Rune & Fredrik's - father & son:
online-videos on YOUTUBE from the 70ths - which we think is their best age
Dust in the Wind
On The Other Side
The Pìnnacle
Reason to be
Carry On Wayward Son" (1976)
Point of know return
Kansas- The Pìnnacle
listen and fellow the text on this esoteric song - txt is below;
Lamplight Symphony mp3 on the astral meeting to/from "the other side" - remember the REAL LOVE is the Glue that last forever - thru the dimsions to the other side
Lamplight Symphony as my interpretation on youtube here
later time from the KANSAS -band:
vi vil ønske å fokusere på bandet Kansas som på 70 tallet lagde noen tidløse og dype tekster og melodier - inspirert fra høyere kosmiske plan? De originale Kansas-låtene kan delvis fortsatt skaffes på CDer, men de første platene er nok vanskelige å få tak i. Takk være YOUTUBE kan mange låter/videoer deles nå.
hurtig-filer som smakebiter fra Kansas-låter i MIDI: tekster
For de med dårlig nedlastings-hastighet, kan man her laste "lette" midi-filer av mange av KANSAS-LÅTENE;
men merk at noen midifiler avspilles meget falskt / såkalt "surt" i xp - og det er kun med "gamle gode '98 at midi blir riktig gjengitt. Idag da praktisk talt alle har xp eller "enda verre"; vista - er det bedre å høre på youtube-låtene eller mp3 versjoner ute -fx Lamplight Symphony
Linker: Den offisielle Kansassiden Kerry Livgren-side side med mye info
Fredrik's Flyside lagd da Fredrik var 11år: er r.fredrikATgmailDOTcom
online-videos on YOUTUBE from the 70ths - which we think is their best age
Dust in the Wind
On The Other Side
The Pìnnacle
Reason to be
Carry On Wayward Son" (1976)
Point of know return
Kansas- The Pìnnacle
listen and fellow the text on this esoteric song - below; Lamplight Symphony mp3 on the astral meeting to/from "the other side" - remember the REAL LOVE is the Glue that last forever - thru the dimsions to the other side
Lamplight Symphony as my interpretation on youtube here
later time from the KANSAS -band:
KANSAS - need to know -from the 90ths
QUICK-LOAD FILES AS SAMPLE-TASTES on midi but it is to remark that playing most of these thru XP will sound falsely and distorted - midi was made in the '98 era and only some soundcards with '98 make the sound play right - so today when everybody use xp or vista - do not try to play these - you better listen to mp3s and youtube
AND text-lyrics
"The Pinnacle" (Masque 1975) MADE OF Vic Sagerquist
Lamplight Symphony - listen/ mp3
(on youtube)
On a winter's night, stars are cold and bright in the sky,
The slumber of the earth is pure and deep
From a distant wood, drifts the echo of a beast
The old man stirs and wakens in the night
He stands before his window gazing at the grave
Forgotten dreams are flashing through his weary mind
And though his life is empty, he pretends that she's still there
With hunger in his soul, he yearns for life and love gone by,
With memories his one and only joy
All he has to give, he would give to bring back the life,
And raise the one who lies beneath the snow
He lights a lamp and looks at pictures of the past
The faces of their youth still glow with new-found love,
But the picture's faded, and time has stolen youth away
With a spoken word that he thought he heard from her lips,
He felt another presence in the room,
He was filled with fear but filled with joy he arose
And turned to face the image that he knew
She stood before him and her hand reached out for his
A peaceful light shone in her eyes
She said she'd come to soothe him, and someday they'd be as one
She began to fade and her image disappeared,
So he was left alone to face the night,
Never in his life, had he been so held in awe,
As he faced the apparition of his wife
He stood before the window gazing at the grave,
And with a lightened heart he saw the first of dawn,
He knew that she was waiting, that someday they'd be as oneLinks:
The official Kansaspage (worth a visit) Kerry LIvgren site with some info Big site with many midifiles
Backgroundmusic: midiversion of The Pinnacle (Masque 1975) made of Vic Sagerquist
listen to Kitaro's "song for peace" in midi - interpreted/created of Fredrik many years after this site was made
Fredrik- born in -88- is today/2007-studying creative jazzmusic-and has a jazzduo -link
This site was first created by Rune and Fredrik early in december 2000 - modif.2008