundred thousand tons. The great rock \par
dwarfed our car as we passed by it and pulled up to a small \par
building in the rear. It turned out to be the mess shack. \par
We opened the door and suddenly found ourselves prac\par
tically in the midst of George Van Tassel\rquote s family circle. \par
91 \par
Such friendliness as greeted us is hard to describe. There \par
was Mrs. Van Tassel, whose kindness to us can never be \par
forgotten, his three married daughters and, let us not for\par
get their two lively babies. \par
\ldblquote Budding spacemen,\rdblquote  Helen called them, and everybody \par
laughed and agreed. \par
The wall was covered with photographs of saucers and \par
convention pictures. One of these was so interesting that \par
we will comment on it later. A truck drove up, the door \par
burst open and soon we found ourselves talking to the male \par
members of the family and shaking hands with the boss him\par
self \emdash  George Van Tassel. Bronzed by the sun and desert \par
air he had the unmistakable appearance of the vigorous \par
outdoor \ldblquote pioneer\rdblquote  type. As I gripped his hand, I experi\par
enced an unmistakable feeling of liking, of kinship with \par
this man I had never seen before. Despising formality he \par
soon was calling us \ldblquote Bryant and Helen\rdblquote  and we found our\par
selves calling him "Van\rdblquote . \par
The conversation quickly switched to saucers. We soon \par
found out that Van has not published all of his experiences \par
with saucers. This again proved an important point to us \par
\emdash  that what has been written regarding saucer experiences \par
often lags far behind the actualities. As we talked we won\par
dered what unseen forces in this world are at work to bring \par
together everywhere those interested in such things. Was it \par
just ordinary phenomenon applying to any community of in\par
terest \emdash  or did it presage something tremendous ahead \emdash  \par
a new age \emdash  something \ldblquote out of this world\rdblquote ? \par
Because of his annual conventions to which he invites \par
saucer enthusiasts from everywhere and which are attended \par
by many hundreds of people, Van knew all the saucerers \par
we knew and others besides. He wanted the latest news on \par
\ldblquote Ric\rdblquote  Williamson (Dr. George H.), Adamski, Bethurum \par
and the rest. Everybody was amused at our accounts of \par
George Adamski\rquote s adventures in Mexico. It would be hard \par
to find anywhere a more friendly atmosphere or a more \par
kindly family circle. \par
92 \par
Van has an interesting background. He was an airline \par
mechanic for four years and has a backlog of twenty years\rquote  \par
experience in flying and flight testwork for such firms \par
as Douglas, Howard Hughes, and Lockheed Aircraft. One \par
interesting bit of information popped up in our conversa\par
tion. It seemed originally that he and his wife came to \par
Giant Rock with the intent of running a small airport, \par
a restaurant, and a beer parlorl They wanted to get out \par
into the open away from cities and into the clean air and \par
the freedom and quiet of the desert. \par
The restaurant and beer parlor never materialized how\par
ever, because in the process of living with nature Van dis\par
covered that he possed E.S.P. (extrasensory perception) and \par
telepathic gifts to an unexpected degree. He gradually \par
nurtured these rare abilities and developed them until outer\par
space communication (O.S.C.) became a regular part of \par
his daily living. His gifts in this direction run the gamut \par
of methods, and he is a great believer in communication \par
with spacebeings without the use of any mechanical or \par
electrical equipment of any kind. All during this conver\par
sation we were hoping that we would be able to witness \par
this extraordinary process of direct communication with \par
advanced beings dwelling in higher dimensions of life. \par
We became intrigued with life at \ldblquote the Rock\rdblquote . The air \par
seemed so clean, the sunshine so bright, the stars so near at \par
night \emdash  that we accepted our host\rquote s invitation to spend a \par
few days there and have returned several times since. As \par
there were no sleeping accommodations for guests, we slept \par
in our car parked in the shadow of the mighty rock which \par
towered above us. \par
The activities at the Rock were interesting. People were \par
coming and going all the time. Many made it a weekend \par
excursion. Some flew private planes, landed on the sandy \par
airstrip and taxied near to the Rock. Some came in trailers \par
and set up desert housekeeping for a few days. Others \par
came in cars or station wagons. They came from every\par
where, some from European countries. They all wanted \par
to see and talk to Van. Some of them were mere curiosity \par
seekers. Some obviously came to flatter their ego, to be able \par
to go back home and say, "I met George Van Tassel.\rdblquote  Some \par
accepted his hospitality and scoffed at him behind his \par
back. But others came with a deep and abiding interest in \par
the subject of saucers and real confidence in Van. We mar\par
velled at the stature and qualities of this man they came \par
to see, his incredible patience with the most flippant and \par
annoying questions, his unfailing courtesy, his amazing \par
selfrestraint and unselfish helpfulness toward all who \par
came. \par
We took time to drive around the property which was \par
much larger than we first suspected. We went over to the \par
ranch several miles distant where there was an attractive \par
ranch house occupied by the family of one of his married \par
daughters. There was even an outdoor swimming pood in \par
this desert location. \par
Here some interesting practical experiments in desert agri\par
culture were in progress based on O.S.C. information re\par
ceived from spacemen. These involved the use of univer\par
sal energy to stimulate plant growth and to produce other \par
useful effects. We discussed this subject with Van at great \par
length and he suggested that we also investigate an installa\par
tion at Riverside, California, which utilized universal ener\par
gy to prevent frost damage to an orange grove. Later he \par
issued an article in his Proceedings of May, 1955, on this \par
interesting subject. He also seemed convinced that a modi\par
fication of this principle could be used in a practical way \par
to control \ldblquote smog\rdblquote , which is getting to be a major problem \par
in some Pacific coast areas. \par
Another activity interested us, although it is still pretty \par
much in its preliminary stages. Ten acres had been set \par
aside for it, and some architectural work had already been \par
done. It was a proposed building to study the rejuvenation \par
of the human body by means of universal energy, concen\par
trated and directed as per O.S.C. information received. The \par
possibility of using O.S.C. information to speed up progress in\par
 many fields was discussed with Van. He feels that \par
tremendous opportunities are opening up along this line, \par
limited only by the following two factors: \par
First, we must become actively willing to make use of \par
O.S.C. information and vigorously try it out, to prove it \par
experimentally to ourselves. In other words, we must ac\par
tively cooperate with the space intelligences giving the in\par
formation and do our part. Van Tassel states that such \par
information is given out one step at a time, and that the \par
spacebeings wait for each step to be completed before giv\par
ing the information for the next step. \par
Second, we must have good, unselfish motives and not \par
use the information either selfishly or destructively. Fail\par
ure to abide by these requirements, he stated, stops the flow \par
of information almost instantly. He has learned these things \par
from actual experience. \par
Another interesting activity was the publication and \par
mailing of the monthly bulletin called Proceedings in \par
which, however, only a small percentage of O.S.C. infor\par
mation received by George Van Tassel is released to the \par
public. The whole family pitches in to help on this proj\par
ect. Van carefully selects the material and develops the \par
copy and the drawings himself. Members of the family \par
assist on the stenographic work. Much of the material re\par
ceived is so advanced and so cosmic in nature that it would \par
only be of interest to advanced or openminded scientists, \par
astronomers, engineers, experimenters or metaphysicians. \par
Only that deemed of more general interest is published. \par
There is no fixed charge attached to a subscription to these \par
Proceedings. Everything at the Rock is on a voluntary \ldblquote love\par
offering\rdblquote  basis. We had the privilege of pitching in and \par
helping the family with the mailing. We noted that one \par
of the names on the mailing list of Proceedings was Uncle \par
Sam\rquote s F.B.I.l \par
Then came an evening we had hoped for. We were in\par
vited to witness an O.S.C. contact with beings living \par
in outer space. This process at one time was pretty much \par
open to anybody who wished to attend. For good and suf\par
ficient reasons it is now by invitation. We went down a \par
flight of stairs under the Rock, made a right angle turn \par
down more stairs \emdash  fourteen steps in all \emdash  and found our\par
selves in a large paved room far beneath the mighty rock. \par
The room contained chairs, davenports, tables and even a \par
piano \emdash  also shelves filled with interesting books. \par
Van took a seat in one corner and asked if I would sit \par
next to him. The family gathered around forming a circle. \par
An assistant rigged up a taperecorder to take down any \par
communication received. \par
We are trying to report accurately what we observed. \par
We feel we owe it to our readers. Let us here state that \par
the entire proceedings were all completly new and strange \par
to us. This reporting would not be complete, if we did not \par
mention one thing. I am not myself \ldblquote psychic\rdblquote  at all \emdash  no \par
more than a fence post! But I am rather sensitive to mild \par
electric currents, to radiations and currents of energy, and \par
I personally felt an amazing flow of energy in that room. \par
It was something like a galvanic current through my body. \par
I noticed that it manifested itself with particular strength \par
before and during the contacts made by Van. We also \par
wish to report for the sake of those who will be interested \par
that some of the male members of the family circle are rath\par
er advanced students of the far eastern teachings of \ldblquote Yoga\rdblquote , \par
and one of them had been with Paramhansa Yogananda \par
during his years in the U nited States. \par
The family started by singing songs \emdash  popular songs \emdash  \par
and then some wellknown hymns. On one occasion they \par
sang a certain song which Van had obtained directly from \par
one of his space contacts. To us the music was very unusual, \par
and the words were both simple and beautiful. It became \par
a favorite song of one of his daughters. \par
After a few moments Van succeeded in making the con\par
tact he desired. It was with a certain communications cen\par
ter in outerspace. Now once again let us say that we are \par
not experts in such matters, but we are somewhat familiar \par
with the \ldblquote sight and sound rays\rdblquote  recognized in certain philo\par
sophic and esoteric works as one possible basis of cosmic \par
communication. As near as we could make out, both a \par
\ldblquote sight ray\rdblquote  and a \ldblquote sound ray\rdblquote  were being focused on Van \par
from outerspace with pinpoint accuracy. Those familiar \par
with Dr. Williamson\rquote s experience will realize that this is \par
far from being impossible. Advanced spacebeings are \par
masters of energy. Van talks to his spacefriends in a mat\par
ter of fact way and helps them to focus these rays and to \par
adjust their intensity so that he can endure the vibrations. \par
If either the focus or the intensity of these rays or energy \par
beams becomes maladjusted, Van suffers both pain and an \par
excessive heating of some part of his body, often his feet. \par
There is no lack of energy in the beams. On the contrary \par
they appear to possess almost frightening power, and delicate \par
control is of the utmost importance if Van\rquote s body is not to \par
be injured. Readjustments at times become necessary. In\par
cidentally Van can \ldblquote see\rdblquote  the spacebeings with whom he \par
talks and something of their surroundings, much as we ob\par
serve scenes on a television screen. He can \ldblquote hear\rdblquote  them \par
\emdash  sometimes like a voice inside his head and sometimes \par
telepathically as powerful thoughts. \par
Van told us that at one time the energy beams got so \par
out of adjustment that it felt as if his body was actually \par
burning up. Since then the control center has made in\par
stant adjustments in the rays at his slightest request. He \par
also told us that the sound communication is not limited \par
to these more formal occasions beneath the rock, but he \par
has received the \ldblquote voice\rdblquote  even when driving in a car on the \par
highway or in his room, either during the day or night. The \par
voice is not weak. It is so loud that it overpowers every\par
thing else in his mind. We also wish to state that Van is \par
also conscious of his human surroundings during the contacts. \par
When the adjustments were complete, the communica\par
tion center switched the contact to a spacebeing in an\par
other locality who gave us a remarkable discourse on an \par
important subject of current interest. It was characterized \par
by great wisdom, love, and a dispassionate but helpful at\par
titude toward some of our earth problems. A few ques\par
tions and answers were permissable \emdash  but not many. Van \par
publishes some of this type of material in Proceedings, but \par
he refrains from giving out very much of it. The reason \par
for this is that our ways are not the ways of these advanced \par
spacebeings, and their cosmic viewpoint treads too severe\par
ly upon some of our most orthodox and cherished beliefs. \par
From the nature of the remarkable information we received \par
that night, we could easily understand why Van only releases a \par
small and often \ldblquote watered down\rdblquote  version of it. How\par
ever, we feel that for those with sufficient understanding, \par
Van might be willing to tilt the lid of the cosmic viewpoint \par
of these beings on almost any subject. But sincerity of \par
purpose, and a certain measure of receptivity are indis\par
pensable requisites. It is interesting to note that these \par
spacebeings have shown themselves capable of instantly de\par
tecting hidden and ulterior motives. The presense of cer\par
tain human beings who are not sincere will in fact nullify \par
the transmission. \par
The history of the development of Van\rquote s peculiar abilities \par
in contacting extraterrestrial intelligences is worthy of a \par
scientific study by those scientifically and seriously inter\par
ested in such matters. The development has gone through \par
a definite series of steps or stages covering almost every \par
phase of communication. More recently it has gone through \par
a new phase where Van is privileged in some instances to \par
initiate a contact himself. This was not true in the earlier \par
stages. Van is also turning to the concept that there exists \par
throughout our solar system, under the control of the com\par
munications section of the interplanetary government, a \par
continuous \ldblquote communications beam\rdblquote  which he calls the \par
\ldblquote omnibeam\rdblquote . It is an energybeam somewhat in the \par
thought frequency range which is \ldblquote on\rdblquote  all of the time \emdash  \par
something like a continuous T.V. or radio carrier wave. \par
Those who are privileged and able to \ldblquote tune in\rdblquote  on it mentally \par
can accomplish extraterrestrial communication with\par
out the use of electronic or other equipment external to the \par
human body. \par
On another occasion we discussed with Van the photo\par
graph of a flying saucer which had attracted our attention \par
on the wall in the mess shack. We found that he had written \par
an article on it and included his own explanatory drawing \par
in the Proceedings of May, 1955. The photograph first \par
appeared in The Coming Of The Saucers by Kenneth Ar\par
nold and Ray Palmer, which stated that it was snapped at \par
Hawthorne, California, on March 11, 1950, by Miss Bette \par
Malles of Los Angeles. As we have stated Van is one of the \par
saucerers who understands that there is both a physical \par
and a supraphysical side to the saucers, and his commen\par
tary on this photograph bears this out. To quote briefly \par
from Van\rquote s article in Proceedings: \par
\ldblquote In her. (Miss Malle\rquote s) picture she caught the ship be\par
tween the stages of visibility and invisibility. The light \par
motor, which converts primary invisible light linesofforce \par
into controllable magnetic energy, is clearly shown in oper\par
ation. These ships nullify our gravity by remaining inside \par
their own selfgenerated force fields. Consequently the \par
earth\rquote s force field does not affect them.\rdblquote  \par
At this point in our saucer pilgrimage both of us were \par
fully aware of the fact that saucers were more than a phys\par
ical or earthly phenomenon. While there is definitely a \par
physical aspect to the phenomenon \emdash  of infinitely more \par
importance there is also a supraphysical aspect. Here is \par
a saucerer with a deep understanding of both aspects and \par
of many truths regarding outerspace itself which are not \par
generally known. Here is a man with whom we could free\par
ly discuss these supraphysical aspects and learn much of \par
value regarding the cosmic nature of the great subject we \par
have been studying. \par
Van occasionally gives saucer lectures to special groups. \par
His address before the flying saucer convention at Giant \par
Rock in 1954 \emdash  which was attended by many leading saucerers \par
and several thousands of enthusiasts \emdash  was an outstand\par
ing and inspired denunciation of man\rquote s misuse of atomic \par
energy and the attendant dangers to the earth. In 1955 he \par
lectured on flying saucers before the supervisory personnel \par
of North American Aviation in California. This effort was \par
enthusiastically received before a record attendance. \par
We left the rock with regret, promising ourselves that \par
we would return. This we were able to do on a number \par
of occasions. As we headed our car westward toward Los \par
Angeles, Helen asked, \ldblquote What are you thinking about?\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote Well, I am thinking,\rdblquote  I replied, \ldblquote that we have just seen \par
a great man \emdash  a cosmic minded soul \emdash  George Van Tassel. \par
He is an advanced apostle in the \lquote new age\rquote  if there ever was \par
one!\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote Yes,\rdblquote  she agreed. \ldblquote I will always think of him as the sage \par
of Giant Rock and will always be grateful for the privilege \par
of knowing him. He reminds me of a veritable modern \par
\lquote John the Baptist\rquote  crying in the wilderness, \lquote Prepare ye for \par
a new cosmic age\rquote . But now, as in biblical times, the world \par
pays little attention. I wonder why?\rdblquote  \par
"Well,\rdblquote  I replied, \ldblquote it looks as though we always need \par
pioneers \emdash  rugged souls like George Van Tassel with the \par
courage to be outinfront, to be ahead of the general level \par
of human thought. At first no one seems to listen, but \par
later \emdash  gradually perhaps they do.\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote But what about the valuable information almost going \par
to waste there at the Rock,\rdblquote  she protested. \par
\ldblquote Yes, I feel the same way,\rdblquote  I replied. \ldblquote If the right peo\par
ple could take hold of such channels of cosmic informa\par
tion, learn to appreciate their value, and help develop \par
them, finance them, protect them \emdash  there seems to be no \par
limit to the practical applications that could be brought \par
forth for the benefit of mankind. What an opportunity \par
this would be for retired scientists or sincere cosmic minded \par
resarchers \emdash  people of goodwill and with an unselfish spirit of \par
service to mankind! But now Van is only one man and \par
he can only do so much, but a group could accomplish much \par
more. What impresses me is the willingness of the great \par
cosmic beings he contacts in higher spheres of life to help \par
us who are still on the earth plane.\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote Just what type of spacebeings do you think Van is con\par
tacting?\rdblquote  asked Helen. \par
\ldblquote From the quality of the information coming through,\rdblquote  \par
I answered, \ldblquote which is probably as good a way as any to \par
judge, they seem to be on a very high level. As near as I \par
can judge they must be closely connected with the cosmic \par
group which governs this solar system \emdash  particularly the \par
communications group. It appears that mankind and the \par
earth have reached such a critical state that we have run \par
into the big boys \emdash  the planetary guardians.\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote Why do you think the spacebeings are establishing \par
these earth contacts at this time?\rdblquote  inquired Helen. \par
\ldblquote They certainly would not do this without some good \par
reason,\rdblquote  I replied. \ldblquote There are not too many of these \lquote cos\par
mic telephones\rquote  in the the world, but we have seen that \par
they do exist and that they are available to certain people \par
who learn about them and cooperate with them. Maybe if \par
a sudden worldwide emergency should arise, they will be \par
of untold value to those who are aware of them. Let us \par
hope that we ourselves never lose touch with this space\par
contact. Sometime we might need it.\rdblquote  \par
With these sobering thoughts we silently sped westward to \par
our meeting with another pioneer saucerer, Daniel Fry. \par
On the way we passed through Riverside, California, \par
and decided to make a brief detour to visit the orange grove \par
which George Van Tassel had told us was protected from \par
frost by an application of certain principles of universal \par
energy. We understood that spaceships draw their energy \par
from space\rdblquote  itself \emdash  from the sea of energy in which all \par
life s manifestations take place. We often wondered why \par
man on earth did not make more use of this type of ever \par
present energy. We were, therefore, very curious to find \par
out about this particular example first hand. It was first \par
brought forth by Mr. John De Land, who passed on a few \par
years ago, and it is known as the \ldblquote De Land Magnetic Con\par
trol\rdblquote . We found Mrs. De Land at home, and she directed \par
us to the installation at a fifteen acre orange grove owned \par
by Mrs. Eva B. Hibbs, also of Riverside. \par
The owner kindly took us around the installation, part \par
of which dates back to 1950. It consists primarily of a \par
thirtytwo foot mast in the center of each acre of orange \par
trees, down which run seven No. 10 bare copper wires paral\par
lel to the mast and spaced a few inches therefrom by means \par
of plywood discs used as insulators and spacers. Each mast \par
is made of ordinary galvanized iron pipe of two inch size \par
at the base \emdash  which is set in concrete \emdash  reduced to one and \par
onehalf inch and finally one inch size at the top. At the \par
foot of the mast the wires run underground and then branch \par
out in seven different dirrections about eighteen inches be\par
low the surface toward the confines of the acre plot. An \par
interesting feature of the installation is that at the end of \par
its underground run, each wire is first coiled around an \par
"Alnico\rdblquote  permanent magnet about one inch in diameter \par
by five inches long and then protrudes upwards slightly \par
above the soil. A short length of each wire is bent back \par
toward the head of the mast. One wire is oriented to mag\par
netic north, while the others are at equal seventh divisions \par
of the compass. No man made energy or power is employed. \par
The installation has done a remarkable job \emdash  not in \par
reducing the atmospheric temperature in the grove \emdash  \par
but in preventing the fruit from freezing, despite some \par
freezing temperatures as low as 20 degrees fahrenheit and \par
some unofficial temperatures of 17 degrees. Fruit that \par
falls to the ground will freeze, but that attached to the \par
trees will not freeze. Besides the effective frost control, \par
the owner reports a noteworthy increase in both the yield \par
and the quality of the fruit produced. \par
One reason we were particularly interested in this installation is that it \par
lends strength to a growing conviction with\par
in us that practical usage can actually be made of technical \par
information received by O.S.C. methods \emdash  as Van has \par
suggested. It seems that Mr. De Land had initially received \par
the basic concepts for this work through a form of O.S.C. \par
(outerspace communication). What an intriguing possi\par
bility! Think of the acceleration in human progress which \par
could result! \par
on April 26, 1955, we headed the car toward the little \par
California town of Puente, some twentyfive miles \par
east of Los Angeles to see Daniel Fry. Most saucer en\par
thusiasts know him as \ldblquote the man who rode a flying saucer,\rdblquote  \par
but his saucer experiences go way beyond this. We had \par
read and reread his notable book The White Sands Inci\par
dent many times and likewise his later pamphlet Alan\rquote s \par
Message To Men Of Earth. \par
We had difficulty finding his residence, but we finally \par
located it by his name on the mailbox. Nobody was home \par
so after waiting awhile we decided to return the next eve\par
ning. We were glad we did so, because this time we found \par
him at home with all his family except the son. We met \par
his wife and two nice daughters, one of whom was of high \par
school age, while the other was younger. We had a wonder\par
ful visit. Mrs. Fry was interested in a little book store \par
which she and a friend were starting in a nearby town. We \par
went there with her the next day. They were specializing \par
in Saucer books and allied \ldblquote New Age\rdblquote  publications. . At \par
that time Daniel Fry was still working as an instrumenta\par
tion technician on rockets and similar projects, which is \par
his specialty. More lately, however, we have heard that he \par
is writing another book and hopes to do experimental \par
work on his own. We talked about our Mexican saucer ac\par
tivities, his own remarkable experiences and his estimate \par
of the present world situation. For the sake of those who \par
are not familiar with his experiences, it may be well to out\par
line them briefly. \par
Daniel Fry up to the time of our visit had had four dis\par
tinct experiences with flying saucers and the extraterres\par
trial beings who operate them. The first experience \emdash  \par
his trip on a saucer \emdash  was on a physical plane, the second \par
and third were in the nature of outer space communication (O.S.C.), \par
and the fourth was a combination of a physical experience and an O.S.C. experience. \par
The first occurred \par
on July 4, 1950, and included his 4,000 mile ride in a \par
saucer and is covered in The White Sands Incident. The \par
second happened about two years later, and the informa\par
tion obtained then has not yet been made public, but he \par
is now considering releasing it. The third experience oc\par
curred on April 28, 1954, and is set forth in Alan\rquote s Mes\par
sage. The fourth occurred on September 18, 1954, and \par
we will mention it later. Both of the books came out in \par
1954, and as researchers we have found it necessary to \par
avoid confusing the dates of publication with the dates \par
of his experiences. There was a long delay in publicizing \par
the first experience. Besides his writings, Daniel Fry lec\par
tures occasionally on his experiences to special groups as \par
do other saucerers. He delivered a lecture in Detroit, \par
Michigan in 1955 sponsored by the Detroit Flying Saucer \par
Club. It was a wonderful lecture and presented a wealth \par
of saucer information relating to both the technical as\par
pects and the insistent messages of the spacebeings. \par
Daniel Fry\rquote s background should make his experiences \par
of especial interest to those who are technically minded. \par
While he was only able to complete his highschool course \par
of education, he possesses a selfeducation in chemistry, \par
physics and electronics which many a college graduate \par
could well envy. Personally he appeals to us as a \ldblquote saltof\par
theearth\rdblquote  type of man. He is a trained technical observer \par
and a very precise thinker. He has a good reputation for \par
reliability and integrity and is well respected. \par
At the time of his first experience on July 4, 1950, he \par
was stationed at the White Sands Proving Grounds, New \par
Mexico, U.S.A., near the town of Las Cruces. The Organ \par
Mountains are in the vicinity. He was then serving as an \par
employee of the Aerojet General Corporation and was en\par
gaged in instrumentation work in connection with the \par
testing of some extremely large rocket motors. It was near \par
evening, and most of the personnel had gone to town to \par
celebrate Independence Day \emdash  only a few remained at the \par
post. Through a chain of \ldblquote circumstances\rdblquote  he was one of \par
those remaining on the base and toward evening he walked \par
out onto a lonely portion of the grounds. \par
A flying saucer appeared silently out of the darkened \par
sky, decelerated and landed fairly near him. It was ap\par
proximately thirty feet in diameter and sixteen feet high. \par
The shape was that of a flattened sphere \emdash  flattened at \par
the top and the bottom. The material was some sort of \par
metal, highly polished on the exterior, presenting a silvery \par
color. There were no port holes at all, and at first he \par
could see no entrance. He learned a few minutes later \par
that no one was aboard it, but it was under remote control \par
from a controlship or "mothership\rdblquote  located some 900 \par
miles above the earth. Its purpose was interesting. It was \par
being used to gather some of our air and transport it to \par
the controlship where it was mixed with the spacevisitor\rquote s \par
own air in an effort to acclimate them to breathing and liv\par
ing in our atmosphere, which is different from their own. \par
Daniel Fry\rquote s introduction to the visitors was quite dra\par
matic. After an intense inner struggle as to whether to \par
run and call for help or stay and see what would happen \par
\emdash  his technical curiosity finally got the better of him and \par
impelled him to touch the strange object, first gingerly with \par
one finger and then with the palm of his hand. He was \par
noting the peculiar slippery surface of the metal and the \par
fact that it was a little warmer than the air when a loud \par
voice from the interior suddenly warned him in English \par
that it was dangerous to touch. He jumped back, tripped \par
and fell full length. A chuckle from within the saucer \par
completed his utter humiliation \emdash  and this was his unique \par
introduction to an extraterrestrial being \emdash  a spaceman with \par
whom he was destined to have many experiences. By mu\par
tual agreement he calls this space friend by the name of \par
"Alan\rdblquote . \par
Events moved quickly, and after recovering himself he \par
was offered a short flight in this small ship which the \par
owners called a small 'cargo carrier\rdblquote . A door which fitted \par
so perfectly that he had not noticed it before was opened, \par
and suppressing his fears he stepped inside the saucer into \par
a small cabin. The voice he had been hearing was coming \par
through some type of loud speaker controlled by the moth\par
ership. The interior was lighted by a small projector, \par
and he seated himself in one of the several available seats. \par
After a short discussion it was agreed they would take him \par
to see the lights of New York City, some two thousand miles \par
away, and they assurred him it would not take very long. \par
He asked how they expected him to see anything as the \par
ship had no windows. The operator settled the question \par
by directing a beam of bluish light from the projector to\par
ward the door. The door was of thinner material than the \par
walls of the craft, and by this time the door had been \par
closed. Under the action of the light beam, however, the \par
door became transparent and thus served as an excellent \par
window. The ship rose some thirty miles in elevation \par
for most of the trip, but it descended to about twenty miles \par
over New York for a better view. After circling the city, \par
the ship headed westward for the return trip to White \par
Sands. The entire flight covering approximately four \par
thousand miles was accomplished in about thirty minutes \par
time. This was an average speed of approximately eight \par
thousand miles per hour, better than twice that of earth\par
made rockets then in use. \par
All during the trip Daniel Fry persistently asked ques\par
tions. He told us there were literally hundreds of questions \par
\ldblquote beating at the fringe of his consciousness\rdblquote  and he asked as \par
many as he could, one after the other. Each question \par
brought forth a prompt, simple and understandable answer. \par
As he put it, \ldblquote It was as if one had placed in my hand an \par
encyclopedia and said, \lquote Here is all the knowledge in the \par
Universe \emdash  you have thirty minutes\rquote !\rdblquote  \par
Most of the questions were technical. This was no in\par
terplanetary saucer but a small remote controlled utility \par
affair, working on magnetic principles with a limited range \par
and entirely dependent upon the controlship for recharg\par
ing its accumulator with energy. Despite some incredible \par
accelerations during takeoff, Daniel Fry experienced no \par
discomfort in the ship from this cause. The explanation \par
given was that the application of energy was of such a na\par
ture that every atom of the ship and its contents \emdash  includ\par
ing his own body \emdash  was acted upon simultaneously, so \par
that everything moved together and thus no pressures were \par
felt from inertia forces. The accuracy and effectiveness of \par
the remote control were noteworthy. The operators could \par
control all of the forces acting upon the ship and maneuver \par
it precisely, even controlling its turning on a vertical axis \par
so that they could \ldblquote point\rdblquote  the door toward objects to be \par
viewed. The craft was landed with great accuracy only a \par
few feet from the original takeoff point. \par
However, not all of the questions were technical. Some \par
were of a more general interest. Daniel Fry learned to \par
his surprise that this contact was no accident but was plan\par
ned by the spacevisitors. In fact they even took a hand in \par
some of the \ldblquote circumstances\rdblquote  which made it possible, and \par
they deliberately \ldblquote ransacked\rdblquote  his mind prior to the con\par
tact to make sure of certain things. Their speaking English \par
with considerable idiom was also no accident, because \par
this took two years of preparation on their part. The con\par
trol ship was not from any particular planet but was from \par
outerspace itself. \par
In our own private research, we have applied our own \par
methods of coordination and comparison to our study of \par
this contact. We have even studied the history of various \par
efforts which were made to ridicule it. We only wish that \par
in our reporting we could somehow convey to our readers \par
some of the qualities of Daniel Fry himself, especially his \par
humility and sincerity. While our own ideas may not be \par
too important to others, for the sake of the few who may \par
wish to know \emdash  our own study indicated to us that this was \par
a physical contact and we feel that the information gained \par
will in time emerge as an historic landmark in man\rquote s effort \par
to understand and master outerspace. \par
Daniel Fry\rquote s second and third experiences took place at \par
a location far distant from the first \emdash  at a little ranch which \par
he had acquired in an isolated and wooded section in the \par
State of Oregon not far from Grant\rquote s Pass. In contrast to \par
the first, these were not what would ordinarily be termed \par
\ldblquote physical\rdblquote  contacts. They were O.S.C. contacts, that is \par
outerspace communication contacts, and took the form of \par
\ldblquote a voice inside his head\rdblquote . The voice was that of his space \par
friend Alan, so clear and distinct that Daniel Fry was able \par
to carry on a conversation in this manner. We learned \par
that this type of communication holds no mystery for him. \par
He realizes that spacebeings are masters of energy and pos\par
sess the ability to \ldblquote modulate\rdblquote  currents of energy on the \par
auditory nerves of a human being, which will then appear \par
to that person as sound or speech. \par
On the occasion of the second contact, Alan in this man\par
ner was able to give him considerable information which, \par
however, he has not yet published. As we have previously \par
stated, he is now working on this and may release it in the \par
near future. The third contact on April 28, 1954, was of \par
a similar nature, but it was particularly interesting be\par
cause it was the only case in which he tried to initiate a \par
contact himself. After a three day effort he finally suc\par
ceeded, only to be very severely rebuked by Alan for his \par
failure to share and make public his other experiences. It \par
was only after this severe prodding by his space friend that \par
he overcame his fears and distrust of his own abilities and \par
was stimulated to put his experiences in writing. It was \par
this contact also which gave him Alan\rquote s Message To Men Of \par
Earth. \par
This message is a remarkable exposition of what is wrong \par
with our world and the chief remedy that is needed. The \par
major earth difficulty, as set forth in Alan\rquote s Message is that \par
our physical science has developed so much faster than our \par
social science and our religious science that we are danger\par
ously out of balance. By developing mutual understanding and \par
helpfulness between peoples everywhere, we must \par
strengthen our social and religious foundations sufficiently \par
and develop them faster in order to support our scientific \par
progress, or our entire civilization will soon collapse. It is \par
a stirring message couched in noncritical terms of helpful\par
ness, wisdom and love. Many people want physical flying \par
saucers without \ldblquote any strings attached\rdblquote . We doubt if this \par
is possible. The spacepeople come to earth always with a \par
purpose and a serious message. Why try to ignore this fact? \par
While we were talking to Daniel Fry in his home, we ask\par
ed him if this third event had ended his experiences with the \par
spacepeople. He went to a desk and drew forth a photo\par
graph of a small saucer flying over some trees and a build\par
ing which he had taken on September 18, 1954. He explain\par
ed that this was his fourth and latest experience with his \par
extraterrestrial friend Alan. As saucer photographs go, it \par
was not the best in the world by any means. But the cir\par
cumstances under which it was taken are so unique that \par
we think it is worthy of special note. The taking of it in\par
volved both an O.S.C. and a physical experience. Daniel \par
Fry was driving his car on Garvey Boulevard, east of Los \par
Angeles, when he suddenly heard Alan\rquote s voice inside his \par
head telling him that if he had a camera he would be able \par
very shortly to photograph a flying saucer. He did not \par
have a camera, but he spied a drug store which he was then \par
passing on the opposite side of the road. He made a quick \par
Uturn on the Boulevard \emdash  a minor miracle in itself con\par
sidering the traffic \emdash  rushed into the drug store, and hur\par
riedly bought a little Brownie Holiday camera. He asked \par
the proprietor to load it with film quickly as he wished to \par
take some pictures of a flying saucer. One can well imagine \par
what the proprietor thought. He resumed his trip toward \par
his destination, and between the towns of Baldwin Park \par
and Azusa, California, he spied the saucer. It hovered and \par
tilted and practically \ldblquote posed\rdblquote  for him while he took his \par
pictures. Later he returned the film to the proprietor of \par
the drug store, told him they were the flying saucer pictures \par
and asked if he would please develop them. \par
We include this picture in our book \emdash  a physical picture of 'a \par
physical saucer, but taken as the result of an O.S.C. message. \par
By this time in our pilgrimage we had been awakened \par
to a very startling thing, at least it is very startling to \par
most people when they first begin to grasp it, name\par
ly that flying saucers are more than a mere physical man\par
ifestation. Fortunately for us this astonishing fact was not \par
suddenly thrust upon us in the early stages of our investi\par
gation. If it had been it is entirely possible that we too \par
might have joined many others in quitting the whole thing \par
as a silly waste of time, as fiction, or buncombe, or fakery, \par
or dreams, or some such thing. As a matter of fact the supra\par
physical aspect of saucers dawned upon us so gradually that \par
we never even felt it as a shock, but rather as a logical, reas\par
onable and even natural extension of human knowledge \par
into higher dimensions of life. \par
We quickly realized, however, that this supraphysical as\par
pect of saucers was indeed unexplored territory. Most \par
saucer enthusiasts were in blissful ignorance of the fact that \par
there even existed any aspect beyond the physical. They \par
were so exicted about physical saucers that this phase alone \par
was almost too much for them. But the people we most \par
wanted to talk to were the more advanced researchers who \par
had already put two and two together regarding the supra\par
physical aspects. One such researcher whom we especially \par
wanted to meet was Meade Layne, a veteran of many years \par
experience in probing the secrets of the borderland that \par
lies between the seen and unseen worlds. Surely he could \par
help us to understand the \ldblquote unseen\rdblquote  phases of spacecraft. \par
In order to meet him we headed our car toward Southern \par
California, and on April 29, 1955, we rolled into San Diego \par
where he lives. Our speedometer showed that our saucer \par
pilgrimage to date had now covered over 16,000 miles \emdash  \par
replete with many wonderful experiences. Life to us had \par
indeed become a thrilling adventure. \par
112 \par
It was still early afternoon and we decided to go directly \par
to Meade Layne\rquote s office. For years he has served as National \par
Director of what is called the Borderland Sciences Re\par
search Associates. This is a somewhat informally organized \par
group of individuals living in many different localities \par
which for a number of years, under Meade Layne\rquote s leader\par
ship, has been carrying on some exceptional research ac\par
tivities. Here is a representative group of curious people \par
whose desire to investigate is uninhibited. The usual creeds, \par
dogmas, theories and thought patterns of stiff orthodoxy \par
mean nothing to them. They investigate and study almost \par
every kind of phenomena in that \ldblquote borderland\rdblquote  of science \par
which lies between the physical and the higher manifesta\par
tions of life. Their \ldblquote meat\rdblquote  is the interesting facts, events \par
and phenomena which \ldblquote orthodox\rdblquote  science either cannot or \par
will not investigate. A few brief examples of the subjects \par
they have tackled are such things as strange appearances or \par
disappearances, variations in gravity, underground races, \par
teleportation, apportation, materialization, clairvoyance, \par
clairaudience, the powers of Huna, parapsychological phe\par
nomena, strange photographic phenomena, the auras of \par
man, and many many other similar subjects. Any associate \par
can mail a report of his individual research to headquarters \par
where it is ably edited by Mr. Layne and often published \par
in the B.S.R.A. periodical called the Round Robin. \par
Fortunately we found both Mr. Layne and his wife \ldblquote at \par
home\rdblquote  in the B.S.R.A. Headquarters. They welcomed us \par
as fellow researchers. We soon discovered that both of \par
them had been to Mexico, and Mr. Layne could do an \par
excellent job of speaking Spanish. The Mexican saucer \par
situation was of great interest to them, and we discussed \par
it at some length. \par
We noted that a room was filled with many rare books on \par
borderland subjects which are yet too little understood by \par
man to be classed as \ldblquote science\rdblquote , yet too important to be \par
neglected. We could have spent hours browsing, but as \par
it was Mr. Layne loaded us up with enough fascinating books \par
to keep us busy for weeks. The breadth and grasp of his \par
brilliant mind, his vast knowledge of borderland things \par
far beyond the level of the average human awareness, his \par
keen sense of humor and his graciousness in sharing his \par
investigations with others, all this combined made our \par
visits a never to be forgotten privilege. We say visits, be\par
cause during the months we spent in San Diego we found \par
ourselves returning many times to sit at the feet of this \par
great researcher and to listen to his wisdom. We are very \par
grateful for the benefit of his experience in understanding \par
the more advanced phases of the peculiar phenomena now \par
appearing in our skies. \par
At one time he showed us an aurascope \emdash  an instrument \par
which he and his associates have used to explore the aura \par
or emanations of energy which surround the physical bodies \par
of all living things. This proved to be a rather simple look\par
ing instrument consisting of a metal handle from which \par
protruded a shiny metal wire. The wire came from the \par
handle straight to start with, then went into a helix, and \par
then straight again, ending in a peculiar tubular tip. It \par
was like a metal \ldblquote divining rod\rdblquote  or "dowsing wand\rdblquote . \par
I immediately tried it out on Helen. It worked! The \par
tip of the instrument deflected away from her as much as \par
fortyfive degrees. Heavens! What an aura she had, be\par
lieve it or not. She even had \ldblquote wings\rdblquote  protruding from her \par
back! I found myself wondering what a human being would \par
really look like if anyone could see all of him \emdash  the \ldblquote seen\rdblquote  \par
and the \ldblquote unseen\rdblquote  portions. Helen insisted on trying the \par
instrument on me, but I strenuously demurred. I was \par
afraid she might discover some horns protruding from my \par
skull \emdash  or at least something not so flattering as wings. We \par
also tried out Meade Layne\rquote s \ldblquote Kilner Goggles\rdblquote  \emdash  marked \par
with the label of the London Psychic Educational Center, \par
London, England. They are intended, as we understand it, \par
to help develop auric vision. To us they made everything \par
look a peculiar shade of red. \par
Mr. Layne also showed us something of especial interest \par
to saucer students \emdash  a substance which has been called \par
\ldblquote angel\rquote s hair\rquote\rquote . It was a name given to the mysterious white \par
and often matted hairlike substance which has sometimes \par
fallen out of the sky and descended onto trees, telegraph \par
wires, etc. It has been associated with the presence of fly\par
ing saucers. It has a way of evaporating when held too long \par
in the hand. Later we found out what the spaceships use \par
it for (See Chapter 18, Q. 22). \par
We had numerous discussions with Meade Layne on \par
the supraphysical aspects of flying saucers and allied sub\par
jects, and may we say that he and many of his associates, \par
from their years of experience in borderland researches, \par
have not been fooled by the glib and pat explanations with \par
which orthodox scientists and entrenched officialdom have \par
essayed to explain away and \ldblquote whitewash\rdblquote  the entire saucer \par
phenomena. They know from experience that the human \par
mind of man will go to any lengths to rationalize in terms \par
of natural phenomena that which it is incapable of under\par
standing. Failing in this it will deny the facts and do every\par
thing it can to discredit those who are having saucer ex\par
periences. This is exactly what has happened. The human \par
mind is very jealous of its threedimension ignorance. This \par
free thinking research group has been quick to discern the \par
supraphysical aspect of the phenomena being reported \par
