This is audio book in mp3 of the classic ufo book,




 From 1952.

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Chapter 1. How The "Big Story" Happened. 
Chapter 2. The Tacoma Affair. 
Chapter 3. The Mysterious Informant. 
Chapter 4. Death Takes A Hand. 
Chapter 5. "Get Out - For Your Own Good!" 
Chapter 6. "Project Saucer" Report.
Chapter 7. Comments On The "Project Saucer" Report.
Chapter 8. One Thousand Years Of Flying Saucers .
Chapter 9. The Strange Foo Fighters.
Chapter 10. Foreign Sightings.
Chapter 11. Reports From American Observers.
Chapter 12. Analysis Versus Opinion.
Chapter 13. Camera Story Of The Saucers.

It is my impression that everyone, no matter what part they play in this 
existence that seems to go on into infinity, has a special purpose or a special 
task or a special reason for being what they are and for doing the things 
they do. I don't say that we are placed here by a divine Providence to 
accomplish a great mission. Nothing so egotistical. perhaps it is purely a 
personal reason: merely to add to our own experience; our mental growth, 
our ability to become a functional part in a whole of society which may be 
more vast than we dream. 

When I was a boy I collected green grasshoppers. I went swimming in a 
swimming hole like the other boys; but unlike them, it seems, I learned how 
by such apparently foolish waste of time as watching tadpoles swim and 
trying to imitate their motions. When I was twelve it was terribly important 
that I become a Boy Scout. Again it was because of the little things in Nature 
that I loved to study that I wanted to don that uniform. I realized that a 
great ambition the day my mother proudly pinned an Eagle badge on my 
shirt front in a court of honor in Minot, North Dakota. It was during scouting 
that swimming and diving became one of my most enjoyed activities and I 
served several years as a field representative for the American Red Cross life 
saving service. I developed myself to a healthy robustness. 

Then I took up riding motorcycles - and nearly killed myself. The scars I still 
have remind me that a life carelessly and adventurously lived can become a 
bit complex. 

I had my first airplane ride from Earl T. Vance of Great Falls, Montana when I 
was fourteen years old. I'll never forget that day on the north hill at Minot. it 
seemed the greatest thrill of my life. When I was sixteen I took my first 
flying lesson. I had no money to pay, but my father furnished the gasoline 
for the plane from his filling station in Crosby, North Dakota. How I wished I 
could continue flying! But it was far too expensive at that time. As a little 
boy my head was always on the cloud. The reason I enjoyed bird study, I 
think, was because I so envied their ability to fly. 

Then, suddenly being a football player seemed important. Glen Jarrett, my 
Minot High School coach, somehow achieved enough coordination between 
my brain and my limbs to enable my being placed on the All-State North 
Dakota football teams in 1932 and 1933. Finishing high school, even with 
football, was quite a struggle; education from books didn't seem nearly as 
necessary as going fishing. 

Somehow I graduated, and went on to the university of Minnesota with the 
promise of a job from Bernie Bierman, at that time head football coach 
there. Except for my promised job, my total assets amounted to $57.00 and 
a model T. Ford. About all I remember of my short-lived college career was 
the dishes I washed for Chris Copilis of the Bridge Cafe on Fourteenth and 
Fourth in Minneapolis, Minnesota. My football interests vanished with a 
knee injury that put an end to them. 

The depression was at it's deepest point when I took up selling. I drafted 
from sportswear into fire control work. I stayed with selling fire 
extinguishers because I felt it was doing some good for humanity besides 
giving me an income to provide for my wife, two daughters, one partly-paid-
for home, an airplane, and pets of various shapes and colors. 

Since 1944 I have spent more than 4,000 hours in the air flying in 
mountainous country. I call on my customers in five western states by plane 
and I take an active part in the Idaho Search and Rescue mercy flights as well 
as acting as a deputy sheriff for the Ada County, Idaho, Sheriff's Aerial 
Posse. I also act as relief deputy Federal United States Marshal, and 
frequently fly Federal prisoners up to McNeil Island Federal penitentiary. 

I has been nearly five years since my original observation of the formation of 
flying saucers over the Cascade Mountains. it is not difficult for me to recall 
the true events as they took place, since everything that happened was 
dictated on sound records within a very short period afterward. 

What I saw over the Cascades in the State of Washington, as impossible as it 
may seem, is fact. I never asked, wanted, nor expected any notoriety for 
accidentally being in the right spot at the right time to observe that chain of 
nine mysterious objects. 

I reported something any would have reported. if, reasoning along patriotic 
lines alone, I had not reported by observations, I would have been rightfully 
considered disloyal to my country. My observations were not due to any 
particular sensitivity of eyesight, nor to any abnormal or supernatural ability. 
Am positive that any pilot at the same place at the same time would have 
observed what U did. By no stretch of imagination can I classify my 
observations in the categories of illusion, hallucination, apparition or vision. 

Since that day I have been repeatedly questioned and investigated by such 
agencies as Military Intelligence, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Bureau 
of Internal Revenue, Central Intelligence, Marine Intelligence, private 
detective agencies, individuals, and just plain busybodies. 

I have been subjected to ridicule, much loss of time and money, newspaper 
notoriety, magazine stories, reflections on my honesty, my character, my 
business dealings. In short, the amount of actual persecution that has come 
about (whether intended as such or not) because of my accidental 
involvement in what has become the strangest story ever told, has been a 
continual source of amazement to me. 

To me the search has not ended. But participation of the sort involved in the 
fatal "Tacoma Incident" in which two Central Intelligence military 
investigators lost their lives and a two hundred thousand dollar aircraft was 
destroyed is something that I would refuse to enter into again - largely 
because it is my conviction that nothing concrete will be learned by such 
obtuse methods. This thing is big. It is something to which we most certainly 
ought to have the answer. It is my conviction that the facts already at hand 
must not be buried beneath a mass of official stupidity and a smokescreen 
of variant idiocies. it is time the truth was sifted from the untruth, the facts 
from the fakery, the real flying saucer from the fanciful. 

It may be the most vitally important fact of our time! 

KENNETH ARNOLD, Boise, Idaho, February 10, 1952. 





It was Tuesday, June 24, 1947. I had just finished installing some fire fighting 
apparatus for Central Air Service at Chehalis, Washington. The job finished, I 
began a chat with Herb Critzer, chief test pilot for Central Air Service. 

We talked, among other things, about the possible location of a lost C-46 
Marine transport which had gone down in the mountains. I decided to look 
for it. it meant a $5,000 reward and I hoped that via my proposed route to 
Yakima, Washington, I might be lucky enough to find it. I decided to spend 
enough time in the air in the vicinity of Mount Rainier to make a good 
attempt at locating the wreckage. 

I was flying a specially designed mountain airplane, and having had 
considerable experience in this type of flying, I felt qualified to undertake 
the dangerous search. I took off from Chehalis, Washington airport at 
approximately two o'clock in the afternoon with the intention in mind of 
delaying my trip to Yakima for at least an hour, which I would spend on top, 
and in and around the high plateau of Mount Rainier. I flew directly toward 
this plateau, which has an elevation varying from nine to over ten thousand 

There are a number of things that are extremely important in handling 
aircraft on a search mission over mountainous terrain. Number one is a 
meticulous ground inspection of your airplane before beginning; not one of 
the ordinary checks such as gasoline and oil, but inspection of all wiring and 
movable parts of the aircraft which in any might cause a forced landing in 
treacherous country. This is very necessary. The consumption of gas is best 
judged in an aircraft not by gasoline gauge alone, but by knowing that your 
tank is full, knowing it's capacity, and the number of gallons your engine 
consumes each hour. An eight-day clock with a sweep second hand is one of 
the essentials in my aircraft. By 1947 I had learned through experience that 
care and thoroughness of a planned flight is the best insurance that a pilot 
can have. 

I did plan this flight in this manner on June 24, 1947. It was during this search 
and while making a turn of 180 degrees over Mineral, Washington, at 
approximately 9200 feet altitude, that a tremendously bright flash lit up the 
surfaces of my aircraft. I was startled. I thought I was very close to collision 
with some other aircraft whose approach I had not noted. I spent the next 
twenty to thirty seconds urgently searching the sky all around - to the sides, 
above and below me - in an attempt to determine where the flash of light 
had come from. The only actual plane I saw was a DC-4 far to my left and 
rear, apparently on it's San Francisco to Seattle run. My momentary 
explanation to myself was that some lieutenant in a P-51 had given me a 
buzz job across my nose and that it was the sun reflecting from the surface 
of his wings as he passed that has caused the flash. 

Before I had time to collect my thoughts or to find any close aircraft, the 
flash happened again. This time I caught the direction from which it had 
come. I observed, far to my left and to the north, a formation of very bright 
objects coming from the vicinity of Mount Baker, flying very close to the 
mountain tops and traveling at tremendous speed. 

At first I couldn't make out their shapes as they were still at a distance of 
over a hundred miles. I could see the formation was going to pass directly in 
front of me, as it was flying at approximately 170 degrees. I watched as 
these objects rapidly neared the snow border of Mount Rainer, all the time 
thinking to myself that I was observing a whole formation of jets. In group 
count, such as I have used in counting cattle and game from the air, they 
numbered nine. They were flying diagonally in an echelon formation with a 
larger gap in their echelon between the first four and the last five. 

What startled me most at this point was the fact that I could not find any 
tails on them. I felt sure that, being jets, they had tails, but figured they must 
be camouflaged in some way so that my eyesight could not perceive them. I 
knew that Air Force was very artful in the knowledge and use of 
camouflage. I observed the object's outlines plainly as they flipped and 
flashed along against the snow and also against the sky. Since this formation 
of craft was at almost right angles to me and was traveling from north to 
south, I was in an excellent position to clock their speed. I determined to 
make an attempt to do so. 

It was a beautifully sunny afternoon and the giant bulks of both Mount 
Rainier and Mount Adams made perfect markers. Now, clocking speeds by 
only your sweep second hand cannot be entirely accurate because several 
seconds could be lost in breaking your gaze to observe your clock. I recall 
that when the first craft of this formation jetted to the southward from the 
snow-based cleft of Mount Rainier my second hand was approaching the 
top of my hour dial and the time was within a few seconds to one minute of 
three. I can't distinctly remember whether the eight day clock on my 
instrument panel was set on pacific time, Mountain time, daylight saving 
time, or slow time. I never thought of checking this with my wristwatch. I 
believe my eight day clock was on Mountain time. 

I was fascinated by this formation of aircraft. They didn't fly like any aircraft I 
had ever seen before. In the first place, their echelon formation was 
backward from that practiced by our Air Force. The elevation of the first 
craft was greater than that of the last. they flew in a definite formation, but 
erratically. As I described them at the time, their flight was like speed boats 
on rough water or similar to he tail of a Chinese kite that I once saw blowing 
in the wind. Or maybe it would be best to describe their flight characteristics 
as very similar to a formation of geese, in a rather diagonal chain-like line, as 
if they were linked together. As I put it to newsmen in Pendleton, Oregon, 
they flew like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water. 

Another characteristic of these craft that made a tremendous impression on 
me was how they fluttered and sailed, tipping their wings alternatively and 
emitting those very bright blue-white flashes from their surfaces. At the 
time I did not get the impression that these flashes were emitted by them, 
but rather than it was the sun's reflection from the extremely highly 
polished surface of their wings. 

Even though they held a constant direction they swerved in and out of the 
high mountain peaks which are found on the hogsback of the Cascade 
mountains between Mount Rainier and Mount Adams. I determined my 
distance from their pathway to be in the vicinity of twenty-three miles 
because I knew where I was and they revealed their true position by 
disappearing from my sight momentarily behind a jagged peak that just juts 
out from the base of Mount Rainier proper. considering that I was flying all 

this time in the direction of their formation, this determination can be only 
approximate, but it is not too far off. 

Between Mount Rainier and Mount Adams there is a very high plateau with 
quite definite north and south edges. Part of this chain-like formation 
traveled above this plateau toward Mount Adams, while part of the 
formation actually dipped below the near edge. As the first unit of these 
craft cleared the southernmost edge of this background, the last of the 
formation was just entering the northern edge. I later flew over this plateau 
in my plane and came to a close approximation that this whole formation of 
craft, whatever they were, formed a chain in the neighborhood of five miles 

As the last of this group of objects sped past and seemed to gather altitude 
at a point beyond the southernmost crest of Mount Adams, I glanced at the 
sweep second hand of my instrument clock. As closely as I could determine, 
this strange formation of aircraft had covered the distance between Mount 
Rainier to the north and Mount Adams to the south in one minute and forty-
two seconds. 

I can say honestly that I was amazed, thinking all the time: what will these 
aeronautical engineers dream up next? Although readily explaining it all in 
this way in my mind; I definitely did have an eerie feeling about the whole 
experience. I tried to focus my mind on a continued search for the downed 
C-46 which had crashed some months earlier with thirty-two Marines 
aboard, but somehow the $5,000 didn't seem important. I wanted to get on 
to Yakima and tell some of the boys what I had seen. 

Around airports pilots are continually arguing abut how fast our Army and 
Navy jets and missiles really can go. Most pilots conceded that the fastest 
aircraft that had been invented at that time could go in the vicinity of seven 
hundred miles per hour. Up to this point I hadn't done any paper figuring on 
the distance and time, but I felt sure this formation of strange craft was 
traveling in excess of a thousand miles an hour. 

It was about four o'clock in the afternoon when I landed at Yakima and 
went straight to Al Baxter, general manager of Central Aircraft. I met him in 
his outer office and rather breathlessly asked to see him in private. He 

dropped whatever it was he was doing and in his private office I related the 
story of my observation and drew him pictures of what I had seen. I recall 
that he looked at me in a rather puzzled way, but seemed quite positive that 
I hadn't gone crazy and wasn't seeing things. He called in several of his flight 
pilots and helicopter instructors to listen to my story. 

The high point of my enthusiasm got it's top knocked off when one of the 
helicopter pilots said, "Ah, it's just a flight of those guided missiles from 
Moses Lake." 

I proceeded to gather my scattered wits together, got back in my airplane, 
and took off for Pendleton, Oregon. I remembered that I had forgotten to 
mention the fact that one of those craft looked different from the rest., was 
darker and of a slightly different shape, and that I hadn't told the Yakima 
boys that I had clocked the speed of this formation within fairly accurate 
limits. While flying to Pendleton I took my map from its snap folder on the 
extreme edge of my instrument panel, grabbed a ruler, and began figuring 
mathematically miles per hour. Figuring and flying my airplane at the same 
time was a little confusing, and I thought my figures were wrong and that I 
had better wait until I landed at Pendleton to do some serious calculating. 

When I landed at the large airfield at Pendleton there was quite a group of 
people to greet me. When I got out of my plane no one said anything. They 
just stood around and looked at me. I don't recall just how the subject came 
up in those first few minutes after I had landed, but before very long it 
seemed everybody around the airfield was listening to the story of my 

I mentioned the speed I had calculated but assured everybody that I was 
positive that my mathematics were lousy. 

I don't know how many fellows sat down and started figuring it out. When it 
kept coming out in excess of seventeen hundred miles an hour I thought 
"Holy smoke, we're taking the measurement of distance far too high up on 
both Mount Rainier and Mount Adams." So we took a measurement of the 
very base, as closely as it could be determined, and which I knew from the 
map was far below the snow line. The distance was 39.8 miles. Even 
covering this distance, which was so far on the conservative side that I knew 

it was incorrect, we still had a speed of over thirteen hundred and fifty miles 
per hour. To me, that evening, that was that. They were guided missiles, 
robotly controlled. I knew that speeds of this velocity the human body 
simply could not stand, particularly considering the flipping, erratic 
movements of these strange craft. 

After talking to the editor of the East Oregonian newspaper, I was fairly 
convinced that it was some new government invention along the line of 
guided missiles. I could almost tell what this editor thought when the story 
went scudding over the news wires - that the government had taken this 
way to announce a new principle of flight. 

I could have gone to sleep that night if the reporters, newsmen, and press 
agencies of every conceivable description had left me alone. I didn't share 
the general excitement. I can't begin to estimate the number of people, 
letters, telegrams and phone calls I tried to answer. After three days of this 
hubbub I came to the conclusion that I was the only sane one in the bunch. 
From then on, if I was to go by the number of reports that came in of other 
sightings and of which I kept close track, I thought it wouldn't be long 
before there would be one of these things in every garage. In order to stop 
what I thought was a lot of foolishness and since I couldn't get any work 
done, I went out to the airport, cranked up my airplane, and flew home to 

It wasn't long after I arrived home when Dave Johnson called on me. 

Dave Johnson is aviation editor of The Idaho Statesman newspaper, and a 
man of respected ability and intelligence in matters related to military and 
civilian aviation. When I caught the look in his eye and the tone of his words, 
flying saucers suddenly took on a different and a serious significance. the 
doubt he displayed of the authenticity of my story told me, and I am sure he 
was in a position to know, that it was not a new military guided missile and 
that if what I had seen was true it did not belong to the good old U.S.A. it 
was then I really began to wonder. 

No one could have watched the news wires closer than I did between June 
28 and July 3. Not only flying saucers were being seen, but phenomena of 
one kind or another appeared to be happening everywhere. At home we 

began to feel like we were living in Grand Central Station. When my friend, 
Colonel Paul Wieland, who had just returned from Germany where he had 
served o the Malmedy case and on the Nuremberg trials as a judge, phoned 
me and said "Let's go fishing," I took him up on it, but quick. We got our 
tackle together, left our wives home to guard the for, and took off for Sekiu, 
Washington. Sekiu is way out on the Olympic Peninsula. The fishing should 
have been at it's best, and it was a long way from people. 

We had a beautiful flight and the afternoon of the following day landed in 
what I think is the only cow pasture in Sekiu. All during the flight I had my 
newly purchased movie camera ready -just in case. The only part of our 
conversation up to the time we arrived in Sekiu that I thought really 
interesting was when Colonel Paul told me definitely that artillery shells 
could be seen quite easily traveling at six to seven hundred miles an hour if 
you are in the right position, and they are quite small compared to a plane. It 
seems that some press reporter had made the remark that aircraft traveling 
at speeds of twelve hundred miles an hour or more would be invisible to 
eyesight. This only confirmed in my mind that my calculation and timing 
were not nearly so inaccurate as some newspaper experts were leading 
people to believe. 

After tying the airplane solidly to a couple of fence posts we got permission 
to leave our plane there. The rancher was extremely kind and drove us 
down to the village by the ocean inlet. We were all set for a good rest with 
the prospect of good fishing the next day when we found out that most of 
the fishermen were not in their boards and had not even gone out fishing. 
The water was as red as blood. Thousands of Chinook salmon with which 
the inlet was teeming were dying from a mysterious red tide. I looked at 
Colonel Paul, and the Colonel looked at me. It was all very puzzling. in 
talking to the townspeople we found that they had buried a man that 
morning who had eaten oysters evidently infected y the peculiar, red, jelly-
like substance that could be found everywhere in the sea. 

The next morning, in spite of the red tide, we took a short boat trip around 
the inlet. Even if the fish were worth eating they couldn't have been caught. 
Hundreds of them were leaping out of the water, some as high as six feet, 
trying to shake off the jelly-like substance that was poisoning them. There 

was nothing for us to do but turn around and fly home. In leaving the cow 
pasture that day and circling high over the little village of Sekiu we could 
plainly see the edges of the red water below us. It looked to me rather like a 
gob of something had fallen out of the sky. Even through the scientists had 
a name for it, I admitted red tides into my collection of phenomena along 
with flying saucers. 

It was on this same day, July 5, 1947 that I met Captain E.J. Smith and co-
pilot Ralph Stephens. Colonel Paul Wieland and I took our last disappointed 
look at Sekiu and the red water and headed towards Seattle, flying at an 
elevation of about 4,000 feet. The sky was clear as crystal and we had a 
brisk west wind on our tail of about twenty miles per hour. it wasn't until I 
landed at Boeing Field to gas up my plane that I heard about the sighting 
and experience of United Airlines flight trip 105 which had left Boise, Idaho 
at 9:04 p.m. the night before. 

No better person in all of the personnel of United Airlines could have been 
picked to verify my story that we were not alone in the air than Captain E.J. 

He is probably the most highly thought of and respected veteran pilot that 
flies the air lanes. His sighting was supported and verified by the entire crew 
of his DC-3. 

About eight minutes after take off from Boise's municipal airport he and co-
pilot Ralph Stevens first observed five disks flying what appeared to be a 
loose formation. Not believing their own eyes they called Martie Morrow, 
stewardess, to the cockpit. They did not tell her what they were seeing 
through the windshield of their plane. They asked her to look, so in no way 
could the power of suggestion have influenced her observation. Upon 
looking through the window of the cockpit, she exclaimed "Why, there's a 
formation of those flying disks!" While they were watching these five disks 
seemed to take off at a tremendous speed and four more came into view. 
Three of these disks clustered together and the fourth was flying by itself far 
off in the distance. They were under observation for more than ten minutes. 

I was so excited about their observation that I think I purchased every paper 
at the Terminal Building newsstand. In one of the papers there was even a 

photograph, the first photograph of a flying disk that I had seen. It had been 
taken by Frank Ryman, a Coast Guard yeoman. He had taken his picture the 
night before. 

In my excitement I completely forgot about Colonel Paul Wieland who was 
standing by my airplane. I rushed madly uptown to the Seattle offices of 
the International News Service to see the blown-up prints of the picture. I 
remember what a tough time I had finding the international News Service. I 
don't know how many hills Seattle has, but by the time I reached their office 
I was completely out of breath. 

I asked to see the picture. Their reporter appeared happy enough to show it 
to me but demanded to know who I was. I had become reporter-shy by this 
time but had no alternative but to give him my name. When I did, he 
grabbed me by my arm and rushed me from his office down to the 
anteroom of the news building. There for the first time I met Captain E.J. 
Smith and his copilot, Stevens. 

They were gazing with lifted eyebrows at the photograph that had been 
taken by Frank Ryman. As I recall it, I felt like a runt compared to big Smithy. 
He towered head and shoulders above me and when I shook hands with him 
it was like shaking hands with the big transport he flies. A kinder or more 
friendly man I have never met and Ralph Stevens was justly proud to fly co-
pilot with such an airman. After the International News Service had taken our 
picture observing this photograph, we all went out for coffee, all talking at 
the same time of our unusual experience. 

Here is the story as Big Smithy told it to me. 

"We landed our DC-3 at Boise, Idaho shortly before nine last night and, 
afraid to be late in schedule, we took off promptly at 9:04. The weather was 
perfect. It was a funny thing, but just before take-off as I was climbing 
aboard our DC-3 someone in the crowd piped up and asked me if I had seen 
any flying saucer. Up to this time I not only hadn't seen any, but really didn't 
believe there were such things, though I was polite to the inquirer and 
yelled back at him that I would believe them when I saw them. Brother you 
could have knocked me over with a feather when about eight minutes after 
take-off, at exactly 7,100 feet over Emmett, Idaho, we saw not one, but nine 

of them. At first I thought it was a group of planes returning from some 
Fourth of July celebration, but then I realized the things weren't aircraft, but 
were flat and circular. 

The first group of five appeared to open and close in formation, then veered 
to the left of the transport. At this time I picked up my radio microphone 
and called the Ontario, Oregon C.A.A. radio communication station which 
was about 45 miles north and west from Boise. I didn't tell them what I was 
seeing but said 'Step outside and look to the southwest, about fifteen miles, 
and see what you can find.' The operator came back over the microphone, 
stating he saw nothing. At this time my co-pilot informed me the first group 
of disks had disappeared. it was then the second group, three together and 
the fourth off by itself appeared." 

"By then the transport had reached 8,000 feet altitude and was cruising 
over the rugged country leading to the Blue Mountains, towards Pendleton, 
Oregon. My co-pilot saw exactly what I did when he started that these 
objects seemed to merge, then disappear, then came back in sight, and 
finally they vanished again to the northwest. This second group seemed to 
be higher than our flight path and when they did leave, they left! Fast! I 
positively know they were nothing from the ground in the way of fireworks, 
reflections, or smoke. I know they were not aircraft that I am familiar with. I 
don't know how fast they were going, but we all saw them. They were flat 
on the bottom, circular, and seemed rough on top. They were bigger than 
our aircraft." 

When Big Smithy got through telling me this, and in spite of my own 
experience, I kept repeating to myself "It's just amazing - simply amazing! 
Positively amazing!" Big Smithy's sighting somehow made mine seem small 
and insignificant. 

We were finishing our third cup of coffee when it dawned on me that I had 
left Colonel Paul all alone at the airport. I hadn't even told him where I was 
going. I quickly shook hands with Smithy and Stevens, said jokingly that I'd 
see them on Mars or someplace, and hot-footed it back to the airport. Poor 
Colonel Paul - there he was still standing by my plane with a really lost look 
on his face. It was probably the first time since be became a full colonel in 

the artillery that he had been left all alone. I could see he hardly knew how 
to cope with the situation. It's lucky he has a big heard or I would surely 
have been bawled out. He's just the man who could have done it! After I had 
explained to him what he had taken place, he settled down behind me in the 
cockpit grumbling about his fishing and we took off for Boise, Idaho, and 

For the next week I think all I did was read mail. 

Everybody was having a wonderful time solving the mystery. Not one letter 
that I recall, and I have most of them still in my files, had even a note of 
criticism. This, to me, was rather surprising since most of the newspapers 
were having a terrifically good time trying to make the public believe we 
were crazy, seeing visions, or recording corpuscles on the retina of our 
eyeballs. I was astounded at what newspapermen could dream up. News 
reporting must be a fascinating business. 

During the month of July 1947 everyone appeared to be taking full 
advantage of our fundamental right of freedom of speech. I don't know 
what Captain Smith, Ralph Stevens, or Martie Morrow were thinking and 
doing but I was trying to keep my mouth shut and was spending my time 
gathering all the accounts I could of the strange phenomena that were 
happening. I began to note that foreign sightings of disk-like objects were 
starting to come in. 

I was requested to send in a full report of my experience to the 
commanding officer of Wright-Patterson Field, which I was happy to do. I 
offered publicly to submit myself freely to a physical or mental examination 
by the military for any determination they might wish to make as to the 
capabilities of my five senses. On June 24, 1947 I held a health certificate 
which qualified me to fly as a commercial pilot. I still hold a valid commercial 
pilot's health certificate. 

It was while going through my mail about the fifteenth of July that for some 
reason or other I gave attention to one particular letter that I had received. 
it was from a Mr. Raymond A. Palmer. it was written on stationary with the 
letter head of THE VENTURE PRESS. I didn't know who Raymond Palmer 
was and I had never heard of the Venture Press. At the time, had I known 

who he was, probably wouldn't have answered his letter. It wasn't have 
been because he wasn't a sincere or a good man, but later I found he was 
connected with the type of publications that I not only never read but had 
always thought a gross waste of time for anyone to read. I never was much 
interested in reading anyhow. It had always been much more interesting for 
me to do things even though most of the time I did them wrong. Some 
people call my kind of person "the one who learns it the hard way" and after 
what has happened I think, "How true, how true!" 

This letter from Mr. Palmer was far from being anything sensational, but 
somehow it had a tone of softness and sincere interest that appealed to me. 
I think I read that latter at least ten times. Finally I answered it. I was 
intensely interested in finding out who Raymond Palmer was and inquired 
from all my friends as well as the newspaper offices here in Boise. Nobody 
that I ran into had ever heard of either him or Venture Press. 

His next letter arrived about a week later. In it he expressed his desire to pay 
me if I would write down my experience for him. This didn't particularly 
appeal to me. I had received other letters and other offers. However, since 
Mr. Palmer was so interested, I sent him a carbon copy of the report I had 
sent the commanding officer of Wright-Patterson Field. 

In the next letter I received from Mr. Palmer, he told me that he had heard 
that two harbor patrolmen at Tacoma, Washington had had a very unusual 
experience - a Mr. Harold A. Dahl and a Mr. Fred L. Crisman claimed that they 
had not only seen a group of flying saucers but that they had in their 
possession some fragments that came from one of them. Mr. Palmer wrote 
that he had a definite interest in the case and would send me expense 
money if I could find the time to go up there and investigate the authenticity 
of their story as well as ship some of the fragments, if I could obtained 
them, to him at Evanston, Illinois. I just let the letter sit for a few days to 
think it over. 

In the meantime, I was visited by two representatives of A-2 Military 
Intelligence of the Fourth Air Force, Lieutenant Frank M. Brown and Captain 
William Davidson. I was very happy to see them. I couldn't figure out why 
such an efficient body as Military Intelligence hadn't called on me before. 

Their visit was most interesting and my wife, Doris, and I were both 
impressed by their kindness and their consideration of the very peculiar 
position flying saucers had put me in. 

We met them at the Hotel Owybee in Boise. They treated us to a very 
wonderful dinner. We discussed various phases of my original observation. 
They said, frankly and openly, they didn't know what the flying saucers 
were. They had never seen one, they told us, but ever since my first report 
they were practically bug-eyed from watching the sky themselves. 

That evening at about 9:30 Captain Smith was coming through Boise on his 
flight to the east from Seattle. I told Davidson and Brown that I intended to 
go out and say hello to Big Smithy. They were highly elated with the 
opportunity to meet Captain Smith for, as Brown said, he was on their list to 
call on. It was like killing two birds with one stone, so to speak. 

After dinner we drove out to the Boise Municipal Airport. I was rather 
surprised to find Dave Johnson, the aviation editor for The Idaho 
Statesman, there. I wondered how he knew. Then it occurred to me that the 
military wanted to talk to him also. Only a few days previously he had 
attempted to photograph a disk-like object which he had observed from his 
National Guard AT-6 airplane, while he was flying at 14,000 feet over 
Anderson Dam, a few miles to the east of Boise. 

Characteristic of our other meetings, everybody was talking at the same 
time. As a result, during the brief stay that Smithy had between flights, none 
of us found out much. I did learn in the course of the conversation that 
Davidson and Brown had flown to Boise especially to see me in a military A-
26 bomber. I was really impressed! About all I knew about planes was from 
the puddle-jumpers I had always flown and because these military craft are 
so big and so powerful I guess I had the idea that brains were sticking out all 
over anyone who could fly them. 

After leaving the terminal in our car, Doris and I invited Davidson and Brown 
to come out to our home where we could talk under quieter circumstances. 
Our two children had been put to bed and we had the house to ourselves. I 
fully realized the seriousness of their visit and tried to cooperate in every 
way I possibly could. I stuck absolutely to the facts. I didn't consider my 

opinion important. I drew pictures for them and recounted my original 
observation as accurately as I could. For some reason, and I don't know why, 
I did not tell them that one of the flying disks in the formation I observed 
appeared different from the rest. 

In fact, I never even told Doris. I thought it was the angle from which I 
observed this particular one which made it look different and I wasn't 
completely positive about it. It was rather odd too, because I kept thinking 
about this one flying saucer that looked different and I always intended to 
tell someone about it. However, every time I would be puzzling over the 
matter no one seemed to be around to tell it to. 

Before leaving that night, Davidson and Brown went through all the mail I 
had received outside of what various newsmen had helped themselves to. I 
noticed the mail they selected to take was mostly of the nature of societies 
or organizations that had written me asking for full accounts of my original 
experiences. I was happy they did go though my mail as I didn't feel capable 
of evaluating much of the contents of the letters I had received. 

When we returned them to their hotel, Brown and Davidson quietly but 
firmly impressed me with the idea that if anything of an usual nature came 
to my attention or if I needed help in any way I was to phone them or write 
them collect in care of A-2, Fourth Air Force, Hamilton Field, California. They 
also mentioned that it would probably be better for all concerned if I 
refused to discuss my experiences further with outsiders. I can say that I 
was extremely impressed with my first meeting with Military Intelligence 
officers. Their courtesy, politeness, and consideration was beyond reproach. 

The next day I found out that Dave Johnson of The Idaho Statesman also had 
been requested to send in a complete written report of his observation to 
the commanding officer of Wright-Patterson Field, Dayton, Ohio. It was that 
afternoon as we were walking down Capitol Boulevard in Boise that I talked 
to Dave about the letter that I had received from R.A. Palmer. I asked him if 
he thought it would be right for me to accept expense money to flying to 
Tacoma, Washington and investigate the sighting and fragments in relation 
to Harold A. Dahl and Fred L. Crisman. Dave thought that I would be silly not 
to accept the money. He suggested that a good way to find out if this Mr. 

R.A. Palmer was sincere was to write or wire him for the expense money 

I did so that afternoon, requesting $200. The $200 was at Western Union 
waiting for me the next morning. I was quite surprised and I think that Dave 
was, too. Dave, being a hard-headed newspaper man, just couldn't believe 
an unknown party, so to speak, would be tossing money around that way. 
So there I was with the $200 and now the responsibility to go to Tacoma and 
investigate the matter. 





It was on the morning of July 29, 1947 that I took off from a private cow 
pasture near my home. It was about 5:30 a.m. I never told anyone of my 
plans as to when I was going to leave Boise or at what date I would arrive in 
Tacoma, though a number of my friends did know of my proposed trip. That 
day no one but my wife knew I had gone and I took off so early in the 
morning that I was quite sure no one else knew or made any special note of 
my leaving. I mention this here, and further stress another important point. I 
rarely file a flight plan. I do not recall a flight I made in the entire year of 1947 
where I did file a flight plan. My plane at that time was not equipped with a 
radio, only a small receiver to obtain weather reports. 

It was a beautiful summer morning the day I left Boise and I promptly 
climbed my aircraft to an altitude of 7,000 feet, flying the airway route to 
Pendleton, Oregon. I had only about half a tank of gasoline when I left and 
planned on stopping at La Grande, Oregon for refueling. A refuel at la 
Grande would carry me through to Tacoma. I stored no gasoline in the cow 
pasture that I had been using as a landing field and 5:30 in the morning was 
too early to obtain gas in Boise. 

It was a perfect day to fly. The air was sharp, moist, clear as crystal and 
smooth as silk. There is something of a real thrill in flying on a day like that, 
with the endless drone of your motor telling you that everything is working 
perfectly. Within an hour I was over Baker, Oregon. I can recall how the city 
sparkled in the sunlight as it lay below me, nestled in between two huge 
ranges of mountains. I began to let down over North Powder, Oregon in 
preparation to land at La Grande when I noticed above me and about ten 
miles to the right the Empire Airlines' old Boeing, also coming into land at La 
Grande. There is something about having company in the air that always 
seems pleasant and friendly. I rocked my wings at him in a gesture of hello 
and continued my let down until I was directly over Union, Oregon at 5,000 

I recall looking at my instrument clock which read about five minutes of 
seven. As I looked up from my instrument panel and straight ahead over the 
La Grande valley I saw a cluster of about twenty to twenty-five brass-colored 
objects that looked like ducks. they were coming at me head on and at what 
seemed a terrific rate of speed. I grabbed my camera and started rolling out 
film. Even though I thought they were ducks when I first saw them, I wasn't 
taking any chances. 

The sun was at my back and to my right. These objects were coming into the 
sun. I wasn't sighting through the viewfinder on my camera but was sighting 
along the side of it. As this group of objects came within 400 yards of me 
they veered sharply away from me and to their right, gaining altitude as they 
did so and fluttering and flashing a dull amber color. I was a little bit shocked 
and excited when I realized they had the same flight characteristics of the 
large objects that I had observed on June 24. These appeared to be round, 
rather rough on top, and to have a dark or a light spot on top of each one. I 
couldn't be absolutely positive of this because it all happened so suddenly. I 
attempted to make a turn and follow them but they disappeared to the east 
at a speed far in excess of my airplane. I knew they were not ducks because 
ducks don't fly that fast. 

