Gene Manipulation

Man without will,

 (this in audio)

"The Small Roundtable in Universelles Leben"

First Edition 1996 Published by:
© Universal Life, The Inner Religion
PO Box 3549 Woodbridge, CT 06525 / U S A

Licensed edition translated and revised  from the original German title:
"Genmanipulation. Der gefühllose, willenlose, steuerbare Mensch"

From the Universal Life Series with the consent of
© Verlag DAS WORT GmbH im Universellen Leben
Max-Braun-Strasse 2, 97828 Marktheidenfeld-Altfeld / Germany

The German edition is the work of reference for all questions
regarding the meaning of the contents
All rights reserved

Order No. S 502en
ISBN 3-89201-029-3


Table of Contents:


-    What are genes?
-    The brain, the control center of the body
-    Programs are information and experience
-    The answers and solutions lie in the application of the spiritual laws, not in the human intellect 
-    Multiple storing of human programs. Every gene is transmitter and receiver
-    The natural order is the divine order
-    The development of molecular genetics and genetic engineering  
-    Gene manipulation disregards deeper ethical and moral standards  
-    The old world is destroyed – New organisms and a new man shall be created
-    The initiators of genetic research today – The rulers of the "New World Order" of tomorrow?
-    Scientific progress does not bode well for mankind
-    Nothing happens by chance – even in the realms of causal law
-    Can foreign genes from animals have an effect in human beings?  
-    Gene transfer via our groceries
-    The danger of damages from genetically-altered products rises with the increasing

     presence of environmental poisons
-    Man is what he eats – Dangers from genetically-altered food

-    Genes are carriers of life and vibration. Foreign genes cause an estrangement of the living being from its self
-    Inserted genes alter the programs of human beings. Their level of feelings is blocked
-    Blocking our level of feelings – We no longer know who we are, what is good or what is evil
-    Genes are the material manifestation of spiritual-psychological structures
-    The result of blocking the level of feelings: Burdening oneself anew constantly
-    Incarnation: A chance
-    Genetic interference in the physical inheritance of man  
-    Clones – Identical copies
-    Why do Church and State keep silent?
-    Reflections upon the goals and background of the Human-Genome-Project
-    Animals are the first victims
-    "A patent guarantees sole rights to profit from an invention"
-    More examples of genetic engineering and modern molecular genetics in our lives
-    Genetic engineering – Totalitarian birth control?
-    Specific dangers through gene-manipulated bacteria
-    The fight for the gene – The battle between light and darkness
-    Dangerous prospects of genetic engineering. Influence on longevity and brain development
-    Reawakening ancient genetic material – Paleo-molecules
-    Are mankind and the individual on the road to servitude under the demons?
-    The cosmic perspective
-    "Genetic engineering opens up completely new prospects"  
-    Protection and rescue is possible for every one of us




Three broadcasts were aired early in 1992 by "The Small Roundtable in Universal Life" on the subject of "The Manipulation of Our Genetic Make-up." The Original Christians were participants of the "Small Roundtable," Christ-friends of all ages and professional backgrounds, including physicians, whose aim in life is to live by and actualize the divine laws, in particular the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. These people meet regularly to throw light on topics of general interest and to comment on current events from a spiritual point of view.

This book is based on the "Small Roundtable" on the subject of "Gene Manipulation," which has been expanded to include more spiritual as well as scientific points of view. At the time it was written in its original German form, many of the statements were made by logical deduction. Today, four years later, this translated edition in English has been revised and brought up to date, and shows that much of what was then simply a deduction can now be concluded as fact. Nevertheless, as does its German predecessor, it raises interesting questions to stimulate some reflections on this subject, of which the consequences have not – by a long shot – been thoroughly investigated.

The message of this book is not primarily to inform with many facts. Any person today can read in the media all he needs to know about the latest developments in genetic engineering. The primary focus of this book is on the spiritual aspects that need to be taken into consideration while deciding whether one is for or against this latest offspring of science. For this reason, in this revised edition, we have not concentrated on gathering the latest data. Instead, our hope is to stimulate our readers into thinking about the impact genetic engineering can have on their lives, personally. And so, if you, dear reader, find that the data here is at least four years old, rest assured that the principles however are accurate, thought-provoking and up-to-date, and urgently need your careful consideration.


The Original Christians
in Universelles Leben

Würzburg, June 1996



Man has ravaged the earth;
he has led it to the edge of an abyss.
Now, he wants to create a new world,
a world according to his will.

Will gene manipulation bring help to those who are sick, to our troubled and ravaged kingdom of nature and to our entire planet? Is genetic engineering the chance and opportunity, a rescue and way out for a mankind that has fallen into dire straits?

Or is genetic engineering an interference in our physical genetic make-up – with immeasurable, catastrophic consequences for the individual and for all of humanity? Is gene manipulation that step too far along the wrong road where we want to be like God, the step which signals our fall into the abyss?

The message of this book is: Genetic engineering is an interference in our genetic make-up which blocks our spiritual heritage.



What are genes?

Before we pursue the answers to the questions raised above, let us first explain what genes are.

Genes carry the hereditary information for all cells, with an exception found in the nucleus-free red blood corpuscle. Genes are found in the nucleus of the cell, in the so-called chromosomes. A human being has 46 chromosomes which contain all the genetic material of a person. This encoded hereditary information consists of the same chemical substance for all humans, animals and plants, deoxyribonucleic acid, in short, DNA. The DNA molecule in a cell, as a biochemical model, looks like a gigantic twisted rope ladder made up of 4 types of linking members.

A gene consists of several thousand linking members. Their arrangement determines the genetic information contained in them, similar to the arrangement of letters in a text which gives a specific meaning to the information.



The brain,
the control center of the body

And so, four different bases form the building blocks of our hereditary information. A comparison may explain this better. From these four letters, words can be formed which, joined together, can make a sentence. This sentence then corresponds to the genetic information, the gene, which is a part of the chromosome.

Human beings have 3 billion pieces of information, that is, 3 billion of these base pairs. Our 46 human chromosomes contain about 80,000 to 100,000 genes which contain the 3 billion individual pieces of information.

Nearly every human cell carries the sum total of all the genetic material, referred to as "genome" by scientists.

The information in the genes – stimulated and activated by impulses – triggers certain processes and functions in the human body. Thus, the information in the genes controls all life processes; this takes place through the synthesis of proteins which carry out these signals.

The brain is the central control unit of our body. The impulses from the brain influence the genes and can release in the genes exactly that information that corresponds to the impulse. Viewed superficially and purely mechanically, it looks as though our brain, our thinking, is the highest authority in us which determines everything, because it is our thinking that controls the genes, and the genes in turn control all the metabolic processes in our bodies.

However, our brain is not self-activating; the brain cells are not of themselves able to take action or to be alive. At the latest, this becomes apparent when the body dies and the soul departs, and its material, physical shell – including all the brain cells – decomposes into the components from which it was originally made.

In the living body, cells are more than the sum total of the material substance from which they are made. They are living building blocks and have a consciousness, which is also stored in the soul of the person of whom they are a part. Life is non-material and comes from our soul. Thus, the impulses for our brain come from our soul. These soul impulses are then radiated from the brain into the body and bring about the processes which constitute our physical life.

The new science of psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology studies the communication between the psyche, the nervous system, the hormone system and the body's immune system. Much has already been discovered and so these correlations are finding more and more acceptance.

And yet, one is satisfied with giving rise to the expression "psyche," which ignores the soul, thus never questioning further



Programs are information
and experience

The processes operating between soul and body are complex. It is not only the impulses from the brain which regulate the processes in the body, but the processes in the body – for instance the activity of the sensory organs – cause in turn an imprinting of the brain, a programming. These are the feedback loops.

Programs are information stored in our "memory bank" that came from certain experiences. They are formed by "sending and receiving" and at the same time – as an energy complex, as an energetic matrix – are transmitters and receivers.

There are programs which enable us to live on this earth: the programs of speech, the use of the sensory organs, programs of locomotion, of motor functions, such as grasping with the hands, and much more. This is the operating system of the "computer" man, and we are not able to live without it.

Even the base human ego is composed of programs. There are, for example, programs of power hunger, of defensiveness, of aggression, programs of possessiveness, of wanting to be and to have, of deception, of showing-off, pessimism, vanity and so on.

There is a program behind every expression of human life. A newborn child takes in information through its eyes, ears, nose, mouth and touch. Such information – together with the child's own reactions and experiences of that event – are stored as programs in the brain.

In the brain we differentiate between the consciousness and the subconscious. Whatever is stored in these can enter the soul after a certain time.



The answers and solutions
lie in the application of the spiritual laws,
not in the human intellect

And so, programs are stored information of specific content. Such an energy complex, which we call a program, does not become active in and of itself; it needs an impulse in order to become active, to be able to communicate or become effective. Where does this impulse come from? With this question we are beyond the limits of where science, as we know it, can give an answer; we are in the gray zone between spirit and matter.

There have been civilizations on earth in which mankind was still viewed as a tri-unit of spirit, soul and body. Such a philosophy was not oriented towards the world, but towards the cosmos. This is why there were answers then, whereas with today's science we are simply left with a question mark. The riddles and apparent mysteries arise because we take no notice of the metaphysical, cosmic aspects of phenomena and affairs and ignore the spiritual correlations and laws which operate in and behind material conditions.

The spiritual ignorance which grew out of the disregard for life, out of arrogance towards God as creator and mover in all Being, out of ignoring His commandments is ultimately the reason why the progress of the history of mankind so clearly comes to a dead-end.

For about 20 years mankind has again been receiving knowledge of the spiritual principles and laws through the prophetic word. In their essence, the spiritual laws have been known for thousands of years. Today they are now being expanded upon and deepened through the prophetic word of the Spirit of God. If churches, science, politics and society had taken the chance to change their ways, then the cosmic dimension in the thinking and living of everyone would have become visible and effective – for the good of mankind, for the good of all the nature kingdoms and our planet.

Since the majority of mankind did not take the path of truth but kept to paths of error, of materialistic thinking, the events of the world now take their course. What was announced thousands of years ago for the end-time of the materialistic era of humanity is beginning to happen.

This book takes into account the spiritual correlations and laws which are now being revealed by the Spirit of God. Here we find the answers which we seek in vain through science. The solutions to all the puzzles are here, as well as the way out of this dilemma which the arrogance of the human intellect has brought us.



 Multiple storing of human programs.
Every gene is transmitter and receiver

Every program is stored in more than one place in a person: in his brain and in his soul garments. But that is not all. We are the microcosm in the macrocosm. This means what is stored in us is also stored in the macrocosm, in the stars and planets of the material cosmos as well as in the purification planes of the souls.

And so, the following process takes place: What is stored in the brain cells goes into the soul. The soul then stores it in the material planets – the visible stars – as well as in the fine-material planets, which store the spiritual information, and which thus far we have neither seen nor grasped by means of science. From the macrocosm – the material and fine-material planets – this information, the impulse, radiates back into the soul and the brain of the person at the appropriate time, setting effects into motion in and on the person, which become noticeable in the course of his lifetime, of his destiny, according to the law: what you sow you will reap. The result is that you harvest what you have previously sown.

Additional recordings take place in our genes, in the cells of our body. The DNA, that twisted ladder, is a molecule which is a transmitter and receiver of wavelengths; this has already been proven scientifically. In its structure, the DNA-molecule can simply be compared to the ferrite antenna of a radio. In other words, the gene is not only a precisely and finely constructed material structure with a specific function, but this molecule can also receive and emit vibrations. This means that it sends and receives, each time on its own particular frequency. This antenna, the gene, is not only capable of receiving spiritual and mental impulses, but also all types of radiations from the cosmos which have an effect on the person, that is, radiations from the stars as well as planets and radiations originating here on earth.

Since each gene is a transmitter and receiver, this makes the entire person a transmitter and, at the same time, a receiver tuned to very specific frequencies by way of his programs.



 The natural order is the divine order

The genetic material, of human beings and of all forms of life in nature, has always reacted in a natural way because it was not altered, with the exception of those changes which occurred in the course of evolution.

Nature did not come about by chance. God allowed the earth and thus nature, too, to emerge as the material foundation of life for His fallen children. The natural order is therefore a part of the law of cause and effect, which applies to the Fall-worlds.

This means that a person, who is like an antenna and transmitter – as well as his parts, including his genes – takes in radiations, that is, information, like a radio. This information is transformed into chemical and bio-physical programs which then cause the metabolic processes of the body to operate. On the other hand, the human body and its parts emit into the environment and into the stars, too. The DNA has a key part in this process because it is the regulator of the metabolic process, and an interaction takes place between the DNA and the brain as well as between the DNA and all metabolic processes.

There is a natural order in all forms of life. This order ensures that metabolic processes – in animals and plants, down to the smallest life form, for instance fungi, as well as in man – function according to certain rules. This results in a dynamic balance. If these feedback loops are disturbed, then the consequences for life are unforeseeable.

Many factors can disturb these feedback loops. Of particular severity is the interference of man in the genes, which thanks to genetic engineering presents no technical problems.

There are many well-known physicians and scientists who view the natural order as a divine order. By maintaining this divine order, in which everything is wonderfully and finely balanced and interconnected in reciprocal giving and taking, life functions smoothly. Max Planck*, for example, concluded that this did not happen by mere chance, but that there had to be a higher intelligence behind this, which controls this life and which is greater than our human consciousness.

If the natural order is the order that God intended for this earth, it certainly would not be the divine powers that would disturb this natural structure. It is God's adversary, the demonic forces, which interfere in these feedback loops, which disturb this interaction and bring disorder into the natural order of things.

The Bible says, "you shall know them by their fruits." The fruits are visible to everyone by simply looking at the condition of this world. Until now all experiments to improve on nature have led to the opposite, to a worsening of conditions. We cannot expect it to be otherwise, for man is not capable of thinking in a multidimensional, integrating way. In particular, scientists tend to focus on their own limited specialty. Their thinking travels along intellectual pathways; the intuition to grasp inter-relationships and a sensitivity to the dangers are not very well-developed as a rule.



 The development of molecular genetics
and genetic engineering

It all started with Gregor Mendel, a monk who over a hundred years ago discovered the laws of heredity which placed breeding and cross-breeding onto a scientific footing. The next "great feat" was the description of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1949. This discovery had little effect for several decades, except to describe the location of hereditary diseases in the genome as a diagnostic refinement.

Interference and alteration became possible only with the help of a new bio-technology, genetic engineering. With the advancements made in the bio-sciences, the first experiments in genetic engineering became possible during the 1970's.

Genetic engineering is the deliberate and calculated alteration of the genetic make-up of a living being, by way of the targeted manipulation of a genetic substance, in order to alter living beings according to human conceptions.

This technology has grown to such an extent – and is continuously under further development – that it is now a major force of the bio-sciences, including medicine.

By using this method, bio-technical alterations in the genetic make-up of all living beings can increasingly be planned and calculated. Thus, the genetic make-up of all living forms of life is now accessible to manipulation by whomever wants to do so.

Mankind has always had an interest in altering the life forms of nature on earth in such a way that they would be more serviceable – apparently to make life easier. For twenty years now, this has become possible and achievable in a measure never before available. Science now builds – on a broad basis – the components of a new nature, a new world. It may be that within a few years there will be no sphere of life where gene-altered products have not been introduced, and almost every citizen of the earth will have come in contact with such products.

This development is progressing stealthily, that is, without much fuss – but certainly not slowly. Before mankind could really become aware of what was happening and before the results became visible, the manipulation of genes had already taken on a dimension that is frightening, for it is already out of control.

But the objections to gene manipulation and discussions about it have been reckoned with – as well as their abatement. Judging from past experience, mankind adjusts very quickly to what was formerly unthinkable, particularly when the manipulation of the media handles it in nearly perfect ways and the negative repercussions are hardly made visible to the individual.



 Gene manipulation disregards deeper
ethical and moral standards

We read and hear that science, with its most advanced methods, wants to work for the good of mankind.

Through genetic engineering, diseases, for example, can be combated. Healthy or disease-resistant foods can be produced in order to alleviate hunger. Medicines can be created which are even more effective than what we have now, and much more.

Genetic engineers, the molecular biologists, actually say, "we want to improve on life." But what do they think "life" is?

These scientists do not start from the premise that life comes from the soul. They are not aware that a soul exists. To them, the human being, in fact every living being, is, in the final analysis, only a machine, which can be improved upon – that is, manipulated – according to any and all human conceptions and ideas. God, the creator and giver of life, is not considered to be an essential factor at all in the natural sciences.

For most genetic engineers the more profound ethical, spiritual or religious points of view fall outside their sphere of observation. They view themselves as bio-engineers; they look upon their activities as being similar to that of a mechanical engineer or an electronics engineer. They are concerned mainly with making it possible to achieve advantages for life on earth – advantages which ultimately do not prove to be so.