and the fact that it can neither be explained nor explained \par
away by a purely physical approach. Therefore, they have \par
lost no time in investigating it from higher points of view. \par
After all this is the type of thing in which they are both \par
interested and experienced. \par
It seems to us almost incredible that any serious minded \par
researcher could overlook the noteworthy contributions of \par
this veteran researcher and his group in this field of en\par
deavor. In our humble opinion their early work on the \par
supraphysical aspects of saucers is outstanding and will be \par
so recognized in due course of time. Parts of this research \par
are set forth in Meade Layne\rquote s book Flying Discs \emdash  The \par
Ether Ship Mystery And Its Solution issued from B.S.R.A. \par
headquarters in 1950 and The Coming Of The Guardians \par
issued in 1954. The latter represents a work which he pro\par
duced with the assistance of Mark Probert\rquote s \ldblquote Inner Circle\rdblquote . \par
Not too many saucer enthusiasts we have met are familiar \par
with these researches. What a pity \emdash  or maybe it is not \par
a pity \emdash  because possibly they are just a little too advanced \par
for the average \ldblquote fan\rdblquote . We have all learned that the higher \par
aspects of saucers are not within the range of many people\rquote s \par
interests or their capacity to grasp the reality of things be\par
yond the boundaries of the five physical senses. As a great \par
master scientist once remarked some twothousand years \par
ago, \ldblquote I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot \par
bear them now.\rdblquote  \par
In our thought the great pioneer saucerers are helping \par
to bring to present day humanity some of these things. \par
Many cannot yet bear them, but there are also thousands \par
who are ready to listen. It is for those \ldblquote important few\rdblquote  that \par
the pioneers labor. \par
Because part of Mead Layne\rquote s research had been in con\par
nection with Mark Probert\rquote s \ldblquote Inner Circle\rdblquote , we resolved \par
that Mark Probert would be the next stop on our Flying \par
Saucer Pilgrimage. \par
to this point in our pilgrimage \emdash  before taking any \par
further steps \emdash  there are valid reasons for our pausing for an hour of decision! We reached this point \par
ourselves, and wish now to extend this consideration to \par
our readers. You see we have had plenty of experience with \par
those who reach a certain point and then retreat! For ex\par
ample, a friend of ours became interested in saucers and \par
really went into the subject. We met him later and asked \par
how he was getting along and he replied, \ldblquote Well, studying \par
saucers was fine as long as they were physical. But there \par
came a time when \lquote implications\rquote  set in. To tell the truth, \par
I almost died of the implications!\rdblquote  \par
We have seen many good people fold up when they come \par
to the implications. At first they were all agog with saucer \par
enthusiasm. Then some of the truth of the implications \par
began to dawn on them, and they just couldn't take it. Sud\par
denly they wanted to \ldblquote give the saucers back to the Venu\par
sians\rdblquote  and wash their hands of them forever. The implica\par
tions dealt too severe a blow to their smug little view of \par
life. The supraphysical aspects were too much for them. \par
It takes a certain endowment of the pioneer spirit to pursue \par
the saucers to their lairs and fearlessly appraise the implica\par
tions. \par
A brilliant young engineer became enthusiastically in\par
terested in the subject of saucers. He read all the litera\par
ture, attended lectures, joined a saucer group. Then all \par
of a sudden he became stone cold on the subject. He would \par
not open his mouth about it. He developed a kind of fur\par
tive glance over his shoulder. He would not be \ldblquote seen \par
dead\rdblquote  with anybody who had saucer experiences or was \par
interested or active in this research. This was such an in\par
teresting case that we persevered until we found the true \par
answer. What do you think it turned out to be? His employer \par
had found out about his saucer interest and dropped \par
broad hints that it \ldblquote wasn\rquote t good for business\rdblquote . He became \par
fearful of losing his job and therefore quit all saucer activity. \par
It looks as if in our \ldblquote free\rdblquote  world some of the saucer \par
pioneers who really want to learn may have to go under\par
ground. In fact many of them have. We found that there \par
exists today a worldwide saucer underground \emdash  a newage \par
underground \emdash  a fraternity of those who know, some of \par
them instinctively, that great changes are due in this world \par
and that help from \ldblquote on high\rdblquote  is a solid actuality at this \par
time. It is easier for many who are interested in saucers to \par
meet in private. Then they do not have to face the scorn, \par
ridicule and even persecution of this world. \par
There is the case of the Mexican chauffeur Salvadore Vil\par
lanueva Medina who sat up most of the night with two \par
men from outerspace. He did not tell his story to the \par
public until many months after it happened. Why? Be\par
cause of fear. Fear of ridicule, fear of being thought insane \par
or at least peculiar or unreliable, fear of his job. \par
Then there was an exceptionally fine young man in a \par
government position. He was a sincere researcher and join\par
ed with others in a research effort. Suddenly he too quit. \par
He privately told us he was afraid for his job and his career. \par
He found out that to his superiors the spacepeople were, to \par
say the least, \ldblquote personae non gratae\rdblquote . \par
Another enthusiastic saucerer belonged to a religious \par
group. He was doing fine until the hierarchy of the group ex\par
pressed severe objections. He not only quit his saucer ac\par
tivity but began to point the finger of condemnation toward \par
all saucer investigators. \par
If this shocks you a bit, just remember that the subject \par
of saucers at the present time is not respectable \emdash  no, not \par
even that of physical saucers. They will be in time, but \par
right now they are not a part of \ldblquote tradition\rdblquote  or of \ldblquote eminent \par
conservative respectability\rdblquote  in the fields of education, astron\par
omy, science, engineering, religion or government. Saucerers are so far out in front of conventional concepts that the \par
pioneers are in an exposed position. Everyone can take a \par
crack at them with the impunity of timehonored knowledge. \par
It takes courage to be a saucerer. It takes courage to be \par
interested in saucers. But it takes more courage to follow \par
the supraphysical aspects. The situation is not much dif\par
ferent in a way than that which existed in the time of \par
Christopher Columbus. All of the organized, conservative \par
and eminently respectable scientific and philosophical \par
thought of the day was \ldblquote against\rdblquote  \emdash  what? It was \ldblquote against\rdblquote  \par
the cosmic truth that the earth was round and that great \par
unexplored continents existed. It was against anything in \par
advance of the prevailing conventional and limited view \par
of life in that day and age. The world was flat; everybody \par
could see it was flat. If you sailed off the edge of the flat\par
ness, you would fall into oblivion. Prevailing science and \par
officialdom was against and looked askance at any pro\par
ponent of a different view. As we see it, the saucerers of \par
today are nothing more and nothing less than the rugged \par
"Columbuses\rdblquote  of our time \emdash  with this noteworthy excep\par
tion: that while Columbus was calling attention merely \par
to a round world and possibly a new continent or two, the \par
saucerers of today are calling attention to entire inhabited \par
planets, solar systems, and life and civilizations in outer\par
space. No wonder conventional thought is arrayed against \par
them. \par
At present these modern pioneers are putting up with \par
much ridicule because they believe they are right. It seems \par
increasingly evident that eventually it will be the hide\par
bound conventionalists, the \ldblquote educated ignorant\rdblquote , who will \par
be driven from their seats of knowledge of things that are \par
not so. We feel certain that their egotism is eventually going \par
to experience a terrible deflation process, and they are not \par
going to like it. Very few of our present \ldblquote isms\rdblquote  and \ldblquote ologies\rdblquote  \par
are going to stand up under the impact of unfolding cosmic \par
truth. It is going to take its toll of some of our most time\par
honored and sacred beliefs \emdash  whether they are called science, \par
astronomy, religion, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics, \par
medicine, or what not. Few branches of human learning are \par
going to come through this unfoldment of truth unscathed \par
or unchastised. \par
We pride ourselves on our great civilization. Every \par
civilization prides itself on being the greatest. The human \par
ego knows no bounds. May we state that if we could see \par
ourselves as the spacemen see us, our egotism would be \par
flattened to 'a minus quantity. They tell us they, not we, \par
have records of earth civilizations going back billions of \par
years, right back to the starting \ldblquote vortex\rdblquote  that formed the \par
earth. They have records of civilizations on this earth \par
that knew how to overcome gravity, how to travel in space \par
without burning fuels, and how to tap sources of energy \par
and make energy applications that we are only now begin\par
ning to relearn. Thus it is that when these modern pioneer \par
saucerers begin to call our attention to these advanced \par
things, we on earth resist the truth. This is no laughing \par
matter. How are we ever going to learn if governments \par
suppress the facts, business institutions fire their employees \par
who become interested, religious groups say it is the work \par
of the devil, and the public regards all pioneer saucerers \par
as crackpots? \par
When we found out that flying saucers led us right out of \par
this world, we ourselves had to face a decision \emdash  whether \par
to follow them into supraphysical realms or retreat to the \par
physical. We decided to go ahead. But we cannot make this \par
decision for you. Each one must decide for himself. \par
You see, the truth which we were seeking turned out to \par
be much bigger than we ever expected. Do not get the idea \par
for one moment that we have learned all of the truth \emdash  not \par
by any means. In fact we have learned how little we know. \par
Maybe that is the beginning of wisdom! But we feel we \par
have learned something about this great subject, something \par
about the saucerers, the flying discs and the beings who oper\par
ate them, and about the regions of outerspace from which \par
they come. But we realize that we have learned many of \par
these things for ourselves. How can one learn something \par
for someone else? That is our problem. Moreover, some \par
of these things we have learned have come from sources \par
which some of our readers may not wish to accept. We have \par
reached a point where cosmic receptivity is the main fac\par
tor. A wise man once said, \ldblquote You can never teach another \par
anything. All you can do is hold a cosmic truth before his \par
consciousness, and if he is ready, something from within \par
him will respond to that truth. Learning comes, not from \par
without, but from within.\rdblquote  \par
Thus far we have acted as reporters and have reported \par
things and events objectively as we saw them. Now we are \par
about to go into the higher phases of space phenomena and \par
to use higher sources of information. We are going to deal \par
more with cosmic concepts than objective events. There\par
fore, in this second phase of our pilgrimage, as we turn to \par
the supraphysical aspects of saucers rather than the phys\par
ical, we shall continue to report our experiences just as \par
they were and not \ldblquote pull any punches\rdblquote . In the remainder \par
of this book \emdash  to use some forceful American vernacular \par
\emdash  we are going to \ldblquote lay it on the line\rdblquote . Some of you will go \par
with us into the higher reaches of our subject \emdash  others will \par
not. \par
We have now come to a point where we realize that fly\par
ing saucers themselves per se are no longer of prime impor\par
tance . Certainly we would all like to take a ride in one. It \par
would be a thrilling experience. But now it is not physical \par
saucers that are the important thing but what lies behind \par
the physical aspects. From now on we are not even particu\par
larly concerned with physical proofs. You see, we are going \par
to study O.S.C. (outerspace communication) and messages \par
being received, and we are going to give due weight to \par
them in building our picture of outerspace. We are going \par
to listen and let beings who live in higher dimensions of \par
life tell us what flying saucers are. After all they ought to \par
know more about them than we do. We are going to study \par
many things which are of intense interest. \par
It is not that the cosmic truth is either terrible or terrify\par
ing. That depends on our viewpoint. We think it is mag\par
nificent and glorious beyond all human conceptions. But \par
it is different, very different, from ordinary human concepts. \par
It is this difference which causes some people to run away \par
from cosmic truth. The fear of the unknown engulfs them. \par
How are we going to learn cosmic truth? Just the way \par
every new worthwhile phase of truth has come to mankind \par
in the past \emdash  the hard way \emdash  through pioneers. We are \par
going to learn through the sturdy pioneers \emdash  the saucerers \par
\emdash  those with enough \ldblquote intestinal fortitude\rdblquote  to face ridicule, \par
scorn, loss of jobs, scientific and religious ignorance, and to \par
stick to their guns and eventually give painful but glorious \par
birth to a new wisdom and a new age. If we but realized it, \par
the advent of flying saucers and the opportunity of learning \par
about them is a wonderful way to learn cosmic truth. The \par
saucerers are an outstanding aid to present day cosmic \par
education. \par
Some people when they begin to glimpse the stupendous \par
picture of inhabited outerspace feel very uncomfortable. \par
This is perfectly understandable. They wish to wrap their \par
beloved physical robes about themselves more closely and \par
hurry back into the more familiar and congenial scenes of \par
threedimensional life. Let no one blame them. Let each \par
of us respect each other\rquote s views \emdash  even though it means a \par
parting of ways. New age students will understand that \par
this parting of the ways which is now going on all over the \par
world is a very deep thing in itself and one which carries \par
with it a tinge of cosmic sadness. \par
For those of you who are still with us, we are going to \par
tilt the lid on some of the deep cosmic aspects of flying \par
saucers. To do this we are actually going to use both phys\par
ical and O.S.C. information. Why not? It is a new age dis\par
pensation, is it not? It is pouring to earth through many \par
channels, is it not? We are new age individuals, are we not? \par
It is here for us to use, and it would not be intelligent to \par
disregard it. So we propose to utilize all new age sources \par
of information \emdash  both physical sources and O.S.C. sources \par
\emdash  and consider each bit of information as an important lit\par
tle piece of an enormous crossword puzzle. We will analyze, \par
sift and coordinate this information, and then we will en\par
deavor to fit all of the little pieces together into a gigantic \par
whole \emdash  and then take a look at it. This will represent \par
our new age panoramic view of outerspace and they that \par
dwell therein! \par
So \emdash  let\rquote s get on with the most exciting part of our pil\par
grimage! \par
We now invite those who did not desert our pilgrim\par
age \emdash  after they learned of our intention to utilize \par
unconventional sources of information and probe \par
the supraphysical aspects of flying saucers \emdash  to accompany \par
us on our next adventure, that of becoming well acquainted \par
with Mark Probert and his Inner Circle\rdblquote . \par
Mark Probert is the famous and respected \ldblquote sensitive\rdblquote  of \par
San Diego, California, whom Meade Layne worked with in \par
bringing forth the remarkable book The Coming Of The \par
Guardians. It is a veritable treasure house for the more \par
advanced researcher who is not afraid of tackling the higher \par
aspects of outerspace. In fact Mark Probert and his \ldblquote Inner \par
Circle\rdblquote  present an outstanding phenomenon all by them\par
selves, even if there were no such things as flying saucers. \par
We have talked many times of O.S.C. (outerspace communi\par
cation), and we have already given the reader a few ex\par
amples of certain types. Now we are going to tell you about \par
another interesting variation of O.S.C. \emdash  typified by that \par
extraordinary individual Mark Probert. We are even going \par
farther than that. We are going to show you exactly what \par
happened when we asked his Inner Circle of teachers, liv\par
ing in a higher phase of life, to answer some specific ques\par
tions on flying saucers. We are going to show you what \par
these O.S.C. messages are like. \par
But let us not get ahead of ourselves. First let us meet \par
the Proberts and get acquainted with their interesting \par
history. Knowing that they travel extensively and are often \par
away from home, we felt ourselves fortunate indeed when \par
we discovered that they were in town. We were not strangers \par
because we had met Mark and his wife Irene once before, \par
but very briefly, in Detroit, Michigan. \par
Mark and Irene Probert are very friendly people. They \par
remembered us and extended a warm welcome. There is a \par
very human side to the Proberts, and we were privileged \par
to find this out through many weeks of close association \par
during our extended stay in San Diego. We accompanied \par
them on some of their lecture tours. It is not our inten\par
tion to tell the detailed story of this amazing phenomenon \par
of the Proberts. It would take volumes to do it justice, \par
and we hope that some day the true, full story will be made \par
public. It is an Arabian Night\rquote s story in every day life \emdash  \par
if ever there was one. We do feel, however, that a few back\par
ground notes are pertinent to show the nature of this type \par
of O.S.C. (outerspace communication). \par
First let us trace briefly the development of Mark Pro\par
bert\rquote s extraordinary O.S.C. abilities so the reader will un\par
derstand that such things are often a growth and not just \par
a sudden development. The external manifestation of \par
his abilities commenced back in 1943 shortly after Mark \par
and Irene Probert were married. We have received per\par
mission to tell a few rather personal things which happened \par
shortly thereafter. What happened was that Mark Probert \par
started talking in his sleep. It was not just a little talk. It \par
was a lot of talk, and it persisted and persisted. This would \par
ordinarily be disturbing enough in any marriage, but that \par
was not the half of it. He was doing a lot of talking \emdash  but \par
in strange languages which Irene Probert could not under\par
stand! \par
The situation reached such a pass that Mark was finally \par
moved into a special room where two men friends who \par
could speak seven different languages between them were \par
able to keep watch and listen. In this manner they were able \par
definitely to identify such languages as Italian, Portuguese, \par
Spanish, German and French \emdash  some of them spoken very \par
fluently by Mark during sound sleep. When he awakened \par
he would remember nothing about it. In his sleep he would \par
thus speak of politics, historical events, personal experiences, \par
strange people and places, and even recite poetry in foreign \par
tongues which he has never studied or been at all familiar \par
with in his waking life. \par
However, some of the languages still defied identifica\par
tion. In time, with the help of an expert on ancient and \par
forgotten tongues, Chinese, Mongolian, Sanskrit and Hin\par
dustani dialects were added as further encores to Mark \par
Probert\rquote s amazing unconscious repertoire of languages. \par
Finally, Meade Layne and a group of scientific researchers \par
became interested in Mark Probert and started an orderly \par
and scientific program of investigation and development \par
which lasted over eight years. \par
We shall briefly recount a few of the developments which \par
followed as given to us by Mark Probert himself. The first \par
thing they discovered was that Mark was a \ldblquote sensitive\rdblquote  of \par
extraordinary natural abilities \emdash  a veritable cosmic tele\par
phone. He could transmit messages from certain beings \par
in other planes of life whether he was asleep or awake. He \par
was both clairaudient and to a lesser extent clairvoyant. \par
He could sit at a typewriter and get messages from these \par
beings faster than his fingers could respond. It gradually \par
developed that the strange languages came from an amazing \par
tightknit group of advanced personalities in a different \par
dimension of life who were developing Mark Probert as \par
their mouthpiece or telephone to this world. They were \par
practicing to get Mark into good operating condition. They \par
had a purpose and a program to fulfill, hence the persis\par
tence of their voices \emdash  which still spoke in hardtounder\par
stand foreign tongues. \par
The foreign language barrier proved a very great handi\par
cap to Meade Layne and to the researchers who were trying \par
to interpret the messages. They made persistent efforts to \par
see if the communicators could not bring forth the mes\par
sages in the English language. Fantastic as it may seem, \par
this was eventually accomplished \emdash  at least to a degree of \par
understandable English. \par
However, even today the unseen communicators often \par
start out in Chinese or something resembling Sanskrit, or \par
some other very ancient language which represented the \par
communicator\rquote s \ldblquote mother tongue\rdblquote  at one time on earth. \par
126 \par
Then after they \ldblquote warmup\rdblquote , so to speak, they switch to \par
English. Many times they have been asked how they are \par
able to do this. The only reply they give is that they \ldblquote shift \par
their thought pattern\rdblquote  to English. They also have stated \par
that the entire activity represents a very complicated hand\par
ling and control of energy from their plane of existence \par
to ours. They even have to draw energy from Irene Probert \par
as well as supply some of their own energy to make the \par
\ldblquote hookup\rdblquote  work. Apparently they regard it all as a bit of \par
a miracle themselves. The type of English transmitted in\par
cidentally cannot be called fluent, except in the case of \par
those mentors whose mother tongue was English, or who \par
for some reason or another had occasion to talk it fluently \par
at some time. Otherwise it resembles a \ldblquote foreigner speaking \par
English\rdblquote  \emdash  with a decided accent. \par
His mentors, or \ldblquote teachers\rdblquote  as Mark Probert prefers to \par
call them, gradually began to reveal and introduce them\par
selves. Mark was as amazed and astounded as anyone when \par
this cosmic \ldblquote who\rquote s who\rdblquote  began to unfold to him. In fact, \par
he is still surprised to this day that he, Mark Probert, is \par
actually a part of a circle of such vast cosmic knowledge \par
and intelligence and its effort to bring certain informa\par
tion to earth. The Inner Circle is composed of sixteen ad\par
vanced beings, all of whom at one time or another ex\par
perienced earth life, some of them fairly recently, others \par
thousands of years ago. Utilizing his clairvoyant ability on \par
one occasion, six of these beings suddenly without any warn\par
ing showed themselves to Mark. They were arrayed in the \par
costumes and colors which they wore at one time while on \par
earth. Mark told us that this sudden event almost frighten\par
ed him out of his wits. He was in his home, and he tripped \par
over a chair in his panic to run out of the house. But since \par
he has come to know them and practically live with them, \par
they are now like a loving family \emdash  only they are in a higher \par
phase of life while Mark and Irene live on the earth plane. \par
The higher mentors guard and watch over the earth mem\par
bers as if they were children of their special care. At times \par
they exert amazing powers of assistance which only those \par
close to the Proberts know anything about. No one can use \par
Mark as a channel to earth without their express permission. \par
The head of the group is an advanced being of excep\par
tional wisdom and kindliness called the \ldblquote Yada Di ShiIte\rdblquote . \par
The word Yada means \ldblquote high priest\rdblquote . He lived in a very \par
ancient civilization on earth called \ldblquote Yu\rdblquote  or \ldblquote Yuga\rdblquote , over \par
500,000 years ago, located in the region of the Himalayan \par
Mountains. Another member of the group is Ramon Na\par
talli, who was an astronomer in Rome, Italy, in the 17th \par
Century and was a friend of Galileo. Still another mem\par
ber is the Ancient Chinese Philosopher Laotse. Others in\par
clude a Maharaja and individuals who were teachers, phys\par
icians and holy men. There are also several interesting \par
women in the group. Three of the sixteen members of the \par
circle have not yet disclosed themselves, but Mark has been \par
told they will at the right time. \par
Mark Probert himself is an interesting and very likeable \par
individual. He is of medium height and decidedly on the \par
slender side. He possesses the most expressive face, the \par
most \ldblquote mobile\rdblquote  face, we have ever seen. Emotions are pic\par
tured on it instantly as on a screen. Certain Hollywood ac\par
tors whom he knows have urged him to use this ability in \par
the motion picture field, but he has declined because of \par
his amazing relationship to the Inner Circle. He loves \par
to paint in either oils or water colors, and this is his \par
dearest hobby. His ability along this line is remarkable as \par
he has never had a painting lesson in his life. He has used \par
this ability to paint the portraits of various members of \par
the Inner Circle. Mark and his wife are both excellent \par
company. He is witty, full of fun, enjoys a good laugh, and \par
is totally unassuming. There are those who claim that Mark \par
is the Inner Circle himself subconsciously. Nothing amuses \par
Mark more than this. The idea that somehow he, Mark, \par
is himself the sum total of all the cosmic wisdom and ex\par
perience of his great teachers sends him into peals of laugh\par
ter. We have all had some good laughs at this and have \par
agreed with Mark that if this is the case, the world has \par
certainly overlooked its greatest citizen! \par
In our research efforts, we have had the privilege of \par
being with Mark and Irene many times while these advanc\par
ed beings of the Inner Circle have expressed themselves \par
through Mark. Sometimes Mark will sit down at his type\par
writer and simply type the \ldblquote dictation\rdblquote  of his teachers like \par
a stenographer, which he hears as clearly as if they were \par
talking in the room. They have dictated two entire books \par
to him in this manner, and they expect to dictate two more. \par
As a sidelight we might add that they sometimes use words \par
unfamiliar to Mark. In this case he takes the words down \par
phonetically and later verifies them by the aid of a good\par
sized dictionary. His mentors\rquote  knowledge of English words \par
and word meanings is simply extraordinary. Their avowed \par
purpose is to educate human beings, to help lift mankind \par
out of its ignorance into greater cosmic knowledge, and to \par
demonstrate the actuality and feasibility of useful con\par
tacts with higher spheres of life. Mark\rquote s ability is not used \par
for personal problems or trivial things. \par
On other occasions the manner of communication is \par
different. Mark Probert goes to sleep, and the members of \par
the inner circle use his voice as their own. In this case \par
they even control his gestures. There is nothing \ldblquote spooky\rdblquote  \par
or offensive about this whatever. It is always done in full \par
daylight or in a fully lighted room. The whole thing has \par
an incredible naturalness about it. It seems as if one is \par
conversing directly with members of the Inner Circle (which \par
is just what one is doing). We found to our amazement \par
that they can talk on any subject of human interest in bril\par
liant fashion. They can hold their own with any group of \par
the earth s scientists, astronomers, philosophers, metaphys\par
icians, doctors, teachers or government officials \emdash  and can \par
show them unsuspected hidden errors in their theories and \par
practices and help them in a kindly way. We feel it is \par
too bad that university groups, engineering societies, astro\par
nomical researchers, philosophical and metaphysical groups \par
do not avail themselves of this amazing and useful contact \par
with higher beings. We feel sure that the Inner Circle \par
would do its part \emdash  with one priviso: the motives and in\par
terest must be constructive and educational, not destructive. \par
The Inner Circle at times gives lectures before worthy groups \par
\emdash  with a question and answer period at the end. \par
These beings of the Inner Circle evidently live in a high\par
er plane of consciousness than ours where they can observe \par
and study anything they wish to on this earth. At the \par
same time they have access to endless information regard\par
ing still higher planes of existence. They have explained \par
to us that it is possible for men to tune into realms of life \par
so advanced that these realms have little relationship to \par
earth life. Very advanced beings who have never experi\par
enced earth life are not particularly interested in earth \par
man, who to them is still almost in an antlike stage of de\par
velopment compared to their own. In other words, the \par
Inner Circle informed us that earth man can tunein so high \par
in outerspace that he will not receive much practical help, \par
or tunein so low that the information received is useless. \par
We must learn to contact the groups who are interested \par
in us, feel a responsibility toward us, and are in a position \par
to help us. \par
All the Inner Circle members did take part in earth life \par
at one time or another and thus still have a keen interest \par
in helping earth man to progress from his threedimensional \par
prison. The Mark Probert activity was planned with this \par
in view and with the full consent of Mark Probert himself \par
\emdash  otherwise it would not be possible. The thing that made \par
a great impression on us was this: they of the Inner Circle \par
are never dictatorial in anything they say or do. While \par
they seem to possess an endless cosmic perspective, knowl\par
edge and wisdom, they never say, \ldblquote Do this,\rdblquote  or \ldblquote Do that.\rquote  \par
Nor do they ever say, \ldblquote This is the Truth, the absolute \par
Truth, take it or leave it.\rdblquote  All they say is, \ldblquote This is our \par
viewpoint, but if you cannot accept it, you are entitled to \par
your own viewpoint.\rdblquote  Somehow or other, we have always \par
expected that great advanced beings would be like this, \par
and we have not been disappointed. \par
We believe our readers will be interested in one particu\par
lar experience we had. The Proberts had come to our home \par
in San Diego, and we were all seated and conversing in our \par
living room. Suddenly Mark paused and said in a matter \par
of fact way, 'Ramon Natalli (the astronomer and scien\par
tist) is here.\rdblquote  Before we knew it, with Mark\rquote s help we \par
were all engaged in an amazingly natural conversation with \par
this great intelligence. As an engineer I was very much \par
interested in the installation at Riverside, California, where \par
universal energy is being used to prevent freezing of an \par
orange grove. I asked our unseen scientist if he was familiar \par
with it. He replied, \ldblquote No, but please wait just a moment.\rdblquote  \par
We waited. In a few minutes he returned knowing all about \par
the installation! We discussed it in great detail \emdash  but some\par
thing was bothering me. How had he been able to inspect \par
a technical installation 110 miles distant, find out all about \par
it and return in about two minutes of earth time? Finally \par
I summoned up enough courage to ask our visitor. His \par
reply staggered us, and we shall never forget it. He simply \par
said, \ldblquote I did not have to go anywhere. There is no here \par
nor there. There is no place to go to, or come from, but \par
Mind!\rdblquote  \par
After becoming acquainted with the Inner Circle and \par
sensing something of its integrity, its cosmic viewpoint, and \par
its kindliness, we found ourselves eager to ask them a \par
series of questions on flying saucers. The prospect of clar\par
ifying some of the flying saucer phenomena and verifying \par
other O.S.C. data regarding them through the viewpoint \par
of these intelligences really intrigued us. However, we \par
decided to move slowly. We did not know how the Inner \par
Circle would react to this. \par
While in Mexico we had read a recently published book \par
which disturbed us. It referred to flying saucers, the new \par
age ahead, and indulged in some rather disturbing predic\par
tions. We decided, before approaching the subject of the \par
saucers, to find out if the Inner Circle would be willing \par
to help clarify some of the disturbing points in this book. \par
We prevailed upon Mark and Irene to ask the Inner Cir\par
cle if they would endeavor to do this. They graciously ex\par
pressed their willingness to answer questions relating to \par
this book. \par
Believe it or not friends, in this manner there came about \par
an interworld or interfrequency or interdimensional book \par
reviewl Beforehand we prepared a summary of the main \par
points of the book. One after the other we read these \par
points to the Inner Circle with Mark acting as cosmic tele\par
phone. One by one a member of the Inner Circle com\par
mented upon these points. We recorded the complete re\par
view on our tape recorder. We sat back thunderstruck at \par
their instant grasp of complicated questions, their piercing, \par
instantaneous and unprejudiced analysis, and their forth\par
right replies \emdash  never dictatorial, always logical, loving, and \par
always with the attitude, \ldblquote Don\rquote t take us as final authority. \par
This is the way we see it, but you are entitled to disagree.\rdblquote  \par
We all felt a lifting of fear which the book had subtly en\par
gendered in us, and we shall always be grateful for the \par
clarification of thought which came to us in this strange \par
manner. Incidentally, the Inner Circle themselves seemed \par
both amused at and grateful for our interworld book re\par
view. We left not knowing who enjoyed it most, we or \par
they. \par
This encouraged us to ask them, with Irene Probert\rquote s \par
help, if they would please consider answering some direct \par
questions on flying saucers. The reply was that while they \par
felt they had already answered many questions regarding \par
the \ldblquote discs\rdblquote  as they called them through their work with \par
Meade Layne; nevertheless they would be glad to answer \par
our questions on a certain date. \par
This gave us the opportunity we were looking for, and \par
we lost no time in preparing the questions. In so doing, we \par
had you \emdash  the reader \emdash  in mind. We did our best to in\par
clude those questions which we felt that you, as well as we. \par
would be most interested in. The next chapter will give \par
you the direct questions on saucers and the direct answers \par
as they were received from the Inner Circle. \par
We want our readers to share with us a taste of the direct \par
communication which we have had with these high in\par
telligences in this unusual manner so that all may judge for \par
themselves the quality of the information thus received. \par
Please note that we make no claims that the Inner Circle \par
represents the ultimate in authority in such matters. They \par
would not want us to make such a claim. However, in \par
our opinion these beings have a tremendous cosmic out\par
look and are worth listening to. Perhaps if we are open\par
minded enough we may be able to learn a great deal from \par
them. In this age we must break away from the old and \par
develop new sources of cosmic information! \par
this chapter presents an example of O.S.C. or outer\par
space communication, that is, information obtained \par
from communicating with beings living in a different \par
phase of life from our own threedimensional phase. \par
As explained in the previous chapter, with the assistance \par
of Mark Probert acting as the "cosmic telephone\rdblquote  of this \par
twoway communication, we asked the Inner Circle a series \par
of questions regarding flying saucers. Both the questions \par
and the answers are given below. Some of them are given \par
practically verbatim. Others have been edited and con\par
densed for the sake of clarity and in order to keep within \par
the space limitations of this book. In a few cases where \par
our question was evidently not clearly understood or we did \par
not clearly understand the answer \emdash  the matter was cleared \par
up by questions on other occasions. The punctuation, ital\par
ics, arrangement and of course the notations are our own. \par
In every case we have made diligent effort to preserve the \par
substance and meaning of their replies, so far as we under\par
stood them. A few of the questions refer more to the critical \par
conditions now facing our civilization than to the saucers \par
themselves. \par
Q. 1. Is it true that so called flying saucers or space\par
ships are coming to earth at this time? There are still many \par
skeptics who say that they are nothing but balloons, secret \par
weapons, stars, temperature inversions, illusions, etc. \par
A. 1. Yes, it is true. It is of little use to make further ef\par
fort to convince anybody. As to those who are still standing \par
on the rim of belief, it is better to leave them stand there. Is \par
it not so that life concerns you individually? You need \par
have little concern whether somebody else goes along the \par
path with you. \par
Q. 2. Some say that space ships have been coming for \par
many thousands of years and that our ancestors knew about \par
them. Is this true? \par
A. 2. In the early period of the earth\rquote s affairs when man \par
was beginning to show signs of thinking, spacebeings came \par
to earth and instructed man on various secret things, not \par
only regarding the planetary system but regarding their \par
own inner living as well. Some of the greatest teachings \par
man has received came to him by these spacebeings in or\par
der that various civilizations could advance more rapidly. \par
Through enormous periods of time, the spacecraft beings \par
have been making periodic visits to the earth. All races \par
of men have seen them. Five hundred thousand years ago \par
they were well known to the dwellers in Yu, the civiliza\par
tion of the Himalayas. They would come to do a certain \par
work, and when that work was completed they departed for \par
a period to see how well their efforts would work out. They \par
even came to your American Indians and taught them much \par
and took them for little rides in their ships. (Note: The \par
Yada Di ShiIte, the head of the Inner Circle once lived in \par
the Yu civilization referred to above \emdash  hence the reference). \par
Q. 3. Is it true that our ancestors had spaceships of \par
their own in antiquity? \par
A. 3. Man had spaceships on the earth that could move \par
about the earth in other civilizations and times. But these \par
ships were not interplanetary. They were not of a technique \par
to get out of the gravitational forces of the earth. \par
Q. 4. Are the governments of the earth in possession of \par
extensive information on spaceships, and are they with\par
holding this information from the people? \par
A. 4. Yes, they are. They are frightened. They are so \par
educated\rdblquote  they are frightened. Too little education makes \par
one superstitious, and too much education makes one twice \par
as superstitious! And so they fear. \par
Q. 5. Have men of earth recently contacted spaceships \par
in physical form and conversed with the spacepeople in \par
physical form? \par
A. 5. Yes, this has been done many times. \par
135 \par
Q. 6. Have men of earth recently gone into spaceships \par
and taken rides? \par
A. 6. Yes, they have to a limited extent. \par
Q. 7. Is there an interplanetary government of our solar \par
system? \par
A. 7. Most definitely. There is what is called a hier\par
archy throughout the entire solar system \emdash  throughout the \par
entire galaxies and island universes. Certain groups of in\par
dividuals are assigned to certain planets and even to solar \par
systems. Then there are other greater beings that watch \par
over an entire galaxy. (Note: At this point in the inter\par
view, one of us could not refrain from exclaiming, \ldblquote some \par
jobl\rdblquote  This caused considerable amusement. We found \par
these intelligences with whom we were talking to be warm, \par
loving, patient and very "human\rdblquote . They enjoy both a joke \par
and even American slang \emdash  although sometimes the mean\par
ing of the slang has to be explained to them). \par
Q. 8. Are the spaceships which are now in the atmos\par
phere of earth under the command of such an interplane\par
tary government? \par
A. 8. Yes, they are. (Note: In some contacts the hierar\par
chy of planets is referred to as the Guardians, \emdash  planetary \par
Guardians. In subsequent research we found that no \par
spaceship, even a visitor or a tourist ship, can enter earth\rquote s \par
atmosphere or land on earth without permission of the \par
Guardians. This took away any fear we previously had of \par
unfriendly ships landing on earth). \par
Q. 9. Where do the spaceships and spacepeople come \par
from? Some say Venus or other planets of our system. Some \par
say from distant solar systems. Some say outerspace or the \par
etheric regions. \par
A. 9. The occupants of these spacecraft are what are \par
exactly called spacebeings. We can say, and truthfully, that \par
they \ldblquote come from\rdblquote  one or more of your bodies in space or \par
planets like Venus or Mars or Uranus, or any or the rest \par
of them, and we can also say that they \ldblquote come from\rdblquote  galaxies \par
or island universes many billions and billions of light years \par
from your earth \emdash  measuring time as you measure it. But \par
these spacebeings are not aware of these gigantic numbers of \par
light years of distance \emdash  not aware of this at all. Billions of \par
miles to these beings means nothing. They know what you \par
think along these lines, and that these are your concepts \par
of time and space. But these concepts do not exist for \par
them. These spacebeings can go any place, visit all bodies \par
wherever they feel it necessary to go. In this sense, we may \par
say that they \ldblquote come from\rdblquote  a planet, if you wish. \par
Q. 10. But do they \emdash  the Guardian Ships \emdash  originate \par
from a particular planet? \par
A. 10. No. Their origin is not planetary. I reiterate \par
what we ourselves have said many times before. These be\par
ings are spacebeings. If you like the word etheric and can \par
understand it, it means the same thing anyway. They live \par
in other densities or other frequencies, other dimensions of \par
time, other laws of matter in motion \emdash  no more than this. \par
This is difficult for man on earth to understand, very diffi\par
cult. What are you going to say to those who are not versed \par
in what is called \ldblquote dimensions of time?\rdblquote  You are going to \par
say the same thing that your great Einstein said to the man \par
in the street concerning relativity. What did he say? Noth\par
ing! It is the most wonderfully informative thing to say \par
to the uninformed. Just nothing! (Note: This was said \par
in a humorous vein. As a matter of fact few groups of ad\par
vanced beings to our knowledge have worked harder or \par
done more to help earth man to really understand outer\par
space, spaceships and spacebeings than the members of \par
the Inner Circle. See books by Probert and Meade Layne in \par
Book List). \par
Q. 11. Are planets outside of our system inhabited? \par
A. 11. Among your sky visitors there are some who come \par
from planets and others who come from space. Space is \par
not the vacuous thing it has long been considered. The uni\par
verse swarms with life of many kinds. Some planets have \par
inhabitants much like yourselves, but on others they differ \par
much in size, weight, density and other characteristics. \par
137 \par
There are giants and pigmies and all sizes in between. \par
Q. 12. How is it possible for beings like ourselves to live \par
on other planets of our solar system? How is this possible \par
due to the different conditions of gravity, oxygen, pres\par
sure, etc? \par
A. 12. Your scientific astronomical instruments are \par
highly limited and do not always give reliable information. \par
Some of your planets do not have the balance of oxygen \par
you need or the ionosphere necessary to give the same type \par
of protection. Earth man would find it difficult living on \par
these planets for various reasons. Nevertheless some of \par
them are inhabited by beings with bodies similar to yours. \par
They were born into these environs and therefore are adapt\par
ed to these conditions. In the same way they would have \par
difficulty living on your earth. \par
Venus is not as hot as many people think. It has a great \par
band of substance around it that protects it from much of \par
the sun\rquote s radiation. Mars is not an unhappy place to live. \par
There is plant life and animal life there besides human life. \par
The Moon, at least a great part of it, is uninhabitable for \par
the same reason that your great deserts are uninhabitable. \par
The side you see is desert. But on the other side of the \par
Moon there are people who use it as a base to come from \par
space to the Moon and from the Moon to the Earth. \par
Q. 13. Can you please tell us a little about these space\par
beings? Did they live on the earth at one time, and are \par
they more advanced than we? \par
A. 13. Many of them have never lived on earth but \par
were born and live in their own dimensions of time. Tech\par
nically speaking, many of these beings are advanced from \par
what you are. Philosophically speaking, they are indeed \par
many strides ahead of you, for wars and murders do not \par
prevail. \par
Q. 14. How does our planet compare with others? \par
A. 14. The Earth is a very beautiful spot from space. \par
Indeed, compared with the other planets it is like a beautiful oasis in the vast sea of space. \par
Q. 15. Are some spacepeople actually on our earth \par
now? \par
A. 15. Spacepeople can and do mix with your people \par
on earth. They can even eat your terrible foods without dire \par
results for they know how to relieve themselves from it \par
without taking a purgative that you would get from your \par
nearest drug store. You see I have been listening to your \par
radio! \par
Q. 16. Are we also spacepeople? \par
A. 16. You are spacepeople yourselves in a very defi\par
nite sense of that word. You originated from a higher di\par
mension or frequency and are in the process of wakingup \par
and returning there. When you re learn to control matter, \par
you will be able once again to move in and out of the various \par
frequencies or \ldblquote time periods\rdblquote . It is difficult to make you \par
feel this now, and it is something you must approach slowly. \par
Q. 17a. Will you please explain the nature of space \par
travel? We have been told it has several different phases? \par
(Note: Q. 17 has for the sake of clarity been broken down \par
into several parts). \par
A. 17a. Spacetime travel. Between the ships and not \par
only your sun but all suns in space there are great fields \par
of energy. When these spacebeings start moving in what \par
you call spacetime (miles per hour type of travel in a \par
threedimension world like ours), it is this solar energy \par
they are working on. They tune to the frequency of cer\par
tain bands of energy. It is not exactly like a magnetic field. \par
It is substance in a great rate of motion. They contact and \par
control certain bands of light or radiation from the sun. \par
This causes the ships to look as if they are glowing. It \par
produces colors which can run the gamut of the spectrum. \par
The ships are not hot either outside or inside; in fact they \par
are very comfortable inside. \par