After a few minutes I gave up the chase and continued to let down at La 
Grande. I phoned Dave Johnson from there and related my experience but 
told him not to print it. I knew he had more than a newsworthy interest now 
in flying disks. I questioned the whole crew of the Empire Airlines ship to see 
if they had seen this cluster of objects, too. If they had seen them, they 
would not admit it, but there is a good possibility they did not see them. 
they were on almost their final approach at the La Grande airfield, their 
plane being much faster than mine, and this cluster of objects at the time 
would have been seven to nine hundred feet above them. 

I heard later that several farmers in the vicinity of Union had observed what 
they thought a peculiar cluster of birds that same morning. I did not know 
this until much later. actually, they flew in a cluster more like blackbirds than 
ducks but each one was larger than a duck, I should judge some twenty-four 
to thirty inches in diameter. they rather wheeled on edge, flipping as they 
went as efficiently as when they were flat in reference to the surface of the 

ground. That morning I was pretty disappointed that no one around the 
airfield had seen them, to my knowledge. 

I am fully familiar with La Grande valley, the reservoirs, streams and lakes 
that are all over this area in the summer and you can be sure, on the 
conservative side, that I felt positive these things were not birds. I was 
curious as to what my movie film had recorded. Later, after it was 
developed, I found that my movie try was not very successful. Only one or 
two of these objects could be found on my film and you could see them only 
under a jeweler's glass. 

I gassed up and flew on over almost the same route I had flown the day I 
observed the flying disks at Mount Rainier. It was later afternoon when I 
arrived at the Chehalis County Airport. I hadn't fully made up my mind as to 
whether I would stay overnight in Chehalis or fly on to Tacoma that night. I 
didn't tell anyone where I was going or why, although at the airport I think 
the subject of flying disks did come up for a short while. I steered the 
conversation away from the subject as it is pretty embarrassing to know 
that something is true and yet not be able to show any physical evidence of 
your conviction. After some forty-five minutes of hanger flying, I decided I 
would go on to Tacoma that evening. 

It was dusk when I landed at Barry's Airport which is a little airfield located 
down on the mud flats. I am sure that neither Barry nor his wife recognized 
me as the man whose picture had been in the newspapers connected with 
flying disk stories. I had Barry gas my airplane and tie it up for the night. I 
then proceeded to call all the hotels in town to see if I could get a room for 
the night. Barry's wife kept saying that getting a room in Tacoma was really 
difficult and that the housing shortage had been very acute there. 

I don't know how many hotels and rooming houses I called. Finally, as a last 
resort and just for a lark, I called the Winthrop. I really didn't expect to find a 
room there as it was the largest and most prominent hotel in the city of 
Tacoma. it was sure to be full. I was quite shocked when I spoke to the room 
clerk and heard him say, "Yes, Mr. Arnold, we have a room and bath for 

I recall asking him several times if he was sure that room was for Kenneth 
Arnold. He muttered something and evidently went back to his cards and 
papers. He came back over the telephone to tell me that yes, he had a room 
for me. I was positive he was mistaken. I though maybe he did have a room 
reserved for a Mr. Kenneth Arnold, but it couldn't be me. I explained it to 
myself by thinking that another person by the same name had ordered the 
room and just by coincidence I happened to fall heir to it. I know the clerk 
didn't know me. I had never stayed at that hotel before in my life. However, 
I was desperate for a room and thought it was all a happy coincidence. Even 
if another Kenneth Arnold did show up after I had moved in he might be 
kind enough to let me share the room with him. When I think of it now it 
seems terribly odd but at the time I didn't give it much thought. 

I went directly to the hotel, still puzzling over whose room I was going to 
get. While in Tahoma I wanted to be as quiet as possible about my presence. 
I thought that this flying disk business had gotten too far out of hand as it 

When I arrived at the hotel, I demanded to see the room clerk who had 
given me the room. My conscience was beginning to bother me and I was 
sure the room clerk was mixed up. The clerk on duty told me that the room 
clerk I had talked to on the telephone was now off duty and he didn't know 
where I could reach him. There was quite a group of people waiting to talk 
to the clerk so rather than explaining it all to him I signed the register, 
grabbed the key, and went up to Room 502. 

It had twin beds and a bath. I was tired and dirty and once planted there it 
was going to be awfully hard to move me out. While preparing my bath, I 
grabbed the telephone book and begin looking for a Harold A. Dahl. There 
were several Dahl's in the book. I phoned an H.A. Dahl and found that he 
was the fellow I had come to see. Mr. Dahl was not too anxious to talk to 
me. In fact, the first thing he said was why didn't I go back home and forget 
the whole business. 

I thought this rather strange since so much smoke as his experience has 
caused, the story getting clear to Chicago and back to me, must mean that 
there was something to it. Mr. Dahl stated that he refused to talk about or 

discuss the matter of his experience or flying disks with anyone. I think I was 
on line half an hour before I convinced him that whether his story was true 
or false, I had come all this way to talk to him and doggone it, I wouldn't go 
back home without an audience. He said that he had had nothing but tough 
luck ever since the whole business started and that probably he and I both 
would be better off if we left the subject alone. His last words on the phone, 
however, were that he would come to the hotel to see me within half an 

I was tired and hungry. I had intended to make an appointment with Mr. 
Dahl for the next day but I was fairly bursting with curiosity as to what he 
would look like and what his experience has really been. I knew there were 
such things as flying saucers and if he had any pieces of one I could sure use 
some tangible evidence. 

I was just dressing after my bath when Harold Dahl rapped on my door. I 
opened the door, still in the process of dressing, and I can honestly say I was 
never more surprised. I had always pictured in my mind that I person as 
superstitious as Mr. Dahl sounded over the phone would be a slightly built, 
sensitive type of character. Well, there he stood, over six feet two inches tall 
and well over two hundred pounds, as two fisted a lumberjack looking 
fellow as I ever saw. I am five feet ten and a half inches tall and weigh more 
than two hundred and fifteen pounds. I have never considered myself to be 
a small man but I suddenly thought maybe I had been a little too demanding 
and persistent over the phone. 

I invited him in a little apologetically and started firing questions at him. He 
moved the large chair from near the dresser in between the two beds and 
let me rave on for a little while, not answering a single thing I asked him. He 
finally said, "Wait a minute, Mr. Arnold, not so fast. In talking with you there 
are quite a number of things I want you to consider, if you want me to tell 
my story to you. In fact, I think I better go home." He got up as if to leave, 
then continued. "Mr. Arnold, I still think it would be good advice to you. This 
flying saucer business is the most complicated thing you ever got mixed up 

Right then and there I felt he was speaking the truth, but I wanted to 
untangle what seemed to me an awful mess. it seemed like nobody wanted 
to put the public straight on any of it. Not that I thought it was my job, 
particularly, but I'd been given $200 for expenses to interview this fellow. If I 
was conservative I certainly wouldn't spend the whole $200 just listening to 
a man's story and reporting on it. Little did I know that I was going to spend 
six days at it and get mixed up in the doggonedest mystery a man could ever 
dream of. 

For nearly two hours, Harold Dahl told me of all the sad experiences he had 
had since the 21st of June when he reported his sighting. He said you 
couldn't blame any of the experiences he had to anyone, but just by 
coincidence he nearly lost his job, just by coincidence he nearly lost his son, 
his wife had become ill, that he had lost a tremendously good boom of logs 
that he had salvaged from the bay when an unusual tide had somehow 
broken the moorings one night. This was a major loss to his finances as the 
boom was worth over $3500. The engines on their boar wouldn't start in the 
mornings; the boat sprang leaks. All in all, he had had a horrible time in 
keeping from going completely broke financially and from losing his family 
and home through sickness or accident. 

I tried to assure Harold that everybody has their ups and downs, that his 
tough luck could in no way be attributed to his sighting of flying saucers or 
to the fragments he had in his possession. I wanted to get to the bottom of 
this, regardless, and I didn't want to be frustrated by his superstitions. After 
what amounted to downright pleading on my part he finally related the 
following story. 

"On June 21, 1947 in the afternoon about two o'clock, I was patrolling the 
east bay of Maury Island close in to the shore. this practically uninhabited 
island lies directly opposite the city of Tacoma about three miles from the 
mainland. This day the sea was rather rough and there were numerous low-
hanging clouds. I, as captain, was steering my patrol boat close to the shore 
of a bay on Maury Island. On board were two crewmen, my fifteen-year-old 
son and his dog. 

As I looked up from the wheel on my boat I noticed six very large doughnut-
shaped aircraft. I would judge they were at about 2,000 feet above the 
water and almost directly overhead. At first glance I thought them to be 
balloons as they seemed to be stationary. However, upon further 
observance, five of these strange aircraft were circling very slowly around 
the sixth one which was stationary in the center of the formation. It 
appeared to me that the center aircraft was in some kind of trouble as it was 
losing altitude fairly rapidly. The other aircraft stayed at a distance of about 
two hundred feet above the center one as if they were following the center 
one down. The center aircraft came to rest almost directly overhead at 
about five hundred feet above the water. 

All on board our boat were watching these aircraft with a great deal of 
interest as they apparently had no motors, propellers, or any visible signs of 
propulsion, and to the best of our hearing they made no sound. In 
describing the aircraft I would say they were at least one hundred feet in 
diameter. Each had a hole in the center, approximately twenty-five feet in 
diameter. they were all a sort of shell-like gold and silver color. Their surface 
seemed of metal and appeared to be burled because when the light stone 
on them through the clouds they were brilliant, not all one brilliance, but 
many brilliances, something like a Buick dashboard. All of the aircraft 
seemed to have portholes equally spaced around the outside of their 
doughnut exterior." 

"These portholes were from five to six feet in diameter and were round. 
there also appeared to have a dark, circular, continuous window on the 
inside and bottom of their doughnut shape as though it were an observation 
window. All of us aboard there boat were afraid this center balloon was 
going to crash in the bay, and just a little while before it stopped lowering, 
we had pulled our boat over to the beach and got out with out harbor patrol 
camera. I took three or four photographs of these balloons. 

The center balloon-like aircraft remained stationary at about five hundred 
feet from the water while the other five aircraft kept circling over it. After 
about five or six minutes one of the aircraft from the circling formation left 
it's place in the formation and lowered itself down right next to the 
stationary aircraft. In fact, it appeared to touch it and stayed stationary next 

to the center aircraft as if it were giving some kind of assistance for about 
three or four minutes. 

It was then we heard a dull thud, like an underground explosion or a thud 
similar to a man stamping his heel on damp ground. Immediately following 
this sound the center aircraft began spewing forth what seemed like 
thousands of newspapers from somewhere on the inside of it's center. 
These newspapers, which turned out to be a white type of very light weight 
metal, fluttered to earth, most of them lighting in the bay. It then seemed to 
hail on us, in the bay and over the beach, black or darker type metal which 
looked similar to lava rock. We did not know if this metal was coming from 
the aircraft but assumed that it was, as it fell at the same time that the white 
type metal was falling. However, since these fragments were of a darker 
color, we did not observe them until they started hitting the beach and the 
bay. All of these latter fragments seemed hot, almost molten. When they hit 
the bay, steam rose from the water. 

We ran for the shelter under a cliff on the beach and behind logs to protect 
ourselves from the falling debris. In spite of our precaution, my son's arm 
was injured by one of the falling fragments and our dog was hit and killed. 
We buried the dog at sea on our return trip to Tacoma." 

"After this rain of metal seemed over, all of these strange aircraft lifted 
slowly and drifted out to the westward, which is out to sea. They rose and 
disappeared at a tremendous height. The center aircraft, which had spewed 
the debris, did not seem to be hindered in it's flight and still remained in the 
center of the formation as they all rose and disappeared out to sea. 

We tried to pick up several pieces of the metal or fragments and found them 
very hot - in fact, I almost burned my fingers - but after some of them had 
cooled we loaded a considerable number of the pieces aboard the boat. we 
also picked up some of the metal which had looked like falling newspapers. 

My crew and I discussed this observance for awhile and I attempted to radio 
from my patrol boar back to my base. The static was so great it was 
impossible for me to reach my radio station. This I attributed to the 
presence of these aircraft, as my radio had been in perfect operating order 
and the weather would not have causes this amount of interference. 

The wheelhouse on our boat had been hit by the falling debris and 
damaged. We immediately started our engines and went directly to Tacoma, 
where my boy was given first aid at the hospital there. Upon reaching the 
dock I had to tell my superior officer how the boar had been damaged and 
why the dog had not returned with us. I related our experience to Fred L. 
Crisman, my superior officer. I could plainly see that he did not believe it and 
I guess I don't blame him, but we gave him the camera with it's film and the 
fragments of metal we had loaded aboard as proof of our story. Fred L. 
Crisman decided he would at least go and investigate the beach where I 
judged at least twenty tons of the debris had fallen. 

I might add that these strange aircraft appeared completely round, but 
seemed a little squashed on the top and on the bottom as if you placed a 
large board on an inner tube and squashed it slightly. The film from our 
camera, developed, showed these strange aircraft, but the negatives were 
covered with spots similar to a negative that has been close to an x-ray 
room before it has been exposed except that the spots prints white instead 
of black as in the usual case." 

This was the story that Harold A. Dahl related to me the evening of July 29, 
1947 in Room 502 in the Winthrop Hotel in Tacoma, Washington. 

Harold had moved from the chair to the bed and sat rather stooped over, 
wringing his hands as if terribly worried about something. I asked him what 
he was worried about and he said that he only hoped that in relating his 
experience he wouldn't have any more bad luck or that he would wish any 
on me. He seemed to hesitate, then he started talking again. 

Harold Dahl went on to tell me that early the very next morning after he had 
his experience a gentleman called at his home and invited him to breakfast. I 
was about seven o'clock. According to Dahl this wasn't particularly unusual. 
He said that many lumber buyers did call on people in his type of work with 
the purpose of buying salvaged logs and that they frequently called on him 
very early in the morning. 

This gentleman, Dahl continued, wore a black suit, was of medium height, 
and there was nothing unusual about his appearance. However, he seemed 
more the type of man who would be a insurance salesman or who followed 

a less strenuous type of work than logging. He appeared to be about forty 
years of age. 

Dahl accepted his invitation and they walked out to the curb. Dahl noticed 
that he drove a 1947 Buick sedan. Since Dahl had to go downtown anyway, 
this average looking gentleman suggested that Dahl drive his own car and 
follow him. While driving downtown Harold was unable to get the license 
number of the cart he was following. He made no special point to do so. He 
felt sure the fellow wanted to buy some salvaged logs or equipment from 
him. It happens almost every morning in harbor patrol work. 

It did seem rather funny, as Harold put it, that this gentleman was taking 
Harold to breakfast in the uptown section of Tacoma rather than in the 
lower dock section which is the usual place where loggers and salvage 
operators congregate. Finally he stopped in front of a little nook cafe and 
motioned for Harold to follow him. 

By this time Dahl's curiosity was aroused, almost to the point of asking him 
right on the curb what he wanted. They went inside and ordered their 
breakfast. The minute this man sat down in the booth he began relating in 
great detail the experience that Harold and his crew had had the day before. 
He did this with such accuracy, Harold said, it was shocking. This man talked 
as if he had been on the boat with them the entire trip. Harold knew he had 
never seen the man before. He was completely baffled at what he was 

After the man finished he made the remark, "What I have said is proof to 
you that I know a great deal more about this experience of yours than you 
will to believe." He made the flat statement that Harold and his crew had 
made an observation that shouldn't have happened for some mysterious 
reason, and he was giving him some sound advice. This man told Harold that 
if he loved his family and didn't want anything to happen to his general 
welfare, he would not discuss his experience with anyone. 

Harold told me, "I don't put much stock in what this fellow said. He sounded 
like some kind of a crackpot to me. I didn't think it was amazing how he 
knew what we had seen. Why a total stranger would make such an issue of 
something no one could help did have me rather puzzled. I didn't have any 

intention of keeping my experience a secret when I went back to the docks 
that morning. I discussed my experience openly and truthfully with many 
other seamen at the pier that morning. I asked for Fred Crisman, my 
superior officer, and found out he had taken one of the boats out alone. the 
last anyone knew of him that morning was that he had headed towards 
Maury Island." 

That afternoon Fred L. Crisman returned with the boat and, according to 
Dahl, he didn't have much to say. He did stop criticizing Dahl for seeing 
things, and he started making arrangements for the repair of the boat that 
Harold had been operating. 

I sat there on the edge of the bed looking at Dahl. I was thinking that before 
I came to Tacoma I was sure I had heard everything. Dahl's story was the 
wildest thing I had ever listened to and still, as far as I could tell, he was 
deadly earnest about every bit of it. 

There was quite a long silence. it must have been about five minutes. I, 
frankly, couldn't think of anything to say. Finally Harold Dahl got up from 
where he had been sitting on the edge of the bed. He suggested that he 
take me out to his secretary's house where he had quite a few of the 
fragments he had brought back from Maury Island, that is, if I would care to 
see them. I did. By this time I had completely forgotten about maybe saving 
any of my $200 expense money. 

We left the hotel and drove in Harold's car out to his secretary's home. it 
was a rather unpretentious looking little house, standing all alone on a 
corner. The evening was bright and clear and it took us ten minutes to get 
there. I noticed particularly the streets and the avenue we took. I thought to 
myself, 'I may go out there in the morning and look it over in the daylight.' 

This was the first time I had ever played investigator and I guess I thought 
investigators would make notes of that kind. I know now I would have been 
better off to let Perry Mason do the job. I couldn't believe Harold Dahl's 
story, even though I could see absolutely no reason to doubt his sincerity 
and could find nothing that he could gain from telling a lie. 

We pulled up in front of a house, got out and walked up a rather cracked 
sidewalk to a wooden porch. The porch had no screens and there were no 
rugs on the floor. I remember the white spindle-like porch supports. Harold 
knocked on the side of the doorway and then opened the screen door. It 
was hinged on the west and opened on the east. There was enough light 
from the street light so that I could see the house was of about a 1912 
vintage and could have used another coat of white paint. 

I turned the doorknob of the main door. It was hinged on the east and 
opened inward from the west. The door was of a dark wood like mahogany. 
Although not hand carved, it gave a hand-carved effect. The doorknob was 
oblong with little raised grapes or insignia on it. The window in the front 
door was the etched picture kind of glass. 

Upon entering the house, I saw a piano to my left against the wall. A 
bedroom led directly off to the right of the front room. The entire front 
room was very narrow with a slight archway between the farther end of the 
front room and a small open dining room. Another archway tunneled into 
the kitchen in the rear. Next to the piano by the west window was a large 
radio, about a 1937 model, with it's wires trailing through the edge of the 
window panel to the outside. 

I could see from the reflected light of the room the aerial going up outside 
the house. The base of the aerial was made of two 2x2s. there was a piano 
bench at the piano. On top of the piano were several kewpie dolls such as 
you win at sideshows, trimmed with ostrich feathers, and some inexpensive 
plaster-of-paris animal figurines. 

Harold went directly through the front room and dining room into the 
kitchen. A woman about forty years of age, Harold's secretary, was in the 
kitchen. She was deeply engrossed in writing checks and doing book work. 
papers, receipts, and notes were laid every available place in the kitchen. 

I was following close behind Harold. I thought he was leading me to the 
fragments he had spoken of. He introduced me to his secretary. I can't recall 
her name. I had been told she was a widow and had several children and 
that this was her home. I gathered that her book work was generally done 
down at some office at the docks, but that she had brought the books and 

the check book home to catch up on her work since it was nearing the end 
of July. 

Harold turned from his secretary and asked me to return to the front room 
and help myself to a chair. Within a few seconds he followed, sat on the 
edge of the piano bench and handed me a dark colored rock ash tray. He 
said, "Here is one of the fragments from Maury Island. We've been using it 
as an ash tray." 

I remember saying, "Why, Harold, that's only a piece of lava rock!" 

Harold said, "Well, I don't know much about metals, but this is some of the 
stuff that hit our boat and there must be about twenty tons more of it over 
on the shores of Maury Island. I don't have any of the white metal here but 
Fred Crisman has a whole box full in his garage. We're go over there right 
away if you'd like to see that, too." 

"Oh, that isn't too important," I said. "Not tonight, I'll have a look at it 
tomorrow." If I had only read some of the clippings I had stuffed into my 
coat pocket before I left Boise this lava rock would really have rung a bell in 
my mind. Since June 24 I had been collecting clippings and listening to 
stories so hot and heavy that I had little chance to digest some of the things 
I should have known. 

The rest of the evening we spent talking about hunting and fishing. Harold 
drove me back to my hotel a little after midnight. Just before parting with 
Dahl that evening in front of the hotel I asked if he would have Mr. Crisman 
come to see me in the morning. 

I was really tired that night and went to bed completely forgetting that I had 
had no supper. 

I would probably have slept until noon the next day if I hadn't been 
awakened by a banging on my door. it was about 9:30 in the morning. Both 
Crisman and Dahl had come to see me. 

Fred Crisman was a short stocky fellow, dark complexioned, a happy-go-
lucky appearing person, very cheerful and extremely alert. He was 

practically bubbling over to tell me his story. Up until this time I hadn't heard 
about his experience. 

Crisman began telling me how furious he was with Harold Dahl when he 
returned to the docks with his "wild tale" and the damaged boat. He said he 
had cussed Harold out for damaging the boat. 

Harold broke in, saying, "Yah, Crisman thought we'd all been drunk." 

Fred Crisman piped up with, "I certainly did think they had gotten drunk. The 
only thing I couldn't figure out was how poor navigation could account for 
all the damage to the boat - all of it done on the wheelhouse and the upper 
deck. It looked like they had taken a sledge hammer and tried to sink it from 
the top down." 

Crisman was evidently talking from experience. I guess that in times before 
when liquor was aboard one of his boats it was always the bottom of the 
craft that had been damaged from crashing into rocks or whatever men do 
with a boat when they are drunk. 

"My curiosity rose," Fred Crisman continued, "when I considered the 
peculiar way the boat had been damaged. I sneaked off the next morning 
early to go over to Maury Island to see if there actually was twenty tons of 
this debris on the beach like Dahl said. On arriving at Maury Island I did find 
all the debris, lava rock and some of the white metal that Harold had told me 

"Now," Fred said, "to make the story worse, while I stood looking at these 
fragments, holding a few pieces in my hand, one of the same kind of aircraft 
that Harold described to me came right out of a large far cumulus cloud and 
made a wide circle of this little bay. 

The aircraft was banked at about a ten degree angle. It had no visible means 
of propulsion. It was more like a large inner tube with round eyes or 
portholes around it on the outside. It made no noise, and circled the bay as if 
it was looking for something. it did not seem slightly squished as Harold 
described the six the day before. 

I hold a commercial pilot's license. I flew over a hundred missions in fighter 
aircraft over Burma in the last war and I feel qualified to describe it 
accurately. Harold doesn't know how to fly. I would say the portholes 
around this strange airplane were about five feet in diameter. Also I would 
say it had a definite observation window and the whole surface appeared to 
be metal, burled and of a brassy color - almost golden. As the sun hit it, it 
showed more brilliance than a solid polished surface would show." 

I had the feeling as Crisman talked that, solid as appeared, he definitely 
wanted to domineer the conversation and trends of thought about the 
entire Maury Island incident. 

Harold Dahl seemed more in favor of taking little or no part in further 
discussion of the subject. Dahl in no way attempted to sell his story to me or 
to review it any further. He didn't try to convince me of the truth of what he 
had already told me. 

This was July 30, 1947 and by now it was about eleven o'clock in the 
morning. I had gotten dressed during the discussion and ordered breakfast 
to be sent up to all three of us. While eating breakfast I reached in my coat 
pocket and took out a number of newspaper clippings and offs and ends I 
had hurriedly put in my pocket in Boise. oddly enough, the top clipping of 
the handful, which I had barely glanced at before, mentioned cinder or lava 
ash particles that had fallen from the sky near Mountain Home, Idaho the 
twelfth day of July after a formation of flying saucers had passed over that 
area. The man who picked up portions of this ash sent it to the state 
chemical laboratory for analysis. 

Right then and there I became inwardly excited about the fragments I had 
seen the night before. I wanted some immediately and even through our 
meetings had been entirely in the talking stage I put a great deal more 
credence in Dahl's and Crisman's stories of their experiences. I seemed all of 
a sudden to wake up and wanted to get to doing things. I told Dahl I would 
like to see the photographs he had taken, even if they were bad, and asked 
Crisman for some of the white metal as well as other fragments he had 
stored in his garage. 

Then I really got an idea - Smithy! I asked Crisman and Dahl if they would 
mind if I asked Captain E.J. Smith of United Airlines to come down and help 
us try to get to the bottom of this thing. I explained to them that Big Smithy 
had become involved in this thing innocently, too. I was sure he would be as 
anxious to obtain some physical evidence of flying saucers as I was. 
Somehow at the point I completely forgot about Mr. Raymond Palmer back 
in Evanston, Illinois. Suddenly I was finding out things for myself, not for Mr. 

Dahl and Crisman said they didn't care if I asked Big Smithy over. I got busy 
on the telephone right then and called United Airlines, Flight Operations, at 
Boeing Field in Seattle. They gave me Captain Smith's phone number and 
luckily I was able to reach him. I told Captain smith what I had bumped into 
in Tacoma and asked him if he would like to come over. He told me he had 
the afternoon off and would like to join in the investigation. I said I'd fly up 
to Seattle right away, meet him in front of the Terminal Building, and fly him 
back to Tacoma. Not only did I like Captain Smith's company, but felt he was 
much more qualified to determine the authenticity of Dahl's and Crisman's 
stories than I was. 

Dahl had some odds and ends to take care of down at the dock so Fred 
Crisman drove me to Barry's Airport in his Ford roadster. I climbed in my 
plane and took off for Seattle. By the time I got there Smithy was waiting for 
me. I didn't know exactly what to believe. Big Smithy seemed to be 
enthusiastic about the whole thing. After paying our check at the newsstand 
we went out, climbed in my plane and took off for Tacoma. 

I bet Big Smithy will never forget that flight. He'd been flying DC-6s from 
Seattle to Chicago and what a comedown it was to the funny looking little 
one engine plane I own. About the only thing on my ship that is metal is the 
engine. I'll never forget Captain Smith chuckling at my airspeed only 
registering a hundred and five miles per hour. After a number of assurances 
on my part that my plane was really safe, he settled down to enjoy the ride. 





We arrived in Tacoma about three o'clock and parked my airplane at Barry's 
Airport. Fred Crisman was waiting and drove us up to my hotel. He let us 
out, saying he would go down, pick up Dahl, and be back in about an hour. I 
told Captain Smith as we were walking into the hotel that I, for one, didn't 
want any newspaper reporters around or any publicity about what we were 
doing. I asked him not to tell United Airlines what he was doing in Tacoma 
with me. There were a number of things about the stories of Crisman and 
Dahl that didn't quite ring true but at that time, it was beyond me to 
evaluate what I had heard and seen. We went directly to my room. I phoned 
an order for coffee and rolls and then brought Captain Smith up to date on 
everything that had happened. 

A little over an hour and a half later Crisman and Dahl arrived. Dahl and 
Crisman told Captain Smith their stories separately. I showed him the news 
clipping about the disks and lava ash and told him that neither Crisman or 
Dahl had seen the clipping or knew anything about it. 

I recall Captain Smith taking off his suit coat, throwing it on the back of a 
chair, and saying to me, "Ken, whether you like it or not, you're got a 
roommate. I'm going to stay here until I find out what gives!" I was tickled 
to death. I thought, 'Boy! Now we're going to get to the bottom of things!' 

We were engrossed with our coffee and rolls for about fifteen minutes. No 
one said too much, but I know everybody was doing a lot of thinking. 
Captain Smith finally broke the silence, thereby starting a cross examination 
which covered every possible phase of everybody's relationship and 
experiences up to the present date. It took an hour and a half and I don't 
think J. Edgar Hoover could have done a better job. 

When Smithy got through we weren't any farther ahead than we were when 
we started. Somehow Crisman's and Dahl's stories couldn't be broken 
down. After this Smithy was more convinced than ever that he wanted to 
stay a few days with me to see how everything came out. He asked Crisman 

to drive him up to Seattle so he could get his automobile and a toothbrush. 
He phoned United Airlines and cancelled his flights for the next day on the 
excuse that he was visiting a friend. I know he didn't tell United Airlines 
what he was doing. He and Crisman left, saying they'd be back within a 
couple of hours. 

Harold Dahl made the excuse that his wife wasn't feeling well and that he 
had to go home to supper. He said he would come back later on in the 
evening. I locked the room and went out for a cup of coffee. I was gone 
about an hour. I'll never forget the feeling I had in the pit of my stomach. 
Somehow it seemed like we weren't getting any place and I kind of wished I 
was back home. 

It must have been about seven-thirty or eight o'clock when Captain smith 
returned. He hadn't had any supper and he suggested we drive someplace. 
His car was a light green deluxe model Town and Country Chrysler. I told 
Smithy that no one but plutocrats could afford buggies like that. We drove 
out to the edge of Tacoma, talking about the events of the day. We had 
dinner in a rather secluded cafe that I think Captain Smith knew about for it 
was strange to me. 

We got back to the hotel just a little before Crisman and Dahl arrived. I sort 
of relaxed and let Captain Smith take over as he seemed to have a good 
system. I remember that before Dahl and Crisman left, Smith asked to see a 
bunch of the fragments, both the white and the lava rock kind; he also 
wanted to see the pictures, and he wanted to go to Maury Island to see the 
debris that had been so talked about and that was supposed to be there on 
the beach. 

Dahl and Crisman agreed to everything he asked. They invited us to have 
breakfast with them the next morning at a little logger's cafe where we 
would have the opportunity to meet their harbor patrol crews. We accepted 
their invitation and they left. 

It was about ten o'clock. Smithy and I thought that now we were getting 
someplace. We were both pretty tired. Smithy walked over and flopped on 
my bed. In doing so he knocked the pillow off my bed, revealing that I had a 
.32 automatic pistol. He became very interested in it and asked me if I was 

worried about something. I remember feeling rather sheepish about it. I said 
that I honestly didn't know why I had brought it along, that I rarely carried it 
with me. 

I explained to Smithy that it had been a present from Colonel Paul Wieland 
of Provo, Utah. Smithy sure liked that pistol and asked me if I would sell it as 
it was just the size he would like to carry with him when he flew. The 
conversation drifted from Colonel Paul to red tides to the crashed C-46 
Marine transport which had finally been found that month on the southwest 
side of Mount Rainier. We did a great deal of laughing and joking about the 
crazy things people were saying about flying saucers. 

We were, in fact, laughing and joking just a little bit artificially. We both had 
a peculiar feeling that we were being watched or that there was something 
dangerous about getting involved with Crisman and Dahl. First was out 
suspicion of a hoax. Second was our suspicion that Russian espionage was 
baiting us on the whole affair for a very simple season - to find out if actually 
we knew that these flying saucers were made in the United States and were 
a military secret. 

We reasoned this way, that our relationship with Russia was not on too 
friendly a basis and we both knew we had given reports that were accurate 
and correct as far as we had observed these strange craft. It was publicly 
known that we had been interrogated by Military Intelligence. Russian 
agents might assume that we had been secretly assured that these craft 
were of our own manufacture. By watching us or getting us involved in 
something of this kind, we might privately confide in each other what, 
supposedly, the military had secretly assured us. Thus a foreign government 
would have an assured knowledge of what these things were and where 
they came from in case they were being sighted over their own country. 

At this time we didn't even dream of the possibility that they could come 
from another world. Although Smithy and I did not talk much about it that 
evening, we both felt safer with a gun in our possession. 

We had just settled down to go to sleep when the phone rang. It was Ted 
Morello of United Press. I later found out he was UP's head man in Tacoma 
with offices in the Tacoma Times Building. I immediately started to hang up 

on him when he said, "Hold on a minute. Some crackpot has been phoning 
us here, telling us verbatim what has been going on in your hotel room for 
the last day." 

I told him we would not admit or deny anything. Morello proceeded to tell 
me, step by step, what we had been doing. I was amazed at the accuracy of 
what he told me but I didn't let on to Morello that it was true. 

We had both been bothered several times by a reporter from the Tacoma 
Times named Paul Lance earlier in the day. He had met us in the lobby and 
tried to strike up a conversation with us and he came up to our room several 
times that afternoon attempting to get a story. We had questioned Paul 
Lance as to how he knew we were there and his suspicion that it had 
something to do with flying saucers. We had absolutely refused to talk to 
any reporters and Paul Lance was no exception. Both Smith and I suspected 
Dahl or Crisman of leaking out the information as to what was going on in 
our room. 

Ted Morello of United Press not only told me but I turned the phone over to 
Captain Smith. He was equally amazed at what Morello knew, particularly 
when he quoted things that had been said in the room that evening when 
neither Dahl or Crisman were present. We thanked Morello for his kindness, 
told him he was all wet - which was not true - and as Smithy set the phone 
back on the stand we both began to worry. 

We were sure someone had a Dictaphone planted in our room. We spent 
the next hour tearing that room apart,, from the mattresses to the 
transoms. It was a corner room and we had a definite advantage. We were 
five stories up on two sides and with heavy panels between us and the 
hallway and the adjoining room on the west and the south. We could not 
find any wires or any microphone behind, underneath, or on anything in that 
room. I didn't dare say how I felt but Smithy was visibly concerned and 
disturbed. for the next half hour, before we finally went to sleep, we carried 
on our conversation in whispers. 

The next morning, July 31, Captain Smith and I were awakened by Crisman 
and Dahl. Their arms were loaded with heavy lava rock fragments and 
Crisman has a number of pieces of the white metal that he said came from 

the aircraft that Harold Dahl had told about. Captain Smith and I were 
starting to inspect the fragments when Crisman broke in, saying that the 
men from their crews were down at the cafe waiting for us for breakfast. 

We hurriedly dressed, locked the fragments in the room, left the hotel, got 
in our respective cars and drove to the lower section of town where there 
was a little workingman's cafe. There, seated at a large round table covered 
with an oilcloth were two or three brawny looking men. We could tell by the 
various greetings between these men, Crisman and Dahl that they were 
associates in their salvage and harbor patrol work, presumably their crew 
members. Captain Smith and I were introduced and we took places around 
the table. We could smell the bacon frying and the hot cakes cooking in the 
kitchen. I remember it smelled mighty good. 

These men seemed to be very friendly and appeared to have every 
confidence in their superior officers. We did not ask them to verify the 
stories of Crisman and Dahl on June 21 on Maury Island. No attempt to settle 
anything was made at breakfast. We all had healthy appetites and it was 
more or less a meeting of friendly exchange of words. 

I took movies of Captain Smith, Fred L. Crisman and Harold Dahl and of their 
respective automobiles just after breakfast outside the cafe. All four of us 
then returned to Room 502 in the Winthrop Hotel where Captain Smith and I 
proceeded to inspect every piece of the fragments that Crisman and Dahl 
had brought us. 

All of the pieces of the dark lava-like substance were perfectly smooth on 
one side looked like it had been subjected to terrific head. The metal or lava 
was extremely heavy, a little brass colored. Even a small piece of this dark 
metal, about the size of a person's hand and about an inch thick, was quite a 
labor to lift with one hand. 

Someone suggested that these fragments could have been the lining of 
some kind of power tube. When we lined up all the pieces, following the 
cure of the smooth surface, we saw that they could have been a lining of a 
tube of some kind about six feet in diameter. From his speculation 
everything seemed to be shaping up in a sense that we could understand. 