The actualization of the spiritual principles of equality, freedom, unity and brotherliness, from which justice emerges, characterizes a high order of ethics and morals – we can also say, a spiritually higher civilization. Elements of these principles can indeed be found in the constitutions of most freedom-oriented democratic societies. Many people fought and died for these high ideals, for instance, during the American Revolution, which was followed by the Constitution, or during the French Revolution where aristocracy and church lost their absolute power. Constitutions which are based upon these ideals – like the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany – also formally include the freedom of the individual, the respect for life, the dignity and self-determination of one's fellow man and the respect for life in all its forms.

These fundamental aspects of social interchange can be found in some form of meaning in almost all religions, cultural groups and historic eras. They characterize a fundamental ethical and moral attitude, to which the human conscience apparently orients itself. This is not surprising, for the basic principles of equality, freedom, unity, brotherliness and justice are also aspects of the Absolute Law of God. The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount are excerpts from the Absolute Law which also express reverence for God and respect for the freedom and life of one's fellow man as well as respect for all creatures. Does gene manipulation take this respect into consideration?

Since we are pure spirit beings in the innermost recesses of our soul, which belong to the spiritual realm of the pure Being of heaven, this innermost, pure part of our soul affirms these basic principles of life. In the final analysis, the human being, who has become estranged from his original spiritual nature, longs for purity, beauty, peace, for a life in God. Our innermost being longs for the freedom which lies in the fulfillment of the divine will.

The reader of this book can, in due course, judge for himself how he views genetic engineering, gene manipulation and its consequences in relation to the preservation of the basic principles of life.

A life in the law of God is a life as the child of God. When people think they can outdo God by wanting to improve on His creation, the natural order, doesn't this point to the limitations of their own consciousness? Even Christ, the first-beheld Son of God, the Co-Regent of heaven, who walked on earth as Jesus of Nazareth said, "The Father is greater than I."

Most genetic scientists are probably not quite clear about what hidden aims they could serve with their research, activities and projects. But on the basis of some of their statements, it is obvious that there are some genetic engineers and geneticists who want to deliberately change the creation of God. In their thoughts, they are putting themselves above God.



 The old world is destroyed –
New organisms and a new man shall be created

Since genetic engineering views its declared duty and aim as repairing that which in the course of centuries has been caused by the wrong behavior of the entire human race – the damage to nature and all the abortive developments in biology – genetic engineers argue that they manufacture products for the good of mankind, which, for instance, would ensure life for mankind and bring about medical progress.

But can one remedy a mistake by covering it up with another one? Shouldn't one start to work out the causes of the abortive developments of the last centuries? In medical terms, the symptoms are treated without making a causal diagnosis, without asking what led to the disturbances and the deplorable state of affairs in the first place.

In those circles where essential information is readily available – among leading politicians, church leaders, economic management, high finance, and adherents of worldwide secret societies – there are no illusions as to the possibility of repairing the damage to our environment. Thus, it is not the repair of the damage that is at stake – but there is a definite desire to create something new. It has been recognized that life on earth – irreparably damaged, poisoned, sick, devastated and destroyed as it is – will soon disappear if organisms remain as they are. Genetic engineers conclude that new organisms must be created which are capable of coping with these changed conditions without becoming diseased and ill. In this way, plants, for instance, grain, will be so altered genetically that they can withstand the highest dosages of herbicides and pesticides, so that agribusiness can apply these poisons in greater measure.

"Dr. Frederick Buttel, a prominent rural sociologist at Cornell University, believes the companies intend to use biotechnology 'to develop markets for broad-spectrum herbicides that might otherwise not be used. Attempts at even tighter packaging of seeds and agrichemicals are expected, where the use of a particular crop variety and an agrichemical are mutually obligatory.' In other words farmers will not be able to buy the seed without the herbicide that accompanies it. Since the chemical companies now own nearly all of the seed companies in the US, the scenario is scarcely far-fetched."*

Indeed, they want to create a new world – a new earth with new plants, new animals, and then, as soon as it is possible, new human beings, too.



The initiators of genetic research today –
The rulers of the
"New World Order" of tomorrow?

With the help of genetic engineering, one wants to build a new world – his new world with his new order – on the ruins of our world. In the past we regularly heard the expression "The New World Order" from the mouths of high level government officials. How are we to interpret "The New World Order"? And who is going to create it? There are two powers which can lay absolute claim to this: the USA and the Catholic Church. Are they in agreement with each other and have they divided the world between them? Or does the primacy of the pope reign here, too, as in 1066 when the Caesar of the Roman-German Empire had to go to the pope in Canossa and submit to him?

The demons operate on the principle of always betting on two horses; this way they win even if one loses.

Apparently the same political institution, which in the 1940's instigated the greatest atomic project in the USA, today stages and directs the greatest genetic engineering project ever.

The United States Congress decided in 1988 to establish a gigantic genetic project, the Human-Genome-Project. This project had as its objective the conclusive decoding of all genetic material. Since no one in the world expends so much energy without the promise of great returns, questions are raised: Who is interested in decoding the whole genetic make-up of the human being? What do they want to achieve with this? Could it be possible that someone or some group is interested in using this whole genetic material for their own purposes – and to manipulate it?

The United States Congress which started this project is the same congress whose president proclaimed "The New World Order" in 1991. This congress was the one which decided in the 1960's to reach the moon and the stars; President Roosevelt and a small group of US military and government officials initiated the Manhattan Project which led to the development of the atomic bomb in 1945. These three major projects were to guarantee the supremacy of man – specifically the supremacy of the USA – over nature and life on earth. Let's list the activities in their sequence: atomic bombs, atomic reactors, space travel, satellites, space stations, interstellar communication, nuclear fusion as a constant source of energy, particle and quantum accelerators. And now the decoding of the gene with the ensuing manipulation of the human genetic make-up.

What is the final objective of all these projects and scientific activities? Is it simply scientific curiosity and a noble push for research? Does one really want to contribute to the benefit of mankind and to the well-being of our planet and its nature kingdoms? Who is served by this and for what purpose? The following quote may serve to answer these questions: "The Apollo Project had its own problems. An engineering exercise, it was about neither the inevitability of scientific advance nor the control of nature. Instead, it was about military advantage and commercialism, disguised as science and hyped as a peace mission."*

Of interest in this regard could be the fact that there is a relationship between setting the political course of events and visits to the Vatican by the politicians concerned.

Presidents of many nations visit the pope regularly for private audiences. Those who carefully study the public announcements of the Vatican – for instance in L'Osserva-tore Romano – will notice over the years that just prior to major political decisions, presidents of nations have always had a private audience with the pope. What has been discussed in these audiences is not made public. One can only note that these meetings take place. Does the Vatican participate in all major movements on the stage of world events? Does the Vatican also have a stake in the purposes and results of genetic engineering and the New World Order?



 Scientific progress does
not bode well for mankind

Prof. Hans Günther Gassen, one of the leading genetic engineers in Germany, had the following to say about the goals of genetic engineering:

"We can alter living beings by inserting smaller or larger DNA elements just as with a construction kit. The decisive advantage in genetic engineering is the gain in time. Genetic techniques are extraordinarily fast. As with nuclear fission which led to atomic bombs and nuclear power stations, and modern electronics which changed our working environment, so will the new biology, particularly genetic engineering, speed up the construction of life forms according to specifications which we have stipulated."

This statement is clear: Genetic engineers want to create life forms that comply with conditions stipulated by man. They do not accept the natural order of things, but deliberately want to alter life, and this, in the way that man wants it.

Man has altered many things in the course of human history, but has the human condition and the state of the earth improved as a result? Have working conditions, for example, improved with the introduction of electronics? What has been improved with the use of atomic reactors which have become dangerous powder kegs all over the earth? What has improved because of atomic bombs, or atomic bomb tests which have been carried out on the earth?

How many people have lost their jobs thanks to electronics? How many people have become sick as a result of nuclear energy?

By taking a closer look, we can recognize that on a basic level little has changed for the positive. Superficially, some relief has been given to human life, but in the final analysis people are not any healthier or happier, nor more satisfied – quite the contrary. They live an externalized life and are more and more dependent on those things that are produced by the external world. And if we look more deeply, we discover that people are worse off then they ever were. This is why many people have a longing for better quality – that is, for more depth to life – instead of quantitative profits which carry a high price.

Were people aware of the consequences of nuclear fission when they first heard of its possibility? Or when they marveled over the first electronic gadgets? The avalanche, which was set into motion at that time, could not be stopped shortly after. This experience leads us to the following questions:

What sense do alterations make if all they produce for mankind is tragedy, hardship and disaster? From this point of view, let's take a look at the latest spawn of progress – genetic engineering. What will come of it?

What does genetic engineering really offer mankind? What does gene manipulation mean for the individual, and what repercussions does it entail for all of humanity?

This book is intended to help the reader find answers to these questions.



 Nothing happens by chance –
even in the realms of causal law

Scientists counter the opponents of gene manipulation with the argument that the alteration of the genetic make-up of organisms has always been the basis of evolution for all life processes in nature and on our planet. They say that this evolution has taken a sensible course without negative consequences and that it will be no different when alterations are carried out using genetic methods.

However, in these natural processes we are not dealing with gene manipulation brought about by man but with spontaneous mutations which arose directly from nature and were then subject to natural selection.

We know that in all of infinity chance does not exist. The events that take place in the purely spiritual divine uni-verse, that is, in heaven, follow immutable divine laws, which in their totality are called the "Absolute Law." In the Fall-realms the law of cause and effect is in operation, also known as the law of sowing and reaping. The Fall-realms are the abode for those spirit beings which fell from God by infringing upon the eternal laws of heaven. In this way, they distanced themselves from the Absoluteness, from the eternal Kingdom of God, the Being, and went into the depth and limitation of human self-centered existence, that is, into the spheres of matter. Such people and souls are guided directly by the causal law; because of their negative thoughts and actions, they cannot be reached by the direct guidance of God, the eternal law.

Within the realm of causal law, the fact is that man creates his own human nature and characteristics as well as his environment through his base humanness, his negative feelings, sensations, thoughts, words and actions. Man himself has caused whatever befalls him. And so, he has to search for the reasons for the changes on earth and in his environment within himself, and needs to correct them through himself. These issues are cleared up by the recognition of the wrong, by repenting, forgiving and asking for forgiveness, by making amends and no longer committing what he recognized was wrong. Instead, he acts law-abidingly from then on – that is, according to the Ten Commandments and the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount.

During the course of human history, seemingly chance mutations of new types of plants and animals have emerged. These have to be seen in light of the law of cause and effect which guides the events on earth, because nothing happens by chance.

The order of events of cause and effect within the causal law is meant to lead to self-recognition, followed by clearing up the wrong. This leads to a reintegration into the Absolute Law of heaven. It is especially into this lawful order of events that a highly-specialized science which disregards all moral and ethical parameters intrudes.

In the meantime, genetic engineering has progressed to such an extent that it is possible to fundamentally influence the genes of both simple and more highly developed living beings. Whatever is possible with animals is, in principle, also possible with human beings.

Literature from biology and medicine confirms this, for the bio-technical prerequisites exist to influence human germ cells. We know from the history of mankind that when technical possibilities for manipulation exist, there is the danger that such use will be made of it – often at first secretly. The following quote from an article in the "New York Times" on January 5, 1996 confirms this: "The proponents of xenotransplants ... worry that animal rights or religious groups opposed to the genetic manipulation of living creatures may raise emotional and political barriers to progress. So they are proceeding quietly."

Nothing will be left to "chance"; everything can be controlled. Increasingly plants as well as animals and humans will be designed and put together as one sees fit.

Plant and animal breeding has always existed, but the effects remained relatively harmless, although there is plenty of documented evidence that points to risks even at this level of interference as per the following quotes:

"Additions of nonindigenous organisms can influence the structure (population size and species diversity) and function (energy and material dynamics) of ecological communities through a variety of mechanisms that sometimes displace or destroy indigenous species." *

And further: "So many factors interact in the environment to determine where there will be trouble, that prediction of just which species introductions will cause ecological disruptions is nearly beyond the ability of ecologists and population biologists." **

Perhaps these results alone point to the fact that even at this level, such an interference is unlawful, that is, against the divine law, for the natural law is a part of the divine law. The natural order on our planet is subject to the divine laws. But through these experiments and manipulations, nature is being forced to accept something that would not happen in and of itself.

Genetic engineering, however, goes far beyond what has long been practiced in conventional plant and animal breeding. These went no further than the replacement of the genetic material of similar genomes, for instance, between horse and donkey, or between wild and cultivated plants.

Animals which have become estranged to their nature and species through human intervention are no longer in harmony with themselves and with the living conditions into which they have been unnaturally placed.

It is permissible for man to use and to multiply natural mutations. Everything else is unlawful interference – additional aspects of the burden which man has inflicted upon himself.

An article written when this issue first became a public controversy points to our limitations: "Our knowledge of how the human body works is still elementary. Our understanding of how the mind, both conscious and subconscious, functions is even more rudimentary. The genetic basis for instinctual behavior is largely unknown. Our disagreements about what constitutes 'human-hood' are notorious. And our insight into what, and to what extent, genetic components might play a role in what we comprehend as our 'spiritual' side is almost non-existent. We simply should not meddle in areas where we are so ignorant."*

Through the massive interference of genetic engineering into the genome of totally different forms of life, the limits set by breeds and species have fallen. This is why genetic engineering is so dangerous.

Man's willfulness always has its consequences. Since the motives for his actions are not lawful, that is, are not selfless, his actions are egocentric, and he will be able to recognize his wrongdoing by its effects.

It is virtually impossible to keep industrial processes under control. In a bio-reactor, where trillions of micro-organisms, usually E.-coli bacteria, are active and play a part in the production of certain substances, mutations can easily occur. Such mutations can create new products, for instance, certain proteins. All these can escape and then transfer to humans.

The breeding reactors, which operate with E.-coli bacteria, release some into the atmosphere and even more into the waste water. What would happen in the end when such a reactor "blows" – comparable to an atomic MCA (maximum credible accident) – is not conceivable.

Every person has billions of E.-coli bacteria in his intestines, which are beneficial and necessary. What are the consequences when, for instance, gene-manipulated E.-coli bacteria happen to get into the human intestine and take over? No one knows the answer. But is it possible to prevent such an occurrence?

The question is, do we really "unintentionally" go about setting something like this into motion? Should we not fear such a risk, instead of being surprised by it like the sorcerer's apprentice?

There are serious, critical scientists who – presumably well-informed – raise the question whether HIV/1 viruses were created in American experimental laboratories. We also know that many biological weapons in bacteriological and viral warfare were and are newly manufactured. And so, genetically-manipulated anthrax bacteria was held in readiness during the Gulf War, for instance, but was not officially deployed. Nonetheless, the American troops were vaccinated against anthrax.

Therefore, we cannot speak of "unintentional" or "unforeseeable"; the least we can speak of is "gross negligence."



 Can foreign genes from animals
have an effect in human beings?

Will there still be natural reproduction of human beings at all in a few years – or only those which have been manipulated in test tubes? A skillfully planned and implemented manipulation could produce types of human beings that combine many desired traits, who might then be selected as the elite, the geniuses and leaders, in politics, economy and science.

In gynecology we hear of the transfer of embryos, of fertility experiments, and we know, for instance, that in modern practices of animal husbandry embryos are strongly influenced; foreign genes are injected into the embryos for specific purposes.

What is possible with a cow is, in principle, also possible with a human being and we can therefore not exclude the possibility that such attempts will be made. We do not have concrete evidence, but we cannot ignore the possibilities for this, given that, from experience, we can say that a person who believes he is close to the fulfillment of all his wishes, to success and fame, for example, seldom exhibits moral and ethical scruples. This can be observed in the area of animal experiments and medical transplants.

Let us take a look at the results of the genetic manipulation of a cow.

It is relatively simple to enormously increase milk production. This has already happened; the goal is to obtain up to 20,000 quarts per year. Such a cow can hardly walk; and she can no longer reproduce. She is programmed solely to produce milk.

One may feel that although it is rather regrettable for the cow, man now has the use of the milk, so that something positive has been achieved. However, upon further examination a quite different conclusion can be reached.

It is quite possible that the gene for the growth hormone which was inserted into the cow could be transferred, via milk intake, into a human being and there lead to changes in growth. For instance, the hands or the feet could become abnormally large, or the woman who breast-feeds her baby could produce too much milk. These are effects which no one reckons with when one innocently drinks a glass of milk or eats some yogurt.

Even the enjoyment of a piece of cheese can produce surprising side effects. In the manufacture of cheese, micro-organisms, that is, bacteria, are used. Furthermore, there is danger that mold can form on the cheese. Now "killer cheeses" are produced, whose specialty is a genetically-manipulated micro-organism that produces an antibiotic so that mold cannot form. Cheese thus becomes a producer of antibiotics. When we eat this cheese, we also absorb the antibiotic into our digestive tract.

