In the year 1958 a man named Artur Berlet disappears from the city.
After 11 days he returns and reveals an amazing story of an abduction and
travel to another planet.
He was an employee of the "Municipal Prefecture
de Sarandi" - Artur Berlet - and when returning on May 25, said he was abducted
by aliens and had traveled to another world.
The importance of this case of UFO cases in Brazil
is that he was the only abductee who transcribed his entire story on
paper and pencil and that was later brought to TV network in Brazil by RBS, were
5 days of recordings in the area of the "rapture".
oldest abduction case registered in Brazil is that of Antonio Villas
Boas (see separate article
or youtube) in 1957. The first reported case of flying
objects in Brazil took place in 1952 in Rio and was named "Barra da
Tijuca" when a UFO was photographed by the now defunct magazine "O
Berlet's account, rather gloomy, could
be understood only years after the event. Some of the technologies
described in the text, appeared years later, such as photocells for
converting sunlight, dry food in the form of pills or running shoes
with shock absorbing structures and special reinforcements, sound
communication and image (cell phones) and the most impressive Yuri
Gagarin's first trip the day April 12, 1961 or the launch of the first
Soviet artificial satellite Sputnik, which was part of the conquest of
space that was initiated. How could a simple farmer to predict such
things at that time?
Berlet the fantastic narrative is GCA in
book in 1969 with help from researcher Walter Buhler and K Macedo Jorge
Ernesto Geisel, titled Utopia Records Voador da da Realidade. The book
also has other technologies that will surely be discovered in future years.
Berlet was a simple person who disappeared
under his photo/film catching in a city of only 3 000 inhabitants. He was 11 days
gone in the abduction.
Artur Berlet reveals422
pages written manuscripts what he lived thru, who he met and what he learned,
ex. to watch and live with new technologies that after almost 50 years we are
still to be discovered here.
Berlet died in the decade of the 90.
The things of life and work of Artur Berlet as documents, personal
items, manuscripts, photos, clothing, etc. are located in the
International Museum of Ufology in Brazil. A research update on the
case Berlet is being led by Hernan Mostajo, Investigator founding
director of the Museum.
introduction to theArtur Berlet Case: Enigma after 49 years
(also this txt is auto-translated via
google from engl.)
Artur Berlet tractor Prefecture
of Sarandi, Rio Grande do Sul, returning from the interior of the
city, traveling either by foot or to ride, when, at 19 hours
(7pm), passing by the farm of Dr. Dionisio Peretti, he saw a light by
the roadside a few 200 meters from where he
He crossed the wire fence to see
what it was and, reaching 3 m further when he found that the dim light came
from a huge circular object, about 30 meters in diameter, whose
form resembled two trays, turned against one another.
Afraid, he thought about running
away, but curiosity was stronger and he took a
few steps.
Suddenly, there were some
figures and a strong jet of light hit him, causing he lost
To regain consciousness, he
found himself tied to a bed - type hospital bed. Some people moved
apparently unrelated to his presence.
They were high/tall, more than
normal on earth, clear, straw-colored hair.
”I tried to direct me to them in
several languages. Some looked at me
indifferent, some even looked ...”
Soon after, Berlet was untied by
two individuals who raised and led to another compartment, where you
wore a long cloak.
Always supported the flanks
because he felt too weak, the men led him through several rooms to a
Surprised, he found that the
ship rested on firm ground, in a strange city.
”- I had the impression that i
had lost half my weight and at the same time, that my shoulders had
risen in volume.”
Helped by two crew members, left
the disc and was carried on foot by a narrow
street with tall buildings of various colors
and intense light, to a large building, where they
entered. There, he was fed with a kind of meat and bread.
Then he was led into another
room, where many people had gathered.
Tried to establish conversation
with him, but not mutually understood. Berlet
told him in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and German. (he had had
german ancestors) When he spoke in the latter, one of them stood
up, showing great joy, and said:
”- Deutsch?” - Deutsch? ” (this
man had had some kind of german education, see later in the
main-story on the case.)
After the meeting, this man who
could speak only three or four words in German
led him to another building. So, Berlet took a
bath ”as light as water gas,” donned new clothes they gave him and
was taken to a room where several people seated
around a rectangular table, talking animatedly.
His companion said something to
them and then stood up, tall and strong, telling him in good German:
” - Sit down. ”
Thereafter this person, named
Acorc, became his tour guide, leading him to
visit that and other cities Acart (or Akart) - the name
of that world - explaining what he saw and wondered.
They made clear to him that the
planet at that time was 62 million miles from Earth. It has no
natural satellites, but has two huge space platforms spinning around.
The means of transportation are
air. The city is like ours, but the streets
are used only for pedestrians. At night, the
streets have no need for lighting because of
the brightness of the walls.
For the transportation of people,
they have small ships, with capacity for two to 10
passengers. They are like airplanes without
wings, solar-powered engines.
Made of lightweight material and
super-resistant, can stop in midair and fly it into a roof-top. The
heavy duty vehicles are also used in space
One year there is equivalent to
676 Earth days, one month to 61 days and 6 hours inland, a week, 9
days and 14 hours, one day, 46 hours, and one
hour to 7 hours and 40 minutes.
The big problem is (..was..?)
overcrowding/overpopulation. Therefore, acartianos are
looking at Earth. Not to invade us by force
because ”they have a high sense of humanity, are highly
evolved and well in thought.”
However, they ”know” we will
destroy ourselves with our
atomic weapons, which will not delay too much and then, without war,
without any violence, they could occupy our - then - dead planet.
Radioactivity devices could, within minutes, transforming the atomic
poison fertilizers to soil, to vegetation and so liveable for
living beings.
Their arms are just of two sorts:
disintegrating and neutralizing thru this "solar-energy-device". The
latter also used in medicine and agriculture.
On the system of
government, Berlet did not know how to qualify it. Said to be a
mix of systems with a different name. There is no money in
circulation. Its capital, that city where he
was, had 90 million inhabitants! All the parents had
worked for the community and have a very high standard of living.
The governor is elected every
three years by a board of 500 members.
The trip back
His host on Acart - the
cosmonave Acorc - would accompany him to Earth,
and gave him a pill.
”- Will I have to make the
journey as an unconscious state?”
”- No, this time will not be
accurate. You can scroll through large
sections of the agreed route, without any
danger. Only in the areas of magnetic turbulences in order to better
You should sleep: when leaving
the magnetic field The letter, go to the call
neutral ground and magnetic cross the barriers of the Earth. ”
The pill, which also the crew
took, was the only food during the trip.
"...he graciously took
leave off the disc. Waded 10 steps ahead,
without turning, following the recommendation
of Acorc. Then he stopped and looked back, hoping to see the
takeoff of cosmonave ... Everything disappeared in
those few moments!
Still obeying acartiano
recommendations, he made the entire journey on
foot to his home, slowly, taking three hours
in this course, which is normally done in one hour
In the first week after
returning, he stayed at home to completely
recover the lost energy and to order his ideas
confused, troubled by what he had lived eight days in
the strangest adventure of his life.
Help: Is there anyone out there that can
make a translation of what is said on this porto.language on this
same case below:
Please send me a message on this (on runeespa@gmailDOTcom OR thru mail on
youtube or comment) if you can make a translation into english, and
then i can upload a copy of it with link to translationpage or
with under-text on that copy.
Brazil has been the focus for a lot of
observations and physical contaqts for many years since the 50ths,
and much happend in the 80ths as can be read
here for example
more info on