Fred Crisman handed us a piece of the white metal. Both Smith and I would 
grant that it was very light, but no more of than the ordinary aluminum 
which certain sections of all large military aircraft are made of. If this was 
truly the light metal that Harold Dahl said was spewed from these strange 
aircraft we knew, or thought we knew, that it was a fake. We had seen 
hundreds of piles of this stuff in salvage dumps many places throughout the 
United States where surplus Army bombers had been junked. 

There was only one unusual thing about this white metal that made us stop 
and wonder. On one piece that Crisman handed us we could plainly see that 
two parts of it had been riveted. However, the rivets were not round, they 
were square and long rivets. I had never seen that type of rivet used in the 
aircraft we manufacture and I don't think Smithy had either. This piece of 
metal did not correspond with Harold Dahl's original description of the 
extremely light white metal. 

So far this was the only flaw that we had found. Neither Captain Smith nor I 
let on to Crisman or Dahl that we thought this white metal was a fake. This 
discovery, instead of helping to clear up the mystery, only deepened it. We 
couldn't figure out, if Crisman was pulling a hoax, what he could possibly 
gain by it. 

He must have known, being a pilot himself, that we would recognize this 
white metal. We would have identified it quite easily if it hadn't been for the 
square rivets and Dahl's story. 

After we had looked over the metal and had discussed it, we asked to see 
the pictures. Harold Dahl said that he had given the camera with it's film to 
Fred Crisman. Crisman described what the pictures looked like but said he 
was unable to locate them that morning before coming to the hotel. He was 
sure he had left them in his office down at the docks and would obtain them 
for us that afternoon. 

This was when I suggested that we call Davidson and Brown of Military 
Intelligence. They had asked me to call or wire them collect if anything 
unusual came up and we figured this was certainly unusual. I know that we 
were thinking of the same thing. We thought if there was any hoax to these 

stories the prospects of being interrogated by Military Intelligence would 
cause Crisman and Dahl to show their hand. 

I remember when I said, "Let's call in Military Intelligence," Smithy could 
hardly contain himself. He rather reluctantly and dryly, but seriously from all 
outward appearance, answered, "It might be a good idea." 

Crisman was very enthusiastic about the prospect of Military Intelligence 
taking over the investigation. Harold Dahl got a rather frightened look on his 
face and didn't want to have anything to do with it. He said right then and 
there, "If you call them in, I won't talk to them. My story is true. Fred 
Crisman knows it and he can tell it for me. I have a peculiar feeling this 
whole business is going to end up in a lot of bad luck for somebody. I'd just 
as soon go to a show and forget it from here on out." 

Captain Smith said, "I don't know what you're so superstitious about. I think 
it's a lot of nonsense." Harold Dahl still insisted that he didn't want any part 
of Military Intelligence but he said he would be available to us if we wanted 
him. I got on a telephone and called, collect, as Lt. Frank Brown had insisted 
I should. 

Military Intelligence, Fourth Air Force, Hamilton Field, California. I called 
specifically person to person to Lt. Frank Brown, giving my name to the 
operator so Brown would know who was calling him. I heard vaguely the 
conversation on the other end of the line as the telephone operator got 
hold of Lt. Brown at Hamilton Field. He refused to take the call collect on the 
military line. He told the operator to notify me that he would call me back 
immediately from an off the base pay telephone. 

I had been adhering to the instructions he had given me in Boise to the 
letter and I couldn't understand why he had refused my call on a military 
line. He couldn't have known what I was going to talk to me about. But 
then, my impression of Lt. Frank Brown was that not only was he a brilliant 
fellow, but he probably took all possible precautions against any leak of 
information which might throw discredit upon their military operation. 

It was only a few minutes until I heard his quarters going into a pay phone 
and I had him on the line. You could tell Lt. Brown's voice anywhere. He had 

a slow, easy southern drawl. He was the kind of chap who apparently could 
take anything in his stride. 

I told him that both Captain Smith and I were in Tacoma, Room 502 at the 
Winthrop Hotel. We had met a couple of harbor patrolmen who had told us 
of a very unusual experience they had had with flying saucers on Maury 
Island. I didn't describe the type of aircraft that they had seen or give him 
any strong hints of what we had been told. I made it plain that neither 
Captain Smith nor I felt fully capable of judging whether we were being 
made the victims of some hoax or whether these fellows' story was really 
true. I did say they offered some metal as proof of their story and that it 
looked like pieces of lava rock to me. 

Lt. Brown came back over the phone saying, "Sit tight. If we don't call you 
back within an hour, we'll be there." 

There was nothing to do then but sit around and wait. The conversation 
turned to lighter subjects. Captain Smith was discussing airplanes with Fred 
Crisman and I began talking to Harold Dahl about the fishing around 
Tacoma. We talked on subjects such as these for little over an hour. 

The only phone calls we received in that time were from reporter Paul Lance 
and from Ted Morello of United Press. When Ted Morello phoned he said 
that this crackpot character had been phoning him from a pay telephone, 
limiting his conversations to about fifteen or twenty seconds. He had him on 
the other line and asked us to count noses there in the room. Ted Morello 
said it was the same voice that had been calling him so often the last two 
days. Knowing that all four of us involved were in the room at the time, it 
discounted the possibility that the phone calls were being made by either 
Dahl or Crisman. Ted Morello didn't tell us what this mysterious informant 
was talking about. He was evidently checking up on or trying to find out 
who this informant was. 

A few minutes later Paul Lance, the reporter for the Tacoma Times phoned, 
asking if we could see him. We all agreed that we didn't want to talk to a 
newspaper reporter. I had turned the telephone over to Captain Smith and 
he politely hung up. Within a very few minutes someone knocked on our 
door. Captain Smith went to the door and there stood Paul Lance. 

I knew him the moment I saw him. He had tried to talk to me once in the 
lobby. He was a rather small man, sandy-haired, and physically handicapped, 
apparently from one childhood disease. He looked healthy and sound. 
Smithy took him by the arm and practically hauled him into the room, asking 
roughly what he wanted. Paul Lance was a little shocked. For some reason, I 
don't know why, Smithy quickly frisked him. I don't recall what Paul Lance 
said. Before he could say what he had come for, Smithy ushered him out 
into the hallway, telling him we didn't want to be disturbed and that 
whatever we were doing was none of his business. 

Captain Smith and I, particularly, were at a point of nervous tension. I think it 
was brought on by all these unusual circumstances as well as making the 
decision to call in Military Intelligence. Neither of us wanted to impose on Lt. 
Brown or Captain Davison. We all knew that by now the hour had passed for 
any return phone call from them and that they would be in Tacoma within 
the next hour or so. 

Harold Dahl gave us a phone number where he could be reached. He 
muttered something about Crisman being able to take care of everything all 
right as far as his part went, and left the room. 

Captain Smith invited Crisman to go downstairs with him. Having all the 
confidence in the world in Smithy, I didn't ask about it but thought it was for 
a private conversation. They left, too. 





I was alone in the room when Frank Brown phoned from the hotel desk, 
saying they were on their way up. I told him that Smith and Crisman had 
stepped out for a few minutes but that I would be waiting for them. It was 
about 4:30 p.m., July 31. 

They came right up. Captain Davidson stepped into the room first. He was 
smiling and seemed very friendly. He was a short stocky fellow of medium 
complexion, rather round faced. I recall that when he smiled it showed up a 
long scar on his face very prominently. I had noticed this scar before when 
he visited at my home. I always meant to ask him where he got it. 

As he and Lt. Brown were finding a chair, Captain Davidson said he has 
something to tell me. I said I thought that Captain Smith and I were entitled 
from a personal standpoint to know what they had found out. We knew that 
investigating flying saucer stories had been a full time job for them. We 
were interrupted by Smithy and Crisman at this point. 

When things settled down I told Brown and Davidson that we had run on to 
what we felt was some tangible evidence of flying saucers but before we 
showed it to them we wanted to know how far they had gotten in their 
investigation. Davidson said that they had found out quite a few very 
interesting things. He motioned me over to my bed, took a piece of paper 
from his pocket and drew a picture. It was a disk, almost identical to the one 
peculiar flying saucer that had been worrying me since my original 
observation - the one that looked different from the rest and that I had 
never mentioned to anyone. 

As he showed me the drawing, he said, "This is a drawing of one of several 
photographs we consider to be authentic. We just received it at Hamilton 

I turned to Lt. Brown for verification. He nodded his head and stated, 
"That's right. It came from Phoenix, Arizona the other day. We have prints 

of it at Hamilton Field but the original negatives were flown to Washington 

"If you ever get down to Hamilton Field we want you to call on us. We will 
be glad to have the files opened so you can see this picture." Brown 

Excitedly I explained why and how I knew the picture was authentic. I told 
them that I didn't know why I hadn't mentioned it before but I was positive 
they were on the right track. I explained that it was identical to that one 
craft that had looked different than the rest. I hadn't been able, I said, to be 
absolutely positive as to whether it was really different or whether it was 
the angle from which I observed it until I saw Captain Davidson's drawing. 
Was I anxious to see the real photograph! I thought, "I've got to make a trip 
to Hamilton Field to see this and hear how it was taken." 

For the next two and a half hours Fred L. Crisman related Harold Dahl's 
story. He handed Davidson and Brown some of the fragments that were 
lying in a pile on the floor. There were twenty-five to thirty pieces. They 
were handling these while listening to Crisman's story. Captain Smith and I 
interrupted several times in corrections of Crisman's story of Dahl's 
experience. They were not major corrections. 

After this session we ordered dinner to be served in the room. We discussed 
all the phases of this peculiar business - the mysterious telephone informant, 
Ted Morello, Paul Lance, and the persistency of the press in trying to et a 
story from us. Before we realized it, it was nearly midnight. Crisman was 
reviewing some of his own experiences. He told Brown and Davidson that 
he would go home and get a box of the fragments and would bring them 
down immediately so they could take them to Hamilton Field. 

All of a sudden, Brown and Davidson lost all their enthusiasm. They weren't 
interested any more. They got up to leave. Captain Smith and I invited them 
to stay the rest of the night with us. The room we had was large and we 
proposed having two fold-down beds brought in. They would have none of 
it. They were flying back at once. 

I think we argued for over fifteen minutes that it was senseless to fly back to 
Hamilton Field that night. Everyone was tired. Since Smithy and I had more 
or less shoved the responsibility of the rest of the investigation on them, we 
felt greatly relieved. 

Lt. Brown broke into our insistence on their staying the rest of the night. He 
explained that they absolutely couldn't stay as the next day, August 1, was 
Air Force day and every plane at Hamilton Field had to be there to take part 
in the maneuvers. He said that they had flown to Tacoma in a B-25 Bomber 
that had just gone through a complete major overhaul bringing it up to date 
with all the latest Air Force equipment installed plus two brand new engines. 
It had to be on the flight line and ready in the morning. 

Later Captain Smith and I thought their excuse to getting back to Hamilton 
Field was rather flimsy in consideration of the prominent interest that had 
shown in coming to Tacoma. We both recalled that during the first part of 
the conversation Lt. Brown had told us that just the night before they had 
returned to Hamilton Field from seeing Dick Rankin in Portland, Oregon and 
that they hadn't had much rest for the last two days. We both knew that 
rest is very important if you are flying aircraft of any kind as lack of it has a 
direct effect on your alertness. 

Crisman in the meantime had left the room to go get the box of fragments. 
After phoning McChord Field for a military vehicle to come and pick them 
up, Davidson and Brown got up from their chairs again and prepared to 
leave. Smith and I accompanied them downstairs to the lobby and stood 
chatting with them during the short wait for their car. 

My mind wad going around in circles. I recall how badly I felt that I had 
asked Brown and Davidson to come to Tacoma. Even though they were as 
polite and nice as you could ask, they gave me the impression they thought 
Smith and I were the victims of some silly hoax. When we offered them 
pieces of the fragments from our room to take with them they were just not 
interested. Neither did they seem a bit enthusiastic about the box of 
fragments Fred Crisman had gone to get. 

I remembered, as e were standing on the curb, that I had forgotten to tell 
them about the anonymous letter Harold Dahl had received after his story 

became known. The night I had gone to Dahl's secretary's home, after he 
handled me the piece of lava-like rock he had been using as an ash-tray, he 
got up abruptly and started searching through all the papers in the kitchen. 
He was looking for a letter, he said, that was interesting. When he returned 
to the piano bench a few minutes later he told me he couldn't locate it but 
would give me a brief of it's general contents. 

Dahl said this anonymous writer told him that the flying disks were actually 
manned by beings such as we, only less dense, so to speak, than we are. Due 
to the atomic explosions, the radiation now released in the atmosphere had 
caused these things to become visible to us on Earth. These flying disks, 
which were all shapes and sizes, were the vehicles which the gods of this 
Earth used to protect this Earth from outside dark influences or enemies. 
actually flying disks were under a severe attack by other beings who were 
enemies of the people and life on this planet. 

The impression I got from what he told me about this letter was that the 
flying disks were supposedly the intelligence called gods by the Indians and 
by all those who claim they have appeared for help from them and I have 
received it. 

I thought of this while standing saying farewells to Davidson and Brown. I 
remember I felt happy at the time that I did not mention it to them. Since 
they had apparently lost interest in the investigation, telling them 
something like that would probably only convince them further that Harold 
Dahl's and Fred Crisman's experiences were just a lot of baloney, the best 
way to find out would be to go out to Maury Island and see if there was 
twenty tons of this lava rock on the beach. If it was, and could be 
demonstrated that it was foreign to the natural formations on Maury Island, 
this might help substantiate the truthfulness of Dahl's and Crisman's stories. 

Just as the Army command car pulled up in front of the hotel Fred L. 
Crisman came racing up. He double-parked his Fort roadster and started 
taking a large Kellogg corn flakes box out of the trunk of his car. We 
assumed it was the fragments. Captain Davidson told their chauffeur to wait 
a second. He helped Crisman unload this box from the trunk of his car, lifted 
the trunk of the command car, and put it in. 

I was standing close by and offered to help lift the box. By the street lights 
and the hotel lights I could see the top of the box flapping open. Inside the 
box were a great number of large chunks of material that looked similar to 
the fragments we had in our room. Somehow, though, they looked more 
rocky and less metallic. 

I remember this distinctly. In bending back one of the loose cardboard flaps 
on the top of the box I handled one of the pieces. All of the pieces I could 
see, and the one I handled, were much thicker than any of the pieces we had 
in our room. While was taking place Captain Smith was bidding farewell to 
Lt. Brown. I yelled "Goodbye and good luck" as the command car drove 
away. As Smithy and I stood there anyone would have seen we were mixed 
up. It was very obvious. This was the screwiest situation that we had ever 
been in. 

Fred Crisman in the meantime parked his automobile and the three of us 
went out for coffee and doughnuts. Crisman left for home, wherever that 
was. We never knew where he lived but he had said he wasn't married. Big 
Smithy and I returned to our hotel room thinking it would be a relief in the 
morning to get out of that town and go home. 

We hadn't any more than gotten into out room than the phone started to 
ring. This time it was Ted Morello, telling use what this mysterious 
telephone informant had told him had taken place in our room. He insisted 
that we either definitely deny or confirm this information. This time his voice 
seemed less like a man looking for a news story. It had a pleading tone to it 
as if he was only interested in our welfare. It was truly fantastic how this 
mysterious telephone informant was giving him such accurate information. 

I did not deny or confirm anything but handed the telephone to Captain 
Smith. He listened for awhile to what Morello was saying and then hung up. 
It was certainly puzzling. Smithy and I speculated on the fact that maybe a 
small transmitter had been planted somewhere on one of us or was in the 
room and we had not found it. Maybe someone blocks away with a receiver 
was picking up everything we talked about. that was the only logical 
explanation for it unless Crisman or Dahl, through some type of 
communication, was getting this information to the press. 

We figured this was certainly a cute way to pull a hoax, if that was what was 
being pulled on us. However, we just couldn't figure out why anyone would 
go to all that trouble. Anyhow, it was Military Intelligence's problem now. I 
recall Smithy interrupting our ponderings on the subject by singing or 
attempting to sing, the song that was popular then about the leaky faucet. 
We both had a good laugh. We thought that song was just about as silly as 
we were getting to be. We retired to bed, taking the careful precaution to 
look all the doors and to close the transom. 

We arose the next morning of August first about nine o'clock. We were 
cheerful and happy, chuckling about how lucky we were that we were not 
connected with Military Intelligence. If they were going to figure this thing 
out they would sure have to go some. Of course, it could be ignored, which 
might happen, but somehow Captain Smith and I didn't think it would be. 

Before returning to our respective homes that day we were going to take a 
boat ride out of Maury Island with Fred Crisman. In parting the night before 
we had made an appointment with him for ten o'clock. He was going to pick 
us up and take us down to his boat so we could look it over for the damage 
he had told us about and which had been repaired. Also we had mentioned 
to Crisman that we would like to take a ride over to Maury Island and take a 
look at those fragments on the beach. 

About this time, I again began to think of Ray Palmer in Evanston, Illinois, 
the man who had sent me the expense money for this trip. I had taken 
movies of almost everything concerning the investigation. The morning sun 
made the room bright and cheery and even though the light was not good 
for exterior movie film I took a picture of Captain Smith sitting in the 
window, handling the fragments. I placed my oldest daughter's picture near 
him to more or less identify the fact that I was there. 

Captain Smith said he thought he'd take a bath. It was still only about 9:20 
a.m. I recall he had just gotten into the tub when the telephone rang. It was 
Fred Crisman. 

He said, "Did you hear over the radio this morning that a B-25 exploded and 
crashed some twenty minutes after takeoff from McChord Field about 1:30 
this morning? I think you and I know who was aboard that plane!" 

An ice cold chill went down my spine. I just couldn't believe what I was 
hearing. I yelled at Smithy who was singing in the bath tub. I told him what 
had happened. I flopped into a chair, all of a sudden too weak to stand up. 
Captain Smith got out of the tub, white as a sheet. He was dripping wet as 
he raced across the room and grabbed the telephone. 

He asked Crisman to repeat, then hurriedly asked him to hang up. Captain 
Smith immediately called McChord Field. He was even whiter when they 
verified the accident. I think they verified that two of the men aboard the B-
25 parachuted to safety, or it was United Press that verified this, I'm not 

Things happened so fast and furious there for about an hour I don't think 
either Smithy or I knew which way was up. We called United Press and talked 
to Ted Morello. Smithy got dressed and we were just leaving the room when 
Fred Crisman came racing breathlessly down the hall. He appeared to be as 
excited as Captain Smith and I were upset. We all went back into the room. 

Suddenly I didn't want to play investigator any longer. 

I decided to call Mr. Raymond Palmer in Chicago and get out of this mess. I 
placed my call and got my connection. This was the first time I ever talked to 
Ray Palmer. I offered to give him back the $200 expense money. I told him 
that I felt inadequate to investigate this situation. Two lives and a 
government bomber had been lost and I felt it had a direct relationship. I 
said that I wouldn't give him the story, even. 

Fred Crisman interrupted before I finished talking to Palmer. He said that he 
would verify the crash or something like that. I went on listening to Palmer. 
He told me to keep the money and that maybe it would be best to forget 
about investigating any further. He warned me not to carry any of the 
fragments aboard my plane and suggested that if we wanted to keep any to 
mail them to ourselves or to him. He advised me to prevent Smith from 
taking any fragments. He didn't tell me why but I felt the advice was good. 
Mr. Palmer told me not to become too upset and then I gave the phone to 

Crisman talked briefly to Palmer, assuring him that the B-25 actually had 
crashed. later Raymond Palmer told me that he recognized Crisman's voice. 
He was positive that it was the same voice that had called him long distance 
on other occasions from various parts of the country. Brother, what a mess. 

By this time I was thinking that Crisman was peculiar from another 
standpoint. The day before I had asked him how he and Dahl had become 
known to Raymond Palmer in Chicago. Crisman had said that he became 
acquainted with him through Venture Magazine which he purchased from 
the newsstands. In my estimation that placed Crisman in the position of 
trying to cover up something. I knew there was no such magazine published 
at that time by Raymond Palmer. 

We told Crisman we were going over to United Press where Ted Morello had 
invited us to hear a recorded interview. It was taken in the hospital where 
one of the two men who parachuted out of the B-25 was recuperating from 
a broken leg he had suffered in his fall. 

We assured Crisman that we still wanted to go down and see his boat and 
made an appointment with him for about an hour from then at the dock 
where his boat was. 

He told us his mechanic was having trouble getting the engine in the boat 
started. While Smithy and I were at the United Press office Crisman was 
going to return to his boat and try to help his mechanic put it in running 

Captain Smith and I walked out of the hotel and over to the United 
Press building. It was just across the street from the hotel. There we met Ted 
Morello. I think we were both a little surprised to find that Ted Morello was 
also physically handicapped, due apparently to some childhood disease, 
although he looked robust and healthy. He was a very dark man, standing 
about five feet seven inches tall. 

He motioned us with his arm to follow him. We went into a back room that 
was a little like a small auditorium. Off to the side he turned on the recorder 
play-back. I cannot recall the exact words of this man who had parachuted 
from the B-25 but will briefly summarize what Captain Smith and I heard. 

He started that he was an Army man who was hitch-hiking a ride with the B-
25 back to California. He had just returned from some military duty and was 
taking advantage of the custom that many Army planes offered to military 
personnel when they were flying empty in the particular direction of a 
military man might be going. Such rides were free and fast. Since he had 
heard that this B-25 was going to return shortly to California he had put his 
name into Mcchord Field for a ride. 

He stated that he didn't know who the pilot and co-pilot were and the 
engineer, Sergeant Mathews, was also a stranger to him. Shortly before 
they took off the pilot and co-pilot loaded a heavy cardboard box aboard 
the B-25. He noticed it particularly because it seemed very heavy for one 
man to carry. This box was placed over to one side of the compartment that 
he and the engineer occupied. 

The pilot warmed up the engines and everything seemed satisfactory prior 
to take-off. they took off in the B-25 and started climbing up to a safe 
altitude. In the neighborhood of fifteen to twenty minutes after the take-off 
it was noticed that the left engine was on fire. Sgt. Mathews, the engineer, 
followed some emergency procedure and seemed worried. Later I found 
out that what he had actually done was pull the value on the emergency fire 
fighting system for that engine. It did not work. 

Then Lt. Brown, or as this fellow put it, the tall co-pilot, squeezed through 
the doorway and commanded them to strap on their parachutes. There 
were parachutes for all of them there. Lt. Brown had his harness on but did 
not have his parachute snapped to his harness. He harshly commanded 
them both to jump. Lt. Brown quickly told him how to pull the rip cord then 
he was sure he was clear the ship and actually forcibly shoved him out of the 
plane into the night. 

His parachute opened okay. 

For some nine to eleven minutes, while floating down to Earth, he watched 
the burning engine and the airplane as it proceeded high above him and to 
the south. He assumed that all aboard had parachuted. He landed, knew he 
had hurt his leg, and some people brought him to the hospital. 

By that time Smith and I knew that both Davidson and Brown had crashed 
and died with the plane. We did not tell Ted Morello their names. In fact, I 
think the only thing we said was, "Wow! What an experience!" We were 
completely noncommittal, still keeping our mouths shut. 

Ted Morello made no attempt to pry information out of us but tried as hard 
as he could to make us understand he was out friend. The whole business 
had gotten so far out of hand, he said, that he was now only interest in our 
personal safely. It was satisfactory with him if we did not talk about 
anything that had transpired. I recall Morello making the remark, "I'll tell 
you, boys, when my informants can't get information in this neck of the 
woods, brother, there's sure something wrong!" 

We felt that Morello meant what he was saying. We thanked him kindly for 
letting us listen o the recorded interview, got Smithy's car out of the garage 
across the street from the hotel and drove down to the pier where we were 
met by Crisman. We all walked out on the pier and down the stairway to 
Crisman's boat. I took movies of the boat and of Captain Smith looking at 
the superstructure, then I went aboard the boat, too. 

This was the boat that Crisman said the damage had happened to. It was 
kind of a grayish color, a very small type of partially enclosed inboard fishing 
boat. It in no wise looked like harbor patrol boats that I had seen in pictures. 
After inspecting the boat we could see where some repairs had apparently 
taken place, but nothing like the repairs to damage as described by either 
Fred Crisman or Dahl in the hotel room had led us to expect. 

We questioned Crisman further about the photographs that Dahl had taken 
of the strange craft on Maury Island. Crisman said, "I don't know what could 
have happened to those pictures. I couldn't find them around my office. I 
looked everywhere. Apparently I've taken them up to my mountain cabin 
along with a number of other things I took up there a while back." He 
suggested that we drive up there and see. I acted polite enough in declining 
his invitation but thought to myself, "How big a sucker do you think I am?" 

After inspecting the top surface and cabin of the boat, Captain Smith and I 
went down to the engine room. A rather foreign looking gentleman of slight 
build was tinkering with something on the motor. He made the remark to 

Fred Crisman that the engine wouldn't work. I know that I thought it was a 
pretty junky looking affair and apparently ill taken care of. While Captain 
Smith was standing in the doorway, the mechanic took Crisman by the arm, 
pulled him to one side, and whispered to him. 

Crisman turned to us and said, "The mechanic's having a hard time getting 
the engine going. It'll take him about an hour to repair it." The engine did 
not look like a bold or a screw had been turned on it. Captain Smith and I 
both noticed that. I think I know something about motors, and I know 
Captain Smith does. Not only did this seem fishy to us, but frankly, I 
wouldn't travel a hundred yards to sea in a boat in that condition. I think 
Smithy thought the same thing because he motioned to me and said, "Let's 
go back up town." 

We gave up the idea of going to Maury Island, at least in that kind of 
contraption. Fred Crisman seemed a little apologetic, but didn't say anything 
further. As we left in Smith's car Crisman yellowed at us that he would call 
us as soon as the boat was repaired. He still thought, I guess, that we 
wanted to go to Maury Island in his boat. 

That was the last time I ever saw Fred Crisman. 

Captain Smith and I were both thoroughly disgusted with our continuance 
of the investigation. We had lunch up town and returned to the hotel, I 
guess in kind of a daze. We met Paul Lance in the hotel lobby briefly and 
continued to our room. I suggested that we take some of the fragments and 
send them to ourselves by mail or something of that kind but we took no 

I also suggested we but some movie film and place it next to these 
fragments that were strewn all over the room to see if anything about them 
would cause white spots on unexposed film. Certainly if they were 
radioactive this would substantiate that Crisman had the photographs as 
Harold Dahl and he claimed. 

Somehow we didn't do anything about that, either. I did take my movie 
camera which had some unexposed film in it and laid it on top of the dresser 
next to a bunch of the fragments. I might mention here that when my film 

was developed there were no white spots on it or black ones either. All of 
my pictures turned out very well. Captain Smith and I just sat around, 
wondering what in the dickens the score was. 

Finally the telephone rang. It was Ted Morello. This mysterious informant 
had phoned again and now he was predicting things. He said this man just 
told him on the other line that Captain Smith would be called Tuesday, 
August fifth, to Wright-Patterson Field, Dayton, Ohio to be interrogated by 
Military Intelligence. He told him that Kenneth Arnold's plane had been shot 
at while flying over Washington and Oregon on numerous occasions and 
that Captain Smith's airliner had also been shot at over Montana. 

He went on to tell Morello that the B-25 bomber from Hamilton Field had 
been shot down by a 20mm. cannon. A recent crash at LaGuardia Field, New 
York was caused by sabotage, he claimed, the gust locks having been left on 
purposely to sabotage the plane. Also the passenger transport that crashed 
carrying singer Grace Moore to her death in Copenhagen, Denmark, had 
similarly been sabotaged. Ted Morello said that he would like to see us that 
evening if we would be kind enough to come over to the pressroom. 

This is what I later found out about the above predictions. Captain Smith 
told me that he was not called Wright-Patterson nor was he interrogated by 
Military intelligence. If either of our places were shot at in the air it was 
something of which we were unaware. The official military explanation of 
the B-25 bomber was that it was simply an accident caused by the loss of an 
exhaust collector ring on the left engine. 

It was never completely explained by the military why Lieutenant Frank M. 
Brown and Captain William Davidson did not notify anyone by radio 
signifying their distress nor why they hadn't parachuted also. According to 
the hitchhikers remark a good ten minutes elapsed between the time he 
was shoved out of the B-25 until the fire reached serious proportions and 
the plane started to dive to Earth near Kelso, Washington. The estimated 
altitude of his jump was 10,000 feet. It takes a long time to descend from 
that height by parachute. Staying from his 'chute, he said he watched the 
burning plane a long time before getting near the Earth. 

Regarding the prediction that Captain Smith's airliner had been shot at over 
Montana that was wrong as he did not fly over Montana. Concerning the 
airline crash on take-off at LaGuardia Field, about a month after this it was 
determined by the Civil Aeronautics Administration and their investigators 
that the gust locks had been left on accidentally. I was unable to find any 
official explanation of the Copenhagen crash. 




By the afternoon of the first of August, 1947, both Captain Smith and I were 
wanting to heed Ted Morello's advice and leave town. We expected, 
however, to be contacted by Military Intelligence regarding Brown and 
Davidson so decided to stay another day. We were sure there would be 
some kind of investigation. 

In the course of our frightening experiences I had sent a number of wires to 
my wife, Doris, in Boise that frightened her as to my safety. I called long 
distance to my mother in Albany, Oregon, telling my bother who answered 
the phone that I didn't know if I would see them again but wanted them to 
know where I was. In fact, I was so suspicious of somebody recording my 
conversations that I asked my brother to take my mother out in the yard and 
tell her that I felt in extreme danger of some kind. 

I've thought since that this was slightly senseless. I could only have caused 
them undue worry. Then, again, maybe it was the best thing I ever did. 
Mother often prayed for my safety. She never has had as much confidence 
in an airplane as in an automobile. I guess I wanted some kind of help but for 
the life of me I didn't know what kind of help I wanted nor did I have the 
least idea to where to ask for it. I knew that Doris was doing all that she 
could to rescue me from the situation. I could tell when I phoned her that 
she felt I needed rescuing from something. Captain Smith was also doing 
some phoning and letter writing but I don't know what it was about. 

I'll never forget when I went out the door of the room to go downstairs to 
buy a packet of cigarettes. I had to walk down five flights. That same day all 
the hotel help had gone on strike and the Hotel Winthrop was being 
picketed. I sure thought that town had gone haywire. Everything seemed to 
be topsy turvy. 

Upon purchasing my cigarettes at the newsstand, I saw and brought the 
final edition of the Tacoma Times newspaper. It had just been delivered. 
Large block type headlines red ink stated: SABOTAGE HINTED IN CRASH OF 

ARMY BOMBER AT KELSO, and a sub-headline read: Plane May Hold Flying 
Disk Secret. 

The story was written by Paul Lance, the reporter we had refused to talk to. 
The following is taken verbatim out of the August 2, 1947 final edition of 
the Tacoma Times. 

The mystery of the 'Flying Saucers' soared into prominence again Saturday 
when the Tacoma Times was informed that the crash Friday of an army plane 
at Kelso may have been caused by sabotage. 

The Times informant, in a series of mysterious phone calls reported that the 
ship had been sabotaged 'or shot down' to prevent shipment of flying disk 
fragments to Hamilton Field, California, for analysis. 

The disk parts were said by the informant to be those from one of the 
mysterious platters which plunged to earth on Maury Island recently. 

Lending substance to the caller's story is the fact that TWELVE HOURS BEFORE 
dead in the crash to be Captain William L. Davidson, pilot and First Lieutenant 
Frank M. Brown. 


At the same time, he informed the Times, Kenneth Arnold, Boise businessman 
who first sighted the flying saucers, and United Airlines Captain E.J. Smith, who 
also sighted them, were in secret conference in Room 502 at the Hotel 
Winthrop. A check confirmed the information but neither Smith nor Arnold 
would disclose the nature of the conference nor the reason for their being in 

According to the anonymous caller platter fragments were loaded aboard a B-
25 at McChord Field Friday for shipment to the California field. Half an hour 
after the take-off the plane crashed near Kelso, Washington. Two enlisted 

Master Sergeant Elmer L. Taff and Technician Fourth Grade Woodrow D. 
Mathews parachuted to safety. 

At McChord field an intelligence officer confirmed the mystery caller's report 
that the ill-fated craft ha been carrying 'classified material.' 


Major George Sander explained: 'Classified material means there was a 
somewhat secret cargo aboard the plane. No one was allowed to take pictures 
of the wreckage until the material was removed and returned to McChord 

He declined to say what constituted 'classified material.' 

The theory of sabotage was borne out by the statement of the two crash 
survivors that one of the engines burst into flames and that regular fire 
apparatus installed in the engine for such emergencies failed to function. 


Notified of the information passed along by the anonymous informant, Captain 
Smith said: 'When the story breaks it will be given general release but it will 
NOT come from this room.' 

At the time he was in the Hotel Winthrop in conference with Arnold Saturday, 
Smith and he and Arnold would deny anything that was printed about the 
secret sessions held in the hotel. However, he was visibly disturbed and 
expressed consternation when notified late Saturday that the names of the 
dead pilot and co-pilot had been revealed before the army released them. 

According to the telephone callers, both the dead officers were members of 
military intelligence at Hamilton field. 

Due to the fact that this newspaper was printed and on the stands Friday 
evening, August 1, but was distributed to their subscribers the next morning, 
Saturday the second, the references to happenings on Saturday actually 
were happenings of Friday, August 1. The statement that 'Captain Smith and 
visible disturbed' is referring to earlier that same day when Captain Smith 
and I returned to the hotel after inspecting Fred Crisman's boat. Paul Lance 
met us in the lobby, tried to talk to us, and Smith made the statement 
referred to. We were delayed by two minutes by Paul Lance. I took this 
paper up to Captain Smith. I don't know how he felt but I was plain scared. 

this whole thing had long since ceased to be laughing matter under any 

We attempted to reach Fred Crisman at the phone number he had given us 
when we did not receive the call from him that his boat had been repaired. 
There was no answer. We attempted to reach Harold Dahl. There was no 
answer. We sent out a drag net of calls to all the theaters and placed we 
thought Dahl might frequent. Finally we reached him. When he arrived at 
our hotel he told us that Crisman had left a message saying he was going to 
have to be gone for a few days. 

Right after Dahl told us that, Morello called and told that the mysterious 
telephone informant had just notified him that Fred L. Crisman had boarded 
an Army bomber that afternoon and was now being flown to Alaska. 
Morello asked us if we knew whether this was true. We were simply 
flabbergasted when we called McChord field and found out that an Army 
bomber had taken off that afternoon for Alaska. There was no way that we 
could check who the passengers or personnel were aboard it. 

You never saw such a confused bunch of guys in your life as we three were. 
Another thing seemed rather peculiar. With people disappearing and getting 
killed Harold Dahl has been calmly sitting in a movie theater all afternoon. 
He had been notified before he went to the movie by Crisman and by his 
radio as to what had happened in the last twelve or fourteen hours. All 
Smithy could do was stand and shake his head. I wanted to stick my head 
out of the window and scream! 

We sat Dahl down in a chair and told him firmly that we didn't want him to 
disappear. Both of us were positive that Military Intelligence at either 
McChord or Hamilton Field would be interviewing us soon. We were the 
reason that the two intelligence officers had come to Tacoma and we were 
the last people to see them alive outside of military personnel. We figured 
they would want to talk to all three of us. Harold promised us that he would 
be handy. We told him to return to his show if he wished. We just wanted to 
be sure he knew what had taken place. He left Captain Smith and I went out 
to supper before going over to see Ted Morello. 