No information about the manufacturing method is listed on the packaging label of the cheese. In general, such genetically-manipulated foods do not have to be declared, so the consumer does not know what he is eating.

There are neither labeling requirements nor official inspections for genetically-manipulated foodstuffs in all of the European Economic Union or European domestic markets, and the same is true of the United States. Could the reason for this non-requirement be the fear of the food processing industry that with such a labeling requirement people would not buy these products?

If we believe the geneticists, then we have nothing to fear when a piece of gene-manipulated cheese lands on our plate. Unfortunately this is improbable.



 Gene transfer via our groceries

We know from the world of insects that genes can be transferred. An objection could be raised here to say this is only possible with simple life forms; in more highly evolved organisms there is no so-called horizontal gene transfer, that is, no spontaneous exchange of genetic material among similar species and most certainly not among human beings.

But such an assumption could be a mistake. It is an established fact, for instance, that partners who have had sexual contact for decades not only become more alike in their habits – a reciprocal adoption of human programs having taken place – but also grow more and more similar in their outer appearance. Often the woman becomes more masculine and the man more feminine. This would indicate that a transfer, an exchange, has taken place.

The horizontal transfer of outside DNA components into normal cells can lead to unpredictable results. The reality is that science does not know what can take place when foreign DNA is absorbed into a body's genetic make-up.

The insertion of a gene into the genome of a recipient does not guarantee its reaching its target, considering that via nutrition only one percent, or, even less, one in a thousand, foreign genes can penetrate the walls of the intestines and blood vessels to reach its target. For the intended purpose, however, this is sufficient, and the distribution of gene fragments through manipulated foods is certainly the most effective way.

Almost all daily newspapers report about genetically manipulated foods. The "Südkurier" (a south German daily) wrote already on August 28, 1992:

"At the latest in 1993, when the restrictions fall in the European Economic Community and domestic markets, consumers will find genetically-manipulated foods on the shelves and coolers of supermarkets, because the food processing industry is undergoing an enormous revolution. Fast-growing carp, calorie-light beef, rectangular potatoes (suitable for French fries or English chips), anti-cancer strawberries – geneticists make all this possible."

Under the title "From the Gene Lab Directly to the Supermarket" the "VDI (Society of German Engineers) News" of June 5, 1992 reported: "With barely 70 foods straight out of the test tube, biotechnology is ready to march into American supermarkets. With the announcement of the US Government by the past Vice President, Dan Quayle, that genetically-altered foods are considered to be basically harmless, a new era may start in the history of human nutrition."

According to information from the Federal Environment and Nature Protection Agency in Germany several large breweries in North Rhine-Westphalia started utilizing such microbes in yeast in January 1993, when the EG (European Economic Community) Commission's permit took effect, allowing production of genetically-altered foodstuffs.

Under an article entitled "The Creeping Danger" in the "Christusstaat Weltweit" No. 2, January 1996, we find the following:

"They grow 10 times faster than their normal contemporaries of the same species: gene-manipulated salmon from a fish farm in Scotland. Their roe will soon be sold to other fish farms – a good business. But at whose cost? Because the mesh of the underwater fences is not tight enough, salmon swim out again and again. In some of Scotland's rivers the percentage of escaped salmon is already at 90%. It is only a question of time until some of the "nice new" salmon mate with the still non-manipulated fish. One can only guess at the results for nature in Scotland: uncontrolled spreading, transfer of these genes to animals and people, suppression of the natural species, mutations and new illnesses ...

Just as with nature, man is handed over to this progressive genetic manipulation – without protection. At least a labeling requirement on gene-manipulated foods would be a great help. But there is no such requirement in the USA or for trade within the European Union. ...

The Commission of the European Union wants to permit the US chemical giant, Monsanto, to import gene-manipulated soy beans to Europe. A gene has been inserted in the beans which makes them immune to the herbicide "Roundup." Thus, the poison can be sprayed on the bean fields without qualms.* Austria, Denmark and Sweden voiced objections to the import permit. The US Government promptly exercised political pressure; after all, almost 40% of the US soybean crop is sold to Europe. ...

The Nature Protection Society of North Rhine-Westphalia has reported that many people with allergies react better to fruit from old species of trees "than to the fruits coming from normal trade." (German Press Agency, Dec. 20, 1995) – they attribute this to the fact that modern fruits are more frequently treated with genetic engineering in order to make them keep better."



The danger of damages from genetically-
altered products rises with the increasing
presence of environmental poisons

The dispersion of gene fragments can no longer be controlled, because genetically-engineered products are now being used to a great extent. Genetic engineering is a considerable economic factor in the western world, and control or supervision is no longer feasible.

In the Society of German Engineers News of April 3, 1992, it was stated that genetic experiments make sense only when they are carried out on a broad basis, meaning with the use of outdoor experimentation. However, the question of eventual risk by the release of transgenic organisms remains unanswered. Certainly the population should be included in this clarification process – as well as in the consequences that follow the results of these experiments.

Furthermore, the same newsletter stated that during a period of fifteen years [at the time of writing, 4 years ago] millions of genetic experiments had been carried out in over ten thousand laboratories. The program "Biotechnology 2000" demanded scientific, basic research as well as industrial research in the areas of pharmacology, agribusiness and environment. According to the Hessian Ministry of the Environment, in Germany alone there were over 1300 genetic laboratories in 1992.

Scientists working in these laboratories are aware that they are interfering in the destiny of many people, the destiny of entire nations, even of humanity as a whole. The potential of genetic engineering would indicate that in the next few years the changes in the area of medicine and nutrition will be greater than during the entire history of mankind. The question is whether these scientists are aware of the responsibility, which lies in their hands?

It is said again and again that the release of transgenic, that is, gene-manipulated, microorganisms is entirely safe. However, already in the February 15, 1992 issue of the German daily "Welt" we could read that a scientist from the University of Pennsylvania found that an hour after releasing gene-manipulated sludge, the bacteria present in the vicinity of the sludge were already manipulated and thus altered. Within an hour the gene fragments were transferred from manipulated bacteria into non-manipulated bacteria. Are we aware of what this means? Within a short time all bacteria in the vicinity of this sludge had been gene-manipulated.

It is a well-known fact that sludge is very often returned to the soil. In this way, a transfer to growing plants can reach the consumer through the food chain.

If we now eat or drink gene-manipulated food – without knowing or even being able to know what we are taking in – there is no guarantee that the process of transference doesn't also run its course in us, that is, that we don't absorb manipulated genes into our body.

It is not only through our nourishment that we can take in gene fragments. In principle, they can find their way into us via every medium because everything that we take in via our mucous membranes enters the internal parts of our body and searches out that spot where it fits. The pathways into the human body proceed via the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, the stomach and the intestines as well as through the outer skin, be it only slightly damaged.

The atmosphere is no longer in balance. Radiation pollution is constantly on the rise because of the high degree of radioactivity and the decrease of the protective ozone layer. As a result, our skin is overburdened; its natural protection, an acidic film, comes under massive attack from the increased radiation. And so, the skin of most people is easily permeated by outside influences, which means there is a danger that gene fragments can enter our body via the air, too.

We can be certain that our genetic material has already been compromised by environmental damage – radioactivity, chemicals, poison gases, and heavy metal poisoning. The body's immune system, too, has been damaged through multiple environmental influences. But among all these negative influences genetic engineering is by far the most dangerous. The probability that genetic products may harm us increases at the same rate as the presence of other environmental poisons, for instance, radioactivity. This multiple environmental damage weakens our genetic make-up; it weakens our body cells and our immune system; under these circumstances we become more susceptible to the incorporation of gene fragments into our genome.

Thus, air as well as water bears hidden dangers for us.



Man is what he eats –
Dangers from genetically-altered food

An increase in meat production falls into the area of genetic engineering. The great demand for meat – especially in the western world – can be covered only through a massive support of certain foodstuff. For this purpose, the genetic make-up of the animals can be changed by means of genetic engineering. Unfortunately, in eating genetically altered meat large amounts of gene fragments can be absorbed.

Experience to date shows that the use of antibiotics, beta blocks and psychiatric drugs in pigs has its effect on people, for instance, in the form of allergies. If we have such effects now as a result of present methods of meat production, there are grounds to fear with a greater genetic engineering thrust in this large food chain.

What changes should we fear when we eat gene-manipulated foods? Those changes which are visible on and in the body probably do not have the most serious effect. If we eat a tomato into which a fish gene has been inserted, we need not fear that our head will turn into a fish head, or our extremities into fins. However, it is very possible that changes in our mentality would take place as a result of our intake of animal products and the inevitable absorption of animal genes.

Man is what he eats – these words express a spiritual truth. Every food has a certain vibration. In the form of food, animal cadavers are inherently of low vibration. The long-term consumption of such food has in all probability contributed to the fact that human beings have become coarser, perhaps even more brutal. Man does become what he constantly eats, unless he practices a higher ethical standard, which would enable him to be above the harmful effects of this food. But then, such a person would hardly crave animal foods.

From a spiritual point of view, the enjoyment of meat is nothing more than the enjoyment of slaughtered, that is, murdered, animals. One cannot ignore the fact that the high consumption of meat products in the diet of the developed world has had an influence on the character and nature of individuals and – over longer periods of time – on the moral and ethical development of entire nations.

Can one not already speak of a moral degeneration of mankind? How else can one explain the evident and constant rise in brutality, love of torture, excesses of all kinds, pornography, cruelty and coarse indifference? Even animals which are fed a lot of meat increase in aggression. Vegetarians not only live longer, as has been proven, but are usually of a gentler nature, too.

Those who approve of genetic engineering argue that genes and gene fragments taken in with food do not reach the blood stream and our organs, because our digestion breaks the food down into its simplest components and only then is it reabsorbed.

This is true – if our digestion were to function optimally. When a digestive system cannot function properly as a result of insufficient chewing, a lack in stomach acids, reduced gall juices, or deficient pancreatic enzymes, which leads to flatulence and fermentation, then larger molecular food particles can be reabsorbed. Today, hardly anyone can claim that his digestive system works optimally; thus, DNA as well as gene fragments, and perhaps even whole genes, can enter the bloodstream.

All of this points to the fact that we can experience differing and serious consequences when we eat gene-manipulated foods. But we need to distinguish the different levels of danger. Relatively harmless is a tomato with a built-in gene to make it resistant to applied pesticides, or to conserve the tomato, keeping it fresher longer. In all probability, such genes affect the human body "only" in an allergic reaction.

It becomes more dangerous when human genes are implanted, like the gene for the human growth hormone which is routinely given to pigs. The person who eats meat from such pigs, and thus takes in this hormone, could eventually develop "acromegaly." That means, his fingers, nose and chin can grow excessively – developing the characteristic look of Pharaoh Echnaton who suffered from this disease.

All of this is conceivable; it seems plausible and makes sense. If that were all, it would be bad enough. But there is a third level of danger from gene manipulation. This stage will have been reached when producers, with a clear objective in mind, insert genes into the genome of organisms, for example, into a tomato, which does not of itself have an effect on the tomato, but has as its target the human brain, that is, certain brain genes. From a technical point of view – and we are talking about genetic engineering – it is possible to incorporate such companion genes which first become active in a human being.

This may seem, at first glance, the product of an overactive imagination, but the question is, when scientists and policy-makers no longer include God in their considerations, no longer respect the divine, natural order and the dignity of their fellow man, how and by whom are the limits set? What criteria is used? What does our experience show us? Be that as it may, let us explore this matter more deeply in order to understand its consequences.



Genes are carriers of life and vibration.
Foreign genes cause an estrangement
of the living being from its self

Knowledge about the natural sciences alone is insufficient to grasp the dangers for individuals as well as for mankind in relation to the use of genetic engineering. Many people no longer have access to knowledge about these correlations. We have ceased to view the divine laws and cosmic conditions as reality, having entered into a narrow and superficial kind of thinking which simply regards matter as life, and which moreover ends with the death of the body. In this way, we have placed blinders on ourselves, becoming narrow and limited in our views, where the horizon of our thinking is determined by the human mind, our intellect.

For certain forces and beings which want to keep people blind, thus, easily led astray, this is just fine. But today the Spirit of God gives all men a chance to escape the narrow confines of human consciousness, so that it does not have to be as the Demons' State* has planned and is striving to implement. He gives us spiritual knowledge and teaches us to apply it correctly in our thinking and living. Only by way of self-recognition and in overcoming our base human aspects will we be able to reach the insight, the farsightedness and understanding necessary to avoid the traps laid to catch man and make him slave to the principle of evil which is: divide, bind and rule.

Life is communication. Communication is the exchange which takes place by giving and receiving – in other words: by sending and receiving.

Genes, including gene fragments, are transmitters of life. They send and receive and are thus transmitters and receivers. They have a very specific "wavelength," a specific vibration, which allows them to communicate with certain transmitters and receivers of corresponding vibrations. Like attracts like.

Genes which – even though a natural attraction is not given – have been implanted as carriers of foreign vibrations into the body, and thus into the balanced fabric of vibration between soul and man, are also active as transmitter and receiver. Since they are of a different foreign vibration, they become a type of jamming transmitter in the organism.

The genes of a human being have vibrations which communicate with his brain and his soul. Foreign genes do not. Foreign genes transmit their own programs which in part stem from the sin and guilt of their original owner. They also communicate with their repository planets. In this way, the receiver of foreign genes increasingly loses access to his own programs.

And so, genes of a foreign nature bring about an estrangement of a living being to its self. Thus, a change in the nature of the being is unavoidable. This is also true of blood transfusions and organ transplants, which for these same reasons should be rejected.

If we allow our genetic make-up to be manipulated, then we can, for example, become superficially healed. But since every illness has its root in the soul, we have to ask ourselves: How is it possible for a gene-manipulated person to become healthy in his soul, that is, at the root of his illness? By manipulating the physical genetic make-up of a person, the illness is pushed back into the soul. The causes of the illness which were created by the sick person not only remain but are reinforced, because he continues to think and act in the same and like ways. According to the Christian teaching, this means that we continue to sin and thus create ever more causes.

The result is stronger effects, that is, illnesses, infirmity, sorrow, need, misery, or blows of fate – if we do not free ourselves from these effects through self-recognition and by clearing up these causes. But it is precisely this which is hindered by the effects of gene manipulation.

For the person who continues to sin because the root, the cause, is still active and the cause of the illness cannot be cleared up, this means that he inevitably continues to burden himself. Illness serves to show us what we have done wrong in our life. It should not be a matter of simply treating the illness as quickly as possible on a physical level. Far more important is to recognize ourselves in the illness and then to give our life a different direction. This becomes impossible with gene manipulation. In the final analysis, mankind will not become healthier through gene manipulation, but more diseased.

A person who perhaps continues to live with a healthy and beautiful body may initially not be able to perceive this, but the danger is given that – by way of foreign genes – other forces radiate into him. Manipulative, demonic forces can now influence and control this person. He then becomes a quasi-robot, dependent upon the impulses from the demonic forces. He no longer has a conscience, no longer senses what is good or evil, operating instead as a submissive tool without a will of its own.

Once a person is no longer capable of understanding the unlawfulness of his thoughts and actions because of manipulative influences, he then blindly and unrestrainedly burdens himself. It is possible that his soul structure not only becomes burdened, but even damaged.

We know that the soul of man is immortal and, after the death of the physical body, it passes into the spheres of the beyond. In what condition does such a soul reach the purification planes? A heavily damaged soul lives under wretched, even terrible, conditions, for it can no longer develop with ease that which is our spiritual heritage.

As Christians we know that we are on earth in order to become divine again. If this path is closed off to us through the manipulation of our genetic make-up, our physical heritage, it is possible that over an unimaginably long time – eons – we will have to vegetate in bondage to the demonic forces and will not be able to reach our spiritual heritage. Our spiritual heritage is our eternal, pure, divine being which lives in the Absolute Law, in God.

As a person thinks, this is what enters his soul. As a person speaks and acts, this is what his soul absorbs. As the tree falls, so will it lie, this is how the soul will be. And as a person lets himself be led astray by scientists, this is how his soul will continue to live in the beyond – in bondage to its human ego. It may have to continue to serve the demons, perhaps for eons, without the possibility of drawing closer to the life, God, to thus find itself again.



Inserted genes alter the programs of human beings.
Their level of feelings is blocked

A human body can function as a whole only when there is an uninterrupted communication between the cells, within the organs (so that they work uniformly), between the different organs (so that they complement each other) and then, of course, in their connection to the brain. As soon as this communication is interrupted or influenced, the person can be or is already influenced.

We have already heard that our brain stores our programs. These influence the material of information in our genes because the human being as a whole is a unit. Changes in the data stored in our brain can result in changes in the components of our genes and vice versa. It follows that when gene fragments have been inserted into the human genetic make-up, the programs stored in the brain will also be altered.

It is a known fact that our emotional life is mainly controlled by neuropeptides. These are protein particles, and we know that their genetic components regulate the production of proteins. One could say that changes in the make-up of the DNA affect the production of certain proteins in the body.