Q. 17b. Just to make the record clear, these spaceships \par
coming from other frequencies have to convert to our fre\par
quency in coming into our atmosphere or else we do not \par
see them? Is this correct? \par
A. 17b. That is right. They can be in your atmosphere \par
without your seeing them if they want to be. \par
Q. 17c. When they change their vibratory frequency it \par
can take them out of our range of both sight and touch. Is \par
this correct? \par
A. 17c. This is right. And nearness also. The moment \par
they go out of what is called your frequency, the moment \par
they do this they could be on Venus, or close to it, by tele\par
portation. Practically instantaneous. Now your scientists \par
are going to come to know more about this in the course of \par
time. The closest man that has come to it is your late great \par
man Einstein. \par
Q. 18. Can the body of an earth man stand such a trip \par
(distant spacetravel to higher frequencies)? \par
A. 18. Remember that your body is primarily a water \par
body. In taking someone from your earth to another body \par
in space, that one\rquote s body has to be changed. It will have \par
to be changed before it can go into another frequency. It \par
will have to be \ldblquote rechemicalized.\rdblquote  There will have to be a \par
"polarization\rdblquote  of the atomic substance that goes to make \par
up every cell of the body. \par
Q. 19. Is this difficult for the spacepeople to do? \par
A. 19. No, because the spacepeople know how to manip\par
ulate matter. This would be impossible at present for earth \par
man to do himself. But they might do it for him if he wish\par
ed. The blood of earth man would congeal if his body \par
were taken into outerspace of a different frequency. But \par
with new polarization of the body, this would not happen. \par
They would have to take care of your physical structures. \par
Things are different, so different, in these higher dimensions \par
or higher frequencies. For example there is a greater state \par
of what is called purity of form. Most of what might be \par
called dross or the poisons of the system are eliminated. \par
Q. 20. What about things falling out of the sky? \par
A. 20. In your country, in California, not long ago \par
and not too far from this city (San Diego) huge blocks of ice \par
fell down and smashed some of your cars in the streets. \par
The authorities, to keep things quiet, said that this ice \par
came from airplanes that were being defrosted, (laughter) \par
They surely must have been frozen in ice because some of the \par
blocks weighed over 250 poundsl My friends, where did \par
this ice really come from? A body in space, from Mars, \par
from Venus? Did it fall off the poles of Venus? No. My \par
friends, it came from what you incorrectly call \ldblquote empty\rdblquote  \par
space. Should space really open up, all kinds of things \par
would come out of it \emdash  this space that I am now waving \par
my hand in. (Waves Mark Probert\rquote s hand amusingly in \par
the air). Holes in space \emdash  simply meaning other frequencies \par
\emdash  in which there exists other worlds containing many of \par
the things you have here and many other things you do \par
not have here. (Note: Above ice incident occurred at Long \par
Beach, California, a few years ago, and surprisingly enough \par
was well known to the Inner Circle). \par
Q. 21. The ice came out of another frequency then? \par
A. 21. That is correct. A condition took place at that \par
moment in that particular section over that city which was \par
something like the condition preceding an earthquake. It \par
caused a rent in space and an upset in frequency through \par
which the ice fell into your frequency. \par
Q. 22. What about the strange white stuff that has been \par
observed in the air or caught on trees and wires that grad\par
ually disintegrates when held in the hand? Some call it \par
"angel\rquote s hair\rdblquote  and have connected it with saucers. \par
A. 22. Spaceships from outerspace are sometimes pick\par
ed up on your radar machines under certain conditions. \par
To avoid this detection they release showers of this sub\par
stance. In my own language we call this substance \ldblquote luckney\rdblquote  \par
(phonetic spelling). It is a kind of radar shield. \par
Q. 23. Do you wish this printed? (Note: This ques\par
tion was followed by a definite pause, while members of \par
the Inner Circle conferred. Then came the answer). \par
A. 23. Nol (Note: It is only because full permission \par
was later given that this information is being included). \par
141 \par
Q. 24. How many or approximately what quantity of \par
spacecraft are now in our atmosphere? \par
A. 24. In the upper atmosphere of the earth you have \par
between five and ten million spaceships . (Note: we fully \par
realize that this may come as a great shock to many people, \par
but it has been coordinated with many other O.S.C. sources. \par
We comment on the reasons for this enormous concentra\par
tion of spaceships in the last chapter). \par
Q. 25. Could you please briefly give us some idea of \par
the size of spaceships? It is a very confused picture to us. \par
A. 25. They vary greatly from the little discs that are \par
used like electronic eyes, to the huge mother ships. My \par
friends, it may sound as if we are dealing with fantasy, \par
but some of the large ships are known to be five miles or \par
more in diameter. (Note: This could mean their length is \par
many times this. Later information intimated they could \par
be of planetary size). \par
Q. 26. Many people of this earth think that the space\par
people have established certain physical bases or artificial \par
physical planets from which to operate their ships near the \par
earth. Will you please comment? \par
A. 26. There are of course giant ships which can act \par
as bases and send out smaller ships. They do not need \par
\ldblquote physical'\rquote  bases. A fish in water does not need more water \par
to \ldblquote take off\rdblquote . \par
Q. 27. There are a lot of veiled references in our world \par
today regarding the likelihood of our world experiencing a \par
\ldblquote polar flip\rdblquote  or change of axis of rotation. Is this likely? \par
A. 27. A \ldblquote flip\rdblquote  is not going to take place. There is a \par
change, of course, in the magnetic poles and very much of \par
a change. It may look a little dangerous, but this \ldblquote flip\rdblquote  will \par
not take place. Things have changed a little. They always \par
do. The change is that the sun is giving off more cosmic \par
energy to the earth, more is getting through the ionosphere \par
now. By this I mean greater quantities, and also it is in a \par
purer state than before. This is causing much heat to be \par
let loose in the undercrust of the earth. This is causing the \par
polar caps to melt rapidly so that you will have not an\par
other ice age but great floods which will sweep across the \par
earth. You will also have great storms, but no ice age \emdash  \par
no \ldblquote flip\rdblquote . (Note: From this it would appear that it is pos\par
sible to confuse changes in the magnetic poles with the likely\par
hood of an axial flip. We realize this conflicts with the \par
views of others, but we feel impelled to publish the views of \par
the Inner Circle just as they were received. The Inner Circle \par
always disclaims absolute knowledge and gives only their \par
views). \par
Q. 28. What is the greatest immediate danger facing \par
the people of earth? \par
A. 28. Your greatest world danger is atomic power and \par
its experimental use in these times. This is the greatest \par
worry of the world \emdash  more so than the world yet knows. \par
No matter where on earth man may be, it will effect him \par
regardless. If it is not stopped immediately, the earth is \par
going to suffer a great and long lasting effect upon its peo\par
ple. Widespread genetic changes will result. The human \par
form will be drastically changed, and not for the better. \par
Plant life and all earth life will be affected. The under\par
water experiments are even worse than the others. If \par
earthman ever has to turn to the sea for his food, he will \par
be unable to do so. \par
Today your scientific men who are going on with this \par
are mad in the head. They think because they make tests \par
to see if there is very much radiation, and not finding very \par
much, they think this is all right. They do not stop to \par
think of the effect of the \ldblquote little\rdblquote  they are able to find. \par
The little they find, if that little was not placed there by \par
nature \emdash  a natural condition then it is an unbalanced \par
condition. They are playing like children with a toy. Aft\par
er the experiments are over, what have they found out? \par
What have they proven by this thing? Do you know? The \par
effects are not going to come fast but slowly. They will \par
come slowly \emdash  like a thief in the night. (Note: The Inner \par
Circle is in earnest in its forthright warnings regarding the \par
dangers we face with atomic energy. They also state that \par
there are other energy differentials, far less dangerous, which \par
we should seek). \par
Q. 29. What about so called \ldblquote fireballs\rdblquote ? Some are green \par
fireballs. \par
A. 29 The Guardians are doing all they can under cos\par
mic law to help men of earth. They send these great balls \par
of light into the atmosphere to help neutralize dangerous \par
atomic radiations. They gather the radiation and convert \par
it to forms less dangerous to the human body. (Note: If \par
this is true, and some experienced researchers have for years \par
found the Inner Circle both honorable and reliable \emdash  it is \par
certainly a comment on our civilization. What a picture \par
\emdash  our scientists poisoning our earth \emdash  and the spacemen, \par
our elder brothers, neutralizing the poison!) \par
Q. 30. Is this why the spaceships have come to earth in \par
such numbers? \par
A. 30. We do not like to come and talk to you of un\par
happy conditions. Yet we must. You cannot bury your \par
heads in the sand. Primarily they are coming to warn you \par
to be careful, but not this alone. The time for warnings is \par
getting short. You are poisoning your atmosphere. Your \par
people will not be able to live on the earth if you con\par
tinue it. You will turn your beautiful earth to desolation. \par
(Note: While great emphasis is here placed on the danger \par
of atomic radiation, note the phrase \ldblquote but not this alone\rdblquote . \par
See last chapter for further discussion of why they are here). \par
Q. 31. Do you mean there is a possibility of man des\par
troying himself from the earth? \par
A. 31. Man definitely may destroy himself from the \par
earth. He is seeking to do this now. He has an unconscious \par
masochistic desire for destruction \emdash  and so it may be! As \par
time does not matter very much in the cosmic scheme of \par
things, if man wants to destroy himself physically from \par
the earth for a period of time that is his right. This may \par
be a necessary experience, but he will eventually come back \par
again and try again, for this he must. (Note: This is \par
somewhat condensed but the intimation appeared to be \par
that if man wipes himself from the earth, he will come \par
back to earth again and again until he finally learns the \par
lesson that destruction does not pay). \par
Q. 32. Will man be permitted to destroy the earth it\par
self? \par
A. 32 No! The main concern of the spacepeople is \par
not that man may destroy himself from the earth. What \par
they do not want to happen is sudden mutations or chemi\par
cal changes in the physical structure of the earth due to \par
radiations from these bombs! Remember that the cosmic \par
radiation from the sun itself is highly diluted as it comes \par
through the ionosphere, so that only a bearable part gets \par
through. By letting loose these bombs you get pure energy \par
into your atmosphere with nothing to dilute it or break it \par
down into more or less harmless substances. The planet \par
earth is a school, a very necessary school. Man is not going \par
to destroy the earth. \par
Q. 33. In a dire emergency would these spacecraft take \par
some of the people off the earth \emdash  take them somewhere \par
else? \par
A. 33. That is right. It would be voluntary. Those that \par
did not want to go could stay. \par
Q. 34. Is there anything we humans can do \emdash  things \par
we should be doing and are not doing? \par
A. 34. There are of course many things you are not \par
doing. There are also many things that you do not know \par
to do, and I am in no position to tell you now. Many great \par
teachers have shown you the way. My friends, do you know \par
how to live day by day? To center your thoughts upon \par
what you are doing? To forget what others are doing? To \par
play your own part to the best of your ability? Do the best \par
you can. Learn meditation. Learn emotional control. It \par
is very important. Learn detachment \emdash  to be the \ldblquote dreamer\rdblquote  \par
and not the dream. Live your life to the fullest with LOVE. \par
You cannot do more. \par
I s it not an awe inspiring thing to talk to people in oth\par
er dimensions of life? Just think of piercing through \par
the veil of the frequencies and saying \ldblquote Hello\rdblquote  to some\par
one living in a different frequency. No matter who that \par
person was, it would be a thrilling experience. But just \par
suppose the person you talked to was in a \ldblquote place\rdblquote  in the \par
universe and was of a mentality to know many things that \par
people on this earth have never been able to find out \emdash  \par
at least not in our generation. What a chance that would \par
be to ask questions and to find out some things! And yet \par
that is the position we actually felt ourselves, to be in when \par
we were talking to the members of the Inner Circle with the \par
assistance of our friend Mark Probert. \par
We wanted to find out more about our planet Earth and \par
how it compared with the other planets in our solar sys\par
tem. In the preceding interview with the Inner Circle \par
we found out a little, but later we were privileged to find \par
out a bit more. We feel that our readers will be interested. \par
So let us summarize it all and take a look at our earth \par
through the eyes of those who can do what we cannot do \emdash  \par
namely, view it and the other planets from outerspace. \par
Here is what they say. \par
The Yada Di ShiIte: \ldblquote The earth is a very beautiful spot \par
from space. Indeed compared with the other planets, it \par
is like a beautiful oasis in the vast sea of space. The Guar\par
dians know that your earth is the greatest, the most beau\par
tiful spot in the solar system. It is the most livable body \par
in your solar system. \par
Astronomer Ramon Natalli: \ldblquote Observing the earth \par
through these huge astroscreens on Venus, it is found to be \par
a multicolored jewel \emdash  with a comparatively short comet\par
like tail, trailing sunward from it. From my observation \par
of it, I would say that it is the most beautiful planet in the \par
entire solar system. The colors due to the changing seas\par
ons vary considerably. There are pale greens and dark\par
jungle greens and reds and yellows. The vast oceans, ex\par
cept when the sun is shining at a slanting angle upon them, \par
are a dark slate blue. Due to the fact that there is more wa\par
ter than land, the predominating color tends naturally to \par
be dark slate blue. On land the chief color is green \emdash  that \par
is the outstanding color\rdblquote .* \par
Since receiving this information we have asked many of \par
our earth friends just why it is that earthman, who it seems \par
has been given the most beautiful living quarters in the en\par
tire solar system, seems so unappreciative of his Maker\rquote s \par
generosity and persists in such destructiveness? The reply \par
of one of them seems worthy of note: \par
\ldblquote Well, maybe the spacebeings feel that the delinquent \par
children and the mental defectives somehow need the best \par
educational facilities!\rdblquote  \par
\bullet See Mystic Magazine, January, 1956, for further Inner Circle infor\par
mation on planets. \par
after we had met many a saucerer, studied many a \par
sighting or contact, listened to many saucer experiences, read a number of books on the subject, joined \par
in innumerable saucer discussions, and attended all avail\par
able lectures \emdash  we were truly appalled by one thing. That \par
was what the public expects of a saucerer! \par
It is like this. Some decent, honest, selfrespecting chap \par
is going someplace, or is just sitting someplace minding his \par
own business. Then down comes a saucer \emdash  and bang! All \par
of a sudden he is a genius. In a flash he is supposed to \par
know everything. Overnight he is catapulted into promi\par
nence. He suddenly becomes a somebody, even if that \par
somebody is only a target for ridicule and the butt of many \par
a joke. His friends hear about his experience, and they \par
all start asking him questions. They ask this question and \par
that question and some inbetween questions. They amuse \par
themselves at his expense. \par
Soon a group, pining for a \ldblquote lecture\rdblquote , gets hold of him \par
and puts him on the platform. His saucerexperience only \par
lasted shall we say ten minutes or possibly thirty^ minutes. \par
But what does that matter to his public. They have cap\par
tured a real live saucerer, a celebrity. But that is putting \par
it too mildly, they have literally corralled a saucer authority! \par
So they put him on a public lecture platform, and what does \par
the public expect of him. Did you ever listen to the ques\par
tions in a saucer lecture? We have many times, and can \par
give you some idea. \par
The public expects just about everything of a saucerer. \par
They expect him to be a combination of a modern cosmic \par
Galileo, Columbus, Einstein, Kinsey, and Messiah \emdash  all \par
from a few minutes saucer experience. They expect him \par
to know all about everything, including such minor items \par
as the planets, the galaxies, the ethers, outerspace, energy, \par
staticelectricity, magnetism, cosmology, spaceship technol\par
ogy, metallurgy and instrumentation, extraterrestrial sci\par
ence, sociology, agriculture, education, religion, government, \par
living conditions on Mars, the latest fashions on Venus, the \par
sexual behavior of the Plutonians, and real estate and busi\par
ness opportunities on the asteroids! As we have listened \par
to the questions hurled by the public at some poor lectur\par
ing saucerers, we have wondered why some of them did not \par
just give the public \ldblquote an earful\rdblquote , right out of their own imag\par
ination. It would have served the questioners right! \par
At first we enjoyed many a hearty laugh at these impos\par
sible questions the public saw fit to ask. But later we be\par
gan to see that the public was in the process of sadly spoil\par
ing some very decent individuals. In the name of reason, \par
let the public and the saucer enthusiasts realize the inevitable \par
limitations of each and every saucer experience and \par
stop expecting the entire cosmos and all its secrets from \par
one or two worthy fellows who were fortunate to have a con\par
tact or experience. Saucerers and saucer experiences are \par
valuable. If we wish to learn more about outerspace, we \par
should certainly encourage them to tell of their experiences. \par
But let us not spoil them or tempt them beyond their depth. \par
We feel the public owes this to the saucerers. \par
And likewise, as we see it, the saucerer has a duty to the \par
public. All saucer experiences have their limitations. Most \par
of them are of short duration, and telling about the ex\par
periences themselves in most cases will not occupy the en\par
tire time of an average lecture period. Therefore, what\par
ever else is presentd must be clearly distinguished from the \par
experiences and should be properly labelled as interpreta\par
tion or opinion or the philosophy of the lecturer. More\par
over, since all of us in our efforts to understand outerspace \par
are definitely going to be dealing more and more with the \par
phenomena of various states and stages of consciousness, it \par
is increasingly important to distinguish an experience as \par
either occurring in threedimensional (physical) conscious\par
ness or in some other state of consciousness. We like the \par
saucerers who plainly say "I don\rquote t know\rdblquote  once in awhile, \par
at least often enough to make us feel sure that they have \par
not lost that priceless quality of a true saucerer \emdash  humility. \par
In our thinking, another related point is important to \par
remember at this time. We are living in an age when great \par
changes are rapidly taking place in human thought. New \par
cosmic concepts, ideas and truths are literally pouring into \par
human consciousness everywhere in the world. Without \par
in the least minimizing the importance of the saucerers\rquote  \par
contributions to this Truth, nevertheless it is wise to rec\par
ognize the fact that the entire saucer phenomena represent \par
only one channel of unfoldment of this incoming avalanche \par
of new knowledge. This knowledge is flowing in through \par
countless other channels on a worldwide basis. It is being \par
\ldblquote beamed\rdblquote  to our world from higher dimensions of life as \par
a part of the activities of this new age. \par
Anyone who tries to say \ldblquote this is my idea because I obtain\par
ed it from a spaceman\rdblquote  is going to discover that other peo\par
ple in the world may have received it even before he did. \par
Moreover, no saucer contact may have been necessary for \par
their particular unfoldment. Cosmic truth is flowing to \par
this world by itself. Thus it is going to be more and more \par
difficult and eventually useless to try to pin down the exact \par
source or outlet. New truth is nothing but old truth coming \par
again into conscious awareness. Truth is truth whether it \par
comes from a saucerer\rquote s contact with a spacebeing, a sauc\par
erer 's own mind, or anyone else\rquote s mind. The truth itself \par
is the important thing, not the source. It is free, universal, \par
and belongs to all of us. The spacepeople tell us that in \par
the last analysis there is only one consciousness, one mind \par
\emdash  the AllMind. The AllMind is rapidly unfolding Itself \par
to all of us in its own way. Few \ldblquote patents\rdblquote  are going to be \par
granted on Cosmic Truth. This is something to ponderl \par
W e have listened to many a saucer discussion or lec\par
ture. Too often we have watched the discussion \par
degenerate into an argument, and soon there was \par
too much heat and not enough lightl As we sat back and \par
listened to such performances, we honestly felt that if \par
everybody had the same meaning for the same words, about \par
seventyfive percent of the arguments would turn out to \par
be agreements, and \emdash  to borrow a phrase from the Immortal \par
Bard \emdash  a \ldblquote deal of stinking breath\rdblquote  could be avoided. \par
Thus we ran headlong into semantics, and the problem of \par
the meaning of words as applied to saucers and space phe\par
nomena. \par
But this was not all. We found that the advent of sauc\par
ers in our modern world has been such an overwhelming \par
thing that we actually lack new words with which to ex\par
plain them. The saucer phenomena represent something \par
so far outinfront of all branches of human knowledge that \par
they leave many of us gasping for breath and pawing around \par
for new words to describe them. We are dealing with things \par
so extremely different from what we are used to the outer\par
space \ldblquote norm\rdblquote  is so different from our physical \ldblquote norm\rdblquote  \emdash  \par
that we actually run into this lack of suitable words. \par
We also discovered another interesting point. Certain \par
words we tried to use in connection with saucers, which \par
seemed to us to have fairly usable dictionary definitions, \par
produced such an unexpected and horrible effect on our \par
listeners that we actually had to stop using them. We had \par
to avoid them like hot pokers. It seems that certain words \par
actually engender a feeling of distrust or fear in the minds \par
of some listeners. We presume this is a phase of man\rquote s fear \par
of the unknown \emdash  his distrust of what he does not under\par
stand. These words seemed to close some people\rquote s minds \par
to the subject in a sort of selfprotection or an automatic \par
resistance to the cosmic concepts we were trying to present. \par
Not that there was anything fearful or dangerous in these \par
concepts. To us the supraphysical aspects of outerspace \par
are infinitely beautiful and magnificent. But we found \par
that certain words were, let us say, inadvisable in connec\par
tion with saucers. We shall later discuss a few such words \par
which we found must be used sparingly, cautiously or not \par
at all, at least in public discussions of the subject. \par
We hope that new and more suitable words can be found. \par
We need new words which do not have clinging to them \par
the "old vibrations\rdblquote  or any of the old meanings which act \par
as mental blocks to understanding the more advanced as\par
pects of space phenomena. If we can all get together on \par
words, terms and meanings, maybe we can get together in \par
much better fashion in our understanding of these phe\par
nomena. \par
Let us briefly illustrate a few of these practical difficul\par
ties. What overall term would you apply to communica\par
tion between spacebeings and men of earth? The methods \par
used in such communications vary enormously. They can \par
be physical, or electronic, or some phase of E.S.P. (extra \par
sensory perception) or some other method. We felt the \par
need of an inclusive term to cover these remarkable phe\par
nomena as a whole. We found no suitable word or term \par
being used, and so we decided to use the expression \ldblquote O.S.C.\rdblquote  \par
(outerspace communication). We hereby bequeath it with\par
out charge to all students of saucery! \par
Now let us consider another example of the need of new \par
words for the new wonders of outerspace. What term would \par
you apply to a cosmic action in which an object goes out \par
of the range of all of the human senses, but still exists with \par
just as much visibility and just as much (or more) solidity \par
or tangibility? The point is that our human senses lose \par
track of the object\rquote s \ldblquote reality\rdblquote , but its "reality\rdblquote  goes right \par
on undiminished and even heightened for those whose sens\par
es can keep it "tunedin\rdblquote . We, with our five physical \par
senses, can only tune into one waveband of reality of life \par
\emdash  the physical waveband. But the more advanced space\par
beings can tune into several wavebands of reality. Now \par
what would you call such an activity, or the reverse of it, in \par
which the object comes into the waveband of our human \par
senses? \par
The above represents one or more of the cosmic actions \par
of spaceships and is more fully setforth in Chapter 27. But \par
what words shall we apply to such cosmic actions? Maybe \par
the Greeks had a word for it. Let us hope they did because \par
it is hard to find modern readymade words whose defini\par
tions and meanings will fit these cases. These actions are \par
typical of the characteristics of spacecraft and spacepeople \par
which stump our dictionaries and floor many of us both \par
mentally and emotionally. \par
We had a bit of fun trying to get some practical answers \par
to this particular word puzzle. A group of us were discuss\par
ing the problem. A friend asked, 'Why not simply use \par
the words \ldblquote appear\rdblquote  and \ldblquote disappear?\rdblquote  \par
Because,\rdblquote  answered one, \ldblquote if you are in an airplane and \par
you fly away from me out of my sight, you disappear but I \par
can overtake yqu in a faster plane and find you. But I can \par
never find, with my human senses, a spaceship after it has \par
passed into a higher frequency.\rdblquote  \par
"What about materialize and dematerialize?\rdblquote  asked an\par
other friend. \ldblquote Mat and demat. Some saucer lecturers are \par
using those terms.\rdblquote  \par
I replied, \ldblquote The trouble with that is that a spaceship \par
in going into a higher frequency does not dematerialize, \par
but merely goes beyond our sense range. It is then actually \par
denser more \lquote material\rquote  than it was before at least to \par
the people who accompany it.\rdblquote  \par
Several other words were suggested but none seemed to \par
fit the need. The group recognized the fact that the muta\par
tions of spaceships are not a simple matter. Well authen\par
ticated reports show that spaceships often show up on ra\par
darscopes even though they are in a state of invisibility \par
to humansight but close enough so that they should be \par
seen. \par
Finally our group decided upon the terms \ldblquote emerge\rdblquote  and \par
\ldblquote transcend\rdblquote , and we hereby also bequeath these terms pro\par
perly redefined to cover spacephenomena to the New Age \par
Dictionary \emdash  which we hope someone soon will produce. \par
Will some cosmic Samuel Johnson please step forward!* \par
That is what we really need. A New Age or Flying Saucer \par
Dictionary! It should be filled to the brim with new age \par
words and definitions and descriptions of spacepeople and \par
spaceships and the cosmic capers they go through. We cer\par
tainly hope some of our readers will tackle this worthy \par
project. We suggest it be called the \ldblquote A. S. Dictionary\rdblquote , \par
the \ldblquote After Saucers Dictionary\rdblquote . This would properly dis\par
tinguish it from those old, forlorn, decrepit, useless and to\par
tally outmoded \ldblquote B. S. Dictionaries\rdblquote , the \ldblquote Before Saucers\rdblquote  \par
variety which are not even \ldblquote hep\rdblquote  to saucers! After all, of \par
what use are old threedimensional words to convey higher\par
dimensional meanings. And may we modestly suggest that \par
because of their usefulness the following words and defini\par
tions be assigned a prominent place in this new A. S. Dic\par
tionary. \par
Note. As a matter of fact Meade Layne and Mark Probert\rquote s Inner \par
Circle contributed the word "emerge\rdblquote , and should be given full \par
credit. However, the selection of the term "transcend\rdblquote  for the op\par
posite action is our own effort. \par
Apportation \emdash  The process of reducing a formed object \par
to thoughtenergy, attracting this energy to the conscious\par
ness of the individual controlling the process, transform\par
ing the energy back into the form in which it originally \par
existed, and thus gaining possession of the object. \par
Emergence \emdash  Applied to spacecreft descending to earth \par
from higher frequencies of life. The act of tuning \par
into earth\rquote s threedimensional form of existence by reduc\par
ing the vibratory frequency and changing the polarization \par
or plane of energy motion of a spaceship so that the craft \par
and its contents become visible and tangible to the human \par
senses. \par
Foo Fighters \emdash  Glowing discs or fireballs ranging from \par
a few inches to several feet in size which were seen by pilots \par
of World War II planes. The Germans thought they were \par
secret devices of the Allies. The Allies thought they were of \par
German origin. Now considered to be remote controlled \par
electronic devices sent out by spaceships to gather data \par
and transmit sounds, pictures and telepathic reports to \par
the control ships. \par
Levitation The process of mentally controlling the \par
energy constituting an object in such a manner as to bal\par
ance or nearly balance the gravitational and antigravita\par
tional forces acting upon it, thereby causing the object to \par
rise, float, or fall. Can be applied to any object including \par
the human body. \par
O.S.C. \emdash  Outerspace communication. Communication \par
between earthmen and beings living in outerspace or in \par
other phases of life without reference to the method or \par
means used to effect the communication. Any means may \par
be used, such as physical, electronic, mental, spiritual, cos\par
mic, etc. The communication may be either oneway or \par
twoway in nature. \par
Precipitation \emdash  Applied to cosmic actions. The act of \par
forming a solid object directly from universal energy by \par
mind control. Used by adepts and advanced spacebeings. \par
A mental mold or visualization controls the shape and size \par
of the object, and feeling controls the quality of the object. \par
Saucer Often called flying saucer. 1. A disc shaped \par
spaceship. The name saucer dates back to June 24, 1947, \par
when Kenneth Arnold, a business man of Boise, Idaho, \par
while flying his plane near Mount Ranier, Washington,' \par
U.S.A., sighted nine large gleaming discs flying in forma\par
tion. He described them later as resembling \ldblquote saucers\rdblquote , \par
and from this incident the term flying saucer developed. \par
2. Any type of spaceship. 3. A fireball or similar space\par
phenomena. 4. Foo Fighter type of disc. \par
Saucerer 1. One who contacts a saucer, or spacebeing, \par
or who has some noteworthy experience relating to space\par
ships or spacephenomena. 2. One who is especially inter\par
ested in spaceships and allied space phenomena. \par
Spaceman \emdash  A man or individualized consciousness living \par
outside the confines of terrestrial earth. He may be of the \par
same or of a higher or of a lower degree of cosmic evolution \par
than earthman. He may also live on a higher or a lower \par
plane of frequency than that of earth life. CF : Spacebeing, \par
angel, master, heavenly host. \par
Spaceship \emdash  1. Noninterplanetary type. A space con\par
veyance capable of transporting materials and personnel \par
within the confines of a planet\rquote s atmosphere. Such a ship \par
is capable of overcoming gravity and distance without the \par
necessity of burning fuel but is incapable of operating out\par
side the atmosphere of a planet. It cannot make interplan\par
etary flights. 2. Interplanetary type. Same as above, ex\par
cept that ships can make interplanetary flights within the \par
confines of a solar system by spacetime (miles per hour) \par
methods. 3. Intergalactic type: These are true spaceships. \par
They are capable of fuelless flight to any part of the uni\par
verse. They are interplanetary and intergalactic and can \par
employ either spacetime means or instantaneous cosmic \par
means of flight. \par
Teleportation \emdash  The process of reducing a formed object \par
to thoughtenergy, mentally directing this energy to a de\par
sired destination or activity of consciousness, and then \par
transforming the energy back into the form in which it \par
originally existed. Note: there are numerous variations \par
and types of this basic principle. \par
Transcendence Applied to spacecraft ascending from \par
the earth. The act of tuning out of earth\rquote s threedimen\par
sional type of existence by increasing the vibratory fre\par
quency and altering the polarization or plane of energy \par
motion of a spaceship so that the craft and its contents \par
pass out of the range of the human senses and enter a high\par
er phase of existence. The reverse of emergence. \par
156 \par
As we went our rounds we found many people using dif\par
ferent names and words applied to certain phases of saucer \par
phenomena. They were trying to express certain ideas \par
about saucers, and they were using some interesting words \par
and phrases to indicate their meaning. We tabulated a few \par
of these as \ldblquote approximate synonyms\rdblquote , and we present them \par
as a matter of interest to saucer students. \par
Spaceship \emdash  Flying saucer, saucer, mothership, U.F.O. \par
(unidentified flying object), valix, vimana (Sanskrit), ka\par
reta, fireball, chariotoffire, signs in the heavens (Bible) \par
"light\rdblquote  ship, ether or etheric ship. \par
Outer space \emdash  Empty space, vacuity, the black void. Dif\par
ferent vibratory frequencies, densities, dimensions of time, \par
or time frames. Different modes of vibration of energy or \par
matter. Planes, planes of consciousness, consciousness un\par
limited. Octaves or bands or ranges of consciousness, or of \par
awareness, or of sense. Spectrums of sense. The Locas \par
(oriental philosophy). The astral and etheric worlds. The \par
heavens. Heaven and hell. Worlds without end (religion). \par
The Universe. The Cosmos. \par
We shall now briefly discuss a few of the words which \par
we found undesirable to use in connection with modern \par
space phenomena. The word astral seems to stir up visions \par
of hell and damnation for certain people. The word \par
etheric is a fine word, but it conveys a sense of nonsolidity \par
\emdash  exactly the opposite of the truth regarding spaceship \par
mutations. The words spirit or spiritual , fine as they are, \par
never seem to mean the same thing to any two people. We \par
use them, but sparingly. The word psychic is still worse \par
in its effects upon some individuals. We need a good sub\par
stitute. The word seance conjures up wild visions of spooks, \par
ectoplasm and mediums of low estate. Most people never \par
delve below the outer shell of human knowledge, and how \par
to convey to them the mysteries of outerspace without treading on certain latent fears \emdash  which they hardly recognize \par
themselves \emdash  is quite a problem. We believe a good new \par
saucer dictionary and plenty of new words would help. \par
After all every new activity such as the automobile, tele\par
vision, or atomic energy, develops its own vocabulary. Why \par
not saucers? \par
WHY DON\rquote T THEY? \par
T here is one interesting point about this subject of \par
saucers which we found everywhere we went. It \par
is, in fact, practically the only point we found upon \par
which just about everybody seemed to agree. It is that \par
the gentlemen in the spaceships never do anything right! \par
Whatever they do or did, they should have done it different\par
ly. What they did not do \emdash  well, they should have done \par
it. The saucer \ldblquote kibitzers\rdblquote  on earth are a mighty unhappy \par
lot. \par
This is an interesting point, to say the least. We found \par
some individuals who were really wrought up and even \par
sarcastic about the shortcomings of the \ldblquote boys upstairs.\rdblquote  \par
On our trip we could have collected a book full of "Why \par
Don\rquote t Theys!\rdblquote  The complaints were endless. Why don\rquote t \par
they do this? Why don\rquote t they do that? Some of the com\par
plainers almost convinced us that they rather than the \par
spacepeople should be operating the saucers! Some of \par
these \ldblquote Why Don\rquote t Theys\rdblquote  were on the trivial side, but \par
others seemed to have a bit of merit. Out of interest, we \par
thought we might mention a few of the latter variety \emdash  \par
together with the best answers which we found along the \par
way. \par
One of the most persistent complaints was, \ldblquote Why don\rquote t \par
they land on the White House lawn in Washington, D. C., \par
and declare themselves and their purpose?\rdblquote  We think this \par
is a good question. We discovered that a good answer can\par
not be given in a few words, but that there is a good answer \par
for the thoughtful students of saucers. \par
Much of this answer is set forth in the Twentieth Cen\par
tury Fox motion picture film The Day The Earth Stood \par
Still, which, although fiction, nevertheless presents the \par
story of a saucer landing right in Washington. It tells \par
about the spaceman in the saucer and his friendly effort \par
to deliver the true message of the spacepeople to our govern\par
ment, the treatment accorded him by our armed forces, and \par
the dire events that ensued. Many saucer students who \par
know something of the history of this film sincerely be\par
lieve that it was \ldblquote inspired\rdblquote  by the spacebeings in our \par
midst. Many are also convinced that the spacepeople have \par
declared themselves and their purpose to selected officials in \par
the major governments of the world. Many O.S.C. messages \par
we have studied state this to be true. \par
Another common complaint is, "Why don\rquote t they come \par
down and stop evil and stop wars and really help us if they \par
are as good and as powerful as they are portrayed?\rdblquote  We be\par
lieve there are two valid answers to this common question. \par
First, most earth men are so constituted that they only \par
learn by experience, and this earth life is intended as a \par
kindergarten in which man can learn life\rquote s lessons by ex\par
perience. The spacepeople have through countless ages \par
sent great teachers to help us and show us the way. The \par
trouble is we have not followed these teachings. If the \par
spacepeople now solved all our problems for us we would \par
be deprived of the lessons we need. The spacepeople are \par
not permitted to live our lives for us. Cosmic law wisely \par
puts limits on the help they can give us. Secondly, they are \par
helping us right now \emdash  within the bounds of cosmic law \emdash  \par
in hundreds of ways we do not recognize because we do not \par
understand them or how they operate. They operate most\par
ly unseen \emdash  through energy and through helpful thoughts, \par
inspirations and \ldblquote right ideas\rdblquote  with which they surround \par
us. When things get hopeless for us, however, they do take \par
an unseen hand in our affairs and even bring about drastic \par
changes in the world. \par
Another prevalent complaint is along the following vein. \par
If they really want us to know them, why don\rquote t they arrange \par
a different type of contact in which without harm to them\par
selves they could land and meet a group of earthpeople of \par
unquestionable authority and standing under circumstances \par
where photographs could be taken, objects could be exchanged and all the \ldblquote proofs\rdblquote  which most people would like \par
to have could be provided along with proper publicity? \par
Frankly, we are as much in favor of such a contact as \par
anyone else. We have also found that many good saucer \par
students feel that such things will come about in due time \par
when the world is better conditioned for them and when \par
it can be done without fear of panic or undue upset to our \par
economic, scientific, governmental and religious views. \par
These saucerers say we are too impatient and that we do \par
not recognize or \ldblquote believe\rdblquote  the steps already taken by the \par
spacepeople to acquaint man with their true nature and \par
purpose. The saucerers declare the spacepeople know what \par
they are doing and that they are acting with great wisdom. \par
After some study, we are inclined to agree with these sauc\par
erers \emdash  especially after our talks with Orfeo Angelucci, who \par
from actual experiences has a keen understanding of the \par
problem the spacepeople themselves face in their efforts \par
to reveal their true nature to us without frightening us. \par
(See chapter 28). \par
Just let us suppose that you, the reader, wanted to let \par
all the fish in the ocean know about yourself and your civi\par
lization. Just how would you go about it? Please do not \par
laugh at this comparison. The first problem you would face \par
in revealing yourself to the fish would be a language bar\par
rier. So do the spacepeople in communicating with us. \par
You might have to resort to telepathy! Maybe you would \par
discover the \ldblquote poor fish\rdblquote  are a little stupid about respond\par
ing. Heaven forbid that any spaceman might find some \par
of us in that category! Then there is that little problem \par
of the difference in the densities of the medium \ldblquote water\rdblquote  in \par
which they \emdash  the fish \emdash  live and the medium \ldblquote air\rdblquote  in \par
which you live. Is it much different with the spacepeople \par
coming from their medium or vibratory frequency into our \par
physical frequency? \par
Can you not just imagine a \ldblquote poor fish\rdblquote  whom you \ldblquote con\par
tacted\rdblquote  trying desperately to explain his \ldblquote contact\rdblquote  to a \par
school of his fellow fish. He might be saying something \par
like this: \ldblquote And then the monster from outerair with two \par
tails (that\rquote s you) said to me, We live our lives in air!\rdblquote  \par
Second fish: \ldblquote Impossible! No one can live in air!\rdblquote  \par
First fish: Then he told me they had nests in which they \par
live ten times higher than our longest whale!\rdblquote  \par
Third fish: \ldblquote I think our brother fish must have dream\par
ed this experience.\rdblquote  \par
Fourth fish: \ldblquote Sounds fishy to me too!\rdblquote  \par
First fish: \ldblquote Then he told me they can travel in the air \par
thirtyfive times faster than the fastest shark.\rdblquote  \par
Chorus of fishes: \ldblquote Now we know he\rquote s crazy. Better send \par
him to the phishiatrist!\rdblquote  \par
Many, many people on earth are almost screaming for \par
the spacepeople, the planetary Guardians, to land and dis\par
close themselves. Disclose themselves as what? As physical \par
beings just like you and me? They have appeared in phys\par
ical form, but in so doing they are not actually disclosing \par
themselves. What do we wish them to do? Misrepresent \par
themselves? Most of them are not physical beings, al\par
though they can appear as that \emdash  if that is all we are cap\par
able of understanding. But that is not their true nature. \par
They are true spacebeings, and they live in a different me\par
dium, a different frequency than we do \emdash  just as we live \par
in a different medium than do the fish in the ocean. \par
The point is, that they are disclosing themselves to us \par
\emdash  faster than most of us can take it! They are doing so in \par
their own way. The officialdom of the world is not a chan\par
nel they can use. Our timehonored, ultrarespectable in\par
stitutions are not channels they can employ. So they do what \par
they can \emdash  choose \ldblquote little people\rdblquote , receptive people with \par
certain qualities here and there throughout the globe and \par
use them as little \ldblquote points of light\rdblquote , little pieces of leaven, \par
which eventually will enlighten and leaven humanity and \par
bring the knowledge of inhabited outerspace to everyone. \par
From this point of view, let us examine briefly the ledger \par
of unfoldment, the indications that spacepeople have dis\par
closed themselves and are disclosing themselves in their own \par
way, systematically, gradually, year by year, step by step, to \par
ignorant and doubting humanity. \par
(1) First, many strange lights were seen in the sky, and \par
other unusual phenomena. \par
(2) A degree of form and intelligent control was noted \par
in connection with these phenomena. \par
(S) The foo fighters\rdblquote  of World War II were reapprais\par
ed by many as part of the same phenomena. \par
(4) Fireballs of many sizes and colors were noted in the \par
skys. \par
(5) Sightings were made of actual space ships of many \par
different types all over the world. They are continuing. \par
(6) Strange appearing and disappearing phenomena have \par
been observed. \par
(7) Actual photographs of these objects have been ob\par
tained and presented to a startled public. \par
(8) Many O.S.C. messages and communications have \par
been reported from widely divergent localities disclosing \par
much information on spacephenomena. \par
(9) Then came a few isolated landings and \ldblquote contacts.\rdblquote  \par
(10) Then a few selected individuals were given rides. \par
(11) Then a few highly sensitive people were able to \par
contact saucers somewhat above our average level of fre\par
quency. \par
In other words, there has been an orderly and progres\par
sive disclosure of their presence by the spacepeople in their \par
own way. Many saucerers who have taken the trouble to \par
study the matter first hand have gotten over the idea that \par
officialdom will help them in any way and have come to the \par
conclusion that these revelations are actually coming faster \par
than most people can absorb them. They feel that the space\par
people are actually doing a fine job of revealing themselves \par
progressively, in their own way, with wisdom far superior to \par
ours. Be patient, they say. Further unfoldments will come \par
when we are readyl \par
are saucerers chosen by the spacepeople? Are those \par
individuals who are having contacts or other out\par
underfstanding saucer experiences, or those who are receiving noteworthy messages from outerspace \emdash  are they \par
chosen by the spacepeople? Are they singled out and given \par
such experiences by the spacepeople for definite reasons? \par
Or do these experiences just happen? \par
Many people have asked us about this, and we have asked \par
ourselves these interesting questions many times. In fact, \par
we have become so interested in them that we really have \par
given the matter a good deal of study. Without going into \par
too many details the following represents our present estimate of the situation. \par
We do believe that there is indeed a factor of "choice\rdblquote  \par
by the spacepeople in every single case of contact or out\par