Ted Morello was as hospitable a person as you could ever meet. He showed 
us every courtesy. He invited us into a black room just off a small glassed-in 
area where the newswire teletype machine was ticking off news events 
from different parts of the country. After closing the door he made it clear 
that he didn't intend to print anything about all this but we wanted us to 
know what he had been up against and to give us some advice. Smithy and I 
sat and listened. 

Ted Morello said, "When I first heard about you fellows being in town I really 
didn't think much about it. Paul Lance was the one who smelled the story. 
Then his mysterious telephone informant kept calling and pestering the life 
out of us. We tried every conceivable way to trace his calls with no success. 
We really tried. we tried to find out information at McChord Field and drew a 
blank and we have informants out there who practically smell the runways 
for news." 

He stopped a moment, then asked, "Did you know the B-25 that stopped 
there the other day was under military armed guard every minute it was at 
the field?" 

Captain Smith and I said no and shook our heads. Ted Morello continued, "I 
don't know how to impress upon you two fellows that I am not after a news 
story now. You're involved in something that is beyond our power here to 
find out anything about. We're exhausted every avenue attempting to piece 
what has happened together so it makes some sense. I'm just giving you 
some sound advice. Ger out of this town until whatever it is blows over. If 
you want to talk anything over with me I will give you my promise that it 
won't be printed. I'm concerned with your welfare. I think you are nice 
fellows and I don't want to see anything happen to you if I can prevent it." 

He went into the teletype room and tore of a recent release from the UP 
wire. Earlier that day Dick Rankin, a famous pilot, had sent word over the 
wires that Davidson and Brown had talked to him about his reports of flying 
saucers. He felt that Davidson and Brown were really hot on the trail of 
finding out what the saucers were and, for some reason, he appeared to 
think their lives were in danger. 

Apparently his wire release over UP was with the intention of notifying 
Brown and Davidson to get some place of safety. No place in the release 
that I remember did it announce or let on that he knew Davidson or Brown 
had been killed. 

Dick Rankin could be classified as an authority of aviation matters. He 
learned to fly in 1920 under the tutelage of his brother, Tex Rankin, who was 
known in his time as the world's foremost stunt pilot. 

In many respects, Dick was every bit as good a pilot as his brother, Tex. He 
did everything from wing walking in 1924 to becoming an A-number-one 
stunt pilot and won every contest that he entered in 1929, 1930 and 1931. 
Dick could do almost everything in the book when it came to handling an 
airplane. He once performed an outside loop with an OX5 Waco. That was 
an outstanding feat in the early days of flying. even most modern aircraft 
were restricted against such a maneuver, let alone the courage a pilot must 
have to attempt it. 

In order to give the reader some background and possibly more meaning to 
the Dick Rankin news release that Ted Morello read to Captain Smith and 
me, I am going to quote from an article written by Evelyn Whitmaker and 
published in the Air Traveler in September 1948. Dick Rankin was not only an 
expert in the field of aviation but had unusual extra-sensory perception that 
many people would rank in the "believe-it-or-not" category. Dick's life was 
once saved by a dream. 

He was always having dreams, which the next morning he would tell Tex, or 
'Jack,' as he called Tex. the latter used to get quite provoked at Dick and his 
crazy dreams and sometimes would walk away, refusing to listen. The morning 
after Dick had this particular dream, in 1928, Dick arrived at the old Portland 
Flouring Mills and reported to Tex that he refused to fly his ship until the tail 
assembly had been examined, as he had had a dream that he and his student 
were killed due to broken wires in the tail assembly. 

Again Tex scoffed and proceeded to ignore Dick, after telling him to 'stop 
being silly' and to take care of his students. This time, however, Dick refused to 
be so easily pushed aside. He would not fly until the fabric was ripped from the 
tail and the controls carefully examined, since the dream was too vivid to 

ignore. Hot words flew between the two brothers but Dick won out - simply 
because Tex figured he would cure Dick once and for all of his silly dreams. 

Dick slashed the linen with his pen-knife and discovered three control wires 
severed and the fourth ready to give way. Tex stated that had Dick and his 
student taken off with the ship in that condition, they would have been killed 
on the first round. Tex was amazed, but Dick wasn't. Tex told all of us at the 
airport that never again would he laugh at Dick and his dreams. 

To me it was also unusual to find that as a result of an automobile accident 
in 1940, Dick is today partially paralyzed from the hips down. In knowing this 
about Dick Rankin, I caught myself wondering by what queer quirk of fate 
did physically handicapped people become directly associated with my life 
and flying saucers. There was Paul Lance, Ted Morello and now Dick Rankin, 
all through disease or accident affected from the waist down and all 
appeared to want desperately to offer a helping hand. 

I am quite sure that Captain Smith was not familiar with Dick Rankin as he 
didn't offer to talk about him. I recall bringing up the subject several times 
that evening. I had flown with Tex Rankin, not too long before his crash and 
untimely death at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Somehow I placed a good deal of 
credence on Dick's opinion. I knew that Tex admired his brother and I don't 
think there's a pilot in the country who didn't admire Tex. 

We thanked Ted Morello for his kindness and we did confirm a number of 
things he asked us about. We both felt better as we left the building. We felt 
we had found a real friend in Ted Morello and for some reason even Paul 
Lance's approaches were no longer interpreted as just a reporter looking for 
a story. 

We went back across the street to the hotel where I sent several wires and 
Smithy spent about an hour writing letters. I don't remember how many 
calls had been left in the form of notes in our hotel box. I do know that the 
important call we were expecting from Military Intelligence was not there. 
We picked up our key at the desk and proceeded to walk up five flights to 
our room. 

That long evening of august first Captain Smith and I simply sat around the 
room and looked at each other, every minute expecting Military Intelligence 
to get in touch with us. I recall Dave Johnson of The Idaho 
Statesman phoning and wanting to know what we were doing. He was so 
insistent I turned the phone over to Captain Smith and finally Smithy 
admitted to Dave that we had been seeing Dahl and Crisman and had been 
in conference with Military Intelligence. He told him that Captain William 
Davidson and Lieutenant Frank M. Brown were the intelligence officers who 
had been there and that now they were dead. By no means could we not did 
we attempt to tell him the complete story. 

Captain Smith also told Maurice Roddy of The Chicago Tribune practically the 
same thing when he phoned. I never could figure out why Smithy said, "We 
only have six pieces of fragments." These fragments were still strewn all 
over the room. I figured that if he said we had a whole pile of them we'd 
probably be overrun by souvenir hunters. I think Captain Smith thought six 
was a good round figure. Neither of us had actually counted the number of 
fragments we had. 

That night we went to bed feeling pretty clammy and cold inside. Somehow 
the leaky faucet song that we laughed at so hilariously the night before 
didn't seem funny any more. 

All we did the next day, Saturday, August 2 was hang around the room, 
going out only to eat, anticipating a call every minute from either McChord 
or Hamilton Field. Smithy phoned McChord Field and talked to someone 
there in the Intelligence Division, telling them exactly where we were if they 
wanted to see us. I remember him hanging up the phone with a rather 
discouraged look on his face. We wanted someone to talk to us and there 
we sat like a couple of dead ducks. 

We didn't know if the fragments were worth sending home to ourselves. 
We had given up trying to get to Maury Island and though we were positive 
that Harold Dahl's story was true in many respects it seemed our efforts had 
been wasted. Outside of the fragments on the floor we couldn't prove a 
thing. We were utterly confused and frustrated. 

In the afternoon Harold Dahl stopped by for a brief visit, not having very 
much to say. He left after inviting us to breakfast the next morning at a small 
cafe along the main highway from Seattle to Portland on the eastern 
outskirts of Tacoma. I thought several times that day that I should go out to 
Barry's Airport and inspect my airplane. I phoned out there and everything 
seemed to be all right and my plane hadn't been disturbed. 

We did absolutely nothing but wait the rest of the day. As far as we knew 
nothing further happened that shed any light on the mystery of the whole 
business. We decided we should stay there until the military did get in touch 
with us. Captain Smith mentioned before he went to sleep that night that he 
simply had to get back on his airline runs or he was going to be out of a job. I 
don't know how many flights he can cancelled. 

At this point I would like impress upon the reader that these events, people, 
and places are not fictional nor ghost stories nor figments of my 
imagination. Not only can every person involved verify this to be the truth 
but I have hotel receipts, newspapers, and photographs to substantiate this 
that I have written as being true. 

The next morning, August 3, was bright and sunny. The weather while we 
were in Tacoma was exceptionally good. The visibility was wonderful. We 
could see Maury Island out across the bay from our hotel window; in fact, 
photographing it from our northwest window was as close as I ever got to 
it. I remember remarking to Captain Smith that if we didn't get out of that 
hotel room pretty soon the suspense would drive us crazy. About nine 
o'clock we met Harold Dahl and his secretary at the little roadside cafe. We 
all had bacon and eggs. 

While we were eating Captain Smith suddenly got up and went to the pay 
phone. He made a call to someone, then came back to the booth and told 
me he was going to be gone for about an hour. I asked him where he was 

"I'm sorry, Ken," he said, "I can't tell you. But you return to the hotel and 
stay in the room and wait for me and don't leave the room under any 
circumstances. Lock the doors! I'll be back to the hotel not later than twelve 

o'clock noon. You've got to trust me and don't worry about me coming up 
missing or something." 

I was glad he said that but somehow I was so spooked I didn't believe he'd 
ever get back. The investigation had gotten underway with six men and now 
there were only three of us. Harold Dahl appeared to be of us to be kind of 
shaky. We didn't think he'd last long in a pinch. 

For the last two days we had definitely felt a misgiving of a feeling of 
oppression like a dark cloud had encompassed our minds. Now Smithy was 
going to do something to try to shake it off. 

"Okay, Smithy," I told him, "I'll be expecting you at twelve noon and I'll do 
exactly as you say." 

I went back to the hotel. I didn't even recall whether Dahl and his secretary 
dropped me off or whether Captain Smith dropped me off en route to 
wherever he was going. Brother, I didn't like him leaving me! I'd had enough 
mystery. When he refused to tell me where he was going it sent cold chills 
up and down my backbone. 

I carried out his orders. I went up to my hotel room and locked the doors. I 
watched my wrist watch like a hawk and I checked my time with the 
telephone company several times. I walked around for awhile liked a caged 
lion but spent most of my time gazing out of the windows. Twelve o'clock - 
and no Captain Smith. Twelve-thirty came - and - no Smithy. One o'clock - 
and still no Smithy. 

I was really getting worried. It wasn't until nearly two o'clock that I heard a 
knock on my hotel room door. I was nearly frantic. I felt heavily the 
responsibility of starting this investigation and getting all these nice people 
involved in it. Was I glad to see Captain Smith when I opened the door! With 
him was a military man. Captain Smith quickly introduced him to me as 
Major Sander of S-2 Army Intelligence of McChord Field. 

Captain Smith said, "I'll tell you, Ken, where I went and what I did." 

What a relief that was. At last I was going to hear something. That didn't 
account for my elation. I was elated because I was so doggone glad to see 

Smithy started talking. "I phoned McChord Field from the cafe. I told Major 
Sander I wanted to see him. I drove out to the base. I didn't tell you where I 
was or whom I was going to see for the simple reason that I wanted to tell 
my story separately from yours and unknown to you. Then Major Sander 
could compare my interpretation of everything that has happened with 
yours independently of each other." 

I said, "That's swell, Smithy. Boy, am I glad to see you!" 

Major Sander was a middle-aged man about five feet eleven inches tall. He 
had a pleasant smile and blue eyes and spoke in the softest voice I think I 
have ever heard a major use. He took a chair over by the window. I went 
over and half reclined on the bed and started telling him everything I knew 
that had taken place. I don't think I left out a thing. Captain Smith said 

After I had finished Captain Smith made the remark to Major Sander, "You 
see, all this must have happened because our stories are the same," or 
something to that effect. 

Major Sander made the quiet remark that he was positive that Smith and I 
had been made the victims of a hoax. Of course, it hadn't been completely 
evaluated yet. It was something that would take a couple of weeks to come 
to a positive decision about. He asked us not to discuss the matter any 
further with anyone and told us that in approximately two weeks, through 
his office or thought the office of A-2 Military Intelligence of the Fourth Air 
Force, an explanation would be forthcoming to each of us privately. I 
remember thinking, "Well, in two weeks I'll know what in the dickens 
happened in Tacoma." 

Major Sander had such a quiet, positive, reassuring way about him that at 
that particular moment all of the things about Crisman and Dahl that didn't 
ring true suddenly came to our minds. At least, they did to mine and from 

the shrug of Captain Smith's shoulders I was certain the same things were 
going through his mind. 

"I am very certain," Major Sander continued, "that the B-25 crash was just 
another one of those accidents. it's too bad that a misleading story was 
printed in the newspaper." 

Right there I looked at Captain Smith. We knew that the story, if it was 
misleading, was so from only one standpoint - that no definite proof had 
been established regarding the possible sabotage of the B-25. We let his 
remark go. We were so blamed happy. at least we felt free to leave Tacoma 
and go home. 

Major Sander got up from his chair and made some remark about the 
fragments on the floor. He nonchalantly started picking up a few. I 
remember him saying that they would have these analyzed for the sake of 
being through but that he wanted us to take a drive with him. He was going 
to show us thousands of tons of this stuff. Apparently these supposed 
fragments from a flying disk were really something else. We brightened up. 
We were going to be shown and that made us happy. 

Major Sander started gathering up and wrapping the fragments in a hotel 
towel with the intention of taking them with him. There were lots of 
fragments on the floor and all around and both Smithy and I started helping 
him pick them up. I ran into a piece that looked like it would make a good 
ash tray. Almost at the same time Smithy ran into another piece that he put 
in his pocket, saying it would make a good paper weight. I said, "Yeh, I think 
I'll take a piece of this home, too, for an ash tray. I'll reminds me of the 
screwiest adventure I ever had." 

Major Sander had gathered up all the pieces and piloted them on top of 
several towels. He started to bundle them up, stopped short, turned to me 
and said, "We don't want to overlook even one piece. I would like to have 
them all." 

That gave me a start. I handed him my piece and Captain Smith's eyes met 
mine over Major Sander's back. The Major put out his hand to Captain Smith 
for his piece. He like myself, willingly gave it to him. 

Maybe Major Sander was not conscious of what Captain Smith and I 
mentally said to one another. I thought, "This Major Sander is a pretty 
smooth guy, but he's not smooth enough at this point to convince me that 
these fragments aren't pretty important in some way." I suddenly felt that 
no one had played a hoax on anybody! I thought, "Major Sander is a phony 
dressed up in a lot of sheer intelligence as to how psychologically to handle 
men." I had bumped into a few of these fellow in my life. From the things 
they say it is pretty tough to decipher what they really mean. these thoughts 
ran thought my mind in spite of my very real desire to come to a definite 
conclusion about this whole affair. 

Major Sander proceeded to wrap everything up in a bundle. I offered to help 
carry it downstairs and he insisted on doing that himself. When we reached 
the south entrance of the hotel lobby, Major Sander opened the trunk of his 
car and placed the wrapped fragments in the trunk. It was a civilian car. I 
remember making the remark that we shouldn't steal the hotel towels as 
they would certainly bill me for them. We were short of towels in the room 
anyhow. Major Sander motioned for Captain Smith and me to get in his car. 
He was going to take us out and how us something. He didn't tell us where 
he was going to take us but by this time we didn't much care. 

We drove clear out on the point of the peninsula. Soon we arrived at a large 
sign that read "Tacoma Smelting Company" or something like that. He drove 
along the road into those grounds. There were literally piles of lava-like 
smelter slag. At first glance it looked identical to the fragments Major 
Sander had taken from our room and loaded the into the trunk of his car. 

All of the sudden I thought, "Well, I'll be darned! I guess Major Sander is 
right. Someone has played a hoax on us." 

At that moment we wanted to believe so. If Major Sander had not stopped 
the car and invited us to get out and look at the smelter slag we would have 
left Tacoma happy that we had been fooled. 

He drove down a little side road among the piles of slag, stopped the car, 
and we all got out. Captain Smith and I started picking up pieces and 
inspecting them. It looked a lot like the box of fragments we had been 
handling in our room for the past three days. We had handled them, 

weighed them, looked at them and felt the touch of them in our hands. 
When we picked up pieces of slag and held them in our hands we kind of 
looked at each other. 

I don't know what Smithy was thinking. I thought, "Yes, it looks like the 
same stuff, it's heavy like the same stuff, but it doesn't feel like the same 

The smelter slag that I picked up looked more like the box of supposed 
fragments that Fred Crisman had given Captain Davidson and Lt. Brown. I 
remembered feeling one of the pieces as Crisman and Davidson were 
transferring that heavy box from Crisman's car to the trunk of the command 

I can't very well explain or demonstrate the difference in the feel of things 
such as this. To give you an idea as to how I evaluated this in my mind, close 
your eyes and have someone hand you a rock, a piece of brass, a piece of 
steel, a piece of aluminum, and a piece of copper. if you try this, as I have 
many times, you will notice that each one of these items has a particular feel 
to your fingers. It is something that your memory of feeling retains. 

Neither Smithy nor I bothered to take any samples of the smelter slag. Major 
Sander didn't offer us any of our own fragments from the trunk of his car so 
we could compare them with the smelter slag. I believe both of us thought 
of this. Major Sander, however, had seemed a little touchy about letting us 
get our hands on the fragments again after he wrapped them up. Neither of 
us said anything about it. 

At this point, if there is such a thing as hypnosis or hallucination that could 
have affected us in this evaluation, we would certainty have been affected 
to believe conclusively that all the fragments were smelter slag from this 
very smelter. 

This dump was handy to town. the stories of Crisman and Dahl did not ring 
complete true. And Captain Smith and I, if we had a desire at all, wanted to 
believe that the whole thing was a hoax. For some reason we couldn't 
convince ourselves it was all as simple as the Major put it. 

As we left the dump both Smithy and I seemed to be trying hard to convince 
Major Sander that we believed him. We had told him our stories separately. 
If he had thoroughly understood what we had told him, and thought that 
either one of us had an ounce of intelligence, he would have known that he 
had not completely convinced us of anything. It seemed unfair to judge 
Major Sander. Evidently Captain Smith invited him to come to town and give 
us his opinion. that is what I assumed and I certainly didn't want to say 
anything that would seem critical of Major Sander's attempt to clear up the 

Major Sander drove us back to the hotel where he bade us goodbye, once 
again assuring us that within a couple of weeks we would be told the 
outcome of the characters involved in the investigation as well as what 
really caused the crash of the B-25. We thanked him. Even though it was a 
relief to have everything in military hands at last, we were still left 

As Smithy and I walked up the stairs I was thinking that it was odd how 
Major Sander knew just the right side road to take out at the smelter and 
how he stopped only where there were pieces of slag that closely 
resembled the pieces of stuff we had. There were dumps all around and yet 
he proceeded into the smelter grounds quite a long way and made a little 
turn before stopping and letting us out. I thought that he must have been 
there before. 

I wished we had hidden a few of the fragments. It would have been 
interesting to have had them chemically analyzed by a chemist who didn't 
know where they had come from. If we had been alert this would have been 
done easily, we well as taking a few of the smelter fragments and having 
them analyzed and then comparing the two. 

Again, I rightly thought, "Why should I be suspicious of Military Intelligence 
not giving us the right dope?" After all, like all policemen to some extent, 
they are supported by the tax payers of the country which included Captain 
Smith and myself, and I thought that the personnel had been properly 
trained to exercise their talents for the protection and benefit of all of us. It 
was a pleasant thought to take home with us. 

I packed my suitcase and we checked out of the Hotel Winthrop with a sigh 
of relief. I intended to go directly to Barry's Airport. However, as we got into 
Captain Smith's car I thought of Harold Dahl. He had seemed to sincere and 
even though we couldn't figure it all out we should at least say goodbye. 
Captain Smith thought it would be nice to see Harold and say goodbye too. 
Harold had mentioned he was going to be working all day on some book 
work at his secretary's house. We decided to take a quick run out there. I 
had taken special note of the location the night I rode out there with Harold 
and it was only a ten minute ride. 

I had Smithy take exactly the same route and we arrived at the little white 
house on the corner. As we pulled up to the curb I could see that the house 
was empty. I exclaimed to myself, "No! It can't be!" I knew Captain Smith 
saw that I had suddenly become upset. 

In every respect that house was the same house, located in the same place, 
where I had been the first night I met Harold Dahl. I got out of the car and 
walked up to the house, just as I had done that first night. I was completely 

As I stepped up on the porch my weight caused the same squeak. The 
screen door was ajar. There were cobwebs extended from the main 
entrance door to the screen. There was the frosted glass window, exactly as 
I recalled it. I opened the screen and there was the door knob and all the 
other aspects of the door as I remembered it, exactly as I had seen it four 
nights before. Speaking of cold chills, I felt like someone had poured a 
whole bucket of ice water down my neck. I could not believe it. 

The house looked completely deserted and as if it had not been lived in for 
at least three months. I rushed around to the side of the house where I had 
noticed the radio aerial. Sure enough, there was the aerial, made out of two 
2x2s with the aerial wire leading in the side of the window. I had never heard 
of anything like this except in dreams. I was panicky. 

I raced around the side of the house and peered in the window. The rooms 
were all the same as I remembered, even to the kitchen nook and the color 
of the paint on the inside. I returned to the front door ad tried it. It was 
locked. I remembered that door knob so well. When Harold Dahl, four nights 

before had motioned me to go in, I had taken hold of the door knob. This 
time I took hold of the door knob the same way. It felt exactly the same in 
my hand. The screen door and the main door were hinged exactly as before. 
I turned around and stood on the walk, mumbling to myself, "Incredible! 
Absolutely incredible!" 

I was really beginning to doubt my sanity. suddenly the thought flashed into 
my mind, "I've just gotten the streets mixed up. I must have the streets 
mixed up. This must have a home that was built at the same time by the 
same contractor, and I'm just on the wrong street or at the wrong address." 

Captain Smith had gotten out of his car and was standing looking at me ad 
looking at the house. If I was mistaken t was one which looked just like this 
one. I wondered what a vacant house was doing in Tacoma. I had heard how 
acute the housing shortage was and that every available house was 
occupied with long waiting lists of families trying to find some place to live. 
This house looked like it has been vacant for months. There wasn't a stick of 
furniture inside, just dust, dirt, and cobwebs everywhere. 

I jumped back into Captain Smith's car and asked him to go back to the 
avenue so I could retrace myself. We did, and still came to the same house. I 
had him race up and down all the streets in the close vicinity. There wasn't 
another house within blocks and blocks that even resembled this one. 

I finally gave up looking. I wanted to get in my plane and fly home. As we 
drove away I told Smithy my utter confusion. He just stared down the road, 
not saying a thing. Maybe he thought I was kind of buggy, I don't know. 

As we pulled up at Barry's Airport I suggested that he and I both inspect my 
airplane very carefully. He helped me inspect my ship from it's nose to it's 
tail. It appeared sound and airworthy. 

This house thing kept racing though my mind. I knew that on the coast 
cobwebs form very fast. but heavens, I couldn't figure how cobwebs in the 
amount that were in and around that house could form in a few days time. 
Even if Dahl's secretary had moved the same night I was there it wasn't time 
enough. I tried to chalk it all up to mistaken directions and thought that at 
some later date I would get in touch with Harold Dahl and ask him about it. 

I have since tried to phone Harold Dahl on many occasions and have been 
unable to locate him. less than a month after all this occurred I attempted to 
call him and the operator told me they had no H.A. Dahl in their phone 
books. I don't see how this could be possible. I had seen his name in the 
phone book and had called him myself. I was quite sure that new books 
hadn't come out within this month and decided that the long distance 
operator I talked to when I attempted my call was mistaken. I had had 
enough of playing investigator and the quicker I forgot about it, I told 
myself, the better of I would be. This wasn't the solution of this case, 
however, as I well know now. Today it is still a big mystery as to what 
actually took place in Tacoma as it was on August 3, 1947. 

I started my airplane, warmed it up good, checked both my magnetos at full 
throttle, checked my gas lines, fuel valves and so on. Everything seemed to 
be in perfect order. Although it was rather late in the day it was only about a 
four-hour flight to Boise. When I got the weather sequence on my radio I 
knew I would have a twenty to thirty miles per hour tail wind at the higher 

I was anxious to get going! I shoved the throttle clear to the instrument 
panel and took off, feeling a little unsteady about everything but glad I was 
going home at last. As I circled the airport, I could still see Captain Smith 
looking up at me. I headed for home. 

I climbed to an altitude of about eight thousand feet. I felt a lot better after 
crossing the Cascades and started to let down over the Columbia River with 
the intention of landing at Pendleton, Oregon to get gasoline. Everything 
was running smoothly. 

I landed at Pendleton and the boys there gassed up my airplane. I got out of 
the cockpit to stretch my legs but stayed close to my plane. I signed my 
credit slip and with a full gas tank was ready to take off again for home. I 
wasn't tarrying as the hours of daylight were numbered. I had navigation 
lights but I didn't have a battery in my ship to operate them so had to make 
it home before dark. 

I recall flipping my controls to indicate to the tower operator I was going to 
take off. The tower operator knew me and knew I had a receiver. He always 

came over the receiver to me if for some reason I should hold. Everything 
seemed fine. My plane was running well. Again I shoved the throttle clear to 
the stop. My engine roared and I was off the ground. 

I reached an altitude which I would judge was around fifty feet. My engine 
stopped cold. It was as if every piston had frozen solid. It never even gave a 
dying bark. 

To take off and have an engine stop at that low altitude is probably the most 
dangerous thing that can happen in an airplane. you don't have enough 
speed to sustain you for a normal landing in most craft. your speed to 
sustain you for a normal landing most craft. Your only choice for putting her 
down is straight ahead, with no power and little or no lift from the surfaces 
of your wings. 

Instinctively I dove the plane straight at the ground until I must have been 
within ten feet of the runway, then came back on the stick as fast as I dared 
in an attempt to level off without causing an abrupt stall. My little airplane 
came though. I was sinking fast, but I set it down on all three points. 

The shock was pretty hard. My left landing gear was badly bent and my left 
spar was broken in two. At the moment I didn't know what had happened. I 
though the engine had frozen. I was unhurt. I jumped out of the cockpit, ran 
around to the front of the plane and turned the propeller. It was loose and 
easy. People came running out to see what was the matter. 

I was curious to see if my engine would start again. I scooted around the 
wing and back into the cockpit. There I discovered what had caused my 
engine to stop. Until this is written, I have kept this secret to myself. 

My fuel valve was shut off. 

I knew instantly there was only one person who could have shut that fuel 
valve off - and that was myself. I turned the fuel valve back on. One of the 
fellows swing the propeller. My engine started immediately and ran 
smoothly. I taxied my plane rather limpingly into the hanger. I was scared 
stiff. I didn't tell anyone what had happened for the simple reason that no 
one would believe me. The realization that my thought or mind in some 
peculiar way was being controlled or dictated to or that it could have caused 

this to happen would seem perfectly preposterous to anyone who had no 
experienced what I had just experienced. 

I was in no respect accustomed to turning my fuel valve off. I only did so 
when my plane was either leaking gas through the carburetor float or when 
I put it away in storage. I elected not to say anything to anyone until I had 
some logical reason within my mind to explain why I could do such a 
ridiculous thing. The care and precautions I had always exercised before 
taking off and which had become an established habit for me for over three 
years had somehow failed. 

I had to have time to think this out and I knew it had to be done by myself. 





On April 27, 1949 the Air Materiel Command at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio 
released a report of it's Flying Saucer investigations (popularly termed 
"Project Saucer") to date. The following is a digest of this report. 

On Tuesday, June 24, 1947, a Boise, Idaho, businessman named Kenneth 
Arnold looked from his private plane and spotted a chain of nine saucer-like 
objects playing tag with the jagged peaks of Washington's Mr. Rainier at 
what he described as a "fantastic speed." 

Arnold's report set off a veritable celestial chain reaction. Within a few days, 
the fabulous "flying saucers" had spun into the national spotlight. Observers 
reporting sighting flying "chromium hub caps," flying "dimes," flying "tear 
drops," flying "gas lights," flying "ice cream cones," and flying "pie plates." 

But to military intelligence, this sky potpourri came under a single heading - 
that of "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena." Exhaustive investigations of each 
reported sighting were launched. And Project "Saucer" was born. 

Now almost two years later, Project "Saucer" is neither gone nor forgotten 
so far as the U.S. Air Force's Air Materiel Command at Wright Field, is 

Official birthday for "Saucer" was January 22, 1948. Since then, the 
Command's Technical Intelligence Division, charged with the collection, 
investigation and interpretation of data relative to unidentified flying 
objects, has looked into more than 240 domestic and 30 foreign incidents. 
With assistance from several other government and private agencies, and 
with the entire facilities of the Wright Field laboratories at their disposal. 
Project "Saucer" personnel have come up with identification of about 30 
percent of the sightings studied thus far as conventional aerial objects. It is 
expected that further probing of incidents in relation to weather balloon 
locations, etc., will provide commonplace answers to at least an equal 
number of the sky riddles. 

Answers have been - and will be - drawn from factors such as guided missile 
research activity, weather and other atmospheric sounding balloons, 
astronomical phenomena, commercial and military aircraft flights, flights of 
migratory birds, shots from flare guns, practical jokers, victims of optical 
illusion, the phenomena of mass hallucination, and so forth. 

But to date there are still question marks in the "Saucer Story." 

Although occasional sightings of strange aerial objects were reported as far 
back as January of 1947, it was the Mt. Rainier incident that touched off the 
saucer sensation late the following June. 

Kenneth Arnold, representative of a fire control equipment firm in Boise, 
Ida., was en route from Chehalis, Wash., to Yakima, Wash., on June 24 in a 
privately-owned plane when he saw the reflection of a bright flash on his 
wing. Arnold said he looked around and observed a chain of nine peculiar 
aircraft approaching Mt. Rainier. 

"I could see their outline quite plainly against the snow as they approached 
the mountain," he reported. "They flew very close to the mountain tops, 
directly south to southeast down the hog's back of the range, flying like 
geese in a diagonal chain-like line as if they were linked together." 

Arnold observed that the objects seemed smaller than a DC-4 on his left, but 
he judged their wing span to be as wide as the furtherest engines on either 
side of the DC-4's fuselage. 

"They were approximately 20 or 25 miles away, and I couldn't see a tail on 
them," he declared. "I watched for about three minutes ... a chain of saucer-
like things at least five miles long, swerving in and out of the high mountain 
peaks. They were flat like a pie pan and so shiny they reflected the sun like a 

"I never saw anything so fast." He told investigators. 

Today, no one knows just what Arnold did see on Mt. Rainier. But the 
objects have been judged to be of non-astronomical origin according to an 
interim report submitted recently on Project "Saucer" by Prof. Joseph A. 
Hynek, Ohio State University astro-physicist and head of the 

O.S.U. Observatory. 

Dr. Hynek is working under contract with AMC on an independent 
investigation of "Saucer" incidents to determine what percentage may 
definitely be attributed to astronomical phenomena. 

In his review of the Arnold incident, however, Dr. Hynek has come up with 
what he terms "certain inconsistencies" in Arnold's estimates of size, speed 
and performance of his flying "saucers." 

"It appears probable," Hynek reports, "that whatever objects were 
observed were traveling at subsonic speeds and may therefore have been 
some sort of known aircraft." 

In the days that followed Arnold's observation, the disk reports began to 
snowball. At Muroc, Calif., a group of Air Force officers reported spotting 
spherical objects of a disk-like shape whirling through the sky at a speed in 
excess of 300 m.p.h. 

In Portland, Ore., several policemen told investigators they saw a group of 
disks that "wobbled, disappeared and reappeared" several times. They were 
described as resembling "shiny chromium hub caps." 

These objects were not of astronomical (stars, planets, meteors, etc.) origin, 
according to Dr. Hynek's report. 

Regarding the Portland incident, he stated "there is nothing whatever in this 
incident to suggest that the objects observed were of astronomical origin. 
the maneuvers of the objects and the relatively long time they were in sight 
definitely preclude their being astronomical." 

Only a few days after Arnold's sighting, a disk was reported seen over his 
hometown of Boise - "A half-circle in shape, clinging to a cloud and just as 
bright and silvery looking as a mirror caught in the rays of the sun." 

Early in August, 1947, two pilots for a Bethel, Ala., flying service told 
investigators they spotted a huge black object "bigger than a C-54" 
silhouetted against the brilliant evening sky. In order to avoid collision they 
said they pulled up to 1,200 feet and watched the object cross their path at 
right angles. 

The two pilots told of swinging in behind the object and following it at 170 
m.p.h. until it outdistanced them and disappeared from sight about four 
minutes later. They described it as "resembling a C-54 without motors, 
wings or visible means of propulsion ... smooth surfaced and streamlined." 
No balloons were reported in the area. 

A few days later at Ft. Richardson, Alaska, two officers told of sighting a 
spherical object about 10 feet in diameter flying through the air at 
tremendous speed, leaving no vapor trail. 

Another incident still in 'Saucer's" Unidentified File took place 5,000 feet 
above sea level in the Cascade Mountains. Fred M. Johnson, a Portland 
prospector, told authorities he noticed a strange reflection in the sky and, 
looking up, spotted five or six disks about 30 feet in diameter. Johnson said 
he grabbed his telescope and watched the disks approximately 50 seconds 
while they banked in the sun. He described them as being round with tails, 
making no noise and no flying formation. 

Johnson said while the disks were in sight, the hand on his compass-
watched weaved wildly from side to side. 

Perhaps the most super-sized "saucer" ever sighted was one an Oklahoma 
City man reported as "seeming to be the bulk of six B-29's." The observer, 
who holds a private pilot's license, spotted the object from the ground. He 
said at first it looked like a big white plane, but moving closer became 
perfectly round and flat with no protrusions. He heard no sound and 
reported the speed as "probably three times that of a jet." 

Tragedy struck at the flying saucer story early in 1948. On January 7 an 
unidentified object that looked like "an ice cream cone topped with red" 
was sighted over Godman Air Force Base, Ft. Knox, Ky., by several, military 
and civilian observers. The Godman tower requested a flight of four National 
Guard F-51's in the vicinity to investigate the phenomena. 

Three of the planes closed in on the object and reported it to be metallic and 
of "tremendous size." One pilot described it as "round like a tear drop, and 
at times almost fluid." 

The flight leader, Capt. Thomas F. Mantell, contacted the Godman tower 
with an initial report that the object was traveling at half his speed at 12 
o'clock high. 

"I'm closing in now to take a good look," He radioed. 

"It's directly ahead of me and still moving at about half my speed ... the 
thing looks metallic and of tremendous size. It's going up now and forward 
as fast as I am ... that's 360 m.p.h." Captain Mantell reported from his F-51. 
"I'm going up to 20,000 feet and if I'm no closer I'll abandon chase." 

The time was 1515 hours. 

That was the last radio contact made by Mantell with the Godman tower. 

Later that day his body was found in the wreckage of his plane near Ft. 

Five minutes after Mantell disappeared from his formation, the two 
remaining planes returned to Godman. A few minutes later, one resumed 
the search - covering territory 100 miles to the south as high as 33,000 feet - 
but found nothing. 

Subsequent investigation revealed that Mantell had probably blacked out at 
20,000 feet from lack of oxygen and had died of suffocation before the 

The mysterious object which the flyer chased to his death was first identified 
as the Planet Venus. However, further probing showed the elevation and 
azimuth readings of Venus and the object at specified time intervals did not 

It is still considered "Unidentified." 