Neuropeptides influence the functions of the brain. If their production or release is altered by outside influences, then the substances that determine our emotional life can no longer correctly develop, so that our emotional life, put in basic terms, is blocked.

A possible consequence of this would be that inhibitions against inflicting injury to another person fall away, or that the objection to fulfilling another's will without hesitation or conditions is no longer a factor.

When specific genes that are hidden companion genes, for instance, are administered to a person in his food and absorbed by him, they can influence the control mechanism of his brain.

Once this interference occurs in the brain – which is the control center of the body – then an interference in the physical make-up, in the organism, can follow, for instance, in the functions of the sense organs, of the glands, hormones, nerve cells and pathways. On the other hand, the thoughts, feelings and desires of a person can be thrown into a state of agitation or lethargy, or could be blocked or altered abnormally. In this way, a person could exhibit a different personality than he had before, based on the manipulation that takes place via foreign genes. This means that he is no longer himself; he does not know himself anymore – an idea which reminds us of some horror films. But a movie normally ends after an hour and a half – an active foreign gene cannot be turned off with a switch.

As we have already heard, the programs of a person are also stored in the stars, in the material macrocosm and the macrocosm of the fine-material purification planes. Daily these stars transmit energetic impulses to earth. A person who bears within himself this same frequency as a burden – as the energy potential of sin, so to speak, a guilt of this specific frequency – is stimulated by these impulses precisely through these burdens. On this day, he becomes aware of this wrongdoing, of his human weakness, his sin. He recognizes himself in this aspect and can dissolve this negative potential by clearing it up, for the impulse from the stars brings with it the strength for self-recognition as well as for overcoming this negativity.

If the person does not clear this aspect up, then in due time the radiation from the planets will trigger an effect in his life, for instance, illness, suffering, an accident or blow of fate or the like. Yet the person can recognize himself in these effects, too, so that even now, under these conditions, one can see the impulse – now more emphatic – to change one's ways.

If a person no longer lives his own programs, while these have been covered over by outside programs – since he is controlled by way of foreign genes – he also loses the connection to the stars which carry his stored information. The energy of the day, the radiation from the stars which wants to lead him day by day and guide him back onto the lawful path to his eternal self, home to God, now cannot find its target. He can no longer be addressed by these impulses. Other forces take over his control, and he continues to build up more burdens, which are then stored in further stars and planets.

Such a person may perhaps look as though he is the one we knew. Yet he is changed in his nature and personality. He is another one, someone who thinks differently, reacts differently, decides differently, acts differently.

It would not be difficult for low souls or demons to take possession of such a person partially or totally and then to speak and act directly through him.

Now and then an objection is raised – that it could be well-meaning and good forces, that is, light-filled souls, which take possession of a person in order to bring about good things through him. This does not happen because a more highly developed soul and all pure beings keep the divine laws and never interfere in the free will of a person or being. They do not induce or force one to do this or that, nor do they rob one of his energy or strength.

God is freedom. He allows His children the freedom to make decisions and to act accordingly. The law of cause and effect shows a person during the course of the day where he has made a wrong decision and acted wrongly – that is, against the law of God. The energy of the day brings him the recognition and the possibility for correction.



Blocking our level of feelings –
We no longer know who we are,
what is good or what is evil

Genetic engineering makes it dangerously possible to change the programs which a person has stored in his brain for his life, thereby deeply interfering in his personality and soul burdens. As we have read, these programs which are stored in the brain are transmitted to the human soul, and via the soul to the worlds of the stars, that is, to the material as well as spiritual repository planets.

If a program has been newly entered into the brain, then this has a multitude of far-reaching effects for the person and for his soul. At this point, we cannot even imagine the consequences which arise from gene manipulation.

We have heard of the possibility of blocking our level of feelings by way of the manipulating influences on our brain functions. Once the level of feelings is blocked, the link to the divine can be cut off, so that relationships to other people are influenced in completely new ways. Perhaps we see the suffering of our neighbor but do not give help, we only look to ourselves and see that we come through. It may be that we do only what the authorities order and do not listen to our moral obligations, or to our conscience. Even our conscience can be switched off entirely. How can we understand this?

Our feelings signal what our soul wants to tell us. Here we are referring to the pure part of the soul, the divine in us. If we act unlawfully, we first sense a stirring at the level of our feelings, followed by a reaction in our world of sensations and thoughts. The emerging thoughts are easier to grasp than the feelings and sensations; in them we can recognize ourselves and from this decide to do better.

A thought we think, a sentence we speak, has its actual meaning in the feelings and sensations that vibrate along with it. The basis for compassion, good will, sympathy and remorse is found in our level of feelings – but for negative stirrings as well. If the indicator "feeling" is turned off, then a thought – including the deed which grows out of it – can be accepted as perfectly logical and normal by a person, which otherwise would have been countered by warning impulses from his feelings and conscience. Feelings and conscience would have rung a bell and brought about the appropriate reactions in the body, such as being short of breath, a pounding heart, blushing, a "hoarse" voice, even a stomachache or the like. But since the level of feelings has become numb, all remains calm. The person stays "cool."

It is then possible for the person to think and act against the divine laws without being aware of it. Every person can easily imagine what this can mean for his life.



 Genes are the material manifestation of
spiritual-psychological structures

Let us take a look again at the structure of a person from the spiritual point of view, in order to see what key role genes play in a person in a multitude of ways. This will make more clear the seriousness of the consequences that can rise from genetic interference.

Everything is vibration, that is, radiation. Man is a structure of different vibrations, a radiating complex. His feelings, sensations and thoughts are also vibrations, just as the structure of his body, his cells, his organs, his bones, his blood, his nerves, his hormones and his genes all have their own specific vibration.

In his psychological and physical make-up, a person exhibits a specific radiation image. He will not feel or think anything that is not related to this radiation image. His genes also carry, in the form of vibration, a true likeness of his entire radiation, of his external being as well as of the internal state of his organism. Everything which makes up this person's individual characteristics is stored in the genes. Captured within the genes is everything a person already knows about himself as well as what is still in him, but has not yet come to light in the course of his days on earth. In this way, the genes also store the soul burdens, the karma of the person.

Genes are therefore the material manifestation of spiritual-psychological structures. As an energy that has taken on form, genes are both transmitters and receivers with a distinct vibration. In this way, the genes also bear our negative life programs. The task of every human being during his life on earth is to ennoble, to refine, to change his life programs from base, ignoble, negative human aspects to positive ones.

The lawful transformation of human negative programs does not happen via gene manipulation, but solely by way of clearing up the soul burdens stored in our genes: When we have cleared up a wrong attitude, the respective negative gene particles change and the negative vibrations are erased.

We know this from the revelations of the Spirit of God. Every person has the freedom to accept this or not. The person who accepts and follows the spiritual laws, which include the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, by putting them into practice will experience that what the Spirit of God is teaching is true. For the person who actualizes can feel the positive effects in and on himself, and as a result – according to the law of life – even his surroundings and entire life, in the end, will change for the positive.

As long as the soul is tied to the body by the spiritual information cord, also called the silver cord, it is tied to the genes. This means it is also tied to the paleo-cortex, an old part of the brain. It is here in the subconscious that a given course of direction is set and repressed memories are managed; it is here where we can find awareness of guilt and conscience, and perhaps a volcano of old emotions. This part of what has been stored must be raised, that is, we have to become aware of it. It has to be cleared up according to the divine laws and delivered to Christ, the Spirit of the inner being. This is the path to overcoming the "darkness within ourselves." And it is exactly this path that the adversary of God wants to block in us. Gene manipulation is meant to serve him as the direct and perfect method for this purpose.

This goal can be explained from another angle:

Thoughts are forces. Positive, selfless thoughts change our inner energetic state in a positive way. But if positive thoughts can no longer influence our deep-seated behavioral programs because a "layer of concrete" has been genetically placed between our thoughts and emotions, then the most important means for changing our ways and our thinking will have no effect. Then it is no longer possible to clear things up. All that remains is fate and expiation, that is, suffering.



The result of blocking the level of feelings:
Burdening oneself anew constantly

One or the other of our readers will surely find it hard to believe that every scientist working in the field of genetics would deliberately or involuntarily allow himself to be used as a tool of the demons or similar forces. The human intellect does not come from the divine source – God is the eternal intelligence, not the intellect. The intellect is open for seemingly logical arguments. This is why a planned control of the brain could be logically explained to an average genetic engineer in the following way:

Certain human characteristics have contributed to mankind's sorry state of affairs. All destructiveness, which wells up from one's world of feelings, has to be turned off if there should be an improvement for mankind. The earth can no longer tolerate an emotionally active and impulsive person; what is needed is an emotionally neutral person, or even better, one without feelings.

The introduction of foreign genes aims to create a person who no longer has "disturbing" feelings. Such a person willingly follows "Big Brother" on the path to inhuman "humanity," to a world of robot men.

This is why an attempt is being made to obtain, among others, those genes which can make a person become emotionless. To do this, the genes and their functions first need to be identified. This has now been done with about 3000 human brain genes. Once the structure of the bases has been identified, then with a DNA machine it becomes a routine matter to reproduce genes on demand – if necessary by the billions.

Following up on our thoughts – the brain genes in the limbic system should ensure that feelings and emotions are eliminated. But this is only one possibility of manipulation.

Beyond this, one could imagine that there is an interest in creating a soldier-type. On the one hand, sensitivity and sympathy could be eliminated, while activating aggressive emotions such as rage and the drive to attack. Certain frequencies can serve to activate such a gene. All this can be done by means of genetic engineering. Unfortunately, these alterations can hardly be reversed.

Let us look once more at these facts from the viewpoint of those who want to control and bind:

By way of the food chain, a person can easily be affected by something he would have refused if he had been asked. He is manipulated: He is raped – hundreds, thousands of times over ...

A feeling person is of no use to those who want to force the earth, nature, humanity and, in the end, God, Himself, into their power. Emotions are necessary for understanding and sensitivity and the practical application of love for one's neighbor. Self-recognition is possible only by feeling into oneself, that is, only when communication is possible between soul and rational mind via a person's world of feelings.

A person is insensitive and heartless when his world of feelings is blocked; he can no longer feel remorse and clear things up, nor can he feel a longing for the divine anymore, because the attitude predominates in him that with his rationality and intellect he can understand and settle everything. This is just fine for the manipulators, for such a person can easily be influenced. He will do exactly what the impulses from the inserted genes tell him, without being distracted by "disturbing" compassion. He will "function" as desired by the manipulative forces. The demons play their pipes and the accomplices and victims dance to their tune.

But for the manipulated person, life on earth has become pointless, since he cannot feel remorse or clear anything up. On the contrary, he is compelled to burden himself ever more.

Even though such a victim of genetic manipulation cannot see what is happening with him, because subjectively he is under the impression that he does everything right, he is nevertheless responsible for the errors and mistakes that he makes. From the spiritual point of view, he has attracted this situation like a magnet, according to the spiritual principle of "like attracts like," since a corresponding burden was present in his soul. And so, he is responsible for what happens in him and for what ensues from it. According to the law of cause and effect, the causal law, he will have to account for everything either as a person on earth in this or in a future incarnation, or as a soul in the purification planes.

The life of a person who, through this blockage of his world of feelings, has lost the connection with himself, his identity, falls, on the one hand, into a vegetative state and, on the other hand, undergoes a continual burdening of himself without the chance to clear these burdens up and become free.

Such a situation can possibly last 130, 140, 150 years, if the person has absorbed a gene which compels him to live the longest possible life, even when he is long fed-up and weary of his existence, and wants to escape from his worn-out body and the living conditions which correspond to the burdens of his soul.

This pitiful situation reminds us of the Biblical text which says that in the end-time, in the time of radical change from the old, materialistic world to the new world of peace on earth, there will be a time of great lamentation, when the living will envy the dead. Can it be that this time is breaking in upon us?

In the realm of the souls, the soul now has to expiate its huge mountain of burdens stone by stone, with which unending torment is connected. Such soul anguish is commonly designated as "hell."

In the realm of the souls, the purification planes, a soul can purify solely through expiation. Nothing coming from without is inflicted on it; no "punishment" is meted out. The soul reaps only what it has sown. Whatever it has done to others during its life on earth in words and deeds - and in thoughts, as well, for thoughts are also energy! – it will now experience in itself. The soul lives in its own thought images and suffers in them. Within itself, it feels the effects of its own feelings and thoughts of envy, arrogance, belittlement, know-it-all-ness, possessiveness, jealousy, hypocrisy, hostility, binding and expectation. During the soul's life on earth, others had to suffer under these – now the soul suffers and may recognize how much it hurts.

No matter what the soul did to others – it is placed into those situations and has to live through them. All the pain, all the hurt, all the need, torment, oppression and despair which the soul caused as a human being, it now feels in and on itself. This is true for thoughts and actions against other people, but also against animals, plants, minerals and all of nature.

Added to this is the burden of complicity, which could simply be the result of seeing something wrong and keeping quiet about it. Complicity is also a part of belonging to groups and societies whose aims we affirm and whose paying members we are, when these groups act against the Ten Commandments and the Sermon of the Mount, that is, against the teachings of Jesus.

In addition, it becomes our burden when we cause others to do wrong, even if it is simply by being a poor example, by talking about how something should be done but not actualizing it ourselves.

During a lifetime on earth much can be cleared up in a short time, through recognition, remorse and changing one's ways. A soul needs eons to do this. That is "hell."

When repentance takes place in the soul realms, the "too late" aspect is a particularly bitter pill, because the soul sees what it could have so easily accomplished at the right time in its human garment, but which now, without a body, is no longer possible. Those who are still incarnated or have reincarnated take no notice of the discarnate soul, of its pleas. Such a lost opportunity can no longer be made up, the damage done cannot be so easily rectified. Other souls with which the soul should clear something up may not be present, being instead in human garments or on higher purification planes which are not accessible to this soul. It can even be that those souls with which a karma has to be worked out may not be at all interested in clearing up this particular burden, because other planetary radiations are presently stimulating other shadows in them and so this burden is not active in them at this time. Furthermore, the possibility of making amends – which could have easily been done during its life on earth – is no longer there. The pain over what the person caused or neglected to do is truly a hellfire in the inner being of the soul. Every word that may have been carelessly spoken causes pain. Now it is too late to undo it. Every word, every thought has to be accounted for.

Souls, which as human beings acted under the influence of outside forces – which were activated by way of gene manipulation – are not conscious at first of their wrongdoing. One cannot rule out the possibility that most of these souls at first rebel against the expiation of such burdens. It will be very hard for the soul to accept its responsibility for a wrong attitude – which it may have taken on unconsciously but with which it has nevertheless burdened itself – and that it will have to work off and suffer through this burden. This rebellion could even hinder its clearing up this burden for a very long time. From this, a rebellion could rise in the purification planes against those whom the souls blame for their burdens.

It is clear that the others are not guilty, because the person who attracts outside negative gene fragments must have set up the magnetism for this, himself. Therefore he carries the greater part of the responsibility for the penetration and absorption of the foreign genes as well as for the consequences of this.



Incarnation: A chance

The chance of a life on earth is the opportunity it gives to clear things up. Many wish for a long life on earth, presumably because they do not know that life continues after the physical body has been laid to rest; they are unknowing. But even the knowing person can rightfully fear death, particularly if he did not listen to his conscience, did not actualize and clear things up. He knows that his soul will have to expiate in the purification planes, that is, that it will have to suffer.

Expiation is also possible while living in a human garment. Every illness is an effect, whose cause we created in the past, possibly even during other lives on earth – and we should accept the illness as such. The soul may even have deliberately planned such a blow of fate before incarnating in order to make use of this chance.

If we recognize the purpose of our illness, as well as of suffering, need, blows of fate and other apparent "evils," if we recognize the burden, the wrongdoing in us that lies behind these difficulties, if we clear up what we have caused – then what has befallen us, our expiation, becomes a relief for our soul. Through our suffering and pain, the shadows and the burden in our soul dissolve. When we recognize the reason for our suffering and pain and clear up its cause, then the guilt is paid off.

When we do not recognize ourselves in our illness, in our need, that is, when we perhaps accuse our neighbor – or our fate, or even God – and blame them, then we only increase our soul burden and are suffering for nothing. This also applies to severe illnesses, including the worst ones like cancer and AIDS.

When we prevent an illness, without clearing up its spiritual causes, we are forcing the karmic cause back into our soul. This will then take form in another illness in this or in another life and break out again – perhaps even more severely – if we do not clear it up beforehand.

It follows that the use of any means to prevent an illness without working off the spiritual cause at the same time is unlawful and, in the final analysis, damaging to the soul. This is true of the extreme measures used in traditional medicine as well as of so-called spirit healings, of organ transplants, of the use of intensive care equipment and of genetic engineering.