standing saucer experience. But we believe that this is \par
never the only factor involved. There are two other im\par
portant factors which enter in, and these are the qualities \par
of the person contacted and his availability. Thus there \par
are three major factors in such experiences: first, some de\par
gree of selection or choice by the spacepeople; second, the \par
qualities or character of the earthman contacted, and third, \par
his availability. The emphasis on one or another of these \par
factors appears to vary greatly in different cases. But all \par
three seem evident in varying degrees in all major experi\par
ences. By major experiences we are not including ordinary \par
sightings of which there are many. Most of these we classify \par
as happenstances, although a few special sightings may rep\par
resent some degree of premeditation on the part of the space\par
people. A whole book could be directed to this subject \par
alone. Let it suffice to consider very briefly a few cases. \par
164 \par
But first let us always remember this: that back of all \par
flights of spaceships to this earth there is always a definite \par
purpose. Spaceships do not just happen to come into the \par
atmosphere of our earth. They always have some kind of \par
a mission, and they must receive permission of the planetary \par
Guardians. A few spaceships come on exploring, sight\par
seeing or educational trips. But due to the present critical \par
situation on our earth, most of the ships now contacting us \par
come on much more serious missions. Many of these mis\par
sions are for scientific study of the conditions of our earth, \par
our people, and our atmosphere. \par
Consider now the case of the Mexican chauffeur. As we \par
see it, the spaceship was on a definite mission and had land\par
ed off the highway in fulfilling that mission prior to the \par
chauffeur\rquote s stopping on the road due to a car breakdown. \par
The spacepeople did not cause the breakdown. He was \par
available near the spot where they were working due to \par
their mission. Here is the factor of availability. But where \par
is the factor of choice? It is this, that they did not have to \par
contact him if they did not wish to. From what we know \par
about the ability of spacemen, they doubtless \ldblquote televised\rdblquote  \par
his mind and character through and through before decid\par
ing to make a contact. They knew in advance that he was \par
amiable, stable and a suitable subject for a contact and \par
that he was some one they could talk to and learn about \par
human conditions on our earth. This represents the other \par
factors of choice and of character. \par
Take the case of George Adamski. Anyone who studies \par
his first contact and the steps that gradually led up to it \par
can trace these factors of choice, character and availability. \par
Here was a man of rugged qualities who for months had been \par
patiently trying to photograph saucers. Also for years he \par
had been teaching brotherly love, which is the chief mes\par
sage of all the spacepeople. Moreover he had a certain \par
measure of telepathic ability, and he was available at the \par
time a contact was desirable to the spacepeople. He had \par
definite qualifications as a messenger, and to those who \par
know anything about the spacepeople, his association with \par
Desmond Leslie was no accident. \par
In the case of Daniel Fry the choosing was so deliberate \par
on the part of the spacemen that this factor plus his tech\par
nical and his \ldblquote receiving\rdblquote  abilities all bulk large in this \par
experience. As to his availability at the right time \emdash  well \par
the spacemen simply took a hand in this and made him \par
available. These same three factors may be traced through\par
out the experiences of the great saucerers, but we cannot go \par
into all the cases now. It is a study all by itself. \par
One other comment. It is interesting to note the great \par
divergence in the types of people chosen for contact and \par
communications. The variations in character, education \par
and social status are worth noting. We believe that this \par
is significant. It seems as if our spacebrothers are inter\par
ested in studying the reaction of different types of individ\par
uals to a contact or a communication. How do different \par
types of earth people react to such experiences? The space\par
people appear to be finding this out as well as selecting \par
channels through which to disclose themselves and trans\par
mit their great messages to humanity. \par
I f we are ever going to understand spacecraft and space\par
people, the first thing we must understand is logically \par
enough outerspace itself. What is outerspace? If we \par
really understood the answer to this question, it would be \par
the very key to our "conquest\rdblquote  of outerspace, a task to \par
which man on earth is even now seriously dedicating him\par
self. Before we could build a submarine we needed to \par
understand water, the medium in which the submarine had \par
to operate. Before we could bring forth successful air\par
planes we had to learn more about the air itself. Before \par
we can make any real progress in spaceflight, we will cer\par
tainly have to expand our concepts and our understand\par
ing of the basic nature of outerspace itself. It seems to \par
us that many people these days have the cart before the \par
horse. Or shall we say the saucer before the cup before \par
the cup of knowledge of outerspace itself which must pre\par
cede our understanding of space ships and spacetravel. \par
On our pilgrimage we found a very interesting thing. \par
We still found plenty of the old conventional, materialistic \par
concept of outerspace. Everybody knows about this con\par
cept. One looks into the starry heavens and sees "solid\rdblquote  \par
bodies like stars and suns and planets, and between them \par
one sees vast reaches of \ldblquote empty\rdblquote  space. Of course the most \par
learned ones among us also see "nebulous\rdblquote  formations, \par
but these also float around in \ldblquote empty\rdblquote  space. And so it is \par
all very simple. All we have to deal with is solid or nebu\par
lous bodies on the one hand and "empty\rdblquote  space on the other \par
hand. What one cannot see with the physical eyes does \par
not exist. Outerspace is just nothingness, vacuityl This \par
is the usual materialistic concept of outerspace. \par
But what surprised us most was that here and there we \par
found some very astute but practical thinkers who were talk\par
ing about new and entirely different concepts of outerspace. \par
These concepts seemed to us to be so startlingly different \par
from the conventional view, to be so far reaching, so impres\par
sive, or shall we say so \ldblquote new age", that we made a special \par
note of them. As these remarkable concepts cannot be pre\par
sented in one or two sentences, we shall make the effort to \par
present them in some detail, step by step, in the simplest \par
possible terms. We feel that they merit this attention. We \par
shall call them \ldblquote the vibratory frequency explanation of \par
outerspace.\rdblquote  Let us now examine the essential points in \par
this challenging explanation of outerspace. \par
Life Is Consciousness. The background concept of this \par
entire explanation of outerspace is in the proposition that \par
life is primarily a manifestation of consciousness, or if one \par
prefers it: life is consciousness. Now there is life as a whole \par
and there is individual life. Life as a whole is the sum total \par
of all consciousness. This summation of consciousness takes \par
in all life, all existence and all reality. On the other hand \par
individual consciousness takes in only that particular por\par
tion of total life, existence and reality which the individual \par
is aware of at any given period of his evolution. \par
Limitations Of Human Consciousness. Human conscious\par
ness, or the consciousness of individuals like ourselves, has \par
great limitations. It cognizes only a very limited phase of \par
total existence. Its chief limitation lies in the fact that its \par
view of life is confined to a timespacematter type of reality. \par
It recognizes only a \ldblquote physical" type of existence. It \ldblquote tunes \par
in" to only one narrow waveband of life and thus presents \par
a very narrow view of total reality. As one researcher put \par
it, \ldblquote Viewing life through the human consciousness is like \par
looking at a great football game through a knothole in the \par
fence. All one sees is a very small portion of the spectacular \par
game. Thus, human consciousness only sees \emdash  is only \par
aware of \emdash  one small part of the great game of life!\rdblquote  \par
This limited view is all the five physical senses or human \par
consciousness can give us, but life as a whole extends far \par
beyond this physical plane into infinite realms. But these \par
are outside of the present \lquote tune in\rdblquote  range of the human con\par
sciousness. \par
Vibratory Frequencies. Reality as a whole in \ldblquote outer\par
space exists in various bands or octaves of vibratory fre\par
quencies. These correspond to different planes of con\par
sciousness. The human or earthman\rquote s band of vibratory \par
frequency presents only the manifestations of physical life \par
or reality as we know them. But there are many other bands \par
of vibratory frequency in outerspace. These other bands \par
of frequency are definite vibratory motions of energy rep\par
resenting different types of matter which go to make up \par
other phases of reality and existence. Consciousness pro\par
duces energy in many frequencies and modes of motion and \par
with it creates the \ldblquote matter\rdblquote  or the \ldblquote substance\rdblquote  of things or \par
activities which it is conscious of. \par
The great error of the human mind is its limited belief \par
that matter or substance in the higher realms of life is va\par
porous, weightless and nonsolid. Nothing is farther from \par
cosmic truth. Each vibratory frequency has its own \ldblquote solid\rdblquote  \par
matter, its own reality of existence that is, it is solid and \par
real to those who live in that frequency. \par
And how many bands of vibratory frequency or planes \par
of consciousness are there? Please do not ask us. Oriental \par
philosophy mentions seven or possibly eight. An advanced \par
teacher we knew spoke of twentyone. We doubt if any \par
human being knows. If he knew, he would not be living \par
in the human octave! Possibly all the frequencies merge \par
or join each other. Possibly there are an infinite number of \par
life\rquote s frequencies \ldblquote worlds without end.\rdblquote  \par
169 \par
A simile which has helped many people to grasp this \par
\ldblquote vibratory frequency\rdblquote  explanation of outerspace is as follows. \par
Outerspace is like a department store. We refer to one \par
of those modern mercantile establishments with many dif\par
ferent floors devoted to many different kinds of merchandise \par
which are reached by elevators. One cannot reach the floors \par
above the ground floor unless one goes up to a different \par
level \emdash  up the elevator. \par
Now the groundlevel corresponds to the human vibra\par
tory frequency, the human plane of consciousness. Then if \par
one desires to go into a higher frequency or reach another \par
dimension of life, one enters the \ldblquote frequency elevator\rdblquote  and \par
goes up the scale of vibratory frequencies. Then one gets \par
off at a new floor, a new level \emdash  a new level of frequency \par
of life or consciousness. Here one finds a new world in \par
which there are different people, different things, a differ\par
ent atmosphere from what existed on the ground level. \par
Even the individual taking the trip is different because \par
his entire being, physical, mental, and spiritual undergoes a \par
quickening, an increase in vibratory frequency, by virtue \par
of his \ldblquote ascension\rdblquote  in the frequency elevator. Anyone who \par
is still on the earth level cannot see the reality, the solidity \par
of what is going on at the higher levels. The higher levels \par
are outside of the range of his human senses. This is the \par
\ldblquote department store simile\rdblquote  or parable if one prefers that \par
term designed to aid us in grasping the vibratory frequency \par
explanation of outerspace. \par
Another simile or parable which has been found helpful \par
in comprehending outerspace is the television simile. \par
Outerspace is like television. A person sits in a room \par
with a television set. He tunes into a program and behold \par
a miracle! Suddenly he becomes aware of people, things, \par
motion, activity, sounds, speech, music \emdash  yes and even \par
color! He experiences a part of life! But is this all of life? \par
No! It is only one program. Where are the other programs? \par
They are right there right in the room with him. They \par
are in the atmosphere which surrounds him in the form \par
of vibrating energy. The programs coexist in the \ldblquote empty\rdblquote  \par
space of the room. But how can it be \ldblquote empty\rdblquote  when it is \par
filled with programs which coexist and interpenetrate \par
each other? \par
The man at the television set cannot see or hear or cog\par
nize any program unless he tunes into it. What separates \par
these invisible programs? Nothing but vibratory frequencies \par
or the type of energy vibrations which characterize and dif\par
ferentiate each one. \par
After the man has tuned into all the different programs in \par
the atmosphere and has enjoyed all these little manifesta\par
tions of life is this the extent of life? Are there no other \par
manifestations of life for him to tune into? Indeed there \par
are! But he cannot do so with his television set. All that his \par
television set will give him consists of things and happen\par
ings in the physical octave of life. But the cosmic programs, \par
the cosmic realities of life in other cosmic frequencies, are \par
also present in the room. It is just a matter of tuning in. \par
This is the \ldblquote television simile\rdblquote  or parable which is designed \par
to help us better to understand the mysteries of outerspace. \par
All similes of course have their limitations, and these \par
two similes are no exceptions. They both have limitations. \par
But to us, one is definitely better than the other, in a certain respect. There is a certain important point which \par
makes the television simile better than the department store \par
simile. In case some of our readers may wish to puzzle this \par
out for themselves, we will not state the answer at this \par
point. However, to make sure that our thinking and that \par
of our readers is not too far apart on this point, we will \par
state it as a note at the end of this chapter. \par
There exists an important cosmic relationship between \par
outerspace and consciousness. As we see it, this is a very \par
simple relationship \emdash  simple but profound. Outerspace \par
equates with consciousness! Outerspace is consciousness un\par
limited! It is the infinitely large \ldblquote room\rdblquote  in which con\par
sciousness acts and produces the things it wishes to be con\par
scious of. But outerspace is not something apart from con\par
sciousness. The two interact. They are one. \par
Outerspace is not empty. It is filled with the crea\par
tions of consciousness. It vibrates with energy in dif\par
ferent frequencies, motions and densities unseen by and un\par
known to the physical senses. But energy in motion con\par
stitutes substance. When we learn to tunein to these un\par
seen levels of vibrating energy or substance in outerspace, \par
we will find new worlds, entire new civilizations, just as \par
solid, visible, tangible and real to those who live there as \par
our world is to us. \par
Outerspace contains endless LIFE in endless forms, end\par
less modes of energy in motion! It thus contains every\par
thing \emdash  everything that limitless consciousness (or imagina\par
tion) has conceived throughout endless existence and is \par
still conceiving. It is all \ldblquote planes of conscoiusness\rdblquote  put to\par
gether. Outerspace is the field of activity in which con\par
sciousness expresses itself. It is that in which consciousness \par
manifests and gives reality to its own concepts, that in \par
which all action takes place. It is the endless stage on \par
which the producer consciousness \ldblquote struts its stuff\rdblquote  for a \par
season and then rings down the curtain only to reappear \par
at another season with new actors, new scenery, new cos\par
tumes, new dramas, new cosmic productions. Outerspace \par
is pulsating, scintillating, living consciousness without end \par
\emdash  ever new, ever changing. Outerspace! Consciousness un\par
limited! \par
In contrast to all this, the little human senses are con\par
sciousness limited. The only reason we are not aware of \par
the magnificent and endless manifestations of life in outer\par
space is that we have lost our way on the threedimensional \par
level and cannot find the 'frequency elevator\rdblquote  \emdash  the only \par
means of rising into the higher levels of consciousness. But \par
in this age we feel that many will find their way back to \par
the elevator, will regain their lost \ldblquote tunein\rdblquote  ability, and \par
will once again enjoy the freedom of the frequencies! \par
And what can be said of those who dwell in outerspace? \par
Some saucerers claim that outerspace is filled with nothing \par
but \ldblquote humanbeings\rdblquote  just like ourselves. In other words \par
that nothing exists but earthlife, threedimensional life, \par
indefinitely extended into outerspace \emdash  just \ldblquote more of the \par
same\rdblquote  ad infinituml Others take the view that outerspace \par
is filled with nothing less than advanced beings, almost \par
Godlike in their evolvement and always thousands of years \par
in advance of us. Personally we prefer Dr. George Wil\par
liamson\rquote s statement that while outerspace does contain \par
advanced beings, it also contains less advanced beings \emdash  \par
\ldblquote who have just discovered the wheel and the fact that if \par
they put beeswax on the axle it will last longer and squeakless!\rdblquote  \par
It seems to us that the deepest thinkers of all have ar\par
rived at the \ldblquote vibratory frequency\rdblquote  concept of outerspace, \par
and to them outerspace contains every conceivable type of \par
life or manifestation of consciousness. It takes courage to \par
pioneer these concepts. But we feel they are right. From \par
this advanced viewpoint some of the dwellers in outer\par
space are like us, but others are unlike us both as to form \par
and consciousness. Some are mostly consciousness with a \par
minimum of form, and in others form is given a more pre\par
dominant emphasis. Some are more advanced in cosmic \par
evolution than we and some less advanced. Some belong \par
to an earthtype of evolution, and some belong to totally \par
different types of evolution. Some live in higher frequencies, \par
some in lower frequencies \emdash  different types of matter. \par
The veils between the frequencies make some spacebeings and their worlds of life invisible and intangible to \par
each other and to us. Thus in outerspace there are both \par
visible and invisible worlds, suns and planets. Awareness \par
of any of them depends on one\rquote s \ldblquote tunein\rdblquote ability. \par
From this cosmic viewpoint some spacebeings possess \par
spaceships and understand spacetravel, and some are still \par
in the horse and buggy stage or even the stone age. The \par
more advanced beings are masters of energy or of \ldblquote matter", \par
which is merely a phase of energy. They can con\par
trol and convert energy to matter and vice versa. They \par
are able to precipitate matter directly from energy, to \par
levitate and to effect teleportation and to perform many \par
other feats which seem impossible to us but are natural to \par
them. These more advanced spacebeings include the Guar\par
dians of the planets and the solar systems \emdash  beings of great \par
wisdom and love as well as of power. Such beings utilize \par
spacecraft if needed for any mission, but they are able to \par
travel without the necessity of spacecraft, passing at will \par
into or out of the vibratory frequencies of outerspace. Thus \par
we must be prepared to find anything and everything in \par
outerspace or consciousness unlimited. \par
Out of interest we asked a number of these profound \par
thinkers who had arrived at the vibratory frequency view \par
of outerspace why they did not stick with the simple, old \par
conventional view of solid bodies and empty space. Some re\par
plied rather tartly that this view was \ldblquote simple\rdblquote  all right \emdash  \par
so \ldblquote simple\rdblquote  in fact that it was inadequate to explain modern \par
saucer and space phenomena! Too many things were \ldblquote fall\par
ing out of nowhere and appearing and disappearing\rdblquote . This \par
was one reason given. Another reason given was that many \par
O.S.C. messages were being received from spacebeings \par
themselves which definitely set forth the vibratory frequency \par
principles of outerspace. They felt that these advanced \par
beings who live in outerspace ought to know more about it \par
than we do! \par
Regarding the old conventional view, so far as they were \par
concerned it was like another conventional view held at \par
one time by many educated and intelligent people: namely, \par
that the earth was flat. This was a simple view, but it was \par
not adequate. These advanced thinkers felt they did not \par
wish to go down in history as 1955 simpletons who thought \par
that outerspace was empty. They did not however, criti\par
cize the views of others because they themselves were just \par
emerging from the conventional view. They felt it was \par
all right for others, particularly those to whom thinking is \par
a painful process. Some people, they thought, still needed \par
a materialistic 'Santa Claus\rdblquote  or 'Kriss Kringle\rdblquote  view of \par
outerspace, spacebeings and space craft. Therefore, why \par
disturb them? Time itself would unfold the true picture of \par
inhabited outerspace existing in different levels of vibra\par
tory frequency. \par
Friends, as we see it, at the present time each one of you \par
will have to decide for yourself how you feel about outer\par
space. There is no other way. The view you accept will \par
depend upon your own individual conditioning and devel\par
opment your own physical, mental, emotional, scientific \par
and even spiritual evolution. Your view, the best view for \par
you at this time is the view you like best, the view that ap\par
peals to you most, the one that rings truest to your individ\par
ual understanding. \par
We hope you appreciate the fact that we have not been \par
dogmatic on any point. We have learned better. We do \par
not say, "This is it, or that is not it\rdblquote  to the exclusion of all \par
else. If you have some other view of outerspace which you \par
feel is better we would like to know about it. We are not \par
trying to convince anyone of any particular view. We are \par
reporting, not preaching. We feel that tolerance, open \par
mindedness and keen free thinking are the best ways to \par
cosmic truth, and that everyone is entitled to his own in\par
dividual interpretation of modern spacephenomena and \par
their tremendous implications. \par
But the thing that has impressed us is that to the advanced \par
spacebeings there are no conflicting divisions of knowl\par
edge or of truth. Long ago they were able to reconcile re\par
ligion and science, physics and metaphysics. If we are ever \par
to progress we also must bridge these gapsl It seems to us \par
that the vibratory frequency explanation of outerspace \par
goes farther in this direction than any other. However, each \par
to his own! So here is indeed food for thought. Is outer\par
space empty? Or does it teem with infinite life in frequenc\par
ies unseen by human eyes? \par
Note: The department store simile gives a good idea of the different \par
planes of consciousness but says nothing about the fact that different \par
planes interpenetrate each other. This we realize is difficult for the \par
human mind to grasp. Thus the television simile is better in that it \par
sets forth the everpresence and interpenetration of the frequencies \par
of outerspace. In cosmic reality there is no here and no there. All is \par
always present \emdash  in consciousness. But to become aware of the reality \par
of things in any frequency requires "tunein\rquote\rquote  ability to that particular \par
octave of life. \par
We found two questions of great general interest. \par
First: how do we look to the spacepeople? Secondly: what are they like? These \par
are very challenging questions, and drawing upon all of our pilgrimage and all \par
of the contacts and discussions we have had with \par
saucerers and profound researchers and all of our studies of \par
unpublished O.S.C. messages, the following represents the \par
best composite replies we are able to give at this time. \par
In the first place when we say \rquote\rquote spacepeople\rdblquote  in this \par
chapter, we refer only to the advanced beings and the plan\par
etary Guardians whose ships are now standing by in the \par
atmosphere of our planet earth. The question is how do \par
we on the surface of the earth look to them. \par
The consensus of opinion is that we do not look very \par
good to them, but yet they are not critical of us \emdash  not \par
condemning \emdash  only helpful. They see our faults as an \par
openbook. They see our terrible ignorance of the cosmic \par
law of cause and effect. They understand how we have be\par
come lost in the jungle of our own ignorance and our own \par
discordant creations. \par
One important point often overlooked by earthmen is \par
that the spacepeople look upon the earth as a whole \emdash  as \par
a unit of evolution. They see our present civilization on \par
earth as a whole. They are interested in the whole picture \par
of man upon the earth \emdash  without any divisions of national \par
boundaries, races, creeds, etc. They recognize men through\par
out the cosmos as a universal brotherhood. Therefore as \par
they look at our earth they observe our civilization from \par
the viewpoint of the status of the brotherhood of man upon \par
the earth. As they thus look upon our civilization with \par
great detachment what do they see? \par
We know well enough what they see. Here and there \par
they see individuals who understand the universal law and \par
who in a spirit of unselfish service are helping others to \par
grasp it. They see some nations which, despite many faults, \par
are nevertheless working for universal peace and progress. \par
To these constructive individuals and nations the space \par
people are giving an abundance of unseen and silent help. \par
But they are also giving assistance to the constructive ele\par
ments in backward nations. \par
The spacepeople see that men of earth throughout cen\par
turies of ignorance have by their own discordant thoughts \par
and feelings created about themselves a destructive at\par
mosphere which, unless reversed and nullified in time, can \par
and will wipe man off the surface of the earth. That is \par
why our elder brothers have come in this time of crisis \par
not to plead with us but in a thoroughly detached way to \par
remind us calmly but forcefully of the law of cause and ef\par
fect. They are here to warn us that our preoccupation with \par
destruction will inevitably destroy us physically from the \par
earth unless we wakeup in time. \par
They have sent us great masters and teachers over thou\par
sands of years to show us the way \emdash  to teach us obedience \par
to cosmic law. They have found us as a whole very slow to \par
learn, very backward children. To them we look wayward, \par
egotistical, ignorant and childish. After all these years of \par
teaching, they look in vain upon our earth for the externa\par
lization or outward expression of a planetary brotherhood. \par
They see a world divided, a world in which selfishness, greed \par
and destruction are accepted as normal. They see: \par
A world in which human slavery still exists \emdash  not only \par
physical slavery, but mental slavery, economic slavery, re\par
ligious slavery \emdash  in a word ignorance slavery. \par
A world in which half of the population is undernourish\par
ed and half gorges itself on surpluses. \par
A world in which illiteracy and ignorance exists in the \par
masses and advanced scientific knwoledge without corres\par
ponding wisdom is dangerously concentrated in the hands \par
of a few. \par
A civilization based for countless generations on the con\par
cept of \ldblquote war\rdblquote  and \ldblquote killing enemies\rdblquote  as the only final solu\par
tion to tribal, national and international differences and \par
problems. \par
A civilization so badly out of balance within itself and \par
with respect to the laws of the universe that it is actually in \par
danger of destroying itself from the most beautiful planet \par
of all. \par
Our spacebrothers cannot understand our fatuous be\par
lief that this particular civilization is somehow or other im\par
mune from the cosmic law of cause and effect. What we \par
sow we reap over centuries of time. There is a cumulative \par
effect that we have conveniently overlooked. Do we really \par
think we can go on forever putting our substance, our \par
thought, our feelings, our life efforts and energy into de\par
structive things \emdash  without finally reaping exactly what we \par
have sown: destruction! \par
How do we look to the spacepeople? We look very \par
childish and badly in need of help. That is one reason why \par
they are here. But their help will never be forced upon us \par
\emdash  no, not even if we "choose\rdblquote  to destroy ourselves from this \par
beautiful planet, either by quick poisoning (atomicwar) \par
or by slow poisoning (continued ignorant experiments by \par
the world\rquote s scientists). We will be and have been warned \par
and told. No coercion will ever come from our elder broth\par
ers \emdash  except we start to destroy the planet itself \emdash  the \par
school room. That we will never be permitted to do be\par
cause if this civilization does not appreciate and respect \par
this planet in all its beauty \emdash  the Guardians have other \par
uses for it. It is strictly up to us, we the people! \par
Once again since outerspace contains all phases of life, \par
both less advanced and more advanced than we are, we \par
are referring only to the advanced beings and planetary \par
Guardians in this discussion. Our understanding is that \par
they come from many ancient races, some of which lived \par
on the earth at one time or another and some of which have \par
never experienced threedimensional earth life. We un\par
derstand that they come from many different solar systems \par
and from outerspace itself. They all have assigned tasks in \par
relation to the earth and to our solar system at this critical \par
time. Some act as planetary historians (corresponding to \par
the \ldblquote recording angels\rdblquote  of the Bible). Others are concerned \par
with scientific and astronomical matters relating to the \par
planets and solar systems. Still others are concerned with \par
cosmic governmental matters. All of them are in advance \par
of us in respect to scientific knowledge and achievements \par
and even more so in their understanding of life\rquote s laws and \par
how to live in obedience to them. \par
The historical group have the history of our planet from \par
the time the first vortex was formed about ten billion years \par
ago to the time the earth became solid about seven billion \par
years ago and all the history since then. They have rec\par
ords of all of man\rquote s efforts to colonize the earth from outer\par
space throughout these seven billion years. They under\par
stand how and why man colonized it, how and why prehis\par
toric animals came to it, and the different periods of evolu\par
tion it has gone through. They understand the long time \par
cycles of planetary evolution and how through thousands \par
of years ocean beds rise and become dry land and how dry \par
lands sink and become oceans. They also know how and \par
why various civilizations of man have failed. They regard \par
planets as schoolrooms in which the suns of God learn \par
their A.B.C.\rquote s. We have used the cosmic word \ldblquote sun\rdblquote  in\par
stead of \ldblquote son\rdblquote  because they regard man primarily as a user, \par
transmitter and qualifier of universal energy. \par
The scientific and astronomical group understand the \par
formations and mutations of planets, suns, galaxies and is\par
land universes. Time and space to them are only a phase \par
of threedimensional consciousness, and they live and op\par
erate in higher phases of consciousness, travelling at will \par
through various bands of vibratory frequencies. They un\par
derstand, however, our threedimensional viewpoint, and \par
its limitations. They are masters of energy and therefore \par
of \ldblquote matter\rdblquote  or the \ldblquote forms\rdblquote  which energy can operate in. \par
They mentally manipulate energy, and the more advanced \par
these beings are the more nearly transportation becomes \par
an instantaneous activity of consciousness. They realize \par
that no planet or sun or object in space lasts forever from \par
the time viewpoint but undergoes growth, maturity, dimi\par
nution and rebirth. They keep scientific tab on solar sys\par
tems and planets and their suitability as classrooms for man \par
in which to learn certain lessons and have certain experi\par
ences. Their scientific attainments are far in advance of \par
ours but are not misused for malicious or destructive pur\par
poses. \par
The governmental groups are part, of the vast hierarchy \par
of outerspace who are entrusted with the government of \par
everything from solar systems to galaxies and universes. \par
These great beings are chosen for their fitness and their at\par
tainments. The spaceships and their crews operate under \par
their command. No cruising spaceship from outerspace \par
can enter the atmosphere of a planet without the permis\par
sion of the Guardians. They have great councils in which \par
matters pertaining to cosmic welfare are discussed and de\par
cided. \par
These advanced spacebeings are not \ldblquote Gods\rdblquote . That is \par
the last thing they would permit themselves to be called. \par
They are all humble \ldblquote servants\rdblquote  of what they call the \par
\ldblquote Light\rdblquote  which proceeds from the one great infinite source \par
of existence. They are obedient to the laws of the universe. \par
They also are in the eternal process of learning and \ldblquote be\par
coming\rdblquote , and they assure us of inevitable progress of our \par
own. They are balanced beings of balanced knowledge, \par
wisdom, love and power. As stated they are great masters \par
of energy out of which all \ldblquote things\rdblquote  are formed. To them \par
form is secondary to consciousness. Some wear forms simi\par
lar to ours, some larger, some smaller and some actually dif\par
ferent. They operate in forms best suited to their immediate \par
purpose. They control form and size as easily as we control \par
thought. Their attitude toward us is that of advanced elder \par
brothers. They would like to see us progress back again into \par
the higher frequencies from which we came, and they will \par
help both individuals and groups who are constructive and \par
receptive. However, they know that man must learn largely \par
by experience, and they are forbidden by cosmic law to live \par
our lives for us. \par
They know exactly how we \ldblquote got this way\rquote\rquote  and also \ldblquote the \par
way out\rdblquote . Very few men on this earth know these things, \par
but our spacebrothers do know and that is why they un\par
derstand us better than we understand ourselves. Their \par
attitude is that there is nothing basically wrong with a so\par
journ into threedimensional life, particularly on the planet \par
earth which is one of the most livable and beautiful of all \par
the planets. Life experience here was intended to be in\par
teresting, enjoyable and instructive \emdash  but the forgetfulness \par
of man in the threedimensional frequency has turned the \par
experience needlessly into a veritable hell and nightmare \par
for many. In entering threedimensional life many souls \par
fall into a hypnotic state and forget who they are and what \par
they are and how to wakeup. They become lost in their \par
own frightening creations. Our spacebrothers know this \par
and will help those who really desire to \ldblquote go home\rdblquote  \emdash  to \par
attain this goal, that is to return into the higher dimensions \par
of life from which we came. \par
I s it actually possible to contact spaceships and space\par
beings and to communicate with them? It seems to us the \par
correct answer is that it has been done throughout ages \par
past, and we are just reawakening to some old truths and \par
again becoming aware of the fact that such things are ac\par
tually going on \ldblquote right under our noses\rquote\rquote  so to speak. It \par
may be interesting to review briefly some of the different \par
ways in which these contacts and communications are now \par
being carried on, as we learned about them on our trip. \par
Please note that the term \ldblquote contact\rdblquote  as commonly used \par
sometimes overlaps with the term \ldblquote communication\rdblquote  to a \par
degree. We often say \ldblquote we contacted him\rdblquote  \emdash  meaning that \par
we got in touch with someone and also that we communicat\par
ed with him. But this should cause no confusion as long \par
as one\rquote s attention has been called to it. Also please note \par
that this subject of \ldblquote contacts and communications\rdblquote  with \par
beings in outerspace is a tremendous subject all by it\par
self. We cannot do it justice in this book. All we can do \par
is to touch upon a few salient phases. \par
Let us first consider a few different types of contacts \par
and then get into the matter of communications. The first \par
and simplest type of contact is generally called a \ldblquote physical\rdblquote  \par
contact. It goes something like this. A flying saucer lands \par
near some people living on the earth. The saucer is in a \par
solid, visible, tangible state of matter and so are the space\par
men or spacewomen aboard it. Out they come and the \par
earth people see and talk to these spacebeings. Sometimes \par
but not always they also get a chance to touch them, and \par
the spacepeople are as solid and \ldblquote real\rdblquote  as anyone could \par
wish. Communication is sometimes carried on by sign\par
language, or it may be by speech or even by telepathy. And \par
there we have a \ldblquote physical\rdblquote  type of contact. Whether this \par
is the best and most useful type of contact is a different \par
matter which we will touch upon later. \par
After our investigation there is no doubt in our own minds \par
but that there have actually been recent contacts and com\par
munications of this physical type. If we could get the whole \par
worldwide picture, there probably have been quite a few \par
such contacts in the last few years. There is no way of \par
telling how many have occurred behind the Iron Curtain \par
or in nonEnglish speaking countries or in primitive re\par
gions of the earth. Also we are convinced that there are \par
people who have had such contacts but for various reasons \par
they have not seen fit to tell about them publicly. Those \par
who have lold about them have been ridiculed and even \par
persecuted far more than most people realize. So the at\par
titude in some cases is why tell about such experiences? \par
A second type of contact to note is a physical one in which \par
the flying saucer or spaceship is not seen. Only the space\par
man is seen and heard. In other words, the spaceman may \par
have been landed by a spacecraft at some different time \par
or place, and we may contact him unaware that he is a \par
spaceman \emdash  unless he sees fit to disclose this \emdash  and even \par
then we probably would doubt him anyway. Is this type \par
of contact possible? Yes, we believe there have been con\par
tacts of this nature also. What is the difference in princi\par
ple whether the space ship is seen or not except that it \par
might increase one\rquote s confidence in the fact that the being \par
contacted is from outerspace. \par
A third type of contact is one in which the physical sauc\par
er is seen but the spaceman is not seen. Daniel Fry\rquote s first \par
experience illustrates this type. Here was a physical con\par
tact with a remotecontrolled saucer. Daniel Fry saw and \par
touched and climbed aboard a flying saucer which was \par
in a solid physical state. But he did not see the spaceman \par
who was controlling the saucer. The spaceman was locat\par
ed in the controlship miles above the saucer. However, \par
he did hear and communicate with the spaceman over \par
something resembling a twoway radio telephone. How \par
should we classify this encounter? We would be inclined \par
to classify it as a physical contact and an electronic com\par
munication. \par
A fourth type of contact and communication is one in \par
which neither the saucer nor the spaceman is seen! But \par
these are contacts and communications just the same, and \par
anyone who neglects to study these different types or any\par
one who thinks that a physical contact represents the only \par
type of contact or communication has not made much of \par
a study of this tremendous subject. Dr. Williamson\rquote s group \par
has made numerous contacts in which neither the space\par
beings nor their ships were visible, and so has George Van \par
Tassel, and others. \par
Daniel Fry\rquote s first experience also illustrates still another, \par
a fifth type of contact. We regard it as a very important \par
type although it is not generally thought about. In Daniel \par
Fry s case it occurred in advance of his physical contact \par
with a saucer. He was not even aware of it until later. He \par
found out later that preceding the physical saucer con\par
tact, the spaceman had \ldblquote ransacked his mind\rdblquote . Just think \par
of what this means! The spaceman had ransacked Daniel \par
Fry\rquote s mind! The spaceman therefore made a oneway \par
mental contact with Daniel Fry \emdash  contacted his mind, read \par
his thoughts and his experiences and found out all he de\par
sired to know ahead of the physical contact. Are there men\par
tal contacts going on in the world today between space\par
men and earthmen? Indeed there are! And they can either \par
be oneway or twoway contacts and communications. We \par
would classify this as a oneway telepathic contact. \par
Still later Daniel Fry received communications from the \par
spaceman by hearing an unmistakable \ldblquote voice in his head\rdblquote , \par
and he replied both audibly and mentally. Thus his re\par
plies were in the mental or telepathic category, and the \par
voice in his head was a type of clairaudience. So here we \par
have telepathy and clairaudience added to the list of meth\par
ods used in contacting and communicating with space\par
beings. \par
Still another variation of contact is to see a saucer land \par
and see spacemen get off of it and perform certain acts \emdash  \par
such as gathering up soil samples \emdash  and then see them de\par
part. Such cases have been reported. This of course does not \par
involve a communication and might be classed more as a \par
type of "sighting\rdblquote  or \ldblquote landing.\rdblquote  There are also a few \par
reports of people actually being struck or hit by a saucer. \par
As previously stated, maybe this is a type of "physical con\par
tact\rdblquote  that some skeptics are looking for to convince them \par
of the reality and solidity of these objects! \par
o.s.c. \par
Here we have already cited six or seven different types \par
of contacts and communications before we have barely \par
started on the subject. What we are trying to convey is \par
first that this is a very extensive subject about which vol\par
umes could be written. Secondly, that contacts and com\par
munications with spacebeings are by no means confined \par
to \lquote physical contacts\rdblquote . In fact we found that the most \par
significant, interesting and valuable information regarding \par
outerspace has not been coming through physical con\par
tacts but through other means \emdash  electronic, mental or \par
cosmic .means of communication, or whatever one wishes to \par
call these phenomena. \par
In fact we found such a tremendous variety of means of \par
communicating with outerspace actually being used that \par
we had to develop a new term to cover them all as a whole. \par
As previously stated we use the term O.S.C. \emdash  outerspace \par
communication \emdash  to cover them all regardless of the means \par
used, whether they are physical, electronic, mental or otherwise. \par
Here is a list of some of the classifications or different \par
types of O.S.C. which we have studied. In classifying com\par
munications remember also that they can be either one\par
way or twoway. \par
Physical contacts Projections of consciousness. \par
Contact by emergence Automatic writing. \par
Electronic Dictation. \par
E. S. P. Mediumship. \par
Telepathy Samadhic meditation. \par
Clairaudience Reading cosmic history. \par
Clairvoyance Inspired writings. \par
Sound & sight rays. \par
The above is only a partial list, but it should convey \par
some idea of the many different ways in which communi\par
cations are being carried on with those living in other \par
phases of life. Remember that some spacebeings are phys\par
ical or threedimensional, but many others live in higher \par
dimensions of life and in different types of solidity and are \par
unseen by us because we lack the necessary \ldblquote tunein\rdblquote  abil\par
ity. At this point we can almost hear some of our readers \par
protest and say, "Heavens, we are now getting into subjects \par
which are taboo!\rdblquote  Are they indeed? Well if any reader \par
feels that way we fear that he will have a hard time under\par
standing outerspace because outerspace itself will by its \par
very nature become taboo to him! We have painstakingly \par
pointed out that outerspace, while it has a physical aspect, \par
also possesses many aspects which are not physical. If this \par
ts so, why should we be surprised to find that communica\par
tions with outerspace also have not only a physical aspect \par
but also other aspects beyond the physical. Anyone who is \par
afraid to venture beyond the physical world had best leave \par
the subject of outerspace communications strictly alone. \par
We shall again touch upon this matter of taboos later in \par
this chapter. Meanwhile let us briefly consider some of \par
these different means by which contacts and communica\par
tions with those in outerspace are now being carried on. \par
We have already mentioned these. As we understand it, \par
a physical contact involves several of the five physical \par
senses being aware of the contact. We must either see, \par
hear, touch, smell or taste the spaceman or spaceship! \par
Usually we insist on at least hearing and seeing the space\par
man. This is the only type of contact which some people \par
recognize. So be it. That is their privilege. But most physical \par
contacts only last a few moments, and the information \par
gained is usually negligible. From our point of view, it \par
is not the most desirable or useful or profitable type of \par
contact. There are other types which are more important. \par
A contact may occur when a spaceship or spacebeings \par
\ldblquote emerge\rdblquote  from a higher frequency of life into our physical \par
range of consciousness. This can then be followed by a \par
communication in the physical realm. Such an emergence \par
must precede a spaceship\rquote s entrance into the atmosphere \par
of earth if the spacebeings live in or pass through a higher \par
frequency. If they normally exist in a threedimensional fre\par
quency corresponding to our own and do not pass through \par
a higher frequency in coming to earth, such an emergence \par
is not necessary (See Chapter 27 \ldblquote Emergence\rdblquote ). \par
Our research indicates that electrical or electronic types \par
of contact and communication with spacebeings have been \par
accomplished by amateurs to a limited extent. How much \par
farther national governments or scientists have gone is \par
shrouded by the veil of official secrecy. Mr. John Otto of \par
Chicago and others have worked on this. Dr. George Wil\par
liamson is one of the sincere exponents of this method of \par
communication, and he is diligently working on it on a \par
twoway basis of both sending and receiving (Chapter 4). \par
We should also remind our readers that in the last two \par
decades earth scientists have made tremendous efforts to \par
communicate with the moon and other planets by means \par
of radio and radar signals. Efforts were made to \ldblquote beam\rdblquote  \par
signals to certain bodies in outerspace. At the time, these \par
efforts were considered pretty much of a failure by many \par
because return signals were not forthcoming in the man\par
ner expected or hoped for. It now begins to appear that \par
