On 17 May 1968, at
Gaconde, near Butucatu, SP, Brazil, Sr. Gaetano Serqio dos Santos
arrived from his night work, at about 05:00 AM., and discovered,
to the right of the outside door to his home, a short and fat
metallic cylinder about 17 centimeters long by 15 in diameter,
which he lightly kicked with his toe. He then reached down to pick
it up and found it too heavy to move with one hand, and thought
that it deceptively had the weight of a much larger object. He
felt it might be mostly solid metal like an automobile generator.
His curiosity aroused, he bent down and using both hands picked it
up and examined it. Its surface was of gray metal, smooth, solid.
He couldn't pry it open with a screwdriver nor could he puncture a
hole in either the metal of the transparent panels that covered
the clocklike arched scales in the two ends of the cylinder. The
scales were marked in strange symbols and ended in a dot at one
side. A black needle swept the scale. Both ends of the cylinder
were the same but the symbols were different. After examining it
for about a half hour, the witness set it down inside the house
and went to bed.
The next morning, as he
was outside eating an orange, he remembered the object and went to
look at it again to see if the airplane had any effect on the
pointer that swept the scale. The pointer had not moved. He threw
the object violently to the ground trying to provoke some movement
of the pointers, which meanwhile had moved away from the dot at
the end of the scale. Giving up, he put it out of reach of the
children between an oil lamp and two chunks of soap on top of the
cistern in the wall of the kitchen.
That night, as he left
for work, about thirty minutes after midnight, he looked at the
object and noticed a strange luminance in the lamplight. At 01:07
he heard that his wife had called for help from a neighbor and he
ran there. There he found his wife sitting on the porch, in her
nightgown holding the children. He was able to understand from his
wife that only a few minutes before, all had been treated to a
spectacle for some 15 to 20 minutes inside his house, which she
was forced to leave with her children. She had heard a loud buzz
that came from the direction of the kitchen, from where there also
emanated a bright bluish light, which she could easily see because
the house had no interior finishing. She also felt a strange heat
within the heat of the house.
Suddenly the electric
lights went out and she thought of the circuit breaker, but the
heat was increasing, so she grabbed the two children out of their
beds and ran out of the house into the cold night. They were all
crying and she shouted to her neighbors for help.
Suddenly there was a
strange noise in the roof-tiles in the kitchen, from where they
saw pieces of tile showering down. After this all became very
quiet. The bluish light and the buzzing noise were gone from
inside the house, and that was about the time that Caetano ran up
to them. The husband went into the house to investigate and
found the object gone from on top of the cistern. The roof
tiles above the cistern box now had a hole completely through and
broken tile lay all around. He went to get the authorities.
In August 1968, after a
prolonged build-up over many months, luminous flying objects that
had been plaguing the Wilson Gusmao farm, returned in force. On the
17th they carried out extensive operations over the property,
stopping the truck and blacking out the power, although the diesel
power generator continued to run. Wilson had alerted the authorities
before, and now he was joined at his farm by General Moacir Oschoa,
Major Jacob Zweiter, and an official party of scientists, who
observed the phenomenon personally and left instructions to be kept
On 31 January 1969, General
Oschoa arrived again with his team to observe a now almost nightly
approach by the flying object. At about 20:00 a UFO appeared and
went through the customary maneuvering ritual, and then came up to
within 20 meters of the group of investigators in front of the house,
passed along the line of cars and descended to a brushy flat on a
hill 100 meters from the group. Photographer Luiz Albuquerque
accompanying the team snapped several pictures of the glowing object
as it flew above the trees.
Wilson Gusmao went up to
within 1 meter of this glowing object hovering there, and saw that
it was an obviously controlled ship of small size, about 1 meter
wide by 2 meters long with a beacon of light in front. As he watched,
a little port opened in the side on top of the thing and a tiny
humanlike being came out and stood in the air, levitated in space
above the ground. The little ship balanced itself in the air a half
meter above the ground as Albuquerque snapped a second and third
photo of this phase of the event. The little UFOnaut looked steadily
at Wilson, then at a box at the beltline of his suit. Wilson
followed his gaze and then the UFOnaut moved his hand and pressed a
button on the box, giving Wilson the impression that he was being
photographed. A blue light came from the box and then went out. The
UFOnaut then turned his back to Wilson and looked into his tiny ship.
Suddenly there was a great
light on the hill behind the farmhouse and a huge ship rose up
radiating a resplendent brilliant light in all directions in perfect
view of all the witnesses. Following
that, the little man turned around again and faced Wilson, then
looked at the group of witnesses watching intently, some with
binoculars, kind of smiled at Wilson and lifted his hand to another
button on his belt which when pressed, produced a luminous halo or
mass of dense light around him. Now the other witnesses could only
see Wilson and the bright ball of light, which Jose Albuquerque also
The little UFOnaut made a
simple sign to Wilson, like a salute, and reentered the tiny ship
with his legs held forward as he had come out, and the port closed
behind him. The little ship ascended
and disappeared into the bigger one in seconds and they flashed away
and out of sight.
But that was not the only
tiny humanlike UFOnauts we have seen reported. In 1970 the
international news wires carried a press report of a tiny UFOnaut -
3" tall who got out of a 3 foot UFO and fired a mini-ray at a
10 year old schoolboy, K. Wigneswaran, at a school compound in
Penang, Indonesia. That was never followed up with any word and we
were left in the dark, to laugh about somebody's prank. BUT that was
no prank. We can hardly blame everybody who handled that report from
cutting it down some to save face. Anybody who would even forward
such a report had to be some kind of a nut.
The facts of that matter
however, were considerably more profound than ever came through the
press filtering process.
Ahmed Jamaludin, a
respected UFO investigator in Malaysia reported a veritable wave of
sighting reports of tiny UFOs, and UFOnauts that got out of little
model-sized disc-shaped craft that looked like two big plates placed
together at the rims. The flurry of activity that was reported in
Malaysia daily in the 'Straits Times" and other local papers,
was summarized for the 21 and 22 August issues of 1970, and was
published in the prestigious British Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 28,
No.5, 1983.
Not only was there not just
one sighting or one school boy involved, there were many sightings
all over Malaysia, and many witnesses, and many of the miniature
flying discs.