In each case it is the development of the soul by freeing it from its burdens that is important. The soul should not be hindered from achieving this. If the soul does not clear up its burdens, then this karma flows out through illness, need, and blows of fate during one or several lives on earth. In the soul realms, the soul experiences its own unkindness towards its neighbor in images and will suffer through this until it has attained forgiveness.

A shorter life can be a blessing for the soul. If a person, for instance, lives an active and conscious life through his 35th year, he has few deep-rooted programs. Then, in the following years of his life, he can continue to change many a thing, that is, to clear them up. As he grows older this becomes more difficult, and at a very ripe age it is hardly possible.

A long life is not always necessarily advantageous, particularly when the moments are not used for the growth of the soul, but for following deep-rooted habits.

Knowing about these and other correlations of the law of cause and effect can help us to understand the purpose of our life on earth and to fulfill it. Then after its physical death our soul can continue to live on in the lighter worlds of the beyond.



Genetic interference in the
physical inheritance of man

We read almost daily about genetic engineering in the technical media. There is a steady growth in the availability of technical literature and scientific films on this subject. At the same time, people are accepting genetic engineering more and more. According to the polls of 1992, 74% of the Germans support genetic engineering ("Society of German Engineers Newsletter", June 26, 1992).

More and more diseases are being treated by genetic therapy and the USA is a forerunner in this technology. Thus, we can say that in human medicine the barriers against genetic engineering are coming down faster and faster.

The same newsletter reported that "The approval for 'changing human genetic make-up' in the therapy of genetic diseases is surprisingly high. 52% of the Germans polled are in favor of it – despite ethical reservations by experts." Apparently ethical reservations do not count for much, when a specific use lies on the other side of the scale.

This applies particularly to large pharmaceutical corporations. For them there is a real drawback in not being given free rein in the industrial countries. Therefore, they go to third world countries where they can carry out all these experiments without the legal restrictions their native European countries have imposed. This is openly admitted.

There are specific indications that genetic engineering has taken a lead in drug production. The giants of the traditional chemical and pharmaceutical industry such as Glaxo, Schering, Bayer, Pfizer, Roche, Sandoz and Ciba-Geigy have invested heavily, to the tune of several hundred million dollars, in the American "Biotech Dream Machine." In 1992, more than four billion dollars worth of medications and vaccinations produced by genetic engineering were sold worldwide.

In the face of this development, we have to raise the question about what benefits mankind has received from medicine and pharmacology. Let us look at the results of transplant techniques. How many survivors are there who have had an organ transplant, and in what psychological frame of mind are they? Many died soon after because rejections have not yet been overcome.

As a result, animals are being specifically bred for the purpose of producing organs which can be transplanted into human beings. The pig is apparently an ideal organ donor. It is in many ways similar to a human, that is, in the composition of the structure of the organs and in the immune system. This is why the pig is accepted by the medical profession as an organ donor. But since the organs from pigs are still being rejected, human genes are being transplanted into the pig's embryo, so that hardly any reaction can come up since the immune system of the pig and a human being are so similar.

Xenotransplantation, the transplanting of animal organs into humans, will certainly be a pillar of the future in modern medicine. The basis for this is the alignment of the antigens of animal organs with that of humans via the insertion of human genes into animals.

And so, the patient himself can decide: Does he want to become an animal or remain a human being? In mythology, we often see mixed beings of animal and human nature, like the so-called chimeras. Has medical progress brought us to such a disparagement of nature?



Clones – Identical copies

There is a spiritual principle underlying everything that happens. For example, every thought is energy and carries within itself the impetus to be actualized in the deed, to manifest itself. Therefore, we should not be surprised that whatever man dreams up will one day materialize. The clone seems to be such a phenomenon for many.

For instance, in veterinary medicine numerous experiments are now being carried out with animal embryos. Embryos are, for example, four or eight-celled microorganisms – and the geneticists manipulate these micro-organisms. It is possible to pick apart the embryos and thus produce genetically alike copies, so-called "clones." Two-celled embryos of different animal species can also be mixed resulting in a mixed being. The mixed breed of goat and sheep called 'Gheep' already exists. This is especially noteworthy, because it means that the technical prerequisites developed in veterinary medicine can, in the final analysis, also be applied to human beings.

Prof. Hennig Beier, Chair of Anatomy and Reproductive Biology at the University of Aachen, has said the following: "Take a book on veterinary medicine and simply substitute the word 'animal' for 'human.' What happens there daily is no longer utopia, but rather everyday business."

"Cloning" – the manufacture of genetically-identical life forms – reproduces living beings with certain desired traits, and as many as are wanted. Nature normally does not make copies this way, but it is something that can be deliberately carried out by man. Cloning is, so to speak, identical twins times a hundred, times a thousand, etc.

Seen spiritually, there is an important difference between identical twins which came about naturally, and cloned living beings. Twins as well as all other natural multiple births each have their own soul, each are their own person with different programs. Nor are their bodies identical. The soul forms its earthly body according to its own specific structure, its consciousness. Stated simply, souls are one-of-a-kind. They cannot be duplicated, they cannot be reproduced. Each soul and each human being with a soul is a child of God with a unique mentality, with unique traits, abilities and talents.

By cloning we can only reproduce the human body. A body without a soul is dead. But if a body is "alive," if it speaks and moves, an energy bearer, a life force, must be in that body.

Since the soul exists only as one and the body two or even more times, what is in the other bodies? Who or what uses this empty body as its house? Who or what looks at us from the eyes of a cloned human body?

It cannot be a soul with a high degree of purification, for such a one no longer strives for self-realization on earth, and would in any case not play along, since it respects the divine laws.

Who or what else could it be?

Could it perhaps be a burdened soul, a base soul with little of its own life force? Could it perhaps be a demon, who takes this opportune chance? Or is it a part of a demonic energy field which is "investing" here?

But one thing is clear: Cloning, of animals or humans, is not in accordance with the laws of God, nor to all standards of ethics and morals. Whoever promotes, or even carries out such experiments should be asked what forces are influencing him. After all that has been stated here, he should not hesitate to reflect deeply on these things: For we attract that negativity which still lies within us and has not yet been cleared up.

Some readers may think this is all some kind of fantasy. Perhaps they are wrong, as the following information substantiates:

During a Work Protection and Safety Expo which took place in Düsseldorf in 1991, the following was reported: "There is a brisk international black market in genetically-engineered material ... Genetic engineering is every man's technique, it is taught in the research labs as 'hands-on-learning,' without having fully mastered a good micro-biological practice ... 'Dr. Clone's Home Cloning Kit,' a genetic construction kit for everyone has been available in stores for some time ... Years ago such a kit was already being offered to schools for experimentation."

It is not only doctors, but theologians, lawyers, biologists, sociologists and psychologists, too, who state that experiments with human embryos cannot be allowed on ethical grounds. But who guarantees that these experiments will not be carried out? It would, for instance, be no problem at all to set up a genetic lab in the garage or cellar for an outlay of just a few dollars, and with little knowledge of biology and chemistry.

There are many things that happen in this world that were not decided by a scientific committee, but were nevertheless carried out as a result of science. For example, the newspaper the "Hamburger Abendblatt" reported in March 1992: "Indians murdered by traders in human organs. Massacre at the University of Baranquilla."

"Dateline: Bogota. The fate of several native Indians murdered at the University of Baranquilla, a town of two million inhabitants, has alarmed the public in Columbia and has thrown light on the conditions of squalor under which Indians live who subsist at the edge of society. First reports indicate that a number of men and women were outright "slaughtered" for purposes of medical studies, and that university employees plied in a brisk trade of human bodies and organs. It is suspected that the number of Indians who have been murdered at the University is much higher because there are many cases of missing Indians .... One assaulted Indian, who managed to get away just in time, gave the following eyewitness account: In the room he saw numerous containers with already prepared pieces of liver, intestines and other entrails. The knife was lying there ready, and he assumed that his corpse, too, would have been cut to pieces. According to the police, two bodies were discovered whose skulls had been broken into and the brains torn out. All of the dead had their fingertips cut off to prevent identification."



Why do Church and State keep silent?

The Catholic and Protestant Churches claim to be God's administrators on earth. So what do these institutions or their high-level representatives have to say about the fact that genetic engineering and genetic manipulation violate the ethics of the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, that is, the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth?

Through careful examination it can be seen that the attitude of the Catholic institution is a conflicting one. Superficially, they argue against experimentation with human germ cells. In principle, however, the institution is not against research and not against genetic engineering.

It is a well-known fact that the Catholic Church has taken their enormous wealth and heavily invested in large corporations, many of which carry out genetic experiments. Could it be possible that a seemingly moralistic stance is superficially taken by the Christian world, although behind this is an enormous economic vested interest – since the Catholic institution does not interfere in what these industries do.

The Christian point of view of Western statesmen and politicians, who call themselves Christian, does not go so far as to manifest itself in decisions and actions, for instance, in laws. Genetic engineering is not only tolerated; it is promoted for the most part.

In all its variations, many words about the morals and ethics of genetic engineering are bandied about which, in the final analysis, don't amount to much. Politicians and Christian institutions are simply not taking a clear stand; they are neither hot nor cold.*

Let's examine this further:

The churches, represented by their dignitaries call themselves Christian; they claim to follow Christ and to represent Him and God-Father on earth.

Everyone of us knows who Jesus of Nazareth was. It would take very little to imagine how He would have thought, lived and acted, so that we could answer the following questions: Would Jesus of Nazareth, the incarnated Christ, have agreed with gene manipulation? Would He Himself have carried out any manipulation, any cloning, yes, even let one foreign gene enter a single tomato? Would He have prevented people from recognizing their sins and atoning for them?

He would never have agreed to these practices; He not only taught the divine laws but also lived them. Only those who follow His example are Christians.

If we apply this criteria to the church institutions, we notice that something is not right. But can a person be called "Christian" who does not follow Jesus of Nazareth and His teachings, acting differently or even contrary to them?

The same holds true for politicians who swear by the Bible or designate their parties as Christian, as in Europe, for instance.

Many people who cannot simply be disregarded as evil approve of genetic engineering. Many of them simply do not know about spiritual matters. If people could gauge what they do or affirm – perhaps some, or even many, would think and act differently.

But for the most part they cannot grasp it, because they do not know the basic spiritual laws – for example, the law of cause and effect – or they do not take these spiritual principles seriously, because those who represent this teaching are not good examples.

Over the many centuries, few have set an example for us by living according to higher and truly Christian moral and ethical values. Many do not know that life goes on forever, that we have a spiritual heritage which we should strive to return to. Many do not know that everything that is negative falls back on the originator. And why don't they know?

Can it be that it has not been taught by those who took it upon themselves to bring the teachings of the Nazarene to mankind? Can this be why the ship "world" is such a sorry wreck, which the pirates, the demons, now want to rearm, and ply the seas with troops of robotic human dummies without a will of their own?

More than ever a decision is needed: for or against a Christian life, for or against the Catholic or Protestant Church; because when we call ourselves Christians and remain silent, we burden ourselves.

And what do the state representatives have to say? Back in 1992, former Vice President Dan Quayle arranged the easing of regulations governing genetic engineering. He said that one could now assume that genetic products were harmless and thus safety standards could be reduced. Soon after, the same was done in Germany. The trend of governments moves in the direction of making gene engineering seem harmless, of playing down possible dangers, in fact, of denying them.

The churches remain silent, despite the words of Jesus of Nazareth: "What you do unto the least of My creatures you have also done to Me." Why are they silent?

The view of ecclesiastical authorities is that genetic engineering could be useful to humanity. They believe that material life has the highest value and must be maintained at any cost, even prolonged. This is not surprising since to a great extent they know very little about the soul, having experienced the reality of their own soul very little.

And so, the well-being of the soul, which can be served only through the actualization of the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, does not take precedence. And wherever external well-being takes precedence, the prolongation of life is valued most highly, and the end turns out justifying the means.

The ecclesiastical representatives are not alone in having this point of view and in setting these goals. The demons also want it that way.

What can be done? In order to remove the negativity from this world, we have to start with ourselves. The only person whom I can change, and am allowed to change, is myself.

Let us look at ourselves. Have we become fully matured citizens with all rights and responsibilities who seek security and orientation where it can be found: in the teachings of Christ, in equality, freedom, unity, brotherliness and justice? Do we recognize the blind leaders of the blind? Do we speak up when we see injustice? Or do we remain silent?

Must not every person who wants to live as a Christian ask, and answer, in each situation: What is the will of God?

This depends upon whom we say "yes" to. Either we tag along with those who serve the demons – and then we are tied to them through the law of cause and effect and share the guilt as well as the consequences. Or we walk towards equality, freedom, unity, brotherliness and justice with Christ and all those who daily conquer themselves, and with them, into a new and light-filled era.



 Reflections upon the goals and
background of the Human-Genome-Project

If we delve more deeply into the phenomena of genetic engineering and molecular genetics, we gain the impression that we are not really dealing with the realization of ideas of individual scientists, which are expanding and gaining acceptance more and more, but with something that seems to have a master plan behind it. The activities of leading governments and their silence bring us to this conclusion. One needs to read between the lines.

Let's have a look at what some leading genetic engineers and molecular geneticists have said. The internationally known Prof. James D. Watson who, together with Crick, discovered the structure of DNA said the following about the goals of the Human-Genome-Project:

"As in 1961, when President John F. Kennedy decided on the moon landing program, the USA has initiated an important goal of great public interest. The price of obtaining the sequencing, that is, the decoding, of about 3 billion base pairs which form the human DNA is smaller than the expenditure for getting a man on the moon, but the effects of the Human-Genome-Project on the life of man will be many times greater. Mankind has never yet had the chance to open up a more important source of information. The decoding of the genetic message in the DNA-molecule will supply definitive information on the basic chemical structure of human life."

All of the many individual genes need to be decoded so that we can learn about their function and method of activity and then, by means of genetic engineering, they can be specifically targeted and inserted into those areas where one wants to bring about certain changes.

Briefly summarizing, the following can be said about the background of this gigantic project: This project aims to patent genes that will be marketed by capitalistic companies which will hold a monopoly.

According to the following quote, this was a foreseeable inevitability almost ten years ago: "Already this scientific revolution has become a multimillion-dollar business with transnational chemical, energy, agribusiness and pharmaceutical corporations virtually annexing US universities with massive research grants. ... and Jeremy Rifkin [head of the Washington-based Economic Trends Foundation and a major critic of biotechnology] can see the formation of an unprecedented combination of economic and political power: a multifaceted, multinational, 'life sciences' conglomerate; a huge company that will use genes just like earlier corporate powers used land, minerals or oil."*

So how does it look today? In the medical science section of the "New York Times" on July 25, 1995, the following was stated in the subtitle: "The field is driven by nonmedical concerns, critics say" and continued in the article, "The venture capitalists who have set up small companies that are a driving force behind this new field are presumably shrewd judges of the risks they are taking. Yet a number of leading scientists, including the director of the National Institutes of Health, say they worry that the field is rushing too fast from the laboratory to the bedside, driven in part by scientists' desire to climb aboard the bandwagon and in part by commercial interests that have little to do with medicine. ... Scientists said there were immense pressures to rush forward with gene therapy studies. In universities, said Dr. James Wilson, director of the Institute for Human Gene Therapy at the University of Pennsylvania, scientists crave the prestige of being 'the first in your university to do gene therapy.' And, he said, universities want to announce that they are part of the gene therapy wave. ... But the biggest force behind the gene therapy wave, some say, has been biotechnology companies. Sixty-two percent of the gene therapy studies that have begun are financed by industry."

From everything we have said up to now, one could conclude that those who are behind these companies do not just want to insert genes into people in order to bring about a certain change in metabolism which could possibly be helpful and useful. Perhaps much more to the point, foreign genes should be inserted whose goal is the old parts of the brain, that is, the limbic system. What consequences could this have for us?

The limbic system is the control center for the communication of thoughts and emotions. This communication – as per our theory – should be blocked for the purpose of a long-term break-off of contact to our feelings and sensations. But the feelings are the bridge to the divine in us. Once a person has become emotionless he will be capable of many things. However, he will no longer be able to feel remorse for his actions. Such a person can no longer find the way to his inner being, and so his future development, within the framework of the mission of redemption of Jesus Christ, is made impossible with effects reaching far beyond his present life on earth.

We are not the only ones who have discovered that more and more people can hardly get in touch with their world of emotions. And this means that remorse, forgiving and asking for forgiveness becomes ever more difficult.

One thing is certain. Thanks to genetic engineering a specific effect could be obtained in a very short period of time over broad population groups. The production of millions and billions of human brain genes is in part already possible and will no longer be a problem. We cannot be sure that we don't already eat or breathe in such genes from certain giant food monopoly products.

In any case, we will be flooded with genetically-altered products. New medical products have to overcome certain hurdles first before they can be marketed; the effects of prescription medicines are under the supervision of doctors who also take a certain responsibility for this.

Where are the safety regulations for genetically-altered nutritional products? Who controls them? Who takes responsibility for them?



Animals are the first victims

Genetic engineering wants to change our entire world, the earth and everything on it. This process has already begun.