these efforts may have been far more successful than at first \par
realized. In the years following these attempts, spaceships \par
began coming into the earth\rquote s atmosphere in large quan\par
tities, and some of the saucerers insist that there is a definite \par
connection between these events. \par
In World War II the phenomenon of \ldblquote foo fighters\rdblquote  was \par
observed and known to many airplane pilots and their \par
crews. These were usually described as \ldblquote fireballs\rdblquote  which \par
appeared either singly or in groups and glowing with \par
various colors. They ranged from a few inches in size to \par
several feet and seemed to be intelligently controlled. \par
They would follow along with the planes, appear and dis\par
appear, and maneuver in strange fashion. These foo fight\par
ers have been so well covered by other written works that \par
it is not our intention to duplicate this information. How\par
ever, we would like to say that everything we have learned \par
indicates to us that these foo fighters are small \ldblquote scanning \par
saucers\rdblquote  or "instrument saucers\rdblquote  or \ldblquote electronic eyes\rdblquote  sent \par
out from spaceships by remote control to gather various \par
types of information or data. We understand that these \par
small instrument saucers not only send back physical data \par
such as speeds, altitudes, or air pressures, but they can tele\par
vise their surroundings and send back pictures and even \par
telepathic impressions. We are inclined to classify this phe\par
nomena as another type of oneway electronic contact and \par
communication. Many of us are always thinking about our \par
contacting of the spacebeings. It might be well for us to \par
think that they are also contacting us \emdash  observing us, and \par
even reading our minds when they wish to. \par
E.S.P., extrasensory perception, is a technical term which \par
refers to the acquisition of knowledge by extrasensory means, \par
rather than by sensory means. It is a limited term and not \par
a general term as many people suppose. It does, however, \par
include telepathy and certain phases of clairvoyance and \par
\ldblquote precognition\rdblquote . In case the extrasensory perception reaches \par
into the future it is called "precognition\rdblquote . \par
We ourselves feel we have no right to criticize the term \par
E.S.P. especially i\'a3 it helps any student to understand the \par
phenomena involved. However, it may be interesting to \par
point out that many of the O.S.C. messages which we have \par
studied do object to this term E.S.P. One reason is that \par
it pulls man apart and does not put him together again. \par
\ldblquote Where,\rdblquote  the spacebeings ask, \ldblquote does thought leave off and \par
sense begin?\rdblquote  Also they object to the word "extra\rdblquote  as \par
conveying the concept of something \ldblquote extra\rdblquote , or beyond the \par
normal equipment of man. They state that man is natural\par
ly complete and has all the equipment for telepathy, clair\par
audience, clairvoyance and many other things. Through \par
the abuses of his body and mind and through lack of edu\par
cation and practice however, he has all but lost his ability \par
to use this equipment. The spacebeings emphasize and \par
reemphasize the fact that man\rquote s body \emdash  rightly conditioned \par
and controlled \emdash  cannot be excelled as an instrument for \par
communication with outerspace. \par
There should be no difficulty in differentiating between \par
O.S.C. and E.S.P. We repeat that O.S.C. is an overall term \par
covering all types of outerspace communications, whereas \par
as we understand it E.S.P. is a limited technical term cover\par
ing acquisition of knowledge by means other than the use \par
of the senses. \par
Telepathy, as we use the term, represents communication \par
by thoughts. It is a subdivision of E.S.P. Telepathy is often \par
used in contacts and communications with spacemen for \par
the reason that thought is the language of outerspace. \par
Spacemen do not need speech. They normally communi\par
cate directly by thoughts. \par
The only reason that all of us are not now in free com\par
munication with spacebeings is because our thoughtre\par
ceiving ability, more than our sending ability, has been \par
lost \emdash  and we will have to regain it. Most of us have lost \par
this sensitivity, but some people do have this ability right \par
now and are using it for O.S.C. \par
190. \par
Many materialists insist that a communication must be \par
by means of human speech to be valid. What is so wonderful about human speech? \par
It is one of the crudest and most \par
inefficient means of communication! Words are forever \par
changing, and there is no universal language. If one per\par
son wishes to convey a thought to another by means of \par
speech what does he do? He codes the thought first into \par
words, then he codes the words into sound symbols. The \par
receiver has to pick these up despite intervening noises and \par
decode the sounds into words and the words back into \par
thoughts. What an antiquated method! Why not com\par
municate direct by thought? That is exactly what the \par
spacepeople do, and they tell us it is vastly superior to \par
speech in every way. \par
This literally means clearhearing, and refers to hearing \par
above the range of ordinary hearing \emdash  above the human \par
\ldblquote octave\rdblquote  of hearing. Most people are familiar with certain \par
dog whistles which are pitched so that the human ear hears \par
no sound whatsoever, but a dog can hear the whistle and \par
respond to it. In the same way certain people are clair\par
audient in that they can hear sounds in higher ranges of \par
frequency than most humans. This brings them nearer to \par
the spacebeings so far as sound communications are con\par
cerned because the more advanced spacebeings dwell in \par
higher frequencies. Mark Probert is an example of a per\par
son who is clairaudient. He can hear beings in other phases \par
of life talk to him as if they were in the same room. An\par
other noteworthy variation of clairaudience is a powerful \par
voice inside one\rquote s head. (See Chapter 14). \par
This literally means clearseeing. It refers to the ability \par
to see above the \ldblquote octave\rdblquote  or \ldblquote spectrum\rdblquote  of human sight. \par
This ability, depending upon its perfection, places one in \par
a more favorable position actually to see spacepeople and \par
spacecraft. Advanced spacebeings live in a higherfre\par
quency and in a different spectrum than we do, and those \par
with clairvoyant ability can often see them or their space\par
ships when those of duller vision are not able to. It is quite \par
a thing to be with a person who can see somewhat \ldblquote higher\rdblquote  \par
than human sight. We have had this interesting experience. \par
Another variation of clairvoyance, as applied to communi\par
cations, occurs when the receiver sees the spacemessages \par
spelled out in lights or contrasting colors as if on a screen. \par
The spacebeings are able to focus rays of energy on a \par
human being and thus transmit sounds or \ldblquote pictures\rdblquote  to \par
that individual. They can employ either or both of these \par
rays. These rays can be tremendously powerful and have \par
to be adjusted carefully to the individual to avoid injuring \par
him. (See Chapter 13). \par
Some individuals have the ability to project their con\par
sciousness into outerspace and to bring back a conscious \par
recollection of what they observed. The body remains in \par
one place, but the consciousness travels anywhere it wishes \par
without the human limitations of time or space. Sopie pos\par
sess this ability naturally, while others acquire it by instruc\par
tion and practice. Some projections are entirely involun\par
tary. Suddenly a person finds himself in a distant place \par
which he may have been thinking of. In some instances \par
he is actually seen there and recognized by others. In other \par
cases the projections are voluntary and controlled. We \par
have witnessed this phenomenon of projection by others \par
and we know it can seem very startling to the uninformed. \par
During a projection extraterrestrial regions can be visited, \par
and communication with spacebeings can be accomplished. \par
The West is particularly ignorant of this phenomenon, but \par
in the Orient, it is much better known. \par
 Incidentally we asked the great Yada Di ShiIte regard\par
ing projections into higher dimensions of life, and his re\par
ply may be of interest to some of our readers. He said, \par
\ldblquote Many people have gone in projected bodies to many plac\par
es, but this becomes what is called a personal revelation \par
and you are not called upon to believe it at all. It is some\par
thing that belongs to them, and while it may be very in\par
teresting and very fascinating to listen to \emdash  the only one \par
who holds any actual proof of what happened is the in\par
dividual who had the projection.\rdblquote  \par
This form of communication is interesting. Usually a \par
person takes a pencil and paper or sits at a typewriter or \par
provides himself with some other convenient means of \par
writing. Then he clears his mind and completely relaxes. \par
In this condition it is possible for a spacebeing to take \par
control of the nerves which actuate his fingers and cause \par
him to write or draw and thus effect communication. In \par
some cases the recipient is not even aware of the material \par
being transmitted until later when he reads it. Note that \par
this method involves a degree of muscular control by the \par
spacebeing. The Oahspe Bible is said to be an example \par
of this. There are also other works which have been re\par
ceived by automatic writing \emdash  some published and many \par
more unpublished. \par
This is somewhat similar to automatic writing but does \par
not involve the same muscular control. It occurs when a \par
spacebeing \ldblquote dictates\rdblquote  a message or an entire manuscript to \par
someone on earth who takes it down, either in longhand \par
or on a typewriter, etc. The spaceman may \ldblquote emerge\rdblquote  into \par
the frequency of earth and give the message audibly (so \par
that others could hear it as speech if they were present), \par
or it can be transmitted telepathically or by virtue of clair\par
audience. In the latter cases it would not be audible to \par
others present \emdash  unless they possessed the needed sensitiv\par
ity. The point to note about dictation is that the spacebe\par
ing is intent on transmitting a written message \emdash  not \par
merely a verbal one. A Dweller On Two Planets by Phylos \par
is an example of a book written by this method. \par
Mediumship is an interesting means of communication \par
with beings living in other planes of life. In some cases \par
it occurs as a division of consciousness in which one part of \par
the medium\rquote s mind is controlled temporarily by the com\par
municator, while the rest is still conscious of human sur\par
roundings. In \ldblquote deep trance\rdblquote  mediumship the medium en\par
ters a type of \ldblquote sleep\rdblquote  and is unaware of human surround\par
ings or of the communication being transmitted. Some re\par
searchers consider the latter form superior in that they \par
think the message is less apt to be influenced by the mind of \par
the medium. In very ancient phases of man\rquote s history on \par
earth, the gift of mediumship was very highly regarded as \par
one of the very highest and greatest of spiritual gifts. We \par
feel that this attitude will return in time as we rediscover \par
the scientific and practical value of good mediumship. We \par
make good use of telephones. Why should we not make \par
good use of sensitive individuals who have the ability to \par
act as cosmic telephones? \par
Samadhic meditation is somewhat similar to a projection \par
of consciousness, but it is usually induced and controlled \par
by the individual. In India and the Orient it is often re\par
garded as a high goal of attainment. It is sometimes ac\par
quired by a long and arduous course of training under an \par
adept involving dieting, deep meditation and breathing \par
techniques. In samadhi the consciousness leaves the body \par
and enters a state of \ldblquote illumination\rdblquote  in which knowledge \par
far beyond the human is attainable. The body remains in \par
a state of low metabolism. We know several individuals \par
who have attained this state, and they are indeed remark\par
able examples of advanced souls with powers far beyond \par
the human and natures which are almost saintlike. \par
Incidentally, some O.S.C. messages advise against the \par
general use of samadhi by the peoples of the West because \par
it is not suited in general to the Western mind and body. \par
But there are exceptions. It is also pointed out that samad\par
hi can be misused if it is employed as a mere \ldblquote escape\rdblquote  from \par
earth consciousness instead of as a means of making this \par
world more livable. \par
There is such a thing as cosmic history. Spacebeings \par
have access to it, but it is not recorded in books. We under\par
stand that all the events and happenings in the universe \par
are recorded in a phase of universal energy. These records \par
are sometimes called the \ldblquote Akashic Records\rdblquote . A few individ\par
uals on earth possess this rare gift of being able to cognize or \par
read \rquote  these records. This is another method of contact\par
ing the mysteries of outerspace and gaining information. \par
We personally know at least one individual who has this \par
ability. Also the late Edgar Cayce of Virginia Beach, \par
Virginia, U.S.A., possessed it (as well as other remarkable \par
gifts) to an extraordinary degree. Those familiar with his \par
life and works know of the many practical uses to which \par
he devoted this ability. \par
The ordinary human being has no means of knowing any\par
thing that goes back very far. But by utilizing individuals \par
with this ability, it is possible to regain lost knowledge of \par
the past. \par
In connection with our subject we feel it would be a mis\par
take not to mention present day inspired writings. Many \par
people these days receive inspired thoughts regarding outer\par
space and the spaceships and the planets and the new age \par
we have entered as well as what lies ahead. As we un\par
derstand it, the spacebeings are actually directing cosmic \par
ideas to the earth, and these are being received inspiration\par
ally by many individuals all over the world. They do not \par
know where these ideas come from. They are like intui\par
tions and inspirations, but the individuals somehow feel \par
sure that they have received something good and fine and \par
true. This is a characteristic of this age, and we classify \par
this as a oneway inspirational broadcast or communication \par
from the spacebeings to their brothers and sisters on earth. \par
It is part of the unseen help they are lovingly giving us in \par
these critical times. \par
Quantity. The amount of outerspace communication \par
going on through all of these various channels right under \par
our noses is truly amazing. We could only evaluate the \par
tiny part of it which we as private researchers came across. \par
But if this were multiplied in proportion around the \par
world, it presents a picture of staggering dimensions. \par
Quality And Content. We have examined and pored \par
over literally hundreds of pages of O.S.C. messages which \par
have been transcribed in different ways but never published. \par
Some are on tape recordings. Here is no petty discussion of \par
individual human problems. Far from it. Here is ma\par
terial with a marvelous cosmic sweep and breadth. It cov\par
ers all kinds of great subjects. Most of it refers to the great \par
new age in which our earth is now moving and the great \par
changes which lie ahead of us. It tells about the nature of \par
life and substance in outerspace and also of the great \par
spacebeings who guard the planets and solar systems. It \par
touches upon interplanetary governments and their coun\par
cils. \par
Some of it is astronomical and refers to conditions in \par
outerspace and on the surface of other planets. Part of \par
it is historical, going back millions of years. Part of it is \par
technical and refers to the techniques of space ships and of \par
cosmic transportation. These things should be of interest \par
to astronomers, archeologists, scientists and engineers \emdash  \par
at least those who are not too hide bound and are not afraid \par
of O.S.C. \par
There is also no lack of forthright warning regarding \par
our misuse of atomic energy. Occasionally there are teach\par
ings in regard to cosmic law and the paramount necessity \par
of our understanding the law of cause and effect. But nev\par
er have we seen an O.S.C. message delivered in a \ldblquote preach\par
ing\rdblquote  tone! Warnings are always given with an amazing dis\par
cernment, compassion, love and a detached viewpoint. It \par
is never, "Do this or don\rquote t do thatl\rdblquote  It is more, \ldblquote This is \par
the cosmic law. If you persist in this or that, then this or \par
that is bound to happen. Now you do what you please \emdash  \par
but we, your elder brothers, are warning you of the inevit\par
able consequences.\rdblquote  \par
O.S.C. messages also state that there is going to be a great \par
housecleaning on this earth; in fact it has already begun \par
and will come before the \ldblquote golden\rdblquote  part of the new age \par
can take place. We shall speak more about these things in \par
chapters 29, 30 and 31. The point we wish to make here \par
is that none of these vast changes are ever presented in a \par
fearful or frightening way. In other words none of these \par
great spacebeings will ever say anything to engender fear \par
in the human mindl We present this as an interesting ob\par
servation. We are therefore suspicious of any claimed O.S. \par
C. messages which tend to frighten people to death. To us \par
anyone with such messages has not \ldblquote tunedin\rdblquote  very high up! \par
Most of the messages are of very high order. As our friend \par
Meade Layne puts it, \ldblquote They present a great danger and a \par
great hope!\rdblquote  Some of them reach the very heights of majes\par
ty and sublimity. It has been an inspiring thing to study \par
them. We felt as though we were actually listening to the \par
teachings of great loving masters residing in outerspace. \par
How any student of modern spacephenomena can overlook \par
O.S.C. is beyond us. We found it the most worthwhile and \par
intriguing phase of our entire investigation. \par
We have been asked if there is not danger in O.S.C. of \par
contacting some being in a different phase of life who is \par
illdisposed toward us or possibly vicious. Yes, we believe \par
there is such a danger in many of the methods referred \par
to. In fact we have noted three things that bear careful \par
watching in O.S.C. \par
First, there is a possibility of contacting ourselves \emdash  our \par
own higher selves or subconscious \emdash  and thinking mistaken\par
ly that we are in touch with a spacebeing. As we see it, \par
there is nothing wrong with contacting one\rquote s higherself. It \par
knows a great deal and can be very helpful. But let us \par
distinguish between this and a spacebeingl We must learn \par
how to distinguish between one\rquote s own ideas and the mes\par
sages from outerspace. This is a part of the scientific train\par
ing and practice which we need in these matters. \par
Secondly, there is the danger of contacting the \ldblquote wrong\rdblquote  \par
being \emdash  someone who is downright ignorant or who may \par
know less about life than we do. Also we must be careful \par
about contacting someone who is of evil intent or who is \par
crafty or whose only desire is to make a sport of an earth\par
ling who voluntarily follows his lead. This is no laughing \par
matter. On our trip we saw a few pitiful examples of this. \par
How can we tell the reliability of the being we contact? \par
We must painstakingly prove out the contact \emdash  slowly de\par
velop the cosmic \ldblquote reputation\rdblquote  of the communicator. This \par
takes time, patience and a scientific attitude. \ldblquote By their \par
fruits ye shall know them.\rdblquote  (Bible, Matthew 7:20). \par
Thirdly, we have been asked if there is a possibility of \par
confusing a mental experience with a physical experience. \par
Yes, we believe there is. We feel that this item must be very \par
carefully watched by both the person having the experi\par
ence and the public. For example an individual may ex\par
perience a \ldblquote projection of consciousness\rdblquote  into outerspace \par
and gather valuable information. There is nothing basic\par
ally wrong with this. But if such an experience is presented \par
as a physical experience \emdash  this, of course, is wrong and can \par
lead to great confusion. \par
We have been asked what we consider the best type of \par
contact and communication. Our reply may surprise some \par
of our readers. The very best type of contact as we see it \emdash  \par
the ultimate of outerspace communication \emdash  is not with \par
another individual at all! It is to make a direct contact with \par
Cosmic Consciousness, or the Divine Mind, or the All \par
Mind! When a spacebeing has attained a certain state of \par
progress and wants to know something, he does not go \par
and ask another spacebeing for the answer. He goes direct\par
ly to Cosmic Consciousness and gets his answer. They tell \par
us we are in the process of relearning this ourselves. \par
As to contacting spacebeings, the best contact we think \par
is the most continuous contact on the basis of proven re\par
liability of the information received. In such a contact \par
one can keep going back again and again for additional in\par
formation or assistance. This is not necessarily a physical \par
type of contact. We feel that this is food for thought. \par
As we see it nothing holds us back more from learning \par
rapidly about outerspace and they that dwell therein than \par
our taboos. The great teachings of the Eastern seers are \par
largely taboo in the West. The spiritual nature and pow\par
ers of man are taboo to medicine. Metaphysics is taboo to \par
physics. One branch of religious thought is taboo to an\par
other branch. Thus throughout the centuries we have just \par
about \ldblquote booed" ourselves out of all cosmic knowledge! \par
If anyone so much as whispers the word \ldblquote occult\rdblquote  \emdash  heav\par
ens, just watch the rush for the door! The word \ldblquote occult\rdblquote  \par
simply means \ldblquote hidden\rdblquote . That is all. Just \ldblquote hidden\rdblquote . In \par
the name of truth what is being hidden from us? It is \par
about time we found out. We are convinced from our re\par
search that when we have the courage to bring the hidden \par
truths of life out into the sunlight, we will find ourselves \par
in possession of many of the secrets of outerspace! When \par
are we going to cast aside our little threedimensional fears, \par
prejudices and taboos and open our minds to the previ\par
ously hidden truths which are even now pouring to earth \par
like a rain of pure clean water. \par
What should be our attitude toward O.S.C.? Should \par
this subject be taboo in modern, intelligent circles? Should \par
we sneer at it, scorn it or disregard it? We feel that such \par
an attitude is highly unintelligent. If we wish to conquer \par
outerspace, how can we afford to overlook any channel \par
of contact or communication? How can we afford to leave \par
any stone unturned? After all the best, quickest and most \par
practical way to learn the secrets of outerspace is to ask \par
the beings who live therel Who knows more about it \par
than they do. This is just plain common sense. \par
As we see it, the only correct attitude toward O.S.C. is \par
to develop it scientifically. The scientific attitude is the \par
right attitude. The approach of Dr. J. B. Rhine of Duke \par
University, Durham, North Carolina, in his study of \ldblquote Para\par
psychology\rdblquote  typifies this scientific attitude. Certain other \par
groups also have a proper scientific approach. We need \par
this approach applied to every type of O.S.C. We need to \par
investigate, study and evaluate all these methods scientif\par
ically. We are always out of balance on the physical side. \par
We spend millions of dollars on a physical approach to out\par
erspace. What we have tried to point out is that outer\par
space is more than physical so why confine our efforts to \par
the physical? Who can say that equal efforts in the realm \par
of O.S.C. will not get us into outerspace faster than our \par
present efforts along purely physical lines! \par
we on the earth have been doing a bit of \ldblquote smashing\rdblquote  of late. We have smashed the sonic barrier \par
in the air. We have smashed the speed limit at \par
which man can travel so often that \ldblquote here\rdblquote  and \ldblquote there\rdblquote  are \par
about ready to give up the ghost! We are now making \par
plans to smash the \ldblquote thermal\rdblquote  barrier. The Campbell clan \par
in England is taking delight in smashing the water barrier. \par
And of course several nations are already smashing the \par
atom. But the real barrier which we need to smash is \par
the \ldblquote cosmic barrier\rdblquote . What do we mean by that? We refer \par
to the barrier of incredible human ignorance which keeps \par
us from cosmic knowledge. \par
For thousands of years we on earth \emdash  we of this particular \par
round of civilization \emdash  have been cosmic isolationists. A \par
great part of our consciousness of reality has actually been \par
blackedout, so that we have been aware only of life on \par
our own little flyspeck which we call the earth. We have \par
been dead to the fact that we are not alone in the universe, \par
dead to the fact that there is life all around us in the heav\par
ens, and that we are a part of an endless cosmic communi\par
ty of life, purpose, activity and progress. \par
Of one thing we may be sure: that we will never under\par
stand spaceships, spacepeople or outerspace itself through \par
the medium of a little finite mind \emdash  no matter how \ldblquote scien\par
tific\rdblquote  or well trained it may be in finite concepts or in reas\par
oning from finite premises. There is no ignorance so dense \par
as \ldblquote educated\rdblquote  or \ldblquote scientific\rdblquote  ignorance \emdash  the kind that \par
can always prove to its own satisfaction that nothing can \par
possibly "be\rdblquote  outside of its own limited concepts. Scientific \par
finality is the death of scientific progress. The answers we \par
are looking for are not to be found in the realms of emi\par
nent, respectable, conventional teachings \emdash  even though \par
they bear the label of \ldblquote science\rdblquote  and the seal of time. \par
At this point, please permit me to ask our engineering \par
and scientific friends a simple question: How many of you \par
have studied teleportation? Frankly I for one would not \par
know how to approach the subject of intergalactic space\par
travel without talking about \ldblquote teleportation\rdblquote ! How many \par
of you have studied teleportation? \par
What? Not one of you? What in the name of cosmic \par
truth is wrong with our present day technical schools? \par
Are we at fault or is it our schools? No courses in telepor\par
tation! No knowledge of levitation either? How can we \par
approach an intelligent discussion of the principles upon \par
which spacetravel is based if our education in cosmic con\par
cepts has been so woefully neglected? The old threedimen\par
sional concepts will not explain the modern phenomena of \par
spacetravel or the actions of space ships or spacepeople. \par
We must seek new and cosmic concepts before we can in\par
telligently start upon the design or construction of a fly\par
ing saucer or a magnificent intergalactic spaceship. In \par
fact we need these cosmic concepts before we can even per\par
form worthwhile experimentation! Threedimensional ideas \par
will never produce a fourdimensional product. Is that not \par
correct? \par
Where in the name of heaven can you and I start to \par
learn about spacecraft engineering? Can we expect to \par
learn from those threedimensional textbooks which our \par
technical schools give us? Or from those fat and expen\par
sive little "Engineering Handbooks\rdblquote ? We will grant you \par
that they are crammed full of endless threedimensional \par
knowledge. But we are now dealing with phenomena which \par
extend beyond threedimensional truths, and if we wish to \par
understand spacetravel we will have to screwup our cour\par
age and start reaching out for fourdimensional and higher\par
dimensional books and concepts \emdash  in other words cosmic \par
concepts. \par
So we suggest at this point that we all throw away our \par
threedimensional textbooks \emdash  or at least lay them aside for \par
the time being. Let us start picking up and studying some \par
fourdimensional books. Let us get our minds out of the \par
old threedimensional ruts that our technical schools have \par
pounded us into until we are literally hypnotized into a \par
limited spacetimematter view of life and reality. Someone \par
has to break this hypnotism, and that is what we mean \par
when we refer to breaking through the hard shell of "edu\par
cated ignorance\rquote\rquote , and the need of "smashing the cosmic \par
barrier\rdblquote . How can we do it? By turning our attention to \par
books, writings and O.S.C. messages with a cosmic outlook. \par
We suggest that we start with Phylos\rquote  great book A \par
Dweller On Two Planets. Some practical engineers regard \par
this book as a great eyeopener to cosmic engineering. \par
It tells of civilizations on this earth thousands of years ago \par
in which space ships were so common that the little ones \par
were used like taxicabsl It is also filled with many hints \par
regarding the principles on which they operated without \par
fuel. While we are at it, why not make a study of the man\par
ner in which this book was written? If we are openminded, \par
we may learn a thing or two about the different ways in \par
which cosmic knowledge comes to those who possess a \par
certain peculiar degree of receptivity to it. We may even \par
\ldblquote cut our eye teeth\rdblquote  on the present actuality of O.S.C. \emdash  \par
outerspace communication. \par
If your conventionality has not thwarted you by now and \par
caused you to turn back congratulations! You are now \par
making a start at least in the direction of cosmic knowl\par
edge and where some of it may be found, and that should \par
be an important thing to you. If you are still with us, we \par
suggest that you next turn to Autobiography Of A Yogi \par
by Paramhansa Yogananda. Let us not become frightened. \par
We are not turning to this book so we may all become Yogis! \par
That is not the point. Let us study it with detachment \emdash  \par
scientifically \emdash  from an engineer\rquote s viewpoint. In it we \par
may learn about universal energy called \ldblquote Prana\rdblquote . We may \par
discover what "Prana\rdblquote  can do in a human body when \par
this everpresent energy is consciously controlled and direct\par
ed. Once we learn that there is such a thing as levitation \par
and that people have lived for twenty years without phys\par
ical food, then the question of where spaceships get their \par
energy and how they overcome gravity may not seem so \par
baffling to us. These are samples of conditioning books \par
for conditioning thought in the direction of cosmic truth. \par
Other similar books are listed at the end of this book. After \par
you have once \ldblquote broken the ice\rdblquote , you can find your own \par
books of this nature. If you do not like these particular \par
books get some other books \emdash  but be sure they are in the \par
cosmic range of thought. We must get out of the old three\par
dimensional rut. We must \ldblquote go cosmic\rdblquote  if we wish to un\par
derstand cosmic things beyond the physical plane. \par
Engineers and scientists of this generation have an unpre\par
cedented opportunity for breaking down the high parti\par
tions that have separated and divided man\rquote s knowledge of \par
the truths of existence. From what we have learned about \par
our advanced spacebrothers, they have been able to merge \par
the divided portions of knowledge which we call science, \par
physics, astronomy, engineering, morality, religion, philos\par
ophy, metaphysics and the occult they have been able \par
to merge all of these parts of knowledge into one great \par
whole which they call Cosmic Truth, or Cosmic Law, or \par
the Universal Law. By doing this they have progressed to \par
degrees of mastery which make us look like kindergarten \par
children. We are not talking about fanciful things. En\par
gineers have to be "practical\rdblquote , and we are talking only of \par
practical things. \par
Truth is Truth. It is a seamless garment. There are \par
no divisions in it. It is these manmade divisions of knowl\par
edge that have for ages slowed us down to a snail\rquote s pace in \par
cosmic progress. But the darkness is even now giving way \par
to the light at an accelerated pace. It is smart engineering \par
to recognize these things. Some of the most successful en\par
gineers we have known are both engineers and metaphysi\par
cians. They are cosmic thinkers. They combined a knowl\par
edge of the physical and the supraphysical into a successful \par
engineering practice which has caused their associates to \par
call them \ldblquote marvels\rdblquote  or "geniuses\rdblquote . The head of a certain \par
sizable industry in a great city, unknown to his associates, \par
is an adept \emdash  a seer. He has learned and is practicing a \par
type of what is called "meditation\rdblquote  that gives him all the \par
answers he needs. His wisdom and judgment are astound\par
ing. This illustrates modern cosmic engineering practice. \par
We must expand our horizons as to our sources of cosmic \par
information. Let us remember the following. The earth \par
is about seven billion years old from the time it began to \par
get solid. A lot of \ldblquote school children\rdblquote  have passed through \par
this \ldblquote schoolhouse\rdblquote  the earth during this time. Many \par
long forgotten civilizations have come and gone which \par
were far in advance of us today. Some of these past civili\par
zations had their atomic power, and what is more impor\par
tant they had better and less destructive sources of energy. \par
They also had spaceships, some of which at least overcame \par
gravity and burned no fuel. Thus we, who think of our\par
selves as such an advanced civilization, are only relearning \par
what our ancestors knew countless ages ago. There is liter\par
ally nothing \ldblquote new\rdblquote  under the sun. There are very few \par
historical or even archeological records of these things on \par
earth, but there are inspired writings and O.S.C. messages \par
which tell about them. Also ancient occult teachings and \par
philosophies are brim full of cosmic principles which \par
relate both directly and indirectly to spacetravel and \par
man s mastery over energy or matter. \par
We realize this world is filled with engineers and scien\par
tists who are burning with the desire to build spaceships \par
and spaceplatforms and to get out into the fascinating \par
and fathomless regions of outerspace. Wonderful, we say! \par
Keep it up! We are with you all the way, shall we say to \par
the Moon, to Mars, to Venus, to Jupiter! But why stop \par
there. The goal is really \ldblquote outerspace\rdblquote  itself. \par
Let us never give up the desire to get there. Everything \par
starts with desire, and it is a potent factor in all progress. \par
And fortunately cosmic progress is the destiny of man \emdash  \par
including, of course, engineers and scientists! But what we \par
are pointing out is that outerspace is more than a phys\par
ical thing, and that physical engineering is not enough to \par
get us there. We must get into cosmic engineering. It is \par
a wise engineer who will learn all he can about levitation, \par
precipitation, teleportation and allied subjects. This knowl\par
edge is not to be found through conventional sources. We \par
must turn to inspired writings, books with a cosmic view\par
point, and even O.S.C. \par
The most direct way to learn about spaceships is to \ldblquote ask \par
the man who owns one\rdblquote  \emdash  or at least to get in touch with \par
the extraterrestrial intelligences who know about them. \par
Impossible! Not at all, but there may be certain restric\par
tions on the information they give out. Such informa\par
tion must not be used destructively or selfishly. But why \par
overlook these avenues to cosmic knowledge? It might \par
save us years, or even decades, of haphazard human experi\par
mentation. \par
Before we go on to further discussions of spacecraft \par
technology, let us ask you the question which caused so \par
much excitement for us in Mexico City. \ldblquote Did you ever \par
see or talk to a spaceman?\rdblquote  \par
Certainly you have! You and your neighbor are space\par
men or spacewomen. We are all spacepeople. We live in \par
space, do we not \emdash  even though we know only precious \par
little about it. And we travel through spacel The trouble \par
with us is that we have been so engrossed in the little af\par
fairs of this world that we have almost forgotten these tre\par
mendous truths. We are spacepeople right nowl \par
Many engineers say they would give anything for a ride on \par
a spaceship. But we have been riding on a spaceship for \par
years. Our space ship at the present time is of round de\par
sign and is called the earth. Of course we are not privileged \par
to steer this particular spaceship anywhere we wish. In \par
fact the spacebeings tell us that if we understood the tech\par
nology of this ship, it would help us tremendously in build\par
ing an artificial one. \par
Many of us are aghast at the speeds of flying saucers. But \par
if they travel at fantastic speeds \emdash  well our own little space\par
ship does not exactly loaf! Let us consider a few of the \par
speed characteristics of our spaceship, the earth. The \par
earth at the equator is roughly 24,000 miles around, and \par
it turns on its axis once in twentyfour hours. This rep\par
resents a speed of about 1,000 miles per hour for those of us \par
who live near the equator. It would be slightly less for \par
those who live a little farther away from the equator. The \par
speed of sound at sea level is only about 750 miles per \par
hour, so most of us spacepeople have been nonchalantly \par
travelling faster than the \ldblquote speed of sound\rdblquote  without batting \par
an eyelash! We have all of us \emdash  every one of us \emdash  cracked \par
the \ldblquote sonic barrier\rdblquote . \par
But this is not all. Our spaceship cruises around the \par
sun once a year in a long loop many millions of miles in \par
length at an approximate speed of over 66,000 miles per \par
hour. This is more than ten times the speed of our fastest \par
rockets. That is going some, is it not? But now hang onto \par
your hats! Some elementary astronomy books tell us that \par
the part of the galaxy in which our spaceship cruises is \par
itself moving through space at some 170 miles per second. \par
That, my friends, is about 612,000 miles per hour \emdash  more \par
than half a million miles per hour! If we could steer our \par
spaceship and point it toward Venus, at that rate we could \par
reach Venus in about 42 hours. So why be shocked when \par
someone speaks of the "fantastic\rdblquote  speeds of spaceships. We \par
are not so slow ourselves! \par
Now one important question. We know that storms or \par
winds blowing say at 150 miles per hour can damage a city. \par
How come then that we spacepeople travelling at over \par
600,000 miles per hour through space manage to survive? \par
Why don\rquote t our hats blow off, followed by our clothes and \par
our skin? Why is not our space ship the earth blown to \par
bits? You have guessed it. Our \ldblquote atmosphere\rdblquote  travels along \par
with our ship. Our spaceship carries its own protective \par
field or protective atmosphere along with it. Ponder this, \par
friends, and you may get an inkling of how spaceships sur\par
vive at fantastic speeds even if outerspace is filled with \par
dangerous cosmic debris and violent cosmic rays which the \par
unprotected human body cannot withstand. \par
By the way we have not even yet mentioned any cosmic \par
ultimate in speed. Many deep thinkers place this at the \par
apparent \ldblquote speed of light\rdblquote  or at about 670,000,000 miles \par
per hour. Our research indicates that even this concept \par
of ultimate speed needs revising. Instantaneous intergalac\par
tic travel can never be explained by any such human con\par
cepts as time, space and threedimensional matter. \par
On our pilgrimage we found three different explanations \par
of spacetravel. These are: first, the physical explanation, \par
secondly, the combined explanation and thirdly the cos\par
mic explanation. Let us now consider these three with \par
great care. Please refer to Chapter 21 for definitions. \par
The Physical Explanation Of SpaceTravel. In this \par
explanation everything is physical and stays physical all \par
the time. A normally physical spaceman living on the \par
surface of a physical planet gets into a physical spaceship \par
and makes a spacetime type of flight at \ldblquote x\rdblquote  miles per \par
hour to the physical earth. \par
It is a \ldblquote miles per hour\rdblquote  type of spacetravel such as we \par
recognize on earth only much faster \emdash  up into the hundreds \par
of thousands of miles per hour. It would have to be this, \par
otherwise even trips between the planets of our solar sys\par
tem would take a long time. To overcome the problems of \par
propulsion, acceleration, cosmic ray bombardment and \par
cosmic debris, some form of cosmic energy is harnessed and \par
is converted into the required effects of levitation, direc\par
tional motion, independent gravitational field and a pro\par
tective force about the ship. \par
In this concept of spacetravel nothing approaching tele\par
portation is employed. The spacemen and the spaceship \par
never depart from the physical state of matter. A trip to \par
earth starts from a physical plane, continues physical dur\par
ing flight and winds up physical on the earth. This is the \par
onehundred percent physical explanation of spacetravel. \par
It is basically the same as our spacetime or miles per hour \par
type of travel only more so \emdash  with new means of propul\par
sion, gravity control and protection. \par
The Combined Explanation Of SpaceTravel. In this \par
explanation, a flight starts from a physical plane on a phys\par
ical basis, goes into teleportation en route, but winds up on \par
a physical basis. \par
A normally physical spaceman residing on the surface \par
of a physical planet is sufficiently evolved to understand \par
teleportation and to apply it to spacetravel. May we point \par
out that this is a very different thing from mere physical \par
flight. It involves converting the entire space ship and the \par
bodies of the passengers into energy during flight, and \par
then reconverting this energy back to matter and form. \par
The space ship is constructed of suitable materials which \par
are adapted to teleportation. On earth at present we do \par
not know this combination of materials \emdash  although we \par
may have the elements needed. Note that the spaceman\rquote s \par
body must also be capable of teleportation. This involves \par
a temporary rechemicalization or change in the atomic \par
structure of the physical body. Our present earth bodies \par
are illadapted to this mutation even if we knew how to accomplish it. \par
But the spaceman is sufficiently advanced to \par
understand and control these activities of energy. \par
The spaceman enters his ship in a physical state and \par
takes off for the earth. At first he employs physical flight \par
\emdash  the miles per hour or spacetime kind of flight we are \par
familiar with. But he has millions of miles to go. Space\par
time flight is too slow for him. Therefore he turns tem\par
porarily to teleportation or timelessflight to speed his \par
journey. He converts his spaceship and himself tempo\par
rarily into energy. He tunes into earth\rquote s atmosphere and \par
instantly finds himself there. He then re converts his ship \par
to physical matter and flys the remaining short distance \par
to the surface of the earth by the conventional or miles \par
per hour method. \par
If an earthman happens to be watching at the instant \par
of conversion, the spaceship will seem to emerge from no\par
where. In conventional flight in the earth\rquote s atmosphere the \par
speed of the space ship is limited to say about 25,000 miles \par
per hour by frictional resistance despite the protective ra\par
diation employed. In the teleportation stage there is no \par
speed limit, not even the so called speed of light. When \par
the spaceman steps off his ship onto the earth, both he and \par
his ship are as solid or physical as any earthman could \par
wish. In fact he started that way from his physical planet. \par
Physicality is his normal state. The teleportation represent\par
ed only a temporary supraphysical state used to speed up \par
the trip. \par
This is the combined explanation of spacetravel. Its \par
norm is physical. It starts on a physical basis but loses its \par
physical status momentarily due to teleportation. Then \par
it returns to the physical. The spaceship and the spaceman \par
must be capable of both spacetime flight and teleportation. \par
The Cosmic Explanation Of Space Travel. In this ex\par
planation, physicality is not the norm at all. Physicality is \par
only a temporary state which the spacebeings employ to \par
make us aware of them. In this case we are not dealing \par
with beings who are normally physical or threedimensional \par
and live on the surface of planets. We are dealing with \par
true \ldblquote spacebeings\rdblquote . They live in outerspace itself in a \par
different plane of consciousness, in a higher frequency or \par
octave of life. They and their entire civilizations are be\par
yond the range of our physical senses. We cannot normally \par
see them or touch them. But they have a solidity and reality \par
of their own. \par
These advanced spacebeings are not vaporous or evanes\par
cent. This is a great mistake which many otherwise good \par
researchers make. They have their own solid ground, their \par
families, buildings, libraries, schools, factories, powerplants, \par
governments, and spaceships. But we must realize that all \par
this exists in the higher frequencies of outerspace. In fact \par
these higher frequencies of reality interpenetrate our own \par
threedimensional spacetimematter frequency. \par
These great beings are far in advance of us both tech\par
nically and morally. They are masters of energy, which \par
means that they are also masters of matter. They can in\par
stantly convert matter to energy and vice versa. Their nor\par
mal substance or matter is different from ours in both fre\par
quency and mode of vibration. Their matter can pass \par
through our matter unobserved and without damage to \par
either. Time and space are not entities outside of their \par
control. However, they realize that the limitations of time \par
and space are very real to us. \par
There are only two ways in which these spacebeings \par
can become visible and tangible to us. Either they must \par
descend into our frequency or we must ascend into their \par
frequency. There are not many earthmen who can accom\par
plish this, but there are a few who to a certain extent can \par
go up the \ldblquote frequency elevator\rdblquote . In most cases of contact, \par
however, the spacebeings have to come down to our level.\par
Now let us assume that a spaceman of this advanced \par
nature wishes to visit the earth. The first thing to note is \par
that he can do this without any equipment whatsoever \emdash  \par
without any space ship if he wishes to. He can do it as \par
a being invisible to us, which he normally is, or he can ad\par
just his frequency and form to our norm and appear to us \par
as a physical being. This is one type of cosmic space flight \par
in which no equipment is used. \par
If the spaceman wishes to come to earth with a large \par
spaceship full of equipment and personnel, all the ma\par
terial and personnel are moved into the \ldblquote spaceship\rdblquote . A \par
better name than space ship would be a \ldblquote converter\rdblquote  \emdash  an \par
energy or frequency converter. To the spaceman the opera\par
tion of flying to the earth has very little to do with time or \par
space or miles per hour. He may however employ space\par
time flight to a small extent at the end of his trip, mostly \par
to avoid scaring us to death. \par
When all is ready, the spaceman tunes the entire space\par
ship and its contents into the frequency of earth and in\par
stantly arrives at the destination. This is a type of tele\par
portation or instantaneous cosmic travel. At this point \par
the space ship, although it has reached the atmosphere of \par
our earth, may still be in a state of matter both invisible \par
and intangible to us. A further mutation of energy brings \par