On the same day, about two hours later, a sky phenomena was observed by 
several watchers over Lockbourne Air Force Base, Columbus, O. It was 
described as "round or oval, larger than a C-47, and traveling in level flight 
father than 500 m.p.h." The object was followed by Lockbourne observation 
tower for more than 20 minutes. Observers said it glowed from white to 
amber, leaving an amber exhaust trail five times it's own length. it moved 

like an elevator and at one time appeared to touch the ground. No sound 
was heard. Finally, the object faded and lowered toward the horizon. 

Perhaps the most fantastic saucer sighting in Technical Intelligence records 
was the widely-publicized "space ship" which two Eastern Air Lines pilots 
reported encountering in the skies around Montgomery, Ala., last July. 
Presumably the object was seen by ground observers at Robbins Air Force 
Base, Macon, Ga., about an hour before. All reports agreed it was going in a 
southerly direction, trailing various colored flames and that it behaved like a 
normal aircraft insofar as disappearing from the line of sight was concerned. 

The pilots, Capt. C.S. Chiles and John B. Whitted, described the phenomena 
as a "wingless aircraft, 100 feet long, cigar shaped and about twice the 
diameter of a B-29 with no protruding surfaces." 

"We saw it at the same time and asked each other. 'What in the world is 
this?'" Chiles told investigators. "Whatever it was, it flashed down toward us 
and we veered to the left. It veered to it's left and passed us about 700 feet 
to our right and above us. Then, as if the pilot had seen us and wanted to 
avoid us, it pulled up with a tremendous burst of flame from the rear and 
zoomed into the clouds, it's prop wash or jet wash rocking our DC-3." 

The flame-shooting mystery craft, as described by the Eastern Air Lines 
pilots, had no fins, but appeared to have a snout similar to a radar pole in 
front, and gave the impression of a cabin with windows above. 

Captain Chiles declared the cabin, "appeared like a pilot compartment, 
except brighter." He said the illumination inside the body itself 
approximated the brilliance of a magnesium flare. 

"We saw no occupants," He told investigators. "From the side of the craft 
came an intense, fairly dark blue glow that ran the entire length of the 
fuselage ... like a blue fluorescent factory light. The exhaust was a red-
orange flame. with a lighter color predominant around the outer edges." 

The pilots said the flame extended 30 to 50 feet behind the object and 
became deeper in intensity as the craft pulled up into a cloud. it's speed was 
said to be about one-third faster than common jets. 

In their investigation of the incident, Project "Saucer" personnel screened 
225 civilian and military flight schedules and found that the only other 
aircraft in the vicinity at the time was an Air Force C-47. Application of the 
Prandtl theory of lift to the incident indicated that a fuselage of the 
dimensions reported by Chiles and Whitted could support a load comparable 
to the weight f an aircraft of this size at flying speeds in the subsonic range. 

The object is still considered "Unidentified." 

A unique chapter in the saucer story was written last October by Lt. George 
F. Gorman of the North Dakota National Guard who said he had a 27-minute 
dogfight with a flying saucer in the skies over Fargo. 

Gorman, manager of a Fargo construction company, told this story to 
project investigators. 

On the night of October 1, 1948, he was preparing to land at the Fargo 
airport after a routine F-51 patrol flight. Cleared by the tower to land, 
Gorman noticed what appeared to be the tail light of another plane bout 
1,000 yards away. He queried the tower and was told that the only other 
aircraft over the field was a Piper Cub which he could see outlined plainly 
below him. He saw no outline of anything around the moving light. 

Gorman closed in to take a look at the mystery light. 

"It was about six to eight inches in diameter, clear white and completely 
round with a sort of a fuzz at the edges," He said. "It was blinking on and 
off. As I approached, however the light suddenly became steady and pulled 
into a sharp left bank. I thought it was making a pass at the tower." 

"I dived after it and brought my manifold pressure up to 60 inches, but I 
couldn't catch up with the thing. It started gaining altitude and again made a 
left bank." Gorman told investigators. 

"I put my F-51 into a sharp turn and tried to cut the light off in it's turn. By 
then we were at about 7,000 feet. Suddenly it made a sharp right turn and 
we headed straight at each other. Just when we were about to collide I 
guess I got scared." 

I went into a dive and the light passed over my canopy at about 500 feet. 
Then, it made a left circle about 1,000 feet above, and I gave chase again." 

Gorman said he cut sharply toward the light which was once more coming at 
him. When collision again seemed imminent, the object shot straight into 
the air. Gorman climbed after it to 14,000 feet when his plane went into a 
power stall. the object turned in a northwest north heading and 

During the 'dogfight" Gorman said he noticed no deviation on his 
instruments, no sounds, odors or exhaust trails from the object. 

It's speed, he said, was excessive. At times during the chase, his F-51 was 
under full power with speed varying from 300 to 400 m.p.h. In all, the light 
was observed more than 27 minutes. Gorman described it as having depth 
although it appeared flat. 

the mystery light was also seen by L.D. Jensen, Airport Traffic Controller at 
Fargo, who watched it with a pair of binoculars. He said he was unable to 
distinguish any shape or form other than what appeared to be the tail light 
of a very fast-moving craft. 

In a certified statement, Gorman, who was pilot instructor for French 
military students World War II, said he was convinced there was "thought" 
behind the maneuvers. He declared, "I am also convinced that the object 
was governed by the laws of inertia because it's acceleration was rapid but 
not immediate, and although it was able to turn fairly tight at considerable 
speed, it still followed a natural curve." 

The object could out-turn and outspeed the F-51 and was able to attain a 
much steeper climb and to maintain a constant rate of climb far in excess of 
the Air Force fighter. 

"When I attempted to turn with the object I blacked out temporarily due to 
excessive speed," Gorman stated. "I am in fairly good physical condition and 
I do not believe there are many pilots who could withstand the run speed 
effected by the light and remain conscious." 

From a psychological aspect, the Gorman incident raised the question, "It is 
possible for an object without aeronautical configuration to appear to travel 
at variable speeds and maneuver intelligently?" 

Preliminary study of more than 240 domestic and 30 foreign incidents by 
Astro-Physicist Hynek indicates that an over-all total of about 30 percent 
probably can be explained away satisfactorily as astronomical phenomena. 

On July 20, 1947, observers off the Newfoundland coast reported seeing a 
series of silver or reddish flashes in the sky, although the object from which 
they came was not visible. Dr. Hynek states in his report these flashes were 
probably nothing more than a fireball. 

Early in the saucer sensation - mid-July of 1946 - capture of a "flying disk" 
excited residents of Jackson, Ohio. later, however, the "saucer" was 
identified as a U.S. Army signal Corps Radiosonde Transmitter used for 
gathering weather data. 

Various weather and research balloons have been found at the source of a 
great number of saucer incidents. One of the most startling occurred last 
November at Camp Springs, Md. From a plane, an object illuminated by a 
continuous glowing white light was observed flying on a 360 degree pattern 
west to east over Andrews Air Force Base. As the pilot made a pass to check 
on the object he said it took definite evasive action. He switched his wing 
and tail navigation lights of, but as he again tried to close in, the "saucer" 
flew up and over his plane. He reported the mystery craft's speed as 
seeming to alternative from 80 m.p.h. to 500 or 600 m.p.h. The pilot said it 
appeared like an oblong ball with one light and no wings or exhaust flames 
visible. Smaller than a T-6 aircraft, this "saucer" was reported to be highly 
maneuverable and capable of nearvertical flight. 

The mystery was cleared up when the object was identified positively as a 
cluster of cosmic ray research balloons. 

Columbus, O., residents had their eyes on the skies early last August when 
several citizens reported seeing a round flying object 20 to 30 feet in 
diameter, with a constant gray-black perimeter in transparent center. the 
object seemed to move at a slow, steady pace over the city, making no noise 

and occasionally issuing a thin trail of smoke. this was later positively 
identified as a carnival balloon. 

Often Wright Field laboratories are called on to make analysis of objects 
claimed to be fragments salvaged from "flying disks." The "flaming wheel" 
which fell on Bellefontaine, O., last December and stirred up the populace to 
a new saucer scare lost it's mystery origin in Wright Field labs. Remains of 
the "wheel" was in reality a pistol flare fired from the ground. 

The nation's practical jokers and publicity seekers also have played a role in 
Project "Saucer." 

One of the biggest tempests was stirred up by two Tacoma, Wash., men, 
Fred Crisman and Harold A. Dahl. In July, 1947, a few days after Kenneth 
Arnold's Mt. Rainer saucers hit the headlines, Dahl reported sighting six 
disks from a boat in which he was patrolling off Maury Island, Washington. 

Dahl said one of the disks fluttered down to earth and disintegrated, 
showering his boat with fragments which caused some damage and killed 
his pet dog. He and Crisman then attempted to sell the story to a Chicago 
adventure magazine which in turn contacted Kenneth Arnold in Boise and 
asked him to check it's authenticity. 

From Tacoma, Arnold summered two officers from Army A-2 Intelligence to 
aid in the investigation of Dahl and Crisman's claim. At a meeting in the 
Winthrop Hotel, Dahl produced some fragments which he alleged came 
from the disk, which damaged his boat. He related his entire story of the 
incident to Arnold, Smith and the two Army Intelligence men. The next day 
the two officers left to return to Hamilton Field, Calif., to participate in an Air 
Force Day program, taking some of the fragments with them for technical 

But tragedy struck en route. The plane crashed, killing both officers 
although the crew chief and a hitch hiker - the other two passengers - 
parachuted to safety. 

Later, under questioning, Crisman and Dahl broke and admitted that the 
fragments they had produced were really unusual rock formations found on 
Maury Island and had no connection with "Flying Disks." 

They admitted telling the Chicago magazine that the fragments "could have 
been remnants of the disks" in order to increase the sale value of their story. 

During the investigation, Dahl's wife consistently urged him to admit that 
the entire affair was a hoax, and it is carried as such in Project "Saucer" files. 

A flying disk became big business in Black River Falls, Wis., where the finder 
charged 50 cents admission for a look at the "saucer' until local police 
stepped in and shut it up in a bank vault. The contrivance, which was 
fashioned from plywood and cardboard was supposedly seen in flight near 
Black River Falls shortly before an electrician said he found it lying in deep 
grass on the town fairgrounds. After analysis at Mitchel Field, the following 
report was made: "This contrivance is patently a hoax ... it will be held for a 
reasonable length of time and then disposed of in the nearest ash 

Of such things are some of the saucers made. 

But the hoaxes and the crank letters in reality play a small part in Project 

Actually, it is a serious, scientific business of constant investigation, analysis 
and evaluation which thus far has yielded evidence pointing to the 
conclusion that much of the saucer scare is no scare at all, but can be 
attributed to astronomical phenomena, to conventional serial objects, to 
hallucinations and to mass psychology. 

When an incident comes to the attention of Project "Saucer" personnel, it is 
first investigated by existing intelligence agencies in the vicinity of the 
sighting - usually a nearby Air Force base, the FBI, or the local police. In some 
cases, personnel from the AMC's Technical Intelligence Division fly to the 
scene for one-the-spot interrogation. 

A standard questionnaire is filled out by the observer under guidance of 
interrogators and any supplementary information available is gleamed by 
investigators. Standard questions are stated simply and slanted so that they 
may be answered with reasonable accuracy by the most inexperienced 
observers. In each case, time, location, size and shape of object, 
approximate altitude, speed, maneuvers, color, length of time in sight, 

sound, etc. are carefully noted. This information is sent in it's entirety, 
together with any fragments, soil specimens, photographs, drawings, etc., 
pertinent to the incident to Headquarters, AMC. Here highly trained 
evaluation teams take over. The information is broken down and filed on 
summary sheets, plotted on maps and graphs and integrated with the rest 
of the Project material, thus giving an easily comprehended over-all picture 
of Project "Saucer." 

Then, duplicate copies of the data on each incident are sent to other 
investigating agencies including technical labs within AMC. These reports 
are studied in relation to many factors such as guided missile research 
activity, weather and many other atmospheric sounding balloons 
launchings, commercial and military aircraft flights, flights of migratory birds 
and a myriad of other considerations which might furnish explanations. 

Based on the possibility that the objects could be unidentified and 
unconventional types of aircraft, technical analysis is made of some of the 
reports to determine aerodynamic, propulsion and control features which 
would be required for objects to perform as described. 

Generally, the flying objects are divided into four groups: flying disks, 
torpedo or cigar shaped bodies with no wings or fins visible in flight, 
spherical or balloon-shaped objects, and balls of light. the first three groups 
are capable of flight by aerodynamic means and cab be propelled and 
controlled by methods known to aeronautical designers. As for the lights, 
their actions - unless they were suspended from a higher objects or were the 
product of hallucination -remain thus far unexplained. 

Eventually, reports from assisting laboratories and agencies are sent back to 
Project "Saucer" headquarters, often marking incidents closed. The project, 
however, is a young one - much of it's investigation is still underway. 

Currently, a psychological analysis is being made by AMC's Aero Medical 
laboratory to determine what percentage of incidents are probably based 
on errors of the human mind and senses. Available preliminary reports now 
indicate that a great number of sightings can be explained away as ordinary 
occurrences which have been misrepresented as a rule of these human 

Much of the work of "Saucer" personnel involves precise graphing, charting 
and pin pointing at incidents. A frequency graph compiled recently showed 
that saucer sightings began in this country on a small scale in January of 
1947, and reached their peak in July of that year, shortly after the Mt. Rainier 
incident. They then fell off sharply for the rest of the year, but reoccurred in 
relative frequency in January, July and November of 1948. Reports coming 
to AMC now indicate a current low level of sighting - about 12 a month at 

Since flying saucers first hit the headlines almost two years ago there has 
been wide speculation that the aerial phenomena might actually be some 
form of penetration of the Earth from another planet. 

Actually, astronomers are largely in agreement that only one member of the 
solar system besides Earth is capable of supporting life. That is Mars. 

On Mars there exists an excessively slow loss of atmosphere, oxygen and 
water against which intelligent beings, if they do exist there, may have 
protected themselves by scientific control of physical conditions. This might 
have been done, scientists speculate, but the construction of homes and 
cities underground where the atmospheric pressure would be greater and 
thus temperature extremes reduced. The other possibilities exist, of course, 
that evolution may have developed a being who can withstand the rigors of 
the Martian climate, or that the race - if it ever did exist - has perished. 

In other words the existence of intelligent life on Mars, where the rare 
atmosphere is nearly devoid of oxygen and water and where the nights are 
much colder than our Arctic winters, is not impossible but is completely 

The possibility of intelligent life also existing on the Planet Venus is not 
considered completely unreasonable by astronomers. The atmosphere of 
Venus apparently consists mostly of carbon dioxide with deep clouds of 
formaldehyde droplets, and there seems to be little or no water. Yet, 
scientists concede that living organisms might develop in chemical 
environments which are strange to us. Venus, however, has two handicaps. 
Her mass and gravity are nearly as large as the Earth (Mars is smaller) and 
her cloudy atmosphere would discourage astronomy, hence space travel. 

Reports of strange objects seen in the skies have been handed down 
through the generations. However, scientists believe that if Martians were 
now visiting Earth without establishing contact it could be assumed that 
they have just recently succeeded in space travel and that their civilization 
would be practically abreast of ours. They find it hard to believe that any 
technically established race would com here, flaunt it's ability in mysterious 
ways over the years, but each time simply go away without ever establishing 

Astronomers, however, feel it particularly unlikely that a Martian civilization 
would be within a half century of our own state of advancement. Yet in the 
past 50 years we have just began to use aircraft and in the next 50 we will 
almost certainly start exploring space. Thus, it appears that space travel 
from another point within the solar system is possible but very unlikely. 
Reports in Project "Saucer" files call the odds against it "at least a thousand 
to one." 

Outside the solar systems other stars - 22 in number - besides the sun have 
satellite planets. The sun has nine. One of these, Earth, is ideal for existence 
of life. Therefore, astronomers believe it reasonable that there could be at 
least one ideally habitable planet for each of the 22 other eligible stars. 

In this line of reasoning the theory is also employed, of necessity, that man 
represents the average in advancement and development. 

Therefore, one half of the other habitable planets would be behind man in 
development and the other half ahead. It is also assumed that any visiting 
race could be expected to be far in advance of man. Thus, the chance of 
space travelers existing on planets attached to neighboring stars is a very 
much greater than the chance of space-traveling Martians. The one can be 
viewed as almost a certainty (if you accept the thesis that the number of 
inhabited planets is equal to those that are suitable for life and that 
intelligent life is not peculiar to Earth). Whereas the possibility of space 
visitors from Mars is very slight indeed. 

There is only one stumbling block to a trip from such a distant planet to 
Earth but it is a formidable block. 

The nearest eligible star is one called Wolf 359. This is eight light years away. 
Traveling at one-tenth the speed of light - that is 18,000 miles per second - it 
would take a space ship pilot 80 years for a one-way trip to Earth. And this 
speed is completely beyond the reach of any predicted level of rocket 

If a process could be created to convert nuclear material into jet energy the 
time could be cut from 60 to 16 years from Wolf359 to Earth. 

The problems involved in the creation of the long idealized "Buck Rogers" 
type space ship are myriad. While a special purpose rocket can be made as 
maneuverable as is desired with a very high performance, a high 
performance space ship would be large and unwieldy and could hardly be 
designed to maneuver frivolously in the Earth's atmosphere as the reported 
disks have done. 

Also, such an aircraft could not carry sufficient fuel to make repeated 
descents into the Earth's atmosphere. 

Scientists say a vertically descending rocket might well appear as a luminous 
disk to a person standing directly below. Yet observers at a distance would 
surely be able to identify the rocket as such - and the exhaust should be easy 
to see. 

With few exceptions all disks have been reported within the continental 
limits of the United States, whereas spacemen could be expected to scatter 
their visits more or less uniformly over the globe: the small area covered by 
the disk barrage points strongly to the belief that the flying objects are of 
Earthy origin, be they physical or psychological. 

Thus, although visits from outer space are believed to be possible, they are 
thought to be highly improbable. In particular, detailed reports made on 
individual incidents and the over-all picture of Project "Saucer" point to the 
fact that actions attributed to the flying objects reported during the past 
two years are inconsistent with the requirements for space travel. 

The possibility that the "Saucers" were supported by means of rays or 
beams was investigated and debunked. By "rays" or "beams" are meant 

either purely electro-magnetic radiation or else radiation which is largely 
corpuscular like cathode rays, cosmic rays or cyclotron beams. 

Any device thus propelled would have to be fundamentally a reaction 
device. The basic theory of such devices is that a given amount of energy is 
most efficiently spent if the momentum thrown back or down is large. This 
means that a large mass should be given a small acceleration -a theorem 
well understood by helicopter designers. 

Beams or rays to the contrary, a small mass is given a very high velocity, and 
consequently enormous powers - greater than the world's total power 
capacity - would be needed to support even the smallest object by such 

Several unorthodox means of supporting or propelling a solid object have 
been considered, including the fiction writer's old standby, the anti-gravity 
shield, but all have been found impractical. This, in the opinion of 
investigating scientists lends credence to the assumption that the 
unidentified flying objects are supported an propelled by some normal 
means, or else are not solids. 

Possibilities that the saucers are foreign aircraft have also been considered. 
But the reported performance of the disk's is so superior to anything we 
have yet approached in this country that it is believed that only an accidental 
discovery of a "degree of novelty never before achieved" could suffice to 
explain such devices. 

The possible existence of some sort of strange extraterrestrial animals has 
been remotely considered, as many of the objects described acted more like 
animals than anything else. However, there are few reliable reports on 
extraterrestrial animals. 

All of the information so far presented in Project "Saucer" on the possible 
existence of space ships from another planet propelled by an advanced type 
of automatic power plane has been largely conjecture. 

To sum up, no definite conclusive evidence is yet available that would prove 
or disprove the possibility that a portion of the unidentified objects are real 
aircraft of unknown or unconventional configuration. 

Many sightings by qualified and apparently reliable witnesses have been 
reported. However, each incident has unsatisfactory features, such as the 
shortness of time the object was under observation, the great distance from 
the observer, vagueness of description or photographs, inconsistencies 
between individual observers, lack of descriptive data, etc. 

In so far as the aerodynamic superiority of the disk-like phenomena is 
concerned, the circular platform has not been used in representative 
aircraft, either military or civilian, because the induced drag is excessively 

Spherical or balloon shaped objects are also usually considered as efficient 
aircraft. Drag is high and the energy expanded to develop life by 
aerodynamic means is excessive. 

The obvious explanation for most of the spherical shaped objects reported, 
as already mentioned, is that they are meteorological or similar type 
balloons. This, however, does not explain reports that they travel at high 
speed or maneuver rapidly. But "Saucer" men point out that the movement 
could be explained away as an optical illusion or actual acceleration of the 
balloon caused by gas leak and later exaggerated by observers. 

There are scores of possible explanations for the sources of different type 
sightings reported. Many of the aerial phenomena have been positively 
identified. However, the correct tagging of the remaining percentage is still 
the job of Project "Saucer." 

The "Saucers" are not a joke. 

Neither are they a cause for alarm to the population. Many of the incidents 
already have answers. Meteors. Balloons. Falling stars. Birds in flight. testing 
devices, etc. Some of them still end in question marks. 

It is the mission of the AMC Technical Intelligence Division's Project "Saucer" 
to apply the periods. 

This ends the official report by Project "Saucer." But pertinent to it are the 
following two items. 

From the June 5, 1949 issue of Walter Winchell's column "Up and Down 

The N.Y. World-Telegram has confirmed this reporter's exclusive report of 
several weeks before - which newspapermen have denied - about the Flying 
Saucers ... Said the frontpage in the W-T. 

Air Force people are convinced the flying disk is real. The clincher came when 
the Air Force got a picture recently of three disks flying in formation over 
Stephensville, Newfoundland (the great transatlantic air base). 

They outdistanced our fastest ships. some Air Force men believe the disks are a 
new flying machine utilizing gyroscopic principles. 

From the May 14, 1949 issue of the Washington Daily News: 

Some Air Force men thing they know what those flying disks are and where 
they came from. 

They believe disks are new-type flying machine utilizing gyroscopic principle; 
that they come from Spain. 

They say Nazi scientists, known to have been working on gyroscopic flight 
during war, dropped from sight after row with Hitler. Intelligence reports hint 
they escaped to Spain. Captured documents indicate Germans had gone 
further than any with use of gyroscopic principles for flight. 

Air Force people are convinced flying disk is real. They say it is not produced in 
this country. they feel sure it us not produced in Russia. 

Clincher came when Air Force got picture recently of three disks flying in 
formation over Stephensville, Newfoundland. Not close-up, because they 
outdistanced our fastest ships, but close enough to be convincing. 





In reading the fabulous report of Project "Saucer," it is necessary to bear in 
mind several pertinent facts. First is that apparently the armed forces do not 
let their left hand know what their right hand is doing. thus, on precisely the 
same day that the Wright Field Air Materiel Command treated the saucers 
seriously, and declared they were no "joke," and in effect, admitted that 
they existed beyond all doubt, but that their nature was undetermined, 
Intelligence was busy cooking up a two-part article in The Saturday Evening 
Post (presumable authored by Sidney A. Shallett) which was designed to 
pooh-pooh the whole business and laugh it all away. 

The first portion of this article appeared simultaneously with the Wright 
Field report, and the impact of an "official" report placed against the 
"heresay" of the Post article did little to enhance the reputation of either 
the Post or author, Sidney Shallett. It would be quite impossible for Shallett 
to look anything but sheepish in the face of such a ringing denunciation. 

Lest the statement just made be denied, I quote here a letter signed by 
Alethea Redfern, Secretary to the Director of Intelligence, and addressed to 
Mrs. Velma Brown, wife of Frank M. Brown, the flier killed in the Tacoma 
affair. This is a personal letter, not written on official stationery, and no 
caution us given to refrain from quoting the letter so no confidence is being 

I will try to give you the Colonel's [Colonel Donald L. Springer, in command of 
the Fourth Air Force, Hamilton Field, Calif.] viewpoint concerning any articles 
written about the flying saucers. There have been several magazines published 
in Chicago, bordering on the sensational and fantastic, which dealt with the 
flying saucers or flying disks. None of them are authentic but deal only in 
conjecture and imagination. You are at liberty to say anything you wish 
concerning the disks, but the Colonel cautions you to base every remark on 
absolute fact and to be able to substantiate anything you say. You might be 

required to prove your statements unless you state definitely that you are only 
assuming - or that you believe, etc. 

There was recently published in The Saturday Evening Post a very good article 
about the disks released by the Air Force. 

Confirmation of this fact was secured by Ray Palmer, who spoke personally to 
Stuart Rose, one of the editors of the Post, who seemed unwilling to discuss 
the matter after being tricked into admitting the Air Force officers parked all 
over his office has done little else but annoy him. 

It is interesting to note that the Army investigated reports six months 
before the saucers became headline news. Obviously, then, before the public 
ever heard of them. Also, the employment of Prof. Joseph A. Hynek indicates 
the seriousness with which saucer investigation was being made. 

When statement is made that "certain inconsistencies" exist in "Arnold's 
estimates of size, speed, and performance of his saucers" it is noted that these 
inconsistencies are not listed. Worse, a definite attempt to insert a false note is 
contained in the statement that "whatever objects were observed were 
traveling atsub-sonic speeds and may therefore have been some sort of known 
aircraft." there is only one word to describe that statement. It's 
deliberately false. 

In commenting on the Gorman incident, Project Saucer has this to say, "From a 
psychological aspect, the Gorman incident raised the question, 'Is it possible 
for an object without appreciable shape or known aeronautical configuration 
to appear to travel at variable speeds and maneuver intelligently?'." 

Note the "key" words in this clever little brushing aside of the whole 
matter; Psychological. A slap at Gorman's "psychic" tendencies. Possible. A 
complete evasion of the fact that the thing was not only possible, 
but did travel as described. Appear. In other words, actually the object didn't 
do what Gorman said it did, it only appeared to. Project Saucer makes no other 
comment, except this one which is designed to cause the casual reader to 
conclude that Gorman was slightly balmy and Project Saucer was just being 
polite in not putting it bluntly. 

However, popeyed with it's knowledge of the amazing facts about flying 
saucers, Project Saucer cannot refrain, in it's report, from including numbers of 
sightings which are apparently authentic, and which they admit cannot be 
explained. Why they select the Arnold and Gorman reports for special (and 
biased) reproach is a mystery. Why not be fair all around? 

Then, to make the authentic instances fall into the same "fairy tale" category 
(by association) they quote instances which, even to the most casual citizen, 
are patently frauds, and should not even be considered. I wouldn't require Dr. 
Hynek to classify these instances for the junk file. 

Most asinine comment is made on the Camp Springs, Md., incident which is 
labeled as "the most startling." Let's quote it: "The mystery was cleared up 
when the object was positively identified as a cluster of cosmic ray balloons." 
Nothing more. Just that. Yet it alternated 80 to 500 or 600 miles per hour and 
took evasive action. A single object. Allow us a "solution" of our own? It was a 
grain of puffed rice, shot too enthusiastically from a gun by the makers of 
breakfast cereal. And if such sarcastic remarks injure the feelings of Project 
Saucer, may we point out that they are not original, but only typical of the 
many snide references to our mental health, eyesight, physical health, powers 
of observation, imagination, childishness, etc. made in public pronouncements 
and official releases regarding saucers? 

And now we come to the "biggest tempest," the "hoax" stirred up by Fred 
Crisman and Harold A. Dahl at Tacoma, Washington. First the statement is 
made by Project Saucer that Crisman and Dahl "broke" later under questioning 
and admitted that the fragments were unusual rock formations found on 
Maury Island and had no connection with flying disks. It also said that the pair 
admitted telling the Chicago magazine that the fragments "could have come 
from the disks" in order to increase the sale value of their story. It further said 
that during the investigation, Dahl's wife consistently urged him to admit that 
the entire affair was a hoax. 

When FATE magazine (Evanston, Illinois) published the report made public by 
Project Saucer, Fred Crisman wrote a letter to the editor, threatening to sue 
unless the above false statements were retracted. they were not retracted, of 

course, because they were official releases by Project Saucer. But whether they 
were false or not should rest on other and more positive factors. 

These factors follow: 

If the fragments were "unusual rock" fragments found on Maury Island (or as 
another official news release from Colonel Springer of Hamilton Field stated -
were natural rock formations found all up and down the west coast), then 
Major Sander of S-2 Army Intelligence at McChord Field in Tacoma was trying to 
create a false impression when he showed Captain Smith and Kenneth Arnold a 
slag pile in a local smelter dump and insisted this was the actual source of the 
fragments he so carefully did not permit them to retain. 

Crisman and Dahl did not submit the fragments to the Chicago magazine in an 
effort to sell a story. They never asked for any money for the fragments, nor 
did they submit a story, only an explanatory letter. There can be no doubt 
about that, since Ray Palmer, one of the authors of this book, was the editor to 
whom the fragments were sent and the editor of the Chicago magazine Project 
Saucer mentions. 

That either man "confessed" to a hoax is the least proven item in Project 
Saucer's statement. Today neither of these men can be found, having 
mysteriously disappeared. In the case of Dahl, he left a home, a business, and 
apparently all his interests, unclaimed. But let science itself have a word to say 
here about the "fragments" from the particular slag piles pointed out by Major 
Sander. let the reader decide for himself if they are identical. Of if either one is 
a "natural rock" 

Analysis of Original Fragments High Constituents -- Calcium, Iron, Zinc, 

Middle Constituents -- Aluminum, Manganese, Copper, Magnesium, Silicon. 

Low Constituents -- Nickel, Lead, Strontium, chromium. 

Traces -- Silver, Tin, Cadmium. 

Nothing of an unusual nature exists in this combination except the unusually 
high quantity of calcium and titanium. It is interesting to note that titanium, 
one of the high-constituent metals, is now believed to be the key metal in 

constructing missiles or ships capable of space travel. Also calcium has an 
affinity for particles of radium, and the ability to capture them and prevent 
contamination of surrounding areas. 

Analysis of Tacoma Slag Fragments 

1. The crude sample is magnetic. This indicates the presence of the mineral 
magnetite (iron oxide, Fe3O4), free iron or both. Both appear to be present in 
this sample. 

2. About 21% of the sample is soluble in hydrochloric acid. This is the iron-iron 
oxide fraction. The acid insoluble fractions are obviously different chemical 
individuals, both fractions were analyzed separately. 

3. The acid soluble fraction is 49.7% Fe (iron). Qualitative tests showed a small 
amount of Zn (zinc), a trace of Cd (cadmium) and Mo (molybdenum). No 
nickel, cobalt or copper are found in this fraction. The remainder of this sample 
is largely oxygen. 

4. The acid insoluble fraction has the following analysis: 


% SiO2 




% Fe2O3 


% Fe 


% CaO BaO 


% Ca & Ba 


% MnO 


% Mn 



The remainder of the material is aluminum, titanium, magnesium and alkali 
oxides together with small amounts of other metals. No cobalt or nickel were 
found in this fraction. 

5. A mineralogical analysis under the petrographic microscope shows that the 
sample is a very complex mixture of silicates and oxides, typical of an artificial 

On the basis of the above five points, the material is slag from the production 
of steel. the presence of appreciable amounts of iron in the slag suggests that 
it is slag from an open hearth furnace. The structure of the material and the 
fact that it contains no cobalt or nickel eliminate the possibility that the 
sample is of meteoric origin. the structure and presence of free iron and 
magnetite make it very unlikely that the material is a natural lava. 

And there we have it. 

The samples first sent by Crisman and Dahl were not slag nor were they natural 
rock. What were they? If the Tacoma affair was not a hoax, then they were 
portions of a flying disk! 

Now let us examine the strange facts discernible in Ken Arnold's story of his 
adventure at Tacoma. 

When Arnold arrived at Barry's Airport, he kept his identity secret. Also, no 
possibility existed that anyone in Tacoma could have known he was coming. 
Yet when he tried to get a room in the town (where rooms were practically 
impossible to get) he found that one had been reserved for him at the Hotel 
Winthrop. Reserved in the name of Kenneth Arnold! Who reserved 
it? Another Kenneth Arnold? If so, he never showed up to claim his room. 

Reaching Mr. Dahl by phone, his initial reaction was to advise Mr. Arnold to go 
home and forget the whole business. His reason for this advice was based on 
superstition, superstition which seemed highly illogical in a man of the physical 
proportions of Mr. Dahl. Later, in the hotel room, Dahl who had a story to tell, 
did no talking at first, allowing Arnold to take the lead, and then, instead of 
telling his story, again urged Arnold to go home. Then, making as if to leave, he 
made it an implied threat. But Arnold was not to be scared out, and insisted on 
the story he had come to get. Only after every attempt to get him to leave had 
failed did Dahl comply. And Dahl was the man who had already told that story 
to Ray Palmer via the mail, in Chicago, even sending a cigar-box full of 
fragments to back it up. Here was Ray Palmer's personal representative, and 
he went to great lengths to kill the story. 

All during the stay in room 502 Ted Morello and Paul Lance at the Tacoma 
Times were receiving phone calls from a mysterious informant who repeated 

verbatim conversations that were going on in the room, even when Crisman 
and Dahl were in the room. There is only one way that could have been done: 
the room was wired for sound. It was cleverly wired, too, for no portable 
installation could be found by Smith and Arnold, though they made a thorough 
search for one. It was the sort of installation that would require cooperation 
on the part of the hotel; or would use highly technical and expensive 
equipment such as it is rumored secret service organizations possess. 

After telling his story, Dahl again attempted melodramatically to scare Arnold 
out. He wrung his hands, told Arnold of the stranger who had been able to 
recount Harold's entire adventure as though he had been present (how?) the 
next morning, and had inferred he'd witnessed something he shouldn't have, 
and that if he loved his family he would not discuss it with anyone. But 
unafraid, he had promptly reported the matter to an editor of a 
magazine. Now, however, he is terribly afraid, not to tell still another person, 
but for the welfare of that person. 

Yet, when Arnold suggested to bring in still another person, Captain Smith, he 
did not object in the least. Both Crisman and Dahl were in hearty accord with 
this idea. Further, when it was suggested that Army Air Force Intelligence be 
called in, Crisman was almost enthusiastic. Right there is where any pair of 
hoaxers would have begun backpedaling mightily. These new developments 
would have spelled trouble in big letters. 

No matter how Arnold and Smith tried, they could never get to the crux of the 
situation, getting out of Maury Island and seeing the twenty tons of fragments 
with their own eyes, or getting to see the pictures Dahl had taken which 
supposedly showed the saucers clearly, though the negative was spotted as 
though by exposure to x-rays. The negatives were always somewhere else, 
finally up in the hills in a remote cabin. 

Sometime in the course of talks with Crisman and Dahl, it is suggested that the 
fragments brought to the hotel room seemed curved, and might be parts of 
the lining of a jet or tube about six feet in diameter. Sure enough, when lined 
up, they do bear this out. Yet they were scattered fragments, only a few 
among thousands, only a few pounds of a total of over twenty tons. Peculiar 
indeed, when you think about it, that they should be related fragments. But 

then the white metal turns out to be perfectly familiar, and Crisman and Dahl, 
at least one (Crisman) a former air force pilot, with a good record in Burma, 
would know that it would be familiar; recognizable to Arnold and Smith as 
portions of military aircraft gone to the salvage dump. Now we aren't trying to 
scare anybody out, we are trying to make it obvious that we are pulling a hoax 
so Arnold and Smith will leave in disgust and so report the incident to Ray 

When the Intelligence men arrived, Brown saw Arnold alone, showed him 
drawings of what he said were authentic pictures of flying saucers, and was 
very cooperative. Later, when they should really have been excited, after 
Crisman had been around long enough to get his story across, both Intelligence 
men dropped interest as though it were a dead fish, and left in high gear. they 
did not even intend to take any of the important fragments, until Crisman, 
dashing away, came panting up with a whole boxful and literally forced them 
upon the Intelligence men. Only they aren't the same kind of fragments. 