Domestic animals are being increasingly manipulated so that they can function as bio-reactors. Cows, rabbits, pigs and sheep are to co-produce drugs in their milk or in their flesh – a process that is called "gene-farming" It is assumed that maybe ten transgenic cows are sufficient to produce enough insulin to cover the worldwide demand of diabetics.

In general, there is a danger that through the use of genetic engineering monopolies could come into existence for the production of pharmaceutical products. Experience shows that it is usually one company that wins the race and then obtains a patent for the discovered procedure, thus remaining the sole supplier of that genetically-created product for a number of years or decades.

This will of course please those who are doing an enormous business with their patented invention – at the cost of people who depend on such a product. And let us not forget the animals who have to suffer for this purpose. An animal friend must ask himself how such an animal feels, being misused in a way that is foreign to its nature.

Television films about animal experiments at, for example, the well-know Swiss technical university (ETH) in Zurich, show that these animals suffer a great deal. They are sick. They are so damaged that often they cannot even walk normally. Observing such animals we sense that their entire life is nothing but suffering. They are not allowed to be themselves, because they have to carry out biological functions which are abnormal to their species. What unimaginable affliction this must mean for the soul of the animal, because, yes, animals, too, have souls.

One thing should be clear by now: If those who cause all this call themselves Christians, they are nothing less than liars and hypocrites. People interfere in God's creation, abuse the animals and allow them to suffer – having no idea what they are doing to themselves. For God's law says, you will reap what you sow. This means that what we have perpetrated on the animals is what we will reap. This will be experienced on the bodies of those who continue with these heinous deeds, and to a certain extent by those who see it and remain silent, for those who keep silent are, in part, also guilty.



"A patent guarantees sole rights
to profit from an invention"

An informational sheet prepared by the Greens (a European political party) for the European Parliament explains the consequences of a "patent."

"A patent is a contract between an inventor and society. When an inventor has made public his invention, society guarantees him the sole rights to profit from the invention for a certain time, normally 17 to 20 years. The invention has to be something new in order to be patentable; it cannot be considered self-evident by appropriate experts and must be commercially viable."

It is very interesting to note how the interpretation of the laws governing the patenting of animals and plants has changed. The European Patent Agreements of 1977 expressly excluded patents for animal and plant species. However, the European Courts have changed their legal opinions, because the United States has decided that anything is patentable, including genes. "In 1987 the US Patent and Trademark Office made the crucial – and disturbing – announcement that all forms of animals on earth, with the exception of Homo sapiens, should be considered 'patentable' subject matter. 'All life,' proclaimed the patent officials, can now properly be regarded as a 'manufacture or composition of matter.' "* Animals, human cells, animal cells, all of life is patentable; in this way, all life can be exploited commercially.

Since then, patents have been granted for animals and it is no longer a large step towards patenting human beings, because once the judicial barriers have fallen this trend in development will continue; this is what often happens. And certainly there is no talk about the dignity of human life.

Legally speaking, this would indicate that the owner of a patent has access to, and monopoly of, people who have been manipulated by him. Small signs point in this direction. The well known American brain researcher, Craig Venter, applied for a patent for more than two thousand human brain genes. This means that with these patents this scientist wants nothing else than the sole right to use and to reap the economic benefits from more than two thousand human brain genes.

Here is another quote from the informational sheet of the Greens in the European Parliament: "The Common Market Commission for Patent Rights suggests the following: 'Living materials shall be patentable in Europe.' "

In hindsight we can say that it is not just simply the material that is being patented, but also the consequences of this interference in the lives of animals and humans. This means that the life of all people on this earth is actively being influenced by industrial monopolies, perhaps even by governments.

It is remarkable that it is not mandatory to label genetically-engineered products. We all have to take in food and drink; we are all consumers. But normally we do not know if we have a naturally grown, organically raised food in front of us or one that has been genetically manipulated.

No one of us knows if we have not already taken in some material that can cause genetic alterations in our body or brain.

What is it that we can do in order to change what can still be changed? We should act as long we can still think for ourselves and make our own decisions. In the end, the sole answer is found in the evolution of our consciousness by living in accordance with the divine laws.

But it seems as though man has the need to improve on God's creation so that it better fits his requirements.

Let's continue to look at how animals are planned to be altered so that they suit humans needs. There exist, for example, genetically-improved giant pigs, living mounds of flesh, so that the demand for meat can be satisfied. There are also rabbits which produce interleukin, a drug that improves the human immune system. In this way, animals are manipulated to the liking of man without consideration for the nature of the animal. Everything must be subject to the human will.

From many tests, we know that the consumption of too much meat causes many illnesses, for example, metabolic diseases or cancer. Excessive consumption of meat, particularly in the western world, could thus be considered dangerous. When we eat animals that have been "produced" by genetic engineering, we add the extra danger of consuming gene fragments. The point is, we have no idea how these fragments will react in our intestines. Possibly the human intestinal flora will be changed. After all, the E.-coli bacteria seem to be the favorite experimental objects of scientists.

Sheep in Australia that have been genetically-manipulated produce wool which falls off by itself when the time for shearing approaches. The wool practically falls off their backs and is caught in nets. There is no need to shear. Besides that, these animals are capable of producing agents in their wool which deter insects. What you get is a wool which is perfect and ready for further processing. Other sheep produce colored wool.

We can see the principle at work here: Ignoring all ethical and moral considerations, the animals are so changed as to bring the greatest economic benefit.

In growing cocoa beans, a gene can now be introduced that produces a plant sweetener. In the future there will be no need to add sugar to chocolate. But allergies and eczema could be a part of the consequences.

A remarkable potential for the production of flavor has been found in many types of mushrooms. And genes for the flavors of peach, nougat, cherry, marzipan and coconut have been isolated and await their practical application as genetically-engineered flavor enhancers.

Scientists at Monsanto have developed the first transgenic wheat plants. The "biolistic procedure" used here was a gene-gun which bombards the cells with foreign gene particles. With this, the third most important grain worldwide (after corn and rice) has now been genetically manipulated (GID, August 1992).

Seeds of well-known, long-standing grains will soon no longer be available on the market; the production of such grains may very well be forbidden. In this way, another monopoly will develop which will make every human being dependent.

The Berlin Institute for Genetic-Biological Research is planning experiments out in the open with gene-manipulated potatoes. There are two types of potatoes involved that have already been tested in the greenhouses. One of the transgenic types produces extremely large potatoes; the other contains only one starch component, amylopectin, to process the starch. Naturally grown potatoes contain two starch components, amylopectin, and amylase. ("Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung," Sept. 9,1992).

An American group has succeeded in inserting the gene of a certain bacteria into the gene of the experimental plant arabidopsis thaliana. This plant now produces the components of a certain synthetic. Scientists maintain that this is a promising new route in the production of synthetics ("Ärztezeitung" (Physician's Journal) May 21,1992).

Until 1992, more than 500 genetically-altered organisms had been planted out in the open worldwide. This was reported by experts at the Annual Convention of the German Botanical Society in Berlin. Gene-manipulated plants on a massive scale were transplanted onto thousands of acres of land in China ("Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung," Sept.16, 1992). How much more has been done since then?

We should become aware of what is really taking place and what the far-reaching consequences of such events can be. For this reason, we raise the questions about the consequences for every single one of us and for humanity as a whole, but also about the motivation of those who carry out this work.

Human interference is already carried out in the production of food, for example, the use of antibiotics, beta blockers and tranquilizers in animal husbandry, have already brought about disastrous results for mankind.

The numbers of people allergic to foodstuffs is rising explosively. There are patients who can digest only one kind of grain and one kind of plant, and nothing else. In retrospect we can conclude that in the fight between food on the one hand and intestinal flora on the other, much has already occurred that we cannot yet understand.

Genetic interference in organisms can create unknown, new substances. An example is the sleeping pill "tryptophane." In the USA negative side effects arose as a result of its use: Five thousand people became chronically ill and twenty-seven died, as a result of the use of a genetically-optimized bacteria strain which produced impurities in the manufacture of this medication in Japan. Because of the severity and breadth of the repercussions one could call this a disaster.

The direction of future developments can clearly be seen and is well-known, yet scientists do not intervene, and governments do not consider it necessary to help. The apostles of morals in this world keep silent – do they have good reason?

Can it be that they count on the fact that people react only briefly to horrifying reports? These impressions last only a few hours or days before being covered over by even more bad news. In any case, could it be that this bad news can no longer be properly absorbed, mentally and emotionally, having exceeded the capacity of the human psyche?

As we have stated before, science operates by the treatment of symptoms. Science tries to fill in the holes brought about by mankind's wrongdoing. And since the law of God is not considered worthy of attention, one's conscience is calmed by saying that the end justifies the means. The devil will be driven out by Beelzebub, so to speak. No one gets to the root of the causes, no one tries to understand human wrongdoing, no one asks how these circumstances came about. Solutions are being found for many problems, yet they remain transparently superficial, and the search for causes and deeper reasons is forgotten.

At the same time it is clear – and to the scientists who have more insight, it should be even more apparent – that some things which have been started by the sorcerer's apprentice can no longer be controlled. One example is nuclear technology which is out of control. Doctors are anxiously looking at the increase in allergic reactions of children, and the increase in childhood leukemia.

But for those who thoroughly preoccupy themselves with this problem, a foreboding sense of evil becomes more and more a certainty. There is a method behind all this madness, this absurdity! Can we sense where all this is leading to?

The worst that the powerful could fear is an autonomous, self-confident, healthy and thus critical citizenry. A nation that is wretched and wasting away will hardly rise up. When people are not used to first looking for the cause within themselves and rectifying it, then the worse they feel the louder they will call for a strong man who "resorts to drastic measures," which means restoring order with force. The people will bow to his dictates, and without any difficulty slip into a "New World Order."

Once the effects are there, the wheel in motion can hardly be reversed. For this reason, before it is totally too late, we should become aware of the dangers of genetic engineering.



More examples of genetic engineering
and modern
molecular genetics
in our daily live

The person who goes through this world with open eyes and ears knows what's happening in the world. The one who reads the newspapers and listens to the radio also knows where mankind stands. A few brief items that everyone can read in the newspaper:

The Feb. 1992 issue of "Genetic Information Service" reported on a genetically-engineered laundry detergent. The company, Solvay Enzymes, received permission in Nov. 1991 to manufacture enzymes using genetic engineering methods. Enzymes are catalysts which influence the chemical alteration of substances. Such enzymes are added to the detergent as spot removers, for example. And so, we come in contact with genetic engineering even in our clothing.

In the same journal we read that the USA gave permission for the unlimited commercial use of a type of transgenic cotton. This means that we are increasingly coming into contact with genetically-manipulated cotton. The danger doesn't come just from drugs, water and food, but from our clothing, too. Now we have "natural" clothing which is anything but natural; it is becoming ever more genetically manipulated.

The "Süddeutsche Zeitung" of Feb. 27, 1992 talked about the chemical treatment of natural fibers. The author summarizes at the end: "It is probable that the ecological balance for this method of cotton production and processing is more unfavorable than that of synthetic fibers." Seen in this way, synthetic fibers will be "more natural" than cotton.

In the September 1990 issue of "Nature," we find: "Also those who wear primarily healthy, natural cloth are no longer free from this risk! Every fourth silk sample and every tenth cotton sample tested at the Freiburg Hydrotox-Lab indicated questionable reactions, pointing to the possibility that the fibers of these clothes had been genetically altered." That was at the beginning of the 1990's. How is it today, in 1996?

"Stern" Magazine of Nov. 1992 reported a "Gene Test for Employment." "Many employers give genetic tests before hiring someone, so that the employer knows if the applicant is predisposed towards a future disease. Will we soon have the 'transparent' employee? Soon it could be that genetically-tested employees will, according to warnings from the Labor Unions, have to be physically and mentally ready for the Olympics in order to find a job at all."

There are other problems to consider in this line of reasoning: "There will be issues of information control and privacy. Employers, insurance companies, the military, and the government, among others, will want to have access to the information contained in our genome. Scientists may want such information restricted, but they will certainly have little influence over its use, as they had little influence over the use of the atomic bomb. Routine genetic screening will be easy to justify under current law (which already mandates newborn screening in most states, for example) in many settings. Although we are utterly unprepared to deal with issues of mandatory screening, confidentiality, privacy, and discrimination, we will likely tell ourselves that we have already dealt with them, and so the genome project poses no threat there." *



Genetic engineering –
Totalitarian birth control?

The first three months in the life of an embryo are increasingly dangerous. It is just a matter of time until genetic examinations, for instance, of the amniotic fluid, become routine in Europe, too, through which damaged genes can be recognized in the embryo. It is already being considered whether in such cases the mother should be legally forced to abort, or whether she is free to decide for an abortion.

The United States has always been the forerunner in new developments. There, scientists already maintain that the woman who bears a damaged infant is committing a crime. The health insurance companies reacted to this and will not pay when a mother bears a genetically-damaged infant.

The word "genetically damaged" reminds us of the Nazis, when "worthless lives" were destroyed under the heading of "eugenics" or "euthanasia." But there are other examples, perhaps less spectacular, but of no less extreme attitude, for instance, in the forced sterilization measures taken in the earlier part of this century in the United States:

"Before running its course, the early eugenics movement imprinted its image directly on state and federal laws. Many states adopted sterilization statutes, and the US Congress passed a new immigration law in the 1920s based on eugenics doctrine. In the years that followed, thousands of American citizens were sterilized so that they could not pass on their "inferior" traits, and the Federal Government locked its doors to certain immigration groups deemed biologically unfit by then-existing eugenics standards." *

Who decides what changes in the genetic make-up can be classified as "damaged"? Could it be that in this way, under the heading of "genetic damage," one could easily induce a method of selection - carried out, for example, by departments of health, hospitals etc.? The information would then be collected and registered by computer. Which gene combination will then be declared worthy of life?

It is only a question of time before genetic testing during pregnancy becomes compulsory. A new kind of eugenics requires abortion when genetic damage has been proven. Hitler's dream of a healthy race of human beings is finding its belated realization. Jesus said: "What you do unto the least of your brothers, you do to Me." This is also true for the developing fetus in the mother's womb.

But it doesn't stop there: " ... powerful technologies do not just change what human beings can do, they change the very way we think – especially about ourselves. As one example, the ability to completely screen embryos could lead to a market in 'high grade embryos' that could be bought and sold. ... This could lead not only to putting a specific price on all human characteristics (such as height, intelligence, race, eye color, etc.), but also to viewing children as commodities that have no rights or interests of their own, but that exist to further the interests of parents and future societies. A map of the human genome could also lead to a more narrowly focused view of a 'normal' gene complement, and how much deviation we permit before considering any individual genome 'abnormal,' deviant, or diseased. We haven't seriously begun to think about how to think about this issue, even though we know normalcy will be invented, not discovered." *

And in considering these questions we cannot forget that there are other factors that play a role in the definition of what is normal or abnormal, or what is the cause of an illness. We can read, for example: "The new tests that promote genetic explanations of disease have limited applicability and benefits. Multiple factors modify the experience of ill health for the individual in our society. Non-genetic factors such as quality of housing, income, availability of health insurance, employment status and education are usually more important to the ability to cope with infirmity and flourish than are one's genes. To study the complexity of human emotion and behavior, along with psychiatric illness, will always reveal the limited role of genetic effects on life experience." **

So what is this all about? Is a standard version of a human being on the horizon, one who is allowed to live because his genetic make-up exhibits certain identifiable characteristics? Would it not be possible to obtain a conformity of the masses to satisfy the aspirations and goals of the rulers?



Specific dangers through gene-
manipulated bacteria

Even though there are relatively few voices which warn that we are no longer in a position to control what has been set free, a review of recent history could teach us a thing or two: When in the beginning of the '60s the nuclear economy really got going, some scientists calmed the fears of the population. It was said that federal laws existed which now regulated the use of the new technology, the atom. Just as in those days, industrial companies are sending scientists and experts out today to appease the public by showing them the harmlessness of this new technology, of genetic engineering, in a scientific way.

Using the example of nuclear industry, we can see that this is often nothing more than shadow boxing. Today's newspaper headlines tell us that worldwide nuclear waste accumulated since 1960 has become an unsolvable problem. The "Hamburger Abendblatt" of February 1992 reported: "Nuclear Alarm in the North Sea." Over the past twenty years the Soviet Union has simply dumped its nuclear waste into the ocean north of Europe (Barents Sea and Kara Sea) near the island of Novaja Zemlja. The paper reported: "Danger for millions of years. Not even minimal safety precautions are being taken by the Soviet Union in handling this radioactive material. Experts estimate that the major part of the nuclear waste was dumped prior to 1983. This means that mankind will have to live with these dangers for another million years."

We have to expect the same and similar things in dealing with genetic engineering, because at this point we are still in its pioneering phase.