it into a physical state which we can both see and feel. The \par
ship can then proceed by the spacetime method of travel \par
to the surface of the earth. \par
However, we understand that the large ships rarely land, \par
although it has happened in isolated areas of the earth in \par
a few cases. Most of these ships are very large \emdash  too large \par
for our airports. Usually they launch smaller scoutsaucers \par
with men and equipment aboard them for specific mis\par
sions on the surface of the earth. Or they may send out \par
remote controlled saucers to study certain conditions. \par
When spacemen come to earth in this manner, it is pos\par
sible to see them and talk to them and touch them. In this \par
condition they resemble \ldblquote human beings\rdblquote  like ourselves. \par
But remember this is an abnormal state of matter for them \par
to be in. When they teleport themselves back to their \par
homes they live there normally in a different frequency, \par
a different state of substance, outside of the tunein range \par
of our physical senses. \par
When they are temporarily on earth, someone may ask \par
them, \ldblquote What planet are you from?\rquote\rquote  Instantly they may \par
sense that the questioner is incapable of understanding \par
their true nature. They may telepathically discern that \par
he can only comprehend life as physical on the surface of \par
a physical planet \emdash  that the reality of life in higher fre\par
quencies is beyond his range of thought. Therefore they \par
adapt their reply to the mentality of the questioner \emdash  wave \par
their hands toward the sky and say, "Oh, we are from Ve\par
nus, or Mars, or from a planet behind the Moon!\rdblquote  \par
This is the cosmic explanation of spacetravel. Its norm \par
is cosmic throughout. It starts from a plane above the phys\par
ical and employs teleportation and energy conversion to \par
bring the spaceships and the spacebeings temporarily into \par
our physical range of awareness. It is timeless, cosmic space\par
travel. \par
(By Courstesy Of Mr. George Van Tassel).\par
The following extraordinary information on cosmic \par
transportation was received in an O.S.C. message in 1955 \par
by Mr. George Van Tassel of Giant Rock, California. We \par
are including it for two reasons. First, because we feel \par
certain that many saucer investigators will appreciate it. \par
We know that many students are not satisfied with the off\par
hand and casual explanation with which saucer phenomena \par
are often dismissed. We believe they would like to hear \par
what a spaceman has to say about cosmic transportation. \par
Secondly, because we would like to illustrate the quality \par
and depth of some of the technical information which is \par
coming to earth by O.S.C. methods but which ordinarily \par
is not made public because of its advanced nature. \par
This explanation of cosmic transportation was given \par
by a spaceman who was in direct charge of certain cosmic \par
transportation activities a being who should know because \par
transportation is his specialty in higher dimensions \par
of life. A verbatim transcript would be too lengthy for \par
this book. Therefore we have with the permission of Mr. \par
Van Tassel condensed the message into a brief summary of \par
the sequence of operations as given by the spaceman. Here \par
it is in brief: \par
First, we isolate a cubic portion of what you call space by \par
\ldblquote charging\rdblquote  ft or "ionizing\rdblquote  it. The size of the cube is de\par
termined by the size of the objects, material and personnel \par
we wish to transport. It may measure a few of your \ldblquote yards\rdblquote  \par
on a side or some thousands of miles depending on what is \par
being transported. \par
Secondly, we move everything we wish to transport into \par
this cube in space: people, materials, objects, even scores \par
of large spacecraft, if desired. \par
Thirdly, we create a vibratory null or silence inside of the \par
cube. This is something we have learned to do. \par
Fourthly, we tune into the \ldblquote place\rdblquote  we wish to go to \emdash  the \par
destination. \par
Fifthly, we release the null and find ourselves instantly \par
at our destination. \par
Comment: We are very grateful to Mr. Van Tassel for \par
permission to publish this. During our research we have \par
found some extraordinary information received by O.S.C. \par
methods. Apparently the higher one goes in the scale of \par
cosmic evolution, the nearer does the activity of transporta\par
tion approach a direct mental control of time, space and \par
matter rather than a physical phenomenon. \par
We have selected the terms \ldblquote emergence\rdblquote  and \ldblquote trans\par
cendence\rdblquote  to cover the activities of spaceships and space\par
beings when they come into or pass out of our limited state \par
of awareness. In chapter 21 we explained the difficulty of \par
finding suitable words to convey the nature of such activ\par
ities or mutations. \par
We cannot see or touch spaceships or spacepeople when \par
they are in their higher frequencies because they exist out\par
side of the range of our human senses. However, they have \par
a reality and solidity of their own. Within their own band \par
of vibratory frequency they are visible, solid, and tangible \par
to beings who live on their level. These remarks, of course, \par
apply only to spacebeings living in higher frequencies \emdash  \par
not to other threedimensional beings. \par
When they come to earth and make themselves visible \par
and tangible to us, they have to descend into our octave of \par
frequency. This activity we call \ldblquote emergence\rdblquote . Our present \par
understanding of the nature of emergence includes the fol\par
lowing four steps. \par
Steps Of Emergence. \par
1. Decrease in vibratory frequency or rate of motion to \par
conform to earth\rquote s conditions. \par
2. Decrease in density. \par
3. Loss of energy. \par
4. Polarization or change in plane or form of energy mo\par
tion to conform to earth matter. \par
Our understanding is that step 1 brings the spaceship and \par
its personnel into our range of visibility. Step 4 makes the \par
space ship tangible to us. \par
When they leave our earth to return to the higher fre\par
quencies of outerspace from which they come, they must \par
go through a reverse action which we call \ldblquote transcendence\rdblquote . \par
We understand that transcendence involves four steps as \par
follows: \par
1. Increase in vibratory frequency. \par
2. Increase in density. \par
3. Absorption of energy. \par
4. Polarization back to the form of energy motion or \par
matter from which the spaceship came. \par
We understand that step 1 nullifies visibility of the ship \par
and its personnel so far as human sight is concerned. Step \par
4 nullifies tangibility so far as human touch is concerned. \par
It is possible, however, for a spaceship to complete step 1 \par
without completing step 4. In this case we have a phenomenon\par
far in advance of most human knowledge, namely \par
tangibility without visibility. The reverse is also possible. \par
In other words there are conditions of highfrequency mat\par
ter in which we cannot see an object, but we can feel it. \par
Also there are conditions in which we can see spaceships or \par
spacepeople but they have little tangibility or solidity \par
from our viewpoint. Remember that one great characteris\par
tic of advanced spacebeings is their complete mastery of \par
energy or matter. \par
VVe have discussed the important subject of the limi\par
tations of the human senses and how they present only a \par
narrow band of awareness of existence \emdash  like a oneband \par
radio which can only tune into one frequency of broad\par
cast programs. A more technical name for these limitations \par
would be \ldblquote spectrums\rdblquote  of the senses. Most of us are familiar \par
with the fact that there is a spectrum of human hearing. \par
Human hearing only detects or responds to sound vibra\par
tions within a given range of frequencies. Some readers \par
may be familiar with dog whistles which give forth a note \par
of such high pitch that the human ear cannot hear it at \par
all. In this case the sound can not be heard because it is \par
higher than the human sound spectrum \emdash  it tops the spec\par
trum \emdash  it is above the \ldblquote upperend\rdblquote  of the spectrum. Re\par
member, however, that a spectrum has a "high\rdblquote  and a \ldblquote low\rdblquote  \par
end, and that we can lose awareness of an activity of energy \par
such as sound either because it is above the highend or be\par
low the lowend of our human spectrum. Thus there are \par
sounds too high or too fast for us to hear and also sounds \par
too low or too slow for us to hear. There actually are sounds \par
we cannot hear, but they do exist, they do have reality just \par
the same. \par
Just as sound is a manifestation of energy, so is every\par
thing else in existence from the hardest piece of metal to \par
the most exotic perfume or the most transcendent thought \par
or concept or feeling. All is energy created and cognized \par
by consciousness. To us this is the beachhead of knowl\par
edge in our present sea of ignorance. We must recognize \par
the limited spectrum of the human senses. This is the \par
first rung up the ladder to cosmic knowledge. \par
We have mentioned the human spectrum of sound. \par
There are also human spectrums of smell, taste, sight and \par
feeling. There are odors and fragrances we cannot smell, \par
and there are flavors we cannot taste. There are also colors \par
and things we cannot see which exist outside of our spec\par
trum of sight. We are all familiar with solid fan blades \par
which when stationary seem solid and visible to us and \par
obscure any object behind them. But when we add mo\par
tion or vibration to the blades by revolving them, they dis\par
appear to our sight and we can even see the objects behind \par
them. In this state of increased motion the blades have \par
\ldblquote transcended\rdblquote  the upper end of our spectrum of visibility \par
but not our spectrum of tangibility. We cannot see them, \par
but we can feel them. If you doubt this, put your fingers \par
in the revolving blades. Why is it, friends, that most of us \par
are perfectly familiar with these simple things, and yet if \par
anyone suggests that a spaceship can exist in a vibratory \par
state of matter in which it is invisible but tangible \emdash  well, \par
many people start running as if they had seen a ghost! \par
This leads us to the subject of the densities of highfre\par
quency matter out of which spaceships are made. The \par
difficulty which many people have in grasping the density \par
angle revolves around our spectrum of tangibility or touch \par
or feeling. We are all familiar with solid objects passing \par
beyond the upper range of our spectrum of tangibility \par
and thus becoming intangible \emdash  because they become more \par
vaporous, more evanescent and therefore less dense. Take \par
for example ice. We heat it and speed up its energy ac\par
tivity. It melts and changes to a liquid \emdash  water. More heat \par
is applied and it expands and becomes a vapor \emdash  steam. \par
We can put our hand through this vapor if it is cool enough. \par
It is intangible. A substance ice in a solid form became \par
water and then steam \emdash  an intangible form if the same \par
substance. In this state it is above the upper range of \par
human tangibility. \par
But this is not the way in which a spaceship becomes \par
intangible.* When a space ship transcends our spectrum \par
of both visibility and tangibility, it goes through a mutation \par
which increases the energy frequency and also a polari\par
zation which changes the type of motion of the energy out \par
of which it is constructed. The net result is a form of mat\par
ter which has a higher frequency and a greater density. \par
This causes invisibility and intangibility so far as the human \par
senses are concerned. But the high frequency matter of the \par
spaceship in this condition is not more vaporous than \par
before. On the contrary it is denser than before. High fre\par
quency matter is denser than earth matter and can pass \par
right through the \ldblquote openings\rdblquote  in earth matter. It becomes \par
intangible to us because it passess beyond the lower (denser) \par
end of our spectrum of tangibility. \par
If this is too much for the layman, we suggest he leave \par
it alone. However, engineers and scientists should be in\par
terested in it. At this point, a friend exclaimed, \ldblquote In other \par
words, a spaceship in the transcended state can pass through \par
us like a wind through a wire fence. Is that it?\rdblquote  \par
\ldblquote That is not too bad,\rdblquote  I replied, \ldblquote provided you recognize \par
in your simile exactly which thing corresponds to the wind \par
and which to the wire fence. The spaceship represents the \par
wire fence because it is denser. Earth matter represents the \par
wind because it is porous and vaporous compared to the \par
highfrequency substance of the spaceship. \par
One thing to note is that in outerspace throughout count\par
less ages there have been spacecraft of every conceivable \par
type, size, shape and design using many different operating principles. \par
Spacecraft are not confined to cigar shaped \par
ships or saucer like ships. A study of Desmond Leslie\rquote s historical research will give some ideas of the great variety. \par
One of the greatest puzzles to mankind has been the \par
acceleration of spacecraft when flying in a conventional \par
spacetime type of flight. Their speeds in earth\rquote s atmos\par
phere have been clocked upwards of 20,000 miles per hour. \par
The tight turns, sudden stops and sudden changes in direc\par
tion they are able to effect at these great speeds would pro\par
duce gravity pressures or "G\rquote s\rdblquote , from our viewpoint, which \par
no human being could live through. Another puzzle has \par
been what type of protection or protective atmosphere \par
they employ to ward off cosmic debris existing in outer\par
space. We feel that the works of Daniel Fry have covered \par
these points so well that there is no need of duplicating the \par
explanations in detail. Briefly he states that the spacepeo\par
ple have solved the \ldblquote G\rdblquote  problem by applying accelerating \par
or decelerating energies to every atom of the ship and its \par
contents simultaneously, including the personnel. Thus \par
there exists no differential of acceleration between the ship \par
and the personnel. Therefore, no \ldblquote G\rquote s\rdblquote  are experienced in\par
side the ship despite its \ldblquote impossible\rdblquote  maneuvers. As to \par
the protective atmosphere surrounding the ship, it does \par
exist in the form of a repellant type of energy. Thus space\par
ships carry with them their own gravitational field and their \par
own protective field. \par
Being an engineer, when I first started to study saucers \par
I was tremendously enthused with the possibility of quick\par
ly duplicating spacecraft and sailing around in outerspace. \par
I do not wish to lessen anyone\rquote s enthusiasm along this line \par
\emdash  but may I say that so far as I am concerned, our research \par
has to put it mildly tempered this early enthusiasm with \par
the discovery that there are a lot of missing links. Thus \par
while being a tremendous believer in the philosophy that \par
a difficult task takes a little while, and an impossible task \par
takes a little longer,\rdblquote  nevertheless it now appears that the \par
element of 'a little longer\rdblquote  may require more patience \par
than seemed required at first. \par
To begin with, it has become evident that spacecraft \par
technology is highly involved with the requirement of \par
very special materials \emdash  materials which have the heat re\par
sistance and the electrical, magnetic, frequency and physical \par
qualities necessary. We doubt that mankind at present pos\par
sesses the knowhow needed to produce these materials even \par
if the required elements exist on earth. Further, there is \par
that little matter of \ldblquote tying into\rdblquote  some antigravity energy \par
or producing an antigravity force from known energy sourc\par
es. Also about the only propulsion we now know is jetpro\par
pulsion, whereas interstellar spacecraft are way ahead of \par
us, using universal energy or "light\rdblquote  energy. Then there \par
is another consideration which few people have ever thought \par
about but it is very important. It is this. We discovered \par
atomic energy, which was a discovery well up in the cosmic \par
range of things. We started throwing it around rather free\par
ly without cosmic wisdom in proportion to its cosmic \par
power, and suddenly we ran into the Guardians of the \par
planets and their cosmic navies! \par
Now the question arises just how far will our elder \par
brothers in the spacechaft permit us to go in spacecraft \par
technology before we have balanced our scientific know\par
how with a little more cosmic wisdom \emdash  or shall we say \par
cosmic morality? This seems to us a question worth ponder\par
ing. \par
We understand that in past ages on this earth our ances\par
tors had some spacecraft which were not interplanetary. \par
They were confined to operating in the atmosphere of the \par
earth. Nevertheless they represented a vast step in advance \par
of our balloons, propellerdriven planes, jetplanes, helicop\par
ters and rockets because they overcame gravity and oper\par
ated on the magnetic lines of force of the earth. Now it \par
seems to us that we must progress one step at a time, and that \par
this type of noninterplanetary spacecraft is a legitimate \par
goal for us at the present time. It is far more within our \par
grasp than intergalactic teleporting spaceships. Further\par
more, if the human race can get over its mania for killing \par
each other, we might even get the spacepeople to help us \par
speed up such a development. We understand the technique \par
was known in past ages, so it should not be too difficult to \par
re discover it. \par
This is a glorious adventure for mankind. We have some \par
hurdles to overcome, but after all what is more fun than \par
overcoming difficulties. There is the psychological hurdle \par
and the need of overcoming "spacesickness\rdblquote , which we un\par
derstand can be worse than mal de mer. Then there is \par
the heat barrier and the need of protection from space de\par
bris. One of the worst hurdles will probably be cosmicrays. \par
Some of the bodies in space which we may wish to visit \par
like the moon \emdash  have too little atmosphere and too little \par
ionosphere properly to shield the human body. We will \par
need new lightweight materials for protection against \par
cosmic rays. We certainly cannot use fifteen feet of lead \par
which we understand it takes if we only have lead. The \par
conquest of outerspace is important, and who gets there \par
first is important. We feel that the race to get into outer\par
space will be won by those who cooperate most with outer\par
space \emdash  not those who attack it by brute force. \par
Outerspace is not threedimensional. And it is not emp\par
ty. It is energy in vibration and in modes of motion that \par
we must learn to tune into. Tuning into it is equivalent \par
to getting \ldblquote there\rdblquote . The way into outerspace is not by rock\par
ets or jet planes. There is the difference of day and night \par
between a rocket trying to tear its way into outerspace by \par
rute force and a majestic fuelless spaceship gliding silent\par
ly on unseen lines of force! The way into outerspace is up \par
the elevator of vibratory frequencies. \par
Also the race into outerspace will be won by those who \par
conform most to cosmic law and thereby make themselves \par
most worthy of high knowledge. Also we believe that O.S.C. \par
will play an important part in our conquest of \emdash  our co\par
operation with \emdash  outerspace. \par
we shall now discuss Orfeo Angelucci and his truly \par
remarkable saucer experiences. We became ac\par
quainted with him through the assistance of mu\par
tual friends who are themselves deeply interested in saucers \par
and know many saucerers personally. We feel very grate\par
ful for the help they have given us in preparing this book. \par
On September 19, 1955, we drove to our friends\rquote  home in \par
Los Angeles, where we spent some very profitable hours \par
with both Mr. & Mrs. Angelucci. We feel that no saucer \par
researcher can afford to neglect Angelucci\rquote s great contribu\par
tion to our human knowledge of this subject. \par
We found the Angeluccis to be very charming, homelov\par
ing people of Italian ancestry and the parents of two boys. \par
They had come to California about eight years previously \par
from Trenton, New Jersey, U.S.A. We asked him how he \par
had come by the unusual name of "Orfeo\rdblquote , and he told \par
us it was based on the name "Orpheus\rdblquote  from the old legend \par
of "Orpheus and Eurydice\rdblquote . \par
Angelucci\rquote s background is not too different from that of \par
many others who grew up in middle class American homes. \par
He quit school in New Jersey at the ninth grade, went to \par
work and later married. He has always had an avid inter\par
est in scientific things, particularly the nature of the atom, \par
and he has studied and experimented in his spare time. His \par
big problem has always been his precarious health and his \par
extremely nervous sensibilities, which have caused him end\par
less suffering and pain both preceding and during any \par
thunderstorm or electric storm. Whenever an electric storm \par
approaches he goes through a regular series of distressing \par
symptoms\rdblquote  starting with a prickling sensation in his hands, \par
arms, back and feet. It was this physical problem that led \par
the family to move to California where storms are less fre\par
quent. We mention this because these physical symptoms \par
223 \par
later were to become, for Angelucci, an almost infallible \par
warning of the approach of a spacecraft or a prelude to a \par
spacecontact. \par
Angelucci is a trim slender man with fine cleancut fea\par
tures and deep expressive eyes. Strangely enough some in\par
definable quality about him reminded both of us of Sal\par
vador Villanueva Medina, the Mexican chauffeur. Hu\par
manly, we found him a very friendly and downright like\par
able sort of person \emdash  not at all difficult to meet or to make \par
friends with. But as the evening wore on and the conversa\par
tion turned to the higher aspects of the flying saucer phe\par
nomena, we discovered that we were indeed talking with \par
an individual of great spiritual advancement, discernment \par
and experience. By this we do not mean that he was what \par
people call a \ldblquote religious" person \emdash  far from it. There is a \par
tremendous gap between religious orthodoxy and the type \par
of cosmic advancement we found in Angelucci. \par
We were grateful that our meeting with this advanced \par
saucerer had come when it did \emdash  toward the end of our \par
saucer pilgrimage. We realized that if it had come at the \par
start, it would have been too much for us, too advanced, \par
and we probably would not have been able to follow or \par
understand or appreciate his experiences because most of \par
them typified the supraphysical aspects of saucers rather \par
than the physical. One good way to learn, however, is to \par
get acquainted with the men having the more advanced type \par
of saucer experiences. So here we were talking with a man \par
who for about nine years had been under the direct obser\par
vation of extraterrestrial beings and who had been privi\par
leged to have at least eight contacts or intimate personal \par
experiences with them. \par
These experiences are set forth in detail in his book The \par
Secret Of The Saucers, which he copyrighted in 1955. In \par
our estimation Angelucci has done an exceptional and cou\par
rageous job in revealing the intimate details of his experi\par
ence and the nature of the advanced spacebeings he has \par
contacted \emdash  their greatness, their perfection, and their \par
224 \par
compassionate love for mankind. Few books reveal what, \par
for want of a better word, we might call the \ldblquote sacred\rdblquote  na\par
ture of such contacts between a spacebeing and an earth\par
being. \par
It seems to us that Angelucci\rquote s experiences and his forth\par
right and honest revelation of them belong not to the mul\par
titude of unawakened humans who invariably classify \par
everything beyond the range of the five physical senses as \par
either buncombe or heresy. Rather they belong primarily \par
to those with a certain natural or acquired capacity for un\par
derstanding them. The saucer enthusiast who is still in \par
that mental state where he absolutely insists that the saucers \par
be served down to him, flat on the ground, and brim full \par
of material sauce will doubtless find little that is either \par
appetizing or palatable in Angelucci\rquote s saucer experiences. \par
After all, if one s viewpoint is "flat on the ground\rdblquote , that \par
fact alone prohibits one from being able to follow saucers \par
into the higher realms of life and consciousness from which \par
many of them, but not all of them do come. \par
Others who have a certain degree of spiritual attainment \par
of their own, or those who are familiar with states and \par
stages of consciousness or who are students of metaphysics \par
or philosophy will have no trouble in understanding this \par
unusual saucerer. Those who are familiar with the attain\par
ments of the masters or the advanced yogis or swamis, or \par
those who are familiar with the works of Edgar Cayce, or \par
those who have themselves more or less pierced the veils \par
which hide the frequencies of life such people will not \par
only profit by Angelucci\rquote s experiences but will be very \par
grateful for his efforts to share them with others. These \par
people will take Angelucci to their hearts. They will see in \par
him a modern \ldblquote revelator\rdblquote  \emdash  a veritable modem \ldblquote dweller \par
on two planets\rdblquote , and they will rejoice in his revelations. \par
To the earnest saucer researcher who is not afraid to fol\par
low the truth into the reaches of outerspace but who has \par
difficulty in understanding Angelucci, we have this to say. \par
The study of saucers is a subject of vast extent, in fact a \par
225 \par
study of cosmic proportions. One would not expect to un\par
derstand calculus without first learning step by step all \par
the intermediate phases of mathematics. In the same way \par
one\rquote s understanding of advanced saucer experiences must \par
come stepbystep. We must climb the ladder of cosmic \par
truth one rung at a time. We feel that Angelucci\rquote s experi\par
ences are not for most beginners, but of course there are ex\par
ceptions. For those who are starting from scratch but sin\par
cerely wish to understand, the following three suggestions \par
might prove of value: \par
1. First, study the physical aspect of saucers. They have \par
a definite physical side. Learn all about this from every \par
possible source \emdash  study the sightings and the ABC books. \par
2. Then progress gently from the physical aspects, which \par
are the least important, into the supraphysical aspects. \par
Our book has been designed to help the reader do this. \par
Gradually study the more advanced books, and above all try \par
to grasp the outstanding cosmic fact that life exists in oc\par
taves or bands of vibratory frequency. These correspond to \par
different planes of consciousness. \par
3. Then realize this. In most of Angelucci\rquote s contacts the \par
great spacebeings did not \ldblquote descend\rdblquote  fully into our octave \par
of life or into our octave of vibratory frequency to meet \par
him. The space beings came \ldblquote down\rdblquote  only part way and An\par
gelucci went \ldblquote up\rdblquote  part way. Thus they met on a plane of \par
frequency or of consciousness slightly above the physical \emdash  \par
where complete threedimensional solidity, tangibility and \par
visibility were not attained and were not necessary. As An\par
gelucci himself has expressed it, \ldblquote I saw them clearly \emdash  but \par
as though I were viewing them through rippling water.\rdblquote  It \par
reminded him of an imperfectly tuned television set. \par
Let us now briefly review a few of his remarkable experi\par
ences. His first flying saucer experience took place way \par
back in Trenton, New Jersey, on August 4, 1946. Please \par
remember that this date was months before \ldblquote flying saucers\rdblquote  \par
226 \par
were heard of or even so named by modern man. At the \par
time Angelucci was quite an experimenter in certain scien\par
tific fields, and he was particularly interested in the subject \par
of fungi and mold cultures. Desiring to learn the effect \par
of upper atmospheric conditions on certain mold cultures, \par
he bought some \ldblquote Navytype\rdblquote  balloons with the idea of car\par
rying the cultures, packed in baskets attached to the bal\par
loons, to predetermined altitudes and then hauling them \par
down for further study. \par
The balloons, however, with their attached baskets broke \par
away and he and his family and friends sorrowfully watch\par
ed this seemingly unhappy ending to his scientific efforts. \par
As the balloons rose higher and higher in the sky, they all \par
noticed a strange aircraft hovering overhead near them. It \par
actually seemed to be following the balloons. The craft \par
was round, and it had no wingsl They watched and won\par
dered about it, but it soon disappeared in the distance. \par
In the days that followed most everyone forgot about the \par
incident. How could Angelucci know then that he had \par
just seen a \ldblquote flying saucer\rdblquote  or that a day would come years \par
later when he would meet the spacebeing who was control\par
ling the strange craft! \par
Almost six years elapsed before his second experience. \par
Those who are so impatient for saucer experiences may \par
well ponder this fact. He had moved to California and was \par
working in the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation plant at Bur\par
bank in the suburban area of Los Angeles. On May 23, \par
1952, late at night he felt the strange physical symptoms \par
which usually preceded an electrical storm. He went out\par
side the plant to investigate and was surprised to find an \par
unusually clear and beautiful night. It puzzled him that \par
there was no storm to account for the distressing symptoms. \par
His shift ended at 12:30 a.m., and he started driving \par
home in his car following wellknown city boulevards. The \par
painful symptoms still persisted. As he neared the city lim\par
its of Los Angeles, he caught sight of an ovalshaped object \par
travelling ahead of him in the air. It was luminous and \par
227 \par
was emitting a red color. Apparently no one else noticed \par
it. He followed it across the Los Angeles River to the out\par
skirts of a park region. Here the object veered off the \par
main highway, down a lonely park drive, and finally hung \par
motionless over a field. Angelucci decided to follow it \par
and parked his car a short distance from the amazing, \par
hovering, pulsating object which seemed only partially \par
solid. \par
Suddenly it shot skyward at an angle, then paused while \par
two smaller objects like balls of fire came from it. Then \par
as the original object accelerated out of sight, the two fire\par
balls descended and hovered in the air only a few feet \par
from the astounded Angelucci. They were fluorescent \par
green in color and about three feet in diameter. \par
The contact that followed was both audible and visual. \par
The visual phase came about through a luminous screen \par
effect between the glowing spheres in which Angelucci \par
saw a projected \ldblquote picture\rdblquote  of his spacevisitors as on a tele\par
vision screen. This phase, however, lasted only a few min\par
utes. But a voice came from the glowing green objects and \par
the twoway communication which ensued lasted for al\par
most an hour. Some of the highlights of this contact may be \par
of interest. \par
First, Angelucci learned that these beings were none oth\par
er than those controlling the \ldblquote saucer\rdblquote  which followed his \par
lost balloons back in New Jersey in 1946. Moreover, he \par
had been under their observation ever since that event. \par
They gave him a cup of shining liquid to drink which re\par
lieved his symptoms. Oral speech hardly seemed necessary. \par
Before he could voice a question the answer would come. \par
Apparently he was in some sort of telepathic communica\par
tion with them. He experienced the uncomfortable feeling \par
that they knew his every thought, his past, everything about \par
him \emdash  even things he did not know himself. The green \par
spheres were explained as instruments of transmission and \par
reception which were used to relay visual, auditory and \par
telepathic impressions to a \ldblquote mothership\rdblquote  for permanent \par
228 \par
recording. Angelucci was not the only earthling this group \par
of spacebeings was in the process of contacting \emdash  there \par
was another individual in Italy, and still another in India. \par
The chief basis of these contacts was "higher vibrational \par
perception\rdblquote  on the part of these earthlings. \par
Angelucci was told that the spacebeings had noted man\rquote s \par
humorous and skeptical treatment of "flying saucers\rdblquote  on \par
earth but they did not criticize this because of the need of \par
our becoming gradually aware of them. Space craft of oth\par
er planetary evolutions were also visiting the earth, all on \par
a friendly and helpful basis. Many have seen them, but \par
the ships were capable of various states of invisibility. Speeds \par
approaching that of light could be attained by many space\par
craft. However, the more advanced spacebeings function \par
in dimensions unknown to man and have no need of space\par
craft of any type but on occasions employ them for pur\par
poses of material manifestations to men. In the higher phas\par
es of life the time dimension becomes nonexistent, and \par
there are incredibly rapid means of travel beyond man\rquote s \par
present comprehension. The reason for their coming is \par
that life evolution on earth has reached a dangerous crisis. \par
We have given the above with some detail in order to \par
convey to our readers something of the great range of infor\par
mation which it is possible to obtain through a space con\par
tact. \par
Angelucci\rquote s third experience was a trip in a remote con\par
trolled flying saucer. It took place on July 23, 1952, two \par
months after his audiovisual contact. The takeoff and \par
landing points were in a secluded spot along the dry river \par
bed of the Los Angeles River only a few blocks from his \par
home \emdash  well within the city limits of Los Angeles. Before \par
he saw the saucer on the ground he experienced the fam\par
iliar tingling sensation in his arms and legs. The shape of \par
the craft resembled an Eskimo Igloo\rdblquote  about thirty feet \par
high and thirty feet in diameter at the base and appeared \par
to him to be constructed of a translucent substance. \par
He boarded the craft, was taken to an elevation of about \par
229 \par
one thousand miles and was able to view the earth from \par
this altitude through a section of the ship\rquote s wall which be\par
came transparent. He carried on a combined audible and \par
telepathic communication with his space friend who was \par
located in the control ship. They also played music for \par
him. At one time he caught a view of the control ship, and \par
of several saucers. He also obtained a magnificent view of \par
outerspace. He received further valuable information re\par
garding the space ships and the present situation on earth \par
which brought them here. During this trip he was put \par
through a certain type of \ldblquote initiation\rdblquote  and returned to \par
earth with a mark on his body, which later served him as \par
an exceedingly necessary and solid reminder of the \ldblquote real\par
ity\rdblquote  of this experience. \par
His fourth experience was an especially memorable one \par
for him because it brought him facetoface with his space \par
friend for the first time, and he was able to give his friend \par
a name. This contact occurred on August 2, 1952, only \par
ten days after his saucer trip and at approximately the \par
same location. It was late evening and he was walking to\par
ward his home. He heard solid footsteps approaching and \par
was greeted by the owner of the voice he had heard in his \par
previous contacts. His space friend was taller than Ange\par
lucci, wellbuilt and wore a tight fitting uniform without \par
seams. However, he did not appear to Angelucci to be in a \par
state of complete human (material) solidity, as both the \par
visible outline and color seemed to waver slightly. Angeluc\par
ci wondered at this and was told that he was seeing "an \par
approximation\rdblquote  of the spacebeing. \par
The communication this time centered mostly on the \par
critical situation on earth. Angelucci was told that our \par
earth is often called "the home of sorrows\rdblquote , and that we \par
face a crisis which in history will be called \ldblquote The Great \par
Accident\rdblquote . The spacepeople are here to assist us all they \par
can, within the bounds of cosmic law, during this critical \par
period. Then came this outstanding pronouncement show\par
ing that the spacepeople have no illusions as to the diffi\par
230 \par
culty of awakening mankind from its threedimension \par
dream: \par
\ldblquote Few will believe or even hear your account of our meet\par
ing \emdash  your story will in no way change conditions upon \par
earth. \par
\ldblquote Neither will any actual Earthly event be either hastened \par
or retarded because of our meeting. \par
At most your story will give only greater faith and inner \par
conviction to the few \emdash  but it is an important few!\rdblquote  \par
Angelucci\rquote s fifth experience came late in October of \par
1952. In this case he ran into his spacefriend at the Grey\par
hound Bus Terminal dressed in a smart business suit, a \par
felt hat, and carrying a briefcase \emdash  the epitome of a success\par
ful business man! Angelucci states that the purpose of \par
this brief contact was to show him, once and for all, that \par
spacebeings can appear and function as solid beings when \par
they wish to. In his other contacts they appeared in a semi\par
solid condition. \par
Angelucci\rquote s story of his experiences offers to the reader \par
an opportunity to study the problem which the spacepeople \par
themselves evidently face in trying to reveal their own true \par
nature to the men of earth. Even with a spiritually ad\par
vanced individual like Angelucci, they had a problem in \par
revealing themselves to him without his slipping into doubts, \par
fears, and even worrying about his own sanity. This is \par
no laughing matter. Many O.S.C. messages state that the \par
greatest barrier to earthman\rquote s entering outerspace is the \par
psychological barrier his uncontrollable fears when he \par
finds out how different outerspace is \emdash  and the actual dan\par
ger of insanity. \par
Modern psychologists might be interested in studying An\par
gelucci s efforts to convey to others the knowledge he has \par
received from the spacebeings and the ridicule and scorn \par
which not only he but his wife and children have to face. \par
Those who complain that the spacepeople are not doing \par
all they should in revealing themselves should study these \par
things. \par
231 \par
Now in order to illustrate something of the exalted na\par
ture of the spacebeings whom Angelucci has contacted \par
and the high quality of these communications and the infor\par
mation he has received from them, we have his permission \par
to quote the following random passages from his re\par
markable book: \par
\ldblquote Man believes himself civilized, but often his thoughts \par
are barbaric and his emotions lethal. \par
\ldblquote The aggressive men of Earth want our scientific ad\par
vancements. For these they would shoot our crafts from \par
the skies \emdash  if they could. \par
\ldblquote Already man\rquote s material knowledge has far outstripped \par
the growth of brotherly love and spiritual understanding \par
in his heart. Therein lies the present danger. \par
\ldblquote To add to the destructive phase of man\rquote s scientific \par
knowledge is not permitted. We are working now to turn \par
that knowledge into constructive purposes upon Earth. \par
\ldblquote Earth\rquote s evolution is evolution through pain, sorrow, \par
sin, suffering and the illusion of physical death. \par
\ldblquote Every person upon Earth and its adjoining planes of \par
manifestation are definitely arrayed upon either the posi\par
tive side of progression toward good, or the negative side \par
of regression toward greater evil. \par
\ldblquote At this moment we weep with you for Earth and her \par
Children. For all of its apparent beauty Earth is a purga\par
torial world among the planets evolving intelligent life. \par
Hate, selfishness and cruelty rise from many parts of it like \par
a dark mist. \par
\ldblquote Believe me, all evolutions are not similar to Earth\rquote s \par
despite the present belief of your scientists. \par
\ldblquote His (man\rquote s) one purpose upon Earth now is to attain \par
reunion with his immortal consciousness. \par
\ldblquote All intelligences capable of spacetravel can read thoughts \par
and see emotions. \par
\ldblquote You can rise above the inadequacies of your physical \par
body. \par
\ldblquote Many have actually seen our discs. Some have seen us \par
232 \par
clairvoyantly. Others have communicated with us clair\par
audiently. Still others recognize the truth of our existence \par
and greater scope of our being through the intuitive per\par
ception. \par
"But as far as official proof of ourselves for which so \par
many clamor, we cannot offer that. Official proof of the \par
existence of our discs will come. But for us to attempt phys\par
ically to contact mankind through any socalled authorita\par
tive source would be only useless and possible disastrous \par
for them. \par
\ldblquote Nearly all threedimensional beings have no concept of, \par
nor could they possibly understand, extradimensional be\par
ings. \par
\ldblquote We see the individuals of Earth as each one really is \par
\emdash  and not as perceived by the limited senses of man. \par
\ldblquote Also we hope to give men a deeper knowledge and un\par
derstanding of their own true nature and a greater aware\par
ness of the evolutionary crisis facing them. \par
Your Teacher has told you, God is love, and in these \par
simple words may be found the secrets of all the mysteries \par
of Earth and the worlds beyond. \par
\ldblquote Our discs, or saucers, as Earthmen term them, are in \par
your spacetime frame as harbingers of mankind\rquote s coming \par
resurrection from the living death.\rdblquote  \par
In closing our chapter on Orfeo Angelucci may we say \par
that we are grateful indeed to have met this saucerer, and \par
we sincerely hope that our humble efforts in this book may \par
help open the treasure chest of his experiences to others \par
who are interested. \par
he reason we include this chapter is that during our \par
pilgrimage we found that many people were inter\par
ested in saucers primarily because of religion, philoso\par
phy or prophecy. If this surprises some of our readers, we \par
should like to say that we found saucer interest about equally \par
divided into three categories. First, there was a group whose \par
interest was primarily astronomical or cosmic. They want\par
ed to know if other planets were actually inhabited and all \par
about what exists in outerspace. Second, there was a group \par
whose interest was mostly technical or scientific. They \par
wished to know how spaceships work and how they could \par
be duplicated on earth. \par
A third group, however, wanted to know if there exists \par
a definite relationship between the present spacephenome\par
na and certain religious or philosophical teachings, and \par
also whether these \ldblquote signs and wonders\rdblquote  in the sky are re\par
lated to various prophecies. We found a lively interest \par
in such things. \par
Does the coming of the spacepeople confirm or justify \par
certain long cherished religious or prophetic beliefs or ex\par
pectations? How do the spacepeople think in regard to cer\par
tain religious matters? What will be the impact of saucer \par
revelations on religions? What about prophecies of destruc\par
tion or of salvation or of a new age? These were the type of \par
questions which seemed to be of intense interest to about \par
onethird of those who were seriously studying saucers. \par
Early in our pilgrimage we were compelled to recognize \par
this category of saucer interest, and we therefore made a \par
special effort to study the views of various individuals and \par
234 \par
groups along this line. We found numerous devout and re\par
ligious souls who, although they shunned publicity, were \par
nevertheless avid students of the religious implications of \par
the saucer phenomena. These people were quietly putting \par
two and two together and were making up their own minds \par
and arriving at their own interpretations of events. We \par
also studied many O.S.C. messages which referred to saucers \par
from a deeply religious point of view. \par
After much listening and weighing of this type of data, \par
we pieced together our own new age view of the religious, \par
philosophic and prophetic implications of the coming of \par
the saucers. From this viewpoint gained during our pil\par
grimage we shall now endeavor to answer, to the best of our \par
understanding, many of the questions which seemed of ma\par
jor interest to those we met. \par
If some of these answers prove disturbing to certain \par
readers, please remember that everyone is free to develop \par
his own interpretation of saucer phenomena. Our work has \par
been that of private researchers, and we have tried to re\par
main as openminded and detached as possible. However, \par
we cannot escape the feeling that as the truth about saucers \par
and their implications gradually dawns on humanity, the \par
impact is going to be overwhelming. We feel that the \par
truth is going to exert a profound effect upon every branch \par
of human knowledge and belief, and the religious and \par
philosophical branches of knowledge are no exceptions. As \par
we see it everything that can be shaken is now in the process \par
of being shaken, and in the end nothing will survive but \par
cosmic actuality. The following represents our estimate of \par
this interesting situation. \par
In referring to the spacebeings in this chapter, please \par
note that we are again referring to the planetary Guardians \par
and those advanced beings in outerspace who are concerned \par
with this planet and its evolution and welfare. We are not \par
referring to lesser beings or those whose evolution is less \par
235 \par
advanced than our own. \par
Let us note that the perspective of these spacebeings is \par
vastly greater than our own because their view of life is \par
not limited to the threedimensional octave. Some of these \par
advanced beings, but not all of them, have experienced \par
earth life, and therefore they understand the predicament \par
we are in better than we do. They have risen above earth \par
life, and they know how this can be accomplished. Many \par
of them are our elder brothers and sisters, and they say that \par
we ourselves originally lived in a higher dimension of life \par
and that we are on the way back \ldblquote home\rdblquote . Because they un\par
derstand \ldblquote how we got this way\rdblquote , they also know the way \par
back. In this New Age they will actually help many who \par
have learned earth\rquote s lessons aright to progress permanent\par
ly out of threedimensional consciousness back into the \par
freedom of the frequencies. (See also chapter 25). Their \par
ways are not our ways. Their viewpoint is cosmic and not \par
human. Bearing this clearly in mind, we shall now answer \par
pertinent questions which we have been asked. \par
Are the spacepeople religious, and do they believe in \par
\ldblquote God\rdblquote ? This question is often asked. The best answer we \par
have found is that they do not divide cosmic knowledge \par
into divisions as we do and label them \ldblquote religion, science, \par
etc.\rdblquote  To them there is no such thing as a religious truth \par
separate and distinct from a legal truth or an astronomical \par
truth or a scientific truth. Truth Is. It is an undivided \par
whole. Our efforts to divide it lead to mental and moral \par
chaos. They are not \ldblquote believers\rdblquote , they are \ldblquote knowers\rdblquote . They \par
have learned to merge individual consciousness with the \par
allknowing Mind or Cosmic Consciousness, and thereby \par
they can arrive at whatever phase of cosmic truth they wish \par
to know. They recognize a great central source of Life, Pow\par
er and Consciousness, but they realize themselves as an in\par
tegral, if infinitesimal, part of this whole. They say we on \par
earth like to talk about truth, but we live it only to a very \par
236 \par
small degree. They both understand cosmic truth and \par