Now, suddenly, Ted Morello becomes very solicitous for the welfare of Smith 
and Arnold . He pleads with them. They ought to go home. But he hasn't a very 
good reason. 

Next morning, Crisman phones, this time with information that is enough to 
scare anybody out of town. Brown and Davidson are dead. Their plane has 
crashed. Brother, there'll be hell to pay, explaining to Uncle Sam how you 
happened to get two of his best men killed and a very expensive plane 
wrecked. Why, this little hoax might well land everybody in jail. 

In an inspection of the "harbor patrol" boat, it is obviously not a harbor patrol 
boat. The "repairs" are not as extensive as Crisman had given them to 
understand. The excuse of working on the motor turns out to be false - not a 
nut has been turned on it. The craft itself appears extremely unseaworthy. 

And it develops Crisman knew Ray Palmer; and lies when he tries to explain it. 
actually all his acquaintance with Palmer amounted to was a very grim letter 
warning the editor to "lay off' what was then known as "the Shaver Mystery," 
a secret underground menace, in which a fantastic story was told by Crisman 
of being in a cave in Burma in search of this "underground menace" and being 
"rayed" by an unseen being and having a hole the size of a dime burned in his 

arm. A letter from Palmer believed not at all. Yet, when Crisman talked to 
Palmer on the phone that night of August 1, from Tacoma, Palmer recognized 
the voice as one he'd heard before over other phones, always from different 
portions of the country, always with a fantastic story designed to get him to 
"lay off' the Shaver Mystery. 

Then finally, Crisman vanishes from the scene, aboard an Army bomber, bound 
for Alaska. A flight no civilian could have boarded. 

Earlier, when a visit is paid to the house where Dahl first showed Arnold the 
fragments, it is deserted and cobwebbed! Dahl has never been seen since, 
although Arnold has tried several times to find him. Neither is Crisman to be 
found in Tacoma, although, reputedly, both men had good prospects there, 
being interested in logging and lumber operations, even having several $5,000 
deals pending. 

Was the Tacoma affair a hoax? Whose? 

Who was in a position to know the contents of Kenneth Arnold and Ray 
Palmer's mail? who made the reservation for Kenneth at the Winthrop?1 

1 In the original document this was incorrectly identified as the Windsor 

Yes, who! 

There is only one thing the Tacoma affair proves - the saucers are very real 
indeed! important enough to go to a lot of trouble to scare out the only two 
men doing any serious investigation of an unofficial nature. Project Saucer 
states that with few exceptions, all disk sightings have been limited to the 
continental limits of the United States. 

Nothing could be farther from the truth. Hundreds of authenticated sightings 
are listed, quite a few of them reproduced in this book. 

One prize statement is the following: "There are few reliable reports on extra-
terrestrial animals." But those few, gentlemen! Those few! Where did you 
get them? Are they well substantiated? Can you prove them? Are they as real as 
flying saucers? P.T. Barnum would love you! 

But in one instance we can agree heartily with Project Saucer's voluminous 
report: The flying saucers are not a joke! 





Flying saucers, if they are interplanetary machines have been looking over 
this green spinning globe not for years but for centuries! 

This is proven by extensive research into the archives of the British Royal 
Society dating back 288 years, from medical chroniclers, from 17th century 
astronomers' ephemeredes - English, German, Hollander, French and Italian - 
from old magazines in a day when none but the wealthy rear or wrote for 
such journals, and from very rare volumes in Latin or other modern tongues. 

In the 16th, 17th and specially the 18th century many of these strange 
spectacles took the form of surprising lights. These were definitively not 
the aurora borealis, which was well known to astronomers and northern 
people then as now. 

These phenomena often took the form of burning streams of light. Such 
lights were seen over London in 1560 and 1564, and over Brabant, in what is 
now Belgium in 1575, when a professor of medicine, Cornelius Gamma of the 
University of Louvain, described them. Often the lights were so powerful 
that one could see the smallest pin or screw on the ground by their 
powerful illumination. They seemed to be extremely powerful searchlights, 
projected from the skies to the ground. 

In the year 1773 comes the first report of the appearance of one of those 
gleaming aluminum like bodies that in 1946-50 were called "flying 
saucers." In broad daylight on Dec. 8, 1733 a Mr. Cracker of Fleet, a small 
township in Dorset, England, was startled to see, as he says: 

Something in the sky which appeared in the north, but vanished from my sight, 
as it was intercepted by trees, from my vision. I was standing in a valley. The 
weather was warm, and sun shone brightly. On a sudden it re-appeared, 
darting in an out of my sight with an amazing coruscation. The color of this 
phenomenon was like burnished, or new washed silver. It shot with speed like 
a star falling in the night. But it had a body much larger and a train longer than 
any shooting star I have seen. At my coming home, one Brown told me that the 

body and the train seemed 20 feet long. Next day, Mr. Edgecombe informed 
me that he and another gentleman had seen this strange phenomenon at the 
same time as I had. It was about 15 miles from where I saw it, and steering a 
course from E. to N. 

Another of these cosmic visitants took the form of a slender pyramid. It was 
seen about 15 minutes after sunset on April 3, 1707. I was perpendicular to 
the horizon, of musty red color, and visible for an hour. "I have never seen 
anything like it," said the observer, a parson named Derham, fellow of the 
Royal Society. 

A mysterious object shaped like a trumpet appeared on three occasions in 
the English skies -1710, 1744 and 1745. It was seen first on May 18, 1710 by 
Ralph Thoresby, F.R.S., over Leeds, Yorkshire, at 9:45 p.m. 

A queer apparition like a trumpet, with a broad end. It moved north to south, 
with the broad end foremost. As it moved it emitted light. People were 
startled to see their own shadows with no moon or sun in the sky ... it was 
seen from three other countries ... 

The same or similar cosmic machine was seen, 34 years later, on May 27, at 
11:11 p.m., by Henry Baker, F.R.S., who reported: 

This strange phenomenon moved SW, to NW. It seemed to be not half a mile 
up in the sky over Somerset Gardens, London, where I watched it. A white clear 
light like a flame was emitted from it's head and body. The color of the flame 
was like sulphur. 

Next year, on July 14, 1745, an identical cosmic visitant was seen at 8 p.m. by 
a parson at Stanlake Broad, Norfolk, Eng. All the data suggest strongly that 
here was some extraterrestrial machine. 

But the most amazing report of all was made by a fellow of the British Royal 
Society going home from a meeting of the society, in the evening of Dec. 16, 
1742. It was a year after the globe of fire had been seen over Peckham, 
London. As this man entered St. James's Park, London, he was startled to 
see, suddenly rise above the trees of the park a weird apparition. There is 
what he said: 

A sudden light rose from behind the trees and houses to the south and west, 
which at first I thought was a rocket of large size. but when it rose 20 degrees 
(above the skyline) it moved parallel to the horizon, and moved like this. 

He drew an undulating line. 

It went on in the direction of north by east. It seemed very near but it's motion 
was slow. A light flame was turned backward by the resistance of air made to 
it's passage. From one end, the strange object emitted a bright glare and fire 
like that of burning charcoal. That end was like a frame made of bars of iron. It 
was quite opaque to my sight. At one point on the longitudinal frame, or 
cylinder, issued a train of light more bright at one point, on the rod or frame, 
than it was at the end, where it was transparent for more than half it's length. 
The head of this strange object seemed about half a degree in diameter, and 
the tail three degrees in length. 

The observer signed himself merely "C.M." He may, like some Americans in 
our day, not have cared to risk the scoffing of the armchair cynics and 

Another mystery took the form of a strange rolling cloud in whose center 
glowed a remarkable sphere of fire. this phenomenon came across the quiet 
countryside northwest of Newry, County Down, Ireland, at 12 noon on 
January 1, 1751. Two men who saw it believed that the end of the world was 
near at hand. 

Here is the report of an observer: 

This strange body of fire came across country for 15 miles, after two men had 
seen the terrifying thing rise, at 12 noon, off the mountains of Morn (Mourne), 
near Newry. The fire appeared in a cloud reaching fro the sky to the ground. It 
was, or appeared, six yards square, and it's forward motion was very slow, so 
very slow that any person who had presence of mind might have gone out of 
it's way. It's course was direct ... and it turned continually around like a 
whirlwind, giving out a great noise in the air, and a smell like sulphur. Trees in 
an orchard were split from top to bottom, roofs lifted off dwelling houses, and 
a woman killed in the highway. 

Surely, here was a mystery that would have warmed the heart of that 
sardonic humorist, the late Charles Fort, who did so much of his research in 
the British Museum at Bloomsbury. But what on Earth or in the sky was it? 
No meteor ever moved at this slow rate of locomotion, with a rotary action! 

People at Koln, Germany, and Edinburgh, saw a strange phenomenon on 
March 10, 1756. In a clear sky, at from 7 to 8 p.m. there appeared a pencil of 
light. It shone like what we should today call the emission of exhaust and 
incandescent gases, the motor being a "tail" facing toward the north. It 
remained stationary for about an hour. Then it vanished with neither sparks, 
smoke or emission of gases. The same visitant had appeared over Avignon, 
France at 6;10 p.m. 

What looked like a "football" of immense size seemed to descend from the 
sky over Colchester, England, at 8 p.m., on December 31, 1758. It vanished 
"like a squib without a report." 

Machines like cones now began to appear in the night skies. At Edinburgh, 
Scotland, one swam into the sky at 9 p.m. on November 26, 1758. it's 
velocity was very great. Sparks came from it as it passed, and so powerful a 
light was projected that the most minute object could be seen in the streets. 
The same machine appeared over Glasgow as a globe of fire like a full moon. 
It seemed to divide into three parts, and then ascended through the 

Edinburgh had another bad shock at 9 p.m. on August 18, 1783, when there 
suddenly appeared in the sky a globe of fire of "uncommon magnitude." It's 
speed was immense and it had a rotary motion about it's axis. It was like a 
sphere with a cone for a tail! the cone may have been the exhaust emission 
of gases. Terrified people, looking up into the sky, heard come from it a 
sound like the working of a powerful motors! Glasgow saw the strange 
object two nights later. 

Down south at Greenwich, near the famous Observatory but 12 days later, at 
9:11 p.m., on August 30, 1783, the same great ball appeared in the sky, but 
now it was seen to have a consort sphere! It's motion was not rapid, but the 
light it emitted was astounding in it's brilliance. It went SSE. In 1785, two 

years later, on December 26, at 9 p.m. an identical blazing sphere was seen 
over Edinburgh, Dublin, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Plymouth and Chelsea, London. 

Astronomers of that day were set searching their records and they found 
that for seven hours in 1716 the same type of cosmic machine had been seen 
all over England. It was, be it noted, visible for seven hours! It was seen to be 
brilliantly colored and to "emit a pure light." 

New England, U.S.A. had a turn on May 10, 1760, when a most remarkable 
object, like a blazing sphere appeared in the broad light of day. Over 
Roxbury and Bridgewater the thing went round in a circle and a noise as if 
working machinery came from it. It threw out so powerful a light that even 
in strong sunshine it cast a shadow! The circle over which it flew had a 
diameter of 80 miles. 

In 1762 and 1764, Oxford, England, was startled by lights like a blazing arch in 
the sky from 8 to 10 p.m. In 1766 London was startled by the same 
mysterious arch. At Oxford an old college don named Swinton, who spent 
one and a half hours watching this light from the quadrangle of Christ's 
Church College, swore that he had seen nothing like it in his life and was 
positive it was not the aurora borealis. Into the streets of Bideford, Devon, 
on December 5, 1762, terrified people poured at 8:50 p.m. to look at a large 
body in the sky like a twisting serpent, which descended slowly in the sky 
and from which shone a dazzling light. It was like a sun and lit up the dark 
streets with a moontide blaze. It seemed to go out by degrees as though the 
light had been turned off. 

Twice in the 18th century there appeared in the skies of old England and 
Scotland a strange body like a house on fire. It was seen for an hour over 
Oxford, on the night of October 24, 1769. The whole hemisphere of the sky 
seemed to blaze. London and Windsor Castle saw it. Tiberius Cavallo, F.R.S. 
watched a cosmic body, like this, from the terrace of the royal castle. 

It was first stationary and appeared oblong. Then it moved, emitting 
prodigious light. It vanished to the south-east, lighting up the sky like day. It 
jetted gases from a tail and there came a rumble like an explosion. At first it 
moved horizontally to the horizon, then vertically, ascending. It was seen at 
York, about 180 miles north, where horses in fields trembled at the glare it 

threw out. A church dignitary there heard two great explosions. It was later 
seen over Ireland, where it now assumed the form of a parabolic body with 
a vividly red and blue luminous tail. 

But this strange body, like a house on fire in the sky, had been seen two 
years earlier - in September 1767 at Couper Angus, Scotland, and in most 
startling a guise! 

Said a very old and rare Scottish magazine: 

Over the water near Couper Angus there came a thick dark smoke, which rose 
to reveal a large luminous body like a house on fire. It took a pyramidal form, 
rolled forward with great, impetuosity and rushed up the river Erick with great 
speed. It carried away a large cart, lifted in the air a man riding a horse, 
stunned him, and cut a house in a half, as well as destroying an arch of a new 
bridge. Then it vanished. 

In 1775 there appeared in the sky at 8:30 p.m. on May 8, a strange ball of 
light with a slow motion. It shone like the full moon and passed over 
Waltham Abbey, Hertfordshire. Our ancestors in the 18th century and earlier 
were not exactly all fools or visionaries as many modern scientists imply. It is 
hoped that these comparative observations at widely separated dates may 
convince some of the authenticity of the reports. 

On September 10, 1798, at 11;40 p.m. a body shaped like an apothecary's 
pestle, or cylinder, suddenly appeared out of a cloud over the town of 
Alnwick, Northumberland. It was seen by a schoolmaster and another man. 
It went in and out of the cloud and then a small (narrow, but long) streamer 
seemed to cut the "pestle" below it's center. A cloud again hid it, and when 
the strange object reappeared, it looked like a hammer and the streamer 
had assumed two horns or prongs, like those of a fork. Again a cloud hid it. 
This time, it reappeared with the form of two half moons, back to back, with 
a short thick luminous stream of some radiant energy flowing between the 
two globes. At each reappearance the phenomenon became more brilliant 
until the stars in the sky looked like mere specks. It was visible for five 
minutes and then vanished as suddenly as it had appeared. 

I have not space to enumerate the many occasions in the 18th century, and 
in 1811 when in the sky over various parts of England and over Armagh, 
Ireland, strange bright searchlights swept the sky. In 1811, people in 
Northern Ireland were so struck with these lights in the sky that they sent 
for fire engines. It may be noted that searchlights using acetylene, or other 
sources of illumination, were not known or used till a late date in the 19th 

On the morning of August 12, 1883, Senor Jose A.Y. Bonilla, director of the 
Astronomical Observatory of Zacatecas, Mexico, was investigating sun spots 
when he was amazed to see pas, apparently across the solar disk, a small 
luminous body. Hardly had he recovered from his surprise when he was 
startled to see a succession of these same singular bodies passing over the 
solar disk. In two hours he counted 283 of them. Then clouds interrupted 
the view. Some were dark and black, others perfectly round. There were 
traveling from east to west. actually they were all luminous bodies but their 
light was absorbed by the actinic ray of the sun as they appeared to cross 
it's disk. In point of fact, these mysterious travelers of outer space were 
traversing the vault of space between the moon and the Earth. On the 
following morning, he counted 1,166 of these mysterious bodies still 
apparently crossing the solar disk! 

What were these strange cosmic objects? 

Only a fraction of what had ever appearance of being an interplanetary army 
or fleet of some thousands of space ships were seen voyaging between the 
Earth and the moon far out in space, on august 12 and 13, 1883. Camille 
Flammarion, the famous French astronomer, who saw the photographs 
made by Senor Bonilla, was mystified. He tentatively suggested insects, 
birds, or dust particles in the upper atmosphere. But Bonilla did not agree. 

One thing is clear; these bodies, whatever they may have been or from 
whence they came, had -like many of the so-called "flying saucers" - no 
hostile intention regarding our own planet. 

Again on March 22, 1880, at Kattenau, Germany, about dawn, 
says Nature (London, Eng. scientific journal): 

An enormous number of luminous bodies rose from the horizon and passed in 
a horizontal direction from east to west. They appeared in a zone or belt and 
shone with a remarkably brilliant light. 

I have no space here to cite the numerous strange objects seen in the skies 
over land and sea in all parts of the world between 1830 and 1914. I can only 
refer briefly to a few occasions - one at Chisbury, Wilts, England, another 
above Fort Worth, Texas - when a strange shadow was seen on the surface 
of the clouds. It was cast by some unseen body about the clouds! 

1852: Globes of light seen in the air over Swabia (S.W. Bavaria, or Bayern, 
Germany) on May 22. 

1877: March 23. Dazzling balls of fire appeared from a cloud, and moved slowly 
over Venice, France. Visible for more than one hour. Similar balls seen in sky 
over Venice eight or ten years before. October 5. Mysterious balls like electric 
lights seen over West Wales coast. They appeared and vanished suddenly. High 

1880: July 30. At night, in a ravine near St. Petersburg (now Leningrad), Russia, 
a large sphere and two smaller ones, all illuminated, seen for three minutes 
moving along a ravine. They vanished noiselessly. 

1893: May 25. Captain Charles J. Norcock, of H.M.S. Caroline, saw globular lights 
for two hours in sky at 10 p.m. between Shanghai and Japan in East China Sea. 
These balls of light were also seen the same night for seven and one-half hours 
by Captain Castle of H.M.S. Leander. He changed the ship's course to chase 
them but they fled from him. 

1896: A U.S. postal clerk saw a round red light rise 100 feet over a train he was 
in at night, at Trenton, Maryland. It rose higher and went north. At first it 
outsped the train, then it fell behind. 

1950: October 30, from 10:50 to 11 p.m. Two brilliant blue spherical lights 
traveled at a terrific speed over Devon, England, from north to south. they 
came inland from over the Bristol Channel. Numerous eyewitnesses included 
naval men at Devonport. 

December 2: in daytime. Noiseless globes of fire vanished in a flash of light over 
Towyn, Merioneth, Wales. At Penzance, Cornwall, players in football matches 
stopped play to watch a long black object, with a flaming tail four miles long, 
rush across the sky. At Looe, East Cornwall, a blue light, "like a sausage," 
rushed across the sky. 

December 7: Balls of light seen by farmers in Cumberland, England. All 
descriptions tally. 





One of the most baffling mysteries of the Second World War were strange 
aerial apparitions in the shape of blazing balls which were encountered over 
Truk Lagoon, in the skies of Japan, the West Rhine area of Alsace-Lorraine 
and over the Bavarian Palatinate. There were met by U.S. night fighters 
pilots at night, by U.S. day bomber squadrons and by some British air pilots. 

These weird balls of fantastic and variable speeds, glowed from an orange 
to red and white and back to orange and appear to have been sighted first 
at 10 p.m. on November 23, 1944, by a U.S. pilot in the area north of 
Strasbourg in Alsace-Lorraine. Three nights later they were again seen by a 
U.S. pilot flying in the same area. 

Just before the Allies overran and captured the secret German experimental 
stations east of the Rhine these balls vanished. But in no such station was 
the slightest clue discovered even hinting that the Nazi technicians had 
invented and flown these mysterious blazing balls. 

Over Japan, Nipponese air pilots met the blazing balls and took them to be 
secret and mysterious aerial devices of the Americans or the Russians. On 
the other hand, equally mystified U.S. pilots supposed that the balls were a 
curious device thought up by Japan as a last-ditch expedient to stave off 
mass-bombing raids. 

One pilot chatting in the mess with others who had met the balls on night 
flights - and had been "ribbed" by intelligence officers who heard their 
reports - had a brain wave. "Let's call the so and so's foo fighters," he said. 
The name stuck. It seems to have been suggested by a comic strip in which 
one "Smokey Stover" said: "Yeah, if there's foo, there's fire." Probably the 
slang word foo is a corruption of the French word feu, or fire. 

A foo fighter was seen from the ground by Harold T. Wilkins on November 2, 

At 6:20 p.m. I went into the garden of this house at Bexleyheath, Kent, which 
stands on a low hill and had a commanding view of a region of Kent just twelve 
miles from Charing Cross, in central London. I merely sought a breath of fresh 
air and was looking for nothing. Glancing up casually into the starry sky, I 
suddenly saw a yellow luminous ball appear in the southern quadrant of the 

It flew silently, with no gas or spark-emission, on a level trajectory and at no 
great velocity. It vanished into a belt of cumulus cloud near the zenith. It did 
not reappear. Was no sort of balloon, weather or cosmic. Was no meteor, and 
no sort of pyrotechnic. It's altitude was about 2,500 feet up and it shone with 
lunar brilliancy. 

Next morning the London Daily Telegraph reported that on the same night 
but one hour and forty minutes later people in the Herts-Bucks border, 
some twenty-five miles west, were mystified by a strange orange light 
flashing across the sky and visible for some seconds. Some thirty miles west 
of the Herts-Bucks border is the British Ministry of Supply's atomic station of 
Harwell, Berks. 

Exactly three weeks earlier - October 12, 1950 - a woman cycling from 
Gloucester City, England, reached the Barnwood suburb of the town when, 
as she told the local newspaper: 

I was startled at 11;15 p.m. that night to see four lights, like huge stars, 
stationary over Barnwood. After a few moments their lights began to wink in 
and out ... 

Two friends tell me they saw these lights that same night and they two of 
them moved over a hill about two miles away. I refuse to believe they were 

It was at 10 p.m. on November 23, 1944, when Lieutenant Edward Schluter, 
U.S. pilot of the 415th Night Fighter squadron, stationed at Dijon, in south 
central France, took off from Dijon, on a routine patrol to intercept German 
planes west of the Rhine between Strasbourg and Mannheim. As the crow 
flies he had to fly 150 miles on a patrol that would take him east over the 
Vosges mountains, a very lonely, grim and isolated range buttressing the 

westward approaches to the Rhine. Schluter is a finely built man, the last 
word in aeronautical efficiency, and a very experienced night fighter of the 
Second World War. He is a native of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. 

With him, in the darkened cockpit of the plane, were the radar observer, 
Lieutenant David J. Meiers, and an intelligence officer, Lieutenant F. 
Ringwald. Nothing happened till their plane had crossed the Vosges and 
they had sighted the shining waters of the Rhine, rolling rapidly toward 

The sky that night was clear, with light clouds. Visibility was good and the 
moon was in the first quarter. U.S. radar stations, covering all U.S. pilots in 
that area, had not notified the crew of any other plane in the sky. Some way 
to the east, Schluter could see the white steam jetted from the smokestack 
of a German freight locomotive, running in black-out conditions with fire-
box door clamped up and blinded. 

At this time, in 1944, Germany stood at bay and the Allies were closing in on 
her. Some 20 miles north of Strasbourg, Lieutenant Ringwald, the U.S. 
intelligence officer, glanced to the west and noticed eight or ten balls of red 
fire moving at an amazing velocity. They seemed to be in formation and 
could be seen clearly from the darkened cockpit of the U.S. night fighter. 

"Say," said Ringwald to Schluter, "look over there at the bright lights on 
those hills yonder. What are they?" 

Schluter: "Hell, buddy, there are no hills over there! I should say they were 
stars. You don't need me to tell you that it is not east to guess at the nature 
of lights on night flights ... Not when they are distant, as these are." 

Ringwald: "Stars, d'ye say? I don't reckon they are stars. Why, their speed is 

Schluter: "Maybe they are just reflections from our own plane. We are going 
pretty fast." 

Ringwald: "I am certain, absolutely sure, that those lights are not reflected 
from us." 

Schluter gazed hard at the lights. they were now off his port wing. He got 
into radio telephone with one of the ground radar stations. 

"There are about ten Heinie night fighters around here in the sky. Looks as if 
they are chasing us and their speed is high. I'll say it is!" 

U.S. Radar Station: "You guys must be nuts! Nobody is up there but your 
own plane. Ain't seein' things are you?" 

Meiers in the plane glanced at the radarscope. No enemy planes showed up 
on the screen! Schluter now maneuvered the fighter for action and headed 
towards the lights. They were blazing red. Suddenly they seemed to vanish 
into thin air! Two minutes later they reappeared but now a long way off. It 
looked as if they were aware of being chased. Six minutes later the balls did 
a glide, leveled out, and vanished. 

None of the occupants of the U.S. night fighter could make out what the red 
balls were. Schluter guessed they might be some German experimental 
devices like the red, green, blue, and white and yellow rockets that flashed 
up amid the flak of antiaircraft batteries when a big enemy raid was on. 

But the bewildered night fighter pilots did not let this mystery spoil their 
mission. Lieutenant Schluter that night bombed hell out of eight fast 
German freight trains on the Rhine railroads. Back at the base at Dijon, 
knowing they would not be believed by intelligence higher-ups and might be 
charged with hallucinations and war neurosis, Schluter and his two 
companions said nothing. They made no report to base at Dijon. 

On November 27, 1944, another act in the foo fighter drama was staged. 
Lieutenant Henry Giblin, native of Santa Rosa, California, was flying a U.S. 
night fighter in the Alsace-Lorraine region, south of Mannheim-am-Rhein. He 
had with him Lieutenant Walter Clearly of Worchester, Mass., as radar-
observer. As they were approaching the German town of Speyer on the 
Rhine south of Mannheim, they got a shock. Some 1,500 feet above their 
own plane a "hell of a huge fierce fiery orange light" shot across the night 
sky at an estimated speed of 250 miles per hour. 

Again U.S. ground radar stations reported when called: "No enemy 
machines in the vicinity. Only your own plane in the sky over there." 

Giblin and Cleary decided to say nothing to intelligence. fearing ridicule from 
higher quarters. It is not wise for a war-time flyer to take such a risk. let 
some one else do the reporting! No other observations of queer things in 
the sky came the way of the U.S. 415th Night Fighter squadron until three 
days before Christmas, 1944. On December 22, 1944, Lieutenant David 
McFalls, of Cliffside, N.C. and Lieutenant Edward Baker, radar observer, of 
Hemat, Calif., were flying 

10,000 feet just south of Hagenau in the old German Reichsland. Hagenau is 
20 miles north of Strasbourg and 16 miles west of the Rhine. 

Here is the report of U.S. pilot Giblin: 

At 0600 (six p.m.), near Hagenau, at 10,000 feet altitude, two very bright 
lights climbed toward us from the ground. They leveled off and stayed on the 
tail of our plane. they were huge bright orange lights. They stayed there for 
two minutes. 

On my tail all the time. They were under perfect control. Then they turned way 
from us, and the fire seemed to go out. 

On the night of December 24, 1944, McFalls and Baker had another amazing 
experience. Here is their report: 

A glowing red ball shot straight up at us. It suddenly changed into an 
airplane which did a wing over! then it dived and disappeared. 

In 1947, Kenneth Ehlers, of the Landing Aids Experimental Station at Arcata, 
California, directed a C-47 pilot to fly of a certain location, because of the 
appearance on his radarscope of what are technically called 
"discontinuities." There appeared to be three signals, denoting that three 
aircraft were passing over the airfield at Arcata. Yet, when the pilot reached 
the spot in the air, he saw nothing nor did this instruments record any 
electrical reactions. 

So far in 1944 the pilots of the 415th squadron had seen these weird balls at 
night and despite the ridicule of higher-ups and the medical and psychiatric 
skeptics, other reports began to be made. In the Pacific theater pilots began 
to be warned before starting out on mission that if they met strange 

phenomena in the sky they need not conclude that they were suffering from 
hysteria, war-induced neurosis, or hallucinations. 

Pilots talking war "shop" in the messes called the balls krauts, or kraut 
balls. British night fighter pilots thought the foo fighters were secret German 
experimental devices, perhaps intended to strike fear in a war of nerves. 
Some U.S. intelligence officers supposed they were radiocontrolled objects 
sent up to baffle radar, in the same way of the foil "window" that was 
dropped to confuse the radar watchers. 

There is the case of a U.S. bomber pilot of the 8th U.S. Air Force. He 
reported that he saw 15 foo fighters following his plane at a distance, with 
their lights winking on and off. A U.S. P-47 pilot saw 15 foo fighters by day at 
or near Neustadt in the same Rhenish area, some 40 miles west of the Rhine 
and 55 miles northwest of Strasbourg. 

Here is his report: 

We were flying west of Neustadt when a golden sphere, which shone with a 
metallic glitter, appeared, slowly moving through the sky. The sun was not far 
above the sky line, which made it difficult to say whether or not the sun's rays 
were reflected from it or whether the glow came from within the ball itself. 

A second P-47 (Thunderbolt) pilot also saw the same or another "Golden or 
phosphorescent, ball which appeared to be about four or five feet in 
diameter flying 2,000 feet up." 

By this time the higher-ups in the U.S. Air Force had been forced to take 
notice of the increasing reports of level-headed pilot-observers. I was no 
longer enough to wave these reports away with a smile and half-serious 
reference to hallucination and combat neuroses. Nor were the men satisfied 
at the explanation that they were flares. Whoever saw a flare that behaved 
as did the foo fighters? Flares are not maneuverable. 

The final attempt at a brush-off came from New York, in January, 1945 when 
"scientists" insulted the intelligence of the men of 415th. The New York 
scientific wallahs said the men of the 415th and the 8th Air Force had been 
seeing St. Elmo's lights! It may be noted that St. Elmo's lights are seen on 
sea and land in times of electrical meteorological conditions. they have been 

seen at the top of Pike's Peak, from ships' mast heads, and from the tops of 
towers and spires. In the days of Julius Caesar there was one occasion when 
these lights flashed from the tops of the spears of his legionaries. 

In our own time the White Star Liner Germanic in mid-Atlantic, ran into a 
heavy thunderstorm at 1 a.m. Electrical flames one and a half inches long 
jetted from the foremast truck and small balls, one-half inch to two and one-
half inches in diameter, ran up and down the mast but were "tied" to it. 

But what possible resemblance could there have been between these 
weird foo fighters, under intelligent control, and St. Elmo's lights? 

In 1945 the foo fighters made their appearance in the seas of the Far East - 
the other side of the globe from the German Rhine - over Japan, and over 
Truk Lagoon. Crews of U.S. B-29 bombers reported to intelligence that balls 
of fire of mysterious types came up from below their cockpits over Japan, 
hovered over the tails of their bombers, winked their lights from red to 
orange, then back from red to white. It was the same thing that had 
happened a few months before on the other side of the globe over the 
Rhine! Here too the weird balls were inoffensive - just nosey and 
exploratory, albeit, unnerving. 

One night a B-29 pilot rose into a cloud in order to shake one of these balls 
of fire. When this plane emerged from the cloud-bank the ball was still 
following him! He said it looked to be about three and one half feet wide 
and glowed with a strange red phosphorescence. It was spherical, with not 
one sign of any mechanical appendage such as wings, fins or fuselage. It 
followed the bomber for five or six miles and he lost sight of it as the dawn 
light rose over Mount Fujiyama, some 60 miles southerly of Tokyo. Here it 
seemed to vanish into thin air! 

The B-29's found that even at top speed they could not outdistance these 
balls of fire. Some 

12,000 feet up over Truk Lagoon in the Caroline archipelago, a pilot of a B-
24 Liberator was startled by the sudden appearance of two glowing red 
lights that shot up fro below and for 75 minutes followed on his tail. 

One flaming ball turned back while the other still dogged his bomber. It 
maneuvered in such a way as to suggest intelligent direction from some 
remote control. It came abreast of the Liberator, then it shot ahead, and for 
1,500 yards held the lead. After that it fell behind. It's speed was immensely 
variable. As dawn came, the strange ball climbed some 16,000 feet above 
him into the sunshine. In the night hours the pilot noticed changes in the 
colors of the ball, which were precisely what had been seen over the Rhine, 
in 1944. It was just a sphere with no appendages. 

The pilot radioed to base and had the reply: "No; no enemy planes are near 
you. Your own bomber is the only one up there, as the radarscope shows." 

Now while the foo fighters were making their appearance in the Far Eastern 
theater, they were, at about the same time in January, 1945, again sighted 
by pilots of the U.S. 415th Night Fighter squadron. These pilots reported to 
U.S. intelligence at the Dijon base, that over Western Germany they had met 
the blazing balls alone, in pairs, and in formations. One pilot said that three 
formations of these lights, red and white in color, followed his plane. He 
suddenly reduced speed and apparently took them off guard. They came on 
with undiminished speed and then, to avoid any collision, also reduced 
speed and fell back, though still dogging him. 

From ground radar came the usual reply: "Nothing up there but your own 

On another occasion, when the queer formation of foo fighters got on the 
tail of a U.S. night fighter of 415th squadron, the perplexed and exasperated 
pilot swung his craft around and headed for them at top speed! As he came, 
the lights vanished into thin air. They simply were no longer there. 

Note what this pilot reported: 

"As I passed where they had been I'll swear I felt the propeller backwash of 
invisible planes!" 

Came the reply from a derisive ground radar station: "Are you 
fellows all loco? You must be crazy! You're up there all alone!" 

The puzzled pilot flew on and, glancing back, was now startled to see that 
the balls had reappeared about half a mile astern of his plane. He thought to 
himself: "I'll show these spook planes a trick!" The night was starry but, near 
the zenith, was a bank of cumulus cloud. He headed his plane at top speed 
right into the mass of cloud. Then he throttled back and glided down for 
about 1,800 feet. He turned the machine around and headed back from the 
cloud the way he had entered it, but on a much lower level. Sure enough, 
the balls had been caught napping! They emerged from the cloud ahead but 
now on a course opposite to his own! 

It is true that, when the Allies overran Germany, no more foo fighters were 
seen. On the other hand, when secret German experimental stations were 
seized and their secrets examined by intelligence men, nothing was found 
blueprinting plans for blazing balls that can be made visible or invisible in the 
wink of an eyelid! Such a discovery would have been the most tremendous 
accomplishment of mid-twentieth century science! It could not have been 
kept secret! 





Reports of flying saucers from other countries have been numerous than 
has been supposed, but most of them have one fault in common: they do 
not contain the necessary detail to give them factual and confirmable 
stature. Most are fragmentary, and come through the news services merely 
as an "item," mostly without verification, and many times without even 
names or dates. However, we have selected a few reports which bear some 
semblance to factual reporting, and we present them in defense of the fact 
that the sightings of flying disks is a world-wide phenomenon. The question 
has been asked: "Why do they not appear in other countries?" The answer 
is, they do. 

1899: Austria. Mrs. Cecelia Gawert, a resident of Lower Austria at that time, 
during the harvest season, saw a disk-shaped object which was very high 
and shone with silver and gold. It was going very fast, and disappeared over 
the mountains. It made no noise. Mrs. Gawert now lives at 38 Post Ave., 
New York City. 

July 8, 1947: Zabool, Iran. Strange starlike bodies were seen at this point, 
and also at Shosef and Sarbisheh near the Afghan frontier. After cavorting 
about the sky, the objects exploded loudly, leaving a cloud of smoke. 