The supporters of genetic engineering have emphasized again and again the harmlessness of genetic experiments. The Technical Supervision Society of Southwest Germany has opened a genetic engineering laboratory. An item in the "Main Post" Aug. 8, 1992: "With this entry – nationwide unique – into the area of 'biological safety,' the Southwest German TÜV will support not only the pharmaceutical branches of bio-technical industrial concerns but also agribusiness and food-processing sectors. It will provide risk analyses for official licensing procedures, as well as support the government with the legally prescribed supervision of genetic laboratories or production installations .... In over twenty years of discussion about the safety standards of genetic engineering, 'no profound unexpected or new types of dangers' have emerged." This interpretation was given by TÜV advisor Werner Frommer. At the same time this professor stressed: "We cannot gain genetic engineering at zero risk."

According to the opinion of the German Federal Government, in the end, an indefinable risk has to be accepted in the release of genetically-manipulated organisms into the natural environment. Meanwhile numerous research results point to a manipulated genetic make-up that is not only spreading, but robustly establishing itself in soil organisms as well. The Batelle Institute in Frankfurt discovered that it is quite possible to transfer manipulated genes to the natural micro-flora: "A few years ago it was proven that genes in manipulated micro-organisms were transmitted in sewage plant sludge."

In an interview with the head of the Molecular-Biology Center in the Federal Institute for Nutrition – reported in the "Munich Medical Weekly" No. 36/92 – Prof. K. D. Jany was the first to admit that an antibiotic-resistant gene of a manipulated micro-organism can be transmitted to the human intestinal flora, stating it was charlatanism to declare genetic engineering as totally harmless.

The "Göttinger Tagblatt" of July 31, 1992 reported that in former East Germany in the area of Magdeburg artificially-altered bacteria have been released into the open in large amounts for years. The genetically-altered original strains were given to the distilleries solely for the production of alcohol. Because of costs, the altered bio-mass was later simply dumped into the open. The altered bacteria strain that had been released had a limited survival; after five days it could not be detected in the soil or the river water. However, the bacteria strain could still be found in small numbers on leaves of grass "for a few weeks." .... A parliamentary question was raised and the Federal Government answered that the original strain, or the product itself, could be a potential risk for humans.

The "New Scientist" reports that in the Netherlands scientists have discovered that genetically-altered E.-coli bacteria reached the canals from laundries that clean lab coats. Until now it has been assumed that the most experimentally used E.-coli strain K 12 survives only in lab cultures. Environmental researchers have discovered that E.-coli bacteria thrive on damp lab coats, and even when these are dry again, the coli survive. When the lab coats are soaked in about 35 degrees Celsius water the germs are released and make their way unimpeded into the effluents. It was further discovered that it is possible for the bacteria to work its way through the lab coat and in this way contaminate the clothing worn beneath.

The dangers of the careless handling of germs, viruses and bacteria have been described in the recent book "The Dangers of Epidemics from Test Tubes" by Manuel Kiper. On the basis of numerous scientifically verified examples, the author clearly shows that so-called biological safety procedures are not what they ought to be. For example, viruses serve as carriers of genetic components in genetic laboratories. On page 42 the author writes: "The significance and adaptability of viruses in the whole biosphere have long been underestimated ... Norwegian micro-biologists have found up to 250 billion viruses in a quart of natural water ... Up to 70 percent of these viral particles infect bacteria, thus causing a significant transfer of genes into the environment. Considerable amounts of loosened genetic material in concentrations of five micro-grams per quart were found in flowing waters. Where these genes come from is almost totally unknown. ... Against all expectations these free genes remain in the environment, bound to soil particles for days, weeks and months on end. Micro-biological work, the handling of free nucleic acids and their genetic manipulation in thousands of laboratories, causes new genes to be spread and released into the environment." Thus, environmental pollution from genetic engineering is unavoidable.

The author also describes in detail the possible tainting of pharmaceutical products that have been manufactured with manipulated micro-organisms or cell cultures.

We quote, page 72: "What unpleasant surprises are in store for us from the area of genes, viruses and bacteria in the age of genetic drug production and synthetic substances occurring naturally in the body is exemplified by hepatitis outbreaks in England among cancer patients in 1986, on whom the genetically-derived interleukin-2 was being tested."

A particularly dark chapter in genetic engineering is its use in the manufacture of biological weapons. Since 1980 the American Professor of Micro-Biology, Curtis B. Thorne, has used genetic engineering to reinforce the anthrax agent. "Professor Thorne and co-workers have supplied the Pentagon with manipulated anthrax germs and other germs which have been made resistant to antibiotics, like penicillin, agents against which the present art of medicine would be totally helpless."

These are only a few of the examples from the well-documented research by Manuel Kiper about the dangers of modern micro-biology. Kiper's line of reasoning continued: "Modern bio-techniques have succeeded not only in transplanting individual genes into new environments, but also in completely dismantling genetic barriers. Genetic realms which have been separate for millions of years or thousands have been merged. Can we keep control of the development of the microcosm manipulated by man? If not, then evolution will strike back mercilessly and scourge us with new plagues."



The fight for the gene –
The battle between light and darkness

We have to keep raising the question of 'why.' Why do scientists do nothing to avert the unbelievable danger in which we find ourselves – particularly since such striking consequences are coming to light?

Why don't the geneticists question themselves and their science? Do the scientists who work with genetic engineering ever have reservations? Do they read the published reports, for instance, those that have been quoted here?

Perhaps we need to go on the premise of an incomplete education: Highly specialized experts have been educated and trained, but they have had very little ethical and moral education. Ethical and moral values, a Christian foundation of life, are losing ground more and more.

What we explained at the beginning of our book will, after the facts presented here, become more and more clear to many a reader. Therefore, we want to repeat: Knowledgeable and responsible observers of the scene have come to the conclusion that a purely materialistic philosophy of science leads to such false results. Science views itself more and more as a science of engineering.

Let it be repeated again: Many medical doctors do not know there is a soul, or they act as if they didn't know. They do not take the soul into account; as a rule they see only the body. And the body is treated like a machine which simply has to function. Apparently, that the soul gives life to the body is not understood.

Why is this so? In the final analysis, who or what is behind all this? These questions inevitably lead us to the battle between the darkness and the light. The Demons' State and its accomplices want to bring about the downfall, the eradication, of Christ and His own. Every single person belongs either to the light or to the darkness – depending on how he feels, thinks and acts.

This is why genetic engineering and gene manipulation are virtually of a cosmic dimension. They are part of a demonic plan, in the truest sense of the word.

The individual scientist, who is proud of his success in his particular field, presumably does not know that he is but a cog in this plan, a small mosaic tile in the great picture of the apocalypse.

Each person can ask himself: Whom do I serve? On whose side do I stand in this great battle of cosmic dimensions which is being fought on earth? Am I a helper and servant of the darkness, of the Demons' State? Or do I contribute in such a way that many hearts become filled with light and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ can emerge? We can see where we stand in how we think and act.

The person who thinks he can stay out of it, by avoiding a conscious decision, is already taken in; the decision has already been made for him, because he has handed over the control of his life. To whom? His thoughts and actions, his conscience, the finer feelings which signal his motives can tell him this.

In the revelation that has been published as a book entitled "The Demons' State, Its Accomplices and Its Victims," Christ explains what this is about. We need to recognize that there is only an "either – or."

This means that if a person is not consciously oriented to the divine and if he does not receive his impulses from there, impulses which lead to a positive way of thinking and living, then he is aligned in his thinking and living with the non-divine, the demonic. With his negative thoughts, words and deeds, he supplies the Demons' State with the negative energy that they need; he is a victim of the demons. On the other hand, he will also receive impulses from the negative forces, which stimulate him to continue to think and act towards what they want. In this way, he becomes an accomplice of the Demons' State. Unknowingly, he carries out what the adversary of God wants to achieve through him.

Considering this context, we can pose the question: Could it be that such people – including scientists, for instance – are already manipulated people who receive their impulses directly from the negative source of the demons? The Demons' State is rallying all forces so that its realm, its demonic realm, is maintained – even though it is doomed to failure in any case.

And with the scientists that are involved in these negative activities, we have to include the politicians and church authorities as accomplices to the demons, when they remain silent about these wrongs.

Apparently they lack insight and a global vision. Many scientific projects are begun without questioning the consequences of such a venture. Just consider genetic engineering: The entire human genetic make-up is being analyzed, without questioning the purpose of this research and how it can be abused.

The individual scientist seems to be blind or at least short-sighted concerning the contextual framework of his work and the meaning and purpose of his actions.

Are there not powerful economic interests behind this, in which scientists become accomplices of these large industrial interests? Money rules the world. Can it be that scientists are no more than agents of big capital, to influence and manipulate people?



 Dangerous prospects of genetic engineering.
Influence on longevity and brain development

There were many geneticists present at the Annual Convention of the American Society for the Advancement of Science in Chicago in the spring of 1992. Reports were presented about the genetic manipulation of fruit flies and thread worms. It was discovered that the life of fruit flies and worms could be practically doubled. This means that a gene has been found which influences aging!

At that meeting, the American geneticist Johnson reported that on the basis of his research results human beings could grow as old as 130 to 150 years. Presently, experiments are being carried out with flies and worms to establish the technical and scientific conditions for further research, and now they are trying to establish whether mice and men have similar genes.

"Spiegel Magazine" reported in its 4/96 issue that "... Researchers on aging are presently directing their attention to a molecule from the nucleus of the cell which is celebrated as an 'immortality enzyme.' Cell biologists are now attributing a key role in the aging process and the growth of cancer to this protein substance, which was discovered just a few years ago. ... The wonder substance has been named Telomerase. ... 'We die because our lifespan is genetically programmed,' so was the creed of aging researchers summarized by Carole Melis, the spokesperson for Geron [an American Bio-tech company]. A gene chronometer in the cell nucleus determines how often the body cells can divide. Aging researcher Jerry Shay and his colleagues from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas have announced that the molecular life-clock ticks in the telomeres, the end-segments of the chromosomes. A very small DNS-fragment is repeatedly strung together on the telomeres of the chromosomes of the cells of infants. Shortly after birth they begin to disintegrate. The researchers have discovered that every cell division causes the telemere to shrink by about 50 DNS components. After 80 to 100 divisions, the life elixer of the cells has been used up. According to the cell biologist's theory, this slow erosion of the telemere limits the lifespan of man to a maximum of 120 years. Shay is collecting evidence for this theory. Thus, cells whose telomeres he had artificially lengthened lived about 50% longer than untreated control cells. ..."

Another group from the Universities of Freiburg and Mainz has examined the development of the brain of flies. Genes have been found which influence very specific brain structures which control the development of specific areas in the brain. Based on these examinations scientists hope to be able to establish how brain development can be influenced.

One could counter that what is possible with a fly will not necessarily succeed with a human being. We know, however, that everything that has been tested on animals will, with high probability, one day be applied to humans; unfortunately this is the experience history teaches us.

Interference in the brain means switching programs on and off in the human brain. The result is that a person would no longer be able to follow his own life program, but one that has been forced upon him.

130, 140 years with or without a brain – such a person is simply being controlled. He no longer knows himself, he does not live himself; instead, he is merely a tool without a will of its own, a robot. The soul of such a person is spiritually dead. It vegetates – dull, apathetic, paralyzed, bound, burdened. The divine light, which deep inside never quite expires, is barely a glimmer. The consciousness has become so narrowed that it is below the spiritual consciousness of a stone.

Through the prophetic word, we know something about the lifespan and deathspan of human beings:

The human being is given a certain lifespan, a specific amount of life force and a series of life programs. The predestined timespan for his physical death lies within the so-called deathspan, during which time death occurs, at the latest towards the end of the deathspan. At that point the life programs intended for this incarnation have run their course. So a soul without programs – that is, without communication – no longer has the magnet that draws it to earth and to its body. Nothing holds the soul here; it can no longer live in the body, because life is communication. The person would have to die, to discard his body, so that his soul is free for its continuing journey.

In this connection we have to ask: When a human body is kept alive longer than is intended according to the spiritual laws, can it still be the same soul which uses the body as a house, as a vehicle? Another question: If the soul is kept in the body and is kept alive longer than its foreseen deathspan, whose programs does it live, since its own have run their course and it therefore has no programs, no communication of its own anymore?

Who is inside such a human vehicle of flesh and blood? Who "lives" it? Who "moves" it? Who acts through this person? Who speaks through him? Whom do we meet in him?

Will the New World Order be realized through "humans" like these?

The Nobel Prize recipient for Medicine, Max Dellbrück, once formulated the power of science in the following way: "Early on I noticed that a scientist can change the world more than Caesar or any other field marshal. And while he is doing it, he can sit perfectly quietly in a corner."

The arrogance of a human being who no longer acknowledges God as his creator and wants to create an order according to his own human and intellectual concepts becomes clear from the remarks of the German geneticist Prof. Gassen of the Technical University at Darmstadt: "Genetic engineering allows us to produce every genetic program as DNA elements in any amount and to determine its informational content through sequencing. Just as with a construction kit we can change living beings by the insertion of small or large DNA elements. The evolution of the species has not defined those which are beneficial nor those which are harmful. Only man has sorted living beings into moral categories for his benefit."

Comments such as this allow us to recognize the self-concept of geneticists. It is really a matter of creating living beings and altering them – according to a human criteria of values, of usefulness. In the end, won't the decisions be made according to economic and political points of view?

Jeremy Rifkin wrote in his book "Algeny" in 1983, "Two futures beckon to us. We can choose to engineer the life of the planet, creating a second nature in our image, or we can choose to participate with the rest of the living kingdom. Two futures, two choices. An engineering approach to the age of biology or an ecological approach. The battle between bioengineering and ecology is a battle of values. Our choice, in the final analysis, depends on what we value most in life. If it is physical security, perpetuation at all costs, that we value most, then technological mastery over the becoming process is an appropriate choice. But the ultimate and final power to simulate life, to imitate nature, to fabricate the becoming process brings with it a price far greater than any humanity has ever had to contend with. By choosing the power of authorship, humanity gives up, once and for all, the most precious gift of all, companionship."

And from Rifkin's book, "Declaration of a Heretic," "Once we decide to begin the process of human genetic engineering, there is really no logical place to stop. If diabetes, sickle cell anemia, and cancer are to be cured by altering the genetic make-up of an individual why not proceed to other "disorders": myopia, color blindness, left-handedness? Indeed, what is to preclude a society from deciding that a certain skin color is a disorder? In fact, why would we ever say no to any alteration of the genetic code that might enhance the well-being of the individual or the species? It would be difficult to imagine society rejecting any genetic modification that promised to improve, in some way, the performance of the human race.

The idea of engineering the human species is very similar to the idea of engineering a piece of machinery. An engineer is constantly in search of new ways to improve the performance of a machine. As soon as one set of imperfections is eliminated, the engineer immediately turns his attention to the next set of imperfections, always with the idea in mind of creating a perfect piece of machinery. Engineering is a process of continual improvement in the performance of a machine, and the idea of setting arbitrary limits to how much 'improvement' is acceptable is alien to the entire engineering conception. Whenever we begin to discuss the idea of genetic defects, there is no way to limit the discussion to one or two or even a dozen so-called disorders, because of a hidden assumption that lies behind the very notion of 'defective.' Ethicist Daniel Callahan penetrates to the core of the problem when he observes that 'behind the human horror at genetic defectiveness lurks ... an image of the perfect human being. The very language of 'defect,' 'abnormality,' 'disease' and 'risk' presupposes such an image, a kind of prototype of perfection.' ... With human genetic engineering, we get something and we give up something. In return, for securing our own physical well-being we are forced to accept the idea of reducing the human species to a technologically designed product. Genetic engineering poses the most fundamental of problems. Is guaranteeing our health worth trading away our humanity?"



Reawakening ancient genetic material –

Genetic engineering does not stop with human beings, numerous logical reasons can be cited for this.

Is it only the epitome of a researcher's blind drive when DNA-molecules that are thousands of years old are reawakened?

The "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" of April 1, 1992 printed an article entitled "On the Track of Ancient Genes." In July 1992, in the professional journal "Spectrum of Science," an article was published on the same subject entitled "Trends in Molecular Anthropology – Paleo-Molecules." A Swedish researcher had succeeded in isolating a bit of genetic material from a well-preserved Egyptian mummy and multiplied it in bacterial cells. Thus, for the first time ever a researcher cloned an ancient DNA-molecule and revived, so to speak, a 2000 year old piece of genetic material in bacteria.

By way of the chemical duplication of genetic molecules which takes place in a polymerization-chain-reactor (PCR), it is now possible to copy and multiply bits of genetic material from parts of a body, at times even from fossils – no matter how old!

The headline "Neanderthal Gene" in the professional journal "Spectrum of Science" reported that numerous projects were under way to analyze the genetic material stemming from the earliest stages of human pre-history. It seems that some researchers want to extract genetic material from the bones of pre-historic man and examine it. Using ancient human DNA, for instance from Neanderthal man, anthropologists will be able to verify several theories of human development directly.

The "Ärzte-Zeitung" (German Physician's Journal) reported on May 12, 1992 that American molecular biologists have succeeded in isolating pieces of genetic substances from bees which had been trapped in amber for millions of years. The researchers were astonished at the size of the fragments that they could isolate.

The purpose is to find well-preserved bits of genes in suitable fossils or amber pieces. These endeavors were superficially explained away as basic scientific research. What really lies behind all this? What motivates a scientist to this? What forces and energies are behind this kind of research?

A book published by Universal Life entitled "His Eye. The Bookkeeping of God. The Microcosm in the Macrocosm" can give us some answers. We read in this book that the cherished wish to be a successful inventor and researcher – a desire perhaps maintained over many incarnations – opens a person for imputs from the worlds beyond which are able to control him via his thoughts. In this way, interest-groups of souls, but also demons, can use the person as a tool to achieve on earth what is in their plan. The person usually considers the ingenious notions and ideas he implements as his own.

Can this be the case here?

Apparently the demons, in ever more desperate straits, exploit every opportunity to activate a negative potential for their purposes. And so, through people – who on the basis of their personality structure are amenable, that is, conrollable by them – they try to "tap into" the energy-potential of ancient high civilizations.

We know about the rise and fall of civilizations throughout the ages. What started out positively, with perhaps an orientation toward the divine, could not continue to prosper at its peak, often because the life of luxury and hunger for power enticed people to forego their high ethics and to give in to the temptations of the darkness. The Demons' State then saw to it – at first hardly noticeably, but then ever more boldly – that the high divine principles of life were reversed into their opposite.

In this way, the positive energy potential of divine power which had been built up at the beginning was reversed, transformed down into negative, demonic energy.

With the collapse of such civilizations as that of ancient Egypt, Atlantis, and others, large reservoirs of negative energy remained in the atmospheric chronicle, which the demons, as a 'last resort,' now want to make use of. They want to achieve this by bringing back to life preserved genetic material.

There are only limited possibilities left open to the darkness, for there is hardly a supply of positive energy left in the fall realms that can be reversed for its purpose. This is why the darkness relies on shifting negative energy around.

Every one can decide for himself whether he wants to consider these correlations or not. If we accept them, then the uneasy feeling increases that these experiments are highly dangerous affairs, with unimaginable risks, with an enormous potential for misuse of inestimable consequences.

Nevertheless, it will turn out differently, for God is and remains the Almighty. He sees everything and knows very well how to guide matters. It will be as it has been revealed: The world may come to an end, everything that has not been built in the name and with the high power of God, but the Kingdom of Peace will emerge on an earth that has been cleansed, and everything that has fallen will begin its return to the pure Being.



 Are mankind and the individual
on the road to servitude under the demons?

Let us briefly summarize:

The New World Order that is planned needs an environment and people that function. In the final analysis, one can assume that all genetic research has been initiated by those who proclaim the New World Order. Much indicates this, because all alterations of creation, carried out by people at the present time, have as their goal to prolong human life – despite the less bearable conditions on our disturbed and destroyed earth.

We have already pointed out that it was the same power structures that were responsible in the '60s for the nuclear program and, in the last decade, for the star-wars program and that now influence the research of man's genetic code. It is this same political power which controls the military and now the development of molecular genetics, too.

As mentioned before, underlying all of these efforts is a plan of cosmic dimensions being carried out by the Demons' State – by exerting influence and control over people. In this way, the demon wants to seize, to safeguard and consolidate the ruling power on earth for himself – and finally, to declare victory over God. Final seizure of power for the demons – this is how they are spinning their webs – should be by way of control of the human brain. This will be made possible with genetic manipulation.

What would the reprogramming of our brains actually mean for us? Couldn't one see it as something positive when in the future, for instance, we no longer have sexual offenders, or when the activity and dynamism for work in certain areas of life would be stimulated, that is, when useful programs in the brain would be activated? Wouldn't it be worthwhile to strive to program people of the future genetically to ensure their peacefulness?

The spiritual point of view gives us an entirely different perspective. Let us look once more into the correlations of the causal law, the law of cause and effect.

In the Bible we can read: You reap what you sow. The law of sowing and reaping, the causal law, still holds true for all people and souls. Everything that is not divine, which we have caused by our sensations, feelings, thoughts, words and actions, is our seed. These are the causes which do not disappear with time, either because we do not, or do not want to, think about them, or because we can no longer perceive them.

Our negative seed – our unkindness, our self-centeredness, the mine and me, the striving for wealth, power and prestige, our sins – all remain with us. Unerringly, the part corresponding to each individual is stored precisely: in his brain cells, in his soul, in the repository planets of the material universe and of the purification planes, as well as in his genes.

The law of cause and effect, of sowing and reaping, the great causal computer, brings our causes into effect at a given time. We then have to suffer what we have caused, and dissolve it by recognition and expiation. This is the justice of God within the causal law – which we have created and which will hold true for us as long as we do not actively take the path to the heart of God, which leads us into the law of heaven, into selfless love.

It would be a long way home for all souls, full of sorrow and suffering, if the way back to the divine were possible solely through expiation, according to the principle of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. But God has placed His grace above His justice by sending to earth His Son, Christ, who lived and taught the law of love and who, by the "It is finished" on the cross, placed His light, His power, in our hearts. This is now a support, a guide and help on our path home to the Father's house, so that we can again unfold our spiritual heritage. His grace is an increased release of divine energy for those who, during the moments of the day, recognize their sins, their seed – in their hearts, not with their mind, their intellect, but in their feelings – grasp them and feel remorse, ask for forgiveness and forgive, and then do not commit the sins any longer. Then, through the redeeming power of Christ, the negative is changed into positive energy, which carries the person forward and strengthens him, so that he can continue to recognize and clear up more. From then on, he fulfills the laws of God, the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, instead of his base humanness.

This is the path of Jesus of Nazareth to the Father, the direct and shortest way, which saves us from the long, hard, tortuous path of expiation and sorrow. This path depends on our self-recognition, on the recognition of our causes and on the repentance of our wrongdoing.

If we have been manipulated, if our programs have been suppressed or covered over by outside programs implanted in us, for instance by way of gene fragments, then we can no longer get in contact with our own causes in order to dissolve them. We can no longer feel ourselves. We can no longer sense what the day wants to tell us, what the day stimulates us to clear up.

Manipulation puts up a barrier so that we can no longer get to our causes. Our world of feelings, our conscience, are then blocked; we can no longer feel remorse, because our feelings are cold, having lost the connection to our selves.

The condition of being controlled is marked by dependency, narrow-mindedness, lethargy, dullness, and lack of freedom. This condition is highly unworthy of a child of God.

However, it does not remain a constant. Instead, we are compelled to continue to sin and burden our soul ever more. This means that the soul may need eons to reach the eternal home, until it regains its spiritual heritage. This is the will of the demon.

The demon can exactly sense that God has placed a limit on reincarnation, so that overburdened souls cannot constantly come to earth in order to cause what is against the laws of God. It is in this aspect that the Spirit of God does battle with the adversary. He fights for every single human child and calls upon mankind to not acquiesce to such machinations. The soul of a person who is forced to live until the age of 130 years will end up in the most abject misery, in spiritual death. It is possible that such a soul cannot reach its divine heritage for many incarnations because as a person it was subject to genetic manipulation.

This would mean a total enslavement of people and souls under a demonic hierarchy.

Now it is easier to understand the meaning of the sentence at the beginning of our book: "Genetic engineering is the interference into our physical genetic make-up in order to block our spiritual heritage." We also now know who is doing the interfering. The genetic engineer himself, the individual scientist, can hardly have an interest in this. Isn't he himself the one being used who, perhaps because of his human vanity, becomes a tool for the darkness? It is the demons who want to ruthlessly carry out their well-calculated plan at the expense of a world population which is then supposed to be overjoyed by the "blessings" of genetic engineering.

What is now becoming visible is the last act of the great cosmic event being staged by the demons. They want to rule this earth and put themselves above God. With all their negative power, they push for the developments which suit their purpose. Their dream to be victorious over God should become reality. They want to face Him and say: "We are the gods. You be silent!"

Throughout the history of man, the demon has exerted itself in many ways to force the earth and mankind into its power. Now it tries with gene manipulation. The demon cannot sink any lower. This is the last fall of the demon, and this fall will not bring it dominion over God but the fall of this world.

What we call the "world" is not the earth. The earth will purify itself and the Kingdom of Peace will spread over the earth as has been announced. With the use of the word "world," we are referring to the product of the human ego: the creations of human wanting and striving, the offspring of the intellect. This world will perish. It will be destroyed by its own hands, according to the law of sowing and reaping.

We know this will happen from the revelations of the Spirit of the Christ of God, given today through the prophetess of God, our sister Gabriele. For more than 20 years, we have experienced again and again that everything the Spirit of God has told us has been and is the truth. Much of what was predicted has happened and will continue to happen.

Each person is free to accept these revealed truths or to refuse them.



 The cosmic perspective

Let us look at the great cosmic event in this time of change, the last battle between light and darkness, from a greater, a cosmic, perspective.

When the fall beings removed themselves from the heavenly kingdom of light and began to build their own realm, they wanted to be like God. They wanted to create as God, who of Himself had brought forth the entire pure, spiritual universe, with its countless suns and planets, with its spiritual kingdoms of nature and the spirit beings. But since God, in His impersonal form as Holy Spirit, as streaming light, as flowing energy, is All in all things, present in all things as the law of life, the Absolute Law, the adversary beings, among them those who later became the demons, could not "invent" something totally new, and were forced to "depend on" the law of God.

Since the demons do not have any power of their own, they took the energy that God gave them on their wrong path and reversed it. They transformed down the pure spiritual, that is, positive, power into negative power. And this also happened to the law of God which is the selflessly giving, uniting love. Every aspect of the divine law was turned into negativity by the darkness, into human egocentricity. We can recognize these reversed divine principles, the satanic-demonic principles, all over the world. *

And during this last great battle between light and darkness, now, at the end of time, the demon is basing his strategy on what the divine Spirit has already revealed. The divine Spirit spoke in this sense: "Behold, I will make everything new – a new heaven, and a new earth." The demons have taken this up and say: "We will make ..."

Although God's creation is perfect and absolute and His powers are effective, well-ordered and self-operating, and thus, His law needs no improvement and support – the demons had to think up a thing or two so that their "creation of the new earth and the new heaven" could proceed. By constantly taking from the all-wise divine principle, they found the means – genetic engineering and genetic manipulation – the guile with which they hoped and in part still hope to reach their goal. They also found enough scientists willing to play their evil game.

The reader has already read in what ways the Demons' State wants to create "a new earth," namely, its new earth, a new animal and plant world and a new human being. But how can a new heaven be made according to the plan of darkness?

We find this knowledge in the book which we have already mentioned "His Eye. The Bookkeeping of God. The Microcosm in the Macrocosm." It gives the following explanation:

Man is the microcosm in the macrocosm. His negative human programs, his negative feeling, thinking, speaking, and acting – his errors and weaknesses, his guilt, his sinful acts – are not only stored in the person himself, in his brain, in his soul and in his genetic make-up, but are – in total congruence with himself – also stored in certain stars and planets, in the macrocosm of the material world and of the purification planes.

Each cell of the body is registered in the stars. Every move and change is immediately registered in the stars. The same applies to the earth and the nature kingdoms. Every leaf on a tree and every move of a bug is recorded in the corresponding repository stars. As below, so above. Humanity has its specific star worlds. We can presently observe the disappearance of a large number of stars which are being sucked in by black holes; this can be traced back to the many plants and animal species that are dying off, simply disappearing from the face of the earth.

There is a direct communication link between human beings and the information stored in the stars and planets. When a new human body is being formed on earth, this also happens in the energy of the stars and planets.

These processes are known to the demons and they have included these factors in their plan.

If they could succeed in creating new plants, animals and people according to their wish, equipped with their demonic programs, fashioned and animated according to their demonic will and plan, then these changes would appear at the same time in the stars and planets of both macrocosms caused by the Fall. New programs, that is, information, stored in the genes and in man would bring about new repository stars. These would have to coincide with what would be found on earth, in one word: the demonic. In this way, the forces opposing God would then have created "their heaven."



"Genetic engineering opens up
completely new prospects"

Shortly before the publication of the German edition of this book there appeared in several prominent German newspapers an open letter from the "Initiative for Genetic Engineering, Frankfurt" to the governments of the states of Germany, signed by distinguished industrialists and scientific experts as well as a well-known dignitary of the Catholic Church. Under the headline "Without genetic engineering we gamble away a part of our future in Germany," it read:

"Genetic engineering opens up completely new prospects. Without genetic engineering – employed responsibly – there will be no progress in health, environment and quality of life.

Genetic engineering is of major importance in research and in the battle against AIDS, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Genetic engineering gives us the opportunity to treat and heal incurable diseases – more quickly and directly.

Genetic engineering is the key for a production process that requires fewer raw materials, consumes less energy and produces less waste. Those concerned about the environment in particular should support genetic engineering.

A large industrial nation such as Germany needs genetic engineering in order to remain competitive. Unlike other countries that support genetic engineering, Germany puts its future at stake, just as once happened with micro-electronics. Can we allow ourselves to become a second class nation?

Genetic engineering is over-regulated in Germany. The consequences are that our best researchers immigrate to countries like USA, France and Japan, and German businesses have to carry out their research and manufacturing abroad.

It is high time this exodus is stopped. For this, we need a rapid and effective deregulation of the laws governing genetic engineering in Germany.

We appeal to the political leaders of our country, to federal and state lawmakers, to all responsible, concerned citizens:

Tear down the hurdles against genetic engineering in Germany! We need this basic technology in order to fulfill our duty for the future of our children. We appeal to your responsibility – for our country."

The statements are clear. One needs only to read between the lines of this text.

Open pressure is being exerted on the politicians to cast aside all doubt about genetic engineering. Fear of becoming a second-class industrial nation and losing a high standard of living diminishes the significance of ethical criteria.



Protection and rescue is possible
for every one of us

Each one of us is affected by whatever small or large event takes place on earth. No one can avoid coming in contact with genetically-altered gene fragments. But how can we protect ourselves from becoming a victim of genetic manipulation? How can we protect ourselves from being imperceptibly influenced and having to suffer the consequences described here?

The only protection for the soul is the actualization of the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. In this way we follow Jesus of Nazareth. The daily actualization of His teachings purifies and stabilizes the soul in Christ. The divine light grows stronger; it radiates into the physical body. When it is possible for the power of God to stream throughout our body and soul, then it can also protect the body and transform the many poisons – if this is good for the soul.

This occurs in the following way: If we seriously take the Christian path of recognizing ourselves and actively changing our ways, our soul reaches a higher vibration, which lies above the vibrations of the foreign genes. In the best case, this results in the inability of foreign genes to take root in us. If the implantation of foreign genes has already taken place, then repair enzymes can immediately recognize and eliminate them from the body.

Our body is perfectly capable of coping with such dangerous intruders – but only when our soul is filled with enough light and has the energy to function accordingly in our physical body. The energy of our soul increases only when we daily actualize the laws of God.

Our sole protection in this day and age is Christ, the actualization of the Sermon on the Mount and the Ten Commandments.

So that we can understand and grasp the details contained in the Ten Commandments and in the Sermon on the Mount, and how we can apply them in our daily life, Christ has given to all people the Inner Path, the path to their divine heritage – for our purpose is to become divine again. He shows each one of us the path to the inner freedom, the way to Him.

On the Inner Path we learn to apply the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount in our daily life in a practical way, so that we purify and protect our soul. This way we can also channel Christ's power to our physical body so that it is protected as well as possible in this time of radical change.

Christ is the way, the truth and the life, particularly at this time of insecurity and destruction, when external disintegration and decline become apparent. Christ is the only support, the only security. With His power, He is the only protection. He is our rescue and our life.

Christ is the free Spirit, that never influences or manipulates. He is the revolutionary who demands clarity, decisiveness and perseverance. More clearly than ever we find a parting of spirits here. Jesus of Nazareth said, "... the one who does the will of My Father in heaven is a child of God."

A child of God does not interfere in the life of its neighbors; it does not force its way with guile and violence into the life of the animals, our second neighbors, and enslave them. Only the children of demons do that, the accomplices of the demonic realms.

What the future will bring us is certain: It brings what has already been foretold in the Revelation of John: A new heaven and a new, light-filled earth – the Kingdom of Peace of Jesus Christ with people of a highly spiritual frame of mind, who live the Absolute Law of eternity on earth.

Christ is here. He calls to all people. No one needs to end up in the hands of the demons.

The person who wants to participate in the coming light-filled time on earth or, in the higher worlds of the beyond, to continue on the path home to the peace and light of the eternal home – may decide.

Because there is only one choice: "either – or."

 (this in audio)

books and info from UNIVERSELLES LEBEN via Gabriele von Wurxburg