live it. They are obedient to cosmic law. They cooperate \par
with allpervading life. To them, man in all phases of life \par
represents a universal brotherhood. In this cosmic sense \par
they are religious and recognize a central source of Life. \par
But, asks the orthodox Christian, do they believe in Je\par
sus Christ, and have they been \ldblquote saved\rdblquote ? Without any de\par
sire to offend these highly respectable orthodox and doubt\par
lessly wellintentioned questioners, the only cosmic answer \par
we know is that the question itself displays an unfortunate \par
ignorance of the nature of these evolved spacebeings who \par
are themselves great enough to be the Guardians of entire \par
planets and solar systems. These beings do not need \ldblquote sav\par
ing\rdblquote . They are already part of an advanced evolution. \par
Throughout billions of years of earth time and innumer\par
able civilizations, the planetary Guardians have partici\par
pated in the activity of sending great masters and teachers \par
to the earth and to other planets whenever it was necessary. \par
Naturally they believed in the virtue and the ability of all \par
these great teachers to fulfill their missions on the planets \par
to which they were sent. \par
In outerspace there are entire races of advanced beings \par
or masters who are qualified to act as teachers to the evolv\par
ing civilizations of various planets. There are billions of \par
inhabited planets in various stages of evolution, and many \par
teachers are needed. In our preoccupation with the earth, \par
it is easy to forget the vast needs of the universe. As to the \par
teachings of the Master Jesus they say that mankind has \par
never lived them nor have the true teachings been taught. \par
They were based on cosmic law, and had we followed them \par
the world would not now be in its present critical cosmic \par
situation. \par
In order to give a proper answer to this question, we \par
237 \par
must understand what category of spacebeings are referred \par
to and what is meant by the word "die\rdblquote . Ii we define \ldblquote dy\par
ing\rdblquote  as the mutation in which individual consciousness \par
ceases its energizing of a human physical body, then space\par
beings of a physical or threedimensional category living \par
on other planets do \ldblquote die\rdblquote . However, we understand that \par
this mutation occurs only on threedimensional planes, not \par
on the higher planes of life. \par
On some planets the duration of the body or the body\par
span is less than on earth. On others it is over tentimes \par
greater. In fact the spacebeings state that the bodyspan \par
of man on earth in certain ancient civilizations was far \par
greater than it is at present. Physical bodies have endured \par
from 500 to over 1,000 years. They also state that if we \par
understood how to treat our earth bodies aright, even to\par
day they would last a minimum of 250 years. \par
Another fact worth noting is that it is not absolutely neces\par
sary for an individual to depart from a planet and leave his \par
physical body behind him to disintegrate. Some individ\par
uals learn how to take their bodies with them. In our \par
Christian Bible, Enoch, Elijah and Jesus all took their \par
bodies with them. It is our understanding that during this \par
new age certain advanced earthmen will, with the help of \par
their spacebrothers, learn how to accomplish this by rais\par
ing the vibratory frequency of their physical bodies, which \par
after all are constituted of energy. It is our sloweddown \par
vibratory frequency that binds us to physicality. \par
The advanced spacebeings do not \ldblquote die\rdblquote  and leave bodies \par
behind them because their manifestation of life is different, \par
and body manifestation is always under the control of \par
consciousness. By conscious control they create the body \par
they wish for any environment. They control its size, \par
weight, shape and other qualities. Thus there is no prob\par
lem of body durability in the higher spheres of life. \par
As a matter of fact there is no such thing as death on \par
any plane of consciousness. Leaving one plane coincides \par
with arriving on another plane. We have used the term \par
238 \par
\ldblquote bodyspan\rdblquote  instead of lifespan because the life span is \par
infinite. \ldblquote Death\rdblquote  is one of the most misunderstood phe\par
nomena connected with \ldblquote Life\rdblquote . The term is a misnomer. \par
Individual life is an individualization of the Eternal Source \par
of Life. It is individual consciousness, and its lifespark \par
cannot be extinguished. It is independent of bodies or \par
planets. Individual consciousness can go through all sorts \par
of experiences, and it can exist in many different states, \par
both physical and otherwise. It can enter a dream state, or \par
it can sleep and even go into periods of suspended anima\par
tion, either for days or eons of what we call time. It can \par
awake and live on the surface of planets, or it can live in \par
the higher frequencies of outerspace. It can manifest form, \par
or it can exist in an energy state. It can appear instantly in \par
the most distant places of the universe by teleportation. It \par
can progress, or it can retrograde in cosmic evolution. \par
Consciousness is the indestructible \ldblquote I Am\rdblquote  with unlim\par
ited freedom except for the Gosmic law of cause and effect. \par
It is free to initiate almost any cause, but it is responsible \par
for the effect. Therefore, it finally learns to use its freedom \par
and its powers of creation constructively and harmoniously, \par
with due regard to the creations of others. Thus in truth \par
none of us \ldblquote die\rdblquote l \par
This is such a controversial subject that at first we felt \par
disinclined to attempt to answer it. However, our own cur\par
iosity regarding it led us to pay particular attention to it \par
during our pilgrimage, and we decided it would not be \par
keeping faith as reporters to our readers if we failed to \par
report our findings. If these findings tread unkindly on \par
certain cherished orthodox beliefs we are sorry, but we \par
feel that all of us must expect some of our pet concepts to \par
go by the board in this new age as communication with \par
outerspace changes belief into cosmic knowledge. The \par
truth about many beliefs is now in the process of being \par
revealed to mankind. Once again, the spacebeings are not \par
239 \par
\ldblquote believers\rdblquote  but "knowers\rdblquote . \par
With reference to reembodiment we understand that it \par
is one type of life experience. Also it can be a very un\par
progressive type of life experience, when one stays on the \par
\ldblquote wheel of reembodiment\rdblquote  life after life for thousands of \par
years. Many of us have lived innumerable earth lives, but \par
our memory of them is blacked out with each new embodi\par
ment. Certain gifted individuals have the ability to discern \par
these past lives of their own and even of others. The higher \par
spacebeings also have this ability. \par
In order to progress back into the higher frequencies of \par
life, we must get off the wheel of reembodiment on earth. \par
In this new age the spacebeings will assist many who de\par
sire this. Fortunately, they state and we regard this as very \par
important, that reembodiment is not universal and it is \par
not necessarily automatic, nor are there any immutable \par
time periods for it. It depends on the individual. It is \par
a matter of individual consciousness and of conscious con\par
trol. Individuals can and do progress beyond it. Any strong \par
or powerful emotion such as hate, love or intense desire \par
for the things of this earth tends to bring an individual \par
back to earth through the cosmic action of reembodiment. \par
Conversely a willingness or desire to let go of threedi\par
mensional earthlife in all its aspects for something higher \par
is a potent factor in progress toward higher dimensions of \par
life. Individual desire is a very powerful thing in determin\par
ing individual life experience even in cosmic realms. No \par
wonder that one of the greatest teachings of the spacepeople \par
is that of "emotional control\rdblquote . This is our finding upon \par
this subject. If others disagree, that is their privilege. \par
This question intrigued us. We discussed it with many \par
new age thinkers and came up with some interesting ideas. \par
A number of saucer students feel definitely that the Bible \par
contains many references to both spacebeings and to space\par
240 \par
phenomena. For example they regard the following passage \par
from II Kings: 2, 1 1 as referring to a spacecraft experience: \par
"And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, \par
that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire . . . and \par
parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a \par
whirlwind into heaven\rdblquote . \par
Others think that the first chapter of Ezekial refers to fly\par
ing saucers when it speaks of \ldblquote a wheel in the middle of a \par
wheel\rdblquote . They regard this chapter as describing either a \par
sighting or a contact with flying saucers made by the an\par
cient prophet over 2500 years ago. \par
More interesting still was the fact that many students \par
believe that the Master Jesus was a spaceman in the very \par
highest sense of the word. That is, he came to earth from \par
a higher frequency of life to live among men and help \par
teach them the way back \ldblquote home\rdblquote . They believe when he \par
spoke of \ldblquote many mansions\rdblquote  he referred to the many inhabit\par
able planets and to life in outerspace. Like other advanced \par
spacemen he was a master of energy, which means that he \par
was a master of what we call matter, space and time, and \par
he controlled the qualification of universal energy to pro\par
duce certain effects. \par
When he turned water into wine, this was in keeping \par
with his mastery over universal energy out of which all \par
things are made. When he healed the sick he changed the \par
discordant or misdirected qualification of life energy by \par
the sick person, back into harmonious qualification. When \par
he walked upon the water he employed a form of levitation. \par
When he fed the multitude he employed the principle of \par
precipitation. \par
When he entered a ship as described in John 6, 21 "and \par
immediately the ship was at the land whither they went\rdblquote , \par
he employed the cosmic principle of teleportation or in\par
stantaneous travel. When he passed through closed doors \par
he "transcended\rdblquote  temporarily and then "emerged\rdblquote , the \par
same cosmic principle as is used by spaceships. In his \par
ascension he raised the vibratory frequency of his body until \par
241 \par
it entered a higher dimension of life above the range of \par
awareness of our physical senses. \par
These students also feel that the spaceships have come in \par
accordance with biblical prophecy and that the "angels\rdblquote  \par
and "heavenly host\rdblquote  of the Bible correspond to the space\par
beings. After a period of tribulation on earth which has \par
already begun and a great housecleaning, they believe \par
there will come a great millenial period when the meek \emdash  \par
the peaceful souls who are obedient to the highest cosmic \par
teachings \emdash  will indeed inherit the earth. In view of the \par
necessity of our reconciling religion and science, we feel \par
that these views are indeed noteworthy. \par
The answer should be obvious to independent thinkers. \par
On the earth today there are approximately 280 different \par
and distinct religious sects, each with its own view of truth, \par
its own dogmas and its own "beliefs\rdblquote . And how do these \par
groups view one another? With tolerance and brotherly \par
love? No. Most of them eye each other with superior con\par
tempt, each one claiming some superiority of knowledge, \par
power or deific favor \emdash  or some exclusiveness or monopoly \par
of truth or \ldblquote salvation\rdblquote . What a picture from the cosmic \par
viewpoint of the great spacebeings is our failure in unity, \par
charity and brotherhoodl \ldblquote You believe my way and then \par
weshall have unity and salvation\rdblquote  is the dictum of each \par
individual group. It would be amusing, if it were not for \par
the fanaticism, violence and tragedy behind this picture \par
of religious intolerance, disunity, exclusiveness and super\par
stitition. \par
They tell us that many great teachers have been sent to \par
earth but that this civilization has never lived up to their \par
teachings. For example the true teachings of the Master \par
Jesus they state have never been taught to the people as a \par
whole. They have, however, been known and taught in a \par
few retreats in the world known only to certain advanced  \par
souls. These teachings combine science and religion and \par
include mastery over energy and matter. They also point \par
out that earth religions have as a whole failed to save man \par
from his own destructive creations. During past ages earth \par
religions have been responsible for some of the worst wars \par
and greatest crimes in history. \par
Open minded religionists and thinkers can learn a great \par
deal from the spacebeings. For one thing they can be as\par
sured of the continuity of life and the cosmic fact that \par
life is consciousness which never dies. There exists an im\par
portant relationship between consciousness and outerspace \par
and between consciousness and energy or matter. Time \par
also is a phenomenon of consciousness. Consciousness is \par
superior to all, but it must have something to be conscious \par
of. It therefore creates energy, and out of energy it forms \par
\ldblquote things\rdblquote  to be conscious of. This creative activity of con\par
sciousness takes place in an eternal "now\rdblquote  and an eternal \par
"here\rdblquote  which in threedimensional life appear to be "time\rdblquote  \par
and "place\rdblquote . \par
Man is a creator on every plane of consciousness. Our \par
failure to recognize this cosmic truth is little less than ap\par
palling. Every thought and every feeling of man right here \par
on earth creates an activity in space. What we call \ldblquote nature\rdblquote  \par
gives back to man his own creations. As we sow so shall we \par
reap. This is the cosmic law of cause and effect, and it has \par
tremendous cumulative effects throughout cycles of time. \par
In the higher life of the spacebeings they do not permit \par
themselves to think or feel anything which is discordant \par
because they know it will manifest as reality or experience. \par
They are masters because they control consciousness. On \par
earth we have both individually and collectively lost con\par
trol of our thoughts and our feelings, and thus we constantly \par
create the discord in which we live without realizing that we \par
are the creators of it. This is a bitter pill for the human \par
mind, but we now face the cumulative effect of centuries of \par
destructive human thoughts and feelings. We are beyond \par
human help and that is why millions of spacebeings have \par
gathered to help us. \par
Consciousness operates in many octaves of vibratory fre\par
quency, and physical life represents a blackout of conscious\par
ness \emdash  a narrowing of awareness and memory to threedi\par
mensional life only. The way out of physical life back into \par
the higher dimensions is through a wakingup process or a \par
release of the fixation or hypnoticstate which earth life \par
represents. The spacebeings will assist those who long for \par
such release in this new age. Thus their coming is recog\par
nized as a thing of joy and salvation by those who desire to \par
progress on a cosmic scale. \par
As we see it the development of modern metaphysics is \par
supported by the spacebeings as a great step upward to\par
ward cosmic truth. It represents a noteworthy bridging of \par
the gap between science and religion, a gap which for cen\par
turies has been the difficulty with many orthodox religions. \par
In many respects the scientists of today seem nearer to cos\par
mic truth than the orthodox religionist. The trouble with \par
the scientists is that many of them are out of balance, and \par
their progress in cosmic love and wisdom lags far behind \par
their growing mastery of matter. \par
All the modern religious teachings which emphasize the \par
Science of Religion or the \ldblquote I am that I am\rdblquote  or the \ldblquote Self\par
relization\rdblquote  of the dominion of individual consciousness over \par
external circumstances are a great step forward out of the \par
limitations of orthodoxy. Numerous individuals are learn\par
ing to heal sickness, poverty and all manner of inharmony \par
through the teachings of metaphysics. \par
It is also encouraging to note that here and there some \par
orthodox teachings are beginning to sound like beginner\rquote s \par
lessons in metaphysics. The modern interest in psychology \par
and parapsychology is also encouraging. But true psychology\par
 becomes metaphysics, and metaphysics must enlarge its \par
concepts and take in parapsychology and the hidden truths \par
of the Eastern seers and of the spacebeings before it becomes \par
cosmic. Metaphysics has accomplished a great deal, but \par
where is the metaphysician who has reached an understand\par
ing of the relationship of consciousness to energy, or the \par
cosmic truth that life\rquote s manifestations occur in octaves of \par
vibratory frequencies? \par
From our analysis, the teachings of the spacebeings ap\par
pear to support many of the principles taught in oriental \par
philosophies by seers of the Far East. Unfortunately these \par
hidden gems of cosmic truth are little known or under\par
stood in our Western civilizations. The spacebeings also \par
support the original teachings of all the great masters but \par
state that most of them have been so watered down by man \par
that they are hardly recognizable. \par
Western religionists are forever trying to get hold of \par
\ldblquote absolute truths\rdblquote  and to reduce infinite life to a few dog\par
matic statements of truth. In the Oriental philosophies \par
the relative nature of most truths is far better understood. \par
Most truths are relative due to the fact that \ldblquote as a man \par
thinketh, so is he.\rdblquote  To put it another way, that which an \par
individual accepts as \ldblquote absolute\rdblquote  reality at any given period \par
of his progress \emdash  that which he accepts as true \emdash  is reality \par
to him at that time. It is not necessarily reality to another. \par
Each individual makes his own \ldblquote reality\rdblquote  at any given peri\par
od by his thoughts and feelings, thus proving the funda\par
mental truth that man, individual consciousness, is a cre\par
ator \emdash  the creator of his own individual world consisting \par
of what he is conscious of. If he is only conscious of limita\par
tions and discord, these qualities externalize themselves \par
as his life\rquote s reality or experience. If he is conscious of har\par
mony, beauty and abundance, these qualities become his ex\par
perience. If he is only conscious of threedimensional life, \par
he is what we call a human being. If his consciousness is \par
expanded to include life in higher frequencies \emdash  higher \par
planes of consciousness \emdash  he becomes a \ldblquote spaceman\rdblquote  to the \par
exact extent of that expansion of consciousness. In other \par
words he is less limited in his consciousness of total exist\par
ence. Our failure to understand this relationship of con\par
sciousness to reality is a potent factor in keeping us earth\par
bound. \par
In certain Oriental teachings, what we in the West love \par
to call \ldblquote reality\rdblquote  they call a \ldblquote dream\rdblquote , or an \ldblquote illusion\rdblquote  or \par
\ldblquote maya\rdblquote . While this concept in general simply flabbergasts \par
the Western mind, nevertheless when once understood it \par
is logical, illuminating and helpful. It is a recognition \par
which Western culture would do well to note, that con\par
sciousness produces its own \ldblquote reality\rdblquote  \emdash  but it is not a fixed \par
reality because the producing or accepting consciousness, if \par
it understands this principle, can change this \ldblquote reality\rdblquote  or \par
outward experience at any time by a certain inward ac\par
tion of controlled thought and feeling. This is the mastery \par
of outerexperience which we have lost and must regain if \par
we wish to progress beyond the limitations of physical life. \par
The understanding of the Oriental term \ldblquote dream\rdblquote  for \par
outward reality or circumstance or experience and the \par
term \ldblquote dreamer\rdblquote  for the individual consciousness is a definite \par
step toward the regaining of our mastery of life. Mastery \par
is the inward control of outer experience \emdash  mental manip\par
ulation of what we call energy or matter \emdash  in the attain\par
ment of which many of our spacebrothers are far in ad\par
vance of us. However, they assure us that in time we will \par
regain our lost powers along this line. We have temporarily \par
forgotten that we are the \ldblquote dreamer\rdblquote  and not the \ldblquote dream\rdblquote . \par
We have forgotten how to \ldblquote wakeup\rdblquote  out of the limiting \par
dream of threedimensional life. We are calling atten\par
tion to this principle because of its importance. To under\par
stand once again the relationship of consciousness to reality \par
and experience and to regain control of consciousness is to \par
grasp the very keys to freedom. I am the dreamer. I am \par
never the dream. I control the dream! Such concepts are \par
the highway back to attainment. This is the very basis of \par
the greater mastery and greater fredeom of our brothers \par
and sisters in outerspace. \par
Does all this mean that those sincere religionists who are \par
filled with reverence, worship, faith and hope will not \par
find justification because they know nothing beyond the \par
limited teachings of a certain creed or group to which \par
they belong? No, indeed. We do not think this at all. Every \par
bit of reverence, faith and hope, every upward or unselfish \par
desire or longing, every reaching out for the perfection, \par
happiness and beauty of life will certainly find its own jus\par
tification. \par
In the larger view all paths lead up the mountain. Some \par
choose the high road and some the low road. Some even \par
choose the black path of error and the long and painful \par
evolution of resistance to cosmic truth. But all of us came \par
from the \ldblquote Light\rdblquote , and return to it we must \emdash  sometime, \par
somehow. \par
There is a cosmic law of justice always and forever in \par
operation. The seeds sown in consciousness today produce \par
the reality of tomorrow for each and every one of us in\par
dividually. Salvation is always an individual matter. Even \par
salvation on the most narrow, intolerant and exclusive basis \par
will be justified. But while the individual who has pro\par
jected exclusive salvation for himself or his group while \par
denying it to others is reaping his narrow reward, it is \par
very possible that the \ldblquote outcast\rdblquote  will be reaping a greater \par
reward because the outcast may have had a broader view \par
of salvation and of universal brotherhood. Some day all \par
the sons of God\rdblquote  will learn that \ldblquote all that I have is thine\rdblquote  \par
\emdash  all that the One Great Consciousness has created belongs \par
to all individual consciousness everywhere. \par
This particular earth civilization is a destructive civilization \par
which glories in killing enemies. It started back cen\par
times ago when some ancestor of ours picked up a stone \par
and killed his enemy. He thought that killing was a positive \par
method of disposing of his enemy. Even so today many of \par
our most \ldblquote civilized\rdblquote  and "intelligent\rdblquote  earthmen believe \par
that killing enemies is a normal and natural way of dis\par
posing of them for good and all. But what actually hap\par
pened to our primitive ancestor? His enemy did not die \par
because there is literally no such thing as death. Only that \par
part of his enemy which was visible to the human senses \par
disappeared temporarily. The enemy went temporarily \par
into another dimension of life, possibly with hatred and \par
revenge engraved on his indestructible consciousness. This \par
very hatred brought him quickly back to earth through \par
cosmic reembodiment, and he went forth to even the score \par
\emdash  to kill some enemies himself. The stone in time became \par
a club, a spear, a catapult, a cannon, T.N.T., a bomb and \par
now an atombomb or guided missile. That is the pat\par
tern of this round of civilization \emdash  caught in the hypnotic \par
spell of killing enemies as the only safe and sane method \par
of defense, of disposing of one\rquote s enemies. In the last 3600 \par
years we understand there have been 14,000 wars on earth! \par
Man always manages to find a rationalization and a justifi\par
cation for all of his violations of cosmic harmony. \par
Killing enemies has been and still is the ruling mania, \par
the outstanding psychosis of this round of earth \ldblquote civiliza\par
tion\rdblquote . Bigger and better killing methods, for defense of \par
course, is the goal and the preoccupation of this civilization. \par
Does anyone doubt this? Let us consider the financial em\par
phasis on killing alone. To this effort to \ldblquote kill enemies first \par
before they kill you\rdblquote  many nations are allocating over half \par
of their tax income. Today when we consider what the \par
nations of the earth are spending for killing potential \par
enemies we have quite a picture of a civilization that is out \par
of balance. We are not criticising any human action by any \par
nation. We are presenting the cosmic picture which our \par
civilization presents to the spacebeings who have not \par
known war for thousands, yes even millions of years. They \par
calmly tell us we are the only planet left in our entire solar \par
system which has not discovered a substitute for war. \par
What we need is psychoanalysis and psychiatric treat\par
ment on a cosmic scale. We are slow learners and time is \par
running out on this civilization. After centuries of oppor\par
tunity we still do not understand the cosmic law of cause \par
and effect. We do not even understand basic metaphysics. \par
Which came first an enemy or the mental concept of a \par
brother as an enemy? In the correct cosmic answer to this \par
question lies the key to our escape from annihilation at the \par
hands of our own destructive creations. For centuries we \par
have been creating \ldblquote enemies\rdblquote  in two dimensions of life by \par
our attention, our thoughts, our feelings and our acts. \par
Will we never learn that we are creators! Until we learn \par
the cosmic secret of stopping this vicious chainreaction at \par
its source \emdash  in the realm of our thoughts, our concepts \par
and our feelings \emdash  we shall never escape our enemies or the \par
necessity of killing them before they kill us. \par
Destruction breeds destruction. We experience that which \par
we create. Creating destruction eventually enfolds the \par
creator in his own destructive creation. Now we on earth \par
are at the crossroads. The inevitable consequences of our \par
throwing the weight of our creative abilities into destruc\par
tion for centuries past has finally reached its inevitable cli\par
max. This civilization has achieved its goal of magnificent \par
destruction, a destruction so perfect, so complete, that its \par
usage will destroy the user. What else, in the name of cosmic \par
law did we expect? \par
Does this mean that the democracies of the world, which \par
despite all their faults are nevertheless supporting the fun\par
damentally correct cosmic idea of individual liberty, should \par
suddenly lay down their arms, and open themselves to \par
extermination by the antidemocratic forces of the earth? \par
Certainly not! That would not be intelligent action eith\par
er from a human or a cosmic viewpoint. But it does mean \par
that all mankind everywhere must sincerely seek and must \par
find and utilize a substitute for killing enemies before \par
our own destructive tendencies wipe us all from the \par
surface of the planet. This is not something impossible to \par
find because our elder brothers found it ages ago. If we \par
had devoted ten percent of the attention and effort which \par
we have spent on destruction to sincerely seeking a sub\par
stitute for war and using it, we would not be in our present \par
predicament. \par
We have been looking high and low for destructive ener\par
gy, destructive radiations. Why do we not look high and \par
low for constructive radiations and put them to use. For \par
every action there is a reaction. We know this. Thus \par
the very destructiveness of atomic radiation points to the \par
existence of an equally powerful constructive radiation. \par
This constructive radiation is in existence, but we must re\par
discover it and put it to use ourselves. There is a cosmic \par
radiation or ray which, acting as a powerful cosmic cata\par
lyst, actually makes possible the harmonizing of the most \par
antagonistic activities of man. It actually nullifies hatreds \par
and antagonisms. It takes away even the desire to be \par
destructive. It turns enemies into brothers. Every great \par
master or teacher knows of it. So do our spacebrothers. We \par
must seek this radiation more diligently than we have the \par
atom bomb. We must find it and put it to use quickly be\par
fore it is too late. \par
P art of the saucer interest we found was in connection \par
with prophecies and the desire to know the future of \par
this earth and the relation of the spacebeings to fu\par
ture events. In order to understand this phase of saucer \par
interest, we spent considerable time acquainting ourselves \par
with various prophetic writings. We studied the Bible pro\par
phecies, the Pyramid, the Nostradamus prophecies and \par
many religious prophecies and other ancient and modern \par
prophecies of both individuals and groups, including some \par
received by O.S.C. \par
Some of these prophecies referred specifically to the \par
coming of the spacepeople. Others were of a more \par
general nature and referred more to great changes coming \par
to the earth and to a great new age. Nevertheless many \par
saucer students are vitally interested in prophetic messages \par
both modern and ancient. \par
One thing impressed us tremendously. We actually \par
found people who were terribly frightened by certain pro\par
phecies. Also we found some who were actually trying to \par
run away from destruction or from the localities which \par
they believed were destined for destruction in accordance \par
with various prophecies. These people were not ignorant \par
or uneducated human beings. Far from it. Some of them \par
were highly educated individuals. We also found a few \par
scared people who were building retreats not because they \par
were influenced by prophecies but because of their fear \par
of the atom bomb, but that is another story. \par
Regarding the people who were running away from \par
potential cataclysms, most of them wanted to get away from \par
big cities and from geographical faultlines and from low \par
areas because of their fear of earthquakes and floods. This \par
seemed to us to be an appalling situation. In the name of \par
reason and common sense, what we asked ourselves \emdash  was \par
 the answer to all this fear and running away? What repre\par
sented a constructive, worthwhile and helpful answer or \par
even a good working philosophy regarding these prophecies \par
and the fear they engendered. We hope that the following \par
remarks may be of practical help to some of our readers, \par
particularly those who may be suffering from such fears. \par
We shall try to present the best and most constructive ap\par
proach which we were able to find on this matter of prophe\par
cies and disasters. \par
The coming of the saucers has revived many ancient pro\par
phecies that the end of the world is at hand and has also \par
spawned many new dire predictions along this line. We \par
are now referring to those prophecies which declare the im\par
minent destruction of the planet earth itself. \par
We have discovered an interesting way of dealing with \par
fearful prophecies which we would like to pass on to our \par
readers. It is this: The more frightening and horrible a \par
prophecy is, the more we insist on knowing all the harrow\par
ing details. Do not be afraid of the bloodcurdling details. \par
View them with detachment. Pin the prophet down. Let \par
him talk. Never let him get away with indefinite predictions \par
or vague forebodings. Insist on specific facts, events and \par
dates. Get the boundaries of the prophecy. Put a frame \par
around it. Classify it. Every prophecy has its limitations \par
and every false prophet sooner or later runs out of windl \par
Try this sometime. It is a sure defense against becoming \par
the victim of a fearful prophecy. Remember no prophecy \par
can hurt you unless you permit yourself to fear it. \par
From this point of view let us take a good straight look \par
at the "end of the world\rdblquote  prophecies. The first thing to \par
note is that there is nothing new about such prophecies. \par
Religious groups and individuals have been foretelling the \par
end of the world for many centuries. Recently the advent \par
of saucers has simply given them a new peg on which to \par
hang their predictions and a new means of gaining public \par
attention and unhappy converts. Every so often all through \par
different generations, certain groups have declared the end \par
of the world on a certain date, sold all their earthly pos\par
sessions, dressed in white robes and cheerfully \emdash  usually \par
with hymn singing \emdash  awaited the end of the world which \par
never came. It was a little embarrassing for a while, and \par
some followers deserted these groups because they had been \par
misled by them. \par
However, after a lull such groups start up all over again \par
because as P. T. Barnum used to remark: "There is one \par
born every minute!'' Belief is a strange thing, but let us \par
remember that we individually always have something to \par
say about what we believe. If we accept this sort of thing \par
and fear it, then the prophet has us in his power. We must \par
then be prepared to bear the consequences of our acceptance \par
and belief and to live with the fears which go with it. \par
The reader is entitled to believe anything he wishes, but \par
may we state categorically that everything we learned in \par
our saucer research indicates that this planet is going to \par
remain a planet for many billions of years. Hence no one \par
need be concerned about its end at all. A planet is a \par
schoolroom from the viewpoint of the spacebeings who are \par
the Guardians of planets, and this particular planet is so \par
needed to teach mankind certain lessons that it will be \par
preserved at all costs, even if spaceship intervention be\par
comes necessary. The spacebeings are not a threat to \par
this planet but an assurance that man himself will not poi\par
son it beyond redemption. \par
Now let us look at prophecies concerning the total des\par
truction of man from this planet. This is an entirely dif\par
ferent matter from the destruction of the planet itself. \par
The latter will not take place. At least we have convinced \par
ourselves of this. The former depends entirely upon man \par
himself. It is man\rquote s privilege if he wishes, to destroy himself \par
physically from the earth. If he chooses this course, he will \par
in time return again and again until he finally learns the \par
lesson of the uselessness of destruction. Man\rquote s destruction \par
of himself from the earth is a possibility. A general atomic \par
war is all that is needed to accomplish this in a hurry. If \par
man decides on this course, there is no point in trying to \par
run away from this destruction. There is no place in which \par
to hide from atomic radiation. It cannot be confined to \par
any locality. It will spread around the earth and desolate \par
it until it is like the Sahara Desert. Water, food, vegetation, \par
rocks, soil, the entire good earth and its atmosphere will \par
vibrate to radiations which the human body simply can\par
not withstand. \par
So why try to run away from our homes, our friends, \par
our jobs \emdash  on this score? The place we run to will be \par
equally uninhabitable. It all depends on man. It can \par
happen quickly or it can happen slowly by the slow poi\par
soning of the earth by our scientists who insist they know \par
everything, although the space messages say they do not. \par
If we do not like this picture, it is up to us to do some\par
thing about it. We must impose restraints upon ourselves, \par
upon all nations and upon the scientists, and we must find \par
a substitute for this kind of defense. In our research we \par
have found no other answer. \par
Man after years of destruction has reached the cross\par
roads of his earthly existence. However, there is much \par
hope. In the last few years we have avoided a world\par
wide atomic war. Few realize how near we came to it, \par
but tensions are easing as this is being written. Let us hope \par
that this condition will continue, but the danger of slow \par
poisoning still remains. The fulfillment or negation of \par
the prophecy that man will destroy himself from the earth \par
depends upon man himself. Let us hope that earthman \par
will wakeup in time to the realization that the cosmic ul\par
imate of destruction is selfdestruction and that the only \par
salvation is selfimposed control and restraint. \par
254. \par
We found some very ancient and highly respected proph\par
ecies which we call the "remnant prophecies\rdblquote . They go \par
something like this: "Man will be destroyed from the \par
face of the earth but a remnant will be saved, and out of \par
this remnant will come the future inhabitants of the planet \par
in a New Age.\rdblquote  \par
If one studies the ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Le\par
muria, it appears that some such occurrence may have taken \par
place in the past. So far as we are concerned, if man elects \par
to try world suicide it may occur again. We have no objec\par
tion to the idea of a remnant being saved, none whatever. \par
In fact it seems to us to be a very nice conceptl \par
What irked us just a bit about these phophecies was the \par
size of the remnant and the obvious scramble for the seats \par
of salvation. One such prophecy mentions the figure of \par
144,000. Whether this be interpreted literally or figurative\par
ly might make quite a difference to the other 2,399,856,000 \par
people left out in the cold, assuming an earth population of \par
2.4 billion. \par
Nevertheless we did run across some groups which took \par
this matter most literally and most seriously. While we \par
certainly do not wish to interfere with anyone\rquote s sincere or \par
sacred beliefs, we were just a bit interested to observe that \par
this slightly limited plan of salvation invariably included \par
the members of the group \emdash  shall we say on the right side \par
of the ledger. Also it was intriguing to learn that several \par
such groups in different countries, unknown to each other, \par
have each already practically filled the quota! Somehow or \par
other the fact that we ourselves did not have reserved seats \par
in these groups did not seem to worry us. But we did re\par
joice that there were others who were fortunate enough to \par
be among the chosen few! \par
It may surprise our readers to learn that the consensus \par
of opinion among the saucer students was that we will have \par
storms, floods and earthquakes in the years and decades \par
ahead on an unprecedented scale. We are experiencing \par
some of these right now. One basic cause is the new radia\par
tion into which the earth has moved. This causes an ac\par
celerated melting of the polar ice caps and gives us an \par
\ldblquote Aquarian\rdblquote  or \ldblquote Water\rdblquote  Age. \par
Another basic cause of cataclysmic disturbances is vio\par
lent acts of what man calls \ldblquote Nature\rdblquote  or \ldblquote Acts of God . \par
However, we have learned that from a cosmic viewpoint \par
while these appear to man to be acts of Nature, they are \par
actually and basically manproduced disturbances which \par
come about through a sort of reflex of Nature. On more \par
advanced planets man has learned how to control the \par
weather and \ldblquote Nature\rdblquote  by harmonious thoughts, feelings \par
and peaceful mental activities. \par
On our planet, however, man for centuries has permitted \par
himself to project unrestrained thoughts into the atmos\par
phere and to express uncontrolled feelings of irritation, \par
hatred, jealousy, inharmony, violence and destruction. Man \par
is a creator and always has been, and his every thought and \par
feeling qualifies the energy which flows through him. This \par
destructively qualified energy of man has for centuries flow\par
ed out into the energy surrounding man and the earth and \par
into the energy out of which the planet and its atmosphere \par
is formed. This outflowing has created stresslines and \par
tensions in what we call Nature or the Elements. This \par
process of miscreation has a longrange cumulative effect \par
of which earthman is ignorant. \par
In many a message, the great spacebeings have pointed \par
out that Nature always gives back to man, through long\par
time cycles, his own creations. These inharmonious and \par
destructive thought creations of man are now in the process \par
of returning to him in the form of violent storms, floods, \par
and earthquakes. He has no one to blame for this but him\par
self and his ignorance of cosmic law. For centuries man \par
has been \ldblquote asking for it\rdblquote . We are now entering a new age, \par
and this phenomenon is a part of this new cycle. The \par
chickens are coming home to roost. These things will take \par
place, and they will take their toll. This is part of the \par
housecleaning process which initiates a new age. In these \par
events Nature knows its own, and salvation as always is an \par
individual and a spiritual matter \emdash  a matter of our in\par
dividual attunement to the harmony of Life. There is no \par
such thing as cosmic injustice. \par
Yes. We understand that this is true. The bed of the \par
Pacific Ocean is now in the process of rising to form the \par
New Age Continent and so also are portions of the floor \par
of the Atlantic. There will be vast changes in the geography \par
of the earth. If this seems utterly fantastic to some, it is \par
only because most of us live in abject ignorance of long\par
range cosmic activities. They are not things of common \par
knowledge because they require a cosmic perspective which \par
few people make the effort to acquire. Most of us are \par
only interested in cycles of a few years\rquote  duration. Few in\par
deed are trained to think in terms of periods of a hundred \par
thousand years or of a million years. \par
Does this rising of the ocean floors represent a frighten\par
ing event, a terrible impending catastrophe for mankind? \par
No, it does not for three cosmic reasons. First, it is a very \par
slow operation, and it will take decades to complete. Sec\par
ond, it is a controlled operation under the supervision of \par
the planetary Guardians. Finally, it is a cosmically bene\par
ficent activity. It is part of a longtime cycle of purifica\par
tion which is common to planets or cosmic schoolrooms. \par
As previously pointed out, the earth is not a dead thing \par
of lifeless rocks and minerals as most of us assume it is. It \par
is a living unit of cosmic evolution with a destiny of its \par
own. Through long term cycles, dry lands become oceans \par
and oceans become dry lands. After thousands of years un\par
der salt water the lands are thus purified for further habi\par
tation. The schoolroom is thus renovated and made ready \par
for new pupils. There is no point in becoming disturbed \par
by these longtime changes. They are controlled in the \par
best interests of the planets and their inhabitants. \par
Yes, we understand this civilization is ending \emdash  dying if \par
you wish \emdash  but the ending or dying of a civilization is not \par
a matter of the sudden death of all the inhabitants of a \par
planet. The ending of a civilization means the ending of \par
the ways in which a civilization acts \emdash  its manner of doing \par
things, its customs, institutions and modes of living. In \par
this sense, this civilization is dying. We are going into a new \par
age, and the way we do things, our mode of life will be \par
different and better. \par
One process by which this is occurring is by the normal \par
life and death cycle with which we are all familiar. Every\par
day some people pass on, and new babies are born. The \par
point is that in the new age, the quality of the babies will \par
be much higher. The unprogressive people, those who re\par
sist progress and higher development, are passing on and \par
new age souls are coming into birth to possess the planet. \par
Some saucerers estimate that there are already about ten \par
million new age souls here on earth by the birth processs, \par
and the number is daily increasing. Another phase of this \par
process is the great influx of higher and finer ideas and \par
ideals. Man\rquote s thoughts, concepts and mental processes are \par
undergoing great improvement. The old order along with \par
many of its shortcomings in every branch of life, is dying \par
and new age souls motivated by higher ideals and capable \par
of making a much finer civilization on earth are flooding in. \par
We feel it is very unfortunate indeed if people permit \par
themselves to become upset or frightened by fearful proph\par
ecies in connection with the coming of the spaceships. Un\par
doubtedly there is some great cosmic event in the offing, and \par
various concepts of this are presented in the last chapter. \par
But the problem is not the spacepeople. They will do \par
their part in helping us. The problem is mankind and what \par
man will do in the decades ahead. There are many false \par
prophets in evidence these days, and many are being de\par
ceived by them. Fear is a terrible thing in itself and must \par
be avoided. We hope that the following fact may help al\par
lay fear due to certain prophecies. Over seventy percent \par
of the fearful prophecies which we studied and which in\par
corporated definite dates for great catastrophes have not \par
come true, and some of these were from what many people \par
consider the most authentic and reliable of sourcesl Why \par
fear prophecies of destruction? If great emergencies arise \par
let us meet them when and if they transpire. Let us keep \par
calm. Let us remember the saying, \ldblquote The only thing to fear \par
is fear itself 1 \rdblquote  This is no idle point. If millions of earth\par
men start focusing their attention, their thoughts and feel\par
ings upon fearful disasters, they will put into effect cosmic \par
forces which will tend to bring them about. \par
Regarding our advanced brothers and sisters in the \par
spaceships, once we understand that they are coming in \par
love and brotherhood to help us avoid mistakes and to \par
help usher us into a great new age, this should not be a \par
cause of fear but of great rejoicing. Not all of the prophecies \par
of the future are dire and foreboding. Many of them refer \par
to a glorious new age in which the finest hopes and longings \par
of mankind shall be fulfilled. We are now witnessing the \par
start of this great age. Why not dwell on these things? And \par
whatever events take shape in the future, the presence of \par
our elder brothers in the spaceships is a constant reminder \par
to us that we are never alone, and that help on high \emdash  even \par
on a cosmic scale \emdash  awaits us if we need it. What an in\par
teresting and glorious time to be alive upon this earth! \par
on our pilgrimage we were amazed to find widespread \par
reference to a great \ldblquote New Age\rdblquote . Everywhere we \par
found people in all walks of life talking about the \par
\ldblquote New Age\rdblquote . Among the humble and inarticulate it took \par
the form of a feeling rather than words, a feeling of great \par
expectancy \emdash  an expectancy of mighty changes ahead in \par
the world. Among the articulate, it took on more definite \par
forms of expression extending into scientific, philosophical, \par
religious and prophetic concepts. The flying saucer fraternity is alive with enthusiasm for new age concepts. \par
What is the meaning of it all \emdash  this widespread feeling, \par
belief and even conviction of a mighty new era into which \par
our earth is heading? What unseen forces of intuition, in\par
spiration and spontaneous knowledge are at work prepar\par
ing mankind everywhere for coming changes on a cosmic \par
scale? The situation fascinated us. We have studied it from \par
every possible angle in order to educate ourselves on what \par
is going on. In the paragraphs which follow we shall try \par
briefly to share with our readers a sort of composite word \par
picture of this New Age which we have found dawning in \par
the minds and hearts of mankind everywhere we have gone. \par
Our picture has been pieced together from so many sources, \par
from both individuals and groups, that it would be im\par
practical to pinpoint all the sources or segregate their in\par
dividual contributions. Let us now look at some of the de\par
tails of this composite picture of the great "New Age\rdblquote  on \par
earth. \par
Is there such a thing as a New Age? Definitely yes! Man\rquote s \par
view of life on earth is limited to spans of a few decades. \par
His knowledge of history only goes back a few thousands of \par
years at most. From a cosmic viewpoint, however, life exists \par
in vast cycles of what man calls \ldblquote time\rdblquote . Everything in life \par
goes through cycles of existence, even planets, suns, solar sys\par
260 \par
terns and galaxies \emdash  but some of these cycles extend into \par
thousands and millions of years of time as we know it. Every\par
thing has a cosmic destiny, a birth, an evolution, a passing \par
and a rebirth, and these events occur in great cosmic cycles. \par
A New Age, or a Golden Age as it is often called on this \par
planet, is a recurring event, a cycle of some thousands \par
of earth years. During a Golden Age the planet itself and \par
all of the life it supports go through an accelerated period \par
of cosmic progress, a definite stepup in physical, mental \par
and spiritual evolvement. \par
A Golden Age is a tremendous thing. It represents chang\par
es in every phase of planetary existence. A planet is not a \par
dead \ldblquote thing\rdblquote , as we have said before. It is a living body \par
with an evolving life of its own, and during a Golden Age \par
it undergoes vast changes. Every form of mineral, animal, \par
vegetable and human life upon it also goes through vast \par
changes. Thus a planetary Golden Age has many inter\par
woven aspects, phases and ramifications. \par
Many synonyms are now in use to refer to this particular \par
New Age and they represent the various aspects or phases. \par
Examples of these synonyms and what we have learned \par
about a few of them are as follows: \par
1. The New Age, \par
2. The New Era,\par
3. The Atomic Age, \par
4. The Aquarian Age \par
or Water Age, \par
5. Pisces to Aquarius, \par
6. The Cosmic Age, \par
7. Entering a Higher,\par
8. Entering a Higher \par
Radiation. \par
9. Higher Frequency. \par
We have already entered. \par
10. Entering a New \par
11. A New Dimension of \par
Time. \par
12. The Golden Age. \par
13. The Mental Age.\par
14. The Spiritual Age. \par
15. A Higher Plane Of \par
Consciousness. \par
16. The Age Of Progress. \par
17. The Age Of Glory. \par
18. The Millennium. \par
this New Age. We are now in \par
it. When did it start? From one prophetic point of view, \par
it started on August 23, 1953, the date assigned by certain \par
Pyramidologists to the grand corridor in the Great Pyramid \par
of Egypt when it comes to a dead end against a blank wall. \par
Since the New Age is synonymous with the Atomic Age, \par
another date may be taken as that of the Hiroshima Bomb \par
event on August 6, 1945, which was irrefutable evidence to \par
the entire universe that earth man had entered the \ldblquote Atomic \par
Age\rdblquote  \emdash  for better or for worse. How long will this Golden \par
Age last? The best replies seem to indicate that it will last \par
from 800 to 1,000 years. The latter figure corresponds to \par
the "millennium\rdblquote  of the Christian Bible. In fact the word \par
\ldblquote millennium\rdblquote  literally means a thousand year period. \par
The synonym Atomic Age refers primarily to the scien\par
tific and physical aspects of the New Age. But to regard \par
scientific changes and progress as the entirety of the char\par
acteristics of the New Age is to underestimate the vastness \par
and far reaching nature of impending events. Even as re\par
gards this scientific aspect, we entered the Atomic Age \par
\ldblquote backwards\rdblquote  so to speak. In other words, we have devel\par
oped this advanced scientific knowledge on a destructive \par
note rather than on a constructive note. At the present \par
time, however, as this book is being written, there are many \par
encouraging indications of man\rquote s turning to the construc\par
tive usages of this knowledge. \par
Even though we pride ourselves greatly on this new found \par
scientific knowledge, there is very little to justify such \par
pride. In the first place it is only a rediscovery of what was \par
known by man on this earth thousands of years ago. Sec\par
ondly, our present state of unbalanced knowledge \emdash  our \par
lack of wisdom in relation to our new scientific achieve\par
ments \emdash  is a threat to all present life on this planet: min\par
eral, vegetable, animal and human life alike. \par
If we do not heed the warnings of our spacebrothers we \par
may turn the first part of the \ldblquote Golden Age\rdblquote  into an age \par
of destruction. This can come about through the quick \par
suicide of an all out atomic war, or through slow poisoning \par
of our land, water, and atmosphere and our food sources \par
by atomic experiments and \ldblquote peacetime\rdblquote  uses of atomic ener\par
gy in the form we have developed it. In the near future \par
mankind all around the world will have to make up its \par
mind if it is going to trust the bland assertions of the govern\par
ments and scientists now in control of atomic energy as to \par
the harmlessness of its use in experiments and conven\par
tional war weapons and war games and in peaceful uses. \par
Or is mankind everywhere going to wake up in time and \par
respect and heed the warnings of the spacebeings whose \par
experience, perspective and wisdom far exceed our own. \par
Every such warning which we have investigated indicates \par
that we have not even learned how to dispose harmlessly \par
of atomic waste from our bomb manufacture and that we \par
should seek other and less destructive energy differentials \par
for peacetime uses. \par
It is also more and more evident that our present scien\par
tific progress toward man\rquote s mastery over matter is only one \par
step toward the ultimate goal, in which man is wisdom and \par
love regains his direct mental control over universal energy \par
or matter and will not misuse this power. This should be \par
our real goal rather than that of more and more destructive \par
atomic energy. If mankind can wake up in time and stop \par
his concentration on the development of destructive energy \par
this will give us the opportunity we so badly need to search \par
for and develop new and harmless types of universal energy \par
which will do everything for us and more than can be ex\par
pected from the destructive variety. \par
In this constructive manner man could go into the Golden \par
Age with far greater scientific assistance from the spacebe\par
ings than would otherwise be possible. Our destructive ten\par
dencies are the main reasons which prevent us from receiv\par
ing swift scientific help directly from these advanced be\par
ings in outerspace. At present we cannot be trusted with \par
more knowledge. A Golden Age is not \ldblquote Golden\rdblquote  to man \par
without his cooperation. \par
The synonym Cosmic Age concerns the astronomical or \par
cosmic aspects of the New Age. A New Age has an astro\par
nomical or cosmic phase which coincides with a longterm \par
cosmic cycle. For thousands of years our entire solarsys\par
tem has been speeding through \ldblquote space\rdblquote  at more than 166,\par
000 miles per hour. A body cannot move at this pace for \par
thousands of years and not \ldblquote get some place\rdblquote  even in the \par
vastness of outerspace. We are now \ldblquote getting someplace\rdblquote , \par
we are arriving. We are arriving at a new location in the \par
heavens which puts us and our entire solar system under \par
the radiation of an enormous sun. In fact the synonym \par
\ldblquote Golden Age\rdblquote  comes from the concept of the golden radia\par
tion of this great sun. Likewise the concepts of our entering a higher \ldblquote vibration\rdblquote  or higher \ldblquote frequency\rdblquote  come from \par
this new proximity of this great sun and its radiation. It \par
is well recognized by many scientific minds that all plane\par
tary life directly and indirectly depends upon the nature \par
of the energy radiating from the planetary sun. In this \par
case, both our planetary sun and all its planets will fall \par
under this new radiation. Since this radiation is at a dif\par
ferent frequency and has a different character than our \par
sunlight, it will affect our entire planet and all life upon \par
it. It will affect man physically, mentally, and spiritually. \par
This is the astronomical or cosmic aspect of the New Age. \par
(See chapter 27 "The earth as a spaceship\rdblquote ). \par
Many individuals looking upon the distressing things \par
to be seen on the earth in our present day li c e exclaim: \ldblquote I \par
do not see anything very rosy or golden about this age. In \par
fact the world seems to be in a terrible messl\rdblquote  \ldblquote Well\rdblquote , \par
reply the students of such things, "that may be so, but this \par
new age will last for almost one thousand years, and what \par
you are now seeing is only the start of it. The first part is \par
the housecleaning stage, and even this stage may last for \par
a few centuries.\rdblquote  \par
The housecleaning phase, they explain, takes place in \par
many ways, some obvious and some not so obvious. The \par
single greatest factor in cosmic housecleaning comes about \par
through the natural birth and death processes referred to \par
in the previous chapter. Few people on this earth at pres\par
ent live to be more than 70 years of age. If there were no \par
incoming souls for the next 70 years, the present breed of \par
mankind now upon the earth the type of mankind which \par
for centuries has been responsible for the world\rquote s discords \par
and inharmonies \emdash  this breed would be practically elimi\par
nated. In this New Age, however, births will not stop, but \par
as previously stated the quality of the souls being born into \par
the world will be greatly improved as a whole. There will \par
of course be individual exceptions, but as a whole they are \par
and will be \ldblquote New Age\rdblquote  souls born with what it takes phys\par
ically, mentally and spiritually to do their part in produc\par
ing the Golden Age. They will not have the resistance which \par
their parents manifest toward that which is new, contrac\par
tive, progressive, beautiful and spiritual. Space ships, space\par
travel, spacebrothers, and the brotherhood of man will be \par
as much of a norm to them as war and destructive atom \par
bombs are to us. \par
This, however, is not the only factor in the cosmic house\par
cleaning now in progress. The increasing vibratory fre\par
quencies of the new radiation coming to earth and its sever\par
ity will just naturally take its toll of those who cannot adapt \par
themselves to it. It may be compared somewhat to going \par
into a higher altitude only in this case the altitude is \par
higher both physically, mentally and spiritually. The new \par
vibration will have the effect of intensifying whatever qual\par
ities an individual has developed. If one is inclined to an\par
ger or violence, he will find himself manifesting more \par
anger and more violence. If one is dishonest, he will appear \par
still more dishonest. If one is kind and loving, he will just \par
naturally manifest greater kindness and more love. It will \par
thus be increasingly difficult to conceal anything. A \ldblquote guilt \par
complex\rdblquote  or a guilty conscience will be such a liability that \par
those who are afflicted with it will have to get rid of it if \par
they wish to survive in the New Age. In fact the new radia\par
tion acts as a natural segregator or \ldblquote judgment day\rdblquote . Only \par
those who have attained a certain evolvement of construc\par
tiveness, harmony and attunement with life will be able to \par
stand the new \ldblquote altitude\rdblquote . The others will eliminate them\par
selves from the planet as it will simply be the wrong school \par
for them. \par
There is still another form of housecleaning at the start \par
of a Golden Age which comes about through storms, floods, \par
earthquakes and changes in the earth\rquote s surface. We have \par
never yet talked to any advanced soul who did not agree that \par
the start of the Golden Age would have its share of these \par
things. But that should be of no concern to the constructive \par
minded or to those who have learned that \ldblquote salvation\rdblquote  is al\par
ways individual and spiritual. \par
This synonym for the New Age applies more to the later \par
stages of the \ldblquote millennium\rdblquote  than to the initial or houseclean\par
ing stages. It is called \ldblquote Golden\rdblquote  because of the purifying \par
and elevating effect of the new radiation \emdash  and it envisions \par
the time when the Gold of Divine Love shall so permeate \par
men\rquote s souls that human brotherhood will become a spiritual \par
actuality on the earth. \par
One interesting point to note is this. During the Golden \par
Age our planet, as a schoolroom, itself goes through a cosmic \par
"upgrading.\rdblquote  For centuries it has been a type of kinder\par
garten or gradeschool for slow developing, backward and \par
even delinquent children. As the New Age progresses, the \par
backward students will be removed and the incoming pro\par
gressive spirits will have their own era. The world will be\par
come more of a highschool or university for these more ad\par
vanced souls. The laggards will no longer interfere so ef\par
fectively with the progressive pupils. The backward souls \par
will be removed to less progressive schools or planets. Thus \par
all will be taken care of as they deserve. In the last analy\par
sis each individual sets his own pattern of cosmic evolution. \par
Some choose the high road and some the long, arduous and \par
difficult road of continuous resistance to cosmic truth and \par
law. \par
During the Golden Age all branches of human knowledge \par
will undergo vast changes for the better. The idea of \par
brotherhood will be the keynote. There has always been \par
plenty on earth for all, but this time it will be made avail\par
able to all. Mankind itself will recognize the planet as a \par
unit. Government, industry, education, science, religion and \par
the arts will all be directed toward the welfare of all man\par
kind as a whole. Killing enemies will no longer be necessary \par
because there will be no enemies. War will cease. This age \par
will also mark the end of the cosmic isolationism in which \par
the earth has lived for many centuries. We will be given a \par
part in the cosmic councils of our solar system. Free com\par
munications, commerce and intercourse with other planets \par
will become commonplace. \par
Because of the purified motives of mankind, great help \par
will literally pour down upon us "from on high\rdblquote  \emdash  that \par
is from the spacepeople. Man will walk with "Gods\rdblquote  \par
that is with our more evolved brothers from outerspace. \par
They work mostly through radiations and qualifications of \par
energy rays. They will help \ldblquote beam\rdblquote  such goodness to the \par
earth that it will be easier to vibrate to "good\rdblquote  than to vi\par
brate to \ldblquote evil\rdblquote . In this unfoldment, physics will become \par
metaphysics, religion and science will merge into cosmic \par
truth, medicine will become mind, and all divisions and \par
errors of human \ldblquote believing\rdblquote  will merge into the "Light of \par
Understanding\rdblquote . \par
Teaching and learning will undergo great advances. \par
Transferring of conscious knowledge will be possible, and \par
knowledge will also be drawn directly from the Universal \par
Mind. Art, music and architecture will reach heights of \par
expression and perfection never before attained on earth. \par
All mankind will place less emphasis on the physical and \par
more and more emphasis on the mental and spiritual. It \par
will be a period of great joy and greatly accelerated progress \par
in which many advanced individuals, with the help of \par
their spacebrothers, will permanently ascend back into \par
the higher dimensions of life \emdash  \ldblquote And the earth shall be filled \par
with the Glory of God, as the waters cover the sea.\rdblquote  \par
A after reading the manuscript of our Flying Saucer \par
Pilgrimage, our publisher objected that we did not ex\par
press enough conclusions\rdblquote . He asked if we would \par
mind being interviewed as to our \ldblquote conclusions.\rdblquote  We agreed, \par
and the following represents a summary of stenographic \par
notes on the interview which resulted. The symbol \ldblquote Q\rdblquote  \par
is used to designate the questions asked by our publisher\rquote s \par
representative. \par
Q' Helen and Bryant Reeve, you two certainly have \par
had an unusual experiencel We feel that many people \par
would give a great deal to have been able to do just \par
what you did \emdash  follow the trail of the flying saucers \par
wherever they led. We also feel you have done a dili\par
gent, openminded and forthright job of it. We are \par
grateful you decided to share your pilgrimage with \par
others and not just keep the whole thing to your\par
selves \emdash  as you told us you were tempted to do. \par
However, we feel that your readers would be in\par
terested in the answers to a few questions. Would you \par
mind if our stenographer takes notes on the proceed\par
ings? \par
Helen Reeve. Sounds like one of those court procedures! \par
You know \emdash  where they solemnly warn the victims that \par
everything they say may be used against them! \par
Bryant Reeve. Go ahead! If you have in mind any ques\par
tions which were not asked us in Old Mexico, all power \par
to you. Of course down there if the interpreter did not \par
catch your reply, he simply made up a reply of his own \par
and you never knew the difference. \par
Q. Well, I assure you this is no inquisition only \par
a friendly chat. Helen Reeve, may we please start with \par
you? The first question is is it actually true that \par
spaceships and spacepeople are coming to earth? You \par
realize, of course, that many people still think this is \emdash  \par
shall we say \emdash  a \ldblquote magnificent obsession\rdblquote . \par
H.R. Please realize that the main purpose of our pil\par
grimage was to find the answer to that question for \par
ourselves. There was so much saucer smoke that we \par
wanted to find the fire. We found it, at least so far \par
as we are concerned. We found \emdash  to our own satisfac\par
tion \emdash  that it is true! We know how utterly fantastic \par
and impossible it can seem to people at first. My hus\par
band was an outstanding skeptic to start with. My at\par
titude was \emdash  let us either prove it or disprove it and \par
forget it. Personally I am convinced that spaceships \par
and spacepeople are coming to the earth at the present \par
time. \par
Q. It rather takes one\rquote s breath away! \par
H.R. Yes, it does. It can almost floor a person at first. \par
But one gradually gets used to the idea. \par
Q. Bryant Reeve, you are an engineer. How do you \par
feel about it? \par
B.R. The spaceships are coining to earth \emdash  sure enough \par
\emdash  and I feel wonderful about it. I am glad we could \par
make this trip and find out the facts for ourselves. It \par
is hard to convey such a tremendous truth to someone \par
else. We are not trying to convince anyone else at all. \par
Everyone will have to learn the truth for himself \emdash  \par
individually. There is a certain degree of receptivity \par
that enters the picture. No receptivity \emdash  no saucers! \par
Of course this is true in the learning of any subject. \par
Q. Is this then just a normal truth to you now \emdash  the \par
fact that spaceships are coming to the earth? \par
H.R. Yes, and it is now \ldblquote normal\rdblquote  to most of our friends. \par
Many of us have gone beyond the point where the phys\par
ical manifestation of saucers is the important thing. \par
The important thing is the implications. \par
Q. Can we save that item for later? I refer to the \par
implications. \par
B.R. Surely. May I say this relative to learning the \par
actuality of saucers. As we see it, the public is confused \par
on this point for two main reasons. First, the public \par
is used to turning to \ldblquote authoritative\rdblquote  sources to lay down \par
the truth \emdash  the law \emdash  for them on any matter. In this \par
case the space phenomena are simply beyond the range \par
of the usual authorities. The authorities, while they \par
possess much information, cannot fit it into an accept\par
able threedimensional pattern to give to the public. \par
Second, these space phenomena are not entirely three\par
dimensional in nature. As stated before, they have a \par
physical aspect and a supraphysical aspect. This is \par
just too much for most people \emdash  including the author\par
ities. The only way we learned anything about the \par
subject was by getting in touch with the individuals \par
having saucer experiences including O.S.C. experi\par
ences. \par
Q. The next important question is, are the beings \par
in the spaceships friendly or hostile? \par
B.R. We are glad you asked that question. They are \par
friendly. They are even more than that. They feel \par
a responsibility and a duty toward the earth and the \par
children of earth. Some of them, but not all of them, \par
lived on earth at one time or another. They are our \par
elder brothers who have progressed to positions of \par
cosmic responsibility as Guardians of the planets. \par
H.R. In that connection, I like the point that Desmond \par
Leslie has so often made namely, that if they were \par
enemies they could have wiped us out in one after\par
noon \emdash  long ago. \par
Q Then you do not think there are any hostile or \par
illintentioned beings in outerspace? \par
B.R. We did not say thatl It is important to under\par
stand the situation. There may be some illintentioned \par
beings in outerspace. As we see it, outerspace or "con\par
sciousness unlimited\rdblquote  can contain anything that man \par
can conceive of. But no illintentioned beings can get \par
past the Guardians of our planets and of our solar \par
system. That is why the spaceships are so important \par
to us. \par
Q. When you refer to \ldblquote saucerers\rdblquote  \emdash  as you call them \par
\emdash  do you refer only to those mentioned in your manu\par
script? \par
B.R. No, there are many more. Some are known to the \par
public and some are not. Many of them shun publicity. \par
We refer to these as the "unknown saucerers\rdblquote . We \par
found many of them everywhere. \par
Q. You hint at a saucer "underground\rdblquote  in your \par
manuscript. Is there such a thing? \par
H.R. Yes. There is a saucer underground. It seems to \par
extend around the world \emdash  a fraternity of those inter\par
ested in saucers and having saucer experiences which \par
they discuss only with kindred newage souls. \par
Q. What do you think of science fiction and of comic \par
strips as applied to saucers and spacepeople? \par
H.R. We feel that many of the cosmic concepts they \par
present are inspired by the spacebeings themselves to \par
prepare world thought for the new age. However, the \par
writers and artists are wrong about one thing and that \par
is their emphasis on war and fighting in outerspace. \par
This does more harm than good. But today\rquote s young\par
sters are worth observing. They have none of the re\par
sistance to cosmic ideas that their parents have. Many \par
of them are new age souls. \par
Q. Do some of the saucerers know about the supra\par
physical aspects of saucers but refrain from mention\par
ing it in public? \par
B.R. Yes, some of them but not all of them. They are \par
afraid the public "can\rquote t take it\rdblquote  \emdash  and are not ready \par
for such cosmic truths. Personally we feel the time \par
has come to speak up without fear or favor \emdash  "let the \par
chips fall where they may!\rdblquote  \par
Q. Did you run across any fakes \emdash  any fake saucerers? \par
B.R. Yes, unfortunately we did run across a few would\par
be saucerers that privately we considered to be unreliable fakes if you wish. We also discovered some \par
obviously faked photographs. However, all of this \par
was the exception and not the rule. In fact it was a \par
minor part of our total experience but it did teach us \par
to be careful. There is an old saying that something \par
has to be good in order to attract imitators! \par
Q. Have you any favorite saucerers? \par
B.R. No. They are all different with different na\par
tures, education and social status. Their experiences \par
have been different. We feel that each and every one \par
is doing his part in waking up humanity to the fact \par
that other worlds are watching. \par
H.R. Possibly we should bring up one thing we feel is \par
hard to tolerate. It is for any saucerer to hold up his \par
own little cup of revelation and proclaim to the world, \par
This is it. This is all of cosmic truth. I am the only \par
true revelatorl\rdblquote  Anyone who does that is not telling \par
the world what cosmic truth is but what a conceited \par
egotist he himself is. That sort of thing is hard to take. \par
We like the saucerers who can say, \ldblquote I don\rquote t know\rdblquote  on oc\par
casion. \par
QMany people think the saucerers are motivated by \par
moneymaking, that the whole thing is a \ldblquote racket\rdblquote  to \par
make money by books, photographs and lectures. Would \par
you please comment on this? \par
H.R. Is it not true that certain people will always at\par
tribute ulterior motives to any activity? It is too bad \par
that some of these people do not go and live with the \par
saucerers long enough to find out the truth. There is \par
not a humanly wealthy man among the saucerers, but \par
some of them are spiritual giants. \par
BRIf anyone wants to make money they should leave \par
saucers alone maybe try science fiction. There has \par
been no noteworthy financial return to either the \par
authors of saucer books or to saucer lecturers that we \par
know of. The sincere saucerers publicize their experi\par
ences because they feel it is a public duty for them to \par
do so. If they break even financially they are fortu\par
nate. One cannot make a business out of saucers. Peo\par
ple have tried and failed. Always remember this. The \par
message behind the saucers is an unpopular message to \par
many people. It does not exactly pat us on the back \par
and flatter us. There is nothing in the entire saucer \par
picture that lends itself to financial exploitation. \par
Q. We understand that most people who take an active interest in saucers experience their share of ridicule. \par
Mrs. R. how did you people fare on this score? \par
H.R. We were called plenty of names \emdash  and in diverse languages! Often this happened behind our \par
backs. One of the really terrific appellations applied \par
to us was \ldblquote psychoceramics.\rdblquote  We were referred to as \par
psychoceramics! \par
Q. I don\rquote t quite understand. What do you mean by \par
that? \par
.R. Psychoceramics is merely newage for "crackpots\rdblquote ! \par
Mr. Reeve. Can\rquote t we just disregard and complete\par
ly ignore the entire saucer business? \par
B.R. Certainly. That is everybody\rquote s privilege. Many \par
people do disregard it because it is too much for them. \par
They are engrossed in material things. They do not \par
want anything else or have time for anything else. \par
We should not criticize them for this. We all know the \par
story of the man who was asked why he was digging a \par
ditch. He replied, \ldblquote I dig the ditch to get the money \par
to buy the food to get the strength to dig the ditch.\rdblquote  \par
That is what life is for some people. Such people automatically classify themselves as not belonging to the \par
unfolding new age. \par
The saucer phenomena, as we see it, belongs to \par
those who just cannot help being interested and intrigued by such things. It leads thought to the higher \par
realms of life. If you grab a saucer by the tail and \par
hang on long enough, it will take you literally "out \par
of this world\rdblquote , out of the little threedimensional view \par
of life. The saucers themselves are not the important \par
things. They are only one form of cosmic transporta\par
tion! The important thing is the higher realms of life \par
and our desire to know them, understand them and \par
reach them. This type of interest and desire takes one \par
out of the \ldblquote zombie\rdblquote  class and places one in the new \par
age category. One of these days this earth is going to \par
belong to the \ldblquote newagers\rdblquote . \par
Q. Is it possible to disregard the supraphysical aspects \par
of saucers \emdash  stick to the physical? \par
That is the way to start. Some researchers are \par
desperately trying to stick to the physical. They are \par
literally afraid to go any farther. But it is not enough \par
and it is a waste of time to try to f\'bbt higher dimensional \par
phenomena into a threedimensional mold. It can\par
not be done. Many are beginning to realize this. \par
Q. Do you feel there is a possibility of the saucers just \par
going away so we can forget about them? \par
H.R. No. We feel that some individuals and even gov\par
ernments are hoping this will happen. \par
B.R. We see no chance of that because the reasons be\par
hind their coming have not been resolved. \par
Q. I feel that some of your statements regarding the \par
abilities of the spacebeings to read our minds are rath\par
er startling, if not a bit terrifying. Have we no privacy \par
any more? \par
B.R. I am afraid not. Not from these beings if they \par
wish to know anything. Both our good points and bad \par
points are an open book to them. This applies to in\par
dividuals and groups of individuals and even govern\par
ments, in fact to our whole civilization. Telepathy is \par
a norm to them. Other beings are watching this civi\par
lization, whether we like it or not. \par
Q. Before I neglect it, can you suggest a short reading \par
course by which one can familiarize himself with saucers \par
and their implications? \par
B.R. We understand that if we include foreign language books there are something like a hundred dif\par
ferent saucer books, and we have not been able to read \par
all of them ourselves. Helen, what would you suggest? \par
H.R. No doubt there are many good saucer books, and \par
people can look them over and choose what appeals to \par
them. However, if anyone picks up an advanced sauc\par
er book, that is one dealing with the supraphysical \par
aspects, before he reads some A.B.C. books, it will be \par
unfortunate. He is sure to get cosmic indigestion! One \par
should start with a book which gives plenty of sightings \par
in the physical realm and then progress step by step to \par
the higher aspects. The book list at the end of our \par
book should be helpful, and our pilgrimage story men\par
tions some good representative books. \par
Q. Mr. Reeve, have you anything to add to this? \par
B.R. What I cannot understand is how anyone expects \par
to become a saucer \ldblquote expert\rdblquote  overnight. Here is a \par
subject that is greater than all of our sciences combin\par
ed, a pioneer subject of cosmic magnitude, one which \par
may shake everything that can be shaken, and people \par
expect to know all about it by reading a book or two. \par
It is a tremendous study. I should also like to suggest \par
that students broaden their viewpoint by reading books \par
with a cosmic outlook \emdash  something to get their minds \par
out of a threedimensional rut. We have also indicated \par
a few helpful books of this nature in our book list, but \par
there are many others. \par
Q. Mrs. Reeve, here is another question for you. What \par
do you consider your biggest thrill on your saucer pil\par
grimage? \par
H.R. Our pilgrimage was one exciting thrill after \par
another. Meeting so many wonderful people interested \par
in saucers everywhere we went was itself a thrill. \par
Talking to some of them through Mexican inter\par
preters was a thrill. The night we spent on \ldblquote saucer \par
location\rdblquote  and saw what we thought to be saucers from \par
our perch on the rickety fence was a thrill until we \par
found the saucers were just fireflies. I think one of \par
the most exciting times was in Mexico when my hus\par
band was lecturing to a group of Mexicans and asked \par
the question as to whether anybody in the audience \par
had seen a space man, and Salvador Villanueva Me\par
dina raised his hand. That was one "for the book\rdblquote  \par
and I shall never forget it. \par
Q. Mr. Reeve will you tell us your biggest thrill on \par
the pilgrimage? \par
B.R. Well, as Helen just said, there were a lot of \par
thrills. Seeing our first great spaceship near Twenty\par
Nine Palms, California, was a tremendous thrill. Talk\par
ing privately to those who had outstanding saucer ex\par
periences was a thrill. Reading O.S.C. messages was \par
also thrilling. But I believe the greatest thrill of all \par
for me came in San Diego when with the help of Mark \par
Probert we talked to his Inner Circle! For the first \par
time on our entire pilgrimage I felt that we personally \par
had made a contact with advanced intelligences who \par
could give us worthwhile information from a cosmic \par
viewpoint. We even discussed technical matters on a \par
cosmic basis, and as an engineer I somehow felt that \par
these answers were "in the groove\rdblquote , as we say. If others \par
feel differently that is their privilege. \par
Thank you. Now another question. Do you feel \par
that some of the O.S.C. efforts to contact spacebeings \par
savor of spiritualism or spiritism ? \par
B.R. That is a good question, and I think we must face \par
such things squarely. It seems to me it depends on \par
what we mean by these terms. To some people these \par
terms conjure up visions of darkened rooms and eerie \par
noises and frightening phenomena. Someone inquires \par
if Aunt Emma or little Johnny are well and happy in \par
the great beyond and are invariably assured that they \par
are. As we see it, some of these things are just fakes \par
designed to fleece the gullible. Others are based on \par
some degree of sensitivity on the part of the operator \par
or medium. The whole picture generally is of a low \par
grade activity pitched to personal problems and some\par
times doubtful motives. \par
Such things naturally have little scientific interest \par
and no cosmic interest, and they could be completely \par
ignored if it were not for one thing. Some of these ac\par
tivities do point to an important principle \emdash  that of \par
cosmic communication by what is called mediumship. \par
In this day and age when man is seriously endeavoring \par
to explore outerspace, how can we afford to overlook \par
any principle of communication with those living in \par
other dimensions of life? The spacebeings assure us \par
that no instrument is better than the human body, \par
when properly conditioned, for O.S.C. \emdash  outerspace \par
communication. None of us condemn the principle of \par
the telephone merely because telephones can be used \par
for lowgrade activities. Over a telephone may go de\par
based messages or messages of the sublimest import. \par
The same applies to a sensitive human body when used \par
as a cosmic telephone. We must stop fearing and sneer\par
ing at principles we do not understand. We must cher\par
ish them and develop them scientifically. What we \par
need is a great expansion in our scientific study of \par
parapsychology and similar subjects. To us the scientific attitude is the correct attitude. \par
Mrs. Reeve what is the greatest thing you learned \par
on your trip. \par
R. I believe the greatest thing I learned is to keep \par
openminded and always ready to listen. We have \par
seen many people who find some little part of truth, and \par
then proclaim, \ldblquote This is it. This is Life, this is Truth.\rdblquote  \par
Like the woman who said, \ldblquote Don\rquote t bother to give me \par
the facts, my mind is made up!\rdblquote  Cosmic truth is pour\par
ing into our earth as never before but only those who \par
will listen will learn. \par
Now, Mr. Reeve, it is your turn on this one. What \par
was the greatest thing you learned on the pilgrimage? \par
B.R. That life in outerspace exists in \ldblquote octaves of fre\par
quencies \emdash  that outerspace is not empty \emdash  but is \par
filled with life, form, color, activities, yes, and even with \par
great unseen civilizations and cultures, worlds with\par
out end. These are not nebulous, but real, solid, fac\par
tual and glorious to those with, the necessary tunein \par
ability. The entrance to these worlds is not through \par
distance in light years but via the \ldblquote frequency elevator\rdblquote , \par
by the conversion of the frequency and mode of vibra\par
tion of energy. \par
Q. That is wonderful, but is it just theory? \par
B.R. It is not new knowledge. It is lost knowledge \par
coming back to us. I know as an engineer that many \par
people have to have \ldblquote theories". It is the only way \par
that some can learn. I have no objection to others \par
calling it a theory. As for me, it is an important phase \par
of Cosmic Truth. \par
Q. Mrs. Reeve, what surprised you most on your \par
pilgrimage? \par
H.R. Here in this generation we have been privileged \par
to glimpse the opening of the doors of human knowl\par
edge to interplanetary life, interplanetary governments \par
and cosmic life itself. And yet most of us do not rea\par
lize what is happening, nor do we appreciate it or \par
welcome it. This is indeed surprisingl \par
Q. Mr. Reeve, how about you? \par
B.R. I think what surprised us most, after we began \par
to get the picture of the meaning of the spaceships \par
and outerspace, was the strange manner in which this \par
stupendous thing was becoming known. It was not \par
coming in the front door. It was leaking into human \par
awareness coming in by the back door. \par
This great knowledge was coming to humanity al\par
most through what we might term a saucer \ldblquote under\par
ground composed of a relatively small band of pio\par
neers sturdy independent thinkers who refused \par
to be dismayed by officialdom or stopped by the scorn \par
and ridicule of the majority. \par
People still celebrate and honor Columbus\rquote  dis\par
covery of America and build monuments to him. Yet \par
the discovery of a new continent was as nothing com\par
pared to the recent realization by the saucerers that \par
other planets are inhabited and that what we consider \par
empty space itself teems with life of far greater progress \par
and intelligence than we have. And yet here on earth \par
this knowledge has to face the hostility and scorn of \par
those in high places. It has to come through the hum\par
ble, little people who are not afraid. How dead can \par
we become in our materialistic and threedimensional \par
ignorance? That was what surprised me most. \par
Q. Now, why are the spacebeings coming to earth \par
at this time? \par
H.R. You realize that that is the 64 billion dollar question! \par
Q. Yes, I know it is. That is why I have saved it until \par
about the last. \par
B.R. Could we please correct the question a bit? \par
Q. Yes, certainly. \par
B.R. Saucer research indicates that the spacebeings \par
have been coming to earth through countless ages. But \par
now they are here \emdash  in the upper atmosphere of our \par
earth \emdash  in large quantities, literally millions of them. \par
It seems to us the real question then is, why are they \par
here in such great numbers at the present time? \par
Q. Thank you. Then let us rephrase the question. \par
Why are the spacebeings coming to earth in such great \par
numbers at the present time? Seriously, we feel your \par
readers will be especially interested in this question \par
and your answer. \par
B.R. That is just the trouble! Everyone wants the an\par
swer. So do we. But after all of our efforts, all of our \par
researching, we are not sure we have the forthright \par
answer \emdash  the kind of "absolute\rdblquote  answer that most people want. \par
Q. But you must have a lot of ideas on the subject. \par
Can you give us the benefit of those? \par
B.R. Yes, certainly. But we have no absolute answer. \par
It is essential to make that clear to start with. In fact \par
we made a collection of over a dozen different answers \par
from all sources. We have divided them, for the sake \par
of clarity into four groups. Here they are: \par
1. Man\rquote s efforts to communicate with outerspace by \par
radio and radar signals brought the spaceships to investi\par
gate the earth and to see what is was all about. \par
2. The spacepeople have come on missions of scien\par
tific exploration and to record the cosmic history of this \par
civilization. \par
3. They have come to reveal themselves to us gradually \par
and to awaken us to the fact that outerspace is inhabited. \par
1. Our atom bomb explosions have disturbed the be\par
ings who live in outerspace. \par
2. Our atom bomb explosions and experiments have en\par
dangered the earth itself and have brought the planetary \par
Guardians to prevent us from injuring the schoolroom (the \par
earth). They will intervene if necessary to prevent our \par
damaging the earth. \par
3. Our atom bomb explosions and experiments have en\par
dangered humanity on the earth and therefore have brought \par
the planetary Guardians. They are standing by waiting to \par
see if this civilization is going to commit suicide, either \par
quickly by an atomic war or slowly by supposed safe ex\par
periments or usages. In this case they will endeavor to \par
rescue a remnant out of which a new peaceful civilization \par
can be built on earth. \par
1. This is the Aquarian Age of the earth. This means \par
a water age. The earth will naturally experience great \par
storms, rains, floods and earthquakes. The space ships are \par
standing by to help humanity through such critical events. \par
1. We face attack by conquering beings in outerspace \par
equipped with spaceships. The planetary Guardians have \par
assembled to protect us. \par
2. The earth will experience a \ldblquote polar flip\rdblquote  \emdash  that is a \par
change of the axis upon which it rotates. This will bring \par
the polar ice caps into the temperate or tropical regions \par
causing great floods and changes in climate, vegetation \par
and life. The spaceships stand by to assist us. \par
3. The earth is moving into a new orbit, and during \par
this critical change the spacebeings are standing by to as\par
sist us. \par
4. The earth is entering a new radiation or vibratory \par
frequency. This is due to our entire solar system reaching a \par
new position in space and a new relationship to other great \par
cosmic bodies and suns. This represents a cosmic upgrad\par
ing for the earth and will affect every phase of earth life. \par
This will be a time of great housecleaning on the earth and \par
the prelude to a wonderful, peaceful new age. The space\par
ships stand by to assist. \par
5. The earth faces a very destructive cosmic radiation \par
which will expand the core of the earth and cause a re\par
melting of the earth. The spaceships stand by to counteract \par
this and to participate in rescue missions if needed. \par
6. The earth faces great cosmic dust storms. The ships \par
stand by to counteract these and to help us. \par
Q. That is certainly a formidable list. Have you \par
any comments? Do you believe some of these reasons \par
are wrong or some of them right? Or are some of them \par
better than others? \par
B.R. Yes, we do. But we do not believe we should com\par
ment on them at this time. We do not feel we have \par
the right to influence anyone. Everyone should be \par
free to study the matter and decide for themselves. \par
QFair enough. But possibly you will see fit to an\par
swer this question. We note quite a variety of reasons. \par
Do you feel that the variety of reasons given by dif\par
ferent students tends to invalidate them? \par
B.R. No. Most students give a combination of reas\par
ons, for example, the atomic explosions plus some form \par
of impending natural or cosmic event. Considering \par
the magnitude of the subject there is a noteworthy \par
overall agreement regarding some tremendous cosmic \par
event in the offing which has brought the spaceships \par
m such quantities. But there is a diversity of thought \par
as to the exact nature of this great event. \par
Q. When you say \ldblquote in the offing\rdblquote , does this refer to \par
events millions of years from now, or centuries from \par
now, or decades from now? \par
B.R. I would say decades, something within this cen\par
tury. \par
QMrs. Reeve, do you feel the overall picture of the \par
coming of the spaceships is \ldblquote good" or \ldblquote bad\rdblquote ? \par
H.R. Oh, very good, very progressive and inspiring! \par
QI am a bit confused. Here is all this talk of cata\par
clysms and great cosmic accidents and rescue missions \par
on the one hand, and a marvelous \ldblquote golden age\rdblquote  on \par
the other hand. Is there not a conflict? \par
H.R. That is a good point. Our understanding is that \par
a period of cosmic housecleaning comes first on the \par
earth The destructive and nonprogressive elements \par
which now dominate the earth will first have to be re\par
moved. Then will come the golden age. \par
Are the conclusions from your pilgrimage quite \par
definite and fixed? \par
you started out to learn? \par
H.R. It was certainly a success to us \emdash  but we found \par
vastly more than we were looking fori \par
B.R. We started out to get \ldblquote yes\rdblquote  or \ldblquote no\rdblquote  answers to \par
certain questions about flying saucers. First and fore\par
most we wanted to know if it was true that they were \par
coming to earth. Then we wanted to know what the \par
spacepeople were like and why they were coming. We \par
obtained these answers, at least to our satisfaction. But \par
then a strange thing happened. Every time we obtained \par
an answer to a question, we discovered that a dozen \par
more questions popped up in its place. We began to \par
to feel like the mule with the wisp of hay always in \par
front of him just out of reach. It reminded us of that \par
favorite saying of the Maharaja Natcha: \ldblquote All questions \par
pose more questions and all answers are personal opini\par
ons \emdash  and the only sound rule and reply to life\rquote s prob\par
lems is to question nothing but to face all situations \par
with detachment!\rdblquote * \par
Q. Now one last question. Is your pilgrimage finish\par
ed? \par
H.R. No. We feel it has just begun. Our appetite for \par
knowledge of the spaceships, the spacepeople and \par
outerspace itself has been whetted by our trip. We \par
want to know more. The quest for knowledge of \par
outerspace has turned into the quest for knowledge \par
of LIFE itself \emdash  and that never ends! \par
Bryant Reeve was born in Princeton, Illinois, U.S.A. He was \par
named Bryant because of a family relationship to the American poet \par
William Cullen Bryant. \par
He has lived an unusual, exciting and varied life. When a youth \par
he lived on the English Channel Island of Guernsey for six months, \par
went to school in Dresden, Germany and travelled extensively with \par
his parents in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. \par
Returning to the United States he attended school in Chicago, Illinois \par
and then the Hotchkiss School at Lakeville, Connecticut. He is a \par
graduate mechanical engineer of both the Sheffield Scientific School \par
of Yale University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. \par
He was elected to the Sigma Xi Honorary Society. \par
Always interested in travel he spent an adventurous summer on \par
the rugged Labradore Coast, and another bicycling around England, \par
Scotland and Wales with a friend. During World War I he served \par
as a Lieutenant and Captain of Engineers, going overseas with the \par
311th Engineers, 86th Division. Since then he has been active in his \par
profession and has held positions of technical and executive responsibil\par
ity in a number of well known American industries. He retired in \par
1954, but is still actively engaged in research work. \par
He and his wife Helen have for years been interested in meta\par
physical studies and they have a large acquaintance with many in\par
dividuals who have attained to advanced heights in proving metaphysical principles. They have also probed deeply into the powers \par
of the adepts of the Far East. When the flyingsaucer phenomena \par
first came to their attention, it never occurred to them that there \par
might exist a connection between this and certain metaphysical con\par
cepts and laws with which they were familiar. As their investigation \par
continued, however, the relationship became clearer and clearer to \par
them, and forms a major portion of the theme of this book. The \par
Reeves insist that saucers and outerspace phenomena cannot be un\par
derstood by threedimensional thinking, but can be explained and \par
understood as thought is expanded to metaphysical or cosmic levels. \par
They are actively continuing their research, and they are in constant \par
touch with their many "saucer\rdblquote  friends by correspondence. \par
Copyright 1957, by \par
Bryant Reeve.\par