October 25, 1947: Hymers, Canada. More than 50 townspeople saw a 
strange object swoop into sight from the south, remain stationary for 
fifteen minutes, then flash back in the direction from which it had come. 
Frank Sutch described it as a long streak of fire. Heat waves were coming 
from it. It was dark at the nose end, as bright as the sun, and hurt the eyes 
to look at. It came from the southwest, as Frank Sutch saw it, then turned 
directly toward him. After a few seconds it curved upward, wheeled around, 
and started south again. Mrs. A.H. Verlotte saw it do a somersault then turn 
south toward the Minnesota border, 30 miles away. It looked like electric 
light waves coming from it, she said. Mrs. C.A. McGregor, school teacher, 
said it remained in her view for quite a few minutes and was observed by all 
the children. It was not a comet or fireball, she was sure. 

November 5, 1947; Persian Gulf. Richard Carruthers, Jr. aboard the 
tanker Chipola, saw eight round objects flying in a group, pass within a half-
mile of the ship, make a climbing turn in echelon formation and pass out of 
sight. Four aboard the ship saw the lights, but opinion was varied as to 
whether they were white or blue. 

June 18, 1949: Two farmers at Kent, England, reported they saw tailless 
blobs of light spinning across the heavens. 

February 1, 1950: St. John's, Newfoundland, Pat Walsh, telephone company 
electrician and navy veteran, reported seeing a tear-shaped object as bright 
as a fluorescent light race of St. John's ad head out to sea. It was in sight for 
at least twelve seconds and it seemed to be following an arch-like flight at 
extremely high speed. Mrs. C. Vaughn also saw the object. 

February 23, 1950: Santiago, Chile. Commander Augusto Vars Orrego, head 
of the Chilean Antarctic Base of Arthur Prat, saw, on several occasions 
during the Antarctic night, flying saucers, one above the other, turning at 
tremendous speeds. Photographs were taken. 

March 2, 1950: Mexico City. Luis Enrique Erro, head of the Tonantzintla 
Observatory near Puebla, says an exceptional object flew thought space and 
crossed the field of his Schmidt telescope. Luis Munch, fellow astronomer 
who was operating the camera of the telescope, photographed the object. 
In the film, it showed as a broad white streak diagonally across a jet black 
field. Professor Lauro Herrera was assisting Munch. The photograph was 
taken just before dawn. The object appeared to be about the diameter of 
the moon and at least as bright. 

March 10, 1950: Edmonton, Alberta. F. Arnold Richards, civic employee, saw 
objects with a whitish-bluish flame shooting out of the wide end of the 
object. three objects appeared in all. 

March 11, 1950: Juarez, Mexico. Roberto Antorena, Amilcar Lopez Sousa and 
Manuel Espejo, customs and border officials, saw a top-like disk traveling 
high in the sky and headed for the mountains on the edge of El Paso. 

March 11, 1950: Juarez, Mexico. Luis Herrara, travel agency owner, saw a 
strange disk-shaped object over the city for fifteen minutes. At the same 

time, John E. Baird of El Paso saw a globular object near Deming, New 

March 13, 1950: Mexico City. Santiago Smith, a chief weather observer for 
the Mexico City airport, trained a telescope on an object shaped like a half-
moon, one of four flying bodies crossing the airport at 35,000 to 40,000 

March 13, 1950: Monterey, Mexico. Francisco Martinez Soto, government 
airport inspector, saw an object moving in a straight line and changing it's 
altitude by one and one-half degrees in three minutes. 

March 16, 1950: Delhi, Ontario. Paul Rapai, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hertel and 
Steve Fodor saw a mysterious objects whirling against the horizon at 4 a.m. 
It looked like the moon but appeared duller. It rolled on it's side at one point 
and seemed to have a saucer-like shape. It moved in jerks, as if controlled. It 
moved faster than a jet toward the horizon, then suddenly rose sharply and 
disappeared. It seemed to get bigger and duller when it moved, brighter and 
smaller when it stood still. It swished silently from north to south, hovering 
up and down alternatively. 

March 16, 1950: Miraflores, Peru. Julian Guardiol, Swiss engineer, was with 
members of his family when he saw a disk flying from the south. It was 
giving off a red yellow glow, and progressed to where they were walking. It 
stopped directly above them at about 4,500 feet altitude and remained in 
that position for five minutes. Then it flew northward at tremendous speed. 
The object glowed brightest around the rim. 

March 16, 1950: San Jose Purua, Mexico. Dr. W.C. Behen (of Lansing, 
Michigan) made both photographs and movies of a double truncated cone, 
silver in color and eight or nine thousand feet in the air. The object would 
disappear from time to time, but would reappear to hover in one area for 
several minutes. It appeared at 1 p.m. and was observed through powerful 
field glasses. 

March 24, 1950: Jalapa, Mexico. The newspaper El Universal reported at least 
300 flying disks flying above the city. They began to disappear about 

June 7, 1950: London, England. An R.A.F. pilot radioed his base: "Strange 
object seen. Looks like a flying saucer." Radar operators at the base picked 
up a strong "blip" on their screens. The air ministry withheld all information. 

Nov. 5, 1950: Four Pan American Airways employees saw a brilliantly lighted 
object fly east to west over the airport at Heathrow, England. It flew a 
straight line and did not describe a curve. Fred Wilkinson, former R.A.F. 
flight engineer, now on the Pan Am. operational staff, thought at first it was 
a jet, but it's shape, brilliant light and the presence of a blue flame from it's 
tail made him revise his opinion. He estimated it's speed at 1,000 miles per 
hour. Patrick Joseph Maloney, ex-R.A.F. gunner, described it as a bright 
white light, metallic colored, elongated, but as it went out of sight it seemed 
to become spherical. Fred Perrior, ex-antiaircraft gunner and aircraft spotter 
saw it first as cigarette-shaped, becoming round as it disappeared. E. 
Newman, maintenance man, saw it as a bluish-green light, lasting for a few 
seconds. It traveled on a straight line but he was certain it was no aircraft or 

Nov. 12, 1950: Edward Leslie Docker, wholesale fruit dealer in Hindpool 
Road, Barrow-in-Furness, England, saw a huge cigar-shaped object from the 
window of his office. the center was aluminum in color, the ends were 
darker. Estimated to be flying at about 4,000 feet, moving through broken 
clouds at 80 miles per hour. Approximately 100 feet long. Also seen by John 
Clarke, ex-R.A.F. man, who said it was too big for an airplane and was 
tapered at both ends. 

Nov. 12, 1950: Fairbanks, Alaska. C.G. Kelly, Reeves Airway pilot, approaching 
an airfield eight miles southwest of Anchorage, saw an object overhead 
traveling at 1,000 miles per hour, it's brightness increasing in intensity until it 
was too blinding to look at. Then there was an explosion, and the object 
vanished in a northeasterly direction. The object was reported from Kodiak 
to Fairbanks, and was seen from Seward, Portage and Skwentna. Anti-
aircraft batteries at Anchorage opened fire on the object as it whizzed 

January, 1951; Belgium Congo. Two disks were sighted handing over the 
Uranium mining pits, and upon being observed, were pursued by planes. 

They made off in a peculiar zig-zag course. One of the planes, a Spitfire, 
came close enough to see a whirling rim on one of the saucers. In a few 
moments the disks easily outdistanced the Spitfires and disappeared. 

February 19, 1951: Two pilots and nine passengers of the regular plane from 
Nairobi to Mombasi, Africa, saw a huge cigar-shaped vessel, at first quite 
stationary over the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, then, as the plane came 
closer, rise rapidly at what was estimated to be 1,000 miles per hour and 
disappear at 44,000 feet. The vessel was judged to be about 200 feet long, 
brilliantly polished save for four duller bars which ran vertically down it's 
body. It had a huge fin or 

paddle-rudder at the stern. There was no exhaust. All told, the craft was in 
view for 17 minutes. One of the passengers is reported to have taken a 
photo of the object, although this photo has been remarkable by it's 





The vast number of authentic American sightings precludes even a partially 
complete resume of them. We have given here merely a representative 
selection, including some of the personal reports we have had from 
individuals as well as those which have been publicized. 

The reader is not to assume from the dates given that from their range of 
frequencies any particular astronomical deductions can be made; a 
complete listing of sightings would be necessary to make any such study. 
Yet it is noted there were are several periods where it seemed there were 
"peaks" in this frequency of sightings. Some of these peaks are quite 
deceiving, indicating only the times when the press was "hot" on the 
subject. The actual act of the matter is that most observation peaks depend 
strictly on the weather and the season of the year. Taken all in all, the 
volume of reports tends to level out, and it could be assumed that no actual 
significant peaks exist. 

Many of these reports have been personally investigated, and in some 
instances, tape recordings have been made of the reports of informants. 
Only the vital information of each sighting is given, and all personal detail is 

* * * 

July 7, 1947: David W. Chase, Phoenix, Oregon. radar technician, saw an 
object about five miles south of Medford, Oregon, at 5:20 in the evening. It 
passed to the easy, going 6-700 miles per hour at approximately 10,000 feet. 
It was in view from 60 to 70 seconds before disappearing over the horizon. 
The total view of the course was about 150°. The saucer was flying on edge, 
at right angles to the plane of the Earth. The large surface area visible was 
either reflecting or giving off a tremendous amount of light which was the 
color of an arc welder's light - a bright blue-white - and the motion of the 
saucer in flight made Chase think of a bright faceted stone such as a 
diamond under a brilliant light. The source of the saucer was over small hills 

and mountains 500 to 1,000 feet in height. The saucer seemed to be flying 
the contour of the terrain, bobbing up and down, but not in a steady 

July 9, 1947: Dave Johnson, aviation editor of the Idaho Statesman, set off on 
an aerial search for the disks which lasted three days. On the third day, he 
saw a circular object bank about in front of a cloud bank for 45 seconds. It 
was round. It appeared black. As it maneuvered, he saw the sun flash from it 
once. Johnson was flying at 14,000 feet west of Boise, Idaho. He saw it 
clearly and distinctly, lowering his plexiglass canopy so that there would be 
no reflection or distortion. 

It was rising sharply and jerkily toward the top of the towering bank of 
clouds. Then the object turned it's edge toward him, appearing as a straight, 
black line. Then it shot straight up. It was moving very fast, and was very 
large. Upon landing, three Idaho National Guardsmen were waiting for him. 
They had seen a similar object in the same area, performing as he had seen it 

August 6, 1947: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reid and children, Owen Fletcher, dock 
Benningfield and bob Patterson of Robert Lee, Texas, saw an object in the 
sky at about 10 p.m. in the shape of a luminous disk. It was larger and faster 
than a plane. It maneuvered in the sky for twenty minutes, then vanished in 
the direction of San Angelo. Fifteen minutes later it returned, this time in the 
shape of a long log. The sky was clear, with no clouds. The nearest 
searchlight, with a range of 35 miles, was 100 miles away. It floated back and 
forth in the air and was much larger than any plane any of them had ever 
seen. It moved swiftly, but without noise. It continued it's capers for more 
than a half hour. Finally, it took on the shape of a long cigar with a thin, 
smoky trail, then vanished in the distance. 

August 8, 1947; Mrs. Jay Eagle, Upton, Wyoming, saw a flying disk at 
sundown. She saw a flash, darting across the sky, then another flash. It 
disappeared for a few seconds, then reappeared, farther away. It was 
traveling at a great rate of speed. It wasn't bright, appearing to be an 
orange colored glow. It seemed to be turning as it traveled, and at each 

turn, disappeared or seemed to, as it presented it's thin aspect. Mrs. Engle's 
children, upon reaching home from town, reported the same object. 

August 9, 1947: Aubrey V. Brooks, Box 67, Nipomo, California, was 
vacationing with his wife and cousin and wife at Rock, and was camp at an 
elevation of 8,500 feet. It was mid-morning and he had been practicing with 
a .22 rifle at the base of a peak to the west. Suddenly his cousin's wife 
looked up and asked "What are those?" and pointed. Over the peak came 
three nearly straight lines of whitish objects, one line behind the other. 
There was no count made of their number, but it was estimated, that there 
were 15 to 20 in each line. As they came overhead, the formation broke up 
and the objects moved in and around the back and forth, appearing to stay 
in the same level, but not banking at all. As first they appeared to be round, 
but as they came overhead they assumed the shape of a valentine heart 
with the cleft absent. in the center of the objects was a darkish mark which 
appeared to be a circular mark. The objects were colored like frosted glass 
through which light was shining. There was no glint as of metal. As they 
drew directly overhead, Brooks fired at one of them with his rifle, which was 
futile, as they were several thousand feet above the peak. Several seconds 
later one object was observed returning in the direction form which all had 
come. One group swerved to the left, while the other two groups continued 
in their original direction. The group on the left disappeared instantly, as 
though they had presented their thin sides to the observers. The other two 
groups continued east, and gradually disappeared. They appeared to be as 
wide as an auto appears two city blocks distant. 

Sept. 13, 1947: E.L. Lynn, 1040 Knox Ave, Bellingham, Wash., saw a large 
black object the size of the moon. It was very black, then it became a light 
yellow, then a light pink. finally it began to shine like a very bright tin pan. It 
was about 20 miles distant and two miles high, he estimated. It was in view 
for five or six seconds and traveling five times as fast as the Alaska Plane 
which passes overhead frequently. 

Feb. 21, 1948: Charles Francis Coe, editor of the Palm Beach times, and his 
son, saw a ray or blob of light sweeping in from the southwest over West 
Palm Beach, Fla., at 2 a.m. It curved over the Atlantic and headed northeast 
in a wide arc as though following the curve of the Earth. 

May 17, 1948: Fred Granger, aircraft communicator stationed at the Seattle-
Tacoma, Wash., airport spotted what appeared to be four stars or lights 
with red and green flashes shooting from them at intervals. The four lights 
were northwest of the city, approximately 25 degrees above the horizon. 
They were in a sort of loose pyramid position. They were visible between 10 
p.m. and midnight. At 11:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Young, 9045 7th Ave., N.W. 
Seattle, saw three bright red flashes in the northwest. A few minutes later 
Mrs. Young saw what appeared to be a skyrocket. 

July 26, 1948: Rev. L.S. Eberly and wife, of Valley City, N.D. noticed a bright 
light . The spheroid, just above the trees, was dark in the center and radiated 
light rays near the outer rings. It was observed for an hour. on the following 
morning a similar object appeared, and Rev. Eberly call Robert Downs, 
the Times-Record employee, who also observed the object. 

July 27, 1948: Mobile, Alabama. At 9:16 p.m. at least twelve persons saw an 
oval ball of fire followed by about 400 feet of bluish-white flame. It was 
apparently about half as big as the moon, and some observers saw it as a 
cigarshaped object with a red flame flaring into white at the tail. It seemed 
to flow, also, from one end to the other. It was traveling between 800 and 
900 miles per hour, as estimated by a Brookley Air Force Base pilot who 
requested that this name be withheld. among those who saw this object 
were Perry Browning, Jr., Rosedale Rd., Brookley, Mrs. Jessie Taylor, 206 St. 
Joseph St. and two guests, C.R. Bryan, 59-C Moreland Dr., Prichard and three 
other persons with him at the time. 

Summer, 1948: Billy Rose, Newspaper Columnist, was visiting Paul 
Osbourne, playwright, at Newtown, Conn. It was a clear, moonlit night. 
Present were Mr. Osbourne and his wife, Josh Logan and his wife and 
author John Hersey and his wife. At 10 p.m. they noticed three searchlights 
poking into the air. A few minutes later three objects appeared, seeming to 
be at least 200 feet in diameter and flying at an altitude of 3,000 to 5,000 
feet. Their edges gave off a ghostly glow very much like a blue neon light 
through a heavy fog. When the searchlights cut off, the disks vanished 
among the stars. 

September 23, 1948; Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Kaus, Caroline Beach, N. Carolina, saw 
a huge ball of clear, white light while traveling from Mountain Home to 
Boise, Idaho. It was between two layers of cloud at approximately 2,000 
feet elevation. It flared twice, strongly at first, then weaker, then held 
steady for a few seconds and went out. The light was round in shape, 
with jagged edges. 

October 9, 1948: Leroy Griffin and Homer Gray, Osage, Wyoming, saw a 
huge shiny object, luminous and shaped like a disk. It remained in view for 
two minutes then divided into two parts and disappeared. 

Feb. 18, 1949: Ben Cole Jr., Northbrook, Illinois, saw a flaming object hurtle 
out of the east at 6;11 a.m. and disintegrate in a fiery shower south of 
Chicago. At the same time, 40 miles away, Ed Mahler, 1722 W. 56th St., saw a 
rocket half a block long speeding from east to south. The front was shaped 
exactly like a rocket. The tail seemed to fall to pieces as it dived into a large 
cloud. It did not make any noise. 

March 25, 1949: Residents of Bend, Oregon, saw two flying disks cavorting in 
the skies, mirroring the rays of the sun as they dipped through the clouds. 
Traffic was soon blocked by observers. World War II aviator Vernon Leverett 
estimated their height at well over 10,000 feet, and their size about that of a 
large washtub. The objects finally headed west and disappeared. 

April 14, 1949: Clifford Cline, Branch County, Mich., farmer, saw a dishshaped 
object with an orange center and light outer edge. 

April, 1949; White Sands proving Ground, Scientists (reported Commander 
Robert B. McLaughlin, USN) were tracking a weather balloon 57 miles 
northwest of the grounds. A strange object, see by every person, crossed 
above the balloon. It was tracked with a theodolite. The object was saucer-
shaped. It was about 105 feet in diameter, and was estimated to be flying at 
56 miles about the Earth. It was traveling at approximately 5 miles per 
second. Suddenly it swerved, shooting upward at an angle of five degrees, 
climbing an additional 25 miles in something like ten seconds. the 
observation lasted for a full minute before the object disappeared from 
sight. Observers said it was shaped like a discus and was a flat white in color. 

It did not seem to have an exhaust trail, not any lights. Naturally, there was 
no sound. 

April 28, 1949: Leon Faber, Sandwich, III., saw a bright shining object moving 
east while flying his plane over the Gary-Michigan City, Ind., area at an 
elevation of 6,000 feet. The object seemed to be 10,000 feet away, about 
the apparent size of a basketball. It was on it's flat side and just disappeared 
suddenly without getting any smaller. 

May 7, 1949: Benjamin F. Smith, Oakland, California, saw two rows 
of square objects flying in the regular airliner levels traveling from south to 
north. They moved at tremendous speed and made no sound. 

May, 1949: White Sands Proving Ground. Commander Robert B. McLaughlin, 
USN, was standing outside his office. A missile was being fired. Losing sight 
of it, a lieutenant commander pointed out another object, white in color, 
proceeding slowly westward. It picked up speed, passed overhead, and 
disappeared over the Organ mountains. A moment later the missile that had 
been fired fell to the ground in the center of the area designated for it. 
When first sighted, the object had been going at approximately 1 mile per 
second. It was at a height of twenty-five miles, and when it accelerated, it 
did so at a rate far beyond the capabilities of any present-day rocket. 
Passing within 5 degrees of the sun, it remained visible. No method of 
propulsion was visible. 

July 9, 1949: Alexandria, Va. C.S. Dupree saw a light reflected on the 
sidewalk, looked up and saw a saucer shaped object traveling very fast. It 
was not bright, but quite visible. He watched it for three minutes before it 
disappeared behind a large open pecan tree. At the same time Miss Bobbie 
Owens saw an object that looked like a flying saucer while swimming in the 
city pool. It was shiny, but not an airplane. It faded out to the southwest 
after several minutes. 

July 10, 1949: George G. Wunsch and wife Caroline, 7017 Tulip Street, Tacony, 
Pa., and Barry McGuigan and his wife, of 4101 Spruce Street, West 
Philadelphia, Pa., saw nine strange disks, with a dull illumination visible 
beneath the evening's cloud cover. They moved considerably faster than an 

airliner, but were clearly visible. These disks appeared off and on during a 
period from 9:30 to 11 p.m. 

July 12, 1949: Mrs. Toni Ververka, Jacksonville, Fla., was awakened about 5 
a.m. by a tremendous roar quite unlike several bombers not did it resemble 
the whine of a jet. Out of the southeast, about 500 feet high, she saw a 
golden light. The machine carried no running lights. The entire object 
seemed suffused from beneath with a glow that surged with each increase 
in roar. It increased and diminished at a rate something like counting one-
two-three ... pause; one-two-three ... pause. The object was curving toward 
the northwest. As it passed, she could see violet flashes spurting into a short 
comet's tail. Viewed from the rear, the object seemed to waver up and 
down similar to that of a phonograph disk on an uneven center. Fifteen 
minutes later another, or the same one, came back, only much higher. In 
another fifteen minutes a third came. These objects were also witnessed by 
Mr. Ververka, Mrs. Lamar Ingram and her husband and son, and Joe Noll, 
WMBR radio station employee. 

July 14, 1949: Joe Snyder, 606 S/ 5th St., Fort pierce, Fla. was awakened at 
daybreak by a noise that sounded like a train or a jet plane. He ran outside 
where he saw a bright light high in the sky. It looked like a light shining 
against a huge mirror. As it gained elevation, red rays seemed to emanate 
from it's center. It was visible for 20 to 30 minutes before it finally 
disappeared from sight. 

July 14, 1949: Lawrence McDonald, observer at the Orlando, Fla., airport, 
twice saw a bright and high-flying object approaching from the northeast. It 
was a bright, unshielded white light that sounded like a motorboat 

July 17, 1949: Mrs. Hazel Armstrong, 1507 Durham, Brownwood, Texas, said 
an object passed over her house at 1 a.m. without sound. It glittered like a 
big diamond, as big as a person's head. It came over at about a height of 
thirty feet, floating slowly. It touched a pecan tree and gave off sparks. It 
went out of sight to the south. Then everything lighted up that way, and 
there came a rumbling noise, like an explosion. A very bright light lit up the 

area to the south. The sparks that it gave off were of all colors. It was 
floating against the wind. 

July 24, 1949: An aviator who refused to allow his name to be used, but who 
is vouched for by the Idaho Statesman, newspaper at Boise, Idaho, saw 
seven V-shaped objects about the size of fighter planes flying within 1,500 or 
2,000 feet of his plane. The objects, flying in a tight but unfamiliar formation, 
were flying at a tremendous rate of speed. They were in the shape of a V 
with a solid, circular body under the nose of the V. There was no evidence of 
any means of propulsion, no propellers, no smoke trails. There were no 
markings of any kind. The color was of a shade he couldn't describe and 
hadn't seen before. There was not a moving thing on the objects. They were 
under observation for two minutes, about ten miles west of Mountain 
Home, at about 10,000 feet elevation. The objects were flying at 9,000 or 
9,500 feet. 

July 26, 1949: Dr. H.G. LauBach, Mitchell, Nebraska, saw a saucer flying on a 
southwesterly course at 3;10 p.m. It resembled an upside-down saucer, 
whirled as it moved through the sky, occasionally tipping sideways, and flew 
at an altitude of between 5,000 and 7,000 feet. It was in sight for three 
minutes before vanishing over a range of hills. It sailed thought three clouds 
and reappeared each time with unabated speed. It was guessed to be about 
25 feet in diameter, and traveled approximately 25 ground miles in three 

July 31, 1949: David Boye, Columbus, O., saw a silver object that looked like a 
space ship between 7; 15 and 7;20 p.m. It had red stripes on the side and 
port holes. David Walker, also of Columbus, saw two headlights in the sky 
but one of them blinked off, at the same time. 

August 15, 1949 Edgar Thompson of Deer Lodge, Montana, saw an object a 
bright silver in color, shaped like a disk, heading toward Butte at a terrific 
speed. As it moved, it turned around like a ball, and as it turned the color 
changed to a darker gray. It did not make any noise and traveled in a straight 
line,. Mrs. Thompson and a hired man also saw the object. 

August 22, 1949: Mr. Peter Mohan, his sister Mrs. John Hughes, and a niece, 
Miss Mary Jane Hughes, saw a silver disk-shaped object about five miles in 

the distance at Deer Lodge, Montana, at 1 p.m. They watched it for several 

August 29, 1949: Marvin Miles, Los Angeles Times reporter, told of flying 
objects seen by the personnel of White Sands Proving Ground. Two senior 
officers (unnamed) and an enlisted man (also unnamed) saw them during a 
high-missile flight. One officer applied a ballistic formula to one observation 
through a photo theodolite which showed the object as 35 to 40 miles high, 
an egg-shaped craft of fantastic size traveling at from 3 to 4 miles per 
second. The observer was tracking a balloon when the object swept across 
the balloon's path and cavorted for some ten seconds, taking turns up to 22 
times the force of gravity, before it disappeared. it had no visible means of 
propulsion. This occurred on August 26th. On June 14, 1949, the enlisted 
man saw an object at 3:35 p.m. while tracking a V-2 test rocket with a 20-
power elevation telescope, an instrument that can follow a missile to 
altitudes of 100 miles or more. It was metallic, but neither it's size nor speed 
would be estimated. 

August 30, 1949: Roger Hamilton and wife, Patricia, and Dick Hamilton, 
Seattle, Wash., were climbing Snoqualmie Pass near Snow Lake when they 
were buzzed by a round object, almost transparent, and sounding like a 
buzzsaw. It went to fast none of the three had any chance of take a picture. 

November 7, 1949: Delmar Remick and Merwin Legg of Osborne, Kansas, 
heard geese honking, and upon looking up to see them, found a flying 
saucer in the air a mile up and moving northwest. It was moving rapidly, but 
took six or seven seconds to get out of sight. It moved with a little flip every 
half second. 

November 25, 1949: A.A. Prurok, F.S. Ray, and F.W. Ray of Inez and Houston, 
Texas, saw a strange object in the sky at 2:30 p.m. halfway between Edna 
and Inez. At first sight it appeared to be at an altitude of 10,000 feet and 
about two miles distant from the highway. there was no sound. Along the 
thin edge of the disk the air seemed to be in a state of turbulence such as 
would be caused by hear waves from an exhaust. This caused a kind of 
steam to encircle the lower edge of the disk. Something shiny could be seen 
on top as if the disk were tiled at a slight angle. It made several lazy 

maneuvers, banking and turning so that the leading edge formed an 
elliptical circle. When in level flight it looked like a cigar, or a saucer held 
level with your eyes and upside down. proceeding toward Inez, the disk 
paralleled the road, then with another graceful banking turn, started for the 
horizon. A filling station attendant at Inez watched it and saw it plainly, 
while it made one more banking maneuver before it disappeared. 

January 29, 1950: C. Frank Quintana, 43 Vrain Street, Denver, Colorado, saw 
a silvery-green ship poised about fifty feet over a hillside on the slope of 
South Table mountain, which he had been climbing. His attention had been 
attracted by a whirring noise. Quintana lay on the ground and watched 
during the next few minutes while the object landed slowly in a small ravine 
and then shot upward and out of sight at tremendous speed. It was shaped 
like a ball, flattened at top and bottom. It was between forty and seventy 
feet in diameter with what appeared to be a horizontal band about three 
feet wide revolving about the center. A luminous, greenish light flashed from 
the base of the object, and Quintana felt a rush of air, and detected 
a pungent odor which remained in the area after the ship ascended. 

March 10, 1950: Publisher J.L. Sims and five employees of 
the Orangeburg, South Carolina, Times, saw a disk about the size and color 
of the new moon, only brighter, hovering over the city for 15 minutes, after 
which it sped away, leaving a vapor trail. It appeared to turn slowly in the air, 
from vertical to parallel with the horizon, when vertical again, before it 
disappeared to the west. 

March 11, 1950: Mrs. Sam Raguindin of Chualar, California, was driving with 
her mother and two children south of Salinas. A saucer swooped down over 
her automobile. At first she thought it was a falling star until it swooped 
toward her car. It looked like two dinner places placed together. It came 
down to about 2,000 feet and as it came close, gave off a strong bluish-
white light that hurt the eyes like a welder's torch. It looped the loop, then 
sped away in a southerly direction at a great rate of speed. later, Hiram Don, 
Chinese market owner, in Salinas, saw the object, and said it appeared 
bright in front and had a long, fiery tail. It was traveling quite close to the 

March 12, 1950: E.L. Ekberg, Gering, Nebraska, police officer, saw a brilliant 
light 20 to 25 feet in diameter, a half-mile west of Gering shortly after 7 a.m. 
It appeared to be about 100 feet in the air and traveling very fast. It was so 
bright he had to look away from it. The object glowed steadily, with a very 
white light. There was no appearance of burning, or smoke, nor any flame. 
At first it appeared to be flat and wide, later triangular, hour-glass shaped, 
and round. When first sighted, it lighted up the countryside. He called the 
light to the attention of twenty other persons. State Safety Patrolman Dale 
Justice reported that he and Trooper Victor Hansen saw the object and 
attempted to follow the light, traveling about seven miles before giving up 
the chase. The light appeared to be suspended, dangling like a pendulum, 
weaving back and forth, and was a very brilliant white. 

March 16, 1950: Chief Petty Officer Charley Lewis, Dallas, Texas, saw a disk 
streak at a B-36 bomber, follow under it for a second or two, then break 
away at 45 degree angle. The disk was oblong and flat and hurtled through 
the air at incredible speed. It appeared to be twenty-five feet in diameter 
and first appeared at about 10,000 to 15,000 feet elevation. It was a very 
bright object as it raced toward the bomber, and got directly beneath it, as it 
hung momentarily. The saucer was in sight only fifteen seconds in all. 

March 17, 1950: More than 150 persons in Farmington, N.M. saw a fleet of 
flying saucers stunting and maneuvering over town. The objects appeared at 
10:30 a.m. Clayton J. Boddy, a former B-29 gunner, observed them to be 
"almost loafing" to traveling at speeds far greater than any jet plane he had 
ever observed. there were as may as 500 disks in sight at one time, and all 
were silvery except for one which was red which seemed to be the leader. 
They flew in all positions, both vertically and horizontally. They remained in 
sight for almost two hours. 

March 17, 1950: Robert Gregory of Perosky and Pete Shantz of Ironton 
(Michigan) sighted a disk at 1:12 p.m. EST and observed it for twelve 
minutes. It was very high and resembled a saucer. It hovered overhead for 
seven minutes, then turned on it's edge and dropped vertically for a long 
distance before flattening out and sailing away. It disappeared into the east. 
The sighting was at Ironton, which is about 14 miles southeast of Petosky. 

March 22, 1950: Dr. Craig Hunter, Washington D.C., saw an object while 
driving on the highway near Clearfield, PA. It was visible for nearly three 
minutes and was flying about 60 or 70 miles per hour at an altitude of 
between 250 and 500 feet. It was a dirty metallic color, shaped like a saucer 
with a stationary outer rim and inner portion with a rotating 10 inch ring 
between. It seemed to have small portholes or vents around the outer ring, 
seemed about 20 feet thick and 250 or more feet long. 

March 26, 1950: Bertram T. Totten, clerk at the Congressional Library, 
Washington D.C., sighted a flying saucer over Fairfax County. It was an 
aluminum-colored disk about forty feet in diameter and about ten feet thick. 
Totten was flying his plane at 5,000 feet when he spotted the disk whirling 
along 1,000 feet below him. He dived towards it, but before he could get 
close, it zoomed up into the overcast. It went up at a speed of several 
hundred miles faster than his own speed, about 150 miles per hour. He saw 
no propulsion gear, or controls on the saucer, but did note vapor trails like 
those from aircraft engines. The metallic disk glinted when the sun hit it 
through broken clouds. 

March 27, 1950: C.W. Hughes, 1228 N. Boston Place, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 
reported as many as twenty-five flying saucers at 6:16 a.m. He was on his 
front porch to get the morning paper when he saw two of them. A bit later 
three more appeared, then groups of two and three and finally groups of 
four or five. They were flying at an elevation of about 1,000 feet. He ran in to 
get his wife, but she arrived too late to see the objects. Hughes saw them 
again as he returned to the porch. They were silver-colored, and appeared 
to be throwing a reflection from the sun, which had not yet risen above the 
horizon. They were blunt-nosed, rather flat, and rounded at the front with 
quite a long edge on the front side - like a seagull would fly with it's wings 
dropped down. They were shaped something like pie pans except for the 
drooping wings. They seemed to be not more than two feet in diameter, but 
impossible to determine exactly as he did not know the height. They 
remained in sight about three minutes. At the same time, Mrs. Helen 
Andrews, Lyons, Colorado, Visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Green, 
Garnett Road, Tulsa, sighted two disks just as the sun was rising. They 
seemed luminous, with a soft, fluorescent glow. All three persons saw the 

disks for nearly an hour. One kept it's distance slightly above the other. Each 
disk was like a saucer, with the lower one traveling on it's edge, like a plate 
rolled across a table. They would hang in the sky dead still for a moment, 
then dart away at great speeds. The higher saucer was about five times the 
size of the lower disk. No estimation could be made of size or altitude. 

March 31, 1950: Capt. Jack Adams and co-pilot G.W. Anderson, Jr. veterans of 
7,000 and 6,000 flying hours for the Chicago and Southern Air Lines, en 
route in their DC-3 from Memphis to Little Rock, were within 40 miles of 
Little Rock at 2,000 feet when they saw a lighted, fast-moving object. The 
time was 9:29 p.m. It was about 1,00 feet above the DC-3 and about half a 
mile away. It zoomed at terrific speed (as much as 700 to 1,000 miles per 
hour) in an arc above and ahead of the transport, moving from south to 
north. It remained in full view about 30 seconds. It had no navigation lights, 
but other lights, as though from 8 to 10 windows or ports on the lower side, 
were visible. The lights were a phosphorescent quality, soft and fuzzy. The 
object was circular. There was no reflection, no exhaust and no vapor trail. 
There was a bright white light flashing intermittently from the top of the 
thing, the strongest blue-white light either man had ever seen. As it passed, 
it's underside was exposed. The object then continued in a straight line and 

April 8, 1950: David Lightfoot, Amarillo, Texas, was fishing about ten miles 
northwest of Amarillo when he and his companion, Charles Lightfoot, a 
cousin, saw an object pass only a few feet over their heads. David pursued it 
and it landed just beyond a small hill. It was about the same circumference 
as an automobile tire, and about eighteen inches thick. It was rounded on 
the bottom, with a top resembling a flat plate. The top part was separate 
from the bottom part by about one inch of space, but were held together by 
some sort of screw in the middle. The area between the two parts was red, 
as though it were on fire. The top half was spinning as David approached, 
but a "spindle" jutting from the top was still, as though connected to the 
bottom part. It was blue-gray in color and had no opening other than the 
divided section. He touched it, and it felt slick "like a snake" and hot. Before 
he could get a firm hold, it began spinning faster, and made a whistling 
noise and took off. It released some sort of gas or spray in the process which 

turned his arms and face bright red and caused small welts. It took off 
without wobbling, and disappeared in less than ten seconds. 

April 20, 1950: Jack Robertson, Lufkin, Texas, pharmacist, observed a round, 
flying object about eight feet in diameter while driving nine miles west of 
Lufkin at night. He got out of his car to see the object, which was hovering 
twenty feet above his head, giving off a dull red glow. It took off with 
a "whooshing roar" and soon was out of sight. Five minutes later he felt 
a burning sensation on his face. His clothing was not burned. The bottom of 
the object was rounded, like a globe, it appeared to be made of aluminum, 
but darkness prevented seeing any further details. Sparks flew from a slot in 
the object's bottom as it took off. While he had been in his car, it had stayed 
about 200 feet ahead of him. 

April 27, 1950: Capt. Robert Adickes and First Officer Robert Manning, Trans-
World Airline pilots, saw a round glowing mass in the air as they flew over 
South Bend, Ind. The object was in sight for six or seven minutes as it 
overtook their plane at 2,000 feet and cruised along a parallel course. When 
the object flew alongside, it was definitely round with no irregular features 
at all, and about 10 to 20 per cent as thick as it was round. It was very 
smooth and streamlined and glowed evenly with a bright red color as if it 
were heated stainless steel. It was so bright it gave off a light. It left no 
vapor, no flame. It appeared to fly on edge like a wheel going down a 
highway. As Adickes banked north in an effort to get a closer look, it would 
veer away, keeping the same distance. When he turned directly toward it, it 
took off at a speed judged to be twice that of the airliner, or 400 miles per 
hour. It went down to 1,500 feet and streaked out of sight over South Bend. 
Passenger Jacob Goelzer said it looked like a spinning exhaust, all aflame. 
C.W. Anderson said it looked like a big red light bulb, fading off fast. 

April 30, 1950: Louis and Wilfred Wedemyer, Mount Joy, Iowa, were moving 
hog houses on a bright and clear day when they saw a round flat, 
saucershaped object spinning in the sky and appearing to be white hot. It 
did not seem to be moving as fast as an ordinary plane. Suddenly 
it exploded in the air, looking just like fireworks, the kind that spray out like a 
fountain into the air. There was no tail on it, like a meteor. It just seemed 
to disintegrate. For a few seconds there was no noise, then a low 

rumble that lasted almost half a minute. There were no clouds in the sky. 
The same day the same object was seen in Burlington, Iowa, and in 
Muscatine. The time was the same: 10:00 a.m. 

May 24, 1950: Mrs. Clyde Seevers, one of sixteen Montrose, Colorado, 
ranchers who saw two sky objects for five minutes, said that the objects 
were as broad as a large airplanes wings and were absolutely round and 
smooth without any sign of windows, motors or tail assembly. They were 
very bright, like galvanized tin. They flew soundlessly and seemed to float 
along. They sailed down to about 600 feet approaching close to her ranch, 
then turned east toward Montrose and soaped up swiftly, disappearing. The 
other fifteen ranchers said that's what they saw too. 

May 29, 1950: Capt. Willis T. Sperry, flying American Airlines DC-6 flight 
No.49, New York to San Francisco, had departed from Washington at 9:15 
EST bound for Nashville. Visibility was 50 miles, at least. At 7,500 feet (30 
miles out of Washington) First Officer Bill Gates called his attention to a 
brilliant, diffused, bluish light of fluorescent type. It was 25 times the 
magnitude of the brightest star. momentarily it seemed to stop, possibly 
five seconds, and changed it's course to parallel the DC-6 on the left, still at 
the same altitude as it passed between the DC-6 and the moon. Both men, 
and Flight Engineer Robert Arnholt, saw it silhouetted against the moon in 
the shape of a torpedo or submarine, except that there were no protruding 
fins or external structure. It appeared to be perfectly streamlined, but it's 
color could not be determined, it appearing black against the moon. 
Compared to jet aircraft speed, it was fantastically greater. It passed out of 
sight in the east in only one minute. When the object first appeared, Sperry 
started a turn to the right, then when it changed it's course to one 
paralleling the DC-6, Sperry turned to the left so as to be able to follow it's 
path. Even so, it went to the rear of the plane, circled around to the right far 
enough so the Gates saw it on his side before reversing it's direction and 
going out of sight to the east. 

June 22, 1950: Three Air Force men, Cpl. Garland L. Pryor of White Hall, 
Mont., Staff Sgt. Ellis Lorimer and Staff Sgt. Virgil Capurro of San Leandro, 
Calif., saw a flying "ice cream cone" streak across the sky at Hamilton Field 
three times. It was visible on as a cone-shaped blue-white flame. The of 

Hamilton Field control tower lists it only as an unknown object traveling at a 
very high rate of speed, 1,000 to 1,500 miles per hour at an elevation of 
between 2,000 and 5,000 feet. 

June 26, 1950: Capt. E.L. Remlin and First Officer David Stewart, and 
observer Capt. Sam B. Wiper observed a mysterious object while flying their 
UAL Mainliner at 14,000 feet between Las Vegas and the Silver Lake check 
point eight miles north of Baker, New Mexico. It had a bluish center with a 
bright orange tint and was flying horizontally at about 20,000 feet, much 
faster than the Mainliner. It was abut 20 miles distant. It was also seen by 
Las Vegas CAA men and reported by an Air Force and a Navy plane in the 
general area. 

June 29, 1950: Hubert Hutt, postoffice worker at Fort Collins, Colorado, saw 
an object in the sky at 9:40 a.m. which appeared simultaneously with an 
airliner at about 3,000 elevation. It was at about 4,500 feet, traveling 
northwest. It looked like a silvery snowball and looked as though it were 
circled by a kind of ring. It was extremely maneuverable. 

July 9, 1950: John Sokol, 1018 Outer Drive, Coldbrook, Pa., saw a strange 
white column at about 5,000 feet elevation, at 2:30 p.m. It seemed to be 
hovering over the Schenectady general depot, U.S. Army. Sokol went to the 
police station and called the cylinder to the attention of patrolmen Edward 
Harrison and James Hill. They saw something that looked like a huge 
cigarette suspended from a cloudbank. The object definitely had substance, 
and was not smoke or a cloud formation. The police notified county airport 
officials who stated an investigation was being launched by fighter planes of 
the Air National Guard. Later, planes were observed circling the strange 
cylinder, emitting black smoke which etched a circle around the white 
object. At 4:20 p.m. the planes were still circling the object. When next the 
police looked, the object was gone, but the planes still circled. Air National 
Guard officials commented: "No comment." 

July 13, 1950: Dr. C.L. Quixley, Ocala, Florida, reported 12 or 13 flying saucers 
over his Greenville Terrace home about 8:45 a.m. They were round and sort 
of opalescent like soap bubbles. They were traveling about ten in a line, with 
three off to one side in a checkmark formation. They came in from the 

northeast toward Jacksonville, and played around in a circle, then 
disappeared toward the southwest. They sounded a little like an ordinary 
plane in a dive, but more shrill. 

July 29, 1950: Jim graham, chief test pilot for Capital Aviation Company of 
Springfield, Illinois, reported his plane struck by a mysterious object which 
looked like a blue streak and had a trail of reddish flame. the object hit his 
propeller and then suddenly there was the brightest light he had ever seen 
in his life. There was no sound and it did not rock his plane. There was no 
damage to his craft. The occurrence was at midnight n clear weather. Four 
other Springfield residents volunteered independently that they had seen a 
mysterious streak in the sky. 

August 12, 1950: William Schocke, Yuma, Colorado, saw along with dozens of 
other persons in Main Street, a dark disk-shaped object with a dim glow 
around it's rim. When it reached a point just above a drugstore, it abruptly 
ceased lateral flight and sliced straight upward, disappearing behind low-
hanging clouds. 

September 10, 1950: Lt. Wilbert S. Rogers and Capt. Edward Ballard, Mitchell 
Field, New York, Air Force jet pilots, chased a mysterious round flying object 
for thirty miles and couldn't catch it. They estimated it's speed at 900 miles 
per hour. They sighted the object over Sandy Hook, New Jersey, while on a 
routine flight in a T-33 jet plane. It was white, or silver-colored and about the 
size of the fighter plane. When they sighted the object , they were traveling 
at 450 miles per hour at 20,000 feet. 

November 21, 1950: Perry Torbergson and Jack Anderson, both on the 
editorial staff of the Columbia Basin News at Pasco, Washington, watched an 
object in the sky for eight minutes. It was a shiny, cigar shaped object in the 
vicinity of the Hanford atomic plant near sundown. It was shaped like a cigar 
and glistened brightly. Pasco's downtown streets were packed with people 
watching the object. It disappeared on a southwesterly course. It stopped 
and hung in the air over the plant. 

December 7, 1950; Observed by Guy Fox, E.G. Painter, John Smith, Lovon 
Horrocks, Joe McMullen, Doc Rasmussen and Joe Shell of Rangely, 

January 20, 1951: Capt. Larry W. Vinther and co-pilot James F. Bachmeier, 
flying a Mi-Continent Airline plane, saw a strange object over Sioux City, 
Iowa. The object had straight wings, no exhaust glow and no jet pods or 
engines visible. Vinther was on the ground getting tower clearance for takeoff 
when the tower asked him to check on a strange light in the sky. After 
take-off, Vinther spotted the light and climbed toward it. He was a plane 
which had an unknown kind of navigation lights in addition to a strong white 
light underneath it's fuselage. The object's light all blinked on and off five or 
six times as the two craft drew close to each other, approaching from 
opposite directions. Vinther had just turned his head from watching the ship 
go past his wing when there it was again, flying right behind him about 200 
feet to the left and going in the same direction. Said Vinther: "You just can't 
turn an airplane around that fast at that speed." The strange plane flew 
alongside for about four seconds, then dropped down and was lost from 
, a shining aluminum-colored object hovered for more than a 
minute over the Oil Basin, then moved rapidly to the east. It was a flat, disklike 
object which seemed to rotate as it hovered and on top had a dome-like 
structure. At regular intervals a flash seemed to come from the object. 
Altitude was approximately 2,000 feet in a clear, blue sky. 
February 14, 1951: Capt. J.E. Cocker (All-Weather Flying Division) and Capt. 
E.W. Spradley (Aerial Photographic Division), Wright-Patterson Air Force 
Base, while tracking a large weather balloon, saw an object hovering at 50- 
60,000 feet. It was flat and looked like a dime. It was a milky color. Just 
before it disappeared there were three brilliant flashes, like photo flashes. 
August 27, 1951: Dr. W.L. Ducker, head of the Texas Tech College petroleum 
engineering department, and Dr. A.G. Bert, professor of chemical 
engineering, and Dr. W.I. Robinson, professor of geology, all saw two 
strange formations like strings of beads in crescent shape, hurtling through 
the sky over Lubbock, Texas, at a speed which carried them from horizon to 
horizon in three seconds. They felt no shock waves, indicating the apparent 
formation was in the stratosphere, 50,000 feet above the Earth or higher. 
2 Regarding the location, Rangely, Oklahoma - no such place exists - even allowing for mistakes in spelling 

They estimated the speed must have been 1,800 miles per hour if the 
objects were a mile high. If they were at 50,000 feet, the speed must have 
been 18,000 miles per hour. Shape could not be determined, but each gave 
off a glow as of reflected light. 

September 11, 1951: Lt. Wilbert S. Rogers, Mitchell Air Force Base, New York, 
saw a round object speeding about 900 miles per hour over the New Jersey 





What are the flying saucers? That is the big question in the minds of a great 
many people. That they are real is not a matter for conjecture; the evidence 
presented in this book precludes that. They can be accepted by even the 
most skeptical as a factual phenomenon. In this report, great care has been 
used to avoid the faults of other writers on the subject, whose use of fiction 
has been no worse then their misuse of the facts - and even the deliberate 
twisting of those facts to suit their own hypotheses. We have presented no 
theory. We have presented no report that cannot be substantiated by 
witnesses whose word is valid. Best of all, we have presented those 
photographs which it was possible to obtain, and though none of them 
offer the degree of detail necessary to be indisputable evidence in 
themselves, they are conclusive when coupled with the testimony of those 
who snapped the pictures and of the witnesses with them at the time. The 
difficultly of photographing an aerial object, even an ordinary plane, with 
the average person's camera is well understood; and when the element of 
surprise is present, it is well-nigh impossible. The presence of any image at 
all is distinctly a lucky happenstance. 

There are several things that the saucers are not. 

They are not the product of the United States military arm. If the military of 
this country possesses an aircraft designed on the principle of the flying 
disk, it is a secret development designed and produced since the first disks 
were sighted in 1947 (i.e., those "firsts" which resulted in the sensational 
news headlines of June and July of that year). Nothing is known of such a 
development and any conjecture about it would be both fruitless and silly. 

They are not a development of the Russian government, and for much the 
same reasons. Nor are we theorizing as to whether they have since imitated 
them; we can only hope that they have not been successful in any such 

They represent an advance in mechanical science far beyond the ability of 
any other nation, and cannot be theorized as being a product of any of 
them. This includes such nations as Spain and Argentina, both of which have 
been the subject of much imaginary hot air. 

No astronomer has yet substantiated the claims of those who say that they 
are from another planet, or even another solar system. All reports 
concerning disks that have crashed with little men in them have been 
impossible to substantiate. In each instance, those purveying such stories 
have balked when their source had been demanded. 

The material in this book is evidential. It is by no means complete. 

There are many thousands of reputable sightings. We, ourselves, have seen 
them on eleven different occasions. Three sets of Kodachrome movies have 
been made by us of mysterious objects in the sky, none of them capable of 
being reproduced in this book; in fact the objects themselves can only be 
seen in the film by means of a magnifying glass, or when projected on a fine 
screen. Taken by themselves, they are worthless, since a reflection from an 
ordinary plane could account for the flashes on the film. Yet the 
performance of the objects during the filming, and before and after, do not 
allow for such a prosaic interpretation. 

Most recent report, prior to the publication of this volume, is the report 
from Korea, from our own Army Intelligence, which is as follows: 

Objects, globe or disk-shaped, bright orange in color and sending off 
occasional flashes of bluish light, were seen by crew members of two B-29 
bombers at widely separated points around midnight on January 29, 1952. One 
sighting was over Wonsan, the other over Sunchon. Two crew members in 
each plane made the sighting and confirmed each other's observations. The 
Wonsan objects flew alongside the plane for five minutes, while the Sunchon 
disks flew parallel to the b-29 for one minute. The impression of both crews 
was that the objects were globular. No attempt has been made by the Air 
Force to discount the sightings, but full investigations were said to have been 
instituted. The results of those investigations have not been revealed. 

On February 3, 1952, six days after the Korean sightings, Ray Palmer, one of 
the compilers of this book, sighted an object at ten seconds past 6 p.m. CST. 
The time was determined through the coincidence of checking on the local 
FM station as to whether or not it's 6 p.m. program would begin "on the 
second." It did not; it was five seconds late. And five seconds later, the 
author was facing the row of windows which give a view toward Spring 
Creek which flows directly past his home. Across the creek, some 300 feet 
from the house, along a private roadway which runs east to west, an orange 
globe, emitting blue flashes, sped past at approximately 180 miles per hour 
(determined later by measurement of the course over which it flew and the 
time in view). It was approximately fifteen feet off the ground and passed 
between a slope in the background and the trunks of large trees in the 
foreground. The object was approximately the size of a basketball, and the 
light it emitted illuminated the ground beneath it and the slope behind it. 
The appearance of the glove was suggestive of the exhaust of a jet or rocket 
although it left no train behind it, not did it seem elongated as might be 
expected of such a method of propulsion. If an object was being propelled 
by the orange, globular glow, it was not visible. 

Whether this object was identical to those seen by the bomber crews over 
Korea cannot be determined, as no factual data can be obtained from that 
source. Only one fact is important - there can be no orange disks or globes 
which emit blue flashes traveling through the air of this planet in more than 
one place. 

Thousands of people have seen strange things in the sky, and sightings are 
continuing at the rate of as many as twelve each month (according to those 
officially recognized and reported by our Intelligence Services) and at a very 
much greater rate as determined by individual reports which sift through to 
us from all sources. How many sightings are not reported cannot be 
estimated. Certainly there are many. What are the flying disks? We are 
hardly so brash as to say. But keep your weather eye aloft and keep your 
camera handy - you may be the one to secure the information necessary to 
answer the greatest question of our day. 

And when you develop your film, if you see the insignia of either the United 
States or the Soviet Air Force on the objects you have captured with your 

lens, turn them over to the nearest Military Intelligence branch and keep 
your mouth shut about them. 

It'll save you a lot of trouble. 

Besides, they wouldn't be the flying saucers we're talking about! 

But if you photograph any little men, send the photo to us. We'll print it in a 
new book we're preparing in which factual data about a lot of things is badly 





The following thirty-two pages contain reproductions of all the photographs 
it is possible for a private citizen to obtain. 

In almost all cases, these original negatives were picked up by various 
Intelligence agencies and are no longer available. Some of the photos we 
have reproduced from copies of the newspapers in which they were 
originally published, and are the only prints possible to obtain, and in each 
case the newspaper has informed us that they "do not have the original 
negative or the print from which the cut was made, the cut itself, or any 
knowledge of the whereabouts of the person who made the photograph." 

In short, they are "keeping their noses clean." 

The mere fact that Project Saucer teams have investigated the sighting, 
appropriated the photos, and left an air of mystery behind them has 
convinced them to let well enough alone. 

Not all of the photos can be vouched for as authentic, but where such is the 
case, we have so indicated. 

Yet there are many which we positively state are authentic. Two, in 
particular, are those which Brown and Davidson told Kenneth Arnold in 
Tacoma, the night of their deaths, were authentic and which later were 
shown to be him at Hamilton Field when their files were thrown open to his 
inspection. However, the photos reproduced in this book are the originals 
obtained from Mr. Rhodes in Phoenix, Arizona, days before Project Saucer 
teams arrived on the scene. We can vouch for the fact that they have not 
been retouched. 

None of the photos in this volume have been retouched or been made 
artificially more apparent in any way. consequently none of them can be said 
to be "prize-winning" examples of either the photographer's or the 
engravers art. 

We present them only for what they are worth, and as proof that at least 
thirty-two of the saucer sightings have been also captured by the lens; 
scientific proof that the observers were not seeing blood corpuscles in their 
own eyes. 



Kenneth Arnold, Boise, Idaho's famous flying salesman, who first launched the story of the 
flying disks to national prominence with his able observation. He is shown here with the camera 
with which he later secured three separate films of flying disks to back up his story. 
Unperturbed by his "great adventure," he is still selling fire apparatus. 












This is a photo of a model of the strange disk Arnold saw over the Cascades June 1947. 




Captain E.J. Smith, Kenneth Arnold and co-pilot Ralph Stevens, in Seattle, Washington, where 
they compared notes on their individual sightings of flying disks which launched 1947's "big 




Ray Palmer, co-author of this book, sighted his first flying saucer in 1939 in Chicago. It was a 
brilliant silvery disk, apparently at an elevation of some 5,000 feet, directly west of Chicago's 
Loop. It hung in the sky for more than forty-five minutes and was witnessed by more than a 
hundred people in the office building where he was located. Latest sighting was February 4, 

1952, near Amherst, Wisconsin, an orange globe identical to those seen by the Air Force January 
29, in Korea. He is a publisher of Pulp magazines and books. 



The upper photo on page 164 shows the historic saucer which caused the censorship on July 10, 
1947 halting it's publication in all the nation's dailies just when the public was demanding proof 
of flying saucers. It was taken by William A. Rhodes, 4333 N. 14th St. Phoenix, Arizona. He was 
on his way to his rear yard workshop when he heard a "whoosh," and snatching his camera, got 
a picture of the object at 1,000 feet. He used a box camera. 

Lower Photo on page 164 shows the second film exposed by Rhodes, as the disk made a tight 
turn and came back over his house. I continued in a clockwise movement over his home, then 
disappeared to the west. As it disappeared, it did a phenomenal wing-over and show straight up 
into the ether at incredible speed, a maneuver no living pilot could have endured. In it's second 
pass over the house, the object made absolutely no sound. 



Kenneth Arnold, shown beside the plane used when he first saw disks. 


Paul Trent, Route 3, McMinnville, Oregon, captured this photo on this page and on page 167 on 
May 11, 1950. Said Trent's wife, Evelyn: "I was getting along toward evening -about a quarter to 
eight. We'd been out in the back yard. Both of us saw the object at the same time. The camera! 
Paul thought it was in the car but I was sure it was in the house. I was right - and the Kodak was 
loaded with film. Paul took the first picture. The object was coming in towards us and seemed 
to be tipped up a bit. It was very bright - almost silvery - and there was no noise or smoke." 
Trent explained that he took the first picture, rewound his film as fast as possible and then, as 
the object gathered speed and turned toward the northwest, he had to move rapidly to his right 
to get the second picture. Both were snapped within thirty seconds, he estimated. Neither 
Trent nor his wife would hazard a guess as to size, speed, distance. "It was moving awfully fast, 
is all I know," said Trent. Both photos clearly indicate a superstructure, and the photo on page 
167 resembles the "flying submarine" seen over the Cascade mountains in 1949. Experts insist 
that there has been no tampering with the negatives of Trent's pictures and that there is no 
possibility of a hoax connected wit them. Trent's negatives were developed by a local firm in 
McMinnville. The Acme photo on page 167 shows Earl Baker, Kokomo, Indiana, pointing to the 
spot in the sky where he saw an object identical with the McMinnville saucer hover for two 
minutes at between 200 and 300 feet. He is holding an artist's sketch of the object, which had a 
conning tower, portholes emanating blue light. 



On July 30, 1947, John E. Ostrom, Nissa, Oregon, was driving his lumber truck along the road 
one mile north of Tamarack, Idaho at about 45 miles per hour when he saw, approaching at a 30 

degree slant from the sky, a silver ball, extremely brilliant and blinding. Ostrom was sure that it 
would strike his truck and instinctively let loose of the wheel and in terror covered his face with 
his hands. The object apparently the size of a baseball, struck the top of the truck at the front of 
the cab (see photo), and glanced off. When Ostrom removed his hands from his eyes, he 
brought his truck to a half some hundred yards down the highway. Here he got out and 
examined the truck. Where the object had hit was a scorched spot the size of a silver dollar, and 
it appeared that the metal had been melted, although there was no hole. The spot showed the 
characteristics of a "weld," as though someone had patched a hole in the metal. Experts who 
examined it later, said it was a weld, but Ostrom insisted no welding had been done on the 
truck and that the molten effect could have come only from the object's contact with the cab 
roof. Ostrom, who is 66, is highly regarded by long-time residents of the area, all of whom 
vouch for his integrity. 



Proof of an engineering nature that the flying saucer is capable of flight is offered in this Acme 
photo which shows Dr. E.W. Kay of Glendale, California, demonstrating his model flying disk 
which he believes will revolutionize aviation. His 41 inch, .20 pound test model gets off the 
ground and spins in a 36-foot circle at 72 miles per hour. Vanes on the disk's rim open by 
centrifugal force when the disk rotates, making it act like a helicopter. At a sufficient altitude, 
the vanes are closed and it scoots away like a spinning top. Dr. Kay's model was tested before 
U.S. Air Force officials at his plant, who were greatly impressed. Dr. Kay estimates that a jet-

powered disc 18 feet in diameter could rise like a helicopter and fly forward at 400 miles per 
hour. The wide rim would rotate at 500 revolutions per minute but the cabin fuselage would 
not spin. Construction of an 18 foot, one-man disk is planned by Dr. Kay, and he believes his disk 
could be constructed as large as 50 feet in diameter. 



The above photograph was taken by Raymond Johnson of Toronto, Canada, and is reproduced 
from the Globe and Mail, which regrets that it cannot furnish the address of the photographer. 
Date, September 14, 1947. Disk was yellow with a tail. time of passage was fifteen seconds. 


The photo on page 171 was taken by Charles Shangle, Boise, Idaho, August 13, 1947. He was 
watching the sky when he saw a luminous object traveling slowly through the air at a great 
height. Rushing into the house, he secured his camera, and had time for one show before the 

object disappeared. It is visible in the upper left hand corner of the photo as a very faint gray 
dot surrounded by a slight halo effect. 




This triangular object was photographed by Lloyd Sanders, Rt. 1, Box 344, Battle Creek, Mich., 
June 17, 1949. When sighted, the object was going up at a tremendous rate of speed, and it 
glowed like the sun. there was a high-pitched whining sound. 


The photo above is reproduced by courtesy of International News Photos and was taken by bob 
Jung at Catalina Island. The disk registers clearly on the photo, just above the funnel of a 
steamship in the immediate foreground. 




This photo is from the Burley, Idaho Herald-Bulletin, and is reproduced from the newspaper, as 
no prints are available. The smudges are glue marks. Photo made in east park, Burley, Believed 
to be a fake. 


Al Hixenbaugh, Louisville Times (Ky.) photographer took this picture at 10:15 p.m. central 
standard time on July 7, 1947. There were three of the objects in the sky, but he had time to 
photograph only two of them. He makes no effort to say what the objects might be. They made 
no sound. 


John H. Janssen, while driving to the Morristown, N.J. airport at 10 a.m. July 10, 1947, saw these 
four objects in the skies and got out of his car to photograph them. They appeared to be about 
10,000 feet in the air. Three of the saucers were silvery-white and the fourth was a dull, metallic 
color. They flew rapidly in formation, and disappeared toward New York City. in leaving the 
scene, they put on a burst of speed far in excess of any jet plane Janssen had ever seen. 
Censorship, next day, kept the photo out of other dailies. 


When Ira maxey, Fort World, Texas, saw strange objects flying over his home, he took this 
picture. It is evidence that the images shown here are not due to creasing of the negative 
during development, as claimed for the photo on page 182, as they were visible to the eye as 
well as the camera. 




Robert W. Kirk, 7939 South Justine St., Chicago 20, Illinois, took the picture at the right near 
Chicago. It appeared low in the sky, and seemed transparent, like glass, but showed up dark on 
the film. The object seemed to be approximately twenty feet in diameter and was moving 
slowly. However, it's distance could be not determined and therefore it's apparent size is 
meaningless. it's oval shape is readily apparent, though. 



In this Acme photo, taken July 7, 1947 by Albert Weaver, Pontiac, Michigan, at sundown, the 
disks were traveling about 100 miles per hour and were about 150 feet off the ground. they 
appeared to be about two feet in diameter and from 2 to 6 inches thick from edge to edge. 



The picture above, reproduced from the Nicholas County Star (Carlisle, Ky.), because the films 
were picked up by the War Department and never returned, was taken by Mrs. Paul Brannon of 
Paris, Ky. on January 16, 1949. Not visible in the photo is the "small, black walnut shaped object" 
which made the trail. 


Shown here is a huge disk shaped object trailing a definite vapor trail as photographed by Rand 
Herrmann on March 12, 1950, at Pacific City, Ore. Mr. Herrmann photographed the disk over the 
ocean, in the late afternoon, and no in good focus. Waves and shoreline are visible in the 


This picture, first foreign flying saucer picture, was taken by Newsreel cameraman Enrique 
Hausemann Muller, in Spain, April 24, 1950. The object was described as being very luminous of 
a very huge size, and spun across the heavens with a rotating motion, giving off streamers or 
rays of flame like a fireworks pinwheel. Yet it seemed to be intelligently guided, and did not 
appear to be indefinite in shape. It showed the distinct oval of a disk-shape and seemed thicker 
in the center than the edges. The color was a weird greenish orange, rather more green than 
orange, and there was absolutely no sound following it's passage across the skies. it's speed 
was estimated to be in the neighborhood of four hundred miles per hour, and was in sight long 
enough for Muller to focus this camera and get it squarely in his rangefinder. This picture is 
reproduced by courtesy of United Press Newspictures, Chicago, Ill., Efforts to obtain another 
foreign photo, that taken by Chilean officers at the South Pole base of the Chilean government, 
have proven fruitless. 


This photograph was taken by Duane Way, who lives nine miles north of Norton, Kansas, at 5:05 
p.m. CST February 18, 1948. It has been claimed to be a meteor . Yet the so-called meteor was 
reported over El Reno, Okla., at 5.05 p.m. and over Stillwater, Okla., at 5:12 p.m. Reports also 
came from Garden City, Dodge City, Anthony, Hutchinson and Dassoday3, all in Kansas; Sydney, 
Nebraska; Buffalo, Oklahoma; Higgins, Texas, anywhere between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. An Army 
pilot reported the object seemed to come down from the ground and go up. Apparently it 
exploded many times. 

3 Dassoday is more likely Cassoday, Butler County, Kansas 



Guy B. Marquand Jr. photographed this object near Riverside, California. The distance was "four 
or five city blocks" and the thing flew by once at a very high rate of speed and then came back. 
He had his camera ready. Acme Photo4 

4 Undated on original image description but was taken November 23, 1951 


In the photo reproduced above, taken by Eugene Havord in Alaska, the two white images 
appeared on a color photo, and were white in that photo against blue sky. 



This is the first of the pictures taken of the flying disks. It was taken on July 4, 1947 at Seattle, 
Washington. The disk is the white dot - the dark spot is a negative defect. The attached 
narrative on the image read: 5E86-7/5--SEATTLE: LAST PICTURE OF 'FLYING DISKS" SEEN OVER 


Members of the Walter Mueller family, of Filer, Idaho, were taking pictures on May 1, 1950 on 
their farm two miles northeast of Filer when they apparently picked up, all unknown to them, 
the image of a flying saucer and the shock wave preceding it. The strange object appeared on a 
photo of Mervin Mueller and his bicycle. No attention was paid to the strange object until June 
25th, when it was noted that a picture published in the Times-News of the small daughter of 
Mrs. Robert Peterson, Hill city, showed a similar image. Later TRUE magazine said the images on 
these photos were due to bending of the negative, the crease causing the peculiar image during 
development. (see page 175) 


Miss Bette Malles of Los Angeles snapped this peculiar object over Hawthorne, California on 
March 11th 1950. She was about to take a picture of a small plane (right center), when she saw 
something shining closer by and to her left. She snapped the shutter on her miniature camera 
with the result shown on this page. 


Shown here and on opposite page, are the mysterious "radar angels" which have mystified 
radarmen. these are official photographs, time exposure, of the radar screen at the Landing 
Aids Experiment Station at Arcata, California. This project is sponsored by the Army, Navy and 
the Civil Aeronautics Administration and operating by Trans-Ocean Airlines (it has since been 
closed). These photographs were taken under the direction of Kenneth Elhers, head of the 
electronics and radar department. The radar antennae scan everything above sea level within 
the immediate vicinity of this radar station. The large white splotch areas indicate mountains 
and land barriers. Small white target returns indicated by arrows are what have been 
designated "radar angels." They are invisible to human eyesight, but return indications on the 
radar screen of objects of density and substance as bright as certain types of standard aircraft. 
They move with an intelligent purpose and almost constant course across this area of 
approximately 180 degrees. Their altitude ranges in the vicinity of 3,000 feet above sea level. 
For more than four years these unidentified radar returns have been studied by scientists at this 
project as well as many other projects. Every possible and plausible explanation has been 
thoroughly investigated in an attempt to determine what these "angels" can be. Circle object 
(page 185) indicates a large passenger aircraft, identified and observed from the ground. When 
the planes are sent aloft and guided into the exact spot where the radar "blips" indicating the 
mystery objects are noted on the radar screen, the pilot of the plane invariably reports nothing 
visible to the eye, nor any indications on his instruments of the presence of any object that is 
capable of influencing them. It would seem that they are not electromagnetic in nature, even 
though radar indicates substance. 


Capt. Jack Adams, flying his Chicago and Southern airlines plane over Stuttgart, Arkansas, saw a 
flying disk cross the sky at about 500 miles per hour. It seemed to have windows extended 
around the outer rim, and to have a blue light atop it which blinked rapidly, as in drawing.5 

5 Incident occurred March 20, 1950 

 Although this is an imaginary concept of a flying saucer, drawn by Alex Tremulis of Chicago, and 
distributed by Acme Photo, it is a startlingly accurate concept as revealed by later sightings. Mr. 
Tremulis is a designer of autos, jet planes and guided missiles. He bases his conception of a 
flying disk on reports of hundreds who have seen the objects. In fancy, Tremulis gives his craft, 
which he envisions as coming from another planet, a speed of 25,000 miles an hour. As it has 
developed, his imaginary speed is quite accurate when compared with actual speeds as tracked 
by scientists at the White Sands Proving Ground. At such a speed, the ship designed by Mr. 
Tremulis could escape the Earth's gravitational field. Says he: "I could build a scale model of this 
thing that would fly." An interesting comparison can be drawn with the illustration on the 
opposite page. 


Summer, 1947, was a time of many forest fires started by "meteors." On July 24, the bridge 
across the Salmon River in Oregon, on the highway between Warm Springs, Idaho and Riggins, 
burned out. It was first reported by Dewey Bowman, his wife, his niece Mrs. William Borman 
and Mrs. Isabel Swope, while driving to Riggins. As they approached the 400 ft. long span over 
a 90 ft. gorge, they saw a huge column of smoke, arrived to find the bridge enveloped in flames 
from one end to the other. How could this bridge have burst into flame along it's entire length 
at the same instant? The bridge itself was built of wood, but suspended on steel cables. It had 
three trestles, two high trestles at each end and a lower one in the middle. Bowman took 
pictures of the flaming bridge. Upon later investigation by the F.B.I. the steel cables of the 
bridge were found to be melted in several places. Ordinarily steel melts at 2800 degrees F., and 
according to opinions, an ordinary wood fire in the open air could not generate enough heat to 
melt such cables. What set the bridge afire? It was afire uniformly over it's whole length. In this 
photo, which is taken from a full-color Kodachrome, the tiny flames which attacked all portions 
of the bridge are not well reproduced, although may of them can be seen (in white), on the 
floor of the bridge, even on the metal cables, and on the wooden trestle. Forest rangers in 
Oregon, during this period, reported seeing brilliant glowing objects land in the forest and start 
numerous fires. Early in 1952, small flying disks were observed to dark from the Snake River 
canyon, follow a B-29 for several minutes, then dart back again. Did they burn this bridge? 


This is another Kodachrome shot of the burning Salmon River bridge, showing the approach to 
it and the large trestle, which can be seen to be entirely aflame, just as is the trestle on the 
opposite bank 400 feet away. A theory that it was struck by lightning was discounted by the 
fact that it was an entirely cloudless day. The F.B.I. investigation was conducted exhaustively 
but without comment. 



This is a companion wooden bridge, further up the river. 


These two luminous disks, plainly showing vapor trails, were photographed by space. Distance 
and size cannot be estimated. Photograph was taken on May 27, 1950 



Pictured here are several luminous objects which may be anywhere from 50,000 to 210,000 
miles from the Earth, plainly visible against the dark of the moon. 


These objects were photographed in space with the aid of a telescope on May 27, 1950. They are 
quite close to the moon's surface, possibly within a hundred miles. 



This chain of objects was observed between Earth and moon at a distance of 10,000 to 35,000 
miles, and during the time of telescopic observation, proceeded in a tightly maintained 


Professor George Adamski was born in Poland in 1891. He owns two telescopes (6 and 15 inch) at 
Mt. Palomar where he pursues his hobby. 


The picture shown here was taken between 3:30 and 4:00 a.m. on May 6, 1950. It shows a 
strange object suddenly appearing over the face of the moon. It was taken with a Hagee-
Dresden Graflex camera at a shuttle speed of 100 on Panchro Press-type film. Professor 
Adamski scans the sky with his telescope, camera readied. 


Carl Hart, Jr. Lubbock, Texas, took these two photos of formations of flying saucers on August 
30, 1951. Says the U.S. Air Force Intelligence team, now admitted to be continuing its flying 
saucer investigations in earnest: "These photos are legitimate." In one photo a larger "mother 
ship" can be seen off to one side, apparently controlling the mass flight. Acme Photo 

* * * 

The whole world has heard about Flying Saucers. Do you really know how it 
started? Have you ever heard the very first radio broadcast (in 1947, only hours 

after it happened) with Kenneth Arnold telling of his incredible sighting of the 
Flying Saucers? This book along with the amazing tape of this actual broadcast, 
tells the authentic story of the mysterious sky objects that have shaken the 
complacency of the world. The sound and excitement of Kenneth Arnold's 
voice will hold you spellbound as you hear him tell the story that was on every 
news broadcast, news wire, radio and in every newspaper in the country. You 
will want to know, as Ray Palmer, the two men who knew the most about 
them, is an amazing array of factual evidence and the initial results of an 
investigation that continues even to this day. 


This edition was created and published by Global Grey